Esempio n. 1
    private PathDistance findClosestPaths(List <List <Coordinates> > paths, Random rand)
        PathDistance result = new PathDistance(Constants.TOO_MUCH_FOR_DUNGEON_GENERATION);

        foreach (List <Coordinates> path_1 in paths)
            foreach (List <Coordinates> path_2 in paths)
                if (!(path_1 [0] == path_2 [0]))
                    PathDistance temp = findClosestPoints(path_1, path_2);
                    if (temp.distance < result.distance)
                        result = temp;
                    else if (temp.distance == result.distance && (rand.Next() % 2 == 0))
                        result = temp;

    private void addMemo(List <GraphPoint> finalPath)
        // We did not hit the memoization cache, so we must fill it
        List <GraphPoint> rev = new List <GraphPoint>(finalPath);

        List <GraphPoint> toGoal = new List <GraphPoint>();
        // Work backwards from the end, setting the memoization at a GraphPoint to be the path from the GraphPoint to the goal
        float dist = 0;

        foreach (GraphPoint gp in rev)
            // We must move every item over so this operation is O(n)
            // If we were to use a LinkedList, we would have to copy over anyway O(n), so this is cleaner
            toGoal.Insert(0, gp);
            Vector2[] path = getWorldPath(toGoal);
            if (path.Length >= 2)
                dist += Vector2.Distance(path[0], path[1]);
            PathDistance pd = new PathDistance();
            pd.dist      = dist;
            pd.path      = path;
            memoized[gp] = pd;
 private Vector2[] getFromMemo(Node cur, PathDistance memo)
     Vector2[] mp        = memo.path;
     Vector2[] worldPath = new Vector2[cur.path.Count + mp.Length];
     getWorldPath(cur.path, worldPath);
     for (int i = 0; i < mp.Length; i++)
         worldPath[cur.path.Count + i] = mp[i];
Esempio n. 4
    /*										|										*/
    /*                                   PRIVATES									*/
    /*										|										*/

    private void recursiveMergePaths(DungeonGrid grid, PathableArea area, Random rand)
        List <List <Coordinates> > tempPaths = grid.findAreas(Constants.PATH_MARKER, area.position, new Coordinates(area.position.x + area.sizeX, area.position.y + area.sizeY));

        if (tempPaths.Count == 1)

        PathDistance closest = findClosestPaths(tempPaths, rand);

        grid.drawPath(closest.path_1, closest.path_2, rand);

        recursiveMergePaths(grid, area, rand);
Esempio n. 5
    /*										|										*/
    /*                                   PRIVATES									*/
    /*										|										*/

    private void mergePaths(DungeonGrid grid, PathableArea area, Random rand)
        List <List <Coordinates> > tempPaths = grid.findAreas(Constants.PATH_MARKER, area.position, new Coordinates(area.position.x + area.sizeX, area.position.y + area.sizeY));

        if (tempPaths.Count == 1)

        bool[,] linkedGraph = new bool[tempPaths.Count, tempPaths.Count];

        for (int i = 0; i < tempPaths.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < tempPaths.Count; j++)
                linkedGraph [i, j] = (i == j ? true : false);

        int actual = 0;

        foreach (List <Coordinates> tempPath in tempPaths)
            int linkTo = rand.Next() % tempPaths.Count;
            int count  = 0;
            while (linkedGraph [actual, linkTo] && count < tempPaths.Count)
                linkTo = (linkTo + 1) % tempPaths.Count;
            if (count == tempPaths.Count)

            linkedGraph [actual, linkTo] = true;
            linkedGraph [linkTo, actual] = true;
            linkAll(linkedGraph, tempPaths.Count, actual, linkTo);

            PathDistance points = findClosestPoints(tempPath, tempPaths [linkTo]);
            grid.drawPath(points.path_1, points.path_2, rand);

Esempio n. 6
    protected PathDistance findClosestPoints(List <Coordinates> a, List <Coordinates> b)
        PathDistance result = new PathDistance(Constants.TOO_MUCH_FOR_DUNGEON_GENERATION);

        foreach (Coordinates p1 in a)
            foreach (Coordinates p2 in b)
                int distance = Math.Abs(p1.x - p2.x) + Math.Abs(p1.y - p2.y);
                if (distance < result.distance)
                    result.distance = distance;
                    result.path_1   = p1;
                    result.path_2   = p2;

    private void FixedUpdate()
        var currentMousePosition = Input.mousePosition;

        if (currentMousePosition == previousMousePosition)

        PathLine.enabled           = false;
        TargetCircle.enabled       = false;
        TrajectoryRenderer.enabled = false;

        var eventSys = EventSystem.current;

        if (!characterCombatController || !characterCombatController.MyTurn && GlobalTBModeController.Instance.IsTurnBased || !characterCombatController.IsTargetingSkill && !DrawCharacterPath || eventSys.IsPointerOverGameObject())

        Ray        ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(currentMousePosition);
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100, ~LayerMask.GetMask("VisibilityColliders")))
            previousMousePosition = currentMousePosition;

            if (characterCombatController.IsTargetingSkill)
                TrajectoryRenderer.enabled = true;
                var skillTrajectoryStartPoint = character.transform.position + Vector3.up;

                var skillTrajectoryEndPoint = hit.point;

                if (hit.collider.gameObject.layer == 12)
                    skillTrajectoryEndPoint += Vector3.up;
                ValidDestination = Vector3.Distance(skillTrajectoryStartPoint, skillTrajectoryEndPoint) <= characterCombatController.SkillBeingTargeted.Range;
                DrawTrajectory(skillTrajectoryStartPoint, skillTrajectoryEndPoint, ValidDestination, characterCombatController.SkillBeingTargeted.TrajectoryArc);
            else if (DrawCharacterPath && GlobalTBModeController.Instance.IsTurnBased && !character.IsMoving)
                NavMeshHit navHit;
                var        distanceToNavMesh = 0.2f;
                var        targetPoint       = hit.point;

                if (hit.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("Interactable"))
                    distanceToNavMesh = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Interactable>().InteractionDistance;
                    var lowestPointInCollider = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.min.y;
                    targetPoint = new Vector3(targetPoint.x, lowestPointInCollider, targetPoint.z);
                if (!NavMesh.SamplePosition(targetPoint, out navHit, distanceToNavMesh, NavMesh.AllAreas))

                StartCoroutine(character.GetPathEnumerator(hit.point, res =>
                    var path = res;
                    if (path.Length > 1)
                        PathLine.enabled     = true;
                        TargetCircle.enabled = true;
                        var pathLength       = PathDistance.CalculatePathLength(path);

                        ValidDestination = pathLength <= characterCombatController.MovementLeft;

                        DrawLine(PathLine, path, ValidDestination);
                        DrawTargetCircle(targetPoint, ValidDestination);