Esempio n. 1
        public override void OnApplyTemplate()
            // ReSharper disable JoinDeclarationAndInitializer
            object dpo;

            // ReSharper restore JoinDeclarationAndInitializer

            // This invoke is very important, because i have realized that it is not guaranteed that the PasswordBox
            // Styles and Templates are fully applied at this moment (maybe because they are within a Style ?!)

            // Find the TextBlock in the template, so we are able to apply the watermark text
            dpo = PasswordBoxControl.Template.FindName("PART_TextBlockHint", PasswordBoxControl);
            if (dpo is TextBlock)
                this.textBlockHint      = dpo as TextBlock;
                this.textBlockHint.Text = this.Watermark;

            // Connect the LostMouseCapture event, so we can set the focus to the PasswordBox if neccessary
            dpo = PasswordBoxControl.Template.FindName("PART_RevealButton", PasswordBoxControl);
            if (dpo is Button)
                (dpo as Button).LostMouseCapture += RevealButton_LostMouseCapture;

            // Connect the Click event, so we can handle a mouseclick on the submit button
            dpo = PasswordBoxControl.Template.FindName("PART_SubmitButton", PasswordBoxControl);
            if (dpo is Button)
                Button submitButton = dpo as Button;

                submitButton.ToolTip = this.SubmitButtonTooltip;
                submitButton.Click  += SubmitButton_Click;
