private void OnSelectedItemChangedCommand(PatternDetails selectedItem) { SelectedPattern = selectedItem; Log.SetOutPutAction(SelectedPattern.OutPutAction); SelectedPattern.Run(); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var mediatorParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Mediator", Header = "Mediator", Detailes = "Defines simplified communication between classes - " + "Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. Mediator promotes loose " + "coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets" + " you vary their interaction independently.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var mediatorStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "MediatorStructural", Header = "Mediator Structural", Method = MethodService.MediatorStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Mediator pattern facilitating loosely coupled communication " + "between different objects and object types. The mediator is a central hub through which" + " all interaction must take place.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var mediatorRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "MediatorRealWorld", Header = "Mediator Real World", Method = MethodService.MediatorRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Mediator pattern facilitating loosely" + " coupled communication between different Participants registering with a Chatroom. " + "The Chatroom is the central hub through which all communication takes place." + " At this point only one-to-one communication is implemented in the Chatroom, " + "but would be trivial to change to one-to-many.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; mediatorParent.Patterns.Add(mediatorStructural); mediatorParent.Patterns.Add(mediatorRealWorld); return(mediatorParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var abstractFactoryParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "AbstractFactory", Header = "Abstract Factory", Detailes = "Creates an instance of several families of classes - " + "Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.", ImageUrl = @"pack://*****:*****@"pack://application:,,,/DesignPatterns;component/Images/ClassDiagrams/AbstractFactoryRw.png", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var abstractFactoryStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "AbstractFactoryStructural", Header = "Abstract Factory Structural", Method = MethodService.AbstractFactoryStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Abstract Factory pattern creating parallel hierarchies of objects." + " Object creation has been abstracted and there is no need for hard-coded class names in the client code.", ImageUrl = @"pack://application:,,,/DesignPatterns;component/Images/ClassDiagrams/AbstractFactorySt.png", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; abstractFactoryParent.Patterns.Add(abstractFactoryStructural); abstractFactoryParent.Patterns.Add(abstractFactoryRealWorld); return(abstractFactoryParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var templateMethodParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "TemplateMethod", Header = "Template Method", Detailes = "Defer the exact steps of an algorithm to a subclass - " + "Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring " + "some steps to subclasses. Template Method lets subclasses redefine certain " + "steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm's structure.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var templateMethodStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "TemplateMethodStructural", Header = "TemplateMethod Structural", Method = MethodService.TemplateMethodStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Template method which provides a skeleton " + "calling sequence of methods. One or more steps can be deferred to subclasses which" + " implement these steps without changing the overall calling sequence.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var templateMethodRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "TemplateMethodRealWorld", Header = "TemplateMethod Real World", Method = MethodService.TemplateMethodRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates a Template method named Run() " + "which provides a skeleton calling sequence of methods. Implementation of " + "these steps are deferred to the CustomerDataObject subclass which implements the " + "Connect, Select, Process, and Disconnect methods.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; templateMethodParent.Patterns.Add(templateMethodStructural); templateMethodParent.Patterns.Add(templateMethodRealWorld); return(templateMethodParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var stateParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "State", Header = "State", Detailes = "Alter an object's behavior when its state changes - " + "Allow an object to alter its behavior when its" + " internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var stateStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "StateStructural", Header = "State Structural", Method = MethodService.StateStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the State pattern which allows an object to " + "behave differently depending on " + "its internal state. The difference in behavior " + "is delegated to objects that represent this state.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var stateRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "StateRealWorld", Header = "State Real World", Method = MethodService.StateRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the State pattern which allows an Account " + "to behave differently depending on its balance. The difference in " + "behavior is delegated to State objects called RedState, SilverState and GoldState." + " These states represent overdrawn accounts, starter accounts, and accounts in good standing.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; stateParent.Patterns.Add(stateStructural); stateParent.Patterns.Add(stateRealWorld); return(stateParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var chainOfRespParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "ChainOfResp", Header = "ChainOfResp", Detailes = "A way of passing a request between a chain of objects - " + "Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object" + " a chance to handle the request. Chain the receiving objects and " + "pass the request along the chain until an object handles it.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var chainOfRespStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "ChainOfRespStructural", Header = "ChainOfResp Structural", Method = MethodService.ChainOfRespStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Chain of Responsibility pattern in" + " which several linked objects (the Chain) are offered the opportunity to " + "respond to a request or hand it off to the object next in line.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var chainOfRespRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "ChainOfRespRealWorld", Header = "ChainOfResp Real World", Method = MethodService.ChainOfRespRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Chain of Responsibility pattern in" + " which several linked managers and executives can respond to a purchase request or hand it" + "off to a superior. Each position has can have its own set of rules which orders they can approve.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; chainOfRespParent.Patterns.Add(chainOfRespStructural); chainOfRespParent.Patterns.Add(chainOfRespRealWorld); return(chainOfRespParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var visitorParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Visitor", Header = "Visitor", Detailes = "Defines a new operation to a class without change - " + "Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure." + " Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the" + " elements on which it operates.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var visitorStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "VisitorStructural", Header = "Visitor Structural", Method = MethodService.VisitorStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Visitor pattern in which an object " + "traverses an object structure and performs the same operation on each node in " + "this structure. Different visitor objects define different operations.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var visitorRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "VisitorRealWorld", Header = "Visitor Real World", Method = MethodService.VisitorRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Visitor pattern in which two objects " + "traverse a list of Employees and performs the same operation on each Employee." + " The two visitor objects define different operations -- one adjusts vacation days and the other income.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; visitorParent.Patterns.Add(visitorStructural); visitorParent.Patterns.Add(visitorRealWorld); return(visitorParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var strategyParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Strategy", Header = "Strategy", Detailes = "Encapsulates an algorithm inside a class - " + "Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. " + "Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var strategyStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "StrategyStructural", Header = "Strategy Structural", Method = MethodService.StrategyStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Strategy pattern which encapsulates functionality " + "in the form of an object. This allows clients to dynamically change algorithmic strategies.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var strategyRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "StrategyRealWorld", Header = "Strategy Real World", Method = MethodService.StrategyRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Strategy pattern which " + "encapsulates sorting algorithms in the form of sorting objects." + " This allows clients to dynamically change sorting strategies including" + " Quicksort, Shellsort, and Mergesort.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; strategyParent.Patterns.Add(strategyStructural); strategyParent.Patterns.Add(strategyRealWorld); return(strategyParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var behavioralDetails = new PatternDetails { Name = "Behavioral", Header = "Behavioral Patterns", }; _factoryTypes.ForEach(factoryType => behavioralDetails.Patterns.Add(factoryType.GetPatternDetails())); return(behavioralDetails); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var adapterParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Adapter", Header = "Adapter", Detailes = "Match interfaces of different classes - " + "Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets " + "classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.", ImageUrl = @"pack://*****:*****@"pack://application:,,,/DesignPatterns;component/Images/ClassDiagrams/AdapterUML.png", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var adapterRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "AdapterRealWorld", Header = "Adapter Real World", Method = MethodService.AdapterRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the use of a legacy chemical databank." + " Chemical compound objects access the databank through an Adapter interface.", ImageUrl = @"pack://application:,,,/DesignPatterns;component/Images/ClassDiagrams/AdapterUML.png", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; adapterParent.Patterns.Add(adapterStructural); adapterParent.Patterns.Add(adapterRealWorld); return(adapterParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var singletonParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Singleton", Header = "Singleton", Detailes = "A class of which only a single instance can exist - " + "Ensure a class has only one instance and provide a global point of access to it.", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), new Uri("") } }; var singletonRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "SingletonRealWorld", Header = "Singleton Real World", Method = MethodService.SingletonRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Singleton pattern as a LoadBalancing object." + " Only a single instance (the singleton) of the class can be created because servers may dynamically " + "come on- or off-line and every request must go throught the one object that has knowledge" + " about the state of the (web) farm.", ImageUrl = @"pack://*****:*****@"pack://application:,,,/DesignPatterns;component/Images/SingletonUML.PNG", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; singletonParent.Patterns.Add(singletonStructural); singletonParent.Patterns.Add(singletonRealWorld); return(singletonParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var commandParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Command", Header = "Command", Detailes = "Encapsulate a command request as an object - " + "Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with " + "different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var commandStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "CommandStructural", Header = "Command Structural", Method = MethodService.CommandStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Command pattern which" + " stores requests as objects allowing clients to execute or playback the requests.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var commandRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "CommandRealWorld", Header = "Command Real World", Method = MethodService.CommandRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Command pattern used in a simple" + " calculator with unlimited number of undo's and redo's. Note that in C# " + "the word 'operator' is a keyword. Prefixing it with '@' allows using it as an identifier.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; commandParent.Patterns.Add(commandStructural); commandParent.Patterns.Add(commandRealWorld); return(commandParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var builderParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Builder", Header = "Builder", Detailes = "Separates object construction from its representation - " + "Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var builderRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "BuilderRealWorld", Header = "Builder Real World", Method = MethodService.BuilderRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstates the Builder pattern in which different vehicles are assembled in a step-by-step fashion. " + "The Shop uses VehicleBuilders to construct a variety of Vehicles in a series of sequential steps.", ImageUrl = @"pack://*****:*****@"pack://application:,,,/DesignPatterns;component/Images/BuilderUML.PNG", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; builderParent.Patterns.Add(builderStructural); builderParent.Patterns.Add(builderRealWorld); return(builderParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var iteratorParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Iterator", Header = "Iterator", Detailes = "Sequentially access the elements of a collection - " + "Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object" + " sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var iteratorStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "IteratorStructural", Header = "Iterator Structural", Method = MethodService.IteratorStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Iterator pattern which provides for a way to traverse (iterate) over" + " a collection of items without detailing the underlying structure of the collection.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var iteratorRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "IteratorRealWorld", Header = "Iterator Real World", Method = MethodService.IteratorRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Iterator pattern which is used to" + " iterate over a collection of items and skip a specific number of items each iteration.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; iteratorParent.Patterns.Add(iteratorStructural); iteratorParent.Patterns.Add(iteratorRealWorld); return(iteratorParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var mementoParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Memento", Header = "Memento", Detailes = "Capture and restore an object's internal state - " + "Without violating encapsulation, capture and externalize an object's " + "internal state so that the object can be restored to this state later.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var mementoStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "MementoStructural", Header = "Memento Structural", Method = MethodService.MementoStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Memento pattern which" + " temporary saves and restores another object's internal state.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var mementoRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "MementoRealWorld", Header = "Memento Real World", Method = MethodService.MementoRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Memento pattern" + " which temporarily saves and then restores the SalesProspect's internal state.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; mementoParent.Patterns.Add(mementoStructural); mementoParent.Patterns.Add(mementoRealWorld); return(mementoParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var interpreterParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Interpreter", Header = "Interpreter", Detailes = "A way to include language elements in a program - " + "Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an " + "interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var interpreterStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "InterpreterStructural", Header = "Interpreter Structural", Method = MethodService.InterpreterStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Interpreter patterns, which using a " + "defined grammer, provides the interpreter that processes parsed statements.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var interpreterRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "InterpreterRealWorld", Header = "Interpreter Real World", Method = MethodService.InterpreterRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Interpreter " + "pattern which is used to convert a Roman numeral to a decimal.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; interpreterParent.Patterns.Add(interpreterStructural); interpreterParent.Patterns.Add(interpreterRealWorld); return(interpreterParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var observerParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Observer", Header = "Observer", Detailes = "A way of notifying change to a number of classes - " + "Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object" + " changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var observerStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "ObserverStructural", Header = "Observer Structural", Method = MethodService.ObserverStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Observer pattern in which " + "registered objects are notified of and updated with a state change.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var observerRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "ObserverRealWorld", Header = "Observer Real World", Method = MethodService.ObserverRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Observer pattern in" + " which registered investors are notified every time a stock changes value.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; observerParent.Patterns.Add(observerStructural); observerParent.Patterns.Add(observerRealWorld); return(observerParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var facadeParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Facade", Header = "Facade", Detailes = "A single class that represents an entire subsystem - " + "Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem." + " Façade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var facadeStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "FacadeStructural", Header = "Facade Structural", Method = MethodService.FacadeStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Facade pattern which provides" + " a simplified and uniform interface to a large subsystem of classes.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var facadeRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "FacadeRealWorld", Header = "Facade Real World", Method = MethodService.FacadeRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Facade pattern as a MortgageApplication object " + "which provides a simplified interface to a large subsystem of classes measuring the creditworthyness of an applicant.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; facadeParent.Patterns.Add(facadeStructural); facadeParent.Patterns.Add(facadeRealWorld); return(facadeParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var decoratorParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Decorator", Header = "Decorator", Detailes = "Add responsibilities to objects dynamically - " + "Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. " + "Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var decoratorStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "DecoratorStructural", Header = "Decorator Structural", Method = MethodService.DecoratorStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Decorator pattern which dynamically adds" + " extra functionality to an existing object.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var decoratorRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "DecoratorRealWorld", Header = "Decorator Real World", Method = MethodService.DecoratorRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Decorator pattern in which 'borrowable' " + "functionality is added to existing library items (books and videos).", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; decoratorParent.Patterns.Add(decoratorStructural); decoratorParent.Patterns.Add(decoratorRealWorld); return(decoratorParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var compositeParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Composite", Header = "Composite", Detailes = "A tree structure of simple and composite objects - " + "Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies." + " Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var compositeStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "CompositeStructural", Header = "Composite Structural", Method = MethodService.CompositeStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Composite pattern which allows the creation " + "of a tree structure in which individual nodes are accessed uniformly whether they are leaf nodes or branch (composite) nodes.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var compositeRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "CompositeRealWorld", Header = "Composite Real World", Method = MethodService.CompositeRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Composite pattern used in" + " building a graphical tree structure made up of primitive nodes (lines, circles, etc) and composite nodes (groups of drawing elements that make up more complex elements).", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; compositeParent.Patterns.Add(compositeStructural); compositeParent.Patterns.Add(compositeRealWorld); return(compositeParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var flyweightParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Flyweight", Header = "Flyweight", Detailes = "A fine-grained instance used for efficient sharing - " + "Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var flyweightStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "FlyweightStructural", Header = "Flyweight Structural", Method = MethodService.FlyweightStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Flyweight pattern" + " in which a relatively small number of objects is shared many times by different clients.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var flyweightRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "FlyweightRealWorld", Header = "Flyweight Real World", Method = MethodService.FlyweightRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Flyweight pattern in which a relatively " + "small number of Character objects is shared many times by a document that has potentially many characters.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; flyweightParent.Patterns.Add(flyweightStructural); flyweightParent.Patterns.Add(flyweightRealWorld); return(flyweightParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var bridgeParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Bridge", Header = "Bridge", Detailes = "Separates an object’s interface from its implementation - " + "Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var bridgeStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "BridgeStructural", Header = "Bridge Structural", Method = MethodService.BridgeStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Bridge pattern which separates (decouples) the interface from its implementation." + " The implementation can evolve without changing clients which use the abstraction of the object.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var bridgeRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "BridgeRealWorld", Header = "Bridge Real World", Method = MethodService.BridgeRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Bridge pattern in which a BusinessObject abstraction is decoupled from the implementation in DataObject." + " The DataObject implementations can evolve dynamically without changing any clients.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; bridgeParent.Patterns.Add(bridgeStructural); bridgeParent.Patterns.Add(bridgeRealWorld); return(bridgeParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var proxyParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Proxy", Header = "Proxy", Detailes = "An object representing another object - " + "Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var proxyStructural = new PatternDetails { Name = "ProxyStructural", Header = "Proxy Structural", Method = MethodService.ProxyStructural, Detailes = "This structural code demonstrates the Proxy pattern which provides " + "a representative object (proxy) that controls access to another similar object.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var proxyRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "ProxyRealWorld", Header = "Proxy Real World", Method = MethodService.ProxyRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Proxy pattern for " + "a Math object represented by a MathProxy object.", ImageUrl = "", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; proxyParent.Patterns.Add(proxyStructural); proxyParent.Patterns.Add(proxyRealWorld); return(proxyParent); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var creationalDetails = new PatternDetails { Name = "CreationalPatterns", Header = "Creational Patterns", }; creationalDetails.Patterns.Add(new AbstractFactoryPatternsFactory().GetPatternDetails()); creationalDetails.Patterns.Add(new BuilderPatternsFactory().GetPatternDetails()); creationalDetails.Patterns.Add(new PrototypePatternsFactory().GetPatternDetails()); creationalDetails.Patterns.Add(new SingletonPatternsFactory().GetPatternDetails()); return(creationalDetails); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var prototypeParent = new PatternDetails { Name = "Prototype", Header = "Prototype", Detailes = "A fully initialized instance to be copied or cloned - " + "Specify the kind of objects to create using a prototypical instance, and create new objects by copying this prototype.", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; var prototypeRealWorld = new PatternDetails { Name = "PrototypeRealWorld", Header = "Prototype Real World", Method = MethodService.PrototypeRealWorld, Detailes = "This real-world code demonstrates the Prototype pattern in which new Color objects are created by copying pre-existing," + " user-defined Colors of the same type.", ImageUrl = @"pack://*****:*****@"pack://application:,,,/DesignPatterns;component/Images/PrototypeUML.PNG", UrlsList = new List <Uri> { new Uri(""), } }; prototypeParent.Patterns.Add(prototypeStructural); prototypeParent.Patterns.Add(prototypeRealWorld); return(prototypeParent); }
internal DateTime GetDirectoryDateTimeFromPattern(string directory, string pattern) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directory)) { return(DateTime.MinValue); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pattern)) { return(DateTime.MinValue); } PatternDetails patternDetails; if (_patternDetailsDictionnary.ContainsKey(pattern)) { patternDetails = _patternDetailsDictionnary[pattern]; } else { patternDetails = new PatternDetails(); patternDetails.DatePattern = Regex.Replace(pattern, ".*?#(.+?)#.*", "$1"); var patternWithoutDatePart = Regex.Replace(pattern, "#.+?#", "_________"); //First replace the date format to avoid the escape var escapedRegex = Regex.Escape(patternWithoutDatePart); //Escape the rest of the expression to avoid issues with the reserved characters var patternAsRegex = escapedRegex.Replace("_________", "(.+)"); patternDetails.Regex = new Regex(patternAsRegex); _patternDetailsDictionnary.Add(pattern, patternDetails); } var match = patternDetails.Regex.Match(directory); if (!match.Success) { _logger.LogDebug(EventIds.FolderDateParsing, $"Skip the directory '{directory}' because it does not match the pattern: '{pattern}'"); return(DateTime.MinValue); } var dateString = match.Groups[1].Value; if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(dateString, patternDetails.DatePattern, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out var directoryDate)) { _logger.LogError(EventIds.FolderDateParsing, $"The directory '{directory}' match the pattern: '{pattern}' but the extracted date: '{dateString}' cannot be parsed with the format: '{patternDetails.DatePattern}'"); return(DateTime.MinValue); } return(directoryDate); }
protected override PatternDetails CreatePatternDetails() { var structuralDetails = new PatternDetails { Name = "Structural", Header = "Structural Patterns", }; structuralDetails.Patterns.Add(this.GetPatternsFromFactory <AdapterPatternsFactory>()); structuralDetails.Patterns.Add(this.GetPatternsFromFactory <BridgePatternsFactory>()); structuralDetails.Patterns.Add(this.GetPatternsFromFactory <CompositePatternsFactory>()); structuralDetails.Patterns.Add(this.GetPatternsFromFactory <DecoratorePatternsFactory>()); structuralDetails.Patterns.Add(this.GetPatternsFromFactory <FacadePatternsFactory>()); structuralDetails.Patterns.Add(this.GetPatternsFromFactory <FlyweightPatternsFactory>()); structuralDetails.Patterns.Add(this.GetPatternsFromFactory <ProxyweightPatternsFactory>()); return(structuralDetails); }
public PatternDetails GetPatternDetails() { return(PatternDetails ?? (PatternDetails = CreatePatternDetails())); }