Esempio n. 1
        internal Grammar(IEnumerable <Tuple <GrammarElementEnum, object> > elements,
                         IEnumerable <LexItem> implicitLexerRules,
                         List <string> warnings)
            var throw_errors = new List <string>();

                Dictionary <GrammarElementEnum, int> elem_counts = EnumExtensions.GetValues <GrammarElementEnum>().ToDictionary(it => it, it => 0);
                foreach (Tuple <GrammarElementEnum, object> elem in elements)
                    if (elem.Item2 != null)

                var optionals = new HashSet <GrammarElementEnum>(new GrammarElementEnum[] {

                foreach (KeyValuePair <GrammarElementEnum, int> count in elem_counts.Where(it => it.Value != 1))
                    if (count.Value > 1)
                        throw ParseControlException.NewAndRun(count.Key.ToString() + " section is duplicated");
                    // if not optional section
                    else if (!optionals.Contains(count.Key))
                        throw ParseControlException.NewAndRun(count.Key.ToString() + " section is missing");

                    // if we have lexer name section, then we have to have lexer rules as well
                    // in reverse -- if we don't have the first, we cannot have the latter one and lexer states section
                    // so it is not symmetric!
                    var lexer_count = elem_counts[GrammarElementEnum.LexerTypeInfo];
                    if (elem_counts[GrammarElementEnum.LexerStates] > lexer_count ||
                        elem_counts[GrammarElementEnum.ExplicitLexerRules] != lexer_count)
                        throw ParseControlException.NewAndRun("Lexer definition is given only partially: lexer name section "
                                                              + (lexer_count > 0 ? "exists" : "does not exist") + " while lexer states section "
                                                              + (elem_counts[GrammarElementEnum.LexerStates] > 0 ? "exists" : "does not exist") + " and lexer rules section "
                                                              + (elem_counts[GrammarElementEnum.ExplicitLexerRules] > 0 ? "exists" : "does not exist") + ".");

                if (elem_counts[GrammarElementEnum.ParserRules] != elem_counts[GrammarElementEnum.ParserTypeInfo])
                    throw ParseControlException.NewAndRun("Parser definition is given only partially");

            Dictionary <GrammarElementEnum, object> dict_elements = EnumExtensions.GetValues <GrammarElementEnum>()
                                                                    .ToDictionary(it => it, it => (object)null);

            foreach (Tuple <GrammarElementEnum, object> elem in elements)
                dict_elements[elem.Item1] = elem.Item2;

            this.usingList        = (((IEnumerable <string>)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.Using]) ?? new string[] { }).ToList();
            this.types            = (((IEnumerable <SymbolInfo>)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.Types]) ?? new SymbolInfo[] { }).ToDictionary(it => it.SymbolName, it => it.TypeName);
            this.guessed_types    = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            this.NamespaceName    = ((string)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.Namespace]);
            this.TokenTypeInfo    = ((TokenInfo)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.TokenName]);
            this.PatternsTypeInfo = ((PatternsInfo)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.PatternsInfo]) ?? new PatternsInfo(null, null);

            this.LexerTypeInfo = ((FactoryTypeInfo)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.LexerTypeInfo]);
            this.Options       = ((GrammarOptions)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.Options]) ?? new GrammarOptions();
            this.LexerStates   = ((StatesInfo)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.LexerStates]) ?? StatesInfo.CreateDefault();
            // implicit rules first, because lexer matches text in longest-first fashion
            // when user explicitly adds something like <anything> rule with reversed concat order
            // implicit rules will never be matched
            this.lexerRules = implicitLexerRules.Concat((((IEnumerable <IScanningRule>)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.ExplicitLexerRules]) ?? new LexItem[] { })
                                                        .Select(it => it as LexItem).Where(it => it != null)).ToList();
                IEnumerable <LexPatternVariable> pattern_vars = (((IEnumerable <IScanningRule>)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.ExplicitLexerRules]) ?? new LexPatternVariable[] { })
                                                                .Select(it => it as LexPatternVariable).Where(it => it != null).ToArray();
                this.LexerPatternFields = pattern_vars.Where(it => it.WithField).ToArray();
                this.lexerPatternNames  = pattern_vars.ToDictionary(it => it.Name, it => it.Pattern);

            this.lexerRules.ForEach(it => it.OutputPattern = mergeLexPatterns(it.InputPatterns));

            this.ParserTypeInfo    = ((FactoryTypeInfo)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.ParserTypeInfo]);
            this.parserPrecedences = (((IEnumerable <Precedence>)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.Prededence]) ?? Enumerable.Empty <Precedence>()).ToList();

            this.terminalRegistry = new OrderedSet <string>(
                (new[] { EOFSymbol })
                .Concat((((IEnumerable <string>)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.Terminals]) ?? new string[] { }))
                    lexerRules.Select(lex_it => lex_it.Context.Concat(lex_it.TerminalName)).Flatten()
                    // error symbol can appear in lexer productions, it is not a terminal though
                    .Where(s => s != null && s != Grammar.ErrorSymbol)));

            this.parserProductions = new List <Production>();
            AddProductions(((IEnumerable <Production>)dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.ParserRules]) ?? new Production[] { });

            this.symbolRegistry = new OrderedSet <string>(
                (new[] { ErrorSymbol })
                .Concat(terminalRegistry) // EOF starts that set
                        .Select(prod => prod.RhsAlternatives
                                .Select(alt => alt.RhsGroups
                                        .Select(grp => grp.GetSymbols().Select(s => s.SymbolName))

            // here we get partial mapping (useful for lexer, which sees only part of all symbols)

            if (!IsParserBuilt)
                var errors = new List <string>();
                if (dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.Types] != null)

                if (dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.Prededence] != null)

                if (dict_elements[GrammarElementEnum.ParserRules] != null)
                    errors.Add("parser productions");

                if (errors.Any())
                    throw ParseControlException.NewAndRun("Parser is not built (no parser name is given); " + errors.Join(", ") + " section(s) are meaningless.");

                IEnumerable <string> undef_symbols = new HashSet <string>(types.Select(it => it.Key).Where(it => !symbolRegistry.Contains(it)));

                if (undef_symbols.Any())
                    warnings.Add("Undefined symbol(s) in types section: " + String.Join(", ", undef_symbols));

            if (IsParserBuilt)
                var rhs_symbol_names = new HashSet <string>(ParserProductions.Select(it => it.RhsAlternatives).Flatten()
                                                            .Select(it => it.RhsGroups).Flatten()
                                                            .Select(it => it.GetSymbols()).Flatten()
                                                            .Select(it => it.SymbolName));

                IEnumerable <string> unused_terminals = terminalRegistry.Where(it => it != Grammar.EOFSymbol && !rhs_symbol_names.Contains(it)).ToList();

                if (unused_terminals.Any())
                    warnings.Add("Unused terminal(s) in parsing section: " + String.Join(", ", unused_terminals));

Esempio n. 2
        internal void AddProductions(IEnumerable <Production> productions)
            foreach (SymbolInfo sym_info in productions.Select(it => it.LhsSymbol).Where(it => it.TypeName != null))
                    string typename;
                    if (!this.types.TryGetValue(sym_info.SymbolName, out typename))
                        setTypeNameOfSymbol(sym_info.SymbolName, sym_info.TypeName);
                    else if (typename != sym_info.TypeName)
                        throw ParseControlException.NewAndRun(sym_info.SymbolName + " defined as " + sym_info.TypeName + " has already type " + typename);

            foreach (Production prod in productions)
                foreach (AltRule alt in prod.RhsAlternatives.Where(it => it.Code != null))
                    string guess = alt.Code.BuildBody(presentVariables: null).GuessTypeName();

                    string typename;
                    if (!this.guessed_types.TryGetValue(prod.LhsSymbol.SymbolName, out typename))
                        // it can be null, meaning it was not recognized
                        this.guessed_types.Add(prod.LhsSymbol.SymbolName, guess);
                    // if there is a conflict with guessing set it is as not recognized
                    else if (typename != guess)
                        this.guessed_types[prod.LhsSymbol.SymbolName] = null;


            this.nonTerminalRegistry = new HashSet <string>(ParserProductions.Select(prod => prod.LhsSymbol.SymbolName));

            var unknown       = new HashSet <string>();
            var lhs_terminals = new List <string>();

            foreach (Production prod in productions)
                foreach (AltRule alt in prod.RhsAlternatives)
                    foreach (IEnumerable <RhsSymbol> symbols in alt.RhsGroups.Select(it => it.GetSymbols()))
                                         .Where(sym => !terminalRegistry.Contains(sym.SymbolName) &&
                                                !nonTerminalRegistry.Contains(sym.SymbolName) &&
                                                !types.ContainsKey(sym.SymbolName) &&
                                                sym.SymbolName != ErrorSymbol)
                                         .Select(it => it.Coords.XYString() + " " + it.SymbolName));

                if (terminalRegistry.Contains(prod.LhsSymbol.SymbolName))

            var errors = new List <string>();

            if (lhs_terminals.Any())
                errors.Add("Terminal(s) " + lhs_terminals.Join(",") + " cannot be used at LHS of the production");
            if (unknown.Any())
                errors.Add("Undefined symbol(s): " + String.Join(",", unknown));
