public PartListImpl ParseBody(Tokeniser tk, string mt) { // Body -> Term {, Term...} PartListImpl p = new PartListImpl(); var i = 0; Term t; while ((t = (Term)ParseTerm(tk, mt)) != null) { p.AddPart(t); i++; if (tk.current != ",") { break; } tk.consume(); } if (i == 0) { return(null); } return(p); }
public ProveResult TripleQuery(Term thisTerm, PartListImpl goalList, PEnv environment, PDB db, int level, reportDelegate reportFunction) { // bagof(Term, ConditionTerm, ReturnList) // PartList goalList = (PartList)goalIn; Part collect0 = value((Part)thisTerm.ArgList[0], environment); Part subgoal = value((Part)thisTerm.ArgList[1], environment); Part into = value((Part)thisTerm.ArgList[2], environment); Part collect = renameVariables(collect0, level, thisTerm); //var newGoal = new Term(, renameVariables(subgoal.ArgList, level, thisTerm)); Term newGoal = new Term(subgoal.fname, false, (PartListImpl)renameVariables(((PartListImpl)subgoal), level, thisTerm)); newGoal.parent = thisTerm; //var newGoals = []; //newGoals[0] = newGoal; PartListImpl newGoals = new PartListImpl(); newGoals.AddPart(newGoal); // Prove this subgoal, collecting up the environments... PartListImpl anslist = new PartListImpl(); anslist.renumber = -1; var ret = prove(newGoals, environment, db, level + 1, BagOfCollectFunction(collect, anslist)); // Turn anslist into a proper list and unify with 'into' // optional here: nil anslist -> fail? Part answers = Atom.FromSource(FUNCTOR_NIL); /* * print("Debug: anslist = ["); * for (var j = 0; j < anslist.length; j++) { * anslist[j].print(); * print(", "); * } * print("]\n"); */ for (int i = anslist.Arity; i > 0; i--) { answers = MakeList(anslist.ArgList[i - 1], answers); } //print("Debug: unifying "); into.print(); print(" with "); answers.print(); print("\n"); var env2 = unify(into, answers, environment); if (env2 == null) { //print("Debug: bagof cannot unify anslist with "); into.print(); print(", failing\n"); return(null); } // Just prove the rest of the goallist, recursively. return(prove(goalList, env2, db, level + 1, reportFunction)); }
public static bool AddRdfList(PartListImpl parts, INode node, int argNum, INode obj, Triple triple, IGraph listResolves) { if (parts.Count + 1 == argNum) { bool a = AddRdfList(parts, obj, -1, null, triple, listResolves); bool b = AddRdfList(parts, node, -1, null, triple, listResolves); return(a && b); } switch (node.NodeType) { case NodeType.Uri: case NodeType.Literal: parts.AddPart(Atom.MakeNodeAtom(node)); return(true); case NodeType.Variable: parts.AddPart(new Variable(node.ToString().Substring(1))); return(true); case NodeType.Blank: { INode f, r; if (GetRdfList(node, listResolves, out f, out r, triple)) { bool a = AddRdfList(parts, f, argNum, obj, triple, listResolves); bool b = AddRdfList(parts, r, argNum, obj, triple, listResolves); return(a && b); } } parts.AddPart(Atom.MakeNodeAtom(node)); return(foundNodeMoreThanTriple(listResolves, node, triple)); // case NodeType.GraphLiteral: // break; default: Warn("cant intern " + node); return(false); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
static public PartListImpl ParseConjuncts(Tokeniser tk, string mt, string requiredEnd, string sep, bool eofReturnsPart) { // Body -> Term {, Term...} PartListImpl p = new PartListImpl(); var i = 0; while (true) { if (tk.current == requiredEnd) { tk.consume(); break; } if (tk.current == "eof") { if (!eofReturnsPart) { prolog_reader_debug("read EOF " + tk); return(null); } break; } if (tk.current == sep) { tk.consume(); continue; } Part t = ParsePart(tk, mt); if (t == null) { prolog_reader_debug("cant read Conjuct item " + tk); return(null); } p.AddPart(t); i++; } if (i == 0) { prolog_reader_debug("no items read " + tk); return(null); } return(p); }
// Aux function: return the reportFunction to use with a bagof subgoal public reportDelegate IstQueryCollectFunction(Part collect, PartListImpl anslist) { return(delegate(PEnv env) { /* * print("DEBUG: solution in bagof/3 found...\n"); * print("Value of collection term "); * collect.print(); * print(" in this environment = "); * (value(collect, env)).print(); * print("\n"); * printEnv(env); */ // Rename this appropriately and throw it into anslist anslist.AddPart(renameVariables(value(collect, env), anslist.renumber--, null)); return true; }); }