public static PartDataField[] GetAllActualDataFields(this PartDataRecord partDataRec, string partFamilyGuid)
            string[] paramNames = PipeCatalogServices.GetCatalogParameterNames(partFamilyGuid);

            PartDataField[] dataFields = partDataRec.GetAllDataFields();
            if (paramNames != null)
                dataFields = dataFields
                             .Where(dataField => paramNames.Contains(dataField.Name))

Esempio n. 2
        public void ImportFromExcel()
            Editor        ed      = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
            CivilDocument doc     = Autodesk.Civil.ApplicationServices.CivilApplication.ActiveDocument;
            Document      acadDoc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

            // Check that there's a pipe network to parse
            if (doc.GetPipeNetworkIds() == null)
                ed.WriteMessage(@"There are no pipe networks to export. 
                Open a document that contains at least one pipe network");

            // Interop code is adapted from the MSDN site:

            if (xlApp == null)
                ed.WriteMessage("No current Excel spreadsheet.  Run the ExportToExcel command first.");

            xlApp.Visible = true;
            Workbook  wb = xlApp.ActiveWorkbook;
            Worksheet ws = ( Worksheet )wb.Worksheets["Pipes"];
            Dictionary <string, char> dictPipes = new Dictionary <string, char>();
            char col = 'A';
            int  row = 1;

            Range aRange = ws.get_Range("" + col + row, System.Type.Missing);

            while (aRange.Value2 != null)
                dictPipes.Add(( String )aRange.Value2, col);
                aRange = ws.get_Range("" + col + row, System.Type.Missing);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, char> kvp in dictPipes)
                ed.WriteMessage(kvp.Value + " : " + kvp.Key + "\n");

            col = 'A';

            using (Transaction ts = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) {
                aRange = ws.get_Range("" + col + row, System.Type.Missing);
                Handle oHandle;
                while (aRange.Value2 != null)
                    oHandle = new Handle(Int64.Parse(aRange.Value2.ToString()));
                    ObjectId oAcadObjectId = acadDoc.Database.GetObjectId(false, oHandle, 0);
                    Object   oAcadObject   = ts.GetObject(oAcadObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                    Pipe     oPipe         = null;
                    if (oAcadObject.GetType() == typeof(Pipe))
                        oPipe = ( Pipe )oAcadObject;
                        ed.WriteMessage("Pipe: " + oPipe.Name + " (" + oHandle.Value + "\n");
                        // next loop
                        aRange = ws.get_Range("" + col + row, System.Type.Missing);

                    // get the shape for the pipe
                    col    = dictPipes["SweptShape(CSS)"];
                    aRange = ws.get_Range("" + col + row, System.Type.Missing);
                    string shape = ( String )aRange.Value2;
                    // only works with round and egg shaped:
                    double dia;
                    if (shape.Contains("EggShaped"))
                        // egg shaped based on inner width
                        col    = dictPipes["PipeInnerWidth(PIW)"];
                        aRange = ws.get_Range("" + col + row, System.Type.Missing);
                        dia    = ( double )aRange.Value2;
                        // round sizes based on diameter:
                        col    = dictPipes["PipeInnerDiameter(PID)"];
                        aRange = ws.get_Range("" + col + row, System.Type.Missing);
                        dia    = ( double )aRange.Value2;

                    // resize the pipe:
                    oPipe.ResizeByInnerDiameterOrWidth(dia, true);

                    // adjust the slope
                    col    = dictPipes["Slope"];
                    aRange = ws.get_Range("" + col + row, System.Type.Missing);
                    double slope = ( double )aRange.Value2;

                    // disconnect and reconnect the pipe to the structure to force the structure to update for the new slope
                    ObjectId oStructureId = oPipe.StartStructureId;
                    oPipe.ConnectToStructure(ConnectorPositionType.Start, oStructureId, true);
                    oStructureId = oPipe.EndStructureId;
                    oPipe.ConnectToStructure(ConnectorPositionType.End, oStructureId, true);

                    // Look over the spreadsheet for runtime values (green, index = 4)
                    PartDataRecord record = oPipe.PartData;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, char> kvp in dictPipes)
                        aRange = ws.get_Range("" + kvp.Value + row, System.Type.Missing);
                        if (( int )aRange.Interior.ColorIndex == 4 && aRange.Value2 != null)
                            // This is a runtime value
                            String context = kvp.Key;
                            // has format: context string (name), use regex to get name:
                            Match m = Regex.Match(context, @"\((\w+)\)");
                            context = m.Groups[1].ToString();

                            PartDataField oPartDataField = record.GetDataFieldBy(context);

                            // todo: append null field?

                            oPartDataField.Value = aRange.Value2;
                            oPipe.PartData       = record;

                    col    = 'A';
                    aRange = ws.get_Range("" + col + row, System.Type.Missing);
Esempio n. 3
        makePipeNetwork(ObjectId idAlign, string nameNetwork, string pipeType)
            string pntDesc = fMNP.pntDesc;

            Point3d pnt3dPick = Pub.pnt3dO;

            if (idAlign == ObjectId.Null)
                Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity ent = Select.selectEntity(typeof(Alignment), "Select Alignment: ", "Selected object was not an alignment. Try again: ", out pnt3dPick);
                idAlign = ent.ObjectId;

            Network            net   = null;
            ObjectIdCollection ids   = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument.GetPipeNetworkIds();
            ObjectId           idNet = ObjectId.Null;

            if (ids.Count == 0)
                idNet = Network.Create(CivilApplication.ActiveDocument, ref nameNetwork);
                for (int i = 0; i < ids.Count; i++)
                    net = (Network)ids[i].getEnt();
                    //if (net.Name == nameNetwork){
                    //    string index = Align.getAlignIndex(nameNetwork);
                    //    nameNetwork = string.Format("{0}-{1}", nameNetwork, index);
                    //    break;
                idNet = Network.Create(CivilApplication.ActiveDocument, ref nameNetwork);

            bool exists = false;

            Alignment align = (Alignment)idAlign.getEnt();
            AlignmentEntityCollection ents = align.Entities;
            TinSurface tinSurfDE           = Surf.getTinSurface("CPNT-ON", out exists);

            List <AlgnEntData> algnData = MNP_Align.sortAlignEnts(align);
            List <string>      hPipe    = new List <string>();
            List <ObjectId>    idsCgPnt = new List <ObjectId>();

            ObjectId idPipe, idPipeSize, idStruct, idStructSize;

            using (Transaction tr = BaseObjs.startTransactionDb())
                net = (Network)tr.GetObject(idNet, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                net.ReferenceAlignmentId = idAlign;
                net.ReferenceSurfaceId   = Surf.getTinSurface("CPNT-ON", out exists).ObjectId;

                ObjectId  idPartsList = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument.Styles.PartsListSet["Standard"];
                PartsList partsList   = (PartsList)tr.GetObject(idPartsList, OpenMode.ForRead);

                idPipe = partsList["Concrete Pipe"];
                PartFamily partFamily = (PartFamily)tr.GetObject(idPipe, OpenMode.ForWrite);

                idPipeSize = partFamily[0];

                PartSize        partSize = (PartSize)tr.GetObject(idPipeSize, OpenMode.ForRead);
                PartDataRecord  pdr      = partSize.SizeDataRecord;
                PartDataField[] pdf      = pdr.GetAllDataFields();

                for (int i = 0; i < pdf.Length; i++)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(string.Format("{0}: {1}", pdf[i].Description, pdf[i].Value.ToString()));

                idStruct     = partsList["Rectangular Structure Slab Top Rectangular Frame"];
                partFamily   = (PartFamily)tr.GetObject(idStruct, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                idStructSize = partFamily[0];

                double depth = -6, slope = 0, dZ = 0, top = 0;
                double diam = double.Parse(pdf[0].Value.ToString()) / 12;

                ObjectId idPipeNew = ObjectId.Null;

                AlignmentEntity ent    = null;
                Structure       sPrev  = null;
                uint            pntNum = 0;

                ObjectId     idCgPntBeg, idCgPntEnd, idCgPntPrev = ObjectId.Null;
                TypedValue[] tvs;

                for (int i = 0; i < algnData.Count; i++)
                    if (algnData.Count == 1)
                        ent = ents[0];
                        ent = ents.EntityAtId(algnData[i].ID);

                    ObjectId  idStructNew = ObjectId.Null;
                    Structure s           = null;
                    Pipe      p           = null;

                    if (ent.EntityType == AlignmentEntityType.Line)
                        AlignmentLine line     = (AlignmentLine)ent;
                        Point2d       pnt2dBeg = line.StartPoint;
                        Point2d       pnt2dEnd = line.EndPoint;

                            top = tinSurfDE.FindElevationAtXY(pnt2dBeg.X, pnt2dBeg.Y) + depth;
                        catch (System.Exception)
                            Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.ShowAlertDialog("Pipe endpoint is beyond limit of design surface");

                        Point3d pnt3dBeg = new Point3d(pnt2dBeg.X, pnt2dBeg.Y, top);

                            top = tinSurfDE.FindElevationAtXY(pnt2dEnd.X, pnt2dEnd.Y) + depth;
                        catch (System.Exception)
                            Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.ShowAlertDialog("Pipe endpoint is beyond limit of design surface");

                        Point3d pnt3dEnd = new Point3d(pnt2dEnd.X, pnt2dEnd.Y, top);

                        LineSegment3d seg3d = new LineSegment3d(pnt3dBeg, pnt3dEnd);

                        net.AddLinePipe(idPipe, idPipeSize, seg3d, ref idPipeNew, true);

                        p = (Pipe)idPipeNew.getEnt();

                        ObjectId idPart = getProfileViewPart();

                        slope = pnt3dBeg.getSlope(pnt3dEnd);

                        dZ = diam / (2 * (System.Math.Cos(System.Math.Atan(System.Math.Abs(slope)))));

                        if (i == 0)
                            pnt3dBeg = new Point3d(pnt3dBeg.X, pnt3dBeg.Y, pnt3dBeg.Z - dZ);
                            pnt3dEnd = new Point3d(pnt3dEnd.X, pnt3dEnd.Y, pnt3dEnd.Z - dZ);

                            idCgPntBeg = pnt3dBeg.setPoint(out pntNum, pntDesc);

                            idCgPntEnd = pnt3dEnd.setPoint(out pntNum, pntDesc);

                            idCgPntPrev = idCgPntEnd;

                            tvs = new TypedValue[3];
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1001, apps.lnkMNP), 0);
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1005, idCgPntBeg.getHandle().ToString()), 1);
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1005, idCgPntEnd.getHandle().ToString()), 2);

                            //idPart.setXData(rb, apps.lnkMNP);
                            idPipeNew.setXData(tvs, apps.lnkMNP);

                            net.AddStructure(idStruct, idStructSize, pnt3dBeg, 0, ref idStructNew, true);
                            s = (Structure)idStructNew.getEnt();
                            s.ConnectToPipe(idPipeNew, ConnectorPositionType.Start);

                            net.AddStructure(idStruct, idStructSize, pnt3dEnd, 0, ref idStructNew, true);
                            s = (Structure)idStructNew.getEnt();
                            s.ConnectToPipe(idPipeNew, ConnectorPositionType.End);

                            sPrev = s;
                            pnt3dEnd   = new Point3d(pnt3dEnd.X, pnt3dEnd.Y, pnt3dEnd.Z - dZ);
                            idCgPntEnd = pnt3dEnd.setPoint(out pntNum, pntDesc);

                            tvs = new TypedValue[3];
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1001, apps.lnkMNP), 0);
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1005, idCgPntPrev.getHandle().ToString()), 1);
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1005, idCgPntEnd.getHandle().ToString()), 2);

                            //idPart.setXData(rb, apps.lnkMNP);
                            idPipeNew.setXData(tvs, apps.lnkMNP);

                            idCgPntPrev = idCgPntEnd;

                            net.AddStructure(idStruct, idStructSize, pnt3dEnd, 0, ref idStructNew, true);
                            s = (Structure)idStructNew.getEnt();
                            sPrev.ConnectToPipe(idPipeNew, ConnectorPositionType.Start);
                            s.ConnectToPipe(idPipeNew, ConnectorPositionType.End);

                            sPrev = s;
                    else if (ent.EntityType == AlignmentEntityType.Arc)
                        AlignmentArc arc    = (AlignmentArc)ent;
                        double       radius = arc.Radius;

                        Point2d pnt2dBeg = arc.StartPoint;
                        Point2d pnt2dEnd = arc.EndPoint;

                            top = tinSurfDE.FindElevationAtXY(pnt2dBeg.X, pnt2dBeg.Y) + depth;
                        catch (System.Exception)
                            Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.ShowAlertDialog("Pipe endpoint is beyond limit of design surface");
                        Point3d pnt3dBeg = new Point3d(pnt2dBeg.X, pnt2dBeg.Y, top);

                            top = tinSurfDE.FindElevationAtXY(pnt2dEnd.X, pnt2dEnd.Y) + depth;
                        catch (System.Exception)
                            Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.ShowAlertDialog("Pipe endpoint is beyond limit of design surface");

                        IntPtr  iptr     = (IntPtr)0;
                        Point3d pnt3dEnd = new Point3d(pnt2dEnd.X, pnt2dEnd.Y, top);

                        Arc a = new Arc();
                        a.Radius     = arc.Radius;
                        a.StartPoint = new Point3d(pnt2dBeg.X, pnt2dBeg.Y, 0);
                        a.EndPoint   = new Point3d(pnt2dEnd.X, pnt2dEnd.Y, 0);
                        a.Center     = new Point3d(arc.CenterPoint.X, arc.CenterPoint.Y, 0);

                        Curve3d c = (Curve3d)a.GetGeCurve();

                        net.AddCurvePipe(idPipe, idPipeSize, c, arc.Clockwise, ref idPipeNew, true);

                        p = (Pipe)idPipeNew.getEnt();

                        ObjectId idPart = getProfileViewPart();
                        slope = (pnt3dEnd.Z - pnt3dBeg.Z) / arc.Length;

                        dZ = diam / (2 * (System.Math.Cos(System.Math.Atan(System.Math.Abs(slope)))));

                        if (i == 0)
                            pnt3dBeg = new Point3d(pnt3dBeg.X, pnt3dBeg.Y, pnt3dBeg.Z - dZ);
                            pnt3dEnd = new Point3d(pnt3dEnd.X, pnt3dEnd.Y, pnt3dEnd.Z - dZ);

                            idCgPntBeg = pnt3dBeg.setPoint(out pntNum, pntDesc);

                            idCgPntEnd = pnt3dEnd.setPoint(out pntNum, pntDesc);

                            tvs = new TypedValue[3];
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1001, apps.lnkMNP), 0);
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1005, idCgPntBeg.getHandle().ToString()), 1);
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1005, idCgPntEnd.getHandle().ToString()), 2);

                            //idPart.setXData(rb, apps.lnkMNP);
                            idPipeNew.setXData(tvs, apps.lnkMNP);

                            net.AddStructure(idStruct, idStructSize, pnt3dBeg, 0, ref idStructNew, true);
                            s = (Structure)tr.GetObject(idStructNew, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                            s.ConnectToPipe(idPipeNew, ConnectorPositionType.Start);

                            net.AddStructure(idStruct, idStructSize, pnt3dBeg, 0, ref idStructNew, true);
                            s = (Structure)tr.GetObject(idStructNew, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                            s.ConnectToPipe(idPipeNew, ConnectorPositionType.End);
                            sPrev = s;
                            pnt3dEnd = new Point3d(pnt3dEnd.X, pnt3dEnd.Y, pnt3dEnd.Z - dZ);

                            idCgPntEnd = pnt3dEnd.setPoint(out pntNum, pntDesc);

                            tvs = new TypedValue[3];
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1001, apps.lnkMNP), 0);
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1005, idCgPntPrev.getHandle().ToString()), 1);
                            tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1005, idCgPntEnd.getHandle().ToString()), 2);

                            //idPart.setXData(rb, apps.lnkMNP);
                            idPipeNew.setXData(tvs, apps.lnkMNP);

                            idCgPntPrev = idCgPntEnd;

                            net.AddStructure(idStruct, idStructSize, pnt3dBeg, 0, ref idStructNew, true);
                            s = (Structure)tr.GetObject(idStructNew, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                            sPrev.ConnectToPipe(idPipeNew, ConnectorPositionType.Start);
                            s.ConnectToPipe(idPipeNew, ConnectorPositionType.End);
                            sPrev = s;

            hPipe.Insert(0, "-1");

            for (int i = 0; i < idsCgPnt.Count; i++)
                TypedValue[] tvs = new TypedValue[3];
                tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1001, apps.lnkMNP), 0);
                tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1005, hPipe[i]), 1);
                tvs.SetValue(new TypedValue(1005, hPipe[i + 1]), 2);
                idsCgPnt[i].setXData(tvs, apps.lnkMNP);