private void createUI() { visualizeGrid = AddControl <StateField>(); { visualizeGrid.OffText = "Visualize Grid"; visualizeGrid.OnText = "This grid is currently being visualized by ''"; visualizeGrid.onAdd += (object sender) => { // Create a object GameObject go = new GameObject( + " (Visual Grid)"); // Add the view GridView view = go.AddComponent <GridView>(); view.visualizeGrid = grid; }; visualizeGrid.onPing += (object sender) => { // Find the view GridView view = GridView.findViewForGrid(grid); // Ping in hierarchy if (view != null) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(view.gameObject); } }; } visualizePath = AddControl <StateField>(); { visualizePath.OffText = "Visualize Path"; visualizePath.OnText = "Paths are currently being visualized by ''"; visualizePath.onAdd += (object sender) => { // Create a object GameObject go = new GameObject( + " (Visual Path)"); // Add the view PathView view = go.AddComponent <PathView>(); view.visualizeGrid = grid; }; visualizePath.onPing += (object sender) => { // Find the view PathView view = PathView.findViewForGrid(grid); // Ping in hierarchy if (view != null) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(view.gameObject); } }; } AddControl <Spacer>(); }
public static PathView Load() { PathView view = UIView.Load("Views/PathView", OverriddenViewController.Instance.transform) as PathView; = "PathView"; return(view); }
public MainForm(IDataLoader dataLoader) { if (dataLoader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Invalid data loader."); } this._dataLoader = dataLoader; this.InitializeComponent(); this._tabView = new TabView(; this._pathView = new PathView(this.pathContainer); this._itemList = new ItemList(this.list); this._itemView = new ItemView(this.listView); this._tabView.IndexChanged += this.OnCategoryChanged; this._itemList.ItemSelected += this.OnItemSelected; this._itemView.ItemSelected += this.OnProperySelected; this._mruMenu = new MruStripMenu(this.menuRecentFile, this.OnMruFile, MRU_REG_KEY + "\\RecentFiles", false); this._mruMenu.LoadFromRegistry(); this.CheckRecentFiles(); if (this._mruMenu.GetFiles().Length > 0) { this.OnMruFile(0, this._mruMenu.GetFileAt(0)); } }
public override void OnRender() { base.OnRender(); // Check for visual components PathView pathView = PathView.findViewForGrid(grid); GridView gridView = GridView.findViewForGrid(grid); // Check for view if (pathView == null) { visualizePath.State = false; } else { visualizePath.OnText = string.Format("Paths visualized by '{0}'",; visualizePath.State = true; } // Check for grid if (gridView == null) { visualizeGrid.State = false; } else { visualizeGrid.OnText = string.Format("Grid visualized by '{0}'",; visualizeGrid.State = true; } }
protected override void Update(float dt) { Vector3 zero =; for (EntityRenderNode entityRenderNode = this.nodeList.Head; entityRenderNode != null; entityRenderNode = entityRenderNode.Next) { Vector3 vector = zero; SmartEntity smartEntity = (SmartEntity)entityRenderNode.Entity; GameObjectViewComponent gameObjectViewComp = smartEntity.GameObjectViewComp; StateComponent stateComp = smartEntity.StateComp; EntityState rawState = stateComp.RawState; if (rawState == EntityState.Moving) { PathView pathView = smartEntity.PathingComp.PathView; if (pathView != null) { pathView.TimeOnPathSegment += dt; vector = this.entityRenderController.MoveGameObject(gameObjectViewComp, pathView, smartEntity.SizeComp.Width); } } if (rawState != EntityState.Dying) { this.entityRenderController.RotateGameObject(smartEntity, vector.x, vector.z, dt); } else if (smartEntity.TroopComp != null) { gameObjectViewComp.UpdateAllAttachments(); } if (smartEntity.TroopComp != null || smartEntity.DroidComp != null) { bool isAbilityModeActive = smartEntity.TroopComp != null && smartEntity.TroopComp.IsAbilityModeActive; this.entityRenderController.UpdateAnimationState(gameObjectViewComp, stateComp, isAbilityModeActive); } } }
public override IView Create(ViewTypes type) { IView view = null; switch (type) { case ViewTypes.EDITOR_LANDING: view = new EditorView(services.ViewService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_PATH: view = new PathView((services as EditorServices).PathService, services.ViewService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_PATH: view = new EditPathView((services as EditorServices).PathService, services.ViewService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_LEVELS: view = new LevelsView((services as EditorServices).LevelService, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).PathService, (services as EditorServices).EnemyService, (services as EditorServices).BonusService, (services as EditorServices).DifficultyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_LEVEL: view = new EditLevelView(services.Pool, (services as EditorServices).LevelService, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).PathService, (services as EditorServices).EnemyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_ENEMY: view = new EditEnemyView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).EnemyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_ENEMIES: view = new EnemiesView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).EnemyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_DIFFICULTY: view = new EditDifficultyView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).DifficultyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_DIFFICULTIES: view = new DifficultiesView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).DifficultyService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_BONUS: view = new EditBonusView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).BonusService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_BONUSES: view = new BonusesView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).BonusService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_EDIT_LANGUAGE: view = new EditLanguageView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).LanguageService); break; case ViewTypes.EDITOR_LANUGAGES: view = new LanguagesView(services.Pool, services.ViewService, (services as EditorServices).LanguageService); break; } if (view == null) { view = base.Create(type); } else { initView(view); } return view; }
public bool StartAttack() { int num = 0; Target targetToAttack = this.shooterController.GetTargetToAttack(this.Entity); if (this.Entity.TroopComp != null && this.Entity.TroopComp.TroopShooterVO.TargetSelf) { return(this.SetState(this.WarmupState)); } if (this.StateComponent.CurState == EntityState.Moving) { PathView pathView = this.Entity.PathingComp.PathView; BoardCell <Entity> nextTurn = pathView.GetNextTurn(); BoardCell <Entity> prevTurn = pathView.GetPrevTurn(); if (prevTurn != null) { this.lastLookAtX = nextTurn.X - prevTurn.X; this.lastLookAtZ = nextTurn.Z - prevTurn.Z; } } int x = targetToAttack.TargetBoardX - this.TransformComponent.CenterGridX(); int y = targetToAttack.TargetBoardZ - this.TransformComponent.CenterGridZ(); if (this.lastLookAtX != 0 || this.lastLookAtZ != 0) { int num2 = IntMath.Atan2Lookup(this.lastLookAtX, this.lastLookAtZ); int num3 = IntMath.Atan2Lookup(x, y); int num4 = (num2 > num3) ? (num2 - num3) : (num3 - num2); if (num4 > 16384) { num4 = 32768 - num4; } WalkerComponent walkerComp = this.Entity.WalkerComp; if (walkerComp != null) { long num5 = (long)walkerComp.SpeedVO.RotationSpeed * 16384L; if (num5 > 0L) { num = (int)((long)num4 * 3142L * 1000L / num5); num *= 2; } } } this.lastLookAtX = x; this.lastLookAtZ = y; bool result; if (num > 0) { this.TurnState.SetDefaultLockDuration((uint)num); result = this.SetState(this.TurnState); } else { result = this.SetState(this.WarmupState); } return(result); }
public void ClickPrepare() { PrepareSplashImage.Deactivate(); PrepareButton.Deactivate(); DeactivateTimer(); ActivateTip(0); UIViewController.ActivateUIView(PathView.Load()); UIViewController.ActivateUIView(PositionView.Load()); }
protected override void OnCleanUp() { base.OnCleanUp(); PathItem.clickPath -= ClickedPath; PositionItem.clickPosition -= ClickedPosition; Instance = null; //Debug.Log("OnCleanup PathView"); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to search this grid for a path between the start and end points. /// </summary> /// <param name="start">The <see cref="Index"/> into the search space representing the start position</param> /// <param name="end">The <see cref="Index"/> into the search space representing the end position</param> /// <param name="diagonal">The diagonal mode used when finding paths</param> /// <param name="callback">The <see cref="PathRequestDelegate"/> method to call whe the algorithm has completed</param> public void findPath(Index start, Index end, DiagonalMode diagonal, PathRequestDelegate callback) { // Make sure the grid is ready if (verifyReady() == false) { callback(null, PathRequestStatus.GridNotReady); return; } // Update max path length searchGrid.maxPathLength = maxPathLength; // Get the threading value bool useThreading = allowThreading; #if UNITY_WEBGL // Threading is not allowed on web gl platform useThreading = false; #endif // Check if threading is enabled if (useThreading == true) { // Create a request AsyncPathRequest request = new AsyncPathRequest(searchGrid, start, end, diagonal, (Path path, PathRequestStatus status) => { #if UNITY_EDITOR // Pass the path for rendering before it is used by the caller otherwise nodes may be removed from the path PathView.setRenderPath(this, path); #endif // Invoke callback callback(path, status); }); // Dispatch the request ThreadManager.Active.asyncRequest(request); } else { PathRequestStatus status; // Run the task immediatley Path result = findPathImmediate(start, end, out status, diagonal); #if UNITY_EDITOR // Pass the path for rendering before it is used by the caller otherwise nodes may be removed PathView.setRenderPath(this, result); #endif // Trigger callback callback(result, status); } }
public void InitializePathView() { if (this.PathView == null) { this.PathView = new PathView(this); } else { this.PathView.Reset(this); } this.PathView.AdvanceNextTurn(); }
protected override void Update(uint dt) { Board board = Service.BoardController.Board; for (MovementNode movementNode = this.nodeList.Head; movementNode != null; movementNode = movementNode.Next) { SmartEntity smartEntity = (SmartEntity)movementNode.Entity; if (smartEntity.StateComp.CurState == EntityState.Moving && smartEntity.PathingComp.CurrentPath != null) { smartEntity.PathingComp.TimeOnSegment += dt; if ((ulong)smartEntity.PathingComp.TimeOnSegment > (ulong)((long)smartEntity.PathingComp.TimeToMove)) { BoardCell boardCell = smartEntity.PathingComp.GetNextTile(); if (boardCell == null) { if (smartEntity.DroidComp == null) { Service.ShooterController.StopMoving(smartEntity.StateComp); } Service.EventManager.SendEvent(EventId.TroopReachedPathEnd, smartEntity); smartEntity.PathingComp.CurrentPath = null; } else { smartEntity.TransformComp.X = boardCell.X; smartEntity.TransformComp.Z = boardCell.Z; board.MoveChild(smartEntity.BoardItemComp.BoardItem, smartEntity.TransformComp.CenterGridX(), smartEntity.TransformComp.CenterGridZ(), null, false, false); PathView pathView = smartEntity.PathingComp.PathView; BoardCell nextTurn = pathView.GetNextTurn(); if (nextTurn.X == boardCell.X && nextTurn.Z == boardCell.Z) { pathView.AdvanceNextTurn(); } boardCell = smartEntity.PathingComp.AdvanceNextTile(); if (boardCell != null) { bool flag = smartEntity.TransformComp.X != boardCell.X && smartEntity.TransformComp.Z != boardCell.Z; smartEntity.PathingComp.TimeToMove += ((!flag) ? 1000 : 1414) * smartEntity.PathingComp.TimePerBoardCellMs / 1000; } else { DefenderComponent defenderComp = smartEntity.DefenderComp; if (defenderComp != null) { defenderComp.Patrolling = false; } } } } } } }
public void ClickRole(int roleIndex) { SoundManager.Instance.PlaySoundEffect(SoundType.BUTTON_CLICK); Avatar.Instance.Role = (PieceRole)roleIndex; if ((PieceRole)roleIndex == PieceRole.OFFENSE) { UIViewController.ActivateUIView(PathView.Load()); State = RoleViewState.PATH; } else { UIViewController.ActivateUIView(PositionView.Load()); State = RoleViewState.POSITION; } PrepareSplashImage.Deactivate(); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.tracker_main_widget); m_permissionsManager = new PermissionsManager(this); m_permissionsManager.RequestPermissions(); m_locationManager = new GpsLocationManager(this); m_eventConnectionManager = new EventsConnectionManager(m_locationManager, m_locationBuffer, this); m_pathView = FindViewById <PathView>(Resource.Id.path_view); m_wakeLock = new WakeLockWrapper(this); }
protected override void OnInit() { base.OnInit(); if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; PathItem.clickPath += ClickedPath; PositionItem.clickPosition += ClickedPosition; //Debug.Log("OnInit PathView instance created"); } else { Destroy(gameObject); //Debug.Log("OnInit PathView instance exists"); } }
public Vector3 MoveGameObject(GameObjectViewComponent view, PathView pathView, int troopWidth) { BoardCell <Entity> nextTurn = pathView.GetNextTurn(); if (nextTurn != null && pathView.TimeToTarget > 0f) { float num = 0f; float num2 = 0f; pathView.GetTroopClusterOffset(ref num, ref num2); float num3 = Mathf.Min(pathView.TimeOnPathSegment / pathView.TimeToTarget, 1f); Vector3 startPos = pathView.StartPos; float num4 = (Units.BoardToWorldX(nextTurn.X) - startPos.x) * num3 + startPos.x + num; float num5 = (Units.BoardToWorldX(nextTurn.Z) - startPos.z) * num3 + startPos.z + num2; num4 += Units.BoardToWorldX((float)troopWidth / 2f); num5 += Units.BoardToWorldX((float)troopWidth / 2f); Transform mainTransform = view.MainTransform; Vector3 result = new Vector3(num4 - mainTransform.position.x, 0f, num5 - mainTransform.position.z); view.SetXYZ(num4, mainTransform.position.y, num5); return(result); } return(; }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to find a <see cref="Path"/> between the start and end points and returns the result on completion. /// </summary> /// <param name="start">The <see cref="Index"/> into the search space representing the start position</param> /// <param name="end">The <see cref="Index"/> into the search space representing the end position</param> /// <param name="status">The <see cref="PathRequestStatus"/> describing the state of the result</param> /// <param name="diagonal">The diagonal mode used when finding a path</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="Path"/> that was found or null if the algorithm failed</returns> public Path findPathImmediate(Index start, Index end, out PathRequestStatus status, DiagonalMode diagonal) { // Make sure the grid is ready if (verifyReady() == false) { status = PathRequestStatus.GridNotReady; return(null); } // Update max path length searchGrid.maxPathLength = maxPathLength; // Store a temp path Path path = null; PathRequestStatus temp = PathRequestStatus.InvalidIndex; // Find a path searchGrid.findPath(start, end, diagonal, (Path result, PathRequestStatus resultStatus) => { // Store the status temp = resultStatus; // Make sure the path was found if (resultStatus == PathRequestStatus.PathFound) { path = result; #if UNITY_EDITOR PathView.setRenderPath(this, path); #endif } }); status = temp; return(path); }
private string Write148_PathView(PathView v) { switch (v) { case PathView.ShowNormalRootName: return "ShowNormalRootName"; case PathView.ShowShortRootName: return "ShowShortRootName"; case PathView.ShowIconForEveryFolder: return "ShowIconForEveryFolder"; case PathView.ShowActiveState: return "ShowActiveState"; case PathView.ShowDriveMenuOnHover: return "ShowDriveMenuOnHover"; case PathView.VistaLikeBreadcrumb: return "VistaLikeBreadcrumb"; case PathView.ShowFolderIcon: return "ShowFolderIcon"; } return XmlSerializationWriter.FromEnum((long) v, new string[] { "ShowNormalRootName", "ShowShortRootName", "ShowIconForEveryFolder", "ShowActiveState", "ShowDriveMenuOnHover", "VistaLikeBreadcrumb", "ShowFolderIcon" }, new long[] { 0L, 1L, 2L, 4L, 8L, 0x10L, 0x20L }, "Nomad.FileSystem.Virtual.PathView"); }
IEnumerator CheckBattleStatus() { yield return(StartCoroutine(OnlineManager.Instance.StartGetGame())); PathManager.Instance.Initialize(); if (OnlineManager.Instance.GameStatus == OnlineGameStatus.PREPARING) { State = RoleViewState.ROLE; bool selectionAlreadyMade = false; //Debug.Log(Avatar.Instance.Role + " " + Avatar.Instance.Path + " " + Avatar.Instance.Path.Points + " " + Avatar.Instance.Path.Points.Count); if (Avatar.Instance.Role == PieceRole.OFFENSE && Avatar.Instance.Path != null && Avatar.Instance.Path.Points != null && Avatar.Instance.Path.Points.Count > 1) { State = RoleViewState.PATH_SELECTED; selectionAlreadyMade = true; } else if (Avatar.Instance.Role == PieceRole.DEFENSE && Avatar.Instance.Path != null && Avatar.Instance.Path.Points != null && Avatar.Instance.Path.Points.Count == 1) { State = RoleViewState.POSITION_SELECTED; selectionAlreadyMade = true; } //Debug.Log(selectionAlreadyMade); if (selectionAlreadyMade) { PreparedSplashImage.Activate(); SelectButton.ButtonIconImage.sprite = ChangePositionButtonSprite; SelectButton.Activate(); UIViewController.ActivateUIView(PathView.Load()); UIViewController.ActivateUIView(PositionView.Load()); if (State == RoleViewState.PATH_SELECTED) { UnselectPositions(); PathView.Instance.ActivateExistingPath(); } else { UnselectPaths(); PositionView.Instance.ActivateExistingPosition(); } DisablePathAndPositionSelection(); ActivateTimer(); MoveTimerUp(); } else { SelectButton.Deactivate(); PrepareSplashImage.Activate(); PrepareButton.Activate(); ActivateTimer(); } // calculate time _nextBattleDateTime = DateTime.Parse(OnlineManager.Instance.GameData.scheduled_start); //Debug.Log(_nextBattleDateTime); SetTimeText(); //Debug.Log(timeToNextBattle); RefreshButton.Activate(); enabled = true; } else { SelectButton.Deactivate(); PrepareSplashImage.Deactivate(); PreparedSplashImage.Activate(); } BackButton.Activate(); }