Esempio n. 1
        } // End of the payex_confirmation method


        #region PayPal payment

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a paypal payment
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult CreatePayPalPayment(Order order, List<OrderRow> orderRows, Domain domain, KeyStringList tt)
            // Create the string to return
            string error_message = "";

            // Get the currency
            Currency currency = Currency.GetOneById(order.currency_code);

            // Get the webshop settings
            KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

            // Get credentials
            string paypalClientId = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-ID");
            string paypalClientSecret = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-SECRET");
            string paypalMode = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-MODE");
            Dictionary<string, string> config = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "mode", paypalMode } };

            // Create a payment variable
            PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment createdPayment = null;

                // Create the credential token
                PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential tokenCredential = new PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential(paypalClientId, paypalClientSecret, config);

                // Create the api context
                PayPal.APIContext paypalContext = new PayPal.APIContext(tokenCredential.GetAccessToken());
                paypalContext.Config = config;

                // Create the amount details
                decimal subTotal = order.net_sum + order.rounding_sum - order.gift_cards_amount;
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Details amountDetails = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Details();
                amountDetails.subtotal = subTotal.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
       = order.vat_sum.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Create the amount
                decimal totalAmount = order.total_sum - order.gift_cards_amount;
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Amount amount = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Amount();
       = totalAmount.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                amount.currency = order.currency_code;
                amount.details = amountDetails;

                // Create a transaction
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction transaction = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction();
                transaction.item_list = new PayPal.Api.Payments.ItemList();
                transaction.item_list.items = new List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Item>(10);

                // Add order rows to the transaction
                for (int i = 0; i < orderRows.Count; i++)
                    // Create a new item
                    PayPal.Api.Payments.Item item = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Item();
                    item.sku = orderRows[i].product_code.Length > 50 ? orderRows[i].product_code.Substring(0, 50) : orderRows[i].product_code;
           = orderRows[i].product_name.Length > 100 ? orderRows[i].product_name.Substring(0, 50) : orderRows[i].product_name;
                    item.price = orderRows[i].unit_price.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    item.quantity = Convert.ToInt32(orderRows[i].quantity).ToString();
                    item.currency = order.currency_code;

                    // Add the item to the list

                // Add the rounding
                if(order.rounding_sum != 0)
                    PayPal.Api.Payments.Item roundingItem = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Item();
                    roundingItem.sku = "rd";
           = tt.Get("rounding");
                    roundingItem.price = order.rounding_sum.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    roundingItem.quantity = "1";
                    roundingItem.currency = order.currency_code;

                // Add the gift cards amount
                if (order.gift_cards_amount > 0)
                    decimal giftCardAmount = order.gift_cards_amount * -1;
                    PayPal.Api.Payments.Item giftCardsItem = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Item();
                    giftCardsItem.sku = "gc";
           = tt.Get("gift_cards");
                    giftCardsItem.price = giftCardAmount.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    giftCardsItem.quantity = "1";
                    giftCardsItem.currency = order.currency_code;
                // Set the transaction amount
                transaction.amount = amount;
                List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction> transactions = new List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction>();

                // Create the payer
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Payer payer = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Payer();
                payer.payment_method = "paypal";

                // Create redirect urls
                string hostUrl = Request.Url.Host;
                PayPal.Api.Payments.RedirectUrls redirectUrls = new PayPal.Api.Payments.RedirectUrls();
                redirectUrls.return_url = domain.web_address + "/order/paypal_confirmation/" +;
                redirectUrls.cancel_url = domain.web_address + "/order/confirmation/" +;

                // Create the payment
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment payment = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment();
                payment.intent = "sale";
                payment.payer = payer;
                payment.redirect_urls = redirectUrls;
                payment.transactions = transactions;

                // Create the payment
                createdPayment = payment.Create(paypalContext);

            catch (Exception ex)
                error_message = ex.Message;

            // Check if there is any errors in the payment
            if (createdPayment != null)
                // Save the paypal payment id

                // Get the link
                string link = "";
                foreach(PayPal.Api.Payments.Links url in createdPayment.links)
                    if (url.rel == "approval_url")
                        link = url.href;

                // Redirect the user to the paypal page
                return Redirect(link);
                // Redirect the user to the order confirmation page
                return RedirectToAction("confirmation", "order", new { id = });

        } // End of the CreatePayPalPayment method
        private Int32 AndNowItIsTimeToTalkToPayPal(Int32 productCost,
                                                   String productDescription,
                                                   String yourname,
                                               out String redirect_approvalUrlFromCreatedPayment)
            // ................................
            //   Miscellaneous Error Messages from PayPal ... *****  "debug_id" is NOT a constant, examples:  "67f86e19d300d",  "36f998b61c785"
            String response_VALIDATION_ERROR =
            "{\"name\":\"VALIDATION_ERROR\",\"details\":[{\"field\":\"transactions[0].amount\",\"issue\":\"Required field missing\"}],\"message\":\"Invalid request - see details\",\"information_link\":\"\",\"debug_id\":\"";
            Int32  response_VALIDATION_ERROR_Length = response_VALIDATION_ERROR.Length;
            // VALIDATION_ERROR
            // Invalid request                                - see details
            // There was a validation issue with your request - see details
            // ==>

            // ................................
            String response_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR =
                 "{\"name\":\"INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR\",\"message\":\"An internal service error has occurred\",\"information_link\":\"\",\"debug_id\":\"";
            Int32  response_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR_Length = response_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR.Length;
            // An internal service error has occurred
            // Resend the request at another time. If this error continues,
            //      contact PayPal Merchant Technical Support.

            // ................................
            Int32 payPalSuccessLevel = 999; // 999 =. unknown
            redirect_approvalUrlFromCreatedPayment = String.Empty;

            String argumentsPlusPayPalClentID = "AU ... 6G"; // todo   ... your PayPal REST API SDK user ID
            String argumentsPlusPayPalSecret  = "EA ... -f"; // todo   ... your PayPal REST API SDK PASSWORD
            //          String payPalRestApiEndpoint      = ""; // For TESTING !!!
                                           // = "";         // For LIVE    !!!
            // ................................
            Dictionary<String, String> sdkConfig = new Dictionary<String, String>();
            sdkConfig.Add("mode", "sandbox");
            // ................................
            // example:  "Exception in HttpConnection Execute: Invalid HTTP response The operation has timed out"
            String oAuthAccessTokenForPayPal = String.Empty; // scope outside of try/catch
                    = new PayPal
            }                                          // .GetAccessToken takes us over to PayPal
            catch (Exception)
                throw;  // todo ... make this code more robust
            // ................................
            // We're back from PayPal with our access token.
            PayPal.APIContext apiContext // use the "Bearer" token from PayPal
                = new PayPal.APIContext(oAuthAccessTokenForPayPal);
            apiContext.Config = sdkConfig;
            // ................................
            PayPal.Api.Payments.Amount argumentsPlusPayPalPaymentAmount
                = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Amount();
            argumentsPlusPayPalPaymentAmount.currency = "GBP"; // UK Pound Sterling; "USD" for US$
   = productCost.ToString();
            // ................................
            String description = String.Empty; // 127 character maximum length
            description        = productDescription + " "
                               + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()
                               + " -- " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                               + " -- " + productCost + " U.K. pounds"
                               + " -- Thank you " + yourname
                               + " for your purchase.";
            // ................................
            // borrowed code from:
            // Regex.Replace Method (String, String)
            // ...  match ALL one or more white-space characters in our description text,
            //      replace EACH instance found with just one space.
            System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regexPattern
                        = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\s+");
            description = regexPattern.Replace(description, " ");
            //  PayPal's HTML will drop extra whilespace, so we do not send any extra whitespace.
            // ................................
            PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction argumentsSale
                = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction();
            if (description.Length > 127) description = description.Substring(0, 127);
                                       // allow no more that 127 characters (PayPal's Limit)
            argumentsSale.description                 = description;
            argumentsSale.amount = argumentsPlusPayPalPaymentAmount;
            // ................................
            List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction> transactionList
                = new List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction>();
            // ................................
            PayPal.Api.Payments.Payer argumentBuyer
                = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Payer();
            // The payment method "paypal" lets the customer choose
            // whether to pay us using a PayPal account
            // or to pay us with their credit card as a PayPal guest.
            argumentBuyer.payment_method        = "paypal";
            // ................................
            // Note:  we need some way to connect PayPal's response
            //        back to our customer ... TIMTOWTDI
            Guid reconnectToOurBuyer = Guid.NewGuid();
            PayPal.Api.Payments.RedirectUrls redirUrls
                = new PayPal.Api.Payments.RedirectUrls();
            String cancelURL = "http://localhost:53326/home/argumentsnotsold/"
                             + reconnectToOurBuyer.ToString("N");  // customer changes her/his mind
            String returnURL = "http://localhost:53326/home/argumentssold/"
                             + reconnectToOurBuyer.ToString("N");  // Hurrah!  A sale!
            redirUrls.cancel_url = cancelURL;
            redirUrls.return_url = returnURL;
            // ................................
            // Next, we create a Payment object to send to PayPal
            PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment getInvoiceFromPayPal = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment();
            getInvoiceFromPayPal.intent        = "sale";
            getInvoiceFromPayPal.payer         = argumentBuyer;
            getInvoiceFromPayPal.transactions  = transactionList;
            getInvoiceFromPayPal.redirect_urls = redirUrls;
            // ................................

            PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment createdInvoice = null; // scope outside of try/catch
                // the next line can fail, for example:
                createdInvoice = getInvoiceFromPayPal.Create(apiContext); //  <==
                // SUCCESSFUL CREATION
                // we must persist (the value)
                payPalSuccessLevel = 100; // successful
                SavePayPalInvoice(reconnectToOurBuyer, createdInvoice);

            catch (PayPal.Exception.ConnectionException connectionExceptionPayPal)
                 payPalSuccessLevel = 111;
                    "Invalid HTTP response The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.")
                   == 0)
                    payPalSuccessLevel += 10000;
                    if(String.Compare(connectionExceptionPayPal.Response.Substring(0, response_VALIDATION_ERROR_Length),
                                      response_VALIDATION_ERROR) == 0)
                        // todo Take appropriate action
                        payPalSuccessLevel += 20000;
                        // todo Take appropriate action
                else if(String.Compare(connectionExceptionPayPal.Message,
                    "Invalid HTTP response The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.")
                   == 0)
                    payPalSuccessLevel = 500;
                    if (String.Compare(connectionExceptionPayPal.Response.Substring(0, response_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR_Length),
                                       response_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR) == 0)
                        payPalSuccessLevel += 30000;
                        // todo Take appropriate action
                        payPalSuccessLevel += 40000;
                        // todo Take appropriate action
                    payPalSuccessLevel = 666;
                    // todo Take appropriate action
            //              throw;        // todo complete
            catch (PayPal.Exception.PayPalException paypalException)
                if (String.Compare(paypalException.Message,
                    "Exception in HttpConnection Execute: Invalid HTTP response The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.")
                   == 0)
                {   // the "may" be an inner exception
                    payPalSuccessLevel = 777;
                    if (paypalException.InnerException != null) // we take a chance that the InnerException is PayPal.Exception.ConnectionException
                            PayPal.Exception.ConnectionException payPalInnerException = (PayPal.Exception.ConnectionException)paypalException.InnerException;
                            if (String.Compare(payPalInnerException.Response.Substring(0, response_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR_Length),
                   response_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR) == 0)
                                payPalSuccessLevel = 30777;       // fine tune our error code
                                // todo Take appropriate action
                                payPalSuccessLevel = 40777;       // fine tune our error code
                                // todo Take appropriate action
                        catch (Exception)
                            payPalSuccessLevel = 50777;           // fine tune our error code
                            // we probably guessed wrong
                            // todo ........... handle appropriately
                    payPalSuccessLevel = 888;
                    // todo Take appropriate action
                //              throw;        // todo complete
            catch (Exception genericException)  // todo complete
                // example causes:
                // (a) "No connection string named 'ArgumentPlusContext'
                //      could be found in the application config file."
                // (b) "Directory lookup for the file
                //      c:\argumentsPlus\argumentClinic.mdf\" failed
                //      with the operating system error
                //      The system cannot find the file specified.
                //         CREATE DATABASE failed.
                payPalSuccessLevel = 2222;
                // todo Take appropriate action

            // ................................
            Boolean approval_url_found = false;
            if(payPalSuccessLevel == 100)
                List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Links> linksFromCreatedPayment = createdInvoice.links;
                foreach (PayPal.Api.Payments.Links rel_approval in linksFromCreatedPayment)
                    if (rel_approval.rel.ToLower().Equals("approval_url"))
                        redirect_approvalUrlFromCreatedPayment = Server.UrlDecode(rel_approval.href);
                        approval_url_found = true;
                if (!approval_url_found) payPalSuccessLevel = 69;
            return payPalSuccessLevel;
 private PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment GetSavedPayPalInvoice(string id)
     Guid savedInvoiceKey = new Guid(); // will be all zeros
         savedInvoiceKey  = new Guid(id);
     catch (Exception)    // could happen; probability low
         // todo for now ignore ==> TIMTOWTDI
     PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment createdInvoice
         = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment(); // scope outside using
     // ................................
     using (ArgumentsPlus.Controllers.ArgumentPlusContext
      = new ArgumentPlusContext())
         var approvedPayPalPayment
             = argumentsPlusDb.TinyInvoices// define the query
              .Where(guid => guid.ReconnectToOurBuyer == savedInvoiceKey);
         var getOnePayPalPendingPayment = approvedPayPalPayment.ToList();
                   // .ToList() will force the query to hit the database
         Int32 numberOfInvoices = getOnePayPalPendingPayment.Count;
                                  // should be ZERO or ONE
         if (numberOfInvoices == 1)
                 = getOnePayPalPendingPayment[0].PayPalPayment_Identifier;
         } // if (numberOfInvoices == 1)
         else // should ALWAYS be ONE !!!!!!!!!
             throw new NotImplementedException();  // todo "well, this is embarrassing"
     return createdInvoice;
        public ActionResult ArgumentsSold(String id,      // your ID
                                          String token,   // PayPal token
                                          String PayerID)
            String payment_id                   = String.Empty;
            String executeUrlFromCreatedPayment = String.Empty;
            // ................................
            //  ======>      // THINGS WE NEED TO USE THE PAYPAL REST API
            //  ======>      String argumentsPlusPayPalClentID = " ... your user ID for Arguments Plus ...";
            //  ======>      String argumentsPlusPayPalSecret  = " ... this is YOUR PASSWORD ...";
            String argumentsPlusPayPalClentID = "AU ... 6G"; // todo   ... your PayPal REST API SDK user ID
            String argumentsPlusPayPalSecret  = "EA ... -f"; // todo   ... your PayPal REST API SDK PASSWORD
            //  ======>      String payPalRestApiEndpoint      = ""; // For TESTING !!!
            //  ======>                                     // = "";         // For LIVE    !!!
            Dictionary<String, String> sdkConfig = new Dictionary<String, String>();
            sdkConfig.Add("mode", "sandbox");
            // ................................
            // example:  "Exception in HttpConnection Execute: Invalid HTTP response The operation has timed out"
            String oAuthAccessTokenForPayPal = String.Empty; // scope outside of try/catch
                oAuthAccessTokenForPayPal = new PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential(argumentsPlusPayPalClentID,
            }                                                                      // .GetAccessToken takes us over to PayPal
            catch (Exception)
                throw;  // todo ... make this code more robust
            // ................................
            PayPal.APIContext apiContext = new PayPal.APIContext(oAuthAccessTokenForPayPal);
            apiContext.Config = sdkConfig;
            // ................................
            // id is our Guid for reconnecting to our customer's invoice
            PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment createdInvoice
                       = GetSavedPayPalInvoice(id);
            // ................................
            // now we convert the approved invoice into an actual payment
            PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment payment
                       = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment();
   =; // use the previously returned "invoice" identifier

            PayPal.Api.Payments.PaymentExecution askPayPalForMoney = new PayPal.Api.Payments.PaymentExecution();
            askPayPalForMoney.payer_id = PayerID; // from Query string ==> ?token=EC-3LN850372M719842K&PayerID=JJT6YSAZSFJTC
            PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment paidInvoice = null;  // scope outside of try/catch
            {   //  an APPROVED PAYMENT morphs into a SALE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                paidInvoice = payment.Execute(apiContext, askPayPalForMoney);  // off to PayPal
               		        // Here, if all has gone well, we're just right back from PayPal
                // and the money for the above invoice is now in our PayPal Merchant Account.
                ViewBag.PaidInvoice = paidInvoice;
            catch (PayPal.Exception.ConnectionException connectionExceptionPayPal)
                if (String.Compare(connectionExceptionPayPal.Message,
                    "Invalid HTTP response The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.")
                   == 0)
                    String response_PAYMENT_STATE_INVALID =
                             "{\"name\":\"PAYMENT_STATE_INVALID\",\"message\":\"This request is invalid due to the current state of the payment\",\"information_link\":\"\",\"debug_id\":\"";
                    Int32  response_PAYMENT_STATE_INVALID_Length = response_PAYMENT_STATE_INVALID.Length;
                    if (String.Compare(connectionExceptionPayPal.Response.Substring(0,response_PAYMENT_STATE_INVALID_Length),
                                       response_PAYMENT_STATE_INVALID) == 0)
                        // todo Take appropriate action
                        // todo Take appropriate action
                    // todo Take appropriate action
                throw;        // todo complete this code ... for PRODUCTION, more robustness is a must!
             	catch (Exception generalExceptionGettingMoney)
             		throw;  // todo ... deal with this error appropriately ("throw" is not appropriate)
            // ................................
            // PayPal has provided data -- we capture as much or as little as when require.
            // We can save the PayPal data and/or display it on our web page, et cetera.
            // Remember:  respect your customers' privacy.  Protect their data.

            String payment_state    = String.Empty;       // N.B.:  this is NOT the province/state/region
            payment_state           = paidInvoice.state;  // Possible Values:  pending, approved
            ViewBag.Payment_State   = payment_state;

            String payment_intent   = String.Empty;
            payment_intent          = paidInvoice.intent;  // Expected Value:  "sale"
            ViewBag.Payment_Intent  = payment_intent;

            String payment_method   = String.Empty;
            payment_method          = paidInvoice.payer.payment_method;  // Expected Value:  "paypal"
            ViewBag.Payment_Method  = payment_method;

            String parent_payment = String.Empty;
            parent_payment          = paidInvoice.transactions[0].related_resources[0].sale.parent_payment;
            ViewBag.Parent_Payment  = parent_payment;

            String update_time      = String.Empty;
            update_time             = paidInvoice.update_time; // "2014-02-05T04:06:39Z"     string
            ViewBag.Update_Time     = update_time;

            String create_time      = String.Empty;
            create_time             = paidInvoice.create_time; // "2014-02-05T04:06:39Z"     string
            ViewBag.Create_Time     = create_time;

            // ................................
            String payPal_email_address  = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::email  "*****@*****.**"  string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(
                payPal_email_address     =;
            ViewBag.PayPal_Email_Address = payPal_email_address;

            String payPal_first_name     = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::first_name	"gerry"	string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.first_name))
                payPal_first_name        = paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.first_name;
            ViewBag.PayPal_First_Name    = payPal_first_name;

            String payPal_last_name      = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::last_name	"lowry"	string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.last_name))
                payPal_last_name         = paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.last_name;
            ViewBag.PayPal_Last_Name     = payPal_last_name;

            String payPal_phone  = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::phone null string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(
                payPal_phone     =;
            ViewBag.PayPal_Phone = payPal_phone;

            String payPal_city = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::city	"SAN Jose"	string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(
                payPal_city    =;
            ViewBag.City       = payPal_city;

            String payPal_country_code  = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::country_code	"US"	string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.shipping_address.country_code))
                payPal_country_code     = paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.shipping_address.country_code;
            ViewBag.PayPal_Country_Code = payPal_country_code;

            String payPal_address_line1  = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::line1	"1 Main St"	string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.shipping_address.line1))
                payPal_address_line1     = paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.shipping_address.line1;
            ViewBag.PayPal_Address_Line1 = payPal_address_line1;

            String payPal_address_line2  = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::line2	null	string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.shipping_address.line2))
                payPal_address_line2     = paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.shipping_address.line2;
            ViewBag.PayPal_Address_Line2 = payPal_address_line2;

            String payPal_postal_code  = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::postal_code	"95131"	string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.shipping_address.postal_code))
                payPal_postal_code     = paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.shipping_address.postal_code;
            ViewBag.PayPal_Postal_Code = payPal_postal_code;

            String payPal_address_state  = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::state	"CA"	string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.shipping_address.state))
                payPal_address_state     = paidInvoice.payer.payer_info.shipping_address.state;
            ViewBag.PayPal_Address_State = payPal_address_state;

            // ................................
            String payPal_transaction_amount_total  = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::transation[0].amount" string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paidInvoice.transactions[0]
                payPal_transaction_amount_total     = paidInvoice.transactions[0];
            ViewBag.PayPal_Transaction_Amount_Total = payPal_transaction_amount_total;

            String payPal_transaction_amount_currency  = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::transation[0].amount" string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paidInvoice.transactions[0]
                payPal_transaction_amount_currency     = paidInvoice.transactions[0].amount.currency;
            ViewBag.PayPal_Transaction_Amount_Currency = payPal_transaction_amount_currency;

            String payPal_transaction_descripition = String.Empty;  //  paidInvoice::transation[0].amount" string
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paidInvoice.transactions[0]
                payPal_transaction_descripition = paidInvoice.transactions[0].description;
            ViewBag.PayPal_Transaction_Description = payPal_transaction_descripition;
            // ................................
            return View();