Esempio n. 1
        public void Schedule(MyProject project)
            MyExecutionPlan singleCoreExecutionPlan = ExecutionPlanner.CreateExecutionPlan(project);

            ExecutionPlan = PartitioningStrategy.Divide(singleCoreExecutionPlan);

            //TODO: remove this and replace with proper project traversal to find nodes with no tasks!
Esempio n. 2
        static bool check_params(PartitioningStrategy partitioningStrategy,            /* global partitioning algorithm */
                                 LocalPartitioningStrategy localPartitioningAlgorithm, /* local partitioning algorithm */
                                 bool rqi_flag,                                        /* use multilevel eigensolver? */
                                 int ndims                                             /* number of eigenvectors */
            var parameterErrorDetected = false;

            if (OUTPUT_TIME < 0 || OUTPUT_TIME > 2)
                Trace.WriteLine($"WARNING: OUTPUT_TIME ({OUTPUT_TIME:d}) should be in [0,2].");

            if (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL || partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral)
                if (EXPERT)
                    if ((int)LANCZOS_TYPE < 1 || (int)LANCZOS_TYPE > 4)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"LANCZOS_TYPE ({(int) LANCZOS_TYPE:d}) should be in [1,4].");
                        parameterErrorDetected = true;
                    if ((int)LANCZOS_TYPE < 1 || (int)LANCZOS_TYPE > 3)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"LANCZOS_TYPE ({(int) LANCZOS_TYPE:d}) should be in [1,3].");
                        parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (EIGEN_TOLERANCE <= 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"EIGEN_TOLERANCE ({EIGEN_TOLERANCE:g}) should be positive.");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL <= 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL ({LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL:d}) should be positive.");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL == 1)
                    Trace.WriteLine("WARNING: More efficient if LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL = 2, not 1.");

                if (BISECTION_SAFETY <= 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"BISECTION_SAFETY ({BISECTION_SAFETY:g}) should be positive.");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                    Trace.WriteLine($"LANCZOS_CONVERGENCE_MODE ({LANCZOS_CONVERGENCE_MODE:d}) should be in [0,1].");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (WARNING_ORTHTOL <= 0.0d)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"WARNING: WARNING_ORTHTOL ({WARNING_ORTHTOL:g}) should be positive.");

                if (WARNING_MISTOL <= 0.0d)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"WARNING: WARNING_MISTOL ({WARNING_MISTOL:g}) should be positive.");

                if (LANCZOS_SO_PRECISION < 1 || LANCZOS_SO_PRECISION > 2)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"LANCZOS_SO_PRECISION ({LANCZOS_SO_PRECISION:d}) should be in [1,2].");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (PERTURB)
                    if (NPERTURB < 0)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"NPERTURB ({NPERTURB:d}) should be nonnegative.");
                        parameterErrorDetected = true;

                    if (NPERTURB > 0 && PERTURB_MAX < 0)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"PERTURB_MAX ({PERTURB_MAX:g}) should be nonnegative.");
                        parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if ((int)MAPPING_TYPE < 0 || (int)MAPPING_TYPE > 3)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"MAPPING_TYPE ({(int) MAPPING_TYPE:d}) should be in [0,3].");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (ndims == 3 && OPT3D_NTRIES <= 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"OPT3D_NTRIES ({OPT3D_NTRIES:d}) should be positive.");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral && rqi_flag)
                    if (COARSE_NLEVEL_RQI <= 0)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"COARSE_NLEVEL_RQI ({COARSE_NLEVEL_RQI:d}) should be positive.");
                        parameterErrorDetected = true;

                    if (RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE < 0 || RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE > 1)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE ({RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE:d}) should be in [0,1].");
                        parameterErrorDetected = true;

                    if (TERM_PROP)
                        Trace.WriteLine("WARNING: Using default Lanczos for extended eigenproblem, not RQI/Symmlq.");

                if (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL && COARSE_NLEVEL_KL <= 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"COARSE_NLEVEL_KL ({COARSE_NLEVEL_KL:d}) should be positive.");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL || partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral && rqi_flag)
                    if (COARSEN_RATIO_MIN < .5)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"COARSEN_RATIO_MIN ({COARSEN_RATIO_MIN:g}) should be at least 1/2.");
                        parameterErrorDetected = true;

                    if ((int)MATCH_TYPE < 1 || (int)MATCH_TYPE > 9)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"MATCH_TYPE ({MATCH_TYPE:d}) should be in [1,9].");
                        parameterErrorDetected = true;

            if (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL || localPartitioningAlgorithm == LocalPartitioningStrategy.KernighanLin)
                if ((int)KL_METRIC < 1 || (int)KL_METRIC > 2)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"KL_METRIC ({KL_METRIC:d}) should be in [1,2].");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (KL_BAD_MOVES < 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"KL_BAD_MOVES ({KL_BAD_MOVES:d}) should be non-negative.");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (KL_NTRIES_BAD < 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"KL_NTRIES_BAD ({KL_NTRIES_BAD:d}) should be non-negative.");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (KL_IMBALANCE < 0.0 || KL_IMBALANCE > 1.0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"KL_IMBALANCE ({KL_IMBALANCE:g}) should be in [0,1].");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

            if (SIMULATOR < 0 || SIMULATOR > 3)
                Trace.WriteLine($"SIMULATOR ({SIMULATOR:d}) should be in [0,3].");
                parameterErrorDetected = true;

            // ReSharper disable once InvertIf
            if (TERM_PROP)
                if (CUT_TO_HOP_COST <= 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"CUT_TO_HOP_COST ({CUT_TO_HOP_COST:g}) should be positive.");
                    parameterErrorDetected = true;

                if (ndims > 1)
                    Trace.WriteLine("WARNING: May ignore terminal propagation in spectral quadri/octa section");

Esempio n. 3
        /* Check graph and input options and parameters. */
        public static bool check_input(vtx_data **graph,                                   /* linked lists of vertex data */
                                       int nvtxs,                                          /* number of vertices */
                                       int nedges,                                         /* number of edges */
                                       int igeom,                                          /* geometric dimension for inertial method */
                                       float **coords,                                     /* coordinates for inertial method */
                                       int *assignment,                                    /* set numbers if read-from-file */
                                       double[] goal,                                      /* desired sizes of different sets */
                                       int architecture,                                   /* 0=> hypercube, d=> d-dimensional mesh */
                                       int ndims_tot,                                      /* number of hypercube dimensions */
                                       int[] mesh_dims /*[3]*/,                            /* size of mesh in each dimension */
                                       PartitioningStrategy partitioningStrategy,          /* global partitioning algorithm */
                                       LocalPartitioningStrategy localParitioningStrategy, /* local partitioning algorithm */
                                       bool rqi_flag,                                      /* flag for RQI/symmlq eigensolver */
                                       int *vmax,                                          /* smallest acceptable coarsened nvtxs */
                                       int ndims,                                          /* partitioning level */
                                       double eigtol                                       /* tolerance for eigen-pairs */
            if (architecture > 0 && mesh_dims == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mesh_dims));

            if (DEBUG_TRACE)
                Trace.WriteLine("<Entering check_input>");

            /* First check for consistency in the graph. */
            bool graphError; /* does graph check out OK? */

            if (graph != null)
                graphError = check_graph(graph, nvtxs, nedges);
                if (graphError)
                    Trace.WriteLine("ERRORS in graph.");
                    Trace.WriteLine("Graph check OK");
                /* Only allowed if simple or inertial w/o KL and no weights. */
                graphError = false;
                if (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL || partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral || localParitioningStrategy == LocalPartitioningStrategy.KernighanLin)
                    Trace.WriteLine("No graph input.  Only allowed for inertial or simple methods without KL.");
                    graphError = true;

            /* Now check the input values. */
            var errorFound      = false;
            var assignmentError = false;

            if (architecture < 0 || architecture > 3)
                Trace.WriteLine($"Machine architecture parameter = {architecture:d}, must be in [0,3].");
                errorFound = true;
            else if (architecture == 0)
                if (ndims_tot < 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"Dimension of hypercube = {ndims_tot:d}, must be at least 1.");
                    errorFound = true;
            else if (architecture > 0)
                if (architecture == 1 && mesh_dims[0] <= 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"Size of 1-D mesh improperly specified, {mesh_dims[0]:d}.");
                    errorFound = true;

                if (architecture == 2 && (mesh_dims[0] <= 0 || mesh_dims[1] <= 0))
                    Trace.WriteLine($"Size of 2-D mesh improperly specified, {mesh_dims[0]:d}x{mesh_dims[1]:d}.");
                    errorFound = true;

                if (architecture == 2 && (mesh_dims[0] <= 0 || mesh_dims[1] <= 0 || mesh_dims[2] <= 0))
                    Trace.WriteLine($"Size of 3-D mesh improperly specified, {mesh_dims[0]:d}x{mesh_dims[1]:d}x{mesh_dims[2]:d}.");
                    errorFound = true;

            if (ndims < 1 || ndims > MAXDIMS)
                Trace.WriteLine($"Partitioning at each step = {ndims:d}, should be in [1,{MAXDIMS:d}].");
                errorFound = true;

            var nprocs = 0; /* number of processors partitioning for */

            if (architecture == 0)
                if (!errorFound)
                    nprocs = 1 << ndims_tot;
            else if (architecture > 0)
                nprocs = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2];

            if (1 << ndims > nprocs)
                Trace.WriteLine($"Partitioning step {ndims:d} too large for {nprocs:d} processors.");
                errorFound = true;

            if ((int)partitioningStrategy < 1 || (int)partitioningStrategy > 7)
                Trace.WriteLine($"Global partitioning method = {(int) partitioningStrategy:d}, must be in [1,7].");
                errorFound = true;

            if ((int)localParitioningStrategy < 1 || (int)localParitioningStrategy > 2)
                Trace.WriteLine($"Local partitioning method = {(int) localParitioningStrategy:d}, must be in [1,2].");
                errorFound = true;

            if (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL || (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral && rqi_flag))
                var i = 2 * (1 << ndims);
                if (*vmax < i)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"WARNING: Number of vertices in coarse graph ({*vmax:d}) being reset to {i:d}.");
                    *vmax = i;

            if ((partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL || partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral) && eigtol <= 0)
                Trace.WriteLine($"Eigen tolerance ({eigtol:g}) must be positive value");
                errorFound = true;

            if (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Inertial ||
                (MATCH_TYPE == MatchingRoutine.maxmatch5_geometric && (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL || (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral && rqi_flag))))
                if (igeom < 1 || igeom > 3)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Geometry must be 1-, 2- or 3-dimensional");
                    errorFound = true;

                if (igeom > 0 && coords == null)
                    Trace.WriteLine("No coordinates given");
                    errorFound = false;
                else if (igeom > 0 && coords[0] == null)
                    Trace.WriteLine("No X-coordinates given");
                    errorFound = true;
                else if (igeom > 1 && coords[1] == null)
                    Trace.WriteLine("No Y-coordinates given");
                    errorFound = true;
                else if (igeom > 2 && coords[2] == null)
                    Trace.WriteLine("No Z-coordinates given");
                    errorFound = true;

            if (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.ReadFromFile && localParitioningStrategy == LocalPartitioningStrategy.KernighanLin)
                if (nprocs > 1 << ndims)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Can only use local method on single level of read-in assignment,");
                    Trace.WriteLine($"  but ndims =  {ndims:d}, while number of processors = {nprocs:d}.");
                    errorFound = true;

            /* Now check for consistency in the goal array. */
            double vertexWeightSum;

            if (graph != null)
                vertexWeightSum = 0;
                for (var i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++)
                    vertexWeightSum += graph[i]->vwgt;
                vertexWeightSum = nvtxs;

            double vertexGoalSum = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
                if (goal[i] < 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"goal[{i:d}] is {goal[i]:g}, but should be nonnegative.");
                    errorFound = true;

                vertexGoalSum += goal[i];

            if (Math.Abs(vertexWeightSum - vertexGoalSum) > 1e-5 * (vertexWeightSum + vertexGoalSum))
                Trace.WriteLine($"Sum of values in goal ({vertexGoalSum:g}) not equal to sum of vertex weights ({vertexWeightSum:g}).");
                errorFound = true;

            /* Check assignment file if read in. */
            if (partitioningStrategy == PartitioningStrategy.ReadFromFile && !errorFound)
                assignmentError = check_assignment(assignment, nvtxs, nprocs, ndims, localParitioningStrategy);

            /* Add some checks for model parameters */

            /* Finally, check the parameters. */
            var parameterError = check_params(partitioningStrategy, localParitioningStrategy, rqi_flag, ndims);

            errorFound = errorFound || graphError || assignmentError || parameterError;

Esempio n. 4
        public static void reflect_params(PartitioningStrategy global_method,                  /* global partitioning algorithm */
                                          LocalPartitioningStrategy localPartitioningStrategy, /* local partitioning algorithm */
                                          bool rqi_flag,                                       /* use RQI/SYMMLQ eigensolver? */
                                          int ndims)                                           /* number of eigenvectors to generate */
            Trace.WriteLine("Active Parameters:");

            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  CHECK_INPUT = {0}", CHECK_INPUT ? "True" : "False"));

            if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL || global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Linear)
                Trace.WriteLine("  LANCZOS_TYPE:  ");
                if (LANCZOS_TYPE == LanczosType.FullOrthogonalization)
                    Trace.Write(" Full orthogonalization");
                else if (LANCZOS_TYPE == LanczosType.FullOrthogonalizationInverseOperator)
                    Trace.Write("Full orthogonalization, inverse operator");
                else if (LANCZOS_TYPE == LanczosType.SelectiveOrthogonalization)
                    Trace.Write("Selective orthogonalization");
                else if (LANCZOS_TYPE == LanczosType.SelectiveOrthogonalizationDoubleEnded)
                    if (EXPERT)
                        Trace.Write("Selective orthogonalization against both ends");
                        /* Check input should catch this, but just in case ... */
                        //LANCZOS_TYPE = LanczosType.SelectiveOrthogonalization;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Only use " + nameof(LanczosType.SelectiveOrthogonalizationDoubleEnded) + " in " + nameof(EXPERT) + " mode");
                        Trace.Write("Selective orthogonalization");


                Trace.WriteLine($"  EIGEN_TOLERANCE = {EIGEN_TOLERANCE:g}");

                if (SRESTOL > 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"  SRESTOL = {SRESTOL:g}");
                    Trace.WriteLine($"  SRESTOL = {SRESTOL:g} ... autoset to square of eigen tolerance");

                if (LANCZOS_MAXITNS > 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"  LANCZOS_MAXITNS = {LANCZOS_MAXITNS:d}");
                    Trace.WriteLine($"  LANCZOS_MAXITNS = {LANCZOS_MAXITNS:d} ... autoset to twice # vertices");

                if (LANCZOS_SO_PRECISION == 1)
                    Trace.WriteLine("  LANCZOS_SO_PRECISION = 1 ... single precision");
                    Trace.WriteLine("  LANCZOS_SO_PRECISION = 2 ... double precision");

                Trace.WriteLine($"  LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL = {LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL:d}");

                if (LANCZOS_CONVERGENCE_MODE == 1)
                    Trace.WriteLine("  LANCZOS_CONVERGENCE_MODE = 1 ... partition tolerance");
                    Trace.WriteLine("  LANCZOS_CONVERGENCE_MODE = 0 ... residual tolerance");

                Trace.WriteLine($"  BISECTION_SAFETY = {BISECTION_SAFETY:g}");
                if (LANCZOS_TYPE == LanczosType.SelectiveOrthogonalization || LANCZOS_TYPE == LanczosType.SelectiveOrthogonalizationDoubleEnded)
                    if (!LANCZOS_TIME)
                        Trace.WriteLine("  LANCZOS_TIME = 0 ... no detailed timing");
                        Trace.WriteLine("  LANCZOS_TIME = 1 ... detailed timing");

                if (WARNING_EVECS > 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"  WARNING_EVECS = {WARNING_EVECS:d}");

                if (MAPPING_TYPE == MappingType.CutAtOrigin)
                    Trace.WriteLine("  MAPPING_TYPE = 0 ... cut at origin");
                else if (MAPPING_TYPE == MappingType.MinCost)
                    Trace.WriteLine("  MAPPING_TYPE = 1 ... min-cost assignment");
                else if (MAPPING_TYPE == MappingType.RecursiveMedian)
                    Trace.WriteLine("  MAPPING_TYPE = 2 ... recursive median");
                else if (MAPPING_TYPE == MappingType.IndependantMedians)
                    Trace.WriteLine("  MAPPING_TYPE = 3 ... independent medians");

                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  MAKE_CONNECTED = {0}", MAKE_CONNECTED ? "True" : "False"));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  PERTURB = {0}", PERTURB ? "True" : "False"));
                if (PERTURB)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"    NPERTURB = {NPERTURB:d}");
                    Trace.WriteLine($"    PERTURB_MAX = {PERTURB_MAX:g}");

                if (ndims == 3)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"  OPT3D_NTRIES = {OPT3D_NTRIES:d}");

            if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL)
                Trace.WriteLine($"  COARSEN_RATIO_MIN = {COARSEN_RATIO_MIN:g}");
                Trace.WriteLine($"  COARSE_NLEVEL_KL = {COARSE_NLEVEL_KL:d}");
                Trace.WriteLine($"  MATCH_TYPE = {MATCH_TYPE:d}");
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  HEAVY_MATCH = {0}", HEAVY_MATCH ? "True" : "False"));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  COARSE_KL_BOTTOM = {0}", COARSE_KL_BOTTOM ? "True" : "False"));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  COARSEN_VWGTS = {0}", COARSEN_VWGTS ? "True" : "False"));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  COARSEN_EWGTS = {0}", COARSEN_EWGTS ? "True" : "False"));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  KL_ONLY_BNDY = {0}", KL_ONLY_BNDY ? "True" : "False"));

            if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral && rqi_flag)
                Trace.WriteLine($"  COARSE_NLEVEL_RQI = {COARSE_NLEVEL_RQI:d)}");
                if (RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE == 1)
                    Trace.WriteLine("  RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE = 1 ... partition tolerance");
                    Trace.WriteLine("  RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE = 0 ... residual tolerance");

                Trace.WriteLine($"  COARSEN_RATIO_MIN = {COARSEN_RATIO_MIN:g}");
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  COARSEN_VWGTS = {0}", COARSEN_VWGTS ? "True" : "False"));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  COARSEN_EWGTS = {0}", COARSEN_EWGTS ? "True" : "False"));

            if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL || localPartitioningStrategy == LocalPartitioningStrategy.KernighanLin)
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  KL_RANDOM = {0}", KL_RANDOM ? "True" : "False"));
                if (KL_METRIC == KernighanLinMetric.Cuts)
                    Trace.WriteLine("  KL_METRIC = Cuts");
                else if (KL_METRIC == KernighanLinMetric.Hops)
                    Trace.WriteLine("  KL_METRIC = Hops");

                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  KL_NTRIES_BAD = {0:d}", KL_NTRIES_BAD));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  KL_BAD_MOVES = {0:d}", KL_BAD_MOVES));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  KL_UNDO_LIST = {0}", KL_UNDO_LIST ? "True" : "False"));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  KL_IMBALANCE = {0:g}", KL_IMBALANCE));

            if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL || global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral || localPartitioningStrategy == LocalPartitioningStrategy.KernighanLin)
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  TERM_PROP = {0}", TERM_PROP ? "True" : "False"));
                if (TERM_PROP)
                    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("    CUT_TO_HOP_COST = {0:g}", CUT_TO_HOP_COST));

            if (SEQUENCE)
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  SEQUENCE = {0}", SEQUENCE ? "True" : "False"));

            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  PRINT_GRAPH_PARTITION_METRICS = {0}", PRINT_GRAPH_PARTITION_METRICS ? "True" : "False"));
            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  PRINT_GRAPH_PARTITION_METRICS_DETAILED = {0}", PRINT_GRAPH_PARTITION_METRICS_DETAILED ? "True" : "False"));
            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  MAKE_VWGTS = {0}", MAKE_VWGTS ? "True" : "False"));
            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  REFINE_MAP = {0}", REFINE_MAP ? "True" : "False"));
            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  REFINE_PARTITION = {0:d}", REFINE_PARTITION));
            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  INTERNAL_VERTICES = {0}", INTERNAL_VERTICES ? "True" : "False"));

            if (SIMULATOR != 0)
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  SIMULATOR = {0:d}", SIMULATOR));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  SIMULATION_ITNS = {0:d}", SIMULATION_ITNS));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  CUT_COST = {0:g}", CUT_COST));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  HOP_COST = {0:g}", HOP_COST));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  BDY_COST = {0:g}", BDY_COST));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  BDY_HOP_COST = {0:g}", BDY_HOP_COST));
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  STARTUP_COST = {0:g}", STARTUP_COST));

            /* Now print out all the nonzero debug parameters. */
            if (DEBUG_CONNECTED)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_CONNECTED = True");

            if (DEBUG_PERTURB)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_PERTURB = True");

            if (DEBUG_ASSIGN)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_ASSIGN = True");

            if (DEBUG_INERTIAL)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_INERTIAL = True");

            if (DEBUG_OPTIMIZE)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_OPTIMIZE = True");

            if (DEBUG_BPMATCH != DebugFlagBP.NoDebugging)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_BPMATCH = " + DEBUG_BPMATCH);

            if (DEBUG_COARSEN)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_COARSEN = True");

            if (DEBUG_EVECS != 0)
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  DEBUG_EVECS = {0:d}", DEBUG_EVECS));

            if (DEBUG_KL != DebugFlagKL.NoDebugging)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_KL = " + DEBUG_KL);

            if (DEBUG_INTERNAL)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_INTERNAL = True");

            if (DEBUG_REFINE_PART)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_REFINE_PART = True");

            if (DEBUG_REFINE_MAP)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_REFINE_MAP = True");

            if (DEBUG_TRACE)
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("  DEBUG_TRACE = {0:d}", DEBUG_TRACE));

            if (DEBUG_MACH_PARAMS)
                Trace.WriteLine("  DEBUG_MACH_PARAMS = True");
Esempio n. 5
        /* Print out the input options. */
        public static void reflect_input(int nvtxs,                                           /* number of vertices in graph */
                                         int nedges,                                          /* number of edges in graph */
                                         int igeom,                                           /* geometric dimension for inertial method */
                                         string geomname,                                     /* name of geometry input file */
                                         string inassignname,                                 /* name of assignment input file */
                                         int architecture,                                    /* 0=> hypercube, d=> d-dimensional mesh */
                                         int ndims_tot,                                       /* total number of cuts to make */
                                         int[] mesh_dims /*[3]*/,                             /* size of mesh */
                                         PartitioningStrategy global_method,                  /* global partitioning algorithm */
                                         LocalPartitioningStrategy localPartitioningStrategy, /* local partitioning algorithm */
                                         bool rqi_flag,                                       /* use RQI/Symmlq eigensolver?  */
                                         int vmax,                                            /* smallest acceptable coarsened nvtxs */
                                         int ndims,                                           /* partitioning level */
                                         double eigtol,                                       /* tolerance on eigenvectors */
                                         long seed)                                           /* random number seed */
            if (DEBUG_TRACE)
                Trace.WriteLine("<Entering reflect_input>");


            if (PRINT_HEADERS)
                Trace.WriteLine("\n           Input and Parameter Values\n");

            Trace.WriteLine($"# vertices = {nvtxs:d}, # edges = {nedges:d}");

            /* Print global partitioning strategy. */

            Trace.WriteLine("Global method: ");
            if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL)
            else if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral)
            else if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Inertial)
            else if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Linear)
            else if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Random)
            else if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Scattered)
            else if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.ReadFromFile)

            if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL)
                Trace.WriteLine($"Number of vertices to coarsen down to: {vmax:d}");
                Trace.WriteLine($"Eigen tolerance: {eigtol:g}");

            else if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral)
                if (rqi_flag)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Multilevel RQI/Symmlq eigensolver");
                    Trace.WriteLine($"Number of vertices to coarsen down to: {vmax:d}");
                    Trace.WriteLine($"Eigen tolerance: {eigtol:g}");

            else if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.Inertial)
                if (geomname != null)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"Geometry input file: `{geomname}', Dimensionality = {igeom:d}");

            else if (global_method == PartitioningStrategy.ReadFromFile)
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Assignment input file: `{0}'", inassignname));

            /* Now describe local method. */
            if (localPartitioningStrategy == LocalPartitioningStrategy.KernighanLin)
                Trace.WriteLine("Local method: Kernighan-Lin");
            else if (localPartitioningStrategy == LocalPartitioningStrategy.None)
                Trace.WriteLine("Local method: None");

            /* Now describe target architecture. */
            if (architecture == 0)
                Trace.WriteLine($"Partitioning target: {ndims_tot:d}-dimensional hypercube");
            else if (architecture > 0)
                Trace.Write($"Partitioning target: {architecture:d}-dimensional mesh of size ");
                if (architecture == 1)
                else if (architecture == 2)
                else if (architecture == 3)

            if (ndims == 1)
                Trace.WriteLine("Partitioning mode: Bisection");
            else if (ndims == 2)
                Trace.WriteLine("Partitioning mode: Quadrisection");
            else if (ndims == 3)
                Trace.WriteLine("Partitioning mode: Octasection");

            /* Add stuff about communications simulator. */

            Trace.WriteLine($"Random seed: {seed:d}");

            if (ECHO_USER_PARAMETERS)
                reflect_params(global_method, localPartitioningStrategy, rqi_flag, ndims);

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nvtxs">number of vertices in full graph</param>
        /// <param name="start">start of edge list for each vertex</param>
        /// <param name="adjacency">edge list data</param>
        /// <param name="vwgts">weights for all vertices</param>
        /// <param name="ewgts">weights for all edges</param>
        /// <param name="x">coordinates for inertial method</param>
        /// <param name="y">coordinates for inertial method</param>
        /// <param name="z">coordinates for inertial method</param>
        /// <param name="assignment">set number of each vtx (length n)</param>
        /// <param name="architecture">0 => hypercube, d => d-dimensional mesh</param>
        /// <param name="ndims_tot">total number of cube dimensions to divide</param>
        /// <param name="mesh_dims">dimensions of mesh of processors</param>
        /// <param name="goal">desired set sizes for each set</param>
        /// <param name="globalMethod">global partitioning algorithm</param>
        /// <param name="localMethod">local partitioning algorithm</param>
        /// <param name="rqi_flag">should I use RQI/Symmlq eigensolver?</param>
        /// <param name="vmax">how many vertices to coarsen down to?</param>
        /// <param name="ndims">number of eigenvectors (2^d sets)</param>
        /// <param name="eigtol">tolerance on eigenvectors</param>
        /// <param name="seed">for random graph mutations</param>
        /// <returns>A flag indicating if an error occured.</returns>
        public static bool INTERFACE(int nvtxs,
                                     int *start,
                                     int *adjacency,
                                     int *vwgts,
                                     float *ewgts,
                                     float *x, float *y, float *z,
                                     int *assignment,
                                     int architecture,
                                     int ndims_tot,
                                     int[] mesh_dims /*[3]*/,
                                     double[] goal,
                                     PartitioningStrategy globalMethod,
                                     LocalPartitioningStrategy localMethod,
                                     bool rqi_flag,
                                     int vmax,
                                     int ndims,
                                     double eigtol,
                                     int seed
            vtx_data **graph  = null;        /* graph data structure */
            float **   coords = null;        /* coordinates for vertices if used */
            bool       flag;                 /* return code from balance */
            int        nedges;               /* number of edges in graph */
            var        totalSetsCreated = 0; /* total number of sets being created */
            int        igeom;                /* geometric dimension for inertial method */
            bool       defaultGoal;          /* using default goals? */

            if (DEBUG_TRACE)
                Trace.WriteLine("<Entering INTERFACE>");

            if (goal == null)
                /* If not passed in, default goals have equal set sizes. */
                defaultGoal = true;
                if (architecture == 0)
                    totalSetsCreated = 1 << ndims_tot;
                else if (architecture == 1)
                    totalSetsCreated = mesh_dims[0];
                else if (architecture == 2)
                    totalSetsCreated = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1];
                else if (architecture > 2)
                    totalSetsCreated = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2];

                double vwgt_sum; /* sum of vertex weights */
                if (MAKE_VWGTS && start != null)
                    vwgt_sum = start[nvtxs] - start[0] + nvtxs;
                else if (vwgts == null)
                    vwgt_sum = nvtxs;
                    vwgt_sum = 0;
                    var vptr = vwgts; /* loops through vertex weights */
                    for (var i = nvtxs; i != 0; i--)
                        vwgt_sum += *(vptr++);

                if (totalSetsCreated > 0)
                    vwgt_sum /= totalSetsCreated;

                goal = new double[totalSetsCreated];
                if (goal == null)
                    Trace.WriteLine("\nERROR: No room to make goals.");
                    flag = true;
                    goto skip;

                for (var i = 0; i < totalSetsCreated; i++)
                    goal[i] = vwgt_sum;
                defaultGoal = false;

            if (MAKE_VWGTS)
                /* Generate vertex weights equal to degree of node. */
                if (vwgts != null)
                    Trace.WriteLine("WARNING: Vertex weights being overwritten by vertex degrees.");

                vwgts = (int *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(nvtxs * sizeof(int));
                if (vwgts == null)
                    Trace.WriteLine("\nERROR: No room to make vertex weights.");
                    flag = true;
                    goto skip;

                if (start != null)
                    for (var i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)
                        vwgts[i] = 1 + start[i + 1] - start[i];
                    for (var i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)
                        vwgts[i] = 1;

            var using_vwgts    = (vwgts != null);
            var useEdgeWeights = (ewgts != null);

            if (start != null || vwgts != null)
                /* Reformat into our data structure. */
                double time = seconds(); /* timing variable */
                flag = reformat(start, adjacency, nvtxs, &nedges, vwgts, ewgts, &graph);

                if (flag)
                    Trace.WriteLine("\nERROR: No room to reformat graph.");
                    goto skip;

                reformat_time += seconds() - time;
                nedges = 0;

            if (FREE_GRAPH)
                /* Free old graph data structures. */
                start = null;
                adjacency = null;
                vwgts = null;
                ewgts = null;

            if (globalMethod == PartitioningStrategy.Inertial ||
                (MATCH_TYPE == MatchingRoutine.maxmatch5_geometric && (globalMethod == PartitioningStrategy.Multilevel_KL || (globalMethod == PartitioningStrategy.Spectral && rqi_flag))))
                if (x == null)
                    igeom = 0;
                    /* Set up coordinate data structure. */
                    coords = (float **)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(3 * sizeof(float *));
                    if (coords == null)
                        Trace.WriteLine("\nERROR: No room to make coordinate array.");
                        flag = true;
                        goto skip;

                    /* Minus 1's are to allow remainder of program to index with 1. */
                    coords[0] = x - 1;
                    igeom     = 1;
                    if (y != null)
                        coords[1] = y - 1;
                        igeom     = 2;
                        if (z != null)
                            coords[2] = z - 1;
                            igeom     = 3;
                igeom = 0;

            /* Subtract from assignment to allow code to index from 1. */
            assignment = assignment - 1;
            flag       = submain(graph, nvtxs, nedges, using_vwgts, useEdgeWeights, igeom, coords,
                                 assignment, goal, architecture, ndims_tot, mesh_dims, globalMethod,
                                 localMethod, rqi_flag, vmax, ndims, eigtol, seed);


            if (defaultGoal)
                goal = null;

            if (graph != null)

            if (flag && FREE_GRAPH)
