public PatchLocation(int x, int y, int index, Patch patch) { X = x; Y = y; Index = index; Patch = patch; }
protected override int Run(string command) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { Out.WriteLine("you must define either the name or the path of the assembly to check"); return -1; } Assembly assembly = Tools.LoadAssembly(name, path); SnapShot assemblySettings = SnapShot.BuildFrom(assembly); SnapShot databaseSettings = SnapShot.GetFor(assembly); Patch patch = new Patch(databaseSettings, assemblySettings); if (patch.IsEmpty) Out.WriteLine("database is already in sync"); if (!noPrompt) { Console.WriteLine(patch.ToString()); Console.Write("apply the patch? (y)es > "); string responce = Console.ReadLine(); if (!responce.ToLower().StartsWith("y")) return 0; } patch.Apply(new Patch.ApplyOptions()); return 0; }
public void downloadPatch(Patch patch) { string downloadURL = URLFormatter.format($"{}/{serverToDownload.downloadDirectory}/"); using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) { string patchDownloadURL = downloadURL + "/" + patch.fileName; if (!ResourceHelper.resourceExists(patchDownloadURL)) { form.downloadStatusLabel.Text = $"Status: Could not download {patch.fileName} - It does not exist"; return; } ApplicationStatus.downloading = true; string localPatchDirectory = $"{serverToDownload.clientDirectory}/Data/"; string localPatchPath = localPatchDirectory + patch.fileName; if (!Directory.Exists(localPatchDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(localPatchDirectory); webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += downloadPatchProgressChanged; webClient.DownloadFileAsync(new System.Uri(patchDownloadURL), localPatchPath); webClient.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(this.downloadPatchCompleted); stopWatch.Start(); patchesToDownload.Remove(patch); } }
void WritePatch(StreamWriter writer, Patch patch) { writer.WriteLine("{"); writer.WriteLine("patchDef2"); writer.WriteLine("{"); writer.WriteLine(patch.TextureName); writer.WriteLine(String.Format("( {0} {1} 0 0 0 )", patch.Rows, patch.Columns)); writer.WriteLine("("); int patchIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < patch.Rows; ++i) { writer.Write("( "); for (int j = 0; j < patch.Columns; ++patchIndex) { writer.Write(String.Format("( {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} ) ", patch.FlatVertices[patchIndex].Position.X, patch.FlatVertices[patchIndex].Position.Y, patch.FlatVertices[patchIndex].Position.Z, patch.FlatVertices[patchIndex].UV.X, patch.FlatVertices[patchIndex].UV.Y)); } writer.Write(")\n"); } writer.WriteLine(")"); writer.WriteLine("}"); writer.WriteLine("}"); }
protected void GrabPatchButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var usbTool = new UsbTool(); var patch = new Patch(usbTool.GrabPatch().ToArray()); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Got Patch: {0}", patch)); usbTool.Dispose(); }
protected override int Run(string command) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyPath) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(sectionName)) { Out.WriteLine("you must define either the assembly name, the path of the assembly, xor the section name to pull form the database"); return -1; } Patch patch = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sectionName)) { SnapShot current = SnapShot.GetFor(sectionName); patch = new Patch(current, Patch.Action.ActionType.Update); } else { Assembly assembly = Tools.LoadAssembly(assemblyName, assemblyPath); if (assembly == null) { Out.WriteLine("could not load {0}{1}", assemblyName, assemblyPath); return -1; } if (!assembly.HasSettings()) { Out.WriteLine("{0} has not settings no patch to generate", assembly.FullName); return 0; } SnapShot assemblySettings = SnapShot.BuildFrom(assembly); SnapShot databaseSettings = SnapShot.GetFor(assembly); patch = new Patch(databaseSettings, assemblySettings); } patch.ToXml().Save(output, SaveOptions.None); return 0; }
public void WriteMUOPatch(Patch patch) { Write((int)patch.FileId); Write((int)patch.BlockID); Write((int)patch.Extra); Write((int)patch.Length); Write(patch.Data); }
public PatchEntry(int offset, int length, Patch patch, PatchEntryChanges changes, IReadOnlyList<PatchHunk> hunks) { Offset = offset; Length = length; Patch = patch; Changes = changes; Hunks = hunks; }
public Animation(PictureBox image, Patch patch) { _image = image; _patch = patch; _frames = GetAnimation(); _timer = new System.Timers.Timer(100); _timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTick); _timer.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of LinkRequest. /// </summary> /// <param name="linkType">Type of the link.</param> /// <param name="patches">The patches.</param> /// <param name="symbolName">The symbol that is being patched.</param> /// <param name="symbolOffset">The symbol offset.</param> /// <param name="relativeBase">The base virtualAddress, if a relative link is required.</param> /// <param name="targetSymbol">The linker symbol to link against.</param> /// <param name="targetOffset">An offset to apply to the link target.</param> public LinkRequest(LinkType linkType, Patch[] patches, string symbolName, int symbolOffset, int relativeBase, string targetSymbol, long targetOffset) { this.SymbolName = symbolName; this.SymbolOffset = symbolOffset; this.LinkType = linkType; this.SymbolRelativeBase = relativeBase; this.TargetSymbol = targetSymbol; this.TargetOffset = targetOffset; this.Patches = patches; }
public static ulong GetFinalMask(Patch[] patches) { ulong final = 0; foreach (var patch in patches) { final = final | patch.GetResult(~(ulong)0); } return final; }
public static ulong GetResult(Patch[] patches, ulong value) { ulong final = 0; foreach (var patch in patches) { final = final | patch.GetResult(value); } return final; }
public static void CreateMUO(string path, Patch[] patches) { PatchWriter writer = new PatchWriter(File.Create(path), PatchFileType.MUO); writer.WriteMUOHeader(); writer.WriteMUOMetaData(new string[] { "MUO", "Created with ConnectUO", "Jeff Boulanger" }); writer.Write((int)patches.Length); for (int i = 0; i < patches.Length; i++) writer.WriteMUOPatch(patches[i]); writer.Close(); }
public static void CreateUOP(string path, Patch[] patches) { PatchWriter writer = new PatchWriter(File.Create(path), PatchFileType.UOP); writer.WriteUOPHeader(); writer.Write(patches.Length); writer.Write((int)0);//Unknown for (int i = 0; i < patches.Length; i++) writer.WriteUOPPatch(patches[i]); writer.Close(); }
static void Main() { Patch patch = new Patch(); Type type = typeof(Patch); Console.WriteLine(type); object[] allAttributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(false); foreach (VersionAttribute attribute in allAttributes) { Console.WriteLine("{0} version is {1}", attribute, attribute.version); } }
public PatchGrid( Terrain terrain, int gridWidth, int gridHeight ) { int highestRes = Patch.GetLevelResolution( Patch.HighestDetailLod ); highestRes *= highestRes; VertexBufferFormat format = new VertexBufferFormat( ); format.Add( VertexFieldSemantic.Position, VertexFieldElementTypeId.Float32, 3 ); m_Vb = RbGraphics.Factory.CreateVertexBuffer( ); m_Vb.Create( format, gridWidth * gridHeight * highestRes ); m_Patches = new Patch[ gridWidth, gridHeight ]; float z = -PatchDepth * ( gridHeight / 2 ); float xInc = PatchWidth; float zInc = PatchDepth; float maxWidth = gridWidth * PatchWidth; float maxHeight = gridWidth * PatchDepth; terrain.SetTerrainArea( maxWidth, maxHeight ); int vbOffset = 0; for ( int row = 0; row < gridHeight; ++row, z += zInc ) { float x = -PatchWidth * ( gridWidth / 2 ); for ( int col = 0; col < gridWidth; ++col, x += xInc ) { Color c = ( ( col + row ) % 2 ) == 0 ? Color.Black : Color.White; m_Patches[ col, row ] = new Patch( terrain, vbOffset, x, z, PatchWidth, PatchDepth, c ); vbOffset += highestRes; } } int maxCol = gridWidth - 1; int maxRow = gridHeight - 1; for ( int row = 0; row < gridHeight; ++row ) { for ( int col = 0; col < gridWidth; ++col ) { Patch left = ( col == 0 ) ? null : ( m_Patches[ col - 1, row ] ); Patch right = ( col == maxCol ) ? null : ( m_Patches[ col + 1, row ] ); Patch up = ( row == 0 ) ? null : ( m_Patches[ col, row - 1] ); Patch down = ( row == maxRow ) ? null : ( m_Patches[ col, row + 1 ] ); m_Patches[ col, row ].Link( left, right, up, down ); } } }
public Patch ReadMUOPatch() { Patch p = new Patch(); p.FileId = ReadInt32(); p.BlockID = ReadInt32(); p.Extra = ReadInt32(); p.Length = ReadInt32(); if (p.Length >= 0) p.Data = ReadBytes(p.Length); else p.Data = new byte[0]; return p; }
public void WritePatch(Patch patch) { switch (patchFileType) { case PatchFileType.MUO: { WriteMUOPatch(patch); break; } case PatchFileType.UOP: { WriteUOPPatch(patch); break; } } }
private static void Testv1( ) { var folder = @"Resources\Assembly-1.0\ProviderTestLib.dll"; var assembly = LoadAssembly(folder); var snapshot = SnapShot.BuildFrom(assembly); Assert.IsFalse(snapshot.IsEmpty); Assert.IsTrue(snapshot.Settings.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(snapshot.ConnectionStrings.Count == 0); var patch1 = new Patch(snapshot, Patch.Action.ActionType.Insert); patch1.Apply(new Patch.ApplyOptions()); snapshot = SnapShot.GetFor(snapshot.Section); Assert.IsFalse(snapshot.IsEmpty); Assert.IsTrue(snapshot.Settings.Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(snapshot.ConnectionStrings.Count == 0); }
public static PatchDocument Parse(Patch patch) { if (patch == null) return new PatchDocument(Array.Empty<PatchEntry>(), Array.Empty<PatchLine>()); var lines = new List<PatchLine>(); var entries = new List<PatchEntry>(); foreach (var change in patch) { var changeLines = ParseLines(change.Patch); var entryOffset = lines.Count; var entryLength = changeLines.Count; lines.AddRange(changeLines); var hunks = new List<PatchHunk>(); var hunkOffset = GetNextHunk(changeLines, -1); while (hunkOffset < changeLines.Count) { var hunkEnd = GetNextHunk(changeLines, hunkOffset) - 1; var hunkLength = hunkEnd - hunkOffset + 1; var hunkLine = changeLines[hunkOffset].Text; int oldStart; int oldLength; int newStart; int newLength; if (TryGetHunkInformation(hunkLine, out oldStart, out oldLength, out newStart, out newLength)) { var hunk = new PatchHunk(entryOffset + hunkOffset, hunkLength, oldStart, oldLength, newStart, newLength); hunks.Add(hunk); } hunkOffset = hunkEnd + 1; } var entry = new PatchEntry(entryOffset, entryLength, patch, change, hunks); entries.Add(entry); } return new PatchDocument(entries, lines); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Patch p = new Patch(); ValueNode<float> v1 = new ValueNode<float>(); p.AddNode(v1); v1.Output.Value = 15; v2 = new ValueNode<float>(); p.AddNode(v2); AddNode sum = new AddNode(); p.AddNode(sum); p.Connect(v1.Output, sum.A); p.Connect(v2.Output, sum.B); patchEvaluator = new PatchEvaluator(p); patchEvaluator.Evaluate(); }
private void ObtainNewPatch() { if (bestCuts.Count < 1) return; int n = mesh.FaceCount; bool[] visited = new bool[n]; Isoline lastLine = this.bestCuts[bestCuts.Count - 1]; foreach (FaceRecord fr in lastLine.faces) { visited[fr.face.index] = true; } /* foreach (Patch pch in this.patches) { foreach (int f in pch.faces) visited[f] = true; } * */ int i = -1; foreach (List<int> flist in this.facesOnStrokes) { int f = flist[0]; i = f; break; } if (i == -1) { Program.PrintText("Invalid source vertex!"); return; } int index = this.all_patches.Count + 1; int pid = patchid[i]; Patch p = new Patch(index); Queue<int> iQue = new Queue<int>(); iQue.Enqueue(i); visited[i] = true; p.faces.Add(i); while(iQue.Count > 0) { int f = iQue.Dequeue(); foreach (int adj in mesh.AdjFF[f]) { if (patchid[adj] == pid && !visited[adj]) { iQue.Enqueue(adj); visited[adj] = true; p.faces.Add(adj); } } } // -- assign faces on the isoline -- foreach (FaceRecord fr in lastLine.faces) { int f = fr.face.index; p.faces.Add(f); } p.prev_label = pid; foreach (int f in p.faces) patchid[f] = (byte)index; this.all_patches.Add(p); }
void ParsePatch(Entity entity, ref int line, List<string> lines) { //++line; string defLine = lines[line].ToLower(); Patch patch = new Patch(defLine.Contains("mesh")); bool tFormat = defLine.Contains("mesh") || defLine.Contains("curve"); // Skip the definition line, skip the { line += 2; if (!tFormat) { // Get the texture name patch.TextureName = lines[line].Trim(); ++line; // Get the patch dimensions string[] sizeTerms = lines[line].Split(SPLIT_CHARS, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); patch.Rows = int.Parse(sizeTerms[0]); patch.Columns = int.Parse(sizeTerms[1]); ++line; } else { for (; line < lines.Count; ++line) { if (lines[line].Contains("lightmap") || lines[line].Contains("content")) continue; else { if (lines[line].Contains("(")) { break; } string[] terms = lines[line].Trim().Split(' '); if (terms.Length == 1) patch.TextureName = terms[0]; else if (terms.Length == 4) { patch.Rows = int.Parse(terms[0]); patch.Columns = int.Parse(terms[1]); } } } } int jumpCt = 0; for (; line < lines.Count; ++line) { string text = lines[line]; string shortLine = lines[line].Trim(); if (shortLine.Contains("}")) { ++jumpCt; if (jumpCt == 2) // Leave after second } encounters { patchDef { "content" } } <-- break; continue; } else { string[] terms = shortLine.Split(PATCH_SPLIT, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (tFormat) { if (shortLine.Contains('v')) { PatchVert vert = new PatchVert(); vert.Position = Face.ParseVec3(terms, 0); // If we contain a color if (shortLine.Contains('c')) { vert.Color = Face.ParseVec3(terms, 3); vert.Alpha = float.Parse(terms[6]); vert.UV = Face.ParseVec2(terms, 7); } else vert.UV = Face.ParseVec2(terms, 3); patch.FlatVertices.Add(vert); } } else if (terms.Length > 0) { // Id format if (shortLine.Count(c => c == '(') > 0) { List<PatchVert> rowVerts = new List<PatchVert>(); // ( (x y z u v) (x y z u v) (x y z u v) ) for (int i = 0; i < patch.Columns; ++i) { PatchVert vert = new PatchVert(); int startSub = i * 5; // (x y z u v) vert.Position = Face.ParseVec3(terms, startSub); vert.UV = Face.ParseVec2(terms, startSub + 3); rowVerts.Add(vert); patch.FlatVertices.Add(vert); } patch.PatchVertices.Add(rowVerts); } } } } entity.Patches.Add(patch); }
public void SetNeighbors(Patch l,Patch r,Patch t,Patch b) { Left=l; Right=r; Top=t; Bottom=b; }
public void Remove() { Patch.Remove(); }
public void AddPopulationResultForSpecies(Species species, Patch patch, int newPopulation) { MakeSureResultExistsForSpecies(species); results[species].NewPopulationInPatches[patch] = Math.Max(newPopulation, 0); }
public void AddMigrationResultForSpecies(Species species, Patch fromPatch, Patch toPatch, int populationAmount) { AddMigrationResultForSpecies(species, new SpeciesMigration(fromPatch, toPatch, populationAmount)); }
public void Init() { _pd = new Pd(_inputs, _outputs, _sampleRate); _patch = _pd.LoadPatch("../../test_csharp.pd"); }
private void LoadConfiguration(string configFilePath) { XPathNavigator navigator = GetNavigator(configFilePath); string overallTimeoutString = navigator.SelectSingleNode(OverallTimeoutValueXPath).Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(overallTimeoutString) || (!int.TryParse(overallTimeoutString, out _overallTimeoutSeconds))) { LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, "OverallTimeout value is not defined or is not a valid integer value. OverallTimeout = " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(overallTimeoutString) ? "null" : overallTimeoutString)); throw new InvalidOperationException( "OverallTimeout value is not defined or is not a valid integer value. OverallTimeout = " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(overallTimeoutString) ? "null" : overallTimeoutString)); } if (_overallTimeoutSeconds < 0) { LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, "OverallTimeout value cannot be less than 0. OverallTimeout = " + overallTimeoutString); throw new InvalidOperationException( "OverallTimeout value cannot be less than 0. OverallTimeout = " + overallTimeoutString); } // Loop through all patches XPathNodeIterator nodeIterator = navigator.Select(PatchXPath); while (nodeIterator.MoveNext()) { Patch patch = new Patch(); // Read name if (nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode("@name") == null) { LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, "name attribute needed for Patch element"); throw new InvalidOperationException("name attribute needed for Patch element"); } patch.Name = nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode("@name").Value.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(patch.Name)) { LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, "name attribute can't be empty for Patch element"); throw new InvalidOperationException("name attribute can't be empty for Patch element"); } if (_patchMap.ContainsKey(patch.Name)) { LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Patch '{0}' is defined in multiple places.", patch.Name)); throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Patch '{0}' is defined in multiple places.", patch.Name)); } // Read OS versions the patch applies to and check whether it is applicable to current OS version if (nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode("@appliesToOsVersion") != null) { string osVersionAppliesTo = string.Empty; try { bool invalidVersionFormat = false; osVersionAppliesTo = nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode("@appliesToOsVersion").Value.Trim(); Version currentOsVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version; char[] versionDelimiter = new char[] { '.' }; string[] versionComponents = osVersionAppliesTo.Split(versionDelimiter); string[] currentOsVersionComponents = currentOsVersion.ToString().Split(versionDelimiter); // OS version the patch applies to should have four components: if (versionComponents.Length != 4) { invalidVersionFormat = true; } else { // Each version component should be an integer or a wildcard character '*' foreach (string t in versionComponents) { int versionComponent; if (t.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || int.TryParse(t, out versionComponent)) { continue; } invalidVersionFormat = true; break; } } if (invalidVersionFormat) { LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format( @"PathUtil: Invalid version format for OS version patch {0} applies to : {1}; the patch will be installed", patch.Name, osVersionAppliesTo)); } else { bool skipPatch = false; for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(versionComponents.Length, currentOsVersionComponents.Length); i++) { if (!versionComponents[i].Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !versionComponents[i].Equals(currentOsVersionComponents[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { skipPatch = true; } } // If the patch is not applicable to current OS version, skip it if (skipPatch) { LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format( @"PatchUtil: Patch {0} will be skipped since it is only applicable to OS version {1} while current OS version is {2}", patch.Name, osVersionAppliesTo, currentOsVersion)); continue; } } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format( @"PathUtil: Exception occurred when checking whether patch {0} (applicable to OS version {1}) is applicable to current OS version, skip version checking and continue installing : {2}", patch.Name, osVersionAppliesTo, e)); } } // Read command line. if (nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode(CommandLineXPath) == null) { LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Command value attribute needed for Patch '{0}'.", patch.Name)); throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Command value attribute needed for Patch '{0}'.", patch.Name)); } patch.CommandLine = nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode(CommandLineXPath).Value.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(patch.CommandLine)) { LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Command value can't be empty for Patch '{0}'.", patch.Name)); throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Command value can't be empty for Patch '{0}'.", patch.Name)); } // Read log path (optional element). patch.LogFolderPath = null; if (nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode(LogFolderPathXPath) != null) { string logFolderPath = nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode(LogFolderPathXPath).Value.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFolderPath)) { patch.LogFolderPath = logFolderPath; } } // Read registry settings List <PatchRegistry> registrySettings = new List <PatchRegistry>(); XPathNodeIterator iterator = nodeIterator.Current.Select(PatchRegistryXPath); while (iterator.MoveNext()) { string keyName = ReadPatchRegistryAttribute(iterator, patch.Name, RegistryKeyNameAttribute, true); string valueName = ReadPatchRegistryAttribute(iterator, patch.Name, RegistryValueNameAttribute, true); string expectedValue = ReadPatchRegistryAttribute(iterator, patch.Name, RegistryExpectedValueAttribute, false); PatchRegistry registrySetting = new PatchRegistry { RegistryKeyName = keyName, RegistryValueName = valueName, ExpectedValue = expectedValue, }; registrySettings.Add(registrySetting); } // We need at least one registry setting to confirm the patch is installed. if (!registrySettings.Any()) { LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "There is no registry setting found for Patch '{0}'", patch.Name)); throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "There is no registry setting found for Patch '{0}'", patch.Name)); } patch.RegistrySettings = registrySettings; _patchMap.Add(patch.Name, patch); } }
public Ward(Model model, Patch patch) { this.model = model; this.patch = patch; }
public static float rateLocation(Model model, Patch patch) { return(0); }
public TestPatch(Patch patch, string patchOutput) { Patch = patch; PatchOutput = patchOutput; }
protected record PatchInfo(Patch Patch, long Offset);
/// <summary> /// Combined old editor init and activate method /// </summary> private void InitEditor() { // For now we only show a loading screen if auto-evo is not ready yet if (!CurrentGame.GameWorld.IsAutoEvoFinished()) { ready = false; gui.SetLoadingStatus(true); gui.SetLoadingText("Loading Microbe Editor", CurrentGame.GameWorld.GetAutoEvoRun().Status); } else { OnEditorReady(); } MutationPoints = Constants.BASE_MUTATION_POINTS; editedMicrobeOrganelles = new OrganelleLayout <OrganelleTemplate>( OnOrganelleAdded, OnOrganelleRemoved); organelleRot = 0; Symmetry = 0; gui.ResetSymmetryButton(); UpdateUndoRedoButtons(); // The world is reset each time so these are gone placedHexes = new List <MeshInstance>(); placedModels = new List <SceneDisplayer>(); // Check generation and set it here. CurrentGame.SetBool("edited_microbe", true); if (CurrentGame.FreeBuild) { GD.Print("Editor going to freebuild mode because player has activated freebuild"); FreeBuilding = true; } else { // Make sure freebuilding doesn't get stuck on FreeBuilding = false; } // Sent freebuild value to GUI gui.NotifyFreebuild(FreeBuilding); playerPatchOnEntry = CurrentGame.GameWorld.Map.CurrentPatch; // Send info to the GUI about the organelle effectiveness in the current patch CalculateOrganelleEffectivenessInPatch(); // Reset this, GUI will tell us to enable it again ShowHover = false; targetPatch = null; canStillMove = true; UpdatePatchBackgroundImage(); gui.SetMap(CurrentGame.GameWorld.Map); var playerSpecies = CurrentGame.GameWorld.PlayerSpecies; SetupEditedSpecies(playerSpecies as MicrobeSpecies); gui.UpdateGlucoseReduction(Constants.GLUCOSE_REDUCTION_RATE); }
public PatchingHook(IMemory memory, IntPtr targetAddress, byte[] redirection) { Patch = new Patch(memory, targetAddress, redirection); }
public void LoadSegmentation(StreamReader sr) { this.all_patches.Clear(); this.patchid = new byte[mesh.FaceCount]; //char[] delimiters = { ' ', '\t' }; string s = ""; //s = sr.ReadLine(); //string[] tokens = s.Split(delimiters); //int count = int.Parse(tokens[0]); // Use patchid as read buffer // Keep the max label to find number of patches int maxLabel = 0; for (int faceId = 0; faceId < this.patchid.Length; faceId++ ) { s = sr.ReadLine(); int label = int.Parse(s); if (maxLabel < label) maxLabel = label; this.patchid[faceId] = (byte)label; } for (int i = 1; i <= maxLabel; ++i) { Patch p = new Patch(i); all_patches.Add(p); } for (int i = 0; i < this.patchid.Length; i++) { // For in-patch faces, assign them into corresponding patches if (this.patchid[i] < maxLabel) { all_patches[patchid[i]].faces.Add(i); } } /* while (sr.Peek() > -1) { s = sr.ReadLine(); tokens = s.Split(delimiters); int index = int.Parse(tokens[1]); int f = int.Parse(tokens[0]); all_patches[index].faces.Add(f); this.patchid[f] = (byte)index; } */ this.AssignPatchColors(); this.displayMode = EnumDisplayMode.Segmentation; }
private void InitPatches() { _leftPatch = new Patch() { ImageMatrix = _leftFiltered, Rows = _patchSize, Cols = _patchSize }; _rightPatch = new Patch() { ImageMatrix = _rightFiltered, Rows = _patchSize, Cols = _patchSize }; }
public PatchRequest(Patch patch, RequestCallback callback) : base(patch.Filename, callback) { this.patch = patch; }
public override void Draw(GdxSpriteBatch spriteBatch, float x, float y, float width, float height) { Patch.Draw(spriteBatch, x, y, width, height); }
/// <summary> /// variant of GetGlobalPopulation for a single patch /// </summary> public int GetPopulationInPatch(Species species, Patch patch) { return(Math.Max(results[species].NewPopulationInPatches[patch], 0)); }
public void AppendDiffLine(string line, Encoding fileEncoding) { Patch.AppendTextLine(line); PatchOutput.Append(GitModule.ReEncodeString(line, fileEncoding, GitModule.LosslessEncoding)); PatchOutput.Append("\n"); }
private bool Find(ITableRepository tableRepository, IPatcher patcher, ICheckNotifier notifier) { //if it's not configured if (tableRepository == null) { DatabaseFound(this, new PlatformDatabaseFoundEventArgs(null, patcher, RDMPPlatformDatabaseStatus.Unreachable)); return(false); } //check we can reach it var db = tableRepository.DiscoveredServer.GetCurrentDatabase(); notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs(string.Format("Connecting to {0} on {1}", db.GetRuntimeName(), db.Server.Name), CheckResult.Success)); //is it reachable try { tableRepository.TestConnection(); } catch (Exception ex) { //no DatabaseFound(this, new PlatformDatabaseFoundEventArgs(tableRepository, patcher, RDMPPlatformDatabaseStatus.Unreachable, ex)); return(false); } Patch.PatchingState patchingRequired; try { //is it up-to-date on patches? Version databaseVersion; Patch[] patchesInDatabase; SortedDictionary <string, Patch> allPatchesInAssembly; patchingRequired = Patch.IsPatchingRequired(tableRepository.DiscoveredServer.GetCurrentDatabase(), patcher, out databaseVersion, out patchesInDatabase, out allPatchesInAssembly); } catch (Exception e) { //database is broken (maybe the version of the db is ahead of the host assembly?) DatabaseFound(this, new PlatformDatabaseFoundEventArgs(tableRepository, patcher, RDMPPlatformDatabaseStatus.Broken, e)); return(false); } switch (patchingRequired) { case Patch.PatchingState.NotRequired: DatabaseFound(this, new PlatformDatabaseFoundEventArgs(tableRepository, patcher, RDMPPlatformDatabaseStatus.Healthy)); break; case Patch.PatchingState.Required: DatabaseFound(this, new PlatformDatabaseFoundEventArgs(tableRepository, patcher, RDMPPlatformDatabaseStatus.RequiresPatching)); break; case Patch.PatchingState.SoftwareBehindDatabase: DatabaseFound(this, new PlatformDatabaseFoundEventArgs(tableRepository, patcher, RDMPPlatformDatabaseStatus.SoftwareOutOfDate)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("patchingRequired"); } return(true); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public DigitalPartialsEditorViewModel(Patch patch) { Items.Add(new DigitalPartialViewModel(patch.PartialOne, "Partial 1")); Items.Add(new DigitalPartialViewModel(patch.PartialTwo, "Partial 2")); Items.Add(new DigitalPartialViewModel(patch.PartialThree, "Partial 3")); }
public void Apply() { Patch.Apply(); }
Dictionary <int, Note> lookupTbl = new Dictionary <int, Note>(); //Dictionary of active notes. Makes for faster lookup. public Channel(double sample_rate = 44100) { patch = new Patch(sample_rate); patch.FromString(glue.INIT_PATCH, true); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a sound effect from the sound effects cache. /// </summary> /// <param name="Patch">A Patch instance containing the file location or ID.</param> /// <returns>The sound effect.</returns> public SoundEffect GetSFX(Patch patch) { if (patch == null) { return(null); } var InstanceID = patch.FileID; if (SFXCache.ContainsKey(InstanceID)) { return(SFXCache[InstanceID]); } byte filetype = 0; byte[] data = GetAudioFrom(InstanceID, TSOAudio, out filetype); if (data == null) { data = GetAudioFrom(InstanceID, tsov2, out filetype); } if (data == null) { data = GetAudioFrom(InstanceID, Stings, out filetype); } if (data == null) { data = GetAudioFrom(InstanceID, EP5Samps, out filetype); } if (data == null) { data = GetAudioFrom(InstanceID, EP2, out filetype); } if (data == null) { string source; if (NightclubSounds.TryGetValue(InstanceID, out source)) { data = new XAFile(source).DecompressedData; } } if (data != null) { var stream = new MemoryStream(data); var sfx = SoundEffect.FromStream(stream); stream.Close(); SFXCache.Add(InstanceID, sfx); switch (filetype) { case 2: sfx.Name = "VOX"; break; case 3: sfx.Name = "MUSIC"; break; default: sfx.Name = "FX"; break; } return(sfx); //remember to clear the sfx cache between lots! } else { //GCHandle pinnedArray = GCHandle.Alloc(new byte[1], GCHandleType.Weak); return(null);// pinnedArray; //we couldn't find anything! can't return null so do this... not the best idea tbh } }
public void AppendHeaderLine(string line) { Patch.AppendTextLine(line); PatchOutput.Append(GitModule.ReEncodeString(line, GitModule.SystemEncoding, GitModule.LosslessEncoding)); PatchOutput.Append("\n"); }
public void ViewStagingPatch(Patch patch) { ViewPatch(patch); Reset(true, true, true); }
static void UpdatePatch(bool updatePreview = false) { Console.WriteLine("Updating Patch csv..."); if (!File.Exists(@"patch_new.csv")) { Decompress(@"patch_new.csv.lz4"); } var patches = ReadFile <Patch>(@"patch_new.csv"); var songInfo = GetFileInfo(SONG_PATH); var songDescInfo = GetFileInfo(SONG_DESC_PATH); var ptInfo = GetFileInfo(PATTERN_PATH); var piInfo = GetFileInfo(PRODUCT_ITEM_PATH); var ppInfo = GetFileInfo(PRODUCT_PRODUCT_PATH); var caInfo = GetFileInfo(CATEGORY_PRODUCT_PATH); var idInfo = GetFileInfo(ITEM_DESC_PATH); foreach (Patch patch in patches) { if (patch.file_name.Contains("song_desc_")) { UpdateField(patch, songDescInfo); } if (patch.file_name.Contains("song_song.csv")) { UpdateField(patch, songInfo); } if (patch.file_name.Contains("song_songPattern.csv")) { UpdateField(patch, ptInfo); } if (patch.file_name.Contains("product_item.csv")) { UpdateField(patch, piInfo); } if (patch.file_name.Contains("product_product.csv")) { UpdateField(patch, ppInfo); } if (patch.file_name.Contains("category_categoryproduct.csv")) { UpdateField(patch, caInfo); } if (patch.file_name.Contains("item_desc_")) { UpdateField(patch, idInfo); } } if (updatePreview) { foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles("preview", "*.opus")) { Console.WriteLine("Updating preview info ... {0}", file); Compress(file); var info = GetFileInfo(file); var fileName = file.Replace("\\", "/"); var result = patches.Where(x => x.file_name.Contains(fileName)); Patch patch; if (result.Any()) { patch = result.First(); } else { patch = new Patch(); patch.file_name = fileName; patch.acquire_on_demand = 0; patch.compressed = 1; patch.platform = ""; patch.tag = ""; patch.unused = ""; patches.AddLast(patch); } patch.checksum = info.checksum; patch.file_size = info.file_size; patch.compressed_checksum = info.compressed_checksum; patch.compressed_file_size = info.compressed_file_size; } } WriteFile(patches.ToList(), PATCH_HEADER, @"patch_new.csv"); Compress(@"patch_new.csv"); }
public void ViewPatch(Patch patch) { string text = patch != null ? patch.Text : ""; ViewPatch(text); }
protected void Init(IHeightMap heightmap,Texture color,Texture detail) { Height=heightmap; if(Height.Size.X!=Height.Size.Y) throw new Exception("map.Size.X!=map.Size.Y"); if(IsPowerOf2(Height.Size.X-1)) { PatchCount=(Height.Size.X-1)/(PatchSize-1); } else if(IsPowerOf2(Height.Size.X)) { PatchCount=(Height.Size.X)/(PatchSize-1); } else throw new Exception("!IsPowerOf2(map.Size.X-1)"); if(Height.Size.X<PatchSize) throw new Exception("map.Size.X<patchvertexsize"); Levels=(int)Math.Log(PatchSize-1,2)+1; Patches=new Patch[PatchCount][]; for(int x=0;x<PatchCount;++x) { Patches[x]=new Patch[PatchCount]; for(int y=0;y<PatchCount;++y) { Patch p=new Patch(this,x,y); Patches[x][y]=p; } } for(int x=0;x<PatchCount;++x) { for(int y=0;y<PatchCount;++y) { Patches[y][x].SetNeighbors(x>0 ? Patches[y][x-1] : null, x<PatchCount-1 ? Patches[y][x+1] : null, y>0 ? Patches[y-1][x] : null, y<PatchCount-1 ? Patches[y+1][x] : null); Patches[y][x].Generate(); } } /*for(int x=0;x<PatchCount;++x) { for(int y=0;y<PatchCount;++y) { Patches[y][x].Generate(); } }*/ Material=new Material(); Material.diffusemap=color; Material.DetailMap=detail; HighDetail = 1 * PatchScale; LowDetail = HighDetail + Levels * PatchScale * 1.2f; //Color=color; //Detail=detail; Tree=new QuadTree(new Vector3(0,HeightScale/2,0),new Vector3(PatchScale*(float)PatchCount,HeightScale,PatchScale*(float)PatchCount),(int)Math.Log(PatchCount,2)+1,new Point(PatchCount,PatchCount)); //collision /*Ode.dVector3[] verts=new Ode.dVector3[heightmap.Size.X*heightmap.Size.Y]; int[] inds=new int[(heightmap.Size.X-1)*(heightmap.Size.Y-1)*2*3]; int i=0; int j=0; for(int y=0;y<heightmap.Size.Y;++y) { for(int x=0;x<heightmap.Size.X;++x) { float h=((float)Height.GetHeight(x,y)/255)*HeightScale; verts[i].X = (float)(x - heightmap.Size.X / 2) * PatchScale; verts[i].Y = h; verts[i].Z = (float)(y - heightmap.Size.Y / 2) * PatchScale; if (x < heightmap.Size.X - 1 && y < heightmap.Size.Y - 1) { inds[j++] = y * heightmap.Size.X + x; inds[j++] = y * heightmap.Size.X + x +1; inds[j++] = (y+1) * heightmap.Size.X + x; inds[j++] = (y + 1) * heightmap.Size.X + x; inds[j++] = y * heightmap.Size.X + x + 1; inds[j++] = (y + 1) * heightmap.Size.X + x +1; } i++; } } CollisionMesh = new OdeTriMeshData(verts,inds);*/ //CollisionMesh. }
/// <summary> /// No longer needed since press is included in enemy damage rando table /// </summary> public static void EnablePressDamage(Patch Patch) { Patch.Add(EDmgVsEnemy.DamageP + EDmgVsEnemy.Offset.Press, 0x01, "Buster Damage Against Press"); }
public PatchEvaluator(Patch p) { patch = p; createEvaluators(); }
/// <remarks> /// TODO: this function should be cleaned up by generalizing the adding /// the increase or decrease icons in order to remove the duplicated /// logic here /// </remarks> private void UpdateConditionDifferencesBetweenPatches(Patch selectedPatch, Patch currentPatch) { var nextCompound = selectedPatch.Biome.AverageTemperature; if (nextCompound > currentPatch.Biome.AverageTemperature) { patchTemperatureSituation.Texture = IncreaseIcon; } else if (nextCompound < currentPatch.Biome.AverageTemperature) { patchTemperatureSituation.Texture = DecreaseIcon; } else { patchTemperatureSituation.Texture = null; } nextCompound = selectedPatch.Biome.Compounds["sunlight"].Dissolved; if (nextCompound > currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["sunlight"].Dissolved) { patchLightSituation.Texture = IncreaseIcon; } else if (nextCompound < currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["sunlight"].Dissolved) { patchLightSituation.Texture = DecreaseIcon; } else { patchLightSituation.Texture = null; } nextCompound = selectedPatch.Biome.Compounds["hydrogensulfide"].Density * selectedPatch.Biome.Compounds["hydrogensulfide"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( selectedPatch, "hydrogensulfide"); if (nextCompound > currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["hydrogensulfide"].Density * currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["hydrogensulfide"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( currentPatch, "hydrogensulfide")) { patchHydrogenSulfideSituation.Texture = IncreaseIcon; } else if (nextCompound < currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["hydrogensulfide"].Density * currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["hydrogensulfide"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( currentPatch, "hydrogensulfide")) { patchHydrogenSulfideSituation.Texture = DecreaseIcon; } else { patchHydrogenSulfideSituation.Texture = null; } nextCompound = selectedPatch.Biome.Compounds["glucose"].Density * selectedPatch.Biome.Compounds["glucose"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( selectedPatch, "glucose"); if (nextCompound > currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["glucose"].Density * currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["glucose"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( currentPatch, "glucose")) { patchGlucoseSituation.Texture = IncreaseIcon; } else if (nextCompound < currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["glucose"].Density * currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["glucose"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( currentPatch, "glucose")) { patchGlucoseSituation.Texture = DecreaseIcon; } else { patchGlucoseSituation.Texture = null; } nextCompound = GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount(selectedPatch, "iron"); if (nextCompound > GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount(currentPatch, "iron")) { patchIronSituation.Texture = IncreaseIcon; } else if (nextCompound < GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount(currentPatch, "iron")) { patchIronSituation.Texture = DecreaseIcon; } else { patchIronSituation.Texture = null; } nextCompound = selectedPatch.Biome.Compounds["ammonia"].Density * selectedPatch.Biome.Compounds["ammonia"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( selectedPatch, "ammonia"); if (nextCompound > currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["ammonia"].Density * currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["ammonia"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( currentPatch, "ammonia")) { patchAmmoniaSituation.Texture = IncreaseIcon; } else if (nextCompound < currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["ammonia"].Density * currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["ammonia"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( currentPatch, "ammonia")) { patchAmmoniaSituation.Texture = DecreaseIcon; } else { patchAmmoniaSituation.Texture = null; } nextCompound = selectedPatch.Biome.Compounds["phosphates"].Density * selectedPatch.Biome.Compounds["phosphates"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( selectedPatch, "phosphates"); if (nextCompound > currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["phosphates"].Density * currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["phosphates"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( currentPatch, "phosphates")) { patchPhosphateSituation.Texture = IncreaseIcon; } else if (nextCompound < currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["phosphates"].Density * currentPatch.Biome.Compounds["phosphates"].Amount + GetPatchChunkTotalCompoundAmount( currentPatch, "phosphates")) { patchPhosphateSituation.Texture = DecreaseIcon; } else { patchPhosphateSituation.Texture = null; } }
private void patch_type_decompose() { int n = mesh.FaceCount; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) // -- reset the labels -- fnode[i].label = -1; // -- label seed faces -- bool[] visited = new bool[n]; bool[] labeled = new bool[n]; if (patchid == null) patchid = new byte[n]; List<int> sources = new List<int>(); List<int> targets = new List<int>(); foreach (List<int> flist in this.facesOnStrokes) { if (flist.Count < 1) continue; sources.Add(flist[0]); targets.Add(flist[flist.Count - 1]); } byte pid = patchid[sources[0]]; // -- the patch strokes lies on -- foreach (int f in sources) { fnode[f].label = 0; visited[f] = true; labeled[f] = true; } int label = 1; foreach (int f in targets) { fnode[f].label = label; visited[f] = true; labeled[f] = true; } // -- region growing -- PriorityQueue iQue = new PriorityQueue(); foreach (int f in sources) { foreach (int adj in mesh.AdjFF[f]) { if (patchid[adj] != pid) continue; fnode[adj].label = fnode[f].label; fnode[adj].dis = Face_wij(f, adj); iQue.Insert(fnode[adj]); visited[adj] = true; } } foreach (int f in targets) { foreach (int adj in mesh.AdjFF[f]) { if (patchid[adj] != pid) continue; fnode[adj].label = fnode[f].label; fnode[adj].dis = Face_wij(f, adj); iQue.Insert(fnode[adj]); visited[adj] = true; } } while (!iQue.IsEmpty()) { GraphNode node = iQue.DeleteMin() as GraphNode; int f = node.index; labeled[f] = true; foreach (int adj in mesh.AdjFF[f]) { if (patchid[adj] != pid) continue; if (labeled[adj]) { continue; } else if (visited[adj]) { double wij = Face_wij(f, adj); if (fnode[adj].dis > wij) { fnode[adj].label = fnode[f].label; fnode[adj].dis = wij; iQue.Update(fnode[adj]); } } else { fnode[adj].label = fnode[f].label; fnode[adj].dis = Face_wij(f, adj); iQue.Insert(fnode[adj]); visited[adj] = true; } } } // -- patch the results -- int index = this.all_patches.Count+1; Patch p = new Patch(index); p.prev_label = (int)pid; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (fnode[i].label == 0) { patchid[i] = (byte)index; p.faces.Add(i); } } this.patches.Add(p); this.all_patches.Add(p); // -- global patches -- }
/// <summary>Create patch wrapper object used for sorting</summary> /// <param name="patch">Patch to wrap</param> internal PatchSortingWrapper(Patch patch) { innerPatch = patch; before = new HashSet<PatchSortingWrapper>(); after = new HashSet<PatchSortingWrapper>(); }
private void CGI_Cut() { // -- mark verteices on strokes -- int n = mesh.VertexCount, label = 0; bool[] labeled = new bool[n]; bool[] tag = new bool[n]; foreach (int v in this.sourceVertices) { vnode[v].label = label; labeled[v] = true; tag[v] = true; } label = 1; foreach (int v in this.sinkVertices) { vnode[v].label = label; labeled[v] = true; tag[v] = true; } // -- push to priority queue -- PriorityQueue iQue = new PriorityQueue(); foreach (int v in this.sourceVertices) { foreach (int adj in mesh.AdjVV[v]) { GraphNode node = vnode[adj]; node.label = vnode[v].label; node.dis = Vrt_wij(v, adj); tag[adj] = true; iQue.Insert(node); } } foreach (int v in this.sinkVertices) { foreach (int adj in mesh.AdjVV[v]) { GraphNode node = vnode[adj]; node.label = vnode[v].label; node.dis = Vrt_wij(v, adj); tag[adj] = true; iQue.Insert(node); } } // -- region growing -- while (!iQue.IsEmpty()) { GraphNode node = iQue.DeleteMin() as GraphNode; int v = node.index; labeled[v] = true; foreach (int adj in mesh.AdjVV[v]) { if (labeled[adj]) // -- already labeled -- { continue; } else { double cost = Vrt_wij(v, adj); GraphNode adjNode = vnode[adj]; adjNode.label = node.label; if (tag[adj]) // -- already in the queue -- { if (adjNode.dis > cost) { adjNode.dis = cost; iQue.Update(adjNode); } } else // -- a fresh vertex -- { adjNode.dis = cost; tag[adj] = true; iQue.Insert(adjNode); } } } } // -- convert to facets -- List<int> risidual = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < mesh.FaceCount; ++i, j+=3) { int c0 = mesh.FaceIndex[j]; int c1 = mesh.FaceIndex[j+1]; int c2 = mesh.FaceIndex[j+2]; if (vnode[c0].label == vnode[c1].label && vnode[c0].label == vnode[c2].label) { fnode[i].label = vnode[c0].label; } else { fnode[i].label = -1; risidual.Add(i); } } // -- deal with boundary faces -- while (risidual.Count > 0) { List<int> vlist = new List<int>(); vlist.AddRange(risidual); risidual.Clear(); foreach (int f in vlist) { double min = double.MaxValue; int minid = -1; foreach (int adj in mesh.AdjFF[f]) { if (fnode[adj].label < 0) continue; double c = Face_wij1(f, adj); if (c < min) { min = c; minid = adj; } } if (minid != -1) fnode[f].label = fnode[minid].label; else risidual.Add(f); } } // -- patch the results -- int index = this.patches.Count + 1; Patch p = new Patch(index); if (patchid == null) patchid = new byte[mesh.FaceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < mesh.FaceCount; ++i) { if (fnode[i].label == 0) { patchid[i] = (byte)index; p.faces.Add(i); } } this.all_patches.Add(p); }
public Farm(Model model, Patch patch) : base(model, patch) { }
public void ImportMusic(Patch p, Random r) { List <Song> songs = new List <Song>(); List <Song> stageSongs = new List <Song>(); string[] lines = string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None); // Read songs from file, parse and add to list foreach (string line in lines) { if (line.StartsWith("#")) { continue; // Ignore comment lines } string[] lineParts = line.Split(','); // Add song to list of songs Song song = new Song(lineParts[0], lineParts[1], lineParts[2]); songs.Add(song); // DEBUG ONLY: TEST ONE SONG AT A TIME //for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) //{ // songs.Add(new Song(lineParts[0], lineParts[1], lineParts[2])); //} } debug.AppendLine($"{songs.Count} stage songs loaded."); // Create a shuffled list of songs bool checkBytes = true; const int numTracks = 11; while (checkBytes) { // Shuffle and get first 11 songs songs.Shuffle(r); stageSongs = songs.GetRange(0, numTracks); // Count bytes int totalBytes = 0; int i = 0; foreach (Song song in stageSongs) { totalBytes += song.SongHeader.Count; totalBytes += song.SongData.Count; i++; } // Break if within limit (Redo shuffle if over limit) // DEBUG DEBUG if (totalBytes <= StageSongsSize) { checkBytes = false; debug.AppendLine($"{numTracks} songs selected. {totalBytes} bytes used out of {StageSongsSize} limit."); } else { debug.AppendLine($"{numTracks} songs selected. {totalBytes} bytes, greater than {StageSongsSize} limit. Reshuffled songs."); } } // Write the songs and song info int songStartRom = 0x030AE6; int TblPtrOffset = 0x30A60; // Start of address pairs which point to song locations for (int k = 0; k < stageSongs.Count; k++) { Song song = stageSongs[k]; // Calculate start addresses from song lengths and write to address table int addressTwoBytes = songStartRom - 0x30010 + 0x8000; string addressHex = addressTwoBytes.ToString("X"); song.SongStartPtr1stByte = byte.Parse(addressHex.Substring(0, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber); song.SongStartPtr2ndByte = byte.Parse(addressHex.Substring(2, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber); if (k >= 10) // Must use a different location for the 11th track; use Stage Select at 0x30A78 { p.Add(0x30A78, song.SongStartPtr2ndByte, $"Song {k} Pointer Offset Byte 1"); p.Add(0x30A79, song.SongStartPtr1stByte, $"Song {k} Pointer Offset Byte 2"); byte songIndex = 0x0C; // Wily 5 will play the song at the Stage Select address p.Add(0x0381EC, songIndex, $"Wily 5 Song"); debug.AppendLine($"{Enum.GetName(typeof(EMusicID), (EMusicID)songIndex)} stage song: {song.SongName}, {song.OriginalStartAddress}"); } else { p.Add(TblPtrOffset++, song.SongStartPtr2ndByte, $"Song {k} Pointer Offset Byte 1"); p.Add(TblPtrOffset++, song.SongStartPtr1stByte, $"Song {k} Pointer Offset Byte 2"); debug.AppendLine($"{Enum.GetName(typeof(EMusicID), (EMusicID)k)} stage song: {song.SongName}, {song.OriginalStartAddress}"); } // Header: Calculate 4 channel addresses and vibrato address byte origChannel1ByteSmall = song.SongHeader[1]; byte origChannel1ByteLarge = song.SongHeader[2]; int origChannel1Offset = origChannel1ByteSmall + (origChannel1ByteLarge * 256); int relChannel1Offset = origChannel1Offset - song.OriginalStartAddressInt; int newChannel1Offset = addressTwoBytes + relChannel1Offset; song.SongHeader[1] = (byte)(newChannel1Offset % 256); song.SongHeader[2] = (byte)(newChannel1Offset / 256); byte origChannel2ByteSmall = song.SongHeader[3]; byte origChannel2ByteLarge = song.SongHeader[4]; int origChannel2Offset = origChannel2ByteSmall + (origChannel2ByteLarge * 256); int relChannel2Offset = origChannel2Offset - song.OriginalStartAddressInt; int newChannel2Offset = addressTwoBytes + relChannel2Offset; song.SongHeader[3] = (byte)(newChannel2Offset % 256); song.SongHeader[4] = (byte)(newChannel2Offset / 256); byte origChannel3ByteSmall = song.SongHeader[5]; byte origChannel3ByteLarge = song.SongHeader[6]; int origChannel3Offset = origChannel3ByteSmall + (origChannel3ByteLarge * 256); int relChannel3Offset = origChannel3Offset - song.OriginalStartAddressInt; int newChannel3Offset = addressTwoBytes + relChannel3Offset; song.SongHeader[5] = (byte)(newChannel3Offset % 256); song.SongHeader[6] = (byte)(newChannel3Offset / 256); byte origChannel4ByteSmall = song.SongHeader[7]; byte origChannel4ByteLarge = song.SongHeader[8]; if (origChannel4ByteSmall > 0 || origChannel4ByteLarge > 0) { int origChannel4Offset = origChannel4ByteSmall + (origChannel4ByteLarge * 256); int relChannel4Offset = origChannel4Offset - song.OriginalStartAddressInt; int newChannel4Offset = addressTwoBytes + relChannel4Offset; song.SongHeader[7] = (byte)(newChannel4Offset % 256); song.SongHeader[8] = (byte)(newChannel4Offset / 256); if (relChannel4Offset > song.TotalLength || relChannel4Offset < 0) { debug.AppendLine($"WARNING: Song {song.SongName} channel 4 points to a shared location."); } } byte origVibratoByteSmall = song.SongHeader[9]; byte origVibratoByteLarge = song.SongHeader[10]; int origVibratoOffset = origVibratoByteSmall + (origVibratoByteLarge * 256); int relVibratoOffset = origVibratoOffset - song.OriginalStartAddressInt; int newVibratoOffset = addressTwoBytes + relVibratoOffset; song.SongHeader[9] = (byte)(newVibratoOffset % 256); song.SongHeader[10] = (byte)(newVibratoOffset / 256); if (relChannel1Offset > song.TotalLength || relChannel1Offset < 0) { debug.AppendLine($"WARNING: Song {song.SongName} channel 1 points to a shared location."); } if (relChannel2Offset > song.TotalLength || relChannel2Offset < 0) { debug.AppendLine($"WARNING: Song {song.SongName} channel 2 points to a shared location."); } if (relChannel3Offset > song.TotalLength || relChannel3Offset < 0) { debug.AppendLine($"WARNING: Song {song.SongName} channel 3 points to a shared location."); } if (relVibratoOffset > song.TotalLength || relVibratoOffset < 0) { debug.AppendLine($"WARNING: Song {song.SongName} vibrato points to a shared location."); } // Write song header foreach (byte b in song.SongHeader) { p.Add(songStartRom, b, $"Song Header Byte for {song.SongName}"); songStartRom++; } // Song Data: Traverse stream and change loop pointers for (int i = 0; i < song.SongData.Count; i++) { //Do not parse loop pointers for vibrato //TODO: Check the length of the vibrato string, or even better, use separate lists for //each channel! if (i >= song.VibratoIndex && i < song.VibratoLength) { continue; } byte b0 = song.SongData[i]; // Bisqwit is awesome. // // switch (b0) { case 0x00: // Two-byte encoding $00 n. Song speed is set as n frames per tick. i += 1; break; case 0x01: // Two-byte encoding $01 n. Adjusts vibrato parameters by n. Affects all following notes. i += 1; break; case 0x02: // Two-byte encoding $02 n. Selects duty cycle settings. Valid values for n: $00,$40,$80,$C0. Only applicable for squarewave channels. i += 1; break; case 0x03: // Two-byte encoding $03 n. Selects volume and envelope settings. Value n is passed directly to the soundchip; Affects all following notes. i += 1; break; case 0x04: // Four-byte encoding $04 n w. Ends a loop. If n=0, loop is infinite. Otherwise the marked section plays for n+1 times. w is a 16-bit pointer to the beginning of the loop. Finite loops cannot be nested. byte origLoopPtrSmall = song.SongData[i + 2]; byte origLoopPtrLarge = song.SongData[i + 3]; // Get the loop destination pointer by converting the two bytes to a 16-bit int int origLoopOffset = origLoopPtrSmall + (origLoopPtrLarge * 256); // Find index of destination of the loop with respect to the start of the song int relLoopOffset = origLoopOffset - song.OriginalStartAddressInt; // Make new loop destination with respect to the new starting location of this song int newLoopOffset = addressTwoBytes + relLoopOffset; // Put new hex bytes back into song data array song.SongData[i + 2] = (byte)(newLoopOffset % 256); song.SongData[i + 3] = (byte)(newLoopOffset / 256); if (relLoopOffset > song.TotalLength || relLoopOffset < 0) { debug.AppendLine($"WARNING: Song {song.SongName} has external loop point."); } i += 3; break; case 0x05: // Two-byte encoding $05 n. Sets note base to n. Value n is added to the note index for any notes (excluding pauses) played on this channel from now. i += 1; break; case 0x06: // One-byte encoding $06. Dotted note: The next note will be played 50% longer than otherwise, i.e. 3/2 of its stated duration. break; case 0x07: // Three-byte encoding $07 n m. Sets volume curve settings. Byte n controls the attack, and byte m controls the decay. Affects all following notes. i += 2; break; case 0x08: // Two-byte encoding $08 n. Select vibrato entry n from the vibrato table referred to by the song header. Affects all following notes. i += 1; break; case 0x09: // One-byte encoding $09. Ends the track. Can be omitted if the track ends in an infinite loop instead. break; default: // One - byte encoding $20 + n.Note delay(n = 0 - 7): Delays the next note by n ticks, without affecting its overall timing. (I.e.plays silence for the first n ticks of the note.) // One - byte encoding $30.Triplet: The next note will be played at 2 / 3 of its stated duration. // One - byte encoding: m * 0x20 + n.Play note(m = 2..7).If n = 0, plays pause. Otherwise plays note n(note base is added to n). The lowest note that can be played is C - 0(n + base = 0).Note or pause length is 2m−1 ticks, possibly altered by the triplet / dotted modifiers.The next event will be read only after this note/pause is done playing. break; } } // Write song data foreach (byte b in song.SongData) { p.Add(songStartRom, b, $"Song Data Byte for {song.SongName}"); songStartRom++; } } // Play a random stage song during the credits Song creditsSong = stageSongs[r.Next(numTracks)]; p.Add(0x30A88, creditsSong.SongStartPtr2ndByte, $"Song Credits 2 Byte 0 ({creditsSong.SongName})"); p.Add(0x30A89, creditsSong.SongStartPtr1stByte, $"Song Credits 2 Byte 1 ({creditsSong.SongName})"); debug.AppendLine($"Credits song: {creditsSong.SongName}"); }
public static string ProcessSubmodulePatch(GitModule module, string fileName, Patch patch) { string text = patch?.Text; var status = GitCommandHelpers.ParseSubmoduleStatus(text, module, fileName); if (status == null) { return(""); } return(ProcessSubmoduleStatus(module, status)); }