public async Task <PaymentServiceResponseDTO> CreateInvoice(Domain.Order order) { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("AdV4d6nLHabWLyemrw4BKdO9LjcnioNIOgoz7vD611ObbDUL0kJQfzrdhXEBwnH8QmV-7XZjvjRWn0kg", "EPKoPC_haZMTq5uM9WXuzoxUVdgzVqHyD5avCyVC1NCIUJeVaNNUZMnzduYIqrdw-carG9LBAizFGMyK"); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var payment = new Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = "10", Currency = "USD" } } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = "", ReturnUrl = "" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); try { HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); return(new PaymentServiceResponseDTO() { PaymentUrl = result.Links.FirstOrDefault(link => link.Rel == APPROVAL_URL).Href }); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); return(null); } }
public async Task <string> ExecutePayment(string paymentId, string token, string payerId, string email) { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("AV8B5CBqWFqiUEBdhbe2rBVqX0RwNjY74nORYSEI3P8WZ-rRzRxXd1H0pA_qrywn0MCZuXzg3x-WwDeY", "EL-1QQduQKljgE0uHFs6WKAM4JtYrbf8CzOisxNCczPvdnkQYQDT1-rCM1W1dYM3Dhu8L9AcwqwhKdZH"); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); PaymentExecuteRequest request = new PaymentExecuteRequest(paymentId); request.RequestBody(new PaymentExecution() { PayerId = payerId }); try { HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); //PayerId en payment opslaan in DB var employee = _context.Employees.Find(email); employee.Balance = employee.Balance + 10; Models.Transaction transaction = new Models.Transaction() { Amount = 10, DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow, Employee = employee, employeeEmail = email, ProviderName = "PayPal", ProviderTransactionId = paymentId, TransactionType = "ExternalTopUp" }; try { _context.Add(transaction); _context.Update(employee); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return("Complete"); } catch (SqlException error) { _logger.LogError("While running this error showed up:", error); return("Failed"); } } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); return("Failed"); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ConfirmAsync([FromRoute] string id) { string webroot = HttpContext.Request.Scheme; string webroot1 = HttpContext.Request.Host.ToUriComponent(); string pathReturn = "http://" + webroot1 + "/paypal/execute-payment"; string pathCancel = "http://" + webroot1 + "/paypal/cancel"; var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("Acc2-UPp-z25_Olh73h5VZB3XjR16eUKtL2lHoIc27IJn8-2f5R8-Kish229pYjzdy18KR8khHJRQO5Q", "EIb_0hbZQPAEioCGLAzVpn87zRswB7zLAoRtda06Oc4IhrDAmtGYAI2z6xYplX6TdARnsuVh2TC3tHNM"); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); string idUser = id; var payment = new Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = GetTransactionsList(id), RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = pathCancel, ReturnUrl = pathReturn }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" }, }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); var path = CreateExcelOrder.Create(_context.Orders.Where(m => m.UserId == id).Where(m => m.IsConfirm == false).ToList(), id, _environment); try { BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); LinkDescriptionObject approvalLink = PaypalHelpers.findApprovalLink(result.Links); var orders = _context.Orders.Include(m => m.Product).Where(m => m.UserId == id).Where(m => m.IsConfirm == false); await orders.ForEachAsync(m => m.Paymentid = result.Id); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok(new ConfirmModel { confirmPath = approvalLink.Href.ToString(), excelPath = path })); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); return(NoContent()); } }
private async Task <Order> CaptureOrder(string OrderId, bool debug = false) { var request = new OrdersCaptureRequest(OrderId); request.Prefer("return=representation"); request.RequestBody(new OrderActionRequest()); var response = await _client.Execute(request); var result = response.Result <Order>(); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", result.Status); Console.WriteLine("Order Id: {0}", result.Id); Console.WriteLine("Intent: {0}", result.CheckoutPaymentIntent); Console.WriteLine("Links:"); foreach (LinkDescription link in result.Links) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}\tCall Type: {2}", link.Rel, link.Href, link.Method); } Console.WriteLine("Capture Ids: "); foreach (PurchaseUnit purchaseUnit in result.PurchaseUnits) { foreach (Capture capture in purchaseUnit.Payments.Captures) { Console.WriteLine("\t {0}", capture.Id); } } AmountWithBreakdown amount = result.PurchaseUnits[0].AmountWithBreakdown; Console.WriteLine("Buyer:"); Console.WriteLine("\tEmail Address: {0}\n\tName: {1} {2}\n", result.Payer.Email, result.Payer.Name.GivenName, result.Payer.Name.Surname); } return(result); }
public async Task <PayPalDto> GetPaymentAsync(string orderId, CancellationToken token) { var captureRequest = new OrdersCaptureRequest(orderId); captureRequest.RequestBody(new OrderActionRequest()); token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var response3 = await _client.Execute(captureRequest); var result = response3.Result <Order>(); var purchaseUnit = result.PurchaseUnits[0]; return(new PayPalDto(purchaseUnit.ReferenceId, decimal.Parse(purchaseUnit.Payments.Captures[0].Amount.Value))); }
public async Task <InvoicePaymentProvider> CreateUriForPayment(Invoice invoice, Domain.Entities.Orders.Order order, Plan plan) { PayPalEnvironment environment = CreateEnvironment(); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var payment = new OrderRequest() { CheckoutPaymentIntent = "CAPTURE", PurchaseUnits = new List <PurchaseUnitRequest>() { new PurchaseUnitRequest() { CustomId = invoice.Id.ToString(), Description = plan.Description, AmountWithBreakdown = new AmountWithBreakdown() { CurrencyCode = Currency.CurrencyValue.USD.ToString(), Value = Convert.ToInt32(plan.PlanPrices.Single(x => x.Currency.Code == Currency.CurrencyValue.USD).Price).ToString() } } }, ApplicationContext = CreateApplicationContext() }; // var request = new OrdersCreateRequest(); request.Prefer("return=representation"); request.RequestBody(payment); try { var response = await client.Execute(request); var result = response.Result <PaypalOrder>(); var uri = new Uri(result.Links.Single(l => l.Rel == "approve").Href); return(new InvoicePaymentProvider { InvoceId = invoice.Id, Link = uri, Transaction = result.Id, PaymentProvider = new PaymentProvider(PaymentProvider.PaymentProviderValue.Paypal) }); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); throw httpException; } }
public async Task <string> PayPalPaymentAsync(int orderPrice) { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("AR_Hs07d93iQYwXhs9EQ6IDyzPfQEglNyWASQy0ge5LzeFgBa_KCcLefYAH1k-AhbiFxYM9R812rrTQT", "EHvkxwY2zbqtPEVtzs5lzsuLU1nBOP3mdndiM_iPnZt0A1gLuDdUjXW3GBrdXpaXpxGscjCZ37VMcCk-"); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var payment = new Payment { Intent = "order", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = orderPrice.ToString(), Currency = "USD" } } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = "", ReturnUrl = "" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); try { HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); return(response.StatusCode.ToString()); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); return(statusCode.ToString()); } }
public async Task <Payment> CreatePayment() { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("AfCRA5WhUKekcea2LHhTYMHVsDNixBuPFeqygJ9W3m6IkfKHrmp8JHryqWe_XMVXH1TJnaHIphmYJg6Z", "EL00PS-mY7IzkA-_NsGkHxTdBFE2Wz2jPh8NnaDjkIbCUJJSY-6iOA73q12Gpwuw0cn3Kb6e8z76PlVF"); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); string intent = "sale"; var payment = new Payment() { Intent = intent, Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = "10", Currency = "VND", } } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = "", ReturnUrl = "" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal", } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); try { HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); return(result); } catch (Exception exception) { return(null); } }
public async Task CancelInvoice(string paypalOrderId) { PayPalCheckoutSdk.Core.PayPalEnvironment environment = CreateEnvironment(); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var request = new OrderDeleteRequest(paypalOrderId); try { await client.Execute(request); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); } }
public async Task CancelInvoice(InvoicePaymentProvider invoice) { PayPalEnvironment environment = CreateEnvironment(); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var request = new OrderDeleteRequest(invoice.Transaction); try { await client.Execute(request); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); } }
public async Task CreatePaymentAsync(Amount amount, ShippingAddress shippingAddress, Item article) { var payment = new Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = amount, ItemList = new ItemList() { Items = new List <Item>() { article }, //ShippingAddress = shippingAddress } } }, //RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() //{ // CancelUrl = "", // ReturnUrl = "" //}, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); try { HttpResponse response = await _paypalClient.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; } }
public async Task <Uri> CreateUriForPayment(OrderCreateInputModel inputModel) { var options = paypalOptions.CurrentValue; PayPalEnvironment environment = CreateEnvironment(); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var payment = new OrderRequest() { CheckoutPaymentIntent = "CAPTURE", PurchaseUnits = new List <PurchaseUnitRequest>() { new PurchaseUnitRequest() { CustomId = inputModel.OrderId.ToString(), Description = inputModel.Description, AmountWithBreakdown = new AmountWithBreakdown() { CurrencyCode = inputModel.Price.Currency.ToString(), Value = inputModel.Price.Amount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) } } }, ApplicationContext = CreateApplicationContext() }; // var request = new OrdersCreateRequest(); request.Prefer("return=representation"); request.RequestBody(payment); try { var response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; var result = response.Result <Order>(); return(new Uri(result.Links.Single(l => l.Rel == "approve").Href)); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); logger.LogError($"Il tentativo di reindirizzare l'utente alla pagina di pagamento è fallito con status code {statusCode} e debugId {debugId}"); throw new PaymentException(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Execute(string attemptId, [FromQuery] string payerID, string paymentId) { var clientId = this.configuration.GetSection("PayPal").GetSection("clientId").Value; var secret = this.configuration.GetSection("PayPal").GetSection("secret").Value; var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(clientId, secret); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); PaymentExecuteRequest request = new PaymentExecuteRequest(paymentId); request.RequestBody(new PaymentExecution() { PayerId = payerID, }); var response = await client.Execute <PaymentExecuteRequest>(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; if (statusCode.ToString() == "OK") { var attempt = await this.paymentsService.GetPaymentAttempt(attemptId); var userId = attempt.StudentId; var semesterId = attempt.SemesterId; var semester = await this.paymentsService .GetSemester <PaymentSemesterViewModel>(semesterId); await this.paymentsService.RegisterUserToSemesterAsync(userId, semesterId); foreach (var subject in semester.Subjects) { await this.paymentsService.RegisterUserToSubjectAsync(userId, subject.Id); } await this.paymentsService.CreatePaymentAsync(userId, semesterId); this.TempData["message"] = $"Payment status code {statusCode}"; return(this.RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { // Delete paymentAttmept this.TempData["message"] = $"Payment status code {statusCode}"; return(this.RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } }
public async Task <string> CaptureOrderAsync(PayPalCaptureOrderRequestInput input) { var request = new OrdersCaptureRequest(input.OrderId); request.RequestBody(new OrderActionRequest()); var response = await _client.Execute(request); var payment = response.Result <Order>(); if (payment.Status != "COMPLETED") { throw new UserFriendlyException(L("PaymentFailed")); } return(payment.Id); }
public static TransactionResult ProcessRefund(TransactionRequest request, PaypalWithRedirectSettings settings) { var order = request.Order; var refund = new RefundRequest() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = (request.Amount ?? order.OrderTotal).ToString("N"), Currency = order.CurrencyCode }, Reason = "Admin Initiated Refund", }; var saleRefundRequest = new SaleRefundRequest(request.Parameters["saleId"].ToString()); saleRefundRequest.RequestBody(refund); var environment = GetEnvironment(settings); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var transactionResult = new TransactionResult(); try { var response = client.Execute(saleRefundRequest).Result; var result = response.Result <DetailedRefund>(); transactionResult.Success = true; transactionResult.NewStatus = result.State == "approved" || result.State == "pending" ? PaymentStatus.Refunded : PaymentStatus.OnHold; transactionResult.OrderGuid = order.Guid; transactionResult.TransactionAmount = result.Amount.Total.GetDecimal(); transactionResult.ResponseParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "id", result.Id }, { "parentPayment", result.ParentPayment }, { "createTime", result.CreateTime }, { "state", result.State }, { "updateTime", result.UpdateTime }, }; } catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException ex) { transactionResult.Exception = ex; } return(transactionResult); }
public async Task <Payment> CreatePayment(string successUrl, string ErrorUrl, Transaction objTransaction, string note_to_player = "Web ban giay BMT") { var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); string intent = "sale"; var listTransaction = new List <Transaction>(); listTransaction.Add(objTransaction); var payment = new Payment() { Intent = intent, NoteToPayer = note_to_player, Transactions = listTransaction, //CreateTime=DateTime.Now.ToString(), RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = ErrorUrl, ReturnUrl = successUrl }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal", } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); try { HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); return(result); } catch (Exception objException) { throw objException; } }
public static async Task <string> CreateProfile() { SandboxEnvironment environment = new SandboxEnvironment( "AcsZudPzaw7QNmu68Q15SdtKMCM0HJMKO-q-Lp1IXgLwqe-Dt9CWOYqsBtZ_QiS2hVVL0o50BK8xW0Dk", "EJo0Vn_JKFf5qq4pN6zOKm50fmYN4dI8ZTeB5j2vl5YtWRnKeAPOvXK2WZ4faxGA8QaUM1KhVj-kF8kr"); _client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); WebProfileCreateRequest request = new WebProfileCreateRequest(); WebProfile profile = new WebProfile { Name = "WebProfil", Presentation = new Presentation { BrandName = "eTeatar", LocaleCode = "US", LogoImage = "" }, InputFields = new InputFields { AddressOverride = 0, AllowNote = false, NoShipping = 1 }, FlowConfig = new FlowConfig { BankTxnPendingUrl = "", LandingPageType = "billing", UserAction = "commit", ReturnUriHttpMethod = "POST" }, Temporary = true }; request.RequestBody(profile); HttpResponse response = await _client.Execute(request); WebProfile result = response.Result <WebProfile>(); return(result.Id); }
public ActionResult About() { var clientId = ""; var secret = ""; //Creating a sandbox environment PayPalEnvironment environment = new SandboxEnvironment(clientId, secret); // Creating a client for the environment PayPalHttpClient client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var request = new OrdersGetRequest(""); var task = client.Execute(request); var response = task.Result; var statusCode = response.StatusCode; ViewBag.Message = response.StatusCode.ToString(); return(View(statusCode)); }
public async Task <string> GetPaymentUrlAsync(CoursePayInputModel inputModel) { OrderRequest order = new() { CheckoutPaymentIntent = "CAPTURE", ApplicationContext = new ApplicationContext() { ReturnUrl = inputModel.ReturnUrl, CancelUrl = inputModel.CancelUrl, BrandName = options.CurrentValue.BrandName, ShippingPreference = "NO_SHIPPING" }, PurchaseUnits = new List <PurchaseUnitRequest>() { new PurchaseUnitRequest() { CustomId = $"{inputModel.CourseId}/{inputModel.UserId}", Description = inputModel.Description, AmountWithBreakdown = new AmountWithBreakdown() { CurrencyCode = inputModel.Price.Currency.ToString(), Value = inputModel.Price.Amount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) // 14.50 } } } }; PayPalEnvironment env = GetPayPalEnvironment(options.CurrentValue); PayPalHttpClient client = new PayPalHttpClient(env); OrdersCreateRequest request = new(); request.RequestBody(order); request.Prefer("return=representation"); HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); Order result = response.Result <Order>(); LinkDescription link = result.Links.Single(link => link.Rel == "approve"); return(link.Href); }
public async Task <string> ExecutePaymentAsync(PayPalExecutePaymentRequestInput input) { var request = new PaymentExecuteRequest(input.PaymentId); request.RequestBody(new PaymentExecution() { PayerId = input.PayerId }); var response = await _client.Execute(request); var payment = response.Result <Payment>(); if (payment.State != "approved") { throw new UserFriendlyException(L("PaymentFailed")); } return(payment.Id); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Complete([FromBody] PayPalTransactionCompleteInput input) { _logger.LogInformation(input.ToString()); try { OrdersGetRequest request = new OrdersGetRequest(input.OrderId); // Call PayPal to get the transaction var response = await _paypalClient.Execute(request); // Save the transaction in your database. Implement logic to save transaction to your database for future reference. var result = response.Result <Order>(); var resultJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); _logger.LogInformation("支付结果:" + resultJson); return(Json(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "支付失败"); return(BadRequest()); } }
public async Task <PaypalOrder> CaptureOrder(string transaction) { PayPalCheckoutSdk.Core.PayPalEnvironment environment = CreateEnvironment(); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var request = new OrdersCaptureRequest(transaction); request.Prefer("return=representation"); request.RequestBody(new OrderActionRequest()); try { HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); PaypalOrder order = response.Result <PaypalOrder>(); return(order); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); throw httpException; } }
public static string FetchWebProfile(PaypalWithRedirectSettings paypalSettings) { if (!paypalSettings.CheckoutProfileId.IsNullEmptyOrWhiteSpace()) { return(paypalSettings.CheckoutProfileId); } var webProfileRequest = new WebProfileCreateRequest(); webProfileRequest.RequestBody(new WebProfile() { Temporary = false, InputFields = new InputFields() { NoShipping = 1, AddressOverride = 1 }, Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }); var environment = GetEnvironment(paypalSettings); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); try { var response = client.Execute(webProfileRequest).Result; var result = response.Result <WebProfile>(); var id = result.Id; paypalSettings.CheckoutProfileId = id; var settingService = DependencyResolver.Resolve <ISettingService>(); settingService.Save(paypalSettings, ApplicationEngine.CurrentStore.Id); return(id); } catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException ex) { return(null); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Pay([FromQuery] string attemptId) { var attempt = await this.paymentsService.GetPaymentAttempt(attemptId); var clientId = this.configuration.GetSection("PayPal").GetSection("clientId").Value; var secret = this.configuration.GetSection("PayPal").GetSection("secret").Value; var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(clientId, secret); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var portocol = this.HttpContext.Request.Scheme; var host = this.HttpContext.Request.Host; var returnUrl = $"{portocol}://{host}/Payments/Execute/{attempt.Id}"; var cancelUrl = $"{portocol}://{host}/Homes/Index"; var payment = new PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = attempt.Price.ToString("G", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Currency = "USD", }, }, }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { ReturnUrl = returnUrl, CancelUrl = cancelUrl, }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal", }, }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); System.Net.HttpStatusCode statusCode; try { BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); string redirectUrl = null; foreach (LinkDescriptionObject link in result.Links) { if (link.Rel.Equals("approval_url")) { redirectUrl = link.Href; } } if (redirectUrl == null) { return(this.Json("Failed to find an approval_url in the response!")); } else { return(this.Redirect(redirectUrl)); } } catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException ex) { statusCode = ex.StatusCode; var debugId = ex.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); return(this.Json("Request failed! HTTP response code was " + statusCode + ", debug ID was " + debugId)); } }
public async Task <PayPalPaymentCreationResultDto> CreatePayPalPaymentAsync(string amountToPay) { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(_payPalSettings.ClientId, _payPalSettings.ClientSecret); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var steamUser = _steamUserService.GetCurrentRequestSteamUser(); var payment = new Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = amountToPay, Currency = "USD" } } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { ReturnUrl = $"{_hostString}/{_multiTenantContext.TenantInfo.Identifier}/payment/ExecutePayPalPayment", CancelUrl = $"{_hostString}/{_multiTenantContext.TenantInfo.Identifier}/payment/PaymentFailed" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" }, NoteToPayer = _configuration["BuyerNotes"] }; PaymentCreateRequest paymentCreateRequest = new PaymentCreateRequest(); paymentCreateRequest.RequestBody(payment); _logger.LogInformation($"Preparation for payment creation against PayPal API"); HttpStatusCode responseStatusCode; try { BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse paymentCreateRequestResult = await client.Execute(paymentCreateRequest); _logger.LogInformation($"PayPal payment creation result, {nameof(paymentCreateRequestResult)}: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paymentCreateRequestResult)}"); responseStatusCode = paymentCreateRequestResult.StatusCode; if (responseStatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Created) { return(null); } Payment paymentResult = paymentCreateRequestResult.Result <Payment>(); await _payPalCreatedPaymentService.CreateAsync(paymentResult); return(new PayPalPaymentCreationResultDto { State = PaymentCreationResultEnum.Success, PaymentDetails = paymentResult }); } catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException e) { responseStatusCode = e.StatusCode; var debugId = e.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); _logger.LogError(e, $"PayPal payment creation: Failed\nSteamUserID: {steamUser.Id}\nSteamUserUID: {steamUser.Uid}\nDebugId: {debugId}\nStatusCode: {responseStatusCode}"); return(new PayPalPaymentCreationResultDto { State = PaymentCreationResultEnum.Failed, FailedReason = debugId }); } }
public async Task <PayPalPaymentExecuteResultDto> ExecutePayPalPaymentAsync(string paymentId, string token, string payerId) { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(_payPalSettings.ClientId, _payPalSettings.ClientSecret); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var steamUser = _steamUserService.GetCurrentRequestSteamUser(); PaymentExecution paymentExecution = new PaymentExecution() { PayerId = payerId }; PaymentExecution payment = new PaymentExecution() { PayerId = payerId }; PaymentExecuteRequest request = new PaymentExecuteRequest(paymentId); request.RequestBody(payment); HttpStatusCode statusCode; Payment paymentExecutionResult = null; _logger.LogInformation($"Preparation for payment execution against PayPal API"); HttpStatusCode responseStatusCode; try { BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); statusCode = response.StatusCode; paymentExecutionResult = response.Result <Payment>(); await _payPalExecutedPaymentService.CreateAsync(paymentExecutionResult); _logger.LogInformation($"PayPal payment execution result, {nameof(paymentExecutionResult)}: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paymentExecutionResult)}"); } catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException e) { responseStatusCode = e.StatusCode; var debugId = e.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); _logger.LogError(e, $"PayPal payment execution: Failed\nSteamUserID: {steamUser.Id}\nSteamUserUID: {steamUser.Uid}\nDebugId: {debugId}\nStatusCode: {responseStatusCode}"); return(new PayPalPaymentExecuteResultDto { State = PaymentExecutionResultEnum.Failed, FailedReason = debugId }); } if (paymentExecutionResult.State == "approved") { var updateSteamUserShopBalanceResult = await AddFundsToSteamUserShopAsync(paymentExecutionResult); if (!updateSteamUserShopBalanceResult) { return new PayPalPaymentExecuteResultDto { State = PaymentExecutionResultEnum.Failed, FailedReason = "Error on adding funds, please contact support!" } } ; return(new PayPalPaymentExecuteResultDto { State = PaymentExecutionResultEnum.Success, AmountPaid = paymentExecutionResult .Transactions.First() .RelatedResources.First() .Sale.Amount.Total, CurrentBalance = _steamUserService.GetCurrentRequestSteamUserShop().Balance }); } return(new PayPalPaymentExecuteResultDto { State = PaymentExecutionResultEnum.Failed, FailedReason = "Payment has not been approved!" }); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Checkout() { //SandboxEnvironment(clientId, clientSerect) string clientId = "AYOwjSPbuM8boAckmyHBzPF3fS5jkqsE6-i-fd_2Y66bMFW7t9miYPklGgcNAdXweQa4ijsjCRQnElL1"; string clientSecret = "EL485ImsKFuaWVHj8YqVRNwzc1-q8xsmFMaDnFyvBTwH5JT4zqyGe7dLT9F4-Q64-ebEaix79UYxnO4H"; var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(clientId, clientSecret); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); double UsdToVnd = 23211.67; //Đọc thông tin đơn hàng từ Session var itemList = new ItemList() { Items = new List <Item>() }; double tongTien = Cart.Sum(p => p.TotalPrice) / UsdToVnd; foreach (var item in Cart) { itemList.Items.Add(new Item() { Name = item.Product.ProductName, Currency = "USD", Price = (item.Product.UnitPrice / UsdToVnd).ToString("0.00"), Quantity = item.Amount.ToString(), Sku = "sku", Tax = "0" }); } var payment = new Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = tongTien.ToString("0.00"), Currency = "USD", Details = new AmountDetails { Tax = "0", Shipping = "0", Subtotal = tongTien.ToString("0.00") } }, ItemList = itemList, Description = "Don hang A", InvoiceNumber = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = "http://localhost:44370/paypal/fail", ReturnUrl = "https://localhost:44370/paypal/Execute" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); try { HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); var links = result.Links.GetEnumerator(); string paypalRedirectUrl = null; while (links.MoveNext()) { LinkDescriptionObject lnk = links.Current; if (lnk.Rel.ToLower().Trim().Equals("approval_url")) { //saving the payapalredirect URL to which user will be redirected for payment paypalRedirectUrl = lnk.Href; } } return(Redirect(paypalRedirectUrl)); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); string a = tongTien.ToString(); return(RedirectToAction("Fail")); } }
//[Authorize] public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <IActionResult> PaypalCheckout() { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(_clientId, _secretKey); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var cart = HttpContext.Session.Get <OrderHeader>("cart"); #region Create Paypal Order var itemList = new ItemList() { Items = new List <Item>() }; foreach (var item in cart.OrderDetails) { itemList.Items.Add(new Item() { Name = item.Product.Name,//"Trà sữa", Currency = "USD", Price = Math.Round(item.Product.Price.GetValueOrDefault() / TyGiaUSD, 2).ToString(), Quantity = item.Count.ToString(), Description = "Số lượng: " + item.Count.ToString(), Sku = "sku", Tax = "0" }); } var total = itemList.Items.Sum(x => double.Parse(x.Price) * int.Parse(x.Quantity)); #endregion //var total = Math.Round(double.Parse(checkout[0].Total.ToString()) / 23000, 2) *itemList.Items.Count; var paypalOrderId = cart.Id; var hostname = $"{HttpContext.Request.Scheme}://{HttpContext.Request.Host}"; var payment = new Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = total.ToString(), Currency = "USD", Details = new AmountDetails { Tax = "0", Shipping = "0", Subtotal = total.ToString() } }, ItemList = itemList, Description = $"Invoice #{paypalOrderId}", InvoiceNumber = paypalOrderId.ToString() } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = $"{hostname}/Paypal/CheckoutFail", ReturnUrl = $"{hostname}/Paypal/CheckoutSuccess" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); var transaction = await _db.Database.BeginTransactionAsync(); try { var code = HttpContext.Session.Get <string>("discount"); var discount = _db.Discounts.Where(x => (x.TimesUseLimit - x.TimesUsed) > 0 && x.DateExpired > DateTime.Now).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == code); if (discount != null) { discount.TimesUsed++; _db.SaveChanges(); } #region Add cart cart.ApplicationUser = null; cart.PaymentStatus = "Paid"; var newlistOrderDetail = cart.OrderDetails.Select(x => new OrderDetail { Count = x.Count, OrderHeaderId = x.OrderHeaderId, ProductId = x.ProductId, Price = x.Price, Id = x.Id, Status = x.Status, DeliveryDetails = new DeliveryDetail() { Address = x.DeliveryDetails.Address, DateEnd = x.DeliveryDetails.DateEnd, Price = x.DeliveryDetails.Price, DateStart = x.DeliveryDetails.DateStart, DeliveryId = x.DeliveryDetails.DeliveryId, Note = x.DeliveryDetails.Note, OrderDetailId = x.DeliveryDetails.OrderDetailId } }); cart.OrderDetails = newlistOrderDetail.ToList(); foreach (var item in cart.OrderDetails) { var objfromDb = _db.Products.Find(item.ProductId); objfromDb.Quantity = objfromDb.Quantity - item.Count; if (objfromDb.Quantity < 0) { throw new Exception("Lỗi đơn hàng " + objfromDb.Name + " chỉ còn " + (objfromDb.Quantity + item.Count)); } else { _db.Update(objfromDb); _db.SaveChanges(); } } _db.OrderHeaders.Add(cart); _db.SaveChanges(); #endregion var response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); var links = result.Links.GetEnumerator(); string paypalRedirectUrl = null; while (links.MoveNext()) { LinkDescriptionObject lnk = links.Current; if (lnk.Rel.ToLower().Trim().Equals("approval_url")) { //saving the payapalredirect URL to which user will be redirected for payment paypalRedirectUrl = lnk.Href; } } await transaction.CommitAsync(); transaction.Dispose(); HttpContext.Session.Remove("cart"); HttpContext.Session.Remove("discount"); return(Redirect(paypalRedirectUrl)); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); transaction.Rollback(); transaction.Dispose(); HttpContext.Session.Remove("cart"); HttpContext.Session.Remove("discount"); //Process when Checkout with Paypal fails return(Redirect("/Paypal/CheckoutFail")); } catch (Exception) { transaction.Rollback(); transaction.Dispose(); HttpContext.Session.Remove("cart"); HttpContext.Session.Remove("cart"); return(Redirect("/Paypal/CheckoutFail")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Checkout(Orders order) { //SandboxEnvironment(clientId, clientSerect) var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("ATEyDHMWKozlcGDf5yNduG92WTeajJf9gqXc34Dd0AU7LbWgFvH3qY_8ImvFfZls5uZMzaoeZAdZBCrm", "EH1J-u4MfbsyBENy8zBoVHHOnU9DMsDRjGDaXwfZltNEVc3rv_t26ANZ_L2Z4eQlS12oRnUj_Zr8dizO"); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); //Đọc thông tin đơn hàng từ Session var itemList = new ItemList() { Items = new List <Item>() }; var AmountUSD = Cart.Sum(p => CurrencyConversion(p.Price, p.QuantityProduct)); int?AmountVND = 0; foreach (var item in Cart) { AmountVND += item.Price; itemList.Items.Add(new Item() { Name = item.ProductName, Currency = "USD", Price = CurrencyConversion(item.Price).ToString(), Quantity = item.QuantityProduct.ToString(), Tax = "0" }); } order.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; // tính phí ship order.Total = AmountVND; var shipCostUSD = 0.00; if (AmountVND < 100000) { shipCostUSD = 0.87; order.ShipCost = 20000; } else if (AmountVND < 500000) { shipCostUSD = 0.52; order.ShipCost = 12000; } else { order.ShipCost = 0; } // kiểm tra người dùng có đăng nhập để lưu ID người dùng var info = HttpContext.Session.GetObject <Customer>("Customer"); if (info != null) { order.CustomerId = info.CustomerId; } _context.Orders.Add(order); _context.SaveChanges(); IdLasted = order.OrderId; foreach (var item in Cart) { OrderDetail orderDetail = new OrderDetail() { OrderId = IdLasted, ProductId = item.ProductId, Price = item.Price, Quantity = item.QuantityProduct }; _context.OrderDetail.Add(orderDetail); _context.SaveChanges(); } var payment = new Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = (AmountUSD + shipCostUSD).ToString(), Currency = "USD", Details = new AmountDetails { Tax = "0", Shipping = shipCostUSD.ToString(), Subtotal = AmountUSD.ToString(), } }, ItemList = itemList, Description = "Don hang " + IdLasted, InvoiceNumber = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = HttpContext.Request.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Request.Host + "/Paypal/Fail", ReturnUrl = HttpContext.Request.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Request.Host + "/Paypal/Execute" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); try { HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); var links = result.Links.GetEnumerator(); string paypalRedirectUrl = null; while (links.MoveNext()) { LinkDescriptionObject lnk = links.Current; if (lnk.Rel.ToLower().Trim().Equals("approval_url")) { //saving the payapalredirect URL to which user will be redirected for payment paypalRedirectUrl = lnk.Href; } } return(Redirect(paypalRedirectUrl)); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); return(RedirectToAction("Fail")); } }
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <IActionResult> PaypalCheckout() { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(_clientId, _secretKey); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); #region Create Paypal Order var itemList = new ItemList() { Items = new List <Item>() }; var total = Math.Round(Carts.Sum(p => p.ThanhTien) / TyGiaUSD, 2); foreach (var item in Carts) { itemList.Items.Add(new Item() { Name = item.TenHh, Currency = "USD", Price = Math.Round(item.DonGia / TyGiaUSD, 2).ToString(), Quantity = item.SoLuong.ToString(), Sku = "sku", Tax = "0" }); } #endregion var paypalOrderId = DateTime.Now.Ticks; var hostname = $"{HttpContext.Request.Scheme}://{HttpContext.Request.Host}"; var payment = new Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = total.ToString(), Currency = "USD", Details = new AmountDetails { Tax = "0", Shipping = "0", Subtotal = total.ToString() } }, ItemList = itemList, Description = $"Invoice #{paypalOrderId}", InvoiceNumber = paypalOrderId.ToString() } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = $"{hostname}/GioHang/CheckoutFail", ReturnUrl = $"{hostname}/GioHang/CheckoutSuccess" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); try { var response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); var links = result.Links.GetEnumerator(); string paypalRedirectUrl = null; while (links.MoveNext()) { LinkDescriptionObject lnk = links.Current; if (lnk.Rel.ToLower().Trim().Equals("approval_url")) { //saving the payapalredirect URL to which user will be redirected for payment paypalRedirectUrl = lnk.Href; } } return(Redirect(paypalRedirectUrl)); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); //Process when Checkout with Paypal fails return(Redirect("/GioHang/CheckoutFail")); } }