Esempio n. 1
        private static Int64 DoubleRoundToCents(double input, ParsingScale scale)
            double epsilonLimit  = 0.004;
            double scalingFactor = 100.0;

            if (scale == ParsingScale.Metacents)  // factor 10,000 instead of 100
                epsilonLimit  /= 100.0;
                scalingFactor *= 100.0;

            // Epsilon and true-zero values
            if (input > -epsilonLimit && input < epsilonLimit)

            // Positive values
            if (input > 0.0)
                return(Convert.ToInt64(input * scalingFactor + 0.2)); // +0.2 avoids rounding errors from epsilon losses of precision

            // Negative values

            return(Convert.ToInt64(input * scalingFactor - 0.2));  // -0.2 avoids rounding errors from epsilon losses of precision
Esempio n. 2
        public static Int64 ParseDoubleStringAsCents(string input, CultureInfo culture = null, ParsingScale scale = ParsingScale.Cents)
            // Parses first according to culture, and if fails, according to neutral culture
            // Throws ArgumentException if fails

            double outputHolder;
            bool   success = false;

            input = input.Trim();

            if (culture == null)
                culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

            // Try current or provided culture first

            success = Double.TryParse(input,
                                      NumberStyles.AllowThousands | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint,
                                      culture, out outputHolder);

            if (success)
                return(DoubleRoundToCents(outputHolder, scale));

            // Try invariant (US) culture as fallback

            success = Double.TryParse(input,
                                      NumberStyles.AllowThousands | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint,
                                      CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out outputHolder);

            if (success)
                return(DoubleRoundToCents(outputHolder, scale));

            // No joy, could not convert, so throw

            throw new ArgumentException("Could not parse input as cents: " + input);