public static void QuickFilterPawnKind( PawnKindDef def ) { ResetFilter(); FilterAllPawnKinds(); FilterPawnKind.Add( def ); EnableFilter(); }
public MapCondition_Migration() { animalPawnDef = MigrationUtilities.GetMigrationAnimalDef(); migrationEnterVec = MigrationUtilities.FindMigrationEnterVec(); migrationExitVec = MigrationUtilities.FindMigrationExitVec(migrationEnterVec); ticksUntilNextWave = GenerateTicksUntilNexWave(true); }
public static void SpawnPawnCorpse(IntVec3 spawnCell, PawnKindDef pawnKindDef, Faction faction, float rotProgressInTicks, bool removeEquipment = false) { Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(pawnKindDef, faction); GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, spawnCell); if (removeEquipment) {; pawn.inventory.DestroyAll(); } KillAndRotPawn(pawn, rotProgressInTicks); }
public void TryToCaptureOutpost(string eventTitle, string eventText, LetterType letterType, Faction turretsNewFaction, bool deactivateTurrets, Faction doorsNewFaction, bool deactivateDoors, int dropPodsNumber, PawnKindDef securityForcesDef) { SetOutpostSecurityForcesHostileToColony(); this.outpostThingList = OG_Util.RefreshThingList(this.outpostThingList); ChangeOutpostThingsFaction(null); ChangeOutpostTurretsFaction(turretsNewFaction, deactivateTurrets); ChangeOutpostDoorsFaction(doorsNewFaction, deactivateDoors); LaunchSecurityDropPods(dropPodsNumber, securityForcesDef, true); OG_Util.DestroyOutpostArea(); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter(eventTitle, eventText, letterType, new TargetInfo(this.Position)); }
public static void TogglePawnKindFilter(PawnKindDef pawnKind, bool remove = true) { if (remove) { FilterPawnKind.Remove(pawnKind); } else { if (FilterPawnKind == null) ResetPawnKindFilter(); // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException FilterPawnKind.Add(pawnKind); } if (!Filter) EnableFilter(); FilterPossible = true; }
public AcceptanceReport CanBeTrained( PawnKindDef pawnKind, TrainableDef td, out bool visible ) { if ( pawnKind.RaceProps.untrainableTags != null ) { for ( int index = 0; index < pawnKind.RaceProps.untrainableTags.Count; ++index ) { if ( td.MatchesTag( pawnKind.RaceProps.untrainableTags[index] ) ) { visible = false; return false; } } } if ( pawnKind.RaceProps.trainableTags != null ) { for ( int index = 0; index < pawnKind.RaceProps.trainableTags.Count; ++index ) { if ( td.MatchesTag( pawnKind.RaceProps.trainableTags[index] ) ) { if ( pawnKind.RaceProps.baseBodySize < (double)td.minBodySize ) { visible = true; return new AcceptanceReport( "CannotTrainTooSmall".Translate( (object)pawnKind.LabelCap ) ); } visible = true; return true; } } } if ( !td.defaultTrainable ) { visible = false; return false; } if ( pawnKind.RaceProps.baseBodySize < (double)td.minBodySize ) { visible = true; return new AcceptanceReport( "CannotTrainTooSmall".Translate( (object)pawnKind.LabelCap ) ); } if ( pawnKind.RaceProps.trainableIntelligence < td.requiredTrainableIntelligence ) { visible = true; return new AcceptanceReport( "CannotTrainNotSmartEnough".Translate( (object)td.requiredTrainableIntelligence ) ); } visible = true; return true; }
private void DrawAvailableJobList( Rect outRect, Rect viewRect ) { // set sizes viewRect.height = _availablePawnKinds.Count * _listEntryHeight; if ( viewRect.height > outRect.height ) { viewRect.width -= 16f; } Widgets.BeginScrollView( outRect, ref _scrollPosition, viewRect ); GUI.BeginGroup( viewRect ); for ( var i = 0; i < _availablePawnKinds.Count; i++ ) { // set up rect var row = new Rect( 0f, _listEntryHeight * i, viewRect.width, _listEntryHeight ); // highlights Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover( row ); if ( i % 2 == 0 ) { Widgets.DrawAltRect( row ); } if ( _availablePawnKinds[i] == _selectedAvailable ) { Widgets.DrawHighlightSelected( row ); } // draw label string label = _availablePawnKinds[i].LabelCap + "\n<i>" + "FML.TameWildCount".Translate( _availablePawnKinds[i].GetTame( manager ).Count, _availablePawnKinds[i].GetWild( manager ).Count ) + "</i>"; Utilities.Label( row, label, null, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Utilities.Margin * 2 ); // button if ( Widgets.ButtonInvisible( row ) ) { _selectedAvailable = _availablePawnKinds[i]; // for highlighting to work Selected = new ManagerJob_Livestock( _availablePawnKinds[i], manager ); // for details } } GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
private void DrawPawnKindRow( PawnKindDef pawnKind ) { var rectRow = new Rect( _x, _y, ColWidth, _rowHeight ); var rectLabel = new Rect( _x, _y, LabWidth, _rowHeight ); if ( pawnKind != null ) { Widgets.Label( rectLabel, pawnKind.LabelCap ); var rectIcon = new Rect( _x2 + _iconWidthOffset, _y, _iconSize, _iconSize ); bool inList = Widgets_Filter.FilterPawnKind.Contains( pawnKind ); GUI.DrawTexture( rectIcon, inList ? Widgets.CheckboxOnTex : Widgets.CheckboxOffTex ); if ( Mouse.IsOver( rectRow ) ) { GUI.DrawTexture( rectRow, TexUI.HighlightTex ); } if ( Widgets.ButtonInvisible( rectRow ) ) { if ( inList ) { SoundDefOf.CheckboxTurnedOff.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } else { SoundDefOf.CheckboxTurnedOn.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } Widgets_Filter.TogglePawnKindFilter( pawnKind, inList ); MainTabWindow_Animals.IsDirty = true; } } _y += _rowHeight; }
static FactionControl() { RimeffectRacesSettings settings = RimeffectRacesMod.mod.settings; if (!settings.AsariFaction) { RimeffectRacesDefOf.AsariFaction.requiredCountAtGameStart = 0; RimeffectRacesDefOf.AsariFaction.maxCountAtGameStart = 0; PawnKindDef AsariPlayer = PawnKindDef.Named("AsariPlayer"); PawnKindDef AsariSlave = PawnKindDef.Named("AsariSlave"); PawnKindDef AsariRefugee = PawnKindDef.Named("AsariRefugee"); PawnKindDef AsariColonist = PawnKindDef.Named("AsariColonist"); RimeffectRacesDefOf.AsariRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.startingColonists.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(AsariPlayer)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.AsariRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienslavekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(AsariSlave)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.AsariRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienrefugeekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(AsariRefugee)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.AsariRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienwandererkinds.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(AsariColonist)).First().chance = 0f; } if (!settings.BatarianFaction) { RimeffectRacesDefOf.BatarianFaction.requiredCountAtGameStart = 0; RimeffectRacesDefOf.BatarianFaction.maxCountAtGameStart = 0; PawnKindDef PlayerBatarian = PawnKindDef.Named("PlayerBatarian"); PawnKindDef BatarianSlave01 = PawnKindDef.Named("BatarianSlave01"); PawnKindDef BatarianColonist01 = PawnKindDef.Named("BatarianColonist01"); PawnKindDef BatarianSoldier01 = PawnKindDef.Named("BatarianSoldier01"); RimeffectRacesDefOf.batarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.startingColonists.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(PlayerBatarian)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.batarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienslavekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(BatarianSlave01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.batarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienrefugeekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(BatarianColonist01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.batarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienwandererkinds.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(BatarianSoldier01)).First().chance = 0f; } if (!settings.EnkindlerFaction) { RimeffectRacesDefOf.EnkindlerFaction.requiredCountAtGameStart = 0; RimeffectRacesDefOf.EnkindlerFaction.maxCountAtGameStart = 0; PawnKindDef PlayerDrell = PawnKindDef.Named("PlayerDrell"); PawnKindDef DrellSlave01 = PawnKindDef.Named("DrellSlave01"); PawnKindDef DrellColonist01 = PawnKindDef.Named("DrellColonist01"); PawnKindDef DrellSoldier01 = PawnKindDef.Named("DrellSoldier01"); PawnKindDef PlayerHanar = PawnKindDef.Named("PlayerHanar"); PawnKindDef HanarSlave01 = PawnKindDef.Named("HanarSlave01"); PawnKindDef HanarColonist01 = PawnKindDef.Named("HanarColonist01"); RimeffectRacesDefOf.drellRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.startingColonists.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(PlayerDrell)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.drellRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienslavekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(DrellSlave01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.drellRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienrefugeekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(DrellColonist01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.drellRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienwandererkinds.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(DrellSoldier01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.hanarRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.startingColonists.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(PlayerHanar)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.hanarRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienslavekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(HanarSlave01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.hanarRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienrefugeekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(HanarColonist01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.hanarRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienwandererkinds.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(HanarColonist01)).First().chance = 0f; } if (!settings.KroganFaction) { RimeffectRacesDefOf.KroganFaction.requiredCountAtGameStart = 0; RimeffectRacesDefOf.KroganFaction.maxCountAtGameStart = 0; PawnKindDef PlayerKrogan = PawnKindDef.Named("PlayerKrogan"); PawnKindDef KroganSlave01 = PawnKindDef.Named("KroganSlave01"); PawnKindDef KroganColonist01 = PawnKindDef.Named("KroganColonist01"); PawnKindDef KroganSoldier01 = PawnKindDef.Named("KroganSoldier01"); RimeffectRacesDefOf.kroganRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.startingColonists.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(PlayerKrogan)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.kroganRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienslavekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(KroganSlave01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.kroganRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienrefugeekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(KroganColonist01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.kroganRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienwandererkinds.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(KroganSoldier01)).First().chance = 0f; } if (!settings.QuarianFaction) { RimeffectRacesDefOf.QuarianFaction.requiredCountAtGameStart = 0; RimeffectRacesDefOf.QuarianFaction.maxCountAtGameStart = 0; PawnKindDef PlayerQuarian = PawnKindDef.Named("PlayerQuarian"); PawnKindDef QuarianSlave01 = PawnKindDef.Named("QuarianSlave01"); PawnKindDef QuarianColonist01 = PawnKindDef.Named("QuarianColonist01"); PawnKindDef QuarianSoldier01 = PawnKindDef.Named("QuarianSoldier01"); RimeffectRacesDefOf.quarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.startingColonists.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(PlayerQuarian)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.quarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienslavekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(QuarianSlave01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.quarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienrefugeekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(QuarianColonist01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.quarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienwandererkinds.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(QuarianSoldier01)).First().chance = 0f; } if (!settings.SalarianFaction) { RimeffectRacesDefOf.SalarianFaction.requiredCountAtGameStart = 0; RimeffectRacesDefOf.SalarianFaction.maxCountAtGameStart = 0; PawnKindDef PlayerSalarian = PawnKindDef.Named("PlayerSalarian"); PawnKindDef SalarianSlave01 = PawnKindDef.Named("SalarianSlave01"); PawnKindDef SalarianColonist01 = PawnKindDef.Named("SalarianColonist01"); PawnKindDef SalarianSoldier01 = PawnKindDef.Named("SalarianSoldier01"); RimeffectRacesDefOf.salarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.startingColonists.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(PlayerSalarian)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.salarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienslavekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(SalarianSlave01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.salarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienrefugeekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(SalarianColonist01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.salarianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienwandererkinds.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(SalarianSoldier01)).First().chance = 0f; } if (!settings.TurianFaction) { RimeffectRacesDefOf.TurianFaction.requiredCountAtGameStart = 0; RimeffectRacesDefOf.TurianFaction.maxCountAtGameStart = 0; PawnKindDef PlayerTurian = PawnKindDef.Named("PlayerTurian"); PawnKindDef TurianSlave01 = PawnKindDef.Named("TurianSlave01"); PawnKindDef TurianColonist01 = PawnKindDef.Named("TurianColonist01"); PawnKindDef TurianSoldier01 = PawnKindDef.Named("TurianSoldier01"); RimeffectRacesDefOf.turianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.startingColonists.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(PlayerTurian)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.turianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienslavekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(TurianSlave01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.turianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienrefugeekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(TurianColonist01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.turianRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienwandererkinds.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(TurianSoldier01)).First().chance = 0f; } if (!settings.VorchaFaction) { RimeffectRacesDefOf.VorchaFaction.requiredCountAtGameStart = 0; RimeffectRacesDefOf.VorchaFaction.maxCountAtGameStart = 0; PawnKindDef PlayerVorcha = PawnKindDef.Named("PlayerVorcha"); PawnKindDef VorchaSlave01 = PawnKindDef.Named("VorchaSlave01"); PawnKindDef VorchaColonist01 = PawnKindDef.Named("VorchaColonist01"); PawnKindDef VorchaSoldier01 = PawnKindDef.Named("VorchaSoldier01"); RimeffectRacesDefOf.vorchaRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.startingColonists.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(PlayerVorcha)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.vorchaRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienslavekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(VorchaSlave01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.vorchaRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienrefugeekinds.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(VorchaColonist01)).First().chance = 0f; RimeffectRacesDefOf.vorchaRaceSettings.pawnKindSettings.alienwandererkinds.First().pawnKindEntries.Where(x => x.kindDefs.Contains(VorchaSoldier01)).First().chance = 0f; } if (!settings.WhiteHandFaction) { RimeffectRacesDefOf.WhiteHandFaction.requiredCountAtGameStart = 0; RimeffectRacesDefOf.WhiteHandFaction.maxCountAtGameStart = 0; } if (!settings.GethRER) { RimeffectRacesDefOf.GethRER.requiredCountAtGameStart = 0; RimeffectRacesDefOf.GethRER.maxCountAtGameStart = 0; } if (!settings.Reapers) { RimeffectRacesDefOf.Reapers.requiredCountAtGameStart = 0; RimeffectRacesDefOf.Reapers.maxCountAtGameStart = 0; } }
public static IEnumerable <PawnKindDef> ImpliedPawnKindDefs() { Log.Message("[KK]Generating pawnKind"); var i = 0; //generating Foreach foreach (var metal in from def in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs.ToList() where def.stuffProps != null && def.stuffProps.categories.Contains(StuffCategoryDefOf.Metallic) select def) { //referencing Template var bug = ThingDef.Named("Bug_" + metal.defName); var bugKind = new PawnKindDef(); //aux floats var maxHitPoints = metal.stuffProps.statFactors.GetStatFactorFromList(StatDefOf.MaxHitPoints); var meleeWeapon_CooldownMultiplier = metal.stuffProps.statFactors.GetStatFactorFromList(StatDefOf.MeleeWeapon_CooldownMultiplier); var sharpDamageMultiplier = metal.statBases.GetStatFactorFromList(StatDefOf.SharpDamageMultiplier); var bluntDamageMultiplier = metal.statBases.GetStatFactorFromList(StatDefOf.BluntDamageMultiplier); //Defining General Value/Rarity float of generated PawnKind var valueMultiplier = (float)Math.Round( maxHitPoints * sharpDamageMultiplier * bluntDamageMultiplier / meleeWeapon_CooldownMultiplier, 2); //Defining PawnKindDef bugKind.defName = "Bug_" + metal.defName; bugKind.label = metal.label + " scarab"; bugKind.description = "Metal scarab. Quite valuable and it's carapace can be smelted"; bugKind.race = bug; bugKind.combatPower = 40 * valueMultiplier; bugKind.canArriveManhunter = false; bugKind.lifeStages = new List <PawnKindLifeStage> { new PawnKindLifeStage { bodyGraphicData = new GraphicData { texPath = "Things/Pawn/Animal/Megascarab/Megascarab", drawSize = new Vector2(1.26f, 1.26f), color = metal.stuffProps.color }, dessicatedBodyGraphicData = new GraphicData { texPath = "Things/Pawn/Animal/Megascarab/Dessicated_Megascarab", drawSize = new Vector2(1, 1) } }, new PawnKindLifeStage { bodyGraphicData = new GraphicData { texPath = "Things/Pawn/Animal/Megascarab/Megascarab", drawSize = new Vector2(1.57f, 1.57f), color = metal.stuffProps.color }, dessicatedBodyGraphicData = new GraphicData { texPath = "Things/Pawn/Animal/Megascarab/Dessicated_Megascarab", drawSize = new Vector2(1.13f, 1.13f) } }, new PawnKindLifeStage { bodyGraphicData = new GraphicData { texPath = "Things/Pawn/Animal/Megascarab/Megascarab", drawSize = new Vector2(1.89f, 1.89f), color = metal.stuffProps.color }, dessicatedBodyGraphicData = new GraphicData { texPath = "Things/Pawn/Animal/Megascarab/Dessicated_Megascarab", drawSize = new Vector2(1.26f, 1.26f) } } }; yield return(bugKind); i++; } Log.Message("[KK]Pawns generated: " + i); }
private static PawnBio TryGetRandomUnusedSolidBioFor(List <string> backstoryCategories, PawnKindDef kind, Gender gender, string requiredLastName) { NameTriple prefName = null; if (Rand.Value < 0.5f) { prefName = Prefs.RandomPreferredName(); if (prefName != null && (prefName.UsedThisGame || (requiredLastName != null && prefName.Last != requiredLastName))) { prefName = null; } } PawnBio result; while (true) { result = null; if (SolidBioDatabase.allBios.TakeRandom(20).Where(delegate(PawnBio bio) { if (bio.gender != GenderPossibility.Either) { if (gender == Gender.Male && bio.gender != GenderPossibility.Male) { return(false); } if (gender == Gender.Female && bio.gender != GenderPossibility.Female) { return(false); } } if (!requiredLastName.NullOrEmpty() && != requiredLastName) { return(false); } if (prefName != null && ! { return(false); } if (kind.factionLeader && !bio.pirateKing) { return(false); } bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < bio.adulthood.spawnCategories.Count; i++) { if (backstoryCategories.Contains(bio.adulthood.spawnCategories[i])) { flag = true; break; } } return(flag && !; }).TryRandomElementByWeight(new Func <PawnBio, float>(PawnBioAndNameGenerator.BioSelectionWeight), out result) || prefName == null) { break; } prefName = null; } return(result); }
public CustomPawn LoadPawn(SaveRecordPawnV4 record) { PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = null; if (record.pawnKindDef != null) { pawnKindDef = DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.pawnKindDef); if (pawnKindDef == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not find the pawn kind definition for the saved character: \"" + record.pawnKindDef + "\""); return(null); } } ThingDef pawnThingDef = ThingDefOf.Human; if (record.thingDef != null) { ThingDef thingDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.thingDef); if (thingDef != null) { pawnThingDef = thingDef; } } Pawn source; if (pawnKindDef != null) { source = new Randomizer().GenerateKindOfColonist(pawnKindDef); } else { source = new Randomizer().GenerateColonist(); }; CustomPawn pawn = new CustomPawn(source); if (pawn.Id == null) { pawn.GenerateId(); } else { pawn.Id =; } if (record.type != null) { try { pawn.Type = (CustomPawnType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CustomPawnType), record.type); } catch (Exception) { pawn.Type = CustomPawnType.Colonist; } } else { pawn.Type = CustomPawnType.Colonist; } pawn.Gender = record.gender; if (record.age > 0) { pawn.ChronologicalAge = record.age; pawn.BiologicalAge = record.age; } if (record.chronologicalAge > 0) { pawn.ChronologicalAge = record.chronologicalAge; } if (record.biologicalAge > 0) { pawn.BiologicalAge = record.biologicalAge; } pawn.FirstName = record.firstName; pawn.NickName = record.nickName; pawn.LastName = record.lastName; if (pawn.Type == CustomPawnType.World) { if (record.faction != null) { if (record.faction.def != null) { FactionDef factionDef = DefDatabase <FactionDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.faction.def); if (factionDef != null) { bool randomFaction = false; if (record.faction.index != null) { CustomFaction customFaction = null; if (!record.faction.leader) { customFaction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.FindCustomFactionByIndex(factionDef, record.faction.index.Value); } else { customFaction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.FindCustomFactionWithLeaderOptionByIndex(factionDef, record.faction.index.Value); } if (customFaction != null) { pawn.Faction = customFaction; } else { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not place at least one preset character into a saved faction because there were not enough available factions of that type in the world"); randomFaction = true; } } else { randomFaction = true; } if (randomFaction) { CustomFaction customFaction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.FindRandomCustomFactionByDef(factionDef); if (customFaction != null) { pawn.Faction = customFaction; } } } else { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not place at least one preset character into a saved faction because that faction is not available in the world"); } } } } HairDef h = FindHairDef(record.hairDef); if (h != null) { pawn.HairDef = h; } else { Log.Warning("Could not load hair definition \"" + record.hairDef + "\""); Failed = true; } pawn.HeadGraphicPath = record.headGraphicPath; pawn.Pawn.story.hairColor = record.hairColor; if (record.melanin >= 0.0f) { pawn.MelaninLevel = record.melanin; } else { pawn.MelaninLevel = PawnColorUtils.FindMelaninValueFromColor(record.skinColor); } // Set the skin color (only for Alien Races). if (pawn.AlienRace != null) { pawn.SkinColor = record.skinColor; } Backstory backstory = FindBackstory(record.childhood); if (backstory != null) { pawn.Childhood = backstory; } else { Log.Warning("Could not load childhood backstory definition \"" + record.childhood + "\""); Failed = true; } if (record.adulthood != null) { backstory = FindBackstory(record.adulthood); if (backstory != null) { pawn.Adulthood = backstory; } else { Log.Warning("Could not load adulthood backstory definition \"" + record.adulthood + "\""); Failed = true; } } BodyTypeDef bodyType = null; try { bodyType = DefDatabase <BodyTypeDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.bodyType); } catch (Exception) { } if (bodyType == null) { if (pawn.Adulthood != null) { bodyType = pawn.Adulthood.BodyTypeFor(pawn.Gender); } else { bodyType = pawn.Childhood.BodyTypeFor(pawn.Gender); } } if (bodyType != null) { pawn.BodyType = bodyType; } pawn.ClearTraits(); for (int i = 0; i < record.traitNames.Count; i++) { string traitName = record.traitNames[i]; Trait trait = FindTrait(traitName, record.traitDegrees[i]); if (trait != null) { pawn.AddTrait(trait); } else { Log.Warning("Could not load trait definition \"" + traitName + "\""); Failed = true; } } foreach (var skill in record.skills) { SkillDef def = FindSkillDef(pawn.Pawn,; if (def == null) { Log.Warning("Could not load skill definition \"" + + "\" from saved preset"); Failed = true; continue; } pawn.currentPassions[def] = skill.passion; pawn.originalPassions[def] = skill.passion; pawn.SetOriginalSkillLevel(def, skill.value); pawn.SetUnmodifiedSkillLevel(def, skill.value); } foreach (var layer in PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.PawnLayers.GetLayersForPawn(pawn)) { if (layer.Apparel) { pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, null); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, null); } } List <PawnLayer> apparelLayers = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.PawnLayers.GetLayersForPawn(pawn).FindAll((layer) => { return(layer.Apparel); }); foreach (var apparelRecord in record.apparel) { // Find the pawn layer for the saved apparel record. PawnLayer layer = apparelLayers.FirstOrDefault((apparelLayer) => { return(apparelLayer.Name == apparelRecord.layer); }); if (layer == null) { Log.Warning("Could not find a matching pawn layer for the saved apparel \"" + apparelRecord.layer + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } if (apparelRecord.apparel.NullOrEmpty()) { Log.Warning("Saved apparel entry for layer \"" + apparelRecord.layer + "\" had an empty apparel def"); Failed = true; continue; } // Set the defaults. pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, null); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, null); pawn.SetColor(layer, Color.white); ThingDef def = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(apparelRecord.apparel); if (def == null) { Log.Warning("Could not load thing definition for apparel \"" + apparelRecord.apparel + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } ThingDef stuffDef = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apparelRecord.stuff)) { stuffDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(apparelRecord.stuff); if (stuffDef == null) { Log.Warning("Could not load stuff definition \"" + apparelRecord.stuff + "\" for apparel \"" + apparelRecord.apparel + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } } pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, def); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, stuffDef); pawn.SetColor(layer, apparelRecord.color); } OptionsHealth healthOptions = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Health.GetOptions(pawn); for (int i = 0; i < record.implants.Count; i++) { SaveRecordImplantV3 implantRecord = record.implants[i]; UniqueBodyPart uniqueBodyPart = healthOptions.FindBodyPartByName(implantRecord.bodyPart, implantRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? implantRecord.bodyPartIndex.Value : 0); if (uniqueBodyPart == null) { uniqueBodyPart = FindReplacementBodyPart(healthOptions, implantRecord.bodyPart); } if (uniqueBodyPart == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the implant because it could not find the needed body part \"" + implantRecord.bodyPart + "\"" + (implantRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? " with index " + implantRecord.bodyPartIndex : "")); Failed = true; continue; } BodyPartRecord bodyPart = uniqueBodyPart.Record; if (implantRecord.recipe != null) { RecipeDef recipeDef = FindRecipeDef(implantRecord.recipe); if (recipeDef == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the implant because it could not find the recipe definition \"" + implantRecord.recipe + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } bool found = false; foreach (var p in recipeDef.appliedOnFixedBodyParts) { if (p.defName.Equals(bodyPart.def.defName)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { Log.Warning("Prepare carefully could not apply the saved implant recipe \"" + implantRecord.recipe + "\" to the body part \"" + bodyPart.def.defName + "\". Recipe does not support that part."); Failed = true; continue; } Implant implant = new Implant(); implant.BodyPartRecord = bodyPart; implant.recipe = recipeDef; implant.label = implant.Label; pawn.AddImplant(implant); } } foreach (var injuryRecord in record.injuries) { HediffDef def = DefDatabase <HediffDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(injuryRecord.hediffDef); if (def == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the injury because it could not find the hediff definition \"" + injuryRecord.hediffDef + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } InjuryOption option = healthOptions.FindInjuryOptionByHediffDef(def); if (option == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the injury because it could not find a matching injury option for the saved hediff \"" + injuryRecord.hediffDef + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } BodyPartRecord bodyPart = null; if (injuryRecord.bodyPart != null) { UniqueBodyPart uniquePart = healthOptions.FindBodyPartByName(injuryRecord.bodyPart, injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex.Value : 0); if (uniquePart == null) { uniquePart = FindReplacementBodyPart(healthOptions, injuryRecord.bodyPart); } if (uniquePart == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the injury because it could not find the needed body part \"" + injuryRecord.bodyPart + "\"" + (injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? " with index " + injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex : "")); Failed = true; continue; } bodyPart = uniquePart.Record; } Injury injury = new Injury(); injury.Option = option; injury.BodyPartRecord = bodyPart; if (injuryRecord.severity != null) { injury.Severity = injuryRecord.Severity; } if (injuryRecord.painFactor != null) { injury.PainFactor = injuryRecord.PainFactor; } pawn.AddInjury(injury); } pawn.CopySkillsAndPassionsToPawn(); pawn.ClearPawnCaches(); return(pawn); }
public static bool isAvPSynth(PawnKindDef pawn) { bool Result = pawn.RaceProps.FleshType.defName == "RRY_SynthFlesh"; return(Result); }
public RowEntry(PawnKindDef pkDef) { label = pkDef.label; storageSpaceUsed = pkDef.GetRequiredStorage(); def = pkDef; }
private Pawn MakePawnWithRawXml(string xml) { try { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.LoadXml(xml); //Debug.Message("Pawn xml: {0}", xml); XmlNode root = document.FirstChild; string pawnKind = root.SelectSingleNode("kind").InnerText; PawnKindDef kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named(pawnKind); if (kindDef == null) { kindDef = PawnKindDefOf.AncientSoldier; } Pawn p = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(kindDef, rp.faction); // ==== NAME AND AGE ==== Name name = null; var nameNode = root.SelectSingleNode("name"); var attrFirst = nameNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("first"); var attrLast = nameNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("last"); var attrNick = nameNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("nick"); if (attrFirst != null && attrLast != null) { name = new NameTriple(attrFirst.Value, attrNick?.Value ?? "", attrLast.Value); } else { name = new NameSingle(attrFirst?.Value ?? "Unknown"); } p.Name = name; //Debug.Message("got name"); string gender = root.SelectSingleNode("gender")?.InnerText; if (gender == "Male") { p.gender = Gender.Male; } else if (gender == "Female") { p.gender = Gender.Female; } string bioAgeString = root.SelectSingleNode("biologicalAge")?.InnerText; string chronoAgeString = root.SelectSingleNode("chronologicalAge")?.InnerText; if (bioAgeString != null && chronoAgeString != null) { long result = 0; Int64.TryParse(bioAgeString, out result); p.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalTicks = result; Int64.TryParse(chronoAgeString, out result); p.ageTracker.AgeChronologicalTicks = result + 3600000 * (-blueprint.dateShift); //+dateShift for dates, -dateShift for ages } //Debug.Message("got age"); // ==== STORY AND APPEARANCE ==== var storyNode = root.SelectSingleNode("saveable[@Class='Pawn_StoryTracker']"); if (storyNode != null) { Backstory bs = null; string childhoodDef = storyNode.SelectSingleNode("childhood")?.InnerText; if (BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(childhoodDef, out bs)) { p.story.childhood = bs; } string adulthoodDef = storyNode.SelectSingleNode("adulthood")?.InnerText; if (BackstoryDatabase.TryGetWithIdentifier(adulthoodDef, out bs)) { p.story.adulthood = bs; } string bodyTypeDefName = storyNode.SelectSingleNode("bodyType")?.InnerText; if (bodyTypeDefName != null) { BodyTypeDef def = DefDatabase <BodyTypeDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(bodyTypeDefName); if (def != null) { p.story.bodyType = def; } try { string crownTypeName = storyNode.SelectSingleNode("crownType")?.InnerText; p.story.crownType = (CrownType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CrownType), crownTypeName); } catch (Exception) { } string hairDefName = storyNode.SelectSingleNode("hairDef")?.InnerText; HairDef hairDef = DefDatabase <HairDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(hairDefName); if (hairDef != null) { p.story.hairDef = hairDef; } float melanin = 0; if (float.TryParse(storyNode.SelectSingleNode("melanin")?.InnerText, out melanin)) { p.story.melanin = melanin; } string hairColorString = storyNode.SelectSingleNode("hairColor")?.InnerText; Color hairColor = (Color)ParseHelper.FromString(hairColorString, typeof(Color)); if (hairColor != null) { p.story.hairColor = hairColor; } } XmlNodeList traitsList = storyNode.SelectNodes("traits/allTraits/li"); if (traitsList != null) { p.story.traits.allTraits.RemoveAll(_ => true); foreach (XmlNode traitNode in traitsList) { string traitDefName = traitNode.SelectSingleNode("def")?.InnerText; int traitDegree = 0; int.TryParse(traitNode.SelectSingleNode("degree")?.InnerText, out traitDegree); TraitDef traitDef = DefDatabase <TraitDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(traitDefName); if (traitDef == null) { continue; } Trait t = new Trait(traitDef, traitDegree); if (t == null) { continue; } p.story.traits.allTraits.Add(t); } } } // ==== SKILLS ==== var skills = root.SelectSingleNode("saveable[@Class='Pawn_SkillTracker']"); if (skills != null) { XmlNodeList skillsList = storyNode.SelectNodes("skills/li"); foreach (XmlNode skillNode in skillsList) { string skillDefName = skillNode.SelectSingleNode("def")?.InnerText; int level = 0; int.TryParse(skillNode.SelectSingleNode("level")?.InnerText, out level); float xp = 0; float.TryParse(skillNode.SelectSingleNode("xpSinceLastLevel")?.InnerText, out xp); SkillDef skillDef = DefDatabase <SkillDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(skillDefName); if (skillDef == null) { continue; } SkillRecord skillRecord = p.skills.GetSkill(skillDef); if (skillRecord == null) { skillRecord = new SkillRecord(p, skillDef); } skillRecord.Level = level; skillRecord.xpSinceLastLevel = xp; try { string passionTypeName = skillNode.SelectSingleNode("passion")?.InnerText; if (passionTypeName != null) { skillRecord.passion = (Passion)Enum.Parse(typeof(Passion), passionTypeName); } } catch (Exception) { } } } //Debug.Message("got traits and skills"); // ==== HEALTH ==== var healthNode = root.SelectSingleNode("saveable[@Class='Pawn_HealthTracker']"); if (healthNode != null) { XmlNode healthState = healthNode.SelectSingleNode("healthState"); if (healthState?.InnerText == "Dead") {; } XmlNodeList hediffsList = healthNode.SelectNodes("hediffSet/hediffs/li"); if (hediffsList != null) { Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.LoadingVars; => true); //probably should pre-analyze hediffs prior to instantiating foreach (XmlNode hediffNode in hediffsList) { var sourceNode = hediffNode.SelectSingleNode("source"); var source = sourceNode?.InnerText; //Debug.Message("Source is {0} in hediff {1}", source, hediffNode.OuterXml); if (source != null) { ThingDef sourceThingDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(source); //Debug.Message("Found non-null source node: {0}. Def: {1}", sourceNode.OuterXml, sourceThingDef); if (sourceThingDef == null) { hediffNode.RemoveChild(sourceNode); //Debug.Message("def not found, removing node, result: {0}", hediffNode.OuterXml); //continue; //skip hediffs with unknown source //} else { //Debug.Message("def found: {0}", sourceThingDef); } } try { Hediff hediff = ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode <Hediff>(hediffNode, null); if (hediff != null) { if (hediff.source != null && hediff.Part != null) {; } } } catch (Exception) { } } Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.Inactive; } } //Debug.Message("got health"); // ==== APPAREL ==== var apparelNode = root.SelectSingleNode("apparel"); if (apparelNode != null) { XmlNodeList apparelList = apparelNode.SelectNodes("item"); foreach (XmlNode item in apparelList) { string defName = item.Attributes?.GetNamedItem("def")?.Value; string stuffDefName = item.Attributes?.GetNamedItem("stuffDef")?.Value; ThingDef stuffDef = null; ThingDef thingDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(defName); if (stuffDefName != null) { stuffDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(stuffDefName); } if (thingDef != null) { Apparel apparel = (Apparel)ThingMaker.MakeThing(thingDef, stuffDef); apparel.HitPoints = Rand.Range(1, (int)(apparel.MaxHitPoints * 0.6)); if (apparel is Apparel) { p.apparel.Wear(apparel, false); } } } } return(p); } catch (Exception e) { //Debug.Message("Exception while creating pawn: {0}", e); return(PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PawnKindDefOf.AncientSoldier, rp.faction)); } }
private void TrySpawnHive(Map map) { IntVec3 intVec; if (!TryFindQueenSpawnCell(map, out intVec)) { return; } possibleSpawnCells.Remove(intVec); Faction faction = HiveUtility.GetRandomInsectFaction(); PawnKindDef kindDef = HiveUtility.GetFactionKindDef(PawnKindDef.Named("BI_Queen_Brown"), faction); Queen queen = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(kindDef, faction) as Queen; queen.hiveLocation = intVec; GenSpawn.Spawn(queen, CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(intVec, map, 4, null), map); spawnedQueens.Add(queen); Lord lord = queen.Lord; if (lord == null) { lord = queen.CreateNewLord(); } int count = Rand.Range(4, 5); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { kindDef = HiveUtility.GetFactionKindDef(PawnKindDef.Named("BI_Megascarab_Brown"), faction); Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(kindDef, faction); GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(intVec, map, 4, null), map); queen.spawnedInsects.Add(pawn); lord.AddPawn(pawn); } IntVec3 c; int foodAmt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Rand.Range(4, 7); i++) { if (CellFinder.TryFindRandomReachableCellNear(intVec, map, 8, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, Danger.Deadly, false), (IntVec3 x) => x.Walkable(map), (Region x) => true, out c, 999999)) { Egg egg = ThingMaker.MakeThing(HiveUtility.ThingDefOfEgg, null) as Egg; egg.SetFaction(queen.Faction, null); egg.eggLayer = queen; GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(egg, c, map, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out Thing t, null, null); queen.spawnedEggs.Add(egg); CompInsectSpawner comp = egg.TryGetComp <CompInsectSpawner>(); if (comp != null) { comp.jellyStores = Rand.Range(50, comp.jellyMax); } if (Rand.Range(1, 4) < 4) { CompSpawner comp2 = egg.TryGetComp <CompSpawner>(); if (comp2 != null) { comp2.TryDoSpawn(); } } if (foodAmt < (BetterInfestationsMod.settings.foodStorage + 100)) { IntVec3 c2; if (CellFinder.TryFindRandomReachableCellNear(intVec, map, 2, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, Danger.Deadly, false), (IntVec3 x) => x.Walkable(map), (Region x) => true, out c2, 999999)) { Thing thing2 = ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.InsectJelly, null); thing2.stackCount = Rand.Range(15, 75); GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(thing2, c2, map, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out Thing food, null); if (food != null) { food.SetForbidden(true); } } } } } }
protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils() { const float baseFishingDuration = 2000f; int fishingDuration = (int)baseFishingDuration; float catchSomethingThreshold = 0f; Building_FishingPier fishingPier = this.TargetThingA as Building_FishingPier; Passion passion = Passion.None; const float skillGainPerTick = 0.15f; this.AddEndCondition(() => { var targ =; if (targ is Building && !targ.Spawned) { return(JobCondition.Incompletable); } return(JobCondition.Ongoing); }); this.FailOnBurningImmobile(fishingPierIndex); // Bill giver or product burning in carry phase. this.rotateToFace = TargetIndex.B; yield return(Toils_Reserve.Reserve(fishingPierIndex)); float fishingSkillLevel = 0f; fishingSkillLevel = this.pawn.skills.AverageOfRelevantSkillsFor(WorkTypeDefOf.Hunting); float fishingSkillDurationFactor = fishingSkillLevel / 20f; fishingDuration = (int)(baseFishingDuration * (1.5f - fishingSkillDurationFactor)); yield return(Toils_Goto.GotoThing(fishingPierIndex, fishingPier.riverCell).FailOnDespawnedOrNull(fishingPierIndex)); Toil fishToil = new Toil() { initAction = () => { ThingDef moteDef = null; if (fishingPier.Rotation == Rot4.North) { moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodNorthDef; } else if (fishingPier.Rotation == Rot4.East) { moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodEastDef; } else if (fishingPier.Rotation == Rot4.South) { moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodSouthDef; } else { moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodWestDef; } this.fishingRodMote = (Mote)ThingMaker.MakeThing(moteDef, null); this.fishingRodMote.exactPosition = fishingPier.fishingSpotCell.ToVector3Shifted(); this.fishingRodMote.Scale = 1f; GenSpawn.Spawn(this.fishingRodMote, fishingPier.fishingSpotCell, this.Map); }, tickAction = () => { if (passion == Passion.Minor) {, JoyKindDefOf.Work); } else if (passion == Passion.Major) {, JoyKindDefOf.Work); } this.pawn.skills.Learn(SkillDefOf.Shooting, skillGainPerTick); if (this.ticksLeftThisToil == 1) { if (this.fishingRodMote != null) { this.fishingRodMote.Destroy(); } } }, defaultDuration = fishingDuration, defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay }; yield return(fishToil.WithProgressBarToilDelay(fishingPierIndex)); Toil computeChanceToCatchToil = new Toil() { initAction = () => { catchSomethingThreshold = fishingSkillLevel / 20f; // Reframe min and max chance (min 5%, max 75 % chance of success). Mathf.Clamp(catchSomethingThreshold, 0.05f, 0.75f); }, defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Instant }; yield return(computeChanceToCatchToil); Toil catchFishToil = new Toil() { initAction = () => { Job curJob =; Thing fishingCatch = null; // 90% chance to successfully catch something. bool catchIsSuccessful = (Rand.Value >= 0.1f); if (catchIsSuccessful == false) { MoteMaker.ThrowMetaIcon(this.pawn.Position, this.Map, ThingDefOf.Mote_IncapIcon);; return; } float catchSelectorValue = Rand.Value; if (catchSelectorValue > 0.04f) { // Catch a fish. bool fishSpotIsOcean = (this.Map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(fishingPier.fishingSpotCell) == TerrainDefOf.WaterOceanShallow) || (this.Map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(fishingPier.fishingSpotCell) == TerrainDefOf.WaterOceanDeep); bool fishSpotIsMarshy = (this.Map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(fishingPier.fishingSpotCell) == TerrainDef.Named("Marsh")); PawnKindDef caugthFishDef = null; if (fishSpotIsOcean) { caugthFishDef = (from fishSpecies in Util_FishIndustry.GetFishSpeciesList(this.Map.Biome) where fishSpecies.livesInOcean select fishSpecies).RandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef_FishSpecies def) => def.commonality); } else if (fishSpotIsMarshy) { caugthFishDef = (from fishSpecies in Util_FishIndustry.GetFishSpeciesList(this.Map.Biome) where fishSpecies.livesInMarsh select fishSpecies).RandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef_FishSpecies def) => def.commonality); } else { caugthFishDef = (from fishSpecies in Util_FishIndustry.GetFishSpeciesList(this.Map.Biome) where fishSpecies.livesInRiver select fishSpecies).RandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef_FishSpecies def) => def.commonality); } Pawn caughtFish = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(caugthFishDef); GenSpawn.Spawn(caughtFish, this.pawn.Position, this.Map); HealthUtility.DamageUntilDead(caughtFish); foreach (Thing thing in this.pawn.Position.GetThingList(this.Map)) { Corpse fishCorpse = thing as Corpse; if (fishCorpse != null) { fishingCatch = fishCorpse; fishingCatch.SetForbidden(false); } } if (caughtFish.BodySize >= 0.1f) { fishingPier.fishStock--; fishingPier.ComputeMaxFishStockAndRespawnPeriod(); } } else if (catchSelectorValue > 0.02) { fishingCatch = GenSpawn.Spawn(Util_FishIndustry.OysterDef, this.pawn.Position, this.Map); fishingCatch.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(5, 27); } else { float bonusCatchValue = Rand.Value; if (bonusCatchValue < 0.01f) { // Really small chance to find a sunken treasure!!! fishingCatch = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Gold, this.pawn.Position, this.Map); fishingCatch.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(58, 289); Thing treasureSilver = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Silver, fishingPier.middleCell, this.Map); treasureSilver.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(237, 2154); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("FishIndustry.LetterLabelSunkenTreasure".Translate(), "FishIndustry.SunkenTreasure".Translate(this.pawn.Name.ToStringShort.CapitalizeFirst()), LetterDefOf.Good, this.pawn); } else if (bonusCatchValue < 0.02f) { // Really small chance to find a complete power armor set + sniper or charge rifle. Thing powerArmor = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Apparel_PowerArmor"), this.pawn.Position, this.Map); fishingCatch = powerArmor; // Used to carry the power armor. Thing powerArmorHelmet = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Apparel_PowerArmorHelmet"), this.pawn.Position, this.Map); Thing rifle = null; if (Rand.Value < 0.5f) { rifle = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Gun_ChargeRifle"), this.pawn.Position, this.Map); } else { rifle = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Gun_SniperRifle"), this.pawn.Position, this.Map); } CompQuality qualityComp = powerArmor.TryGetComp <CompQuality>(); if (qualityComp != null) { qualityComp.SetQuality(QualityCategory.Masterwork, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider); } qualityComp = powerArmorHelmet.TryGetComp <CompQuality>(); if (qualityComp != null) { qualityComp.SetQuality(QualityCategory.Masterwork, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider); } qualityComp = rifle.TryGetComp <CompQuality>(); if (qualityComp != null) { qualityComp.SetQuality(QualityCategory.Masterwork, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider); } Faction faction = Find.FactionManager.FirstFactionOfDef(FactionDefOf.SpacerHostile); Pawn deadMarine = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PawnKindDefOf.SpaceSoldier, faction); GenSpawn.Spawn(deadMarine, fishingPier.bankCell, this.Map); HealthUtility.DamageUntilDead(deadMarine); List <Thing> thingsList = deadMarine.Position.GetThingList(this.Map); foreach (Thing thing in thingsList) { if (thing.def.defName.Contains("Corpse")) { CompRottable rotComp = thing.TryGetComp <CompRottable>(); if (rotComp != null) { rotComp.RotProgress = 20f * GenDate.TicksPerDay; // 20 days so the corpse is dessicated. } } } string eventText = this.pawn.Name.ToStringShort.CapitalizeFirst() + " has cought a dead body while fishing!\n\n'This is really disgusting but look at his gear! This guy was probably a MiningCo. security member. I wonder what happend to him...'\n"; Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("Dead marine", eventText, LetterDefOf.Good, this.pawn); } else { // Find a small amount of gold. fishingCatch = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Gold, this.pawn.Position, this.Map); fishingCatch.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 7); } // TODO: add chance to get hurt by a tailteeth (missing finger or even hand!). } IntVec3 storageCell; if (StoreUtility.TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor(fishingCatch, this.pawn, this.Map, StoragePriority.Unstored, this.pawn.Faction, out storageCell, true)) { this.pawn.Reserve(fishingCatch, 1); this.pawn.Reserve(storageCell, 1); this.pawn.CurJob.SetTarget(TargetIndex.B, storageCell); this.pawn.CurJob.SetTarget(TargetIndex.A, fishingCatch); this.pawn.CurJob.count = 1; this.pawn.CurJob.haulMode = HaulMode.ToCellStorage; } else {; } } }; yield return(catchFishToil); yield return(Toils_Haul.StartCarryThing(TargetIndex.A)); Toil carryToCell = Toils_Haul.CarryHauledThingToCell(TargetIndex.B); yield return(carryToCell); yield return(Toils_Haul.PlaceHauledThingInCell(TargetIndex.B, carryToCell, true)); yield return(Toils_Reserve.Release(fishingPierIndex)); }
protected override bool TryCastShot() { Pawn caster = base.CasterPawn; CompAbilityUserMagic comp = caster.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>(); verVal = comp.MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_Shapeshift.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Shapeshift_ver").level; pwrVal = comp.MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_Shapeshift.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Shapeshift_pwr").level; effVal = comp.MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_Shapeshift.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Shapeshift_eff").level; this.duration = Mathf.RoundToInt((this.duration + (360 * effVal)) * comp.arcaneDmg); bool flag = caster != null && !caster.Dead; if (flag) { CompPolymorph compPoly = caster.GetComp <CompPolymorph>(); if (compPoly != null && compPoly.Original != null && compPoly.TicksLeft > 0) { compPoly.Temporary = true; compPoly.TicksLeft = 0; } else { FactionDef fDef = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SummonedFaction; if (caster.Faction != null) { fDef = caster.Faction.def; } SpawnThings spawnThing = new SpawnThings(); spawnThing.factionDef = fDef; spawnThing.spawnCount = 1; spawnThing.temporary = false; GetPolyMinMax(caster); spawnThing = TM_Action.AssignRandomCreatureDef(spawnThing, this.min, this.max); if (spawnThing.def == null || spawnThing.kindDef == null) { spawnThing.def = ThingDef.Named("Rat"); spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("Rat"); Log.Message("random creature was null"); } Pawn polymorphedPawn = TM_Action.PolymorphPawn(this.CasterPawn, caster, caster, spawnThing, caster.Position, true, duration); if (this.effVal >= 3) { polymorphedPawn.GetComp <CompPolymorph>().Temporary = false; } MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(polymorphedPawn.DrawPos, caster.Map, 2); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(polymorphedPawn.DrawPos, caster.Map); MoteMaker.ThrowHeatGlow(polymorphedPawn.Position, caster.Map, 2); //caster.DeSpawn(); HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(polymorphedPawn, HediffDef.Named("TM_ShapeshiftHD"), .5f + (1f * pwrVal)); } //SoundInfo info = SoundInfo.InMap(new TargetInfo(caster.Position, caster.Map, false), MaintenanceType.None); //info.pitchFactor = 1.0f; //info.volumeFactor = 1.0f; //TorannMagicDefOf.TM_FastReleaseSD.PlayOneShot(info); //TM_MoteMaker.ThrowGenericMote(ThingDef.Named("Mote_PowerWave"), caster.DrawPos, caster.Map, .8f, .2f, .1f, .1f, 0, 1f, 0, Rand.Chance(.5f) ? 0 : 180); } return(true); }
private float SelectionChance(PawnKindDef k) { return(StockGenerator_Animals.SelectionChanceFromWildnessCurve.Evaluate(k.RaceProps.wildness)); }
/*private static void AddJoyAndComfortNeed(Pawn pawn) { // TODO: does not work anymore... Log.Message("Try to add joy to " + pawn.Name.ToStringShort); if (pawn.needs.TryGetNeed(NeedDefOf.Joy) == null) { MethodInfo addNeed = typeof(Pawn_NeedsTracker).GetMethod("AddNeed", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); addNeed.Invoke(pawn.needs, new object[] { DefDatabase<NeedDef>.GetNamed("Joy", true) }); = Rand.Range(0.5f, 1f); } if (pawn.needs.comfort == null) { MethodInfo addNeed = typeof(Pawn_NeedsTracker).GetMethod("AddNeed", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); addNeed.Invoke(pawn.needs, new object[] { DefDatabase<NeedDef>.GetNamed("Comfort", true) }); pawn.needs.comfort.CurLevel = Rand.Range(0.75f, 1f); } }*/ public static Pawn GeneratePawn(PawnKindDef kindDef) { Pawn pawn = null; // Generate a new pawn until it respects all criteria. PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest( kind: kindDef, faction: OG_Util.FactionOfMiningCo, forceGenerateNewPawn: true, mustBeCapableOfViolence: true, canGeneratePawnRelations: false); for (int tryIndex = 0; tryIndex <= 20; tryIndex++) { pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(kindDef, OG_Util.FactionOfMiningCo); if (kindDef == OG_Util.OutpostTechnicianDef) { if (pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Hauling) || pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Cleaning) || pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.ManualDumb) || pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.PlantWork) || pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Firefighting) || pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Scary)) { pawn.Destroy(); pawn = null; if (tryIndex == 20) { Log.Message("MiningCo. OutpostGenerator: cannot generate requested technician pawn."); } } } else { if (pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Violent) || pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Firefighting)) { pawn.Destroy(); pawn = null; if (tryIndex == 20) { Log.Message("MiningCo. OutpostGenerator: cannot generate requested soldier pawn."); } } } if (pawn != null) { break; } }; // Generate apparel and weapon. GeneratePawnApparelAndWeapon(ref pawn, kindDef); // TODO: add joy and comfort needs. // Enable work settings. pawn.workSettings.EnableAndInitialize(); if (kindDef == OG_Util.OutpostTechnicianDef) { List<WorkTypeDef> allDefsListForReading = DefDatabase<WorkTypeDef>.AllDefsListForReading; for (int workTypeIndex = 0; workTypeIndex < allDefsListForReading.Count; workTypeIndex++) { // Ensure doctor, repair and growing are enabled. WorkTypeDef workTypeDef = allDefsListForReading[workTypeIndex]; if (workTypeDef.alwaysStartActive || (workTypeDef == WorkTypeDefOf.Doctor) || (workTypeDef == WorkTypeDefOf.Repair) || (workTypeDef == WorkTypeDefOf.Growing)) { if (pawn.story.WorkTypeIsDisabled(workTypeDef) == false) { pawn.workSettings.SetPriority(workTypeDef, 3); if (workTypeDef == WorkTypeDefOf.Repair) { pawn.workSettings.SetPriority(workTypeDef, 4); // So dead bodies are hauled away before repairing walls. } } } else { pawn.workSettings.Disable(workTypeDef); } } } // For soldiers, restrict allowed works to only firefighting and doctor (to rescue downed pawns). else { List<WorkTypeDef> allDefsListForReading = DefDatabase<WorkTypeDef>.AllDefsListForReading; for (int workTypeIndex = 0; workTypeIndex < allDefsListForReading.Count; workTypeIndex++) { WorkTypeDef workTypeDef = allDefsListForReading[workTypeIndex]; if ((workTypeDef == WorkTypeDefOf.Firefighter) || (workTypeDef == WorkTypeDefOf.Doctor)) { if (pawn.story.WorkTypeIsDisabled(workTypeDef) == false) { pawn.workSettings.SetPriority(workTypeDef, 3); } } else { pawn.workSettings.Disable(workTypeDef); } } } // Set allowed area. pawn.playerSettings = new Pawn_PlayerSettings(pawn); pawn.playerSettings.AreaRestriction = OG_Util.FindOutpostArea(); // Add a bonus mood boost. pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemoryThought(OG_Util.MiningCoEmployeeThoughtDef); return pawn; }
//returns pawns for compatibility reasons. public static List <Pawn> SpawnHackedMechanoids(List <Pawn> pawns, IncidentParms parms) { //only call Arrive method when sure it's not already called. (can happen due to other mods) if (pawns.Count > 0 && !pawns[0].Spawned) { parms.raidArrivalMode.Worker.Arrive(pawns, parms); } if (pawns.Count == 0) { return(pawns); } if (parms.faction == Faction.OfMechanoids) { return(pawns); } Random rand = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); if (rand.Next(0, 100) > Base.hackedMechChance) { return(pawns); } int minHackedMechPoints = Math.Min(Base.minHackedMechPoints, Base.maxHackedMechPoints); float maxMechPoints = parms.points * ((float)rand.Next(minHackedMechPoints, Base.maxHackedMechPoints)) / 100f; //TODO: no magic numbers float cumulativePoints = 0; Map map = as Map; List <Pawn> addedPawns = new List <Pawn>(); while (cumulativePoints < maxMechPoints) { PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = null; IEnumerable <PawnKindDef> selectedPawns = (from a in DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .AllDefs where a.RaceProps.IsMechanoid && cumulativePoints + a.combatPower < maxMechPoints && Utilities.IsAllowedInModOptions(a.race.defName, parms.faction) && (parms.raidArrivalMode == PawnsArrivalModeDefOf.EdgeWalkIn || a.RaceProps.baseBodySize <= 1) //Only allow small mechs to use drop pods select a); if (selectedPawns != null) { selectedPawns.TryRandomElement(out pawnKindDef); } if (pawnKindDef != null) { Pawn mechanoid = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(pawnKindDef, parms.faction); if (parms.raidArrivalMode == PawnsArrivalModeDefOf.EdgeWalkIn) { IntVec3 loc = CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(parms.spawnCenter, map, 8, null); GenSpawn.Spawn(mechanoid, loc, map, parms.spawnRotation); };; Need_Power powerNeed = (Need_Power)mechanoid.needs.TryGetNeed(WTH_DefOf.WTH_Mechanoid_Power); powerNeed.CurLevel = powerNeed.MaxLevel; addedPawns.Add(mechanoid); cumulativePoints += pawnKindDef.combatPower; AddModules(mechanoid); } else { break; } } if (addedPawns.Count > 0 && !addedPawns[0].Spawned) { parms.raidArrivalMode.Worker.Arrive(addedPawns, parms); } pawns.AddRange(addedPawns); foreach (Pawn pawn in pawns) { if ( == null) { = new Pawn_EquipmentTracker(pawn); } } return(pawns); }
private bool TryFindAnimalKind(int tile, out PawnKindDef animalKind) { return((from k in DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .AllDefs where k.RaceProps.CanDoHerdMigration && Find.World.tileTemperatures.SeasonAndOutdoorTemperatureAcceptableFor(tile: tile, animalRace: k.race) select k).TryRandomElementByWeight(weightSelector: (PawnKindDef x) => x.RaceProps.wildness, result: out animalKind)); }
public static bool isPotentialHost(this PawnKindDef p, out string FailReason, bool setDefaults = false) { return(p.race.isPotentialHost(out FailReason, setDefaults)); }
public override void PawnDied(Corpse corpse) { PawnGenerationRequest pawnGenerationRequest; PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = corpse.InnerPawn.kindDef; Pawn pawn = corpse.InnerPawn; IntVec3 position = corpse.Position; Map map = corpse.Map; Faction faction = pawn.Faction; float bioyears = pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears; float chronoyears = pawn.ageTracker.AgeChronologicalYears; Pawn_MindState mind = pawn.mindState; Pawn newPawn1 = null; Pawn newPawn2 = null; bool spawn = false; Lord lord = pawn.GetLord(); List <Thing> spawned = new List <Thing>(); if (map != null) { if (corpse.InnerPawn.kindDef == AdeptusPawnKindDefOf.OG_Chaos_Deamon_Lessar_Horror_Blue) { spawn = true; pawnKindDef = AdeptusPawnKindDefOf.OG_Chaos_Deamon_Lessar_Horror_Brimstone; } else if (corpse.InnerPawn.kindDef == AdeptusPawnKindDefOf.OG_Chaos_Deamon_Lessar_Horror_Pink) { spawn = true; pawnKindDef = AdeptusPawnKindDefOf.OG_Chaos_Deamon_Lessar_Horror_Blue; } if (spawn) { pawnGenerationRequest = new PawnGenerationRequest(pawnKindDef, corpse.InnerPawn.Faction, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, true, false, true, false, true, true, 20f, fixedBiologicalAge: bioyears, fixedChronologicalAge: chronoyears); newPawn1 = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(pawnGenerationRequest); newPawn2 = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(pawnGenerationRequest); spawned = new List <Thing>() { newPawn1, newPawn2 }; if (pawn.Faction != null) { if (map.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(pawn.Faction).Any((Pawn p) => p != newPawn1 && p != newPawn2 && p.GetLord() != null)) { bool validator(Thing p) => p != newPawn1 && p != newPawn2 && ((Pawn)p).GetLord() != null; Pawn p2 = (Pawn)GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global(position, map.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(newPawn1.Faction), 99999f, validator, null); lord = p2.GetLord(); } } if (lord == null) { try { LordJob_AssaultColony lordJob = new LordJob_AssaultColony(faction, false, false); lord = LordMaker.MakeNewLord((pawn.Faction), lordJob, map, null); } catch { // newPawn1.mindState.mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(OGChaosDeamonDefOf.MentalState_OGChaosDeamon); // newPawn2.mindState.mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(OGChaosDeamonDefOf.MentalState_OGChaosDeamon); } } else { try { newPawn1.mindState.duty = new PawnDuty(DutyDefOf.AssaultColony); newPawn2.mindState.duty = new PawnDuty(DutyDefOf.AssaultColony); } catch { // newPawn1.mindState.mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(OGChaosDeamonDefOf.MentalState_OGChaosDeamon); // newPawn2.mindState.mentalStateHandler.TryStartMentalState(OGChaosDeamonDefOf.MentalState_OGChaosDeamon); } } if (spawn) { Pawn p = (Pawn)GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global(position, map.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(faction), 99999f, null, null); if (p.InMentalState) { if (p.MentalStateDef == MentalStateDefOf.PanicFlee || p.GetLord() == null || p.GetLord().Map == null) { spawn = false; } } } if (spawn && pawnKindDef != corpse.InnerPawn.kindDef && lord != null && map != null) { if (newPawn1 != null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(newPawn1, position, map, 0); if (lord != null) { lord.AddPawn(newPawn1); } } if (newPawn2 != null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(newPawn2, position, map, 0); if (lord != null) { lord.AddPawn(newPawn2); } } } } } if (position != null && map != null) { GenExplosion.DoExplosion(position, map, 1.9f, AdeptusDamageDefOf.OG_Chaos_Deamon_WarpfireDeath, corpse.InnerPawn, -1, -1f, null, null, null, null, null, 0f, 1, false, null, 0f, 1, 0f, false, null, spawned); } base.PawnDied(corpse); }
public static PawnKindDef resultingXenomorph(this PawnKindDef p) { PawnKindDef kindDef = null; if (!p.isPotentialHost() || p.RaceProps.baseBodySize > 0.63f) { return(null); } bool human = p.race.defName.Contains("Human") || HMSUtility.GetMark(p) == YautjaDefOf.HMS_Hediff_BloodedMHuman; bool yautja = p.race.defName.Contains("Yautja"); bool thrumbo = p.race.defName.Contains("Human") || HMSUtility.GetMark(p) == YautjaDefOf.HMS_Hediff_BloodedMThrumbo; bool hound = HMSUtility.GetMark(p).defName.Contains("BloodedMHound"); bool humanlike = p.RaceProps.Humanlike; bool large = humanlike ? p.RaceProps.baseBodySize > 1f : p.RaceProps.baseBodySize > 4f; bool small = p.RaceProps.baseBodySize > 1f; if (humanlike) { if (human) { if (large) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior; } else { if (small) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone; } else { kindDef = p.isFighter ? XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior : XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone; } } } else { if (yautja) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Predalien; } else { if (large) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior; } else { if (small) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone; } else { kindDef = p.RaceProps.predator ? XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior : XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone; } } } } } else { if (large) { if (thrumbo) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Thrumbomorph; } else { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior; } } else { if (hound) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Runner; } else { if (small) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Runner; } else { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone; } } } } return(kindDef); }
public static bool isNeomorph(this PawnKindDef p) { return(p.RaceProps.FleshType == XenomorphRacesDefOf.RRY_Neomorph); }
private static bool <GenerateRandom> m__0(PawnKindDef d) { return(d.trader); }
public static PawnKindDef resultingXenomorph(this Pawn p) { PawnKindDef kindDef = null; if (!p.isPotentialHost() || p.BodySize > 0.63f) { return(null); } bool human = p.def.defName.Contains("Human") || HMSUtility.GetMark(p.kindDef) == YautjaDefOf.HMS_Hediff_BloodedMHuman; bool yautja = p.def.defName.Contains("Yautja"); bool thrumbo = p.def.defName.Contains("Human") || HMSUtility.GetMark(p.kindDef) == YautjaDefOf.HMS_Hediff_BloodedMThrumbo; bool hound = HMSUtility.GetMark(p.kindDef) == YautjaDefOf.HMS_Hediff_BloodedMHound; bool humanlike = p.RaceProps.Humanlike; bool large = humanlike ? p.BodySize > 1f : p.BodySize > 4f; bool small = p.BodySize > 1f; bool predalienEmbryo = => x.def.defName.Contains("XenomorphImpregnation")) && ((XenoHediffWithComps) => x.def.defName.Contains("XenomorphImpregnation"))).TryGetComp <HediffComp_XenoSpawner>().predalienImpregnation; bool royaleEmbryo = => x.def.defName.Contains("XenomorphImpregnation")) && ((XenoHediffWithComps) => x.def.defName.Contains("XenomorphImpregnation"))).TryGetComp <HediffComp_XenoSpawner>().RoyaleEmbryo; if (humanlike) { if (human) { if (predalienEmbryo) { kindDef = p.kindDef.isFighter ? XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior : XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone; } else { if (royaleEmbryo) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Queen; } else { if (large) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior; } else { if (small) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone; } else { kindDef = p.kindDef.isFighter ? XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior : XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone; } } } } } else { if (yautja) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Predalien; } else { if (royaleEmbryo) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Queen; } else { if (large) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior; } else { if (small) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone; } else { kindDef = p.kindDef.RaceProps.predator ? XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior : XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone; } } } } } } else { if (large) { if (thrumbo) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Thrumbomorph; } else { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Warrior; } } else { if (hound) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Runner; } else { if (small) { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Runner; } else { kindDef = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Drone; } } } } bool selected = Find.Selector.SingleSelectedThing == p; if (selected && Prefs.DevMode) { // Log.Message(string.Format("{0} will spawn from {1}", kindDef, p.LabelShortCap)); } return(kindDef); }
public override void Resolve(ResolveParams rp) { if (rp.singlePawnToSpawn != null && rp.singlePawnToSpawn.Spawned) { return; } Map map =; IntVec3 loc; if (!SymbolResolver_SinglePawn.TryFindSpawnCell(rp, out loc)) { if (rp.singlePawnToSpawn != null) { Find.WorldPawns.PassToWorld(rp.singlePawnToSpawn, PawnDiscardDecideMode.Discard); } return; } Pawn pawn; if (rp.singlePawnToSpawn == null) { PawnGenerationRequest value; if (rp.singlePawnGenerationRequest.HasValue) { value = rp.singlePawnGenerationRequest.Value; } else { PawnKindDef arg_BE_0; if ((arg_BE_0 = rp.singlePawnKindDef) == null) { arg_BE_0 = (from x in DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .AllDefsListForReading where x.defaultFactionType == null || !x.defaultFactionType.isPlayer select x).RandomElement <PawnKindDef>(); } PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = arg_BE_0; Faction faction = rp.faction; if (faction == null && pawnKindDef.RaceProps.Humanlike) { if (pawnKindDef.defaultFactionType != null) { faction = FactionUtility.DefaultFactionFrom(pawnKindDef.defaultFactionType); if (faction == null) { return; } } else if (!(from x in Find.FactionManager.AllFactions where !x.IsPlayer select x).TryRandomElement(out faction)) { return; } } PawnKindDef kind = pawnKindDef; Faction faction2 = faction; int tile = map.Tile; value = new PawnGenerationRequest(kind, faction2, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, tile, false, false, false, false, true, false, 1f, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(value); if (rp.postThingGenerate != null) { rp.postThingGenerate(pawn); } } else { pawn = rp.singlePawnToSpawn; } if (!pawn.Dead && rp.disableSinglePawn.HasValue && rp.disableSinglePawn.Value) { pawn.mindState.Active = false; } GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, loc, map); if (rp.singlePawnLord != null) { rp.singlePawnLord.AddPawn(pawn); } if (rp.postThingSpawn != null) { rp.postThingSpawn(pawn); } }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { Map map = base.Map; base.Impact(hitThing); if (!initialized) { SpawnThings spawnThing = new SpawnThings(); pawn = this.launcher as Pawn; MagicPowerSkill pwr = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_SummonElemental.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_SummonElemental_pwr"); MagicPowerSkill ver = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_SummonElemental.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_SummonElemental_ver"); ModOptions.SettingsRef settingsRef = new ModOptions.SettingsRef(); pwrVal = pwr.level; verVal = ver.level; if (pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TorannMagicDefOf.Faceless)) { MightPowerSkill mpwr = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>().MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_pwr"); MightPowerSkill mver = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>().MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_ver"); pwrVal = mpwr.level; verVal = mver.level; } if (settingsRef.AIHardMode && !pawn.IsColonist) { pwrVal = 3; verVal = 3; } CellRect cellRect = CellRect.CenteredOn(this.Position, 1); cellRect.ClipInsideMap(map); IntVec3 centerCell = cellRect.CenterCell; System.Random random = new System.Random(); random = new System.Random(); duration += (verVal * 900); int rnd = GenMath.RoundRandom(random.Next(0, 8)); if (rnd < 2) { spawnThing.factionDef = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_ElementalFaction; spawnThing.spawnCount = 1; spawnThing.temporary = false; if (pwrVal == 3) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_LesserEarth_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_LesserEarth_Elemental"); SingleSpawnLoop(spawnThing, centerCell, map); } spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GreaterEarth_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_GreaterEarth_Elemental"); } else if (pwrVal == 2) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GreaterEarth_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_GreaterEarth_Elemental"); } else if (pwrVal == 1) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_Earth_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_Earth_Elemental"); } else { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_LesserEarth_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_LesserEarth_Elemental"); } MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(centerCell.ToVector3(), map, pwrVal); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(centerCell.ToVector3(), map); SoundDefOf.AmbientAltitudeWind.sustainFadeoutTime.Equals(30.0f); } else if (rnd >= 2 && rnd < 4) { spawnThing.factionDef = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_ElementalFaction; spawnThing.spawnCount = 1; spawnThing.temporary = false; if (pwrVal == 3) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_LesserFire_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_LesserFire_Elemental"); SingleSpawnLoop(spawnThing, centerCell, map); } spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GreaterFire_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_GreaterFire_Elemental"); } else if (pwrVal == 2) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GreaterFire_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_GreaterFire_Elemental"); } else if (pwrVal == 1) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_Fire_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_Fire_Elemental"); } else { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_LesserFire_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_LesserFire_Elemental"); } MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(centerCell.ToVector3(), map, pwrVal); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(centerCell.ToVector3(), map); MoteMaker.ThrowFireGlow(centerCell, map, pwrVal); MoteMaker.ThrowHeatGlow(centerCell, map, pwrVal); } else if (rnd >= 4 && rnd < 6) { spawnThing.factionDef = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_ElementalFaction; spawnThing.spawnCount = 1; spawnThing.temporary = false; if (pwrVal == 3) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_LesserWater_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_LesserWater_Elemental"); SingleSpawnLoop(spawnThing, centerCell, map); } spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GreaterWater_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_GreaterWater_Elemental"); } else if (pwrVal == 2) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GreaterWater_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_GreaterWater_Elemental"); } else if (pwrVal == 1) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_Water_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_Water_Elemental"); } else { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_LesserWater_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_LesserWater_Elemental"); } MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(centerCell.ToVector3(), map, pwrVal); SoundDefOf.AmbientAltitudeWind.sustainFadeoutTime.Equals(30.0f); MoteMaker.ThrowTornadoDustPuff(centerCell.ToVector3(), map, pwrVal,; MoteMaker.ThrowTornadoDustPuff(centerCell.ToVector3(), map, pwrVal,; MoteMaker.ThrowTornadoDustPuff(centerCell.ToVector3(), map, pwrVal,; } else { spawnThing.factionDef = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_ElementalFaction; spawnThing.spawnCount = 1; spawnThing.temporary = false; if (pwrVal == 3) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_LesserWind_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_LesserWind_Elemental"); SingleSpawnLoop(spawnThing, centerCell, map); } spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GreaterWind_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_GreaterWind_Elemental"); } else if (pwrVal == 2) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_GreaterWind_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_GreaterWind_Elemental"); } else if (pwrVal == 1) { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_Wind_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_Wind_Elemental"); } else { spawnThing.def = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_LesserWind_ElementalR; spawnThing.kindDef = PawnKindDef.Named("TM_LesserWind_Elemental"); } MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(centerCell.ToVector3(), map, 1 + pwrVal * 2); SoundDefOf.AmbientAltitudeWind.sustainFadeoutTime.Equals(30.0f); MoteMaker.ThrowTornadoDustPuff(centerCell.ToVector3(), map, pwrVal, Color.white); } SingleSpawnLoop(spawnThing, centerCell, map); this.age = this.duration; this.initialized = true; } }
public static Pawn Copy(Pawn sourcePawn, PawnKindDef kindDef, Faction faction, bool forceBodyVisual = false, bool forceApparel = false, bool forceWeapon = false) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)ThingMaker.MakeThing(kindDef.race, null); pawn.kindDef = kindDef; pawn.SetFactionDirect(faction); pawn.pather = new Pawn_PathFollower(pawn); pawn.ageTracker = new Pawn_AgeTracker(pawn); = new Pawn_HealthTracker(pawn); = new Pawn_JobTracker(pawn); pawn.mindState = new Pawn_MindState(pawn); pawn.filth = new Pawn_FilthTracker(pawn); pawn.needs = new Pawn_NeedsTracker(pawn); pawn.stances = new Pawn_StanceTracker(pawn); pawn.InitUnsavedUniversalComponents(); if (pawn.RaceProps.ToolUser) { = new Pawn_EquipmentTracker(pawn); pawn.carrier = new Pawn_CarryTracker(pawn); pawn.apparel = new Pawn_ApparelTracker(pawn); pawn.inventory = new Pawn_InventoryTracker(pawn); } if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { pawn.ownership = new Pawn_Ownership(pawn); pawn.skills = new Pawn_SkillTracker(pawn); pawn.talker = new Pawn_TalkTracker(pawn); pawn.story = new Pawn_StoryTracker(pawn); pawn.workSettings = new Pawn_WorkSettings(pawn); } if (pawn.RaceProps.intelligence <= Intelligence.ToolUser) { pawn.caller = new Pawn_CallTracker(pawn); } PawnUtility.AddAndRemoveComponentsAsAppropriate(pawn); if (pawn.RaceProps.hasGenders) { if ((sourcePawn != null) && (sourcePawn.RaceProps.hasGenders) && (sourcePawn.gender != Gender.None)) { pawn.gender = sourcePawn.gender; } else { if (Rand.Value < 0.5f) { pawn.gender = Gender.Male; } else { pawn.gender = Gender.Female; } } } else { pawn.gender = Gender.None; } AbilityEffect_Revive.GenerateRandomAge_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn); AbilityEffect_Revive.GenerateInitialHediffs_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn); if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { if ((sourcePawn != null) && (forceBodyVisual)) { pawn.story.skinColor = sourcePawn.story.skinColor; pawn.story.crownType = sourcePawn.story.crownType; pawn.story.headGraphicPath = sourcePawn.story.headGraphicPath; pawn.story.hairColor = sourcePawn.story.hairColor; AbilityEffect_Revive.GiveAppropriateBioTo_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn); pawn.story.hairDef = sourcePawn.story.hairDef; AbilityEffect_Revive.GiveRandomTraitsTo_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn); pawn.story.GenerateSkillsFromBackstory(); } else { pawn.story.skinColor = PawnSkinColors.RandomSkinColor(); pawn.story.crownType = ((Rand.Value >= 0.5f) ? CrownType.Narrow : CrownType.Average); pawn.story.headGraphicPath = GraphicDatabaseHeadRecords.GetHeadRandom(pawn.gender, pawn.story.skinColor, pawn.story.crownType).GraphicPath; pawn.story.hairColor = PawnHairColors.RandomHairColor(pawn.story.skinColor, pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears); PawnBioGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioTo(pawn, faction.def); pawn.story.hairDef = PawnHairChooser.RandomHairDefFor(pawn, faction.def); AbilityEffect_Revive.GiveRandomTraitsTo(pawn); pawn.story.GenerateSkillsFromBackstory(); } } AbilityEffect_Revive.GenerateStartingApparelFor_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn, forceApparel); AbilityEffect_Revive.TryGenerateWeaponFor_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn, forceWeapon); AbilityEffect_Revive.GenerateInventoryFor_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn); PawnUtility.AddAndRemoveComponentsAsAppropriate(pawn); return(pawn); }
public void ApplyCollarEffects( Pawn pawn, Apparel collar ) { if( originalFaction == null ) { if( pawn.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer ) { originalFaction = Find.FactionManager.FirstFactionOfDef( FactionDefOf.Spacer ); } else { originalFaction = pawn.Faction; } } if( originalPawnKind == null ) { originalPawnKind = pawn.kindDef; } pawn.kindDef = Data.PawnKindDefOf.Slave; if( ( pawn.story != null )&& ( pawn.story.traits != null )&& ( !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait( Data.TraitDefOf.Enslaved ) ) ) { pawn.story.traits.GainTrait( new Trait( Data.TraitDefOf.Enslaved ) ); } }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { base.Impact(hitThing); /* * Null checking is very important in RimWorld. * 99% of errors reported are from NullReferenceExceptions (NREs). * Make sure your code checks if things actually exist, before they * try to use the code that belongs to said things. */ //only do stuff if it is a pawn. if (Def != null && hitThing != null && hitThing is Pawn hitPawn) //Fancy way to declare a variable inside an if statement. - Thanks Erdelf. { var rand = Rand.Value; // This is a random percentage between 0% and 100% Map thisMap = hitThing.Map; PawnKindDef clonedPawnKindDef = hitPawn.kindDef; //Log.Message("pawnKindDef.ToString() = " + pawnKindDef.ToString(), true); Pawn newThing = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(clonedPawnKindDef); //newThing.gender = hitPawn.gender; Log.Message("ishuman = " + newThing.RaceProps.Humanlike, true); if (hitPawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { //newThing.kindDef.race = hitPawn.kindDef.race; //make an exact copy of the hit pawn. I can't just set the pawn variables equal to each other because of random complications //it's easier to do this than to work around the complications causing just "newthing = hitpawn" to not work newThing.inventory = hitPawn.inventory; newThing.RaceProps.body = hitPawn.RaceProps.body; newThing.gender = hitPawn.gender; newThing.skills = hitPawn.skills; newThing.story.traits = hitPawn.story.traits; newThing.apparel = hitPawn.apparel; newThing.ageTracker = hitPawn.ageTracker; newThing.SetFaction(hitPawn.Faction); =; newThing.story.hairDef = hitPawn.story.hairDef; newThing.story.bodyType = hitPawn.story.bodyType; newThing.story.melanin = hitPawn.story.melanin; newThing.story.crownType = hitPawn.story.crownType; newThing.story.hairColor = hitPawn.story.hairColor; newThing.story.adulthood = hitPawn.story.adulthood; newThing.story.childhood = hitPawn.story.childhood; //fully heal the pawn. Give them a fresh start! MiscCrap.FullyHealPawn(newThing); } else { newThing.gender = hitPawn.gender; newThing.SetFaction(hitPawn.Faction); } //Pawn newThing = hitPawn; //hitPawn.Name = NameGenerator.GenerateName() //newThing.records.AccumulateStoryEvent(StoryEventDef) IntVec3 clonedPawnPosition = new IntVec3(hitPawn.Position.x + (new Random().Next(-1, 1)), hitPawn.Position.y, hitPawn.Position.z + (new Random().Next(-1, 1))); GenSpawn.Spawn(newThing, clonedPawnPosition, thisMap); //Log.Message("newThing kind def = " + newThing.kindDef.ToString()); //hitThing.Map.wildAnimalSpawner.SpawnRandomWildAnimalAt(hitThing.Position); //hitPawn.DeSpawn(); } else { Pawn newPawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .GetNamed("Colonist")); if (this.launcher.Position.GetFirstPawn(this.launcher.Map) != null) { newPawn.SetFaction(Faction.OfPlayer, this.launcher.Position.GetFirstPawn(this.launcher.Map)); } else { newPawn.SetFaction(Faction.OfPlayer); } MiscCrap.FilterTraits(newPawn); MiscCrap.FullyHealPawn(newPawn); GenSpawn.Spawn(newPawn, new IntVec3(base.Position.x + (new Random().Next(-1, 1)), base.Position.y, base.Position.z + (new Random().Next(-1, 1))), this.launcher.Map); } }
void LaunchSecurityDropPods(int dropPodsNumber, PawnKindDef securityForcesDef, bool assaultColony) { IntVec3 dropPodSpot; List<Pawn> securityForcesList = new List<Pawn>(); if ((dropPodsNumber == 0) || (securityForcesDef == null)) { return; } OG_Inhabitants.InitializeUniformColorAccordingToBiome(); // Necessary in case of small outpost (no inhabitants were generated). for (int soldierIndex = 0; soldierIndex < dropPodsNumber; soldierIndex++) { bool validDropPodCellIsFound = DropCellFinder.TryFindDropSpotNear(this.dropZoneCenter, out dropPodSpot, true, false); if (validDropPodCellIsFound) { Pawn soldier = OG_Inhabitants.GeneratePawn(securityForcesDef); securityForcesList.Add(soldier); DropPodUtility.MakeDropPodAt(dropPodSpot, new DropPodInfo { SingleContainedThing = soldier, openDelay = 240, leaveSlag = false }); } } LordJob lordJob; if (assaultColony) { lordJob = new LordJob_AssaultColony(OG_Util.FactionOfMiningCo, true, true, false); } else { lordJob = new LordJob_DefendPoint(this.dropZoneCenter); } Lord lord = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(OG_Util.FactionOfMiningCo, lordJob, securityForcesList); }
private bool <TrySpawnMechanoids> m__1(PawnKindDef def) { return(def.RaceProps.IsMechanoid && def.isFighter && def.combatPower <= this.pointsLeft); }
private void DrawAnimalListheader( ref Vector2 cur, Vector2 size, PawnKindDef pawnKind, string header ) { // use a third of available screenspace for labels var headerRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, size.x / 3f, size.y ); Utilities.Label( headerRect, header, anchor: TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, font: GameFont.Tiny ); cur.x += size.x / 3f; // gender, lifestage, current meat (and if applicable, milking + shearing) var cols = 3; // extra columns? bool milk = pawnKind.Milkable(); bool wool = pawnKind.Shearable(); if ( milk ) { cols++; } if ( wool ) { cols++; } float colwidth = size.x * 2 / 3 / cols; // gender header var genderRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colwidth, size.y ); Rect genderMale = new Rect( 0f, 0f, _smallIconSize, _smallIconSize ).CenteredIn( genderRect, -_smallIconSize / 2 ); Rect genderFemale = new Rect( 0f, 0f, _smallIconSize, _smallIconSize ).CenteredIn( genderRect, _smallIconSize / 2 ); GUI.DrawTexture( genderMale, Resources.MaleIcon ); GUI.DrawTexture( genderFemale, Resources.FemaleIcon ); TooltipHandler.TipRegion( genderRect, "FML.GenderHeader".Translate() ); cur.x += colwidth; // lifestage header var ageRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colwidth, size.y ); Rect ageRectC = new Rect( 0f, 0f, _smallIconSize, _smallIconSize ).CenteredIn( ageRect, _smallIconSize / 2 ); Rect ageRectB = new Rect( 0f, 0f, _smallIconSize, _smallIconSize ).CenteredIn( ageRect ); Rect ageRectA = new Rect( 0f, 0f, _smallIconSize, _smallIconSize ).CenteredIn( ageRect, -_smallIconSize / 2 ); GUI.DrawTexture( ageRectC, Resources.LifeStages[2] ); GUI.DrawTexture( ageRectB, Resources.LifeStages[1] ); GUI.DrawTexture( ageRectA, Resources.LifeStages[0] ); TooltipHandler.TipRegion( ageRect, "FML.AgeHeader".Translate() ); cur.x += colwidth; // meat header var meatRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colwidth, size.y ); Rect meatIconRect = new Rect( 0f, 0f, _smallIconSize, _smallIconSize ).CenteredIn( meatRect ); GUI.DrawTexture( meatIconRect, Resources.MeatIcon ); TooltipHandler.TipRegion( meatRect, "FML.MeatHeader".Translate() ); cur.x += colwidth; // milk header if ( milk ) { var milkRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colwidth, size.y ); Rect milkIconRect = new Rect( 0f, 0f, _smallIconSize, _smallIconSize ).CenteredIn( milkRect ); GUI.DrawTexture( milkIconRect, Resources.MilkIcon ); TooltipHandler.TipRegion( milkRect, "FML.MilkHeader".Translate() ); cur.x += colwidth; } // wool header if ( wool ) { var woolRect = new Rect( cur.x, cur.y, colwidth, size.y ); Rect woolIconRect = new Rect( 0f, 0f, Utilities.MediumIconSize, Utilities.MediumIconSize ).CenteredIn( woolRect ); GUI.DrawTexture( woolIconRect, Resources.WoolIcon ); TooltipHandler.TipRegion( woolRect, "FML.WoolHeader".Translate() ); cur.x += colwidth; } // start next row cur.x = 0f; cur.y += size.y; }
public void DoDamageToThings() { List <Thing> list = new List <Thing>(); try { if (GenGrid.InBounds(this.Position, this.Map)) { list = this.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(this.Position); } } catch { return; } if (list == null || list.Count <= 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i] == null || list[i].Faction == PurpleIvyData.AlienFaction) { continue; } if (list[i].def.IsCorpse) { this.DoDamageToCorpse((Corpse)list[i]); } else { switch (list[i]) { case Pawn _: { this.DoDamageToPawn((Pawn)list[i]); break; } case StickyGoo stickyGoo: { if (stickyGoo.HasAnyContents) { var thing = stickyGoo.ContainedThing; if (thing is Pawn pawn) { var damageInfo = new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Scratch, 1, 0f, -1f, this, null, null); pawn.TakeDamage(damageInfo); this.Growth += 0.001f; if (pawn.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>() == null) { var hediff = (AlienInfectionHediff)HediffMaker.MakeHediff (PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_AlienInfection, pawn); hediff.instigator = PawnKindDef.Named("Genny_ParasiteOmega");; } if (Rand.Chance(0.1f) && == null) { var hediff3 = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_AlienMutation, pawn, null);, null, null, null); } } else if (thing is Corpse corpse) { this.DoDamageToCorpse(corpse); stickyGoo.EjectContents(); } } break; } case Plant _: { if (list[i].def != PurpleIvyDefOf.PurpleIvy && list[i].def != PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_Nest && list[i].def != PurpleIvyDefOf.PlantVenomousToothwort && list[i].def != PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_CorruptedTree) { PurpleIvyMoteMaker.ThrowToxicSmoke(this.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), this.Map); //FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(this.Position, this.Map, PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_ToxicFilth); list[i].TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_ToxicBurn, 1)); } break; } } } } }
public override void GenerateForces(Map map, ResolveParams rp, ScatterOptions options) { Debug.Log(Debug.ForceGen, "Generating mechanoid forces"); CellRect rect = rp.rect; /*if (rect.minX < 15 || rect.minZ < 15 || rect.maxX > map.Size.x - 15 || rect.maxZ > map.Size.z - 15) { * return; //do not add enemies if we're on the map edge * } * * if (!CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellInsideWith(rect, (IntVec3 x) => x.Standable(map) && options.roomMap[x.x - rect.BottomLeft.x, x.z - rect.BottomLeft.z] > 1, out IntVec3 testCell)) { * return; //interrupt if there are no closed cells available * }*/ PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = null; if (powerMax == 0) { powerMax = rect.Area / 30.0f; } powerMax = ScalePointsToDifficulty(powerMax); float powerThreshold = (Math.Abs(Rand.Gaussian(0.5f, 1)) * powerMax) + 1; float cumulativePower = 0; Faction faction = Faction.OfMechanoids; Lord lord = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(lordJob: new LordJob_DefendPoint(rect.CenterCell), faction: faction, map: map, startingPawns: null); int tile = map.Tile; while (cumulativePower <= powerThreshold) { PawnKindDef currentPawnKindDef = (from kind in DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .AllDefsListForReading where kind.RaceProps.IsMechanoid select kind).RandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef kind) => 1f / kind.combatPower); PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest(currentPawnKindDef, faction, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, tile, true, false, false, //allowDead is last false, true, true, 1f, false, true, true, true, false, false, false, true, 0, null, 1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); IntVec3 cell = IntVec3.Invalid; // if (!CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellInsideWith(rect, (IntVec3 x) => x.Standable(map) && options.roomMap[x.x - rect.minX, x.z - rect.minZ] > 1, out cell)) { CellFinder.TryFindRandomSpawnCellForPawnNear(rect.CenterCell, map, out cell); // } if (cell != IntVec3.Invalid) { Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request); FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(cell, map, ThingDefOf.Filth_Blood, 5); GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, cell, map, WipeMode.Vanish); lord.AddPawn(pawn); cumulativePower += pawn.kindDef.combatPower; } else { break; //no more suitable cells } Debug.Log(Debug.ForceGen, "Spawned mechanoid of faction {0}", faction.Name); } }
public override void Tick() { if (Spawned) { sustainer.Maintain(); Vector3 vector = Position.ToVector3Shifted(); IntVec3 c; if (Rand.MTBEventOccurs(FilthSpawnMTB, 1f, 1.TicksToSeconds()) && CellFinder.TryFindRandomReachableCellNear(Position, Map, FilthSpawnRadius, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, Danger.Deadly, false), null, null, out c, 999999)) { FilthMaker.MakeFilth(c, Map, filthTypes.RandomElement(), 1); } if (Rand.MTBEventOccurs(DustMoteSpawnMTB, 1f, 1.TicksToSeconds())) { MoteMaker.ThrowDustPuffThick(new Vector3(vector.x, 0f, vector.z) { y = AltitudeLayer.MoteOverhead.AltitudeFor() }, Map, Rand.Range(1.5f, 3f), new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 2.5f)); } if (secondarySpawnTick <= Find.TickManager.TicksGame) { sustainer.End(); Map map = Map; IntVec3 position = Position; Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); PawnKindDef kindDef = HiveUtility.GetFactionKindDef(PawnKindDef.Named("BI_Queen_Brown"), queenFaction); Queen queen = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(kindDef, queenFaction) as Queen; queen.hiveLocation = position; if (hiveLocation != null) { queen.hiveLocation = hiveLocation; } GenSpawn.Spawn(queen, CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(position, map, 4, null), map); if (insectsPoints > 0f) { List <PawnKindDef> spawnablePawnKinds = HiveUtility.GetFactionKindDefs(queenFaction); insectsPoints = Mathf.Max(insectsPoints, spawnablePawnKinds.Min((PawnKindDef x) => x.combatPower)); float pointsLeft = insectsPoints; List <Pawn> list = new List <Pawn>(); int num = 0; while (pointsLeft > 0f) { num++; if (num > 1000) { Log.Error("Too many iterations.", false); break; } IEnumerable <PawnKindDef> source = from x in spawnablePawnKinds where x.combatPower <= pointsLeft select x; PawnKindDef pawnKindDef; if (!source.TryRandomElement(out pawnKindDef)) { break; } PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest(pawnKindDef, queenFaction, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, -1, true, true, false, false, false, false, 1f, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request); GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(position, map, 2, null), map, WipeMode.Vanish); queen.spawnedInsects.Add(pawn); Lord lord = queen.Lord; if (lord == null) { lord = queen.CreateNewLord(); } lord.AddPawn(pawn); list.Add(pawn); pointsLeft -= pawnKindDef.combatPower; } } } } }
public static Pawn Copy(Pawn sourcePawn, PawnKindDef kindDef, Faction faction, bool forceBodyVisual = false, bool forceApparel = false, bool forceWeapon = false) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)ThingMaker.MakeThing(kindDef.race, null); pawn.kindDef = kindDef; pawn.SetFactionDirect(faction); pawn.pather = new Pawn_PathFollower(pawn); pawn.ageTracker = new Pawn_AgeTracker(pawn); = new Pawn_HealthTracker(pawn); = new Pawn_JobTracker(pawn); pawn.mindState = new Pawn_MindState(pawn); pawn.filth = new Pawn_FilthTracker(pawn); pawn.needs = new Pawn_NeedsTracker(pawn); pawn.stances = new Pawn_StanceTracker(pawn); pawn.InitUnsavedUniversalComponents(); if (pawn.RaceProps.ToolUser) { = new Pawn_EquipmentTracker(pawn); pawn.carrier = new Pawn_CarryTracker(pawn); pawn.apparel = new Pawn_ApparelTracker(pawn); pawn.inventory = new Pawn_InventoryTracker(pawn); } if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { pawn.ownership = new Pawn_Ownership(pawn); pawn.skills = new Pawn_SkillTracker(pawn); pawn.talker = new Pawn_TalkTracker(pawn); pawn.story = new Pawn_StoryTracker(pawn); pawn.workSettings = new Pawn_WorkSettings(pawn); } if (pawn.RaceProps.intelligence <= Intelligence.ToolUser) { pawn.caller = new Pawn_CallTracker(pawn); } PawnUtility.AddAndRemoveComponentsAsAppropriate(pawn); if (pawn.RaceProps.hasGenders) { if ((sourcePawn != null) && (sourcePawn.RaceProps.hasGenders) && (sourcePawn.gender != Gender.None)) pawn.gender = sourcePawn.gender; else { if (Rand.Value < 0.5f) pawn.gender = Gender.Male; else pawn.gender = Gender.Female; } } else pawn.gender = Gender.None; AbilityEffect_Revive.GenerateRandomAge_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn); AbilityEffect_Revive.GenerateInitialHediffs_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn); if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { if ((sourcePawn != null) && (forceBodyVisual)) { pawn.story.skinColor = sourcePawn.story.skinColor; pawn.story.crownType = sourcePawn.story.crownType; pawn.story.headGraphicPath = sourcePawn.story.headGraphicPath; pawn.story.hairColor = sourcePawn.story.hairColor; AbilityEffect_Revive.GiveAppropriateBioTo_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn); pawn.story.hairDef = sourcePawn.story.hairDef; AbilityEffect_Revive.GiveRandomTraitsTo_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn); pawn.story.GenerateSkillsFromBackstory(); } else { pawn.story.skinColor = PawnSkinColors.RandomSkinColor(); pawn.story.crownType = ((Rand.Value >= 0.5f) ? CrownType.Narrow : CrownType.Average); pawn.story.headGraphicPath = GraphicDatabaseHeadRecords.GetHeadRandom(pawn.gender, pawn.story.skinColor, pawn.story.crownType).GraphicPath; pawn.story.hairColor = PawnHairColors.RandomHairColor(pawn.story.skinColor, pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYears); PawnBioGenerator.GiveAppropriateBioTo(pawn, faction.def); pawn.story.hairDef = PawnHairChooser.RandomHairDefFor(pawn, faction.def); AbilityEffect_Revive.GiveRandomTraitsTo(pawn); pawn.story.GenerateSkillsFromBackstory(); } } AbilityEffect_Revive.GenerateStartingApparelFor_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn, forceApparel); AbilityEffect_Revive.TryGenerateWeaponFor_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn, forceWeapon); AbilityEffect_Revive.GenerateInventoryFor_Coping(pawn, sourcePawn); PawnUtility.AddAndRemoveComponentsAsAppropriate(pawn); return pawn; }
public static string BestKindLabel(PawnKindDef kindDef, Gender gender, bool plural = false, int pluralCount = -1) { bool genderNoted; return(BestKindLabel(kindDef, gender, out genderNoted, plural, pluralCount)); }
// set defaults public ManagerJob_Livestock( PawnKindDef pawnKindDef ) : this() { // set pawnkind and get list of current colonist pawns of that def. Trigger.pawnKind = pawnKindDef; }
public static string BestKindLabel(PawnKindDef kindDef, Gender gender, out bool genderNoted, bool plural = false, int pluralCount = -1) { if (plural && pluralCount == 1) { plural = false; } string text = null; genderNoted = false; switch (gender) { case Gender.None: if (plural && kindDef.labelPlural != null) { text = kindDef.labelPlural; break; } text = kindDef.label; if (plural) { text = Find.ActiveLanguageWorker.Pluralize(text, gender, pluralCount); } break; case Gender.Male: if (plural && kindDef.labelMalePlural != null) { text = kindDef.labelMalePlural; genderNoted = true; } else if (kindDef.labelMale != null) { text = kindDef.labelMale; genderNoted = true; if (plural) { text = Find.ActiveLanguageWorker.Pluralize(text, gender, pluralCount); } } else if (plural && kindDef.labelPlural != null) { text = kindDef.labelPlural; } else { text = kindDef.label; if (plural) { text = Find.ActiveLanguageWorker.Pluralize(text, gender, pluralCount); } } break; case Gender.Female: if (plural && kindDef.labelFemalePlural != null) { text = kindDef.labelFemalePlural; genderNoted = true; } else if (kindDef.labelFemale != null) { text = kindDef.labelFemale; genderNoted = true; if (plural) { text = Find.ActiveLanguageWorker.Pluralize(text, gender, pluralCount); } } else if (plural && kindDef.labelPlural != null) { text = kindDef.labelPlural; } else { text = kindDef.label; if (plural) { text = Find.ActiveLanguageWorker.Pluralize(text, gender, pluralCount); } } break; } return(text); }
private static void GeneratePawnApparelAndWeapon(ref Pawn pawn, PawnKindDef kindDef) { if (kindDef == OG_Util.OutpostOfficerDef) { GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_Pants"), ThingDef.Named("Hyperweave"), pantColor); GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_CollarShirt"), ThingDef.Named("Hyperweave"), shirtColor); GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_VestPlate"), null,, false); GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_Duster"), ThingDef.Named("Hyperweave"), armorColor); GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_CowboyHat"), ThingDef.Named("Hyperweave"), helmetColor); GeneratePawnWeapon(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Gun_SniperRifle")); } else if ((kindDef == OG_Util.OutpostHeavyGuardDef) || (kindDef == OG_Util.OutpostGuardDef)) { GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_Pants"), ThingDef.Named("Synthread"), pantColor); GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_BasicShirt"), ThingDef.Named("Synthread"), shirtColor); GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_PowerArmor"), null, armorColor); GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_PowerArmorHelmet"), null, helmetColor); if (kindDef == OG_Util.OutpostHeavyGuardDef) { GeneratePawnWeapon(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Gun_Minigun")); } else { GeneratePawnWeapon(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Gun_ChargeRifle")); } } else if (kindDef == OG_Util.OutpostScoutDef) { GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_Pants"), ThingDef.Named("Synthread"), pantColor); GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_BasicShirt"), ThingDef.Named("Synthread"), shirtColor); GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_VestPlate"), null,, false); GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_KevlarHelmet"), null, helmetColor); if (needParka) { GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_Parka"), ThingDef.Named("Synthread"), armorColor); } GeneratePawnWeapon(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Gun_AssaultRifle")); } else if (kindDef == OG_Util.OutpostTechnicianDef) { GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_Pants"), ThingDef.Named("Synthread"), colorCivilGrey); GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_CollarShirt"), ThingDef.Named("Synthread"), colorCivilGrey); if (OG_Util.IsModActive("MiningCo. MiningHelmet")) { GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("MiningHelmet"), null,, false); } else { if (Find.MapWorldSquare.temperature < 20f) { // Only give a tuque if temperature is low enough. GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_Tuque"), ThingDef.Named("Synthread"), colorCivilGrey); } } if (needParka) { GeneratePawnApparel(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Apparel_Parka"), ThingDef.Named("Synthread"), armorColor); } GeneratePawnWeapon(ref pawn, kindDef.itemQuality, ThingDef.Named("Gun_Pistol")); } }
/// <summary> /// Simple check to determine wheth the PawnKindDef is a Apini or not. /// </summary> /// <param name="def">Supplied Def.</param> /// <returns>True if it is a Apini.</returns> public static bool IsApini(this PawnKindDef def) { return(ApiniTracker.apiniKind.Contains(def)); }