Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves the current profile, existing or newly created.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="caller"></param>
    private void SaveCurrentProfile(string caller)
        SecurityController sc   = new SecurityController();
        string             user = sc.GetUserName();

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this._ptProfileId.Value))
            ProfileId = Int32.Parse(this._ptProfileId.Value);

        if (this._visitTypeStage.Value != "0")
            VisitTypeId = Int32.Parse(this._visitTypeStage.Value);

        PatientEducationDa da = new PatientEducationDa();
        List <string>      checkedPartsList = new List <string>();

        foreach (TreeNode sectionNode in contentTV.Nodes)
            foreach (TreeNode topicNode in sectionNode.ChildNodes)
                foreach (TreeNode subTopicNode in topicNode.ChildNodes)
                    if (subTopicNode.Checked)

        if (ProfileId > 0)
            DataTable dbProfilePartsDt = da.GetProfileDocPartsByProfileId(ProfileId);
            // Delete existing profile parts that have been deselected,
            // and update the list of actual new parts to be saved later on.
            foreach (DataRow dr in dbProfilePartsDt.Rows)
                string stId = dr[PatientEdProfileDocPart.SubTopicId].ToString();
                if (!checkedPartsList.Contains(stId))
                    //delete this profile doc part from the db
                    da.DeleteProfileDocPartByProfileIdAndSubTopicId(ProfileId, Int32.Parse(stId));
                    //remove it from the list of checked parts, as we have confirmed it is already in the db

            PatientEdProfile profileBiz = new PatientEdProfile();
            profileBiz[PatientEdProfile.UpdatedBy]   = user;
            profileBiz[PatientEdProfile.UpdatedTime] = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            if (caller == "print")
                profileBiz[PatientEdProfile.LastPrintedBy]   = user;
                profileBiz[PatientEdProfile.LastPrintedTime] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            // Saving a brand new profile.
            SessionHandler sh   = new SessionHandler(Session);
            int            ptId = sh.GetPatientId();

            PatientEdProfile profile = new PatientEdProfile();
            profile[PatientEdProfile.PatientId] = ptId.ToString();

            if (this._visitTypeStage.Value != "0")
                profile[PatientEdProfile.ProfileVisitTypeId] = VisitTypeId;
            if (this.ddlDiseaseProfile.SelectedIndex > 0)
                profile[PatientEdProfile.ProfileDiseaseId] = DiseaseId;

            string profileDate = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            profile[PatientEdProfile.ProfileCreateDate] = profileDate;
            profile[PatientEdProfile.EnteredBy]         = user;
            profile[PatientEdProfile.EnteredTime]       = profileDate;
            profile[PatientEdProfile.UpdatedBy]         = user;
            profile[PatientEdProfile.UpdatedTime]       = profileDate;

            if (caller == "print")
                profile[PatientEdProfile.LastPrintedBy]   = user;
                profile[PatientEdProfile.LastPrintedTime] = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            ProfileId = Int32.Parse(profile[PatientEdProfile.ProfileId].ToString());


        // Add the new profile parts to this profile document
        foreach (string profilePart in checkedPartsList)
            PatientEdProfileDocPart dp = new PatientEdProfileDocPart();
            dp[PatientEdProfileDocPart.ProfileId]  = ProfileId.ToString();
            dp[PatientEdProfileDocPart.SubTopicId] = Int32.Parse(profilePart);
            dp[PatientEdProfileDocPart.ProfileDocPartVersionNumber] = "1.0";
            dp[PatientEdProfileDocPart.ProfileDocPartOrderNumber]   = "1";


        this._callbackType.Value = String.Empty;
Esempio n. 2
    protected void TreeNode_Populate(Object sender, TreeNodeEventArgs e)
        int sectionId         = Int32.Parse(e.Node.Value);
        PatientEducationDa da = new PatientEducationDa();
        DataTable          dt = da.GetTopicsBySection(sectionId);

        List <string> subTopicIds    = new List <string>();
        DataTable     profilePartsDt = new DataTable();
        DataTable     subTopicTable  = new DataTable();

        string loadDocType = "";

        // inside the loop we will want to check off boxes based on a profile or default doc
        if (ProfileId > 0)
            profilePartsDt = da.GetProfileDocPartsByProfileId(ProfileId);
            loadDocType    = "UserProfile";
        else if (PageUtil.IsInteger(_packetId.Value))
            // check off subtopics based on active packet
            subTopicTable   = da.GetDiseaseVisitSubTopicByPacket(int.Parse(_packetId.Value));
            loadDocType     = "DefaultPacket";
            PacketName.Text = _packetName.Value;

        // get subtopics by topic
        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            string   topicName = row[PatientEdTopic.TopicName].ToString();
            TreeNode topicNode = new TreeNode("<span onclick='return false;' style='cursor:default;'>" + topicName + "</span>", row[PatientEdTopic.TopicId].ToString());
            topicNode.Expanded     = false;
            topicNode.ToolTip      = topicName;
            topicNode.ImageToolTip = topicName;
            int topicId = Int32.Parse(row[PatientEdTopic.TopicId].ToString());

            DataTable dtSubTopic = da.GetSubTopicsByTopic(topicId);
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtSubTopic.Rows)
                string subTopicId = dr[PatientEdSubTopic.SubTopicId].ToString();

                string   subTopicName = dr[PatientEdSubTopic.SubTopicName].ToString();
                TreeNode subTopicNode = new TreeNode("<span onclick='doNodeCheckboxClick(this);return false;' style='cursor:default;'>" + subTopicName + "</span>", dr[PatientEdSubTopic.SubTopicId].ToString());
                subTopicNode.ToolTip      = subTopicName;
                subTopicNode.ImageToolTip = subTopicName;
                subTopicNode.ShowCheckBox = true;

                //Loading an existing profile, so check off boxes if subtopic is part of the profile doc
                if (loadDocType.Equals("UserProfile"))
                    DataRow[] returnedRows = profilePartsDt.Select("SubTopicId = " + subTopicId + "");
                    if (returnedRows.Length > 0)
                        subTopicNode.Checked = true;

                    /* previous, less efficient way
                     * foreach (DataRow pdr in profilePartsDt.Rows)
                     *                  {
                     *                          if (subTopicId == pdr[PatientEdProfileDocPart.SubTopicId].ToString())
                     *                          {
                     *                                  subTopicNode.Checked = true;
                     *                                  topicNode.Expand();
                     *                          }
                     *                  }
                else if (loadDocType.Equals("DefaultPacket"))                //not for a particular patient
                    // if a the subtopic is part of the default packet, check it off
                    DataRow[] foundRows = subTopicTable.Select("SubTopicId = " + subTopicId + "");
                    if (foundRows.Length > 0)
                        subTopicNode.Checked = true;

                    /*foreach (DataRow packetRow in subTopicTable.Rows)
                     * {
                     *  if (subTopicId == packetRow[PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic.SubTopicId].ToString())
                     *  {
                     *      subTopicNode.Checked = true;
                     *      topicNode.Expand();
                     *      break;
                     *  }
                     * }*/

                    /* Try to check off subtopics based on disease ddl and visit type
                     *                  DataTable dST = da.GetDiseaseVisitSubTopicBySubTopic(Int32.Parse(subTopicId));
                     *                  foreach (DataRow r in dST.Rows)
                     *                  {
                     *                          string sVisitTypeId = "";
                     *                          //if (this._visitTypeId != 0)
                     *                          if (VisitTypeId != 0)
                     *                          {
                     *                                  sVisitTypeId = this._visitTypeId.ToString(); //this._visitTypeStage.Value
                     *                          }
                     *                          if (r[PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic.DiseaseId].ToString() == this.ddlDiseaseProfile.SelectedValue
                     *                                  && r[PatientEdDisease_VisitType_SubTopic.VisitTypeId].ToString() == sVisitTypeId)
                     *                          {
                     *                                  subTopicNode.Checked = true;
                     *                                  topicNode.Expand();
                     *                                  break;
                     *                          }
                     *                  }


            topicNode.ShowCheckBox = false;

        PatientEdUtil.RegisterStartupSubTopicIds(Page, sectionId, subTopicIds);