public Game_Screen(World _world, GameCamera _camera, PenumbraComponent _lighting, Particle_World _particle_world, Physics_Engine _physics_engine, Lua _lua, GraphicsDevice _device, string _id) : base(_id)
     world          = _world;
     camera         = _camera;
     lighting       = _lighting;
     particle_world = _particle_world;
     physics_engine = _physics_engine;
     lua            = _lua;
     device         = _device;
Esempio n. 2
 public Boss_Room_1(
     World _world,
     GameCamera _camera,
     PenumbraComponent _lighting,
     Particle_World _particle_world,
     Physics_Engine _physics_engine,
     ContentManager _content,
     Lua _lua,
     GraphicsDevice _device)
     : base(_world, _camera, _lighting, _particle_world, _physics_engine, _lua, _device, "Boss Room 1")
     this.content = _content;
Esempio n. 3
        public static Entity Create(Lua lua, World world, Particle_World particle_world, Vector2 position)
            var entity = world.Create_Entity();

            Texture2D texture = Assets.It.Get <Texture2D>("Boss_Texture");

            if (texture == null)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR::BOSS::1 requires a texture with the id Boss_Texture!");

            entity.Add(new Body(position, new Vector2(24, 24)));
            entity.Add(new Physics(Vector2.Zero, Physics.PType.DYNAMIC));

            // main container for the head
            var graphics = new Multipart_Animation();

            // the base sprite
            var base_head = new Animated_Sprite(texture, "head");

            base_head.Animations.Add("head", new Animation(
                                         new List <Animation_Frame> {
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(47, 52))
                                         , "head"));
            base_head.Offset       = new Vector2(0, -17);
            base_head.Layer_Offset = 0.2f;

            var eyes = new Animated_Sprite(texture, "eye-close");

            eyes.Animations.Add("eye-close", new Animation(
                                    new List <Animation_Frame> {
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(95, 0), new Vector2(33, 5)),
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(95, 5), new Vector2(33, 5)),
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(95, 10), new Vector2(33, 5)),
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(95, 15), new Vector2(33, 5)),
            eyes.Layer_Offset = 0.25f;
            eyes.Offset       = new Vector2(0, -32 + 5);

            var mouth = new Animated_Sprite(texture, "mouth-open");

            mouth.Animations.Add("mouth-open", new Animation(
                                     new List <Animation_Frame> {
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(0, 52), new Vector2(47, 17))
                    Offset = Vector2.Zero
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(0, 52 + 17), new Vector2(47, 17)),
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(0, 52 + 17 * 2), new Vector2(47, 17)),
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(0, 52 + 17 * 3), new Vector2(47, 17)),
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(48, 0), new Vector2(47, 18))
                    Offset = new Vector2(0, 1)
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(48, 18), new Vector2(47, 23))
                    Offset = new Vector2(0, 6)
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(48, 41), new Vector2(47, 23))
                    Offset = new Vector2(0, 6)
                new Animation_Frame(new Vector2(48, 64), new Vector2(47, 23))
                    Offset = new Vector2(1, 6)
            mouth.Layer_Offset = 0.25f;
            mouth.Offset       = new Vector2(0, 0);

            graphics.Animation_Components.Add("mouth", mouth);
            graphics.Animation_Components.Add("eyes", eyes);
            graphics.Animation_Components.Add("head", base_head);

            entity.Add(new Entity_Particle_Emitter(
                           new Boss_1_Emitter(position, false),
                Offset = new Vector2(0, 4)

            entity.Add(new Health(BOSS_HEALTH));

            entity.Add(new Lua_Function(lua.DoFile("Content/Lua/Boss_1_Ai.lua")[0] as LuaFunction, "Content/Lua/Boss_1_Ai.lua"));

Esempio n. 4
 public Player_Controller_System(GameCamera _camera, Particle_World particle_world, Screen_Manager screen) : base(Types.Body, Types.Player, Types.Physics)
     this.screen_manager = screen;         = _camera;
     this.particle_world = particle_world;
Esempio n. 5
        public Tiled_Map(string name, GameCamera _camera, World world, Screen level, Particle_World particle_world, Lua lua, GraphicsDevice device, PenumbraComponent lighting = null, bool create_astar_collision_map = false)
            this.device   = device;
     = _camera;
   = lighting;

            var current = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            if (!File.Exists(current + "/Content/Maps/" + name + ".tmx"))
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(current + "/Content/Maps/");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR:: no map named {0} in directory, did you mean one of these?", name);
                foreach (var file in files)
                    var toks = file.Split('\\', '/');

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            map = new TmxMap(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Content/Maps/" + name + ".tmx");

            quads = Assets.It.Get_Quads("quads");

            // load a texture
            var tileset_name = Path.GetFileName(map.Tilesets[0].Image.Source).Split('.').First();

            if (Assets.It.Has(tileset_name, typeof(Texture2D)))
                texture = Assets.It.Get <Texture2D>(map.Tilesets[0].Name);
                texture = Assets.It.Load_Texture(tileset_name, tileset_name);

            billboards = new List <Billboard>();

            if (map.Properties.ContainsKey("Sky"))
                Has_Sky = map.Properties["Sky"] == "true";

            if (map.Properties.ContainsKey("Ambiant"))
                string color_string = map.Properties["Ambiant"];
                var    tokens       = color_string.Split(' ');
                var    color        = new Color(
                lighting.AmbientColor = color;

            Map_Height_In_Pixels = map.Height * map.TileHeight;

            foreach (var layer in map.Layers)
                layer_render_targets.Add(new RenderTarget2D(
                                             map.Width * map.TileWidth,
                                             map.Height * map.TileHeight,

            for (int i = map.Layers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var layer = map.Layers[i];
                if (layer.Properties.ContainsKey("ignore") == true)

            var solids = new List <RectangleF>();

            foreach (var layer in map.ObjectGroups)
                foreach (var obj in layer.Objects)
                    if (obj.Type == "")
                        // Create a solid
                        // check if its a polygon!
                        var physics_engine = (Physics_Engine)world.Get_System <Physics_Engine>();
                        if (physics_engine != null)
                            if (obj.Points == null)
                                var rect  = new RectangleF((float)obj.X, (float)obj.Y, (float)obj.Width, (float)obj.Height);
                                var solid = physics_engine.Add_Solid(rect);
                                List <Vector2> points = new List <Vector2>();

                                foreach (var p in obj.Points)
                                    points.Add(new Vector2((float)p.X, (float)p.Y));
                                var polygon = new Polygon
                                    Points   = points,
                                    Position = new Vector2((float)obj.X, (float)obj.Y)

                                var poly = physics_engine.Add_Polygon(polygon);
                    else if (obj.Type == "hull")
                        var points = new Vector2[obj.Points.Count];
                        int ptr    = 0;
                        foreach (var pnt in obj.Points)
                            points[ptr++] = new Vector2((float)(obj.X + pnt.X), (float)(obj.Y + pnt.Y));
                        lighting.Hulls.Add(new Hull(points));
                    else if (obj.Type == "Particle")
                        Debug.Assert(obj.Properties.ContainsKey("Type"), "ERROR:: Particle object requires a Type property!");
                        var type = obj.Properties["Type"];

                        switch (type)
                        case "Fire_Fly":
                            particle_world.Add(new Fire_Fly_Emitter(new Vector2(0, 0))); break;

                        case "Fire":
                            particle_world.Add(new Fire_Emitter(new Vector2((float)obj.X, (float)obj.Y))); break;

                            Console.WriteLine("WARNING:: unknown particle type: " + type);
                            Console.WriteLine("Did you mean one of these?");
                            Console.Write("1) Fire_Fly\n2) Fire\n3) Blue_Fire");
                    else if (obj.Type == "Boss")
                        var boss = Boss_1.Create(lua, world, particle_world, new Vector2((float)obj.X, (float)obj.Y));
                    else if (obj.Type == "Billboard")
                        Debug.Assert(obj.Properties.ContainsKey("Region"), "Billboard object requires the property: Region, for example: x y width height");
                        var str  = obj.Properties["Region"];
                        var toks = str.Split(' ');

                        var billboard = new Billboard()
                            Position = new Vector2((float)obj.X, (float)obj.Y),
                            Region   = new Rectangle(int.Parse(toks[0]), int.Parse(toks[1]), int.Parse(toks[2]), int.Parse(toks[3]))
                    else if (obj.Type == "Door")
                        Debug.Assert(obj.Properties.ContainsKey("Door"), "Door object requires the property: Door, for example: Door 100 563");

                        var str = obj.Properties["Door"];

                        var is_sensor = false;
                        if (obj.Properties.ContainsKey("is_sensor"))
                            is_sensor = bool.Parse(obj.Properties["is_sensor"]);

                        var toks = str.Split(' ');
                        var door = world.Create_Entity();
                        door.Add(new Body(new Vector2((float)obj.X, (float)obj.Y), new Vector2((float)obj.Width, (float)obj.Height)));
                        door.Add(new Physics(Vector2.Zero, Physics.PType.WORLD_INTERACTION));

                        var wi = (World_Interaction)door.Add(new World_Interaction(
                                                                 (self, other) => {
                            var _wi = (World_Interaction)self.Get(Component.Types.World_Interaction);
                            if (other.Has(Component.Types.Player))
                                if (!_wi.Is_Sensor && Input.It.Is_Key_Pressed(Keys.Z) || GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed)
                                    Change_Scene_Callback?.Invoke(_wi.ID, _wi.X, _wi.Y);

                                    // Check if the door just requires the player to walk into the zone
                                else if (_wi.Is_Sensor)
                                    Change_Scene_Callback?.Invoke(_wi.ID, _wi.X, _wi.Y);

                        wi.Is_Sensor = is_sensor;
                        wi.ID        = toks[0];
                        wi.X         = float.Parse(toks[1]);
                        wi.Y         = float.Parse(toks[2]);
                    else if (obj.Type == "PointLight")
                        // light
                        var scale = 200f;
                        if (obj.Properties.ContainsKey("Scale"))
                            scale = float.Parse(obj.Properties["Scale"]);
                        var color = Color.White;
                        if (obj.Properties.ContainsKey("Color"))
                            string color_string = obj.Properties["Color"];
                            var    tokens       = color_string.Split(' ');
                            color = new Color(

                        lighting.Lights.Add(new PointLight()
                            Position  = new Vector2((float)(obj.X + obj.Width / 2), (float)(obj.Y + obj.Height / 2)),
                            Scale     = new Vector2(scale),
                            Color     = color,
                            Intensity = 1f
                    else if (obj.Type.ToLower() == "player")
                        if (world.Get_All_With_Component(Component.Types.Player).Count == 0)
                                Assets.It.Get <LuaTable>(obj.Type),
                                (float)obj.X, (float)obj.Y
                            Assets.It.Get <LuaTable>(obj.Type),
                            (float)obj.X, (float)obj.Y

            // creating the ai map
            if (create_astar_collision_map)
                astar_collision_map = new bool[map.Height, map.Width];

                foreach (var obj in solids)
                    int x = (int)Math.Floor(obj.X / map.TileWidth);
                    int y = (int)Math.Floor(obj.Y / map.TileHeight);
                    int w = (int)Math.Floor(obj.Width / map.TileWidth);
                    int h = (int)Math.Floor(obj.Height / map.TileHeight);

                    for (int yy = y; yy < y + h; yy++)
                        for (int xx = x; xx < x + w; xx++)
                            if (xx < 0 || xx > map.Width - 1)
                            if (yy < 0 || yy > map.Height - 1)
                            astar_collision_map[yy, xx] = true;
 public Level_1_Screen(Screen_Manager screen_manager, World _world, GameCamera _camera, PenumbraComponent _lighting, Particle_World _particle_world, Physics_Engine _physics_engine, Lua lua, GraphicsDevice device) : base(_world, _camera, _lighting, _particle_world, _physics_engine, lua, device, "Level 1")
     //sky = new Sky_Renderer(Assets.It.Get<Texture2D>("sky_1"), false);
     world      = _world;
     pause_menu = new Pause_Menu(screen_manager, camera);