public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> GetStudentPayment(int batchID, int userID) { try { PaymentDAL dal = new PaymentDAL(); List <StudentPaymentInfo> StudentPaymentInfo = await dal.GetStudentPayment(batchID, userID); List <RemodulePaymentInfo> RemodulePaymentInfoList = await dal.GetRemoduleStudent(batchID, userID); PaymentWrap paymentWrap = new PaymentWrap(); paymentWrap.StudentPayment = StudentPaymentInfo; paymentWrap.RemodulePayment = RemodulePaymentInfoList; if (paymentWrap != null) { return(Request.CreateResponse <PaymentWrap>(HttpStatusCode.OK, paymentWrap)); } else { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, Constants.ErrorNotFound)); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { var controllerName = ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString(); var actionName = ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString(); Logger log = new Logger(); log.ErrorLog(ex, controllerName, actionName); return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, Constants.ErrorSysError)); } }
public DataTable Payment_ConfirmationBLL(Customer aCustomer) { PaymentDAL aPaymentDAL = new PaymentDAL(); DataTable dTable = aPaymentDAL.Payment_ConfirmationDAL(aCustomer); return(dTable); }
public DataTable ViewPayment_InformationIn_textboxBLL(Customer aCustomer) { PaymentDAL aPaymentDAL = new PaymentDAL(); DataTable dTable = aPaymentDAL.ViewPayment_InformationIn_textboxDAL(aCustomer); return(dTable); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> GetPayment(int courseID = 0, int batchID = 0, int?userID = 0, string year = "", string month = "", string type = "Total", int currentIndex = 1, int maxRows = 5) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(year) || year == "\"\"") { DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now; year = dateTime.ToString("yyyy"); } PaymentDAL dal = new PaymentDAL(); List <MIUPaymentInfo> data = await dal.GetPayment(courseID, batchID, userID, year, month, type, currentIndex, maxRows); if (data != null) { return(Request.CreateResponse <List <MIUPaymentInfo> >(HttpStatusCode.OK, data)); } else { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, Constants.ErrorNotFound)); } } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { var controllerName = ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString(); var actionName = ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString(); Logger log = new Logger(); log.ErrorLog(ex, controllerName, actionName); return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, Constants.ErrorSysError)); } }
public bool Payment_Cancel(int ReservationID, Cost aCost) { PaymentDAL aPaymentDAL = new PaymentDAL(); bool res = aPaymentDAL.Cancel_PaymentDAL(ReservationID, aCost); return(res); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Payment payment = PaymentDAL.Get(1); Console.WriteLine(payment); Console.Read(); }
public DataSet Find_Pay_Firstly(String str) { PaymentDAL PDAL = new PaymentDAL(); DataSet data = null; data = PDAL.Find_Pay_First(str); return(data); }
void GetPaymentByUserId_Test() { //Pass Assert.NotEmpty(PaymentDAL.GetPaymentByUserId(1)); //Fail Assert.Empty(PaymentDAL.GetPaymentByUserId(1000000)); Assert.Empty(PaymentDAL.GetPaymentByUserId(-5)); }
void GetPaymentById() { //pass Assert.NotNull(PaymentDAL.GetPaymentById(1)); Assert.NotNull(PaymentDAL.GetPaymentById(3)); //fail Assert.Null(PaymentDAL.GetPaymentById(-1)); Assert.Null(PaymentDAL.GetPaymentById(3000)); }
public SqlDataAdapter GetReciept(Users u) { SqlDataAdapter rd; PaymentDAL p = new PaymentDAL(); SqlParameter[] sp = new SqlParameter[1]; sp[0] = new SqlParameter("@policy", u.PolicyNumber); rd = p.GenerateReciept(sp); return(rd); }
public int PayPremium(Users u) { PaymentDAL p = new PaymentDAL(); SqlParameter[] sp = new SqlParameter[3]; sp[0] = new SqlParameter("@channel", u.ChannelID); sp[1] = new SqlParameter("@policy", u.PolicyNumber); sp[2] = new SqlParameter("@date", u.PayedOn); int i = p.RecordPay(sp); return(i); }
public static List <TenantPayment> GetPaymentsByUser(int buildingId, int userId) { var x = PaymentConverter.ListToDTOTenantPayment(PaymentDAL.GetPaymentsByBuilding(buildingId)); var y = PaymentDAL.GetPaymentsForUser(userId).ToList(); x.ForEach(z => { z.Status = y.Select(t => t.payment_id).Contains(z.PaymentId) ? true : false; z.TenantId = userId; z.PaymentDate = y.FirstOrDefault(u => u.payment_id == z.PaymentId)?.paymentDate ?? default(DateTime); }); return(x); }
public static void AddPayment(Expenditure expenditure) { List <tenant_tbl> tenants = TenantBL.GetAllTenantByBuilding(expenditure.building_id); payment_tbl p = new payment_tbl { building_id = expenditure.building_id, description = expenditure.description, sum = expenditure.sum / tenants.Count, pay_for_date = DateTime.Now, }; PaymentDAL.Addpayment(p); }
public int CancelPaymentBLL(Payment aPayment) { if (aPayment.CID == 0) { return(3); } else { PaymentDAL aPaymentDAL = new PaymentDAL(); int res = aPaymentDAL.CancelPaymentDAL(aPayment); return(res); } }
public bool SavePaymenInformationtBLL(Payment aPayment) { if (aPayment.PaymentStatus == "" || aPayment.Discount < 0 || aPayment.LastPayment < 0) { return(false); } else { PaymentDAL aPAymentDAL = new PaymentDAL(); bool res = aPAymentDAL.SavePaymenInformationtDAL(aPayment); return(res); } }
public bool save_PaymentInformationBLL(Customer aCustomer, Record aRecord, Cost aCost) { if (aCustomer.Id == 0 || aRecord.PaymentStatus == "" || aCost.TotalCost == 0 ||(aCost.LastPayment==0 && aCost.Discount==0)) { return false; } else { PaymentDAL aPaymentDAL = new PaymentDAL(); bool result = aPaymentDAL.save_PaymentInformationDAL(aCustomer, aRecord, aCost); return result; } }
public bool Confirm_PaymentBLL(Customer aCustomer, Record aRecord, Cost aCost) { if (aCustomer.Name == "" || aCustomer.Age < 18 || aCustomer.Sex == "" || aCustomer.DOB == "" || aCustomer.Profession == "" || aCustomer.ProfessionAddress == "" || aCustomer.PresentAddress == "" || aCustomer.PermanentAddress == "" || aCustomer.ContactNo == "" || aCustomer.Email == "" || aCustomer.NIDorPassportNo == "" || aRecord.RoomID == 0 || aRecord.RoomNO == "" || aRecord.BookingDate == "" || aRecord.CheckInDate == "" || aRecord.CheckOutDate == "" || aRecord.PaymentStatus == "" || aCost.TotalCost == 0 || aCost.Due == 0) { return(false); } else { PaymentDAL aPaymentDAL = new PaymentDAL(); bool Result = aPaymentDAL.Confirm_PaymentDAL(aCustomer, aRecord, aCost); return(Result); } }
public bool Cancel_Customer_DiscountBLL(Cost aCost) { if (aCost.TotalCost == 0 || aCost.Due == 0 || aCost.Discount == 0) { return(false); } else { PaymentDAL aPaymentDAL = new PaymentDAL(); bool Result = aPaymentDAL.Cancel_Customer_DiscountDAL(aCost); return(Result); } }
// GET: Admin/Payments/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } var payment = new PaymentDAL().ViewDetail(id); if (payment == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(payment)); }
public DataTable Get_CustomerDetails_For_DiscountBLL(Cost aCost) { DataTable dTable = null; if (aCost.Id == 0) { return(dTable); } else { PaymentDAL aPaymentDAL = new PaymentDAL(); dTable = aPaymentDAL.Get_CustomerDetails_For_DiscountDAL(aCost); return(dTable); } }
// GET: Admin/Payments/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } var payment = new PaymentDAL().ViewDetail(id); if (payment == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.PaymentMethodID = new SelectList(db.PaymentMethods, "PaymentMethodID", "Name", payment.PaymentMethodID); ViewBag.PaymentStatusID = new SelectList(db.PaymentStatus, "PaymentStatusID", "Name", payment.PaymentStatusID); return(View(payment)); }
public int Delete_Pay(Payment P) { PaymentDAL PDAL = new PaymentDAL(); try { return(PDAL.Delete_Pay(P)); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { } }
public DataTable BindGrid_with(Payment P) { PaymentDAL PDAL = new PaymentDAL(); try { return(PDAL.GetData_with(P)); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { } }
public int Insert(Payment pay_det) { PaymentDAL PDAL = new PaymentDAL(); try { return(PDAL.Insert(pay_det)); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { pay_det = null; } }
public int Update_Pay(Payment pay_det) { PaymentDAL PDAL = new PaymentDAL(); try { return(PDAL.Update_Pay(pay_det)); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { pay_det = null; } }
public void CreateBill_Test() { //Pass Bill bill = new Bill() { App = ApplicationDAL.GetApplicationById(3), User = UserDAL.GetUserById(2), Payment = PaymentDAL.GetPaymentById(2), UnitPrice = ApplicationDAL.GetApplicationById(3).Price }; Assert.True(CreateBill(bill)); //Fail //buy this app that has bougth bill = new Bill() { App = ApplicationDAL.GetApplicationById(1), User = UserDAL.GetUserById(1), UnitPrice = ApplicationDAL.GetApplicationById(1).Price * 0.5, }; Assert.False(CreateBill(bill)); //buy an app that haven't sold! bill = new Bill() { App = ApplicationDAL.GetApplicationById(1000), User = UserDAL.GetUserById(1), UnitPrice = ApplicationDAL.GetApplicationById(1).Price * 0.5, }; Assert.False(CreateBill(bill)); //buy an app by an user haven't resigter! bill = new Bill() { App = ApplicationDAL.GetApplicationById(7), User = UserDAL.GetUserById(100), UnitPrice = ApplicationDAL.GetApplicationById(1).Price * 0.5, }; Assert.False(CreateBill(bill)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "PaymentID,OrderID,PaymentMethodID,PaymentStatusID,PaymentDate,TotalPrice,Note,CreateDate,CreateUser,ModifiedDate,ModifiedUser,TransactionID,TrackingID,IsActive")] Payment payment) { var UserSession = (UserLogin)Session[TechDeviShopVs002.Common.CommonConstants.USER_SESSION]; if (ModelState.IsValid) { var _dal = new PaymentDAL(); payment.CreateUser = UserSession.UserID; int id = _dal.Insert(payment); if (id > 0) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Payments")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Thêm thanh toán ko thành công"); } } ViewBag.PaymentMethodID = new SelectList(db.PaymentMethods, "PaymentMethodID", "Name", payment.PaymentMethodID); ViewBag.PaymentStatusID = new SelectList(db.PaymentStatus, "PaymentStatusID", "Name", payment.PaymentStatusID); return(View(payment)); }
protected void btnAddPayment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int _payAmount = 0; int.TryParse(txtPayAmount.Text, out _payAmount); DateTime _payDate = new DateTime(); DateTime.TryParse(txtPayDate.Text, out _payDate); if (_payDate.Year < 2000) { _payDate = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2000"); } Payment newPay = new Payment(); newPay.Amount = _payAmount; newPay.PaymentDate = _payDate; newPay.RecordDate = System.DateTime.Now; newPay.Comment = txtPayComment.Text.Trim(); PaymentDAL newDal = new PaymentDAL(); newDal.SavePayment(newPay); dsPaymentListing.DataBind(); grdPaymentList.DataBind(); }
//public static List<Payment> GetAlltenantPayment(int buildingId) //{ // var x = PaymentConverter.ListToDTOTenantPayment(PaymentDAL.GetPaymentsByBuilding(buildingId)); // var y =TenantPayment. // x.ForEach(z => // { // z.Status = y.Select(t => t.payment_id).Contains(z.PaymentId) ? true : false; // z.TenantId = userId; // z.PaymentDate = y.FirstOrDefault(u => u.payment_id == z.PaymentId)?.paymentDate ?? default(DateTime); // }); // return x; // return PaymentConverter.ListToDTO(PaymentDAL.GetPaymentsByBuilding(buildingId)); //} public static Payment GetById(int id) { return(PaymentConverter.ToDTO(PaymentDAL.GetById(id))); }
public static List <Payment> GetPaymentsByBuilding(int buildingId) { return(PaymentConverter.ListToDTO(PaymentDAL.GetPaymentsByBuilding(buildingId))); }