//This method help to store the data in the Firebase and generates the Otp for the user for the user verification
        public async void registerNewUser(UserRegister user)
                //connection to the Database
                Boolean connectionResult = connectToFirebase();

                //creating secret key of the user
                string key = new string((user.Email_Address + user.Password).ToCharArray().OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ToArray());
                //inserting secret key to database

                //Create the Instance for the Document reference
                DocumentReference           doc2  = db.Collection("UserKeys").Document(user.Email_Address);
                Dictionary <string, object> data2 = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "email", user.Email_Address },
                    { "userKey", key },
                await doc2.SetAsync(data2);

                //send the OTP to the User
                await sendOTP(user.Email_Address, user.First_Name + " " + user.Last_Name, false);

                user_Email    = user.Email_Address;
                user_Password = user.Password;

                //Hash the password
                string[] hash_password = Password.giveHashPassword(user.Password);

                //Creating the User Instance for the persistance of the user data in the database
                //user is the object which contains the information retrieved by the user windows application

                DocumentReference doc1 = db.Collection("User").Document(user.Email_Address);
                //Create the Dictonary to Intialiaze the Object to be stored on the firestore

                //get the secure access Pin for the user
                PIN = GenerateRandomInt(000001, 999999);
                string bcrypt_PIN = Password.Bcrpyt_Password(PIN.ToString());
                Dictionary <string, object> data1 = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "email", user.Email_Address },
                    { "firstName", user.First_Name },
                    { "lastName", user.Last_Name },
                    { "dateOfBirth", user.Date_Of_Birth },
                    { "password", hash_password[1] },
                    { "questionSelected", user.Question_Number_Selected },
                    { "questionAnswered", user.Question_Answered },
                    { "salt", hash_password[0] },
                    { "verified", false },
                    { "accessPIN", bcrypt_PIN },
                    { "dateOfRegistration", System.DateTime.Now.ToString() },
                //Set the account asynchronously on firestore database
                await doc1.SetAsync(data1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //catch the exception and throw to the client side
                CustomException customException = new CustomException();
                customException.errorTitleName     = ex.Message;
                customException.errorMessageToUser = "******" +
                                                     "Please Try Again Later!!";

                throw new FaultException <CustomException>(customException);