private void CompleteSave() { string message = "Do you wish to confirm the booking?"; if (newPayment.Amount > 0) { message += " - (£" + newPayment.Amount + ")"; } new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(Activity). SetIcon(Android.Resource.Drawable.IcDialogAlert). SetTitle("Confirm"). SetMessage(message). SetPositiveButton("Yes", (c, ev) => { Booking svdBooking = _bookingFacade.Create(newBooking).Result; newPayment.BookingId = svdBooking.Id; if (newPayment.Amount > 0) { Payment svdPayment = _paymentFacade.Create(newPayment).Result; } Toast.MakeText(Activity, "Booking Confirmed", ToastLength.Long).Show(); Dismiss(); }). SetNegativeButton("No", (c, ev) => { }). Show(); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "BookingId,CustomerId,Amount,Comments,PaymentMethod")] PaymentVM payment) { Booking booking = (Booking)Session["Booking"]; List <int> ids = Session["MenuItems"] as List <int>; payment.CustomerId = (int)Session[Global.UserIdSessionVar]; payment.BookingId = booking.Id; if (ModelState.IsValid) { booking.PaymentMadeDate = DateTime.Now.Date; booking.PaymentTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(payment.Amount); IEnumerable <BookingMenuItem> menuItems = ids.Select(m => new BookingMenuItem { MenuItemId = m, Quantity = 1 }); booking.MenuItems = menuItems; Booking resBooking = _bookingFacade.Create(booking); payment.BookingId = resBooking.Id; Payment res = _paymentFacade.Create(new Payment { Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(payment.Amount), Comments = payment.Comments, BookingId = payment.BookingId, CustomerId = payment.CustomerId, PaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod { Id = payment.PaymentMethod } }); AddToastMessage("Confirmed", "Booking Confirmed", Toast.ToastType.Success); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Booking", new { userId = Session[Global.UserIdSessionVar] })); } ViewBag.PaymentMethod = new SelectList(_paymentFacade.GetPaymentMethod().OrderBy(d => d.Name), "id", "name", "Select payment method"); return(View(payment)); }