Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// To be tied to PatientsSorted. Prints changes to console and to file "fileName". Also 'ticks' the cancellation-token if there are no patients present
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void OnPatientsSorted(object sender, PatientsSortedEventArgs args)
            string toWrite = $"{args.PatientsMovedToICU} patients was moved to ICU, which now has {args.PatientsInICU} patients.\n" +
                             $"{args.PatientsMovedToSanatorium} patients was moved to the Sanatorium, which now has {args.PatientsInSanatorium} patients.\n";

            lock (this)
                File.AppendAllText(fileName, toWrite);
            if (args.PatientsInSanatorium == 0 && args.PatientsInICU == 0)
                args.CancellationRequested = true;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Simulates filling up the ICU and Sanatorium with patients according to symptom-level and patients age. Throws event PatientsSorted when done and
        /// if there are no more patients in neither the sanatorium or the queue, sets the cancellationToken to true
        /// </summary>
        public void SimulatePatientSorting()
            PatientsSortedEventArgs args = new PatientsSortedEventArgs();

            while (!args.CancellationRequested)
                //Reset the args values
                args.PatientsMovedToSanatorium = 0;
                args.PatientsMovedToICU        = 0;

                using (var hospitalContext = new HospitalContext())
                    var patientsInICU = (from patient in hospitalContext.Patients
                                         where patient.Status == PatientStatus.ICU
                                         select patient).ToList();
                    args.PatientsInICU = patientsInICU.Count;

                    //Check if ICU is full, otherwise, fill it
                    if (patientsInICU.Count < maxICU)
                        var patientsToMove = (from patient in hospitalContext.Patients
                                              where patient.Status == PatientStatus.Queue || patient.Status == PatientStatus.Sanatorium
                                              orderby patient.SymptomLevel descending, patient.BirthDate ascending
                                              select patient).Take(maxICU - patientsInICU.Count).ToList();
                        //Change status of the patients provided, to ICU
                        for (int i = 0; i < patientsToMove.Count; i++)
                            patientsToMove[i].Status = PatientStatus.ICU;
                        args.PatientsMovedToICU = patientsToMove.Count;
                        args.PatientsInICU     += patientsToMove.Count;


                    var patientsInSanatorium = (from patient in hospitalContext.Patients
                                                where patient.Status == PatientStatus.Sanatorium
                                                select patient).ToList();
                    args.PatientsInSanatorium = patientsInSanatorium.Count;

                    //Check if Sanatorium is full, otherwise, fill it
                    if (patientsInSanatorium.Count < maxSanatorium)
                        var patientsToMove = (from patient in hospitalContext.Patients
                                              where patient.Status == PatientStatus.Queue
                                              orderby patient.SymptomLevel descending, patient.BirthDate ascending
                                              select patient).Take(maxSanatorium - patientsInSanatorium.Count).ToList();
                        //Change status of the patients provided, to Sanatorium
                        for (int i = 0; i < patientsToMove.Count; i++)
                            patientsToMove[i].Status = PatientStatus.Sanatorium;
                        args.PatientsMovedToSanatorium = patientsToMove.Count;
                        args.PatientsInSanatorium     += patientsToMove.Count;
                PatientsSorted?.Invoke(this, args);
                //If there are no patients left, stop the thread
                if (args.PatientsInICU == 0 && args.PatientsInSanatorium == 0)