Esempio n. 1
    public void StepThroughPath()
        // Verify at least TWO END POINTS ARE SET!
        if (this.selectedPathPoints.Count != 2)
        JPSState.state         = eJPSState.ST_FIND_PATH;
        JPSState.LastPathFound = true;

        if (findPath == null)
            BlockScript[] points = this.selectedPathPoints.ToArray();

            Point start = points[0].nodeReference.pos;
            Point stop  = points[1].nodeReference.pos;

            // Get enumerator path finding
            findPath = grid.getPathAsync(start, stop);

            findPath.MoveNext();  // First iteration doesn't really do anything, so just skip it

        // step through path finding process
        while (findPath.MoveNext())
            PathfindReturn curr_return = (PathfindReturn)findPath.Current;

            switch (curr_return._status)
            case PathfindReturn.PathfindStatus.SEARCHING:
                // render path up to this point
                List <Point> path_so_far = grid.reconstructPath(

            case PathfindReturn.PathfindStatus.FOUND:
                // render path
                findPath       = null;
                JPSState.state = eJPSState.ST_PATH_FIND_COMPLETE;

            case PathfindReturn.PathfindStatus.NOT_FOUND:
                // disable rendering, ya blew it
                findPath               = null;
                JPSState.state         = eJPSState.ST_PATH_FIND_COMPLETE;
                JPSState.LastPathFound = false;       // tell everyone that we failed to find a path
        Debug.Log("WE ARRIVED AT THE END!");
        findPath       = null;
        JPSState.state = eJPSState.ST_PATH_FIND_COMPLETE;
Esempio n. 2
    public IEnumerator getPathAsync(Point start, Point goal, List <Point> list)
        PriorityQueue <PathfindingNode, int> open_set = new PriorityQueue <PathfindingNode, int>();
        bool           found_path    = false;
        PathfindReturn return_status = new PathfindReturn();

        PathfindingNode starting_node = this.pathfindingNodes[pointToIndex(start)];

        starting_node.pos        = start;
        starting_node.parent     = null;
        starting_node.givenCost  = 0;
        starting_node.finalCost  = 0;
        starting_node.listStatus = ListStatus.ON_OPEN;

        open_set.push(starting_node, 0);

        while (!open_set.isEmpty())
            PathfindingNode curr_node = open_set.pop();
            PathfindingNode parent    = curr_node.parent;
            Node            jp_node   = gridNodes[pointToIndex(curr_node.pos)];       // get jump point info

            return_status._current = curr_node;

            // Check if we've reached the goal
            if (curr_node.pos.Equals(goal))
                // end and return path
                return_status.path    = reconstructPath(curr_node, start, list);
                return_status._status = PathfindReturn.PathfindStatus.FOUND;
                found_path            = true;
                yield return(return_status);


            yield return(return_status);

            // foreach direction from parent
            foreach (eDirections dir in getAllValidDirections(curr_node))
                PathfindingNode new_successor = null;
                int             given_cost    = 0;

                // goal is closer than wall distance or closer than or equal to jump point distnace
                if (isCardinal(dir) &&
                    goalIsInExactDirection(curr_node.pos, dir, goal) &&
                    Point.diff(curr_node.pos, goal) <= Mathf.Abs(jp_node.jpDistances[(int)dir]))
                    new_successor = this.pathfindingNodes[pointToIndex(goal)];

                    given_cost = curr_node.givenCost + Point.diff(curr_node.pos, goal);
                // Goal is closer or equal in either row or column than wall or jump point distance
                else if (isDiagonal(dir) &&
                         goalIsInGeneralDirection(curr_node.pos, dir, goal) &&
                         (Mathf.Abs(goal.column - curr_node.pos.column) <= Mathf.Abs(jp_node.jpDistances[(int)dir]) ||
                          Mathf.Abs(goal.row - curr_node.pos.row) <= Mathf.Abs(jp_node.jpDistances[(int)dir])))
                    // Create a target jump point
                    // int minDiff = min(RowDiff(curNode, goalNode),
                    //                   ColDiff(curNode, goalNode));
                    int min_diff = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Abs(goal.column - curr_node.pos.column),
                                             Mathf.Abs(goal.row - curr_node.pos.row));

                    // newSuccessor = GetNode (curNode, minDiff, direction);
                    new_successor = getNodeDist(

                    // givenCost = curNode->givenCost + (SQRT2 * DiffNodes(curNode, newSuccessor));
                    given_cost = curr_node.givenCost + (SQRT_2 * Point.diff(curr_node.pos, new_successor.pos)).ToInt();
                    var origi = curr_node.givenCost + (Mathf.Sqrt(2) * Point.diff(curr_node.pos, new_successor.pos));
                    Debug.Log(origi + "  " + given_cost);
                else if (jp_node.jpDistances[(int)dir] > 0)
                    // Jump Point in this direction
                    // newSuccessor = GetNode(curNode, direction);
                    new_successor = getNodeDist(

                    // givenCost = DiffNodes(curNode, newSuccessor);
                    given_cost = Point.diff(curr_node.pos, new_successor.pos);

                    // if (diagonal direction) { givenCost *= SQRT2; }
                    if (isDiagonal(dir))
                        given_cost = (given_cost * SQRT_2).ToInt();

                    // givenCost += curNode->givenCost;
                    given_cost += curr_node.givenCost;

                // Traditional A* from this point
                if (new_successor != null)
                    //  if (newSuccessor not on OpenList)
                    if (new_successor.listStatus != ListStatus.ON_OPEN)
                        //      newSuccessor->parent = curNode;
                        new_successor.parent = curr_node;
                        //      newSuccessor->givenCost = givenCost;
                        new_successor.givenCost           = given_cost;
                        new_successor.directionFromParent = dir;
                        //      newSuccessor->finalCost = givenCost +
                        //          CalculateHeuristic(curNode, goalNode);
                        new_successor.finalCost  = given_cost + octileHeuristic(new_successor.pos.column, new_successor.pos.row, goal.column, goal.row);
                        new_successor.listStatus = ListStatus.ON_OPEN;
                        //      OpenList.Push(newSuccessor);
                        open_set.push(new_successor, new_successor.finalCost);
                    //  else if(givenCost < newSuccessor->givenCost)
                    else if (given_cost < new_successor.givenCost)
                        //      newSuccessor->parent = curNode;
                        new_successor.parent = curr_node;
                        //      newSuccessor->givenCost = givenCost;
                        new_successor.givenCost           = given_cost;
                        new_successor.directionFromParent = dir;
                        //      newSuccessor->finalCost = givenCost +
                        //          CalculateHeuristic(curNode, goalNode);
                        new_successor.finalCost  = given_cost + octileHeuristic(new_successor.pos.column, new_successor.pos.row, goal.column, goal.row);
                        new_successor.listStatus = ListStatus.ON_OPEN;
                        //      OpenList.Update(newSuccessor);
                        open_set.push(new_successor, new_successor.finalCost);

        if (!found_path)
            return_status._status = PathfindReturn.PathfindStatus.NOT_FOUND;
            yield return(return_status);