protected override void ActionMethod(Pathfinding.Pathfinder pathfinder) { PseudoBlock pseudo = new PseudoBlock(m_block, m_forward, m_upward); pathfinder.NavSet.Settings_Task_NavRot.LandingBlock = pseudo; pathfinder.NavSet.LastLandingBlock = pseudo; }
void Update() { if (start) { start = false; Pathfinding.Pathfinder path = new Pathfinding.Pathfinder(); int N1x = Random.Range(1, 11); int N1y = Random.Range(1, 3); int N2x = Random.Range(1, 11); int N2y = Random.Range(11, 13); Node startNode = grid [N1x, N1y]; Node end = grid [N2x, N2y]; path.start = startNode; path.end = end; List <Node> p = path.FindPath(); reset = p; startNode.vis.SetActive(false); reset.Add(startNode); foreach (Node n in p) { n.vis.SetActive(false); } } }
protected override void ActionMethod(Pathfinding.Pathfinder pathfinder) { pathfinder.NavSet.Settings_Task_NavRot.DestinationBlock = new Data.BlockNameOrientation(m_searchBlockName.ToString(), m_forward, m_upward); }
/// <summary> /// Ran on a thread and handles walking and pathfinding. All status updates are sent to all room users. /// </summary> private void cycleStatuses() { List<int> toRemove = new List<int>(); while (true) { try { foreach (virtualRoomUser roomUser in _Users.Values) #region Virtual user status handling { if (roomUser.goalX == -1) // No destination set, user is not walking/doesn't start to walk, advance to next user continue; // If the goal is a seat, then allow to 'walk' on the seat, so seat the user squareState[,] stateMap = (squareState[,])sqSTATE.Clone(); try { if (stateMap[roomUser.goalX, roomUser.goalY] == squareState.Seat || stateMap[roomUser.goalX, roomUser.goalY] == squareState.Bed) stateMap[roomUser.goalX, roomUser.goalY] = squareState.Open; if (sqUNIT[roomUser.goalX, roomUser.goalY]) stateMap[roomUser.goalX, roomUser.goalY] = squareState.Blocked; } catch { } // Use AStar pathfinding to get the next step to the goal int[] nextCoords = new Pathfinding.Pathfinder(stateMap, sqFLOORHEIGHT, sqUNIT).getNext(roomUser.X, roomUser.Y, roomUser.goalX, roomUser.goalY); roomUser.statusManager.removeStatus("mv"); if (nextCoords == null) // No next steps found, destination reached/stuck { roomUser.goalX = -1; // Next time the thread cycles this user, it won't attempt to walk since destination has been reached if (sqTRIGGER[roomUser.X, roomUser.Y] != null) { squareTrigger Trigger = sqTRIGGER[roomUser.X, roomUser.Y]; if (this.hasSwimmingPool) // This virtual room has a swimming pool #region Swimming pool triggers { if (Trigger.Object == "curtains1" || Trigger.Object == "curtains2") // User has entered a swimming pool clothing booth { roomUser.walkLock = true; roomUser.User.sendData("A`"); sendSpecialCast(Trigger.Object, "close"); } else if (roomUser.swimOutfit != "") // User wears a swim outfit and hasn't entered a swimming pool clothing booth { if (Trigger.Object.Contains("Splash")) // User has entered/left a swimming pool { sendData("AG" + Trigger.Object); if (Trigger.Object.Substring(8) == "enter") { roomUser.statusManager.dropCarrydItem(); roomUser.statusManager.addStatus("swim", ""); } else roomUser.statusManager.removeStatus("swim"); moveUser(roomUser, Trigger.stepX, Trigger.stepY, false); roomUser.goalX = Trigger.goalX; roomUser.goalY = Trigger.goalY; } } } #endregion else { // Different trigger species here } } else if (roomUser.walkDoor) // User has clicked the door to leave the room (and got stuck while walking or reached destination) { if (_Users.Count > 1) { removeUser(roomUser.roomUID, true, ""); continue; } else { removeUser(roomUser.roomUID, true, ""); return; } } _statusUpdates.Append(roomUser.statusString + Convert.ToChar(13)); } else // Next steps found by pathfinder { int nextX = nextCoords[0]; int nextY = nextCoords[1]; squareState nextState = sqSTATE[nextX, nextY]; sqUNIT[roomUser.X, roomUser.Y] = false; // Free last position, allow other users to use that spot again sqUNIT[nextX, nextY] = true; // Block the spot of the next steps roomUser.Z1 = Pathfinding.Rotation.Calculate(roomUser.X, roomUser.Y, nextX, nextY); // Calculate the users new rotation roomUser.Z2 = roomUser.Z1; roomUser.statusManager.removeStatus("sit"); roomUser.statusManager.removeStatus("lay"); double nextHeight = 0; if (nextState == squareState.Rug) // If next step is on a rug, then set user's height to that of the rug [floating stacked rugs in mid-air, petals etc] nextHeight = sqITEMHEIGHT[nextX, nextY]; else nextHeight = (double)sqFLOORHEIGHT[nextX, nextY]; // Add the walk status to users status manager + add users whole status string to stringbuilder roomUser.statusManager.addStatus("mv", nextX + "," + nextY + "," + nextHeight.ToString().Replace(',', '.')); _statusUpdates.Append(roomUser.statusString + Convert.ToChar(13)); // Set new coords for virtual room user roomUser.X = nextX; roomUser.Y = nextY; roomUser.H = nextHeight; if (nextState == squareState.Seat) // The next steps are on a seat, seat the user, prepare the sit status for next cycle of thread { roomUser.statusManager.removeStatus("dance"); // Remove dance status roomUser.Z1 = sqITEMROT[nextX, nextY]; // roomUser.Z2 = roomUser.Z1; roomUser.statusManager.addStatus("sit", sqITEMHEIGHT[nextX, nextY].ToString().Replace(',', '.')); } else if (nextState == squareState.Bed) { roomUser.statusManager.removeStatus("dance"); // Remove dance status roomUser.Z1 = sqITEMROT[nextX, nextY]; // roomUser.Z2 = roomUser.Z1; roomUser.statusManager.addStatus("lay", sqITEMHEIGHT[nextX, nextY].ToString().Replace(',', '.')); } } } foreach (int toKick in toRemove) { removeUser(toKick, true, ""); } toRemove.Clear(); } catch (Exception e) { Out.WriteError(e.Message); } #endregion #region Roombot walking foreach (virtualBot roomBot in _Bots.Values) { if (roomBot.goalX == -1) continue; // If the goal is a seat, then allow to 'walk' on the seat, so seat the user squareState[,] stateMap = (squareState[,])sqSTATE.Clone(); try { if (stateMap[roomBot.goalX, roomBot.goalY] == squareState.Seat) stateMap[roomBot.goalX, roomBot.goalY] = squareState.Open; if (sqUNIT[roomBot.goalX, roomBot.goalY]) stateMap[roomBot.goalX, roomBot.goalY] = squareState.Blocked; } catch { } int[] nextCoords = new Pathfinding.Pathfinder(stateMap, sqFLOORHEIGHT, sqUNIT).getNext(roomBot.X, roomBot.Y, roomBot.goalX, roomBot.goalY); roomBot.removeStatus("mv"); if (nextCoords == null) // No next steps found, destination reached/stuck { if (roomBot.X == roomBot.goalX && roomBot.Y == roomBot.goalY) { roomBot.checkOrders(); } roomBot.goalX = -1; _statusUpdates.Append(roomBot.statusString + Convert.ToChar(13)); } else { int nextX = nextCoords[0]; int nextY = nextCoords[1]; sqUNIT[roomBot.X, roomBot.Y] = false; // Free last position, allow other users to use that spot again sqUNIT[nextX, nextY] = true; // Block the spot of the next steps roomBot.Z1 = Pathfinding.Rotation.Calculate(roomBot.X, roomBot.Y, nextX, nextY); // Calculate the bot's new rotation roomBot.Z2 = roomBot.Z1; roomBot.removeStatus("sit"); double nextHeight = (double)sqFLOORHEIGHT[nextX, nextY]; if (sqSTATE[nextX, nextY] == squareState.Rug) // If next step is on a rug, then set bot's height to that of the rug [floating stacked rugs in mid-air, petals etc] nextHeight = sqITEMHEIGHT[nextX, nextY]; else nextHeight = (double)sqFLOORHEIGHT[nextX, nextY]; roomBot.addStatus("mv", nextX + "," + nextY + "," + nextHeight.ToString().Replace(',', '.')); _statusUpdates.Append(roomBot.statusString + Convert.ToChar(13)); // Set new coords for the bot roomBot.X = nextX; roomBot.Y = nextY; roomBot.H = nextHeight; if (sqSTATE[nextX, nextY] == squareState.Seat) // The next steps are on a seat, seat the bot, prepare the sit status for next cycle of thread { roomBot.removeStatus("dance"); // Remove dance status roomBot.Z1 = sqITEMROT[nextX, nextY]; // roomBot.Z2 = roomBot.Z1; roomBot.addStatus("sit", sqITEMHEIGHT[nextX, nextY].ToString().Replace(',', '.')); } } } #endregion // Send statuses to all room users [if in stringbuilder] try { if (_statusUpdates.Length > 0) { sendData("@b" + _statusUpdates.ToString()); _statusUpdates = new StringBuilder(); } } catch { } Thread.Sleep(410); } // Repeat (infinite loop on thread) // } // // thread aborted }
protected override void ActionMethod(Pathfinding.Pathfinder pathfinder) { new UnLander(pathfinder, new Data.PseudoBlock(m_block, m_forward, m_upward)); }
public void Flee(float mag, GameObject caster) { //I'm stealing large swathes of this code from the launching code I wrote earlier, hence some of the variables. Vector2 direct = this.transform.position - caster.transform.position; RaycastHit2D[] hit = Physics2D.RaycastAll(this.transform.position, direct, mag); Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, direct,, 100, false); bool hitWall = false; foreach (RaycastHit2D h in hit) { if (h.collider.gameObject.tag != "Tile") { hitWall = true; } else if (h.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <CoordinateHolder>().isWall == true) { hitWall = true; } } if (hitWall == false) { Node sendNode = null; float tempDist = 0f; foreach (RaycastHit2D h in hit) { if (h.collider.gameObject.tag == "Tile") { Node n = GridHandler.instance.GetNode(Mathf.RoundToInt(h.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <CoordinateHolder>().corX), Mathf.RoundToInt(h.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <CoordinateHolder>().corY)); if (Vector2.Distance(this.gameObject.transform.position, n.worldObject.transform.position) > tempDist) { tempDist = Vector2.Distance(this.gameObject.transform.position, n.worldObject.transform.position); sendNode = n; } } } if (sendNode != null) { Pathfinding.Pathfinder path = new Pathfinding.Pathfinder(); Node startNode = GridHandler.instance.GetNode(Mathf.RoundToInt(this.GetComponentInParent <CoordinateHolder>().corX), Mathf.RoundToInt(this.GetComponentInParent <CoordinateHolder>().corY)); Node end = sendNode; path.startPosition = startNode; path.endPosition = end; path.pather = this.gameObject; controller.pathway = path.FindPath(); controller.fleeingMove = true; if (controller.pathway != null) { controller.Movement(controller.pathway); } controller.actionCount++; fledCheck = false; } else if (mag > 0.01f) { Flee(mag - 0.01f, caster); } else { fledCheck = false; controller.cannotActRepair(); } } else if (mag > 0.01f) { Flee(mag - 0.01f, caster); } else { fledCheck = false; controller.cannotActRepair(); } }
protected abstract void ActionMethod(Pathfinding.Pathfinder pathfinder);
void Update() { if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().isUnconscious == true) { willHostile = false; hostile = false; canAct = false; } if (hostile == false && willHostile == true && FactionHandler.instance.hasSetUp == true && GridHandler.instance.hasGenerated == true) { if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().canSee == true) { actors = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Actor"); foreach (GameObject g in actors) { foreach (PhysicalProperties.Relationship r in this.gameObject.GetComponent <PhysicalProperties>().animate.mind.relationships) { if (r.relTarget == g && r.relationshipNumber < -100) { if (Vector3.Distance(g.transform.position, this.gameObject.transform.position) < this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().hostileDist) { hostile = true; rnd.Startuptime(); } } else if (r.relTarget == g && r.relationshipNumber < -25 && this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().factionArray.relationships[g.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().factionID].atWar == true) { if (Vector3.Distance(g.transform.position, this.gameObject.transform.position) < this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().hostileDist) { hostile = true; rnd.Startuptime(); } } } } } } else if (willHostile == false && hostile == true) { hostile = false; } else if (hostile == true && willHostile == true && rnd.inCombat == false) { rnd.Startuptime(); } myPosition = this.transform.position; if (isLaunching == true) { if (hasAn == false) { hasAn = true; } Vector3 weightlessMod = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); if (isWeightless == false) { transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(myPosition, landNode.worldObject.transform.position + this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().alignMod, 0.1f * launchSpeed); } else { weightlessMod = new Vector3(myPosition.x, this.gameObject.GetComponent <PhysicalProperties>().floatPosition.y, 0f); transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(myPosition, landNode.worldObject.transform.position + this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().alignMod + weightlessMod, 0.1f * launchSpeed); } if (Vector2.Distance(landNode.worldObject.transform.position + this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().alignMod + weightlessMod, this.transform.position) < 0.05f) { this.transform.parent = landNode.worldObject.transform; if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <PhysicalProperties>().xMomentum == 0 && this.gameObject.GetComponent <PhysicalProperties>().yMomentum == 0) { canAct = true; stunCounter++; isLaunching = false; landNode = null; launchSpeed = 0f; hasAn = false; } } } // if (isWeightless == true) { // transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(this.transform.position, this.gameObject.GetComponent<PhysicalProperties>().floatPosition, 0.05f); // } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Pick Up") && grabbingItems == false && isMoving == false && bookOpen == false && this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().isDead == false && isCasting == false) { grabbingItems = true; items = new List <GameObject>(); foreach (GameObject g in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Item")) { if (g.GetComponent <ItemData>().isInInven == false) { items.Add(g); } } int t = 0; if (items != null) { pickableItems = new List <GameObject>(); foreach (GameObject i in items) { if (Vector2.Distance(i.transform.position, this.transform.position) <= 0.25f && i.GetComponent <ItemData>().isInInven == false) { pickableItems.Add(i); t++; } } } } else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Pick Up") && grabbingItems == true) { grabbingItems = false; items = null; pickableItems = null; } if (isMoving == true) { grabbingItems = false; items = null; pickableItems = null; } if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().isDead == true) { isTurn = false; rnd.NextRound(); } if (hasTakenTurn == true && isTurn == true) { if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().bleedCounter > 0) { this.gameObject.GetComponent <PhysicalProperties>().TakeBioDamage(5f, (PhysicalProperties.DamageType) 4); this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().bleedCounter--; } isTurn = false; Invoke("AllowTurn", 1f); } tiles = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Tile"); if (this.transform.parent != null && isMoving == false && isLaunching == false && isWeightless == false) { this.transform.position = this.transform.parent.position + this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().alignMod; } if (isMoving == true) { if (myPosition.x > destination.x) { isFlipped = true; this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true; } if (myPosition.x < destination.x) { isFlipped = false; this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = false; } if (Manager.instance.walkType == 1) { transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, destination, this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().speed *Time.deltaTime); } else if (Manager.instance.walkType == 2) { transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(myPosition, destination, this.GetComponent <CharacterData>().speed * 10 * Time.deltaTime); } if (Vector2.Distance(myPosition, destination) < 0.01f) { if (isRoaming == true) { FreeMovement(pathway); } if (isRoaming == false && isRepairing == false) { Movement(pathway); } } } if (stunCounter > 0 && isTurn == true && hasTakenTurn == false) { stunCounter--; actionCount = 0; hasTakenTurn = true; AnnouncerManager.instance.ReceiveText(this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().charName + " is stunned.", false); } if (isTurn == true && hasTakenTurn == false && canAct == false) { actionCount = 0; hasTakenTurn = true; } if (isTurn == true && hasTakenTurn == false && isLaunching == false && canAct == true) { if (this.GetComponent <CharacterData>().isPlayer == false) { if (actionCount < maxActionCount && isMoving == false && isAttacking == false) { actors = null; actors = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Actor"); enemTarg = NearestEnemyCalc().worldObject.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; if (hostile == true) { Pathfinding.Pathfinder path = new Pathfinding.Pathfinder(); Node startNode = gridBase.GetNode(Mathf.RoundToInt(this.GetComponentInParent <CoordinateHolder>().corX), Mathf.RoundToInt(this.GetComponentInParent <CoordinateHolder>().corY)); Node end = targNode; path.startPosition = startNode; path.endPosition = end; path.pather = this.gameObject; pathway = path.FindPath(); if (pathway != null && pathway.Count > 2) { farPlay = true; } else if (pathway != null && pathway.Count == 2) { semiPlay = true; } else if (pathway != null && pathway.Count == 1) { nearPlay = true; } else if (pathway.Count == 0) { herePlay = true; } else if (farPlay != true && semiPlay != true && nearPlay != true && herePlay != true) { Invoke("cannotActRepair", 1.5f); } } else if (actionCount >= maxActionCount) { Invoke("cannotActRepair", 1.5f); } } } if (this.GetComponent <CharacterData>().isPlayer == true && CharacterData.instance.isDead == false) { if (actionCount < maxActionCount && isMoving == false && EquipmentRenderer.instance.testInven == false && bookOpen == false && isCasting == false && isAttacking == false) { if (moveTake == true && this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().moveDistance > 0 && canMove == true) { moveSelect = false; moveTake = false; FindSelectedTile(); Pathfinding.Pathfinder path = new Pathfinding.Pathfinder(); Node startNode = gridBase.GetNode(Mathf.RoundToInt(this.GetComponentInParent <CoordinateHolder>().corX), Mathf.RoundToInt(this.GetComponentInParent <CoordinateHolder>().corY)); Node end = targNode; path.startPosition = startNode; path.endPosition = end; path.pather = this.gameObject; pathway = path.FindPath(); bool canPath = true; if (pathway == null) { canPath = false; } else if (pathway != null) { if (pathway[0] == startNode) { canPath = false; } } if (pathway.Count > 0 && canPath == true) { actionCount++; actionBar.GetComponent <ActionBar>().CutAction(); Movement(pathway); } else if (canPath != true) { AnnouncerManager.instance.ReceiveText("You cannnot move there.", true); } } if (isAttacking == false && Input.GetButtonDown("ShiftA") && EquipmentRenderer.instance.weaponEquip.GetComponent <Animator>().enabled == true && this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterData>().canAttack == true) { isAttacking = true; Node launchNode = gridBase.GetNode(Mathf.RoundToInt(this.GetComponentInParent <CoordinateHolder>().corX), Mathf.RoundToInt(this.GetComponentInParent <CoordinateHolder>().corY)); attackableNodes = new List <Node>(); attackableEnemies = new List <GameObject>(); for (int x = -1 * Mathf.RoundToInt(CharacterData.instance.range); x <= Mathf.RoundToInt(CharacterData.instance.range); x++) { for (int y = -1 * Mathf.RoundToInt(CharacterData.instance.range); y <= Mathf.RoundToInt(CharacterData.instance.range); y++) { if (x == 0 && y == 0) { //Nothing } else { Node searchPos = gridBase.GetNode(launchNode.x + x, launchNode.y + y); if (searchPos != null && searchPos.worldObject.transform.childCount > 0) { attackableNodes.Add(searchPos); if (searchPos.worldObject.transform.GetChild(0).transform.gameObject.tag == "Actor") { attackableEnemies.Add(searchPos.worldObject.transform.GetChild(0).transform.gameObject); } } } } } foreach (Node n in attackableNodes) { n.worldObject.GetComponent <GridHighlight>().enabled = false; n.worldObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true; n.worldObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color =; } foreach (GameObject g in attackableEnemies) { g.GetComponent <NPCHandler>().recepientAttack = true; } } else if (isAttacking == true && Input.GetButtonDown("ShiftA")) { isAttacking = false; foreach (Node n in attackableNodes) { n.worldObject.GetComponent <GridHighlight>().enabled = true; n.worldObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; n.worldObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = Color.white; } foreach (GameObject g in attackableEnemies) { g.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = g.GetComponent <CharacterData>().stand; } attackableEnemies = null; attackableNodes = null; } } } else if (CharacterData.instance.isDead == true) { //Do nothing for now. } } if (this.GetComponent <CharacterData>().isPlayer == true && freeRoam == true && isMoving == false && isAttacking == false && ItemManager.instance.isRummaging == false && bookOpen == false && isCasting == false) { canMove = true; if (moveTake == true) { moveSelect = false; moveTake = false; FindSelectedTile(); Pathfinding.Pathfinder path = new Pathfinding.Pathfinder(); Node startNode = gridBase.GetNode(Mathf.RoundToInt(this.GetComponentInParent <CoordinateHolder>().corX), Mathf.RoundToInt(this.GetComponentInParent <CoordinateHolder>().corY)); Node end = targNode; path.startPosition = startNode; path.endPosition = end; path.pather = this.gameObject; pathway = path.FindPath(); if (pathway.Count > 0) { isRoaming = true; FreeMovement(pathway); } } } if (align) { align = false; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Pass Round") && this.GetComponent <CharacterData>().isPlayer == true && isMoving == false && isAttacking == false && ItemManager.instance.isRummaging == false && bookOpen == false && isCasting == false) { actionCount++; actionBar.GetComponent <ActionBar>().CutAction(); if (RoundController.instance.inCombat == false && actionCount >= maxActionCount) { RoundController.instance.ArtificialRound(); } if (RoundController.instance.inCombat == true && actionCount >= maxActionCount) { actionCount = 0; hasTakenTurn = true; } } }