Keeps parameters and their initial values
Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the index of the specified pcr 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pcrIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public byte[] PCRValue(uint pcrIndex)
            Parameters pcrParams = new Parameters();
            pcrParams.AddPrimitiveType("pcrnum", pcrIndex);

            return BuildDoVerifyRequest(TPMCommandNames.TPM_CMD_PCRRead, pcrParams).Parameters.GetValueOf<byte[]>("value");
		/// <summary>
		/// Derived classes have to call this constructor.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="parameters">Contains many options.</param>
		protected DeserializationFormatter(Parameters parameters)
			this.parameters = parameters; = this.parameters.Stream;
			this.typeManagerCollection =
				new L3TypeManagerCollection(this.parameters.customModifiers);
        public void ProcessData(IMatrixData mdata, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
			ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            const bool rows = false;
            bool percentage;
            int minValids = PerseusPluginUtils.GetMinValids(param, out percentage);
            ParameterWithSubParams<int> modeParam = param.GetParamWithSubParams<int>("Mode");
            int modeInd = modeParam.Value;
            if (modeInd != 0 && mdata.CategoryRowNames.Count == 0){
                processInfo.ErrString = "No grouping is defined.";
            if (modeInd != 0){
                processInfo.ErrString = "Group-wise filtering can only be appled to rows.";
            FilteringMode filterMode;
            double threshold;
            double threshold2;
            PerseusPluginUtils.ReadValuesShouldBeParams(param, out filterMode, out threshold, out threshold2);
            if (modeInd != 0){
            } else{
                PerseusPluginUtils.NonzeroFilter1(rows, minValids, percentage, mdata, param, threshold, threshold2, filterMode);
Esempio n. 4
 public static Parameters Parameters(Definitions definitions, string resource)
     ParameterFactory factory = new ParameterFactory(definitions, resource);
     Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
     parameters += factory.ResourceParameter();
     return parameters;
Esempio n. 5
        public SosForm(Parameters Params)
            bool fl;
            Brokers = new List<Broker>();

            foreach (Broker b in Brokers)
                foreach (Symbol s in b.Symbols)
                    fl = true;
                    foreach (Symbol ExS in checkedListBox2.Items)
                        if (s.Name == ExS.Name)
                            fl = false;
                    if (fl)
 /// <summary>
 /// An auxiliary method for testing the action of regular expressions. 
 /// Limited to a single column, which should be sufficient for this purpose.
 /// Multiple rows are allowed to test the effect of one regex on several strings.
 /// </summary>
 private static void TestRegex(string regexStr, string[] stringsInit, string[] stringsExpect)
     const string name = "Test";
     IMatrixData[] supplTables = null;
     IDocumentData[] documents = null;
     List<string> stringColumnNames = new List<string>{"Column Name"};
     List<string[]> stringColumnsInit = new List<string[]>{stringsInit};
     List<string[]> stringColumnsExpect = new List<string[]>{stringsExpect};
     Parameters param =
         new Parameters(new Parameter[]{
             new MultiChoiceParam("Columns", new[]{0}){Values = stringColumnNames},
             new StringParam("Regular expression", regexStr), new BoolParam("Keep original columns", false),
             new BoolParam("Strings separated by semicolons are independent", false)
     IMatrixData mdata = PerseusFactory.CreateNewMatrixData();
     mdata.Name = name;
     mdata.SetAnnotationColumns(stringColumnNames, stringColumnsInit, mdata.CategoryColumnNames, new List<string[][]>(),
         mdata.NumericColumnNames, mdata.NumericColumns, mdata.MultiNumericColumnNames, mdata.MultiNumericColumns);
     var ptc = new ProcessTextColumns();
     ptc.ProcessData(mdata, param, ref supplTables, ref documents, null);
     const bool ignoreCase = false;
     for (int rowInd = 0; rowInd < stringColumnsInit[0].Length; rowInd++){
         Assert.AreEqual(mdata.StringColumns[0][rowInd], stringColumnsExpect[0][rowInd], ignoreCase);
 public Parameters ToParameters() {
     var parameters = new Parameters(new DefaultFactory(new TestLogger()));
     foreach (var p in _params) {
         parameters.Add(p.Key, p.Value);
     return parameters;
 public MockTradeFinderFactory(Map map, Market market, string logFilePath, Parameters parameters) : base("")
 { = map; = market;
     this.logFilePath = logFilePath;
     this.parameters = parameters;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int Run(Parameters parameters)
            var exitCode = (int)ExitCode.GeneralError;

            var commandType = new BoundCommandFactory().GetCommandType(parameters,
                () => GetType().Assembly.GetTypes()
                    .Where(type => type.Namespace != null && type.Namespace.StartsWith("Aws.Commands"))
                    .Where(type => type.Name == "Options"));

            if (commandType != null)
                exitCode = Run(commandType, parameters);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
                Console.Write("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} : ", DateTime.UtcNow);

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.Write("Unknown command arguments: ");

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;


            return exitCode;
Esempio n. 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // TODO: Add code to start application here
            if (args.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Wrong number of arguments. Got {0} instead.", args.Length);

            MyHandler myH = new MyHandler();
            Parameters p = new Parameters();
            p.ServerUrl = args[0];

            Connector c = new Connector();
            if (c.Open(p))
                Message m = new Message();
                m.Set("do_method", "notify");
                m.Set("kn_to", args[1]);
                m.Set("kn_payload", "Hello");
                m.Set("nickname", "dotnet");
                m.Set("kn_response_format", "simple");

                c.Publish(m, myH);

Esempio n. 11
        public void ProcessData(IMatrixData mdata, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
			ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            Random2 rand = new Random2();
            double std = param.GetParam<double>("Standard deviation").Value;
            int[] inds = param.GetParam<int[]>("Columns").Value;
            List<int> mainInds = new List<int>();
            List<int> numInds = new List<int>();
            foreach (int ind in inds){
                if (ind < mdata.ColumnCount){
                } else{
                    numInds.Add(ind - mdata.ColumnCount);
            foreach (int j in mainInds){
                for (int i = 0; i < mdata.RowCount; i++){
                    mdata.Values.Set(i, j, mdata.Values.Get(i, j) + (float) rand.NextGaussian(0, std));
            foreach (int j in numInds){
                for (int i = 0; i < mdata.RowCount; i++){
                    mdata.NumericColumns[j][i] += (float) rand.NextGaussian(0, std);
Esempio n. 12
        public FamilyPictureDir(Guid id)
   = id;
            dd = DocX.Create("ttt.docx");

            pa = new Parameters()
                PageHeight = 8.5,
                PageWidth = 5.5,
                MarginLeft = .5,
                MarginRight = .3,
                MarginTop = .5,
                MarginBottom = .3,
                FontSizeName = 18.0,
                FontSize = 14,

            pa.CellWidth = pa.PageWidth - pa.MarginLeft - pa.MarginRight;
            pa.RowHeight = pa.PageHeight - pa.MarginTop - pa.MarginBottom;
            pa.MaxPicHeight = pa.RowHeight * .4;

            dd.PageHeight = Pixels(pa.PageHeight);
            dd.PageWidth = Pixels(pa.PageWidth);
            dd.MarginLeft = Pixels(pa.MarginLeft);
            dd.MarginRight = Pixels(pa.MarginRight);
            dd.MarginTop = Pixels(pa.MarginTop);
            dd.MarginBottom = Pixels(pa.MarginBottom);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
		/// 搜索百度音乐
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="keyword">关键词</param>
		private static void BaiduMusicSearch(string keyword)
			Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
			parameters["key"] = keyword;
			string url = ConnectionBase.ConstructUrlWithParameters("", parameters);
Esempio n. 14
        private static void calculator(
            object sender, IncomingMessageArgs args)
            // extract the parameters for calculations
            Parameters param = args.Message.Parameters;

            int a = param.GetInteger("a");
            int b = param.GetInteger("b");

            // prepare the answer
            // with results of four calculations
            Parameters replyParams = new Parameters();

            replyParams.SetInteger("sum", a + b);
            replyParams.SetInteger("difference", a - b);
            replyParams.SetInteger("product", a * b);

            // if the ratio cannot be computed,
            // it is not included in the response
            // the client will interpret that fact properly
            if(b != 0)
                replyParams.SetInteger("ratio", a / b);


                "got message with parameters {0} and {1}" +
                ", response has been sent back", a, b);
        public bool AddNewUser(Core.User user)
                Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
                parameters.Add("@FirstName", user.FirstName);
                parameters.Add("@UserName", user.UserName);
                parameters.Add("@Pass", user.Password);
                parameters.Add("@RoleId", user.RoleId);
                parameters.Add("@IsActive", user.IsActiveUser);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.LastName))
                    parameters.Add("@LastName", DBNull.Value);
                    parameters.Add("@LastName", user.LastName);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.NICNumber))
                    parameters.Add("@NICNumber", DBNull.Value);
                    parameters.Add("@NICNumber", user.NICNumber);

                ExecuteNoneQuery("proc_AddNewUser", parameters);
                return true;
            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 16
        public void Process(string[] args)
            var parameters = new Parameters { Log = Log };


            catch (Exception e)
                Output.WriteErrorLine(Log, e.Message);

            if (args.Length == 0 || parameters.Help)


            if (parameters.Readline)
                // '-readLineAtExit' flag: useful when running from Visual Studio
        public override double CountSignalStrength(double pRange, Parameters pParameters)
            var dissipation = CountDissipation(pRange, pParameters.CentralFrequency);
            Log.Write(LogLevel.Info, string.Format("Tłumienie sygnału nadawanego w odległości {0} m od nadajnika wynosi {1} dB", pRange, dissipation));

            return pParameters.SignalStrength + pParameters.Gain - dissipation;//.ToDbm();
        public override void CountBatteryLife(Parameters pParameters)
            var realCapacity = Tools.AdjustBatteryCapacitanceToTemperature(pParameters.BatteryCapacitance, pParameters.SleepCurrent); // in mAh
            var avarageCurrent = Tools.GetAvaregeCurrent(pParameters.SleepTime, pParameters.TxTime, pParameters.RxTime, pParameters.SleepCurrent / 1e3, pParameters.TxCurrent, pParameters.RxCurrent); // in mA

            pParameters.BatteryLife = (realCapacity / (Math.Pow(avarageCurrent, Tools.PeukertNumber) * 60)); // days
Esempio n. 19
 public float Init(Parameters parameters1, float paramNameWidth, int totalWidth)
     Parameters = parameters1;
     int nrows = Parameters.GroupCount;
     parameterGroupPanels = new ParameterGroupPanel[nrows];
     grid = new TableLayoutPanel{AutoScroll = true};
     grid.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100));
     grid.Name = "tableLayoutPanel";
     int totalHeight = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++){
         int h = (int) (parameters1.GetGroup(i).Height + 26);
         grid.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, h));
         totalHeight += h;
     grid.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize, 100));
     grid.Width = totalWidth;
     grid.Height = totalHeight;
     for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++){
         AddParameterGroup(parameters1.GetGroup(i), i, paramNameWidth, totalWidth);
     grid.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
     Name = "ParameterPanel";
     Width = totalWidth;
     Height = totalHeight;
     return totalHeight;
Esempio n. 20
        public static void Deserialize(Parameters parameters,
                IList<byte[]> buffers)
            ByteIterator bytes = new ByteIterator(buffers);

            deserializeFromBytes(parameters, bytes);
Esempio n. 21
 public void TestAdding1() {
     var actual = new Parameters(new DefaultFactory(new TestLogger())) {
         {"Key", "Name", "Value", "string"}
     Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual("Name", actual.First().Value.Name);
Esempio n. 22
 public void NotifyObservers(Parameters param)
     for (int i = 0; i < paramEvents.Count; i++) {
         System.Action<Parameters> action = paramEvents[i];
    public override void Execute()
        List<ControllableUnit> teamAList = BattleComposition.Instance.GetAllTeamAUnits();
        List<ControllableUnit> teamBList = BattleComposition.Instance.GetAllTeamBUnits();

        foreach(ControllableUnit unit in teamAList) {

            Vector3 unitScreenPos = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(unit.transform.position);

            Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
            parameters.PutObjectExtra(GameHUDScreen.UNIT_POSITION_KEY, unitScreenPos);
            parameters.PutObjectExtra(GameHUDScreen.CONTROLLABLE_UNIT_KEY, unit);

            EventBroadcaster.Instance.PostEvent(EventNames.ON_RETRIEVE_UNIT_POSITION, parameters);

        foreach(ControllableUnit unit in teamBList) {

            Vector3 unitScreenPos = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(unit.transform.position);

            Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
            parameters.PutObjectExtra(GameHUDScreen.UNIT_POSITION_KEY, unitScreenPos);
            parameters.PutObjectExtra(GameHUDScreen.CONTROLLABLE_UNIT_KEY, unit);

            EventBroadcaster.Instance.PostEvent(EventNames.ON_RETRIEVE_UNIT_POSITION, parameters);
        public DataSet ExecuteDataSet(string procedureName, Parameters parameters)
            DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

                DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(DataSource.ProviderName);
                using (DbConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection())
                using (DbCommand command = factory.CreateCommand())
                    conn.ConnectionString = DataSource.ConnectionString;
                    command.Connection = conn;
                    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    command.CommandText = procedureName;
                    InsertCommandParameters(command, parameters);
                    using (DbDataAdapter dap = factory.CreateDataAdapter())
                        dap.SelectCommand = command;

                return dataSet;
            catch (SqlException exception)
                throw new DataException(string.Format("Error executing procedure: {0}", procedureName), exception);
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw new DataException(string.Format("Error executing procedure: {0}", procedureName), exception);
 public void ExecuteNoneQuery(string procedureName, Parameters parameters)
         DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(DataSource.ProviderName);
         using (DbConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection())
         using (DbCommand command = factory.CreateCommand())
             conn.ConnectionString = DataSource.ConnectionString;
             command.Connection = conn;
             command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
             command.CommandText = procedureName;
             InsertCommandParameters(command, parameters);
     catch (SqlException exception)
         throw new DataException(string.Format("Error executing procedure: {0}", procedureName), exception);
     catch (Exception exception)
         throw new DataException(string.Format("Error executing procedure: {0}", procedureName), exception);
 public void DownloadWebPage(Parameters param, string fileName)
     String url = String.Format("{0}&depDay={1}&depMonth={2}&temp_date=&returnCity={3}&temp_date=&ADT=1&CHD=0&INF=0&wpf_timed_action_0VNAirline_00215IBEFastTabV2_00215bookingYourTrip_00515vn_0051513b9a929b93_0051562f20_1=&&wclang=VI&txtFamilyName=&txtMidName=&slDeparture=&txtConfirmCode=&txtFlightNumber=&rdoDay=on&", param.From, param.DepartDay, param.DepartMonth, param.To);
     WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
     webClient.DownloadFile(url, fileName);
Esempio n. 27
 RSSPub(string serverUrl)
     m_Connector = new Connector();
     Parameters p = new Parameters();
     p.ServerUrl = serverUrl;
Esempio n. 28
            public ProductFactory(Parameters parameters)
                    using (var server = new VentsCad())
                        switch (parameters.Name)
                            case "spigot":                                
                                product = new Spigot(parameters.Type.SubType, parameters.Sizes[0].Width, parameters.Sizes[0].Height);
                            case "dumper":
                                var material = new string[] { parameters.Materials[0].Value, parameters.Materials[0].Thikness, parameters.Materials[0].Name, parameters.Materials[0].Code };
                                product = new Dumper(parameters.Type.SubType, parameters.Sizes[0].Width, parameters.Sizes[0].Height, true, material);
                            case "montageFrame":                                
                                product = new MontageFrame(parameters.Type.SubType, parameters.Sizes[0].Width, parameters.Sizes[0].Lenght, parameters.Sizes[0].Additional1, parameters.Materials[0]);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);

Esempio n. 29
        public static List<byte[]> Serialize(Parameters parameters,
            int chunkSize)
            if(chunkSize != int.MaxValue && chunkSize % 4 != 0)
                throw new System.ArgumentException();

            List<byte[]> stringCache = new List<byte[]>();

            int numberOfBytes = serializationSize(parameters, stringCache);

            // allocate all buffers
            List<byte[]> buffers = new List<byte[]>();
            while (numberOfBytes > 0)
                int sizeOfBuffer = Math.Min(numberOfBytes, chunkSize);
                buffers.Add(new byte[sizeOfBuffer]);
                numberOfBytes -= sizeOfBuffer;

            // fill all buffers with data
            BuffersState bufState = new BuffersState();
            bufState.buffers = buffers;
            bufState.bufferIndex = 0;
            bufState.byteIndex = 0;

            serialize(bufState, parameters, stringCache);

            return buffers;
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据频道和歌曲,得到歌曲列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel"></param>
        /// <param name="song"></param>
        /// <param name="type">n-New</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Models.SongList GetSongList(Models.Channel channel, Models.Song song, string type = "n")
            Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
            parameters["from"] = "mainsite";
            parameters["context"] = channel.Context;
            parameters["sid"] = song != null ? song.SongID : null;
            parameters["channel"] = channel.ID.ToString();
            parameters["type"] = type;
            Random rnd = new Random();
            var number = rnd.NextDouble();
            parameters["r"] = number.ToString();

            string url = ConnectionBase.ConstructUrlWithParameters("", parameters);

            string json = new ConnectionBase().Get(url, @"application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", @"");
            var songList = Framework.Common.Helpers.JsonHelper.Deserialize<Models.SongList>(json);

            foreach (var s in songList.Songs)
                s.Picture = new Uri(s.Picture.ToString().Replace("/mpic/", "/lpic/").Replace("//otho.", "//img3."));

            songList.Songs.RemoveAll(s => s.IsAd);

            return songList;
Esempio n. 31
 public void AddParameter(QueryParameter parameter)
Esempio n. 32
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ClsBigBlueButton.StrServerIPAddress = ""; //put your domain name here
            ClsBigBlueButton.StrSalt            = "--YOUR_API_SECRET_HERE--";                       //execute this command on ubuntu server: bbb-conf --secret

            //DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dynamic          dt;
            ClsBigBlueButton ObjBigBlueButton = new ClsBigBlueButton();

            #region "CreateMeeting"
            CreateMeetingParameters newcreatemeeting = new CreateMeetingParameters();

            newcreatemeeting.meetingID               = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
            newcreatemeeting.attendeePW              = "mode";
            newcreatemeeting.moderatorPW             = "okmode";
                      = "ABC-Meeting"; //Remove space
            newcreatemeeting.record                  = true;
            newcreatemeeting.autoStartRecording      = false;
            newcreatemeeting.allowStartStopRecording = true;
            //newcreatemeeting.logo = " logo.png";
            //newcreatemeeting.bannerText = "Virtual Classroom by iPalPap";
            newcreatemeeting.muteOnStart = true;

            dt = ObjBigBlueButton.CreateMeeting(newcreatemeeting); //working);
                                                                   //Note : Extract Value from dt
            //End Note

            #region "JoinMeeting"
            Parameters newjoinmeeting = new Parameters();

            newjoinmeeting.fullName  = "Moderator";
            newjoinmeeting.meetingID = newcreatemeeting.meetingID;
            newjoinmeeting.password  = newcreatemeeting.moderatorPW;
            //newjoinmeeting.userID = "2";
            //newjoinmeeting.redirect = "ok";
            //newjoinmeeting.joinViaHtml5 = "true";
            //newjoinmeeting.guest = "guest";
            //newjoinmeeting.createTime = "time";
            //newjoinmeeting.defaultLayout = "layout";
            //newjoinmeeting.clientURL = "client";
            //newjoinmeeting.avatarURL = "avatar";
            //newjoinmeeting.configToken = "config";

            string moderator = ObjBigBlueButton.JoinMeeting(newjoinmeeting);

            Parameters newjoinmeeting2 = new Parameters();

            newjoinmeeting2.fullName  = "Attendee";
            newjoinmeeting2.meetingID = newcreatemeeting.meetingID;
            newjoinmeeting2.password  = newcreatemeeting.attendeePW;
            string attendee = ObjBigBlueButton.JoinMeeting(newjoinmeeting2);

            #region "IsMeetingRunning"
            IsMeetingRunning newismeetingrunning = new IsMeetingRunning();
            newismeetingrunning.meetingID = newjoinmeeting.meetingID;
            dt = ObjBigBlueButton.IsMeetingRunning(newismeetingrunning);


            #region "getMeetings"
            //var meetings = ObjBigBlueButton.getMeetings();//working


            #region "GetMeetingInfo"

            //GetMeetingInfos newgetmeetinginfos = new GetMeetingInfos();

            //newgetmeetinginfos.meetingID = "1";

            //dt = ObjBigBlueButton.GetMeetingInfo(newgetmeetinginfos);


            #region "EndMeeting"
            EndMeeting newendmeeting = new EndMeeting();

            newendmeeting.meetingID = newcreatemeeting.meetingID;
            newendmeeting.password  = newcreatemeeting.moderatorPW;

            dt = ObjBigBlueButton.EndMeeting(newendmeeting);


            #region "getRecordings"
            getRecordingsParameters getRecordingsParameters = new getRecordingsParameters();
            getRecordingsParameters.meetingID = newcreatemeeting.meetingID;
            dt = ObjBigBlueButton.getRecordings(getRecordingsParameters);

            #region "publishRecordings"
            publishRecordingsParameters publishRecordingsParameters = new publishRecordingsParameters();
            dt = ObjBigBlueButton.publishRecordings(publishRecordingsParameters);

            #region "updateRecordings"
            updateRecordingsParameters updateRecordings = new updateRecordingsParameters();
            dt = ObjBigBlueButton.updateRecordings(updateRecordings);

            #region "deleteRecordings"
            deleteRecordingsParameters deleteRecordingsParameters = new deleteRecordingsParameters();
            dt = ObjBigBlueButton.deleteRecordings(deleteRecordingsParameters);
Esempio n. 33
 protected Terminator()
   : base() {
   Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter<BoolValue>("Terminate", "The parameter which will be set to determine if execution should be terminated or should continue."));
Esempio n. 34
        private void LoadParameter()
            foreach (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo pi in mMethod.GetParameters())
                ParameterBinder   pb       = new DefaultParameter();
                ParameterBinder[] customPB = (ParameterBinder[])pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterBinder), false);
                if (customPB != null && customPB.Length > 0)
                    pb = customPB[0];
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(string))
                    pb = new StringParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(DateTime))
                    pb = new DateTimeParameter();

                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(Decimal))
                    pb = new DecimalParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(float))
                    pb = new FloatParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(double))
                    pb = new DoubleParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(short))
                    pb = new ShortParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(int))
                    pb = new IntParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(long))
                    pb = new LongParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(ushort))
                    pb = new UShortParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(uint))
                    pb = new UIntParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(ulong))
                    pb = new ULongParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(HttpRequest))
                    pb = new RequestParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(IHttpContext))
                    pb = new HttpContextParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(IDataContext))
                    pb = new DataContextParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(HttpApiServer))
                    pb = new HttpApiServerParameter();
                else if (pi.ParameterType == typeof(HttpResponse))
                    pb = new ResponseParameter();
                    if (pi.ParameterType.GetInterface("BeetleX.HttpExtend.IBodyFlag") != null)
                        pb = new BodyParameter();
                        pb = new DefaultParameter();
                pb.Name = pi.Name;
                pb.Type = pi.ParameterType;
Esempio n. 35
 protected T GetPrivate <T>(string action, Parameters parameters = null, DeserializeResponse <T> deserializer = null, ApiFlags flags = null) where T : ResponseBase
     return(QueryPrivate(Method.GET, action, parameters, deserializer, flags));
Esempio n. 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the image loading task: gets image from file, url, asset or cache. Then assign it to the imageView.
        /// </summary>
        protected override async Task <GenerateResult> TryGeneratingImageAsync()
            WithLoadingResult <UIImage> imageWithResult;
            UIImage image = null;

                imageWithResult = await RetrieveImageAsync(Parameters.Path, Parameters.Source, false).ConfigureAwait(false);

                image = imageWithResult.Item;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("An error occured while retrieving image.", ex);
                imageWithResult = new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(LoadingResult.Failed);
                image           = null;

            if (image == null)
                await LoadPlaceHolderAsync(Parameters.ErrorPlaceholderPath, Parameters.ErrorPlaceholderSource, true).ConfigureAwait(false);


            if (IsCancelled)

            if (!_target.IsTaskValid(this))

                // Post on main thread
                await MainThreadDispatcher.PostAsync(() =>
                    if (IsCancelled)

                    _target.Set(this, image, imageWithResult.Result.IsLocalOrCachedResult(), false);
                    Completed = true;
                    Parameters?.OnSuccess(imageWithResult.ImageInformation, imageWithResult.Result);

                if (!Completed)
            catch (Exception ex2)
                await LoadPlaceHolderAsync(Parameters.ErrorPlaceholderPath, Parameters.ErrorPlaceholderSource, false).ConfigureAwait(false);

                throw ex2;

Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the image from given stream asynchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An awaitable task.</returns>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream to get data from.</param>
        public override async Task <GenerateResult> LoadFromStreamAsync(Stream stream)
            if (stream == null)

            if (IsCancelled)

            WithLoadingResult <UIImage> resultWithImage;
            UIImage image = null;

                resultWithImage = await GetImageAsync("Stream", ImageSource.Stream, false, stream).ConfigureAwait(false);

                image = resultWithImage.Item;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("An error occured while retrieving image.", ex);
                resultWithImage = new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(LoadingResult.Failed);
                image           = null;

            if (image == null)
                await LoadPlaceHolderAsync(Parameters.ErrorPlaceholderPath, Parameters.ErrorPlaceholderSource, false).ConfigureAwait(false);


            if (CanUseMemoryCache())
                ImageCache.Instance.Add(GetKey(), resultWithImage.ImageInformation, image);

            if (IsCancelled)

            if (!_target.IsTaskValid(this))

                // Post on main thread
                await MainThreadDispatcher.PostAsync(() =>
                    if (IsCancelled)

                    _target.Set(this, image, true, false);
                    Completed = true;
                    Parameters?.OnSuccess(resultWithImage.ImageInformation, resultWithImage.Result);

                if (!Completed)
            catch (Exception ex2)
                await LoadPlaceHolderAsync(Parameters.ErrorPlaceholderPath, Parameters.ErrorPlaceholderSource, false).ConfigureAwait(false);

                throw ex2;

Esempio n. 38
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="RoundedBlendAlphaCrossover"/> with one parameter (<c>Alpha</c>).
 /// </summary>
 public RoundedBlendAlphaCrossover()
     : base()
     Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <DoubleValue>("Alpha", "The Alpha parameter controls the extension of the range beyond the two parents. It must be >= 0. A value of 0.5 means that half the range is added to both sides of the intervals.", new DoubleValue(0.5)));
Esempio n. 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Clear the template configuration
 /// </summary>
 public void ClearConfiguration()
     ForReportModel = false;
 private static string GetTopOriginalSearchConditionParameters(Parameters parameter, string inputType)
     return(parameter == Parameters.Resource ? string.Format(OriginalSearchHelpers.OriginalSearchConditionEndPoint, inputType.ToString(), OriginalSearchHelpers.MenuId[ResourceId.Client]) :
            string.Format(OriginalSearchHelpers.OriginalSearchConditionEndPoint, ResourceId.Client.ToString().ToLower(), inputType.ToString()));
Esempio n. 41
 protected T QuerySocketPublic <T>(string action, string actionEvent, string subActionEvent, Parameters parameters = null, DeserializeResponse <T> deserializer = null, ApiFlags apiFlags = null) where T : ResponseBase
     return(QuerySocket(QueryType.Public, action, actionEvent, subActionEvent, parameters, deserializer, apiFlags));
Esempio n. 42
 protected abstract T QuerySocket <T>(QueryType queryType, string action, string actionEvent, string subActionEvent, Parameters parameters = null, DeserializeResponse <T> deserializer = null, ApiFlags apiFlags = null) where T : ResponseBase;
        public IMatrixData ProcessData(IMatrixData[] inputData, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
                                       ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            IMatrixData mdata1 = inputData[0];
            IMatrixData mdata2 = inputData[1];
            int         nrows1 = mdata1.RowCount;
            int         nrows2 = mdata2.RowCount;
            int         nrows  = nrows1 + nrows2;
            Dictionary <string, int> dic1;
            Dictionary <string, int> dic2;

            string[] expColNames = SpecialSort(mdata1.ColumnNames, mdata2.ColumnNames, out dic1, out dic2);
            float[,] ex = new float[nrows, expColNames.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ex.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ex.GetLength(1); j++)
                    ex[i, j] = float.NaN;
            for (int i = 0; i < expColNames.Length; i++)
                if (dic1.ContainsKey(expColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic1[expColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows1; j++)
                        ex[j, i] = mdata1.Values.Get(j, ind);
                if (dic2.ContainsKey(expColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic2[expColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows2; j++)
                        ex[nrows1 + j, i] = mdata2.Values.Get(j, ind);
            string[]        numColNames = SpecialSort(mdata1.NumericColumnNames, mdata2.NumericColumnNames, out dic1, out dic2);
            List <double[]> numCols     = new List <double[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numColNames.Length; i++)
                numCols.Add(new double[nrows]);
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
                    numCols[numCols.Count - 1][j] = double.NaN;
            for (int i = 0; i < numColNames.Length; i++)
                if (dic1.ContainsKey(numColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic1[numColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows1; j++)
                        numCols[i][j] = mdata1.NumericColumns[ind][j];
                if (dic2.ContainsKey(numColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic2[numColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows2; j++)
                        numCols[i][nrows1 + j] = mdata2.NumericColumns[ind][j];
            string[]        stringColNames = SpecialSort(mdata1.StringColumnNames, mdata2.StringColumnNames, out dic1, out dic2);
            List <string[]> stringCols     = new List <string[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < stringColNames.Length; i++)
                stringCols.Add(new string[nrows]);
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
                    stringCols[stringCols.Count - 1][j] = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < stringColNames.Length; i++)
                if (dic1.ContainsKey(stringColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic1[stringColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows1; j++)
                        stringCols[i][j] = mdata1.StringColumns[ind][j];
                if (dic2.ContainsKey(stringColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic2[stringColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows2; j++)
                        stringCols[i][nrows1 + j] = mdata2.StringColumns[ind][j];
            string[]          catColNames = SpecialSort(mdata1.CategoryColumnNames, mdata2.CategoryColumnNames, out dic1, out dic2);
            List <string[][]> catCols     = new List <string[][]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < catColNames.Length; i++)
                catCols.Add(new string[nrows][]);
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
                    catCols[catCols.Count - 1][j] = new string[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < catColNames.Length; i++)
                if (dic1.ContainsKey(catColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic1[stringColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows1; j++)
                        catCols[i][j] = mdata1.GetCategoryColumnEntryAt(ind, j);
                if (dic2.ContainsKey(catColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic2[catColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows2; j++)
                        catCols[i][nrows1 + j] = mdata2.GetCategoryColumnEntryAt(ind, j);
            string[] multiNumColNames = SpecialSort(mdata1.MultiNumericColumnNames, mdata2.MultiNumericColumnNames, out dic1,
                                                    out dic2);
            List <double[][]> multiNumCols = new List <double[][]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < multiNumColNames.Length; i++)
                multiNumCols.Add(new double[nrows][]);
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
                    multiNumCols[multiNumCols.Count - 1][j] = new double[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < multiNumColNames.Length; i++)
                if (dic1.ContainsKey(multiNumColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic1[multiNumColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows1; j++)
                        multiNumCols[i][j] = mdata1.MultiNumericColumns[ind][j];
                if (dic2.ContainsKey(multiNumColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic2[multiNumColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows2; j++)
                        multiNumCols[i][nrows1 + j] = mdata2.MultiNumericColumns[ind][j];
            IMatrixData result = PerseusFactory.CreateMatrixData(ex, expColNames.ToList());

            result.ColumnDescriptions             = result.ColumnNames;
            result.NumericColumnNames             = new List <string>(numColNames);
            result.NumericColumnDescriptions      = result.NumericColumnNames;
            result.NumericColumns                 = numCols;
            result.StringColumnNames              = new List <string>(stringColNames);
            result.StringColumnDescriptions       = result.StringColumnDescriptions;
            result.StringColumns                  = stringCols;
            result.CategoryColumnNames            = new List <string>(catColNames);
            result.CategoryColumnDescriptions     = result.CategoryColumnNames;
            result.CategoryColumns                = catCols;
            result.MultiNumericColumnNames        = new List <string>(multiNumColNames);
            result.MultiNumericColumnDescriptions = result.MultiNumericColumnNames;
            result.MultiNumericColumns            = multiNumCols;
Esempio n. 44
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a parameter with a given name and value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the parameter</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value of the parameter as a FHIR datatype or Resource</param>
        /// <returns>this (Parameters), so you can chain AddParameter calls</returns>
        public SearchParams Add(string name, string value)
            if (name == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull(nameof(name));
            if (value == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull(nameof(value));

            if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_QUERY)
                Query = nonEmptySingleValue(name, Query, value);
            else if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_TEXT)
                Text = nonEmptySingleValue(name, Text, value);
            else if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_CONTENT)
                Content = nonEmptySingleValue(name, Content, value);
            else if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_COUNT)
                int count;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(value, out count) || count <= 0)
                    throw Error.Format("Invalid {0}: '{1}' is not a positive integer".FormatWith(name, value));
                Count = count;
            else if (name.StartsWith(SEARCH_PARAM_INCLUDE + SEARCH_MODIFIERSEPARATOR))
                if (Enum.TryParse <IncludeModifier>(name.Substring(SEARCH_PARAM_INCLUDE.Length + 1), ignoreCase: true, out var modifier))
                    addNonEmpty(name, Include, (value, modifier));
                    throw Error.Format($"Invalid include modifier in {name}");
            else if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_INCLUDE)
                addNonEmpty(name, Include, (value, IncludeModifier.None));
                if (Enum.TryParse <IncludeModifier>(name.Substring(SEARCH_PARAM_REVINCLUDE.Length + 1), ignoreCase: true, out var modifier))
                    addNonEmpty(name, RevInclude, (value, modifier));
                    throw Error.Format($"Invalid revinclude modifier in {name}");
            else if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_REVINCLUDE)
                addNonEmpty(name, RevInclude, (value, IncludeModifier.None));
            else if (name.StartsWith(SEARCH_PARAM_SORT + SEARCH_MODIFIERSEPARATOR))
                throw Error.Format($"Invalid {SEARCH_PARAM_SORT}: encountered DSTU2 (modifier) based sort, please change to newer format");
            else if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_SORT)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    throw Error.Format($"Invalid {SEARCH_PARAM_SORT}: value cannot be empty");
                var elements = value.Split(',');
                if (elements.Any(f => String.IsNullOrEmpty(f)))
                    throw Error.Format($"Invalid {SEARCH_PARAM_SORT}: must be a list of non-empty element names");
                if (elements.Any(f => f == "-"))
                    throw Error.Format($"Invalid {SEARCH_PARAM_SORT}: one of the values is just a single '-', an element name must be provided");
                if (!elements.All(f => Char.IsLetter(f[0]) || f[0] == '-' || f[0] == '_'))
                    throw Error.Format($"Invalid {SEARCH_PARAM_SORT}: must be a list of element names, optionally prefixed with '-'");

            else if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_SUMMARY)
                SummaryType st = SummaryType.False;
                if (Enum.TryParse(value, ignoreCase: true, result: out st))
                    Summary = st;
                    throw Error.Format("Invalid {0}: '{1}' is not a recognized summary value".FormatWith(name, value));
            else if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_FILTER)
                Filter = nonEmptySingleValue(name, Filter, value);
            else if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_CONTAINED)
                if (SEARCH_CONTAINED_TRUE.Equals(value))
                    Contained = ContainedSearch.True;
                else if (SEARCH_CONTAINED_FALSE.Equals(value))
                    Contained = ContainedSearch.False;
                else if (SEARCH_CONTAINED_BOTH.Equals(value))
                    Contained = ContainedSearch.Both;
                    throw Error.Format("Invalid {0}: '{1}' is not a recognized contained value".FormatWith(name, value));
            else if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_CONTAINEDTYPE)
                if (SEARCH_CONTAINED_TYPE_CONTAINED.Equals(value))
                    ContainedType = ContainedResult.Contained;
                else if (SEARCH_CONTAINED_TYPE_CONTAINER.Equals(value))
                    ContainedType = ContainedResult.Container;
                    throw Error.Format("Invalid {0}: '{1}' is not a recognized containedType value".FormatWith(name, value));
            else if (name == SEARCH_PARAM_ELEMENTS)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    throw Error.Format("Invalid {0} value: it cannot be empty".FormatWith(name));
                Parameters.Add(Tuple.Create(name, value));

 public int GetMaxThreads(Parameters parameters)
Esempio n. 46
        public JsonResult AjaxActionTable(string actionName, List <inputParameter> Parameters)
            if (Parameters == null)
                Parameters = new List <inputParameter>();
            action Info = PDAL.actionAccess[actionName];

            PDALSect.AccessResult DoAccess = PDALSect.GetCheckPer(Info.PerKey, actionName, Parameters);
            ScallerResult         Res      = new ScallerResult();

                if (DoAccess == PDALSect.AccessResult.AccessDenied)
                    Res.code    = 403;
                    Res.Message = "شما اجازه دسترسی به این قسمت را ندارید";
                if (DoAccess == PDALSect.AccessResult.ReLogin)
                    Res.code    = 401;
                    Res.Message = "نیاز به ورود مجدد می باشد";
                Res.code    = 0;
                Res.Message = "با موفقیت انجام شد";
                if (Info.DBCommand.StartsWith("$") == false)
                    Res.retrunValue = PDAL.DataTableToJson(PDAL.ReadRecords(ref Info.DBCommand, Parameters), 0, "");
                    Res.retrunValue = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(CustomRecords(Info.DBCommand, "!AjaxActions", Parameters.ToArray()));
            catch (SqlException Ex)
                Res.code    = 300;
                Res.Message = "خطایی رخ داد:" + Ex.ErrorCode.ToString() + ":" + Ex.Message;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Res.code    = 500;
                Res.Message = "خطایی رخ داد:" + Ex.Message;
Esempio n. 47
        protected virtual async Task <WithLoadingResult <UIImage> > GetImageAsync(string sourcePath, ImageSource source,
                                                                                  bool isPlaceholder, Stream originalStream = null)
            if (IsCancelled)
                return(new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(LoadingResult.Canceled));

            LoadingResult?result = null;
            UIImage       image  = null;

            byte[]           bytes            = null;
            string           path             = sourcePath;
            ImageInformation imageInformation = null;

                if (originalStream != null)
                        // check is stream is memorystream
                        var ms = originalStream as MemoryStream;
                        if (ms != null)
                            bytes = ms.ToArray();
                        else if (originalStream.CanSeek)
                            bytes = new byte[originalStream.Length];
                            await originalStream.ReadAsync(bytes, 0, (int)originalStream.Length, CancellationToken.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            using (var ms2 = new MemoryStream())
                                await originalStream.CopyToAsync(ms2).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                bytes = ms2.ToArray();

                        path   = sourcePath;
                        result = LoadingResult.Stream;
                    using (var resolver = DataResolverFactory.GetResolver(source, Parameters, DownloadCache, MainThreadDispatcher))
                        var data = await resolver.GetData(path, CancellationToken.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (data == null)
                            return(new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(LoadingResult.Failed));

                        image            = data.Image;
                        bytes            = data.Data;
                        path             = data.ResultIdentifier;
                        result           = data.Result;
                        imageInformation = data.ImageInformation;
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                Logger.Debug(string.Format("Image request for {0} got cancelled.", path));
                return(new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(LoadingResult.Canceled));
            catch (Exception ex)
                var message = String.Format("Unable to retrieve image data from source: {0}", sourcePath);
                Logger.Error(message, ex);
                return(new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(LoadingResult.Failed));

            if (bytes == null && image == null)
                if (result != null && (int)result < 0)               // it's below zero if it's an error
                    return(new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(result.Value));
                    return(new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(LoadingResult.Failed));

            if (IsCancelled)
                return(new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(LoadingResult.Canceled));

            UIImage imageIn = image;
            NSData  nsdata  = null;

            if (imageIn == null)
                // Special case to handle WebP decoding on iOS
                if (sourcePath.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".webp", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                    imageIn = new WebP.Touch.WebPCodec().Decode(bytes);
                    // nfloat scale = _imageScale >= 1 ? _imageScale : ScaleHelper.Scale;
                    nsdata = NSData.FromArray(bytes);
                    if (nsdata == null)
                        return(new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(LoadingResult.Failed));

            bytes = null;

            // Setting image informations
            if (imageInformation == null)
                imageInformation = new ImageInformation();

            imageInformation.SetKey(path == "Stream" ? GetKey() : GetKey(sourcePath), Parameters.CustomCacheKey);

            // We rely on ImageIO for all datasources except AssetCatalog, this way we don't generate temporary UIImage
            // furthermore we can do all the work in a thread safe way and in threadpool
            if (nsdata != null)
                int downsampleWidth  = Parameters.DownSampleSize?.Item1 ?? 0;
                int downsampleHeight = Parameters.DownSampleSize?.Item2 ?? 0;

                if (Parameters.DownSampleUseDipUnits)
                    downsampleWidth  = downsampleWidth.PointsToPixels();
                    downsampleHeight = downsampleHeight.PointsToPixels();

                imageIn = nsdata.ToImage(new CoreGraphics.CGSize(downsampleWidth, downsampleHeight), ScaleHelper.Scale, NSDataExtensions.RCTResizeMode.ScaleAspectFill, imageInformation);
            else if (Parameters.DownSampleSize != null && imageIn != null)
                // if we already have the UIImage in memory it doesn't really matter to resize it
                // furthermore this will only happen for AssetCatalog images (yet)

            bool transformPlaceholdersEnabled = Parameters.TransformPlaceholdersEnabled.HasValue ?
                                                Parameters.TransformPlaceholdersEnabled.Value : ImageService.Instance.Config.TransformPlaceholders;

            if (Parameters.Transformations != null && Parameters.Transformations.Count > 0 &&
                (!isPlaceholder || (isPlaceholder && transformPlaceholdersEnabled)))
                var transformations = Parameters.Transformations.ToList();

                await _decodingLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // Applying transformations is both CPU and memory intensive

                    if (IsCancelled)
                        return(new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(LoadingResult.Canceled));

                    foreach (var transformation in transformations)
                        if (IsCancelled)
                            return(new WithLoadingResult <UIImage>(LoadingResult.Canceled));

                            var old          = imageIn;
                            var bitmapHolder = transformation.Transform(new BitmapHolder(imageIn));
                            imageIn = bitmapHolder.ToNative();

                            // Transformation succeeded, so garbage the source
                            if (old != null && old != imageIn && old.Handle != imageIn.Handle)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logger.Error("Can't apply transformation " + transformation.Key + " to image " + path, ex);

            return(WithLoadingResult.Encapsulate(imageIn, result.Value, imageInformation));
Esempio n. 48
 protected abstract T Query <T>(QueryType queryType, Method method, string action, Parameters parameters = null, DeserializeResponse <T> deserializer = null, ApiFlags flags = null) where T : ResponseBase;
        public BestAverageWorstVRPToursAnalyzer()
            : base()
            #region Create parameters
            Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter <IVRPProblemInstance>("ProblemInstance", "The problem instance."));

            Parameters.Add(new ScopeTreeLookupParameter <DoubleValue>("Distance", "The distance of the VRP solutions which should be analyzed."));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <DoubleValue>("BestDistance", "The best distance value."));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentBestDistance", "The current best distance value."));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentAverageDistance", "The current average distance value of all solutions."));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentWorstDistance", "The current worst distance value of all solutions."));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <DataTable>("Distances", "The data table to store the current best, current average, current worst, best and best known distance value."));

            Parameters.Add(new ScopeTreeLookupParameter <DoubleValue>("VehiclesUtilized", "The vehicles utilized of the VRP solutions which should be analyzed."));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <DoubleValue>("BestVehiclesUtilized", "The best  vehicles utilized value."));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentBestVehiclesUtilized", "The current best  vehicles utilized value."));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentAverageVehiclesUtilized", "The current average  vehicles utilized value of all solutions."));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentWorstVehiclesUtilized", "The current worst  vehicles utilized value of all solutions."));
            Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <DataTable>("VehiclesUtilizedValues", "The data table to store the current best, current average, current worst, best and best known vehicles utilized value."));

            Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <VariableCollection>("Results", "The results collection where the analysis values should be stored."));

            #region Create operators
            BestVRPToursMemorizer bestMemorizer           = new BestVRPToursMemorizer();
            BestAverageWorstVRPToursCalculator calculator = new BestAverageWorstVRPToursCalculator();
            ResultsCollector resultsCollector             = new ResultsCollector();

            bestMemorizer.BestDistanceParameter.ActualName = BestDistanceParameter.Name;
            bestMemorizer.DistanceParameter.ActualName     = DistanceParameter.Name;
            bestMemorizer.DistanceParameter.Depth          = DistanceParameter.Depth;

            calculator.DistanceParameter.ActualName        = DistanceParameter.Name;
            calculator.DistanceParameter.Depth             = DistanceParameter.Depth;
            calculator.BestDistanceParameter.ActualName    = CurrentBestDistanceParameter.Name;
            calculator.AverageDistanceParameter.ActualName = CurrentAverageDistanceParameter.Name;
            calculator.WorstDistanceParameter.ActualName   = CurrentWorstDistanceParameter.Name;

            DataTableValuesCollector distanceDataTablesCollector = new DataTableValuesCollector();
            distanceDataTablesCollector.CollectedValues.Add(new LookupParameter <DoubleValue>("BestDistance", null, BestDistanceParameter.Name));
            distanceDataTablesCollector.CollectedValues.Add(new LookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentBestDistance", null, CurrentBestDistanceParameter.Name));
            distanceDataTablesCollector.CollectedValues.Add(new LookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentAverageDistance", null, CurrentAverageDistanceParameter.Name));
            distanceDataTablesCollector.CollectedValues.Add(new LookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentWorstDistance", null, CurrentWorstDistanceParameter.Name));
            distanceDataTablesCollector.DataTableParameter.ActualName = DistancesParameter.Name;

            resultsCollector.CollectedValues.Add(new LookupParameter <DataTable>(DistancesParameter.Name));

            //Vehicles Utlized
            bestMemorizer.BestVehiclesUtilizedParameter.ActualName = BestVehiclesUtilizedParameter.Name;
            bestMemorizer.VehiclesUtilizedParameter.ActualName     = VehiclesUtilizedParameter.Name;
            bestMemorizer.VehiclesUtilizedParameter.Depth          = VehiclesUtilizedParameter.Depth;

            calculator.VehiclesUtilizedParameter.ActualName        = VehiclesUtilizedParameter.Name;
            calculator.VehiclesUtilizedParameter.Depth             = VehiclesUtilizedParameter.Depth;
            calculator.BestVehiclesUtilizedParameter.ActualName    = CurrentBestVehiclesUtilizedParameter.Name;
            calculator.AverageVehiclesUtilizedParameter.ActualName = CurrentAverageVehiclesUtilizedParameter.Name;
            calculator.WorstVehiclesUtilizedParameter.ActualName   = CurrentWorstVehiclesUtilizedParameter.Name;

            DataTableValuesCollector vehiclesUtilizedDataTablesCollector = new DataTableValuesCollector();
            vehiclesUtilizedDataTablesCollector.CollectedValues.Add(new LookupParameter <DoubleValue>("BestVehiclesUtilized", null, BestVehiclesUtilizedParameter.Name));
            vehiclesUtilizedDataTablesCollector.CollectedValues.Add(new LookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentBestVehiclesUtilized", null, CurrentBestVehiclesUtilizedParameter.Name));
            vehiclesUtilizedDataTablesCollector.CollectedValues.Add(new LookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentAverageVehiclesUtilized", null, CurrentAverageVehiclesUtilizedParameter.Name));
            vehiclesUtilizedDataTablesCollector.CollectedValues.Add(new LookupParameter <DoubleValue>("CurrentWorstVehiclesUtilized", null, CurrentWorstVehiclesUtilizedParameter.Name));
            vehiclesUtilizedDataTablesCollector.DataTableParameter.ActualName = VehiclesUtilizedValuesParameter.Name;

            resultsCollector.CollectedValues.Add(new LookupParameter <DataTable>(VehiclesUtilizedValuesParameter.Name));

            #region Create operator graph
            OperatorGraph.InitialOperator                 = bestMemorizer;
            bestMemorizer.Successor                       = calculator;
            calculator.Successor                          = distanceDataTablesCollector;
            distanceDataTablesCollector.Successor         = vehiclesUtilizedDataTablesCollector;
            vehiclesUtilizedDataTablesCollector.Successor = resultsCollector;
            resultsCollector.Successor                    = null;

Esempio n. 50
 private T QueryPublic <T>(Method method, string action, Parameters parameters = null, DeserializeResponse <T> deserializer = null, ApiFlags flags = null) where T : ResponseBase
     return(Query(QueryType.Public, method, action, parameters, deserializer, flags));
Esempio n. 51
        public DisqusUserListMostActiveForumsRequest User(int userId)
            Parameters.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("user", userId.ToString()));

Esempio n. 52
        public DisqusUserListMostActiveForumsRequest Limit(int limit)
            Parameters.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("limit", limit.ToString()));

 public PotvinCustomerRelocationMultiMoveGenerator()
     : base()
     Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter <IRandom>("Random", "The random number generator."));
     Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <IntValue>("SampleSize", "The number of moves to generate."));
Esempio n. 54
        public DisqusUserListMostActiveForumsRequest User(string username)
            Parameters.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("user:username", username));

Esempio n. 55
 public ChildrenCreator()
     : base()
     Parameters.Add(new ScopeParameter("CurrentScope", "The current scope whose sub-scopes represent the parents."));
     Parameters.Add(new ValueLookupParameter <IntValue>("ParentsPerChild", "The number of parents that should be crossed per child. Note that some of the typical crossover operators require exactly two parents.", new IntValue(2)));
Esempio n. 56
 /// <summary>
 /// 通过 ByteArray 创建 <see cref="Aes"/> 实例
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Aes Create(byte[] data) => Parameters.Create(data).Create();
Esempio n. 57
 public override RelationalTypeMapping Clone(string storeType, int?size)
 => new PeriodIntervalMapping(Parameters.WithStoreTypeAndSize(storeType, size));
Esempio n. 58
 public override CoreTypeMapping Clone(ValueConverter?converter)
 => new PeriodIntervalMapping(Parameters.WithComposedConverter(converter));
Esempio n. 59
 protected T PostPublic <T>(string action, Parameters parameters = null, DeserializeResponse <T> deserializer = null, ApiFlags flags = null) where T : ResponseBase
     return(QueryPublic(Method.POST, action, parameters, deserializer, flags));
Esempio n. 60
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="SingleObjectiveTestFunctionEvaluator"/> with two parameters
 /// (<c>Quality</c> and <c>Point</c>).
 /// </summary>
 public SingleObjectiveTestFunctionProblemEvaluator()
     : base()
     Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter <DoubleValue>("Quality", "Result of the evaluation of a solution."));
     Parameters.Add(new LookupParameter <RealVector>("Point", "The point at which the function should be evaluated."));