void TextAreaTextEntered(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e) { if (e.Text.Length > 0 && !e.Handled) { ILanguageBinding languageBinding = GetAdapterFromSender(sender).Language; if (languageBinding != null && languageBinding.FormattingStrategy != null) { char c = e.Text[0]; // When entering a newline, AvalonEdit might use either "\r\n" or "\n", depending on // what was passed to TextArea.PerformTextInput. We'll normalize this to '\n' // so that formatting strategies don't have to handle both cases. if (c == '\r') { c = '\n'; } languageBinding.FormattingStrategy.FormatLine(GetAdapterFromSender(sender), c); if (c == '\n') { // Immediately parse on enter. // This ensures we have up-to-date CC info about the method boundary when a user // types near the end of a method. ParserService.BeginParse(this.FileName, this.DocumentAdapter.CreateSnapshot()); } } } }
protected override void OnFileNameChanged(OpenedFile file) { base.OnFileNameChanged(file); if (file == PrimaryFile) { FileName oldFileName = codeEditor.FileName; FileName newFileName = FileName.Create(file.FileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldFileName)) { ParserService.ClearParseInformation(oldFileName); } BookmarksNotifyNameChange(oldFileName, newFileName); // changing the filename on the codeEditor raises several events; ensure // we got our state updated first (bookmarks, persistent anchors) before other code // processes the file name change codeEditor.FileName = newFileName; UpdateSyntaxHighlighting(newFileName); ParserService.BeginParse(file.FileName, codeEditor.DocumentAdapter); } }
public override void CloseIfAllViewsClosed() { if (registeredViews.Count == 0) { bool wasDirty = this.IsDirty; FileService.OpenedFileClosed(this); FileClosed.RaiseEvent(this, EventArgs.Empty); if (fileChangeWatcher != null) { fileChangeWatcher.Dispose(); fileChangeWatcher = null; } if (wasDirty) { // We discarded some information when closing the file, // so we need to re-parse it. if (System.IO.File.Exists(this.FileName)) { ParserService.BeginParse(this.FileName); } else { ParserService.ClearParseInformation(this.FileName); } } } }
public virtual void Complete(CompletionContext context) { MarkAsUsed(); string insertedText = this.Text; IClass selectedClass = GetClassOrExtensionMethodClass(this.Entity); if (selectedClass != null) { // Class or Extension method is being inserted var editor = context.Editor; var document = context.Editor.Document; // Resolve should return AmbiguousResolveResult or something like that when we resolve a name that exists in more imported namespaces // - so that we would know that we always want to insert fully qualified name var nameResult = ResolveAtCurrentOffset(selectedClass.Name, context); bool addUsing = false; if (this.Entity is IClass) { if (!IsUserTypingFullyQualifiedName(context)) { nameResult = ResolveAtCurrentOffset(insertedText, context); addUsing = (!IsKnownName(nameResult)); } // Special case for Attributes if (insertedText.EndsWith("Attribute") && IsInAttributeContext(editor, context.StartOffset)) { insertedText = insertedText.RemoveFromEnd("Attribute"); } } else if (this.Entity is IMethod) { addUsing = !IsKnownName(nameResult); } context.Editor.Document.Replace(context.StartOffset, context.Length, insertedText); context.EndOffset = context.StartOffset + insertedText.Length; if (addUsing && nameResult != null && nameResult.CallingClass != null) { //TODO: Uncomment //var cu = nameResult.CallingClass.CompilationUnit; //NamespaceRefactoringService.AddUsingDeclaration(cu, document, selectedClass.Namespace, false); ParserService.BeginParse(editor.FileName, document); } } else { // Something else than a class or Extension method is being inserted - just insert text context.Editor.Document.Replace(context.StartOffset, context.Length, insertedText); context.EndOffset = context.StartOffset + insertedText.Length; } }
void FetchParseInformation() { ParseInformation parseInfo = ParserService.GetExistingParseInformation(this.FileName); if (parseInfo == null) { // if parse info is not yet available, start parsing on background ParserService.BeginParse(this.FileName, primaryTextEditorAdapter.Document); // we'll receive the result using the ParseInformationUpdated event } ParseInformationUpdated(parseInfo); }
public MenuItem Create(RefactoringMenuContext context) { if (context.ExpressionResult.Context == ExpressionContext.Attribute) { return(null); } if (!(context.ResolveResult is UnknownMethodResolveResult)) { return(null); } if (context.ProjectContent == null) { return(null); } UnknownMethodResolveResult rr = context.ResolveResult as UnknownMethodResolveResult; MenuItem item = new MenuItem() { Header = string.Format(StringParser.Parse("${res:AddIns.SharpRefactoring.ResolveExtensionMethod}"), rr.CallName), Icon = ClassBrowserIconService.GotoArrow.CreateImage() }; List <IClass> results = new List <IClass>(); SearchAllExtensionMethodsWithName(results, context.ProjectContent, rr.CallName); foreach (IProjectContent content in context.ProjectContent.ThreadSafeGetReferencedContents()) { SearchAllExtensionMethodsWithName(results, content, rr.CallName); } if (!results.Any()) { return(null); } foreach (IClass c in results) { string newNamespace = c.Namespace; MenuItem subItem = new MenuItem(); subItem.Header = "using " + newNamespace; subItem.Icon = ClassBrowserIconService.Namespace.CreateImage(); item.Items.Add(subItem); subItem.Click += delegate { NamespaceRefactoringService.AddUsingDeclaration(context.CompilationUnit, context.Editor.Document, newNamespace, true); ParserService.BeginParse(context.Editor.FileName, context.Editor.Document); }; } return(item); }
public void WriteCodeDomToFile(FileProjectItem baseItem, string outputFileName, CodeCompileUnit ccu) { WorkbenchSingleton.AssertMainThread(); CodeDomProvider provider = project.LanguageProperties.CodeDomProvider; CodeGeneratorOptions options = new CodeDOMGeneratorUtility().CreateCodeGeneratorOptions; if (project.LanguageProperties == LanguageProperties.VBNet) { // the root namespace is implicit in VB foreach (CodeNamespace ns in ccu.Namespaces) { if (string.Equals(ns.Name, project.RootNamespace, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ns.Name = string.Empty; } else if (ns.Name.StartsWith(project.RootNamespace + ".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ns.Name = ns.Name.Substring(project.RootNamespace.Length + 1); } } } string codeOutput; using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()) { if (provider == null) { writer.WriteLine("No CodeDom provider was found for this language."); } else { provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(ccu, writer, options); } codeOutput = writer.ToString(); } FileUtility.ObservedSave(delegate(string fileName) { File.WriteAllText(fileName, codeOutput, Encoding.UTF8); }, outputFileName, FileErrorPolicy.Inform); EnsureOutputFileIsInProject(baseItem, outputFileName); ParserService.BeginParse(outputFileName, new StringTextBuffer(codeOutput)); }
public MenuItem Create(RefactoringMenuContext context) { // TODO : [Test] above method is in Default context? // if (context.ExpressionResult.Context != ExpressionContext.Attribute) // return null; if (!(context.ResolveResult is UnknownIdentifierResolveResult || context.ResolveResult is UnknownMethodResolveResult)) { return(null); } List <IClass> results = new List <IClass>(); ParseInformation info = ParserService.GetParseInformation(context.Editor.FileName); if (info == null || info.CompilationUnit == null || info.CompilationUnit.ProjectContent == null) { return(null); } ICompilationUnit unit = info.CompilationUnit; IProjectContent pc = info.CompilationUnit.ProjectContent; string name = null; if (context.ResolveResult is UnknownMethodResolveResult) { var rr = context.ResolveResult as UnknownMethodResolveResult; SearchAttributesWithName(results, pc, rr.CallName); foreach (IProjectContent content in pc.ReferencedContents) { SearchAttributesWithName(results, content, rr.CallName); } name = rr.CallName; } if (context.ResolveResult is UnknownIdentifierResolveResult) { var rr = context.ResolveResult as UnknownIdentifierResolveResult; SearchAttributesWithName(results, pc, rr.Identifier); foreach (IProjectContent content in pc.ReferencedContents) { SearchAttributesWithName(results, content, rr.Identifier); } name = rr.Identifier; } if (!results.Any()) { return(null); } MenuItem item = new MenuItem() { Header = string.Format(StringParser.Parse("${res:AddIns.SharpRefactoring.ResolveAttribute}"), name), Icon = ClassBrowserIconService.GotoArrow.CreateImage() }; foreach (IClass c in results) { string newNamespace = c.Namespace; MenuItem subItem = new MenuItem(); subItem.Header = "using " + newNamespace; subItem.Icon = ClassBrowserIconService.Namespace.CreateImage(); item.Items.Add(subItem); subItem.Click += delegate { NamespaceRefactoringService.AddUsingDeclaration(unit, context.Editor.Document, newNamespace, true); ParserService.BeginParse(context.Editor.FileName, context.Editor.Document); }; } return(item); }
public virtual void MergeFormChanges(CodeCompileUnit unit) { Reparse(); // find InitializeComponent method and the class it is declared in CodeTypeDeclaration formClass = null; CodeMemberMethod initializeComponent = null; foreach (CodeNamespace n in unit.Namespaces) { foreach (CodeTypeDeclaration typeDecl in n.Types) { foreach (CodeTypeMember m in typeDecl.Members) { if (m is CodeMemberMethod && m.Name == "InitializeComponent") { formClass = typeDecl; initializeComponent = (CodeMemberMethod)m; break; } } } } if (formClass == null || initializeComponent == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("InitializeComponent method not found in framework-generated CodeDom."); } if (this.formClass == null) { MessageService.ShowMessage("Cannot save form: InitializeComponent method does not exist anymore. You should not modify the Designer.cs file while editing a form."); return; } FixGeneratedCode(this.formClass, initializeComponent); // generate file and get initialize components string StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); CodeDOMGenerator domGenerator = new CodeDOMGenerator(this.CodeDomProvider, tabs + '\t'); domGenerator.ConvertContentDefinition(initializeComponent, writer); string statements = writer.ToString(); // initializeComponents.BodyRegion.BeginLine + 1 DomRegion bodyRegion = GetReplaceRegion(this.ViewContent.DesignerCodeFileDocument, initializeComponents); if (bodyRegion.BeginColumn <= 0 || bodyRegion.EndColumn <= 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Column must be > 0"); } int startOffset = this.ViewContent.DesignerCodeFileDocument.PositionToOffset(bodyRegion.BeginLine, bodyRegion.BeginColumn); int endOffset = this.ViewContent.DesignerCodeFileDocument.PositionToOffset(bodyRegion.EndLine, bodyRegion.EndColumn); this.ViewContent.DesignerCodeFileDocument.Replace(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset, statements); // apply changes the designer made to field declarations // first loop looks for added and changed fields foreach (CodeTypeMember m in formClass.Members) { if (m is CodeMemberField) { CodeMemberField newField = (CodeMemberField)m; IField oldField = GetField(completeClass, newField.Name); if (oldField == null || FieldChanged(oldField, newField)) { AddOrReplaceField(domGenerator, newField); } } } // second loop looks for removed fields List <string> removedFields = new List <string>(); foreach (IField field in completeClass.Fields) { bool found = false; foreach (CodeTypeMember m in formClass.Members) { if (m is CodeMemberField && m.Name == field.Name) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { removedFields.Add(field.Name); } } // removing fields is done in two steps because // we must not modify the c.Fields collection while it is enumerated removedFields.ForEach(RemoveField); ParserService.BeginParse(this.ViewContent.DesignerCodeFile.FileName, this.ViewContent.DesignerCodeFileDocument); }
public void Execute() { NamespaceRefactoringService.AddUsingDeclaration(CompilationUnit, Editor.Document, NewNamespace, true); ParserService.BeginParse(Editor.FileName, Editor.Document); }