Esempio n. 1
        public void Enscrypt_should_not_throw_if_salt_is_null()
            var hasher = new PasswordHasher("password");
            int iterations;

            hasher.Enscrypt(null, 1);
            hasher.Enscrypt(null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), out iterations);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Enscrypt_should_not_throw_if_password_is_empty()
            var salt   = new byte[] { };
            var hasher = new PasswordHasher("");
            int iterations;

            hasher.Enscrypt(salt, 1);
            hasher.Enscrypt(salt, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), out iterations);
Esempio n. 3
        public void Enscrypt_should_throw_if_iterations_is_negative_or_zero()
            var hasher = new PasswordHasher("password");
            var salt   = new byte[] { };

            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => hasher.Enscrypt(salt, -1),
                                                                 "did not throw on negative value for iteration");
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => hasher.Enscrypt(salt, 0),
                                                                 "did not throw on zero value for iteration");
Esempio n. 4
        public void Enscrypt_should_throw_if_duration_is_negative()
            var hasher = new PasswordHasher("password");
            var salt   = new byte[] { };
            int iterations;

            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => hasher.Enscrypt(salt, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1), out iterations),
                                                                 "did not throw on negative timespan for duration");
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => hasher.Enscrypt(salt, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), out iterations),
                                                                 "did not throw on zero timespan for duratrion");
Esempio n. 5
        public void Enscrypt_should_return_a_number_of_iterations_that_produces_hash(string password, string saltText, int seconds)
            var hasher = new PasswordHasher(password);
            int iterations;
            var salt = saltText == "" ? new byte[0] : CryptographicBuffer.DecodeFromHexString(saltText).ToArray();

            var hash     = hasher.Enscrypt(salt, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds), out iterations);
            var expected = hasher.Enscrypt(salt, iterations);

            var hashText     = CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToHexString(hash.AsBuffer());
            var expectedText = CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToHexString(expected.AsBuffer());

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedText, hashText);
Esempio n. 6
        public void Enscrypt_should_use_a_number_of_iterations_that_takes_the_specified_duration_to_hash(string password, string saltText, int seconds)
            // This test may sometimes give a false positive and report the method as failing. This is due to the inaccurate way we are measuring the duration.
            var hasher = new PasswordHasher(password);
            int iterations;
            var salt = saltText == "" ? new byte[0] : CryptographicBuffer.DecodeFromHexString(saltText).ToArray();

            var hash = hasher.Enscrypt(salt, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds), out iterations);

            var expected   = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(seconds);
            var result     = hasher.Enscrypt(salt, iterations);
            var actual     = DateTime.Now;
            var difference = expected - actual;

            Assert.IsTrue(difference < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), "hashing by iteration took {0}s less time than the specified duration of {1}s", difference.TotalSeconds, seconds);
            Assert.IsTrue(difference >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1), "hashing by iteration took {0}s more time than the specified duration of {1}s", difference.TotalSeconds, seconds);
Esempio n. 7
        public void Enscrypt_should_compute_the_correct_hash(string password, string saltText, int iterations, string expected)
            var hasher = new PasswordHasher(password);
            var salt   = saltText == "" ? new byte[0] : CryptographicBuffer.DecodeFromHexString(saltText).ToArray();

            var key    = hasher.Enscrypt(salt, iterations);
            var keyHex = CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToHexString(CryptographicBuffer.CreateFromByteArray(key));

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, keyHex, ignoreCase: true);