Esempio n. 1
        public Trainer createTrainer(Function network, Variable target, double lrvalue)
            //learning rate
            // var lrate = 0.05;
            var momentum = 0.9;
            var lr       = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(lrvalue);
            var mm       = CNTKLib.MomentumAsTimeConstantSchedule(momentum);
            var l        = new AdditionalLearningOptions()
                l1RegularizationWeight = 0.001, l2RegularizationWeight = 0.1
            //network parameters
            var zParams = new ParameterVector(network.Parameters().ToList());

            //create loss and eval
            Function loss = CNTKLib.SquaredError(network, target);
            Function eval = StatMetrics.RMSError(network, target);

            var llr  = new List <Learner>();
            var msgd = Learner.SGDLearner(network.Parameters(), lr, l);


            var trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(network, loss, eval, llr);

Esempio n. 2
 public ParameterVectorEnumerator(ParameterVector collection)
     collectionRef = collection;
     currentIndex  = -1;
     currentObject = null;
     currentSize   = collectionRef.Count;
Esempio n. 3
        private Trainer MakeTrainer(Variable expectedOutput, Variable output, Function model, uint minibatchSize)
            double learningRate = 0.01;
            TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRatePerSample = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(learningRate);
            TrainingParameterScheduleDouble momentumSchedule      = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.9983550962823424, minibatchSize);

            //Function lossFunction = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(output, expectedOutput);
            Function lossFunction      = CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(output, expectedOutput);
            Function evalErrorFunction = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(output, expectedOutput);

            var parameters = new ParameterVector();

            foreach (var p in model.Parameters())

            List <Learner> parameterLearners = new List <Learner>()
                CNTKLib.MomentumSGDLearner(parameters, learningRatePerSample, momentumSchedule, true, new AdditionalLearningOptions()
                    l2RegularizationWeight = 0.001
            Trainer trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(model, lossFunction, evalErrorFunction, parameterLearners);

Esempio n. 4
        public Trainer createTrainer(Function network, Variable target)
            //learning rate
            var lrate = 0.082;
            var lr    = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(lrate);
            //network parameters
            var zParams = new ParameterVector(network.Parameters().ToList());

            //create loss and eval
            Function loss = CNTKLib.SquaredError(network, target);
            Function eval = CNTKLib.SquaredError(network, target);

            var llr  = new List <Learner>();
            var msgd = Learner.SGDLearner(network.Parameters(), lr);


            var trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(network, loss, eval, llr);

Esempio n. 5
        private Trainer MakeTrainer(Variable expectedOutput, Variable output, Function model, uint minibatchSize)
            double learningRate = 0.02;
            TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRatePerSample = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(learningRate);
            TrainingParameterScheduleDouble momentumSchedule      = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.9, minibatchSize);

            Function lossFunction      = CNTKLib.SquaredError(expectedOutput, output);
            Function evalErrorFunction = CNTKLib.SquaredError(expectedOutput, output);

            var parameters = new ParameterVector();

            foreach (var p in model.Parameters())

            List <Learner> parameterLearners = new List <Learner>()
                CNTKLib.FSAdaGradLearner(parameters, learningRatePerSample, momentumSchedule, true)
            Trainer trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(model, lossFunction, evalErrorFunction, parameterLearners);

Esempio n. 6
 public ParameterVector(ParameterVector other) : this(CNTKLibPINVOKE.new_ParameterVector__SWIG_1(ParameterVector.getCPtr(other)), true)
     if (CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// create model by w,h,c,outputClassNum
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="w"></param>
        /// <param name="h"></param>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        /// <param name="outputClassNum"></param>
        /// <param name="deviceName"></param>
        public FCN7(int w, int h, int c, int outputClassNum, string deviceName)
            device = NP.CNTKHelper.GetDeviceByName(deviceName);
            //input output variable
            int[] inputDim  = new int[] { w, h, c };
            int[] outputDim = new int[] { outputClassNum };
            inputVariable  = Variable.InputVariable(NDShape.CreateNDShape(inputDim), DataType.Float, "inputVariable");
            outputVariable = Variable.InputVariable(NDShape.CreateNDShape(outputDim), DataType.Float, "labelVariable");
            //build model
            classifierOutput = CreateFullyChannelNetwork(inputVariable, c, outputClassNum);
            Function loss = CNTKLib.SquaredError(classifierOutput, outputVariable);
            Function pred = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(classifierOutput, outputVariable);
            //adam leaner
            ParameterVector parameterVector = new ParameterVector(classifierOutput.Parameters().ToList());
            TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRateSchedule = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.00178125, BatchSize);
            TrainingParameterScheduleDouble momentumRateSchedule = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.9, BatchSize);
            Learner leaner = CNTKLib.AdamLearner(parameterVector, learningRateSchedule, momentumRateSchedule, true);

            trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(classifierOutput, loss, pred, new List <Learner>()
            //TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRatePerSample = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.00178125, BatchSize); //0.00178125
            //TrainingParameterScheduleDouble momentumTimeConstant = CNTKLib.MomentumAsTimeConstantSchedule(256);
            //IList<Learner> parameterLearners = new List<Learner>() { Learner.MomentumSGDLearner(classifierOutput.Parameters(), learningRatePerSample, momentumTimeConstant, true) };
            //trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(classifierOutput, loss, pred, parameterLearners);
Esempio n. 8
 public void SetRange(int index, ParameterVector values)
     CNTKLibPINVOKE.ParameterVector_SetRange(swigCPtr, index, ParameterVector.getCPtr(values));
     if (CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 9
        internal static ParameterVector CreateParameterVector(IList <Parameter> input)
            ParameterVector inputVector = new ParameterVector();

            foreach (var element in input)
Esempio n. 10
        public virtual ParameterVector Parameters()
            ParameterVector ret = new ParameterVector(CNTKLibPINVOKE.Learner_Parameters(swigCPtr), false);

            if (CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 11
        private ParameterVector _Parameters()
            ParameterVector ret = new ParameterVector(CNTKLibPINVOKE.Function__Parameters(swigCPtr), true);

            if (CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 12
        public ParameterVector GetRange(int index, int count)
            global::System.IntPtr cPtr = CNTKLibPINVOKE.ParameterVector_GetRange(swigCPtr, index, count);
            ParameterVector       ret  = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ParameterVector(cPtr, true);

            if (CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 13
        public static ParameterVector Repeat(Parameter value, int count)
            global::System.IntPtr cPtr = CNTKLibPINVOKE.ParameterVector_Repeat(Parameter.getCPtr(value), count);
            ParameterVector       ret  = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ParameterVector(cPtr, true);

            if (CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 14
        internal static Learner GetInitializer(IList <Parameter> parameters, NeuralNetworkSettingsEntity s)
            var vector = new ParameterVector((ICollection)parameters);

            switch (s.Learner)
            case NeuralNetworkLearner.Adam: return(CNTKLib.AdamLearner(vector,
                                                                       s.LearningUnitGain ?? false,

            case NeuralNetworkLearner.AdaDelta:

            case NeuralNetworkLearner.AdaGrad:

            case NeuralNetworkLearner.FSAdaGrad:
                                                s.LearningUnitGain ?? false,

            case NeuralNetworkLearner.RMSProp:
                                                s.LearningUnitGain ?? false,

            case NeuralNetworkLearner.MomentumSGD:
                                                  s.LearningUnitGain ?? false));

            case NeuralNetworkLearner.SGD:

                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected Learner");
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates trained based on training and learning parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="network">Network model being trained</param>
        /// <param name="lrParams">Learning parameters</param>
        /// <param name="trParams">Training parameters</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Trainer createTrainer(Function network, LearningParameters lrParams, TrainingParameters trParams)
            //network parameters
            var zParams = new ParameterVector(network.Parameters().ToList());

            //create loss and eval
            (Function loss, Function eval) = createLossEvalFunction(lrParams, network);

            var learners = createLearners(network, lrParams);

            var trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(network, loss, eval, learners);

Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// create from saved model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="deviceName"></param>
        public FCN7(byte[] modelBuffer, string deviceName)
            device = NP.CNTKHelper.GetDeviceByName(deviceName);
            Function model = Function.Load(modelBuffer, device);

            inputVariable    = model.Inputs.First(v => v.Name == "inputVariable");
            outputVariable   = Variable.InputVariable(model.Output.Shape, DataType.Float, "labelVariable");
            classifierOutput = model;
            Function loss = CNTKLib.SquaredError(classifierOutput, outputVariable);
            Function pred = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(classifierOutput, outputVariable);
            //adam leaner
            ParameterVector parameterVector = new ParameterVector(classifierOutput.Parameters().ToList());
            TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRateSchedule = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.00178125, BatchSize);
            TrainingParameterScheduleDouble momentumRateSchedule = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.9, BatchSize);
            Learner leaner = CNTKLib.AdamLearner(parameterVector, learningRateSchedule, momentumRateSchedule, true);

            trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(classifierOutput, loss, pred, new List <Learner>()
Esempio n. 17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const bool useSparse = false;

            const int   vectorSize          = 300;
            const int   vocabularySize      = 6000;
            const float xMax                = 100f;
            const float alphaOrder          = 0.75f;
            const int   imagimableBatchSize = 1;

            var device = DeviceDescriptor.GPUDevice(0);

            var scalarDimension = new[] { imagimableBatchSize, 1 };
            var matrixSize      = new[] { vectorSize, vocabularySize };
            var vectorDimension = new[] { vocabularySize, 1 };

            var iterationScalarShape = NDShape.CreateNDShape(scalarDimension);
            var iterationMatrixShape = NDShape.CreateNDShape(matrixSize);
            var iterationVectorShape = NDShape.CreateNDShape(vectorDimension);

            var coOccurrences = Variable.InputVariable(iterationScalarShape, DataType.Float, "coOccurrences - " + vocabularySize, null, false);
            var columns       = Variable.InputVariable(iterationScalarShape, DataType.Float, "columns - " + vocabularySize, null, false);
            var rows          = Variable.InputVariable(iterationScalarShape, DataType.Float, "rows - " + vocabularySize, null, false);

            var mainVectors = new Parameter(iterationMatrixShape, DataType.Float, 0d, device);

            PrintDim(mainVectors, nameof(mainVectors));
            var contextVectors = new Parameter(iterationMatrixShape, DataType.Float, 0d, device);

            PrintDim(contextVectors, nameof(contextVectors));
            var mainBiases = new Parameter(iterationVectorShape, DataType.Float, 0d, device);

            PrintDim(mainBiases, nameof(mainBiases));
            var contextBiases = new Parameter(iterationVectorShape, DataType.Float, 0d, device);

            PrintDim(contextBiases, nameof(contextBiases));
            var one = new Constant(iterationScalarShape, DataType.Float, 1d, device);

            PrintDim(one, nameof(one));
            var xmax = new Constant(iterationScalarShape, DataType.Float, xMax, device);

            PrintDim(xmax, nameof(xmax));
            var alpha = new Constant(iterationScalarShape, DataType.Float, alphaOrder, device);

            PrintDim(alpha, nameof(alpha));

            var divide = CNTKLib.ElementDivide(coOccurrences, xmax);

            PrintDim(divide, nameof(divide));
            var pow = CNTKLib.Pow(divide, alpha);

            PrintDim(pow, nameof(pow));
            var weight = CNTKLib.ElementMin(one, pow, "min");

            PrintDim(weight, nameof(weight));

            var oneHotRow = CNTKLib.OneHotOp(rows, vocabularySize, useSparse, new Axis(0));

            PrintDim(oneHotRow, nameof(oneHotRow));
            var oneHotColumn = CNTKLib.OneHotOp(columns, vocabularySize, useSparse, new Axis(0));

            PrintDim(oneHotColumn, nameof(oneHotColumn));

            var mainVector = CNTKLib.Alias(CNTKLib.Times(mainVectors, oneHotColumn));

            PrintDim(mainVector, nameof(mainVector));
            var contextVector = CNTKLib.Alias(CNTKLib.Times(contextVectors, oneHotRow));

            PrintDim(contextVector, nameof(contextVector));

            var mainBias = CNTKLib.Alias(CNTKLib.TransposeTimes(mainBiases, oneHotColumn));

            PrintDim(mainBias, nameof(mainBias));

            var contextBias = CNTKLib.Alias(CNTKLib.TransposeTimes(contextBiases, oneHotRow));

            PrintDim(contextBias, nameof(contextBias));

            var model = CNTKLib.ElementTimes(mainVector, contextVector);

            PrintDim(model, "CNTKLib.ElementTimes(mainVector, contextVector)");

            model = CNTKLib.ReduceSum(model, new Axis(0));
            PrintDim(model, "CNTKLib.ReduceSum(model, new Axis(0))");

            model = CNTKLib.Plus(model, mainBias);
            PrintDim(model, "CNTKLib.Plus(model, mainBias)");

            model = CNTKLib.Plus(model, contextBias);
            PrintDim(model, "CNTKLib.Plus(model, contextBias)");

            model = CNTKLib.Minus(model, CNTKLib.Log(coOccurrences));
            PrintDim(model, "CNTKLib.Minus(model, CNTKLib.Log(coOccurrences))");

            model = CNTKLib.Square(model);
            PrintDim(model, "CNTKLib.Square(model)");

            model = CNTKLib.ElementTimes(model, weight);
            PrintDim(model, "CNTKLib.ElementTimes(model, weight)");

            model = CNTKLib.ReduceSum(model, new Axis(1));
            PrintDim(model, "CNTKLib.ReduceSum(model, new Axis(1))");

            var thisBatchShape = NDShape.CreateNDShape(new[] { imagimableBatchSize });

            var parameterVector = new ParameterVector(model.Parameters().ToList());

            var learner = CNTKLib.SGDLearner(
                new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.1, (uint)(vocabularySize * vocabularySize)));

            var learners = new LearnerVector()
            var trainer = CNTKLib.CreateTrainer(model, model, model, learners);

            var count    = (int)(vocabularySize * vocabularySize * 0.2d * 0.2d);
            var floats   = GetRandomFloats(count).ToArray();
            var fColumns = GetRandomInts(count, 0, vocabularySize).ToArray();
            var fRows    = GetRandomInts(count, 0, vocabularySize).ToArray();

            const int batchSize = 10000;
            var       all       = floats.Zip(fColumns, (f, c) => (f: f, c: c)).Zip(fRows, (tuple, r) => (tuple.c, tuple.c, r))
                                  .Select(x => (f: x.Select(y => y.Item1).ToArray(), c: x.Select(y => y.Item2).ToArray(), r: x.Select(y => y.Item3).ToArray()))

            Console.WriteLine($"count: {count}");

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            for (var e = 0; e < 3; e++)
                for (var i = 0; i < all.Length; i++)
                    var valueTuple = all[i];

                    var cooccurenceValue = Value.CreateBatch(thisBatchShape, valueTuple.f, device);
                    var columnsValue     = Value.CreateBatch(thisBatchShape, valueTuple.c, device);
                    var rowsValue        = Value.CreateBatch(thisBatchShape, valueTuple.r, device);

                    var trainDictionary = new Dictionary <Variable, Value>
                        { coOccurrences, cooccurenceValue },
                        { columns, columnsValue },
                        { rows, rowsValue }

                    trainer.TrainMinibatch(trainDictionary, false, device);

                    if (i % 100 == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine($"e: {e}\ti: {stopwatch.Elapsed:g}");


            Console.WriteLine($"success: {stopwatch.Elapsed:g}");
Esempio n. 18
        public void Run()
            var device = DeviceDescriptor.UseDefaultDevice();

            var util = new Example_103_Util();

            // data
            string trainImagesPath = "./Example_103/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz";
            //string trainLabelsPath = "./Example_103/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz";
            List <double[]> trainImages = util.LoadImages(trainImagesPath).Select(x => x.Select(y => (double)y).ToArray()).ToList();
            //List<int> trainLabels = util.LoadLabels(trainLabelsPath);
            //List<double[]> trainLabels1Hot = trainLabels.Select(x => util.ConvertTo1Hot(x)).Select(x => x.Cast<double>().ToArray()).ToList();

            string evelImagesPath = "./Example_103/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz";
            //string evalLabelsPath = "./Example_103/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz";
            List <double[]> evalImages = util.LoadImages(evelImagesPath).Select(x => x.Select(y => (double)y).ToArray()).ToList();
            //List<int> evalLabels = util.LoadLabels(evalLabelsPath);
            //List<int[]> evalLabels1Hot = evalLabels.Select(x => util.ConvertTo1Hot(x)).ToList();

            // model

            int sampleSize        = trainImages.Count;
            int nbDimensionsInput = 28 * 28;

            Variable inputVariables = Variable.InputVariable(NDShape.CreateNDShape(new [] { nbDimensionsInput }), DataType.Double, "input");
            Variable expectedOutput = Variable.InputVariable(NDShape.CreateNDShape(new [] { nbDimensionsInput }), DataType.Double, "output");

            Function encodeDecode = DefineModel_104B(util, inputVariables, device);

            //var scaledModelOutput = CNTKLib.ElementTimes(Constant.Scalar<double>(1.0 / 255.0, device), encodeDecode);
            //var scaledExpectedOutput = CNTKLib.ElementTimes(Constant.Scalar<double>(1.0 / 255.0, device), expectedOutput);


            //    Function test = CNTKLib.ElementTimes(
            //                Constant.Scalar(-1.0d, device),
            //                inputVariables);


            //Function lossFunction = -scaledExpectedOutput * CNTKLib.Log(scaledModelOutput) - (Constant.Scalar(-1.0d, device) - scaledExpectedOutput) * CNTKLib.Log(1 - scaledModelOutput);

            var scaledExpectedOutput = CNTKLib.ElementTimes(expectedOutput, Constant.Scalar(1 / 255.0, device));
            //Function lossFunction = CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(encodeDecode, expectedOutput);

            // Function lossFunction = CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(scaledModelOutput, scaledExpectedOutput);
            Function lossFunction = CNTKLib.Square(CNTKLib.Minus(scaledExpectedOutput, encodeDecode));

            Function evalErrorFunction = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(encodeDecode, scaledExpectedOutput);

            // training

            Trainer trainer;
                // define training
                //int epochSize = 30000;
                uint minibatchSize = 64;
                //double learningRate = 0.8;
                int numSweepsToTrainWith      = 2;     // traduction de sweep ?
                int nbSamplesToUseForTraining = 60000; // trainImages.Count;

                double lr_per_sample = 0.2;
                //double lr_per_sample = 0.2; // 0.00003;
                //double lr_per_sample = 0.00003; // 0.00003;
                uint epoch_size = 30000; //        # 30000 samples is half the dataset size

                TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRatePerSample = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(lr_per_sample, epoch_size);
                TrainingParameterScheduleDouble momentumSchedule      = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.9126265014311797, minibatchSize);

                var parameters = new ParameterVector();
                foreach (var p in encodeDecode.Parameters())

                List <Learner> parameterLearners = new List <Learner>()
                    CNTKLib.FSAdaGradLearner(parameters, learningRatePerSample, momentumSchedule, true)
                //IList<Learner> parameterLearners = new List<Learner>() { Learner.SGDLearner(encodeDecode.Parameters(), learningRatePerSample) };
                trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(encodeDecode, lossFunction, evalErrorFunction, parameterLearners);

                // run training

                int numMinibatchesToTrain = nbSamplesToUseForTraining * numSweepsToTrainWith / (int)minibatchSize;

                var minibatchSource = new GenericMinibatchSource(inputVariables, trainImages, expectedOutput, trainImages, nbSamplesToUseForTraining, numSweepsToTrainWith, minibatchSize, device);

                double aggregate_metric = 0;
                for (int minibatchCount = 0; minibatchCount < numMinibatchesToTrain; minibatchCount++)
                    IDictionary <Variable, MinibatchData> data = minibatchSource.GetNextRandomMinibatch();
                    trainer.TrainMinibatch(data, device);

                    double samples = trainer.PreviousMinibatchSampleCount();
                    double avg     = trainer.PreviousMinibatchEvaluationAverage();
                    aggregate_metric += avg * samples;
                    double nbSampleSeen = trainer.TotalNumberOfSamplesSeen();
                    double train_error  = aggregate_metric / nbSampleSeen;
                    Debug.WriteLine($"{minibatchCount} Average training error: {train_error:p2}");

            // evaluate
                uint testMinibatchSize     = 32;
                int  nbSamplesToTest       = 32;// evalImages.Count;
                int  numMinibatchesToTrain = nbSamplesToTest / (int)testMinibatchSize;

                double metric_numer = 0;
                double metric_denom = 0;

                var minibatchSource = new GenericMinibatchSource(inputVariables, evalImages, expectedOutput, evalImages, nbSamplesToTest, 1, testMinibatchSize, device);
                for (int minibatchCount = 0; minibatchCount < numMinibatchesToTrain; minibatchCount++)
                    IDictionary <Variable, MinibatchData> data = minibatchSource.GetNextRandomMinibatch();

                    ////UnorderedMapVariableMinibatchData evalInput = new UnorderedMapVariableMinibatchData();
                    ////foreach (var row in data)
                    ////    evalInput[row.Key] = row.Value;

                    ////double error = trainer.TestMinibatch(evalInput, device);

                    ////metric_numer += Math.Abs(error * testMinibatchSize);
                    ////metric_denom += testMinibatchSize;

                    ////MinibatchData outputValue = evalInput[expectedOutput];

                    //IList<IList<double>> inputPixels =<double>(inputVariables);

                    //IList<IList<double>> actualLabelSoftMax =<double>(encodeDecode.Output);

                    //for (int i = 0; i < actualLabelSoftMax.Count; i++)
                    //    PrintBitmap(inputPixels[i], actualLabelSoftMax[i], i);

                    // var normalizedInput = CNTKLib.ElementTimes(Constant.Scalar<double>(1.0 / 255.0, device), inputVariables);

                    Dictionary <Variable, Value> input = new Dictionary <Variable, Value>()
                        { inputVariables, data[inputVariables].data }
                    Dictionary <Variable, Value> output = new Dictionary <Variable, Value>()
                        // { normalizedInput.Output, null }
                        { encodeDecode.Output, null }

                    encodeDecode.Evaluate(input, output, device);

                    IList <IList <double> > inputPixels  = input[inputVariables].GetDenseData <double>(inputVariables);
                    IList <IList <double> > outputPixels = output[encodeDecode.Output].GetDenseData <double>(encodeDecode.Output);
                    for (int i = 0; i < inputPixels.Count; i++)
                        PrintBitmap(inputPixels[i], outputPixels[i], i);

                double test_error = (metric_numer * 100.0) / (metric_denom);
                Debug.WriteLine($"Average test error: {test_error:p2}");
            /// <summary>
            /// Train and evaluate an image classifier with CIFAR-10 data.
            /// The classification model is saved after training.
            /// For repeated runs, the caller may choose whether to retrain a model or
            /// just validate an existing one.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="device">CPU or GPU device to run</param>
            /// <param name="forceRetrain">whether to override an existing model.
            /// if true, any existing model will be overridden and the new one evaluated.
            /// if false and there is an existing model, the existing model is evaluated.</param>
            public static void TrainAndEvaluate(DeviceDescriptor device, bool forceRetrain)
                string modelFile = Path.Combine(CifarDataFolder, "CNTK-CSharp.model");

                // If a model already exists and not set to force retrain, validate the model and return.
                if (File.Exists(modelFile) && !forceRetrain)
                    ValidateModel(device, modelFile);

                // prepare training data
                var minibatchSource = CreateMinibatchSource(Path.Combine(CifarDataFolder, "train_map.txt"),
                                                            Path.Combine(CifarDataFolder, "CIFAR-10_mean.xml"), imageDim, numClasses, MaxEpochs);
                var imageStreamInfo = minibatchSource.StreamInfo("features");
                var labelStreamInfo = minibatchSource.StreamInfo("labels");

                // build a model
                var imageInput       = CNTKLib.InputVariable(imageDim, imageStreamInfo.m_elementType, "Images");
                var labelsVar        = CNTKLib.InputVariable(new int[] { numClasses }, labelStreamInfo.m_elementType, "Labels");
                var classifierOutput = ResNetClassifier(imageInput, numClasses, device, "classifierOutput");

                // prepare for training
                var trainingLoss = CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(classifierOutput, labelsVar, "lossFunction");
                var prediction   = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(classifierOutput, labelsVar, 3, "predictionError");

                double[]        lrs           = { 3e-2, 3e-3, 3e-4, 3e-4, 5e-5 }; //学习率
                int[]           check_point   = { 80, 120, 160, 180 };            //学习率在epoch到达多少时更新
                uint            minibatchSize = 32;
                PairSizeTDouble p1            = new PairSizeTDouble(80, lrs[0]);
                PairSizeTDouble p2            = new PairSizeTDouble(40, lrs[1]);
                PairSizeTDouble p3            = new PairSizeTDouble(40, lrs[2]);
                PairSizeTDouble p4            = new PairSizeTDouble(20, lrs[3]);
                PairSizeTDouble p5            = new PairSizeTDouble(20, lrs[4]);

                VectorPairSizeTDouble vp = new VectorPairSizeTDouble()
                    p1, p2, p3, p4, p5
                int sample_num_in_a_epoch = 50000;
                TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRateSchedule = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(vp, (uint)sample_num_in_a_epoch);
                var momentum = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.9, 1);
                //SGD Learner
                //var sgdLearner = Learner.SGDLearner(classifierOutput.Parameters(), learningRateSchedule);
                //Adam Learner
                ParameterVector parameterVector = new ParameterVector();

                foreach (var parameter in classifierOutput.Parameters())
                var adamLearner = CNTKLib.AdamLearner(parameterVector, learningRateSchedule, momentum);
                var trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(classifierOutput, trainingLoss, prediction, new List <Learner> {

                int       outputFrequencyInMinibatches = 20, miniBatchCount = 0;
                Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

                // Feed data to the trainer for number of epochs.
                Console.WriteLine("*****************Train Start*****************");
                while (true)
                    var minibatchData = minibatchSource.GetNextMinibatch(minibatchSize, device);

                    // Stop training once max epochs is reached.
                    if (minibatchData.empty())

                    trainer.TrainMinibatch(new Dictionary <Variable, MinibatchData>()
                        { imageInput, minibatchData[imageStreamInfo] },
                        { labelsVar, minibatchData[labelStreamInfo] }
                    }, device);

                    TestHelper.PrintTrainingProgress(trainer, adamLearner, miniBatchCount++, outputFrequencyInMinibatches);

                // save the model
                var imageClassifier = Function.Combine(new List <Variable>()
                    trainingLoss, prediction, classifierOutput
                }, "ImageClassifier");

                Console.WriteLine("*****************Train Stop*****************");

                // validate the model
                float acc = ValidateModel(device, modelFile);

                TimeSpan ts2 = sw.Elapsed;

                Console.WriteLine("*****************Validate Stop*****************");
                string logstr = "Total time :" + ts2.TotalSeconds + "s. acc:" + acc;


                int i = 1;

                while (System.IO.File.Exists("../../../../log_" + i.ToString() + ".txt"))

                var file = System.IO.File.Create("../../../../log_" + i.ToString() + ".txt");

                byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(logstr);
                file.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
Esempio n. 20
        public void Run()
            var device = DeviceDescriptor.UseDefaultDevice();

            // 1. Generate Data
            int sampleSize        = 32;
            int nbDimensionsInput = 2; // 2 dimensions (age&tumorsize)
            int nbLabels          = 2; // l'output est un vecteur de probabilités qui doit sommer à 1. Si on ne met qu'une seule dimension de sortie, l'output sera toujours de 1.
            // on met donc deux dimension, une dimension 'vrai' et une dimension 'faux'. L'output sera du genre 0.25 vrai et 0.75 faux => total des poids = 1;
            // premier label = faux, second = vrai

            IEnumerable <DataPoint> data = GenerateData(sampleSize);

            //foreach (var pt in data)
            //    Debug.WriteLine($"{pt.Age};{pt.TumorSize};{(pt.HasCancer ? 1 : 0)}");

            Variable inputVariables = Variable.InputVariable(NDShape.CreateNDShape(new[] { nbDimensionsInput }), DataType.Double, "input");
            Variable expectedOutput = Variable.InputVariable(new int[] { nbLabels }, DataType.Double, "output");

            Parameter bias    = new Parameter(NDShape.CreateNDShape(new[] { nbLabels }), DataType.Double, 0);                    // une abscisse pour chaque dimension
            Parameter weights = new Parameter(NDShape.CreateNDShape(new[] { nbDimensionsInput, nbLabels }), DataType.Double, 0); // les coefficients à trouver
            // 2 variable d'input, 2 estimations en sortie (proba vrai et proba faux)

            Function predictionFunction = CNTKLib.Plus(CNTKLib.Times(weights, inputVariables), bias);

            Function lossFunction      = CNTKLib.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(predictionFunction, expectedOutput);
            Function evalErrorFunction = CNTKLib.ClassificationError(predictionFunction, expectedOutput);
            //Function logisticClassifier = CNTKLib.Sigmoid(evaluationFunction, "LogisticClassifier");
            uint minibatchSize = 25;
            //double learningRate = 0.5;
            //TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRatePerSample = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(learningRate, minibatchSize);

            TrainingParameterScheduleDouble learningRatePerSample = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.3, (uint)(data.Count() / 1.0));
            TrainingParameterScheduleDouble momentumSchedule      = new TrainingParameterScheduleDouble(0.9126265014311797, minibatchSize);

            var parameters = new ParameterVector();

            foreach (var p in predictionFunction.Parameters())

            List <Learner> parameterLearners = new List <Learner>()
                CNTKLib.FSAdaGradLearner(parameters, learningRatePerSample, momentumSchedule, true)

            Trainer trainer = Trainer.CreateTrainer(predictionFunction, lossFunction, evalErrorFunction, parameterLearners);

            double nbSamplesToUseForTraining = 20000;
            int    numMinibatchesToTrain     = (int)(nbSamplesToUseForTraining / (int)minibatchSize);

            // train the model
            for (int minibatchCount = 0; minibatchCount < numMinibatchesToTrain; minibatchCount++)
                IEnumerable <DataPoint> trainingData = GenerateData((int)minibatchSize);

                List <double> minibatchInput  = new List <double>();
                List <double> minibatchOutput = new List <double>();
                foreach (DataPoint row in trainingData)
                    minibatchOutput.Add(row.HasCancer ? 0d : 1d);
                    minibatchOutput.Add(row.HasCancer ? 1d : 0d);

                Value inputData  = Value.CreateBatch <double>(NDShape.CreateNDShape(new int[] { nbDimensionsInput }), minibatchInput, device);
                Value outputData = Value.CreateBatch <double>(NDShape.CreateNDShape(new int[] { nbLabels }), minibatchOutput, device);

                trainer.TrainMinibatch(new Dictionary <Variable, Value>()
                    { inputVariables, inputData }, { expectedOutput, outputData }
                }, device);

                PrintTrainingProgress(trainer, minibatchCount);

            // test
                int testSize = 100;
                IEnumerable <DataPoint> trainingData = GenerateData(testSize);

                List <double> minibatchInput  = new List <double>();
                List <double> minibatchOutput = new List <double>();
                foreach (DataPoint row in trainingData)
                    minibatchOutput.Add(row.HasCancer ? 0d : 1d);
                    minibatchOutput.Add(row.HasCancer ? 1d : 0d);

                Value inputData  = Value.CreateBatch <double>(NDShape.CreateNDShape(new int[] { nbDimensionsInput }), minibatchInput, device);
                Value outputData = Value.CreateBatch <double>(NDShape.CreateNDShape(new int[] { nbLabels }), minibatchOutput, device);

                IList <IList <double> > expectedOneHot = outputData.GetDenseData <double>(predictionFunction.Output);
                IList <int>             expectedLabels = expectedOneHot.Select(l => l.IndexOf(1.0d)).ToList();

                var outputDataMap = new Dictionary <Variable, Value>()
                    { predictionFunction.Output, null }
                    new Dictionary <Variable, Value>()
                    { inputVariables, inputData }

                Value outputValue = outputDataMap[predictionFunction.Output];

                IList <IList <double> > actualLabelSoftMax = outputValue.GetDenseData <double>(predictionFunction.Output);
                var actualLabels = actualLabelSoftMax.Select((IList <double> l) => l.IndexOf(l.Max())).ToList();
                int misMatches   = actualLabels.Zip(expectedLabels, (a, b) => a.Equals(b) ? 0 : 1).Sum();

                Debug.WriteLine($"Validating Model: Total Samples = {testSize}, Misclassify Count = {misMatches}");
Esempio n. 21
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(ParameterVector obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);