Esempio n. 1
 public Parameter(ParameterType parType, TokenTypes tokType, object column, object value)
     this.TokType = tokType;
     this.ParType = parType;
     this.Column = column.ToString();
     this.Value = value;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the object to an array of RestSharp parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The array of RestSharp parameters.</returns>
        public IEnumerable<Parameter> ToParameters(ParameterType type)
            List<Parameter> output = new List<Parameter>();

            //Inspiration for this code from
            foreach (PropertyInfo property in GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
                object value = property.GetValue(this, null);
                string propName = property.Name;

                if (value == null)

                if (property.CustomAttributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute)))
                    //Get the JsonPropertyAttribute for this property, which will give us its JSON name
                    JsonPropertyAttribute attribute = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute), false).Cast<JsonPropertyAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();

                    propName = attribute != null ? attribute.PropertyName : property.Name;

                var parameter = ToSingleParameter(propName, value, property, type);


            return output;
Esempio n. 3
 public override void DrawGUI(IntelligenceState parentState, Intelligence intelligence, CallbackCollection callbacks)
     UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label("Method name:");
     methodName = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextField(methodName);
     useTargetVar = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use other target", useTargetVar);
     if (useTargetVar)
         UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label("Target var name:");
         targetVarName = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextField(targetVarName);
     paramType = (ParameterType)UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Parameter:", paramType);
     if (paramType == ParameterType.VarValue)
         UnityEngine.GUILayout.Label("Var name:");
         paramTypeValue = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextField(paramTypeValue);
     if (paramType == ParameterType.String)
         paramTypeValue = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextField(paramTypeValue);
Esempio n. 4
 public PersistedParameterInfo(string name, ParameterType parameterType, bool nullable, string defaultValue)
     Name = name;
     ParameterType = parameterType;
     Nullable = nullable;
     DefaultValue = defaultValue;
Esempio n. 5
 public Parameter(ParameterInfo parameterInfo, object value, ParameterType parameterType)
     ParameterInfo = parameterInfo;
     ParameterValue = value;
     ParameterType = parameterType;
     Type = value.GetType();
Esempio n. 6
 public Parameter(string name, ParameterType type, string desc, int value = 0)
     Name = name;
     ParameterType = type;
     Description = desc;
     Value = value;
Esempio n. 7
		public ParameterSchema (ParameterSchema param)
			: base (param)
			this.dataType = param.dataType;
			this.paramType = param.paramType;
			this.position = param.position;
Esempio n. 8
 public Parameter(string name, ParameterType type, string minValue, string maxValue)
     this.nameField = name;
     this.typeField = type;
     this.minValueField = minValue;
     this.maxValueField = maxValue;
 public ProcedureParameter(string name, ParameterType type, object value, int size)
     Name = name;
     Type = type;
     Value = value;
     Size = size;
Esempio n. 10
        public JConnect(IDbConnection connection)
            this.connection = connection;
              commandTimeout = 30;
              Type type = connection.GetType();

              if (type == typeof(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection))
            typeOfParameter = ParameterType.QuestionMark;
            typeOfVendor = VendorType.Odbc;
              else if (type == typeof(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection))
            typeOfParameter = ParameterType.QuestionMark;
            typeOfVendor = VendorType.OleDb;
              else if (type == typeof(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection))
            typeOfParameter = ParameterType.AtSymbol;
            typeOfVendor = VendorType.SqlServer;
            GetReturningProc += new GetReturningHandler(SqlServerReturning);
            typeOfParameter = ParameterType.Colon;
            typeOfVendor = VendorType.Oracle;
            GetReturningProc += new GetReturningHandler(OracleReturning);
              GetTimeStampProc += new GetTimeStampHandler(DefaultGetTimeStampProc);
 public ProcedureParameter(string name, ParameterType type, ParameterDirection direction, object value)
     Name = name;
     Type = type;
     Direction = direction;
     Value = value;
 private static Anito.Data.ParameterType GetParameterType(ParameterType parameterType)
     switch (parameterType)
         case ParameterType.Binary:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.Binary;
         case ParameterType.Boolean:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.Boolean;
         case ParameterType.Byte:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.Byte;
         case ParameterType.Currency:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.Currency;
         case ParameterType.DateTime:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.DateTime;
         case ParameterType.Decimal:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.Decimal;
         case ParameterType.Double:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.Double;
         case ParameterType.Int16:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.Int16;
         case ParameterType.Int32:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.Int32;
         case ParameterType.Int64:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.Int64;
         case ParameterType.Single:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.Single;
         case ParameterType.String:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.String;
         case ParameterType.UId:
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.UId;
             return Anito.Data.ParameterType.String;
Esempio n. 13
        public ParameterControl(ArticleRecord article, ParameterType type, int batchNumber)
            : this()
            Article = article;
            _parameterType = type;
            BatchNumber = batchNumber;
            NewMeasurementsDataGrid.ItemsSource = _batch;

            _inputDevice.DataReceived += inputDevice_DataReceived;
            _inputDevice.ErrorReceived += inputDevice_ErrorReceived;

            _bwloader.DoWork += bwloader_DoWork;
            _bwloader.RunWorkerCompleted += bwloader_RunWorkerCompleted;

            //MeasuringValueBG1.Minimum = MeasuringValueBG2.Minimum = _nominalValue;
            //MeasuringValueBG2.Maximum = _maxValue + 3;
            //_difference = _nominalValue - _minValue;
            //MeasuringValueBG1.Maximum = _nominalValue + _difference +3;
            MeasuringValueBG1.Minimum = MeasuringValueBG2.Minimum = _nominalValue;
            MeasuringValueBG2.Maximum = 14;
            _difference = _nominalValue - _minValue;
            MeasuringValueBG1.Maximum = 14;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns shared or built-in parameter of the specified name. parameter.IsShared property identifies the type.
        /// If it does not exist it is created in the shared parameters file with specified name in the specified group. That must be defined in advance
        /// using SetDefinitionFile() function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramType">Type of the parameter (simplified to base data types)</param>
        /// <param name="groupName">Name of the group of the shared parameters</param>
        /// <param name="parameterName">Name of the parameter</param>
        /// <param name="group">Revit built in parameter group where the parameter is to be created if it doesn't exist</param>
        /// <returns>Existing or new parameter</returns>
        public static Parameter GetParameter(this Element element, ParameterType paramType, string parameterName, BuiltInParameterGroup group)
            Parameter parameter = element.get_Parameter(parameterName);
            if (parameter != null)
                //check type and throw error if the type is different
                if (parameter.Definition.ParameterType == paramType)
                    return parameter; //returns existing parameter (it could be any type of parameter not only shared parameter)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Parameter type mismatch for pID '{0}': existing type: {1}, desired type {2}.", parameterName, parameter.Definition.ParameterType, paramType));

            // Create a category set and insert category of wall to it
            CategorySet myCategories = element.Document.Application.Create.NewCategorySet();
            // Use BuiltInCategory to get category of wall
            Category myCategory = element.Category;


            bool success = SetNewSharedParameter(element, paramType, myCategories, parameterName, group);

            if (!success)
                Debug.WriteLine("Parameter creation not successfull.\nParameter name: " + parameterName + "\n Existing parameters:");
                foreach (Parameter par in element.Parameters)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Parameter name: " + par.Definition.Name + ", group: " + Enum.GetName(typeof(BuiltInParameterGroup), par.Definition.ParameterGroup));
                throw new Exception("Parameter creation failed.");

            parameter = element.get_Parameter(parameterName);
            return parameter;
        internal WrongParameterTypeException(string parameterName, ParameterType oldParameterType, ParameterType newParameterType)
            mParameterName = parameterName;

            mOldParameterType = oldParameterType;
            mNewParameterType = newParameterType;
 public ParameterDefinition(string name, ParameterType type, int min, int max)
 { = name;
     this.type = type;
     this.min = min;
     this.max = max;
 public InvocationParameterInfo(string name, int index, Type type, ParameterType parameterType)
     Name = name;
     Index = index;
     Type = type;
     ParameterType = parameterType;
 public ParameterDefinition(string name, Function defaultValue, int min, int max)
 { = name;
     this.type = defaultValue.OutputParameter.type;
     this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
     this.min = min;
     this.max = max;
Esempio n. 19
 public Parameter(string id, Object val, List<Object> possibleVal, Object defVal, ParameterType typ)
     this.ID = id;
     this.value = val;
     this.possibleValues = possibleVal;
     this.defaultValue = defVal;
     this.paramType = typ;
Esempio n. 20
 public SignatureParameter(
     string name,
     ParameterType type)
     : this()
     this.Name = name;
     this.Type = type;
Esempio n. 21
        public SerialCommand(string name, ParameterType type)

            this.nameField = name;
            this.parameterTypeField = type;
Esempio n. 22
			public Binding(PhpReference/*!*/ variable, IDataParameter/*!*/ parameter, ParameterType type)
				Debug.Assert(variable != null && parameter != null && type != ParameterType.Invalid);

				this.Variable = variable;
				this.Parameter = parameter;
				this.Type = type;
Esempio n. 23
 public SignatureParameter(
     string name,
     string holder,
     ParameterType type)
     : this(name, type)
     this.Holder = holder;
Esempio n. 24
 public InterceptedParameter(string name, int index, Type type, object value, ParameterType parametertype)
     Name = name;
     Index = index;
     Type = type;
     Value = value;
     ParameterType = parametertype;
        public static IntegerParameter Create(ParameterType.Integer name, bool isRequired)
            IntegerParameterDefinition definition = IntegerMap[name];
            string nameString = Enum.GetName(typeof (ParameterType.Integer), name);
            string nameStringNotNull = Assertions.InternalValueIsNotNull(() => nameString, () => nameString);

            return new IntegerParameter(nameStringNotNull, definition.Id, definition.MinValue, definition.MaxValue,
Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CommandLineOption"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shortName"> Single character name of this parameter. Optional. </param>
 /// <param name="longName"> The long name of this parameter. Optional. </param>
 /// <param name="description"> Description of this parameter, to be used in the Usings function. </param>
 /// <param name="parameterType"> Type of parameter </param>
 /// <param name="setFunction"> Function to call when this parameter is found. Function parameter is found value </param>
 public CommandLineOption(char shortName, string longName, string description, ParameterType parameterType, SetOptionDelegate setFunction)
     this.ShortName = shortName;
     this.LongName = longName;
     this.Description = description;
     this.ParameterType = parameterType;
     this.SetFunction = setFunction;
     this.IsOptional = true;
Esempio n. 27
        public override bool Equals(ParameterType other)
            var otherSimple = other as SimpleParameterType;

            if (otherSimple == null)
                return false;

            return this.Name == otherSimple.Name;
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CommandLineOption"/> class.
 /// This constructor is used to create an unnamed parameter
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="description"> Description of this parameter, to be used in the Usings function. </param>
 /// <param name="parameterType"> Type of parameter </param>
 /// <param name="setFunction"> Function to call when this parameter is found. Function parameter is found value </param>
 /// <param name="optional"> If false an exception will be thrown if this parameter can not be found. </param>
 public CommandLineOption(string description, ParameterType parameterType, SetOptionDelegate setFunction, bool optional = false)
     this.ShortName = '\0';
     this.LongName = null;
     this.Description = description;
     this.ParameterType = parameterType;
     this.SetFunction = setFunction;
     this.IsOptional = optional;
Esempio n. 29
        public override bool Equals(ParameterType other)
            var otherEnum = other as EnumParameterType;

            if (otherEnum == null)
                return false;

            return this.Values.SequenceEqual(otherEnum.Values);
Esempio n. 30
 public static Parameter BuildParameter(string Name, object Value, ParameterType Type)
     return new Parameter
         Name = Name,
         Value = Value,
         Type = Type
Esempio n. 31
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hashCode = ControllerName.ToUpperInvariant().GetHashCode() ^ ActionName.ToUpperInvariant().GetHashCode();

            if (MediaType != null)
                hashCode ^= MediaType.GetHashCode();
            if (SampleDirection != null)
                hashCode ^= SampleDirection.GetHashCode();
            if (ParameterType != null)
                hashCode ^= ParameterType.GetHashCode();
            foreach (string parameterName in ParameterNames)
                hashCode ^= parameterName.ToUpperInvariant().GetHashCode();

Esempio n. 32
        public CommandBuilder Parameter(string name, ParameterType type = ParameterType.Required)
            if (_areParamsClosed)
                throw new Exception($"No parameters may be added after a {nameof(ParameterType.Multiple)} or {nameof(ParameterType.Unparsed)} parameter.");
            if (!_allowRequiredParams && type == ParameterType.Required)
                throw new Exception($"{nameof(ParameterType.Required)} parameters may not be added after an optional one");

            _params.Add(new CommandParameter(name, type));

            if (type == ParameterType.Optional)
                _allowRequiredParams = false;
            if (type == ParameterType.Multiple || type == ParameterType.Unparsed)
                _areParamsClosed = true;
Esempio n. 33
        private Parameter AddParameter(
            ElementDefinition elementDefinition,
            ParameterType parameterType,
            DomainOfExpertise owner,
            string value)
            var parameter = new Parameter(Guid.NewGuid(), this.cache, null)
                ParameterType = parameterType,
                Owner         = owner,
                Scale         = this.scale

            var valueSet = new ParameterValueSet(Guid.NewGuid(), this.cache, null)
                Published = new ValueArray <string>(new List <string> {
                Manual = new ValueArray <string>(new List <string> {
                Computed = new ValueArray <string>(new List <string> {
                Formula = new ValueArray <string>(new List <string> {
                ValueSwitch = ParameterSwitchKind.MANUAL



Esempio n. 34
        public void Init()
            var requestAttribute = ParameterType.CustomAttribute <HttpRequestAttribute>(true);

            if (null != requestAttribute)
                UrlPattern = requestAttribute.Api;
                Method     = requestAttribute.Method;
                Host       = requestAttribute.Host;
                ParameterType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).ToList().ForEach(propertyInfo =>
                    var propertyName = propertyInfo.Name;
                    var getter       = ResolveGetter(propertyInfo);
                    Getters.AddOrUpdate(propertyName, getter, (k, v) => getter);
                    var attribute = propertyInfo.CustomAttribute <HttpComponentAttribute>(true);
                    if (null == attribute)
                    var component = new HttpComponentInfo(propertyName, attribute, NamingRule);
                    Components.AddOrUpdate(propertyName, component, (p, a) => component);
Esempio n. 35
 public Parameter(string name, object value, string contentType, ParameterType type) : this(name, value, type) => ContentType = contentType;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
 ///	- GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
 ///	- HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
 ///	- UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
 ///	- RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="restClient">The IRestClient instance</param>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the parameter</param>
 /// <param name="value">Value of the parameter</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of parameter to add</param>
 /// <returns>This request</returns>
 public static void AddDefaultParameter(this IRestClient restClient, string name, object value, ParameterType type)
     restClient.AddDefaultParameter(new Parameter {
         Name = name, Value = value, Type = type
Esempio n. 37
 public FormatTagParameterTypeInfo(ParameterType type, bool canBeQuantifier)
     Type            = type;
     CanBeQuantifier = canBeQuantifier;
Esempio n. 38
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
 ///	- GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
 ///	- HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
 ///	- UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
 ///	- RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the parameter</param>
 /// <param name="value">Value of the parameter</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of parameter to add</param>
 /// <returns>This request</returns>
 public IRestRequest AddParameter(string name, object value, ParameterType type)
     return(AddParameter(new Parameter {
         Name = name, Value = value, Type = type
Esempio n. 39
 public Parameter(ParameterType type, String value)
     mParameterType = type;
     mValue         = value;
Esempio n. 40
        private void ShowVarGUI(List <GVar> vars, List <ActionParameter> parameters, ParameterType parameterType)
            // Create a string List of the field's names (for the PopUp box)
            List <string> labelList = new List <string>();

            int i = 0;

            if (parameterID == -1)
                variableNumber = -1;

            if (vars.Count > 0)
                foreach (GVar _var in vars)

                    // If a GlobalVar variable has been removed, make sure selected variable is still valid
                    if ( == variableID)
                        variableNumber = i;


                if (variableNumber == -1 && (parameters == null || parameters.Count == 0 || parameterID == -1))
                    // Wasn't found (variable was deleted?), so revert to zero
                    Debug.LogWarning("Previously chosen variable no longer exists!");
                    variableNumber = 0;
                    variableID     = 0;

                parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("Variable:", parameters, parameterID, parameterType);
                if (parameterID >= 0)
                    //variableNumber = 0;
                    variableNumber = Mathf.Min(variableNumber, vars.Count - 1);
                    variableID     = -1;
                    variableNumber = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Variable:", variableNumber, labelList.ToArray());
                    variableID     = vars [variableNumber].id;

                string label = "Statement: ";

                if (vars [variableNumber].type == VariableType.Boolean)
                    setVarMethodIntBool = (SetVarMethodIntBool)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("New value is:", setVarMethodIntBool);

                    label += "=";
                    if (setVarMethodIntBool == SetVarMethodIntBool.EnteredHere)
                        setParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI(label, parameters, setParameterID, ParameterType.Boolean);
                        if (setParameterID < 0)
                            boolValue = (BoolValue)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(label, boolValue);
                    else if (setVarMethodIntBool == SetVarMethodIntBool.SetAsMecanimParameter)
                if (vars [variableNumber].type == VariableType.PopUp)
                    label   += "=";
                    intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup(label, intValue, vars[variableNumber].popUps);
                else if (vars [variableNumber].type == VariableType.Integer)
                    setVarMethodIntBool = (SetVarMethodIntBool)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("New value is:", setVarMethodIntBool);

                    if (setVarMethodIntBool == SetVarMethodIntBool.EnteredHere)
                        setVarMethod = (SetVarMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Method:", setVarMethod);

                        if (setVarMethod == SetVarMethod.Formula)
                            label += "=";

                            setParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI(label, parameters, setParameterID, ParameterType.String);
                            if (setParameterID < 0)
                                formula = EditorGUILayout.TextField(label, formula);

                                                        #if UNITY_WP8
                            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This feature is not available for Windows Phone 8.", MessageType.Warning);
                            if (setVarMethod == SetVarMethod.IncreaseByValue)
                                label += "+=";
                            else if (setVarMethod == SetVarMethod.SetValue)
                                label += "=";
                            else if (setVarMethod == SetVarMethod.SetAsRandom)
                                label += ("= 0 to");

                            setParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI(label, parameters, setParameterID, ParameterType.Integer);
                            if (setParameterID < 0)
                                intValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField(label, intValue);

                                if (setVarMethod == SetVarMethod.SetAsRandom && intValue < 0)
                                    intValue = 0;
                    else if (setVarMethodIntBool == SetVarMethodIntBool.SetAsMecanimParameter)
                else if (vars [variableNumber].type == VariableType.Float)
                    setVarMethodIntBool = (SetVarMethodIntBool)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("New value is:", setVarMethodIntBool);

                    if (setVarMethodIntBool == SetVarMethodIntBool.EnteredHere)
                        setVarMethod = (SetVarMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Method:", setVarMethod);

                        if (setVarMethod == SetVarMethod.Formula)
                            label += "=";

                            setParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI(label, parameters, setParameterID, ParameterType.String);
                            if (setParameterID < 0)
                                formula = EditorGUILayout.TextField(label, formula);

                                                        #if UNITY_WP8
                            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This feature is not available for Windows Phone 8.", MessageType.Warning);
                            if (setVarMethod == SetVarMethod.IncreaseByValue)
                                label += "+=";
                            else if (setVarMethod == SetVarMethod.SetValue)
                                label += "=";
                            else if (setVarMethod == SetVarMethod.SetAsRandom)
                                label += "= 0 to";

                            setParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI(label, parameters, setParameterID, ParameterType.Float);
                            if (setParameterID < 0)
                                floatValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(label, floatValue);

                                if (setVarMethod == SetVarMethod.SetAsRandom && floatValue < 0f)
                                    floatValue = 0f;
                    else if (setVarMethodIntBool == SetVarMethodIntBool.SetAsMecanimParameter)
                else if (vars [variableNumber].type == VariableType.String)
                    setVarMethodString = (SetVarMethodString)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("New value is:", setVarMethodString);

                    label += "=";
                    if (setVarMethodString == SetVarMethodString.EnteredHere)
                        setParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI(label, parameters, setParameterID, ParameterType.String);
                        if (setParameterID < 0)
                            stringValue = EditorGUILayout.TextField(label, stringValue);
                    else if (setVarMethodString == SetVarMethodString.SetAsMenuElementText)
                        menuName    = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Menu name:", menuName);
                        elementName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Element name:", elementName);

                        slotNumberParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("Slot # (optional):", parameters, slotNumberParameterID, ParameterType.Integer);
                        if (slotNumberParameterID < 0)
                            slotNumber = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Slot # (optional):", slotNumber);

                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No variables exist!", MessageType.Info);
                variableID     = -1;
                variableNumber = -1;
 public Command(string name, Action <State> action)
     Name      = name;
     Action    = (state, param) => action(state);
     Parameter = ParameterType.None;
Esempio n. 42
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a default parameter to the request. There are four types of parameters:
 ///    - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method
 ///    - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection
 ///    - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId}
 ///    - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly)
 /// Used on every request made by this client instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="restClient">The IRestClient instance</param>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the parameter</param>
 /// <param name="value">Value of the parameter</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of parameter to add</param>
 /// <returns>This request</returns>
 public static IRestClient AddDefaultParameter(this IRestClient restClient, string name, object value,
                                               ParameterType type)
 => restClient.AddDefaultParameter(new Parameter(name, value, type));
Esempio n. 43
        private static (string err, List <ParamInfo> @params) CheckMethodAssign(MethodInfo minfo, Nancy.Rest.Annotations.Atributes.Rest attribute)
            List <ParamInfo> parms      = new List <ParamInfo>();
            MatchCollection  collection = rpath.Matches(attribute.Route);

            foreach (Match m in collection)
                if (m.Success)
                    string value      = m.Groups[1].Value;
                    bool   optional   = false;
                    string constraint = null;
                    int    idx        = value.LastIndexOf("?", StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
                    if (idx > 0)
                        value    = value.Substring(0, idx);
                        optional = true;
                    idx = value.LastIndexOf(':');
                    if (idx >= 0)
                        constraint = value.Substring(idx + 1);
                        value      = value.Substring(0, idx);
                        idx        = constraint.LastIndexOf("(", StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
                        if (idx > 0)
                            constraint = constraint.Substring(0, idx);
                    ParamInfo info = new ParamInfo();
                    info.Name     = value;
                    info.Optional = optional;
                    if (constraint != null)
                        ParameterType ptype = ParameterType.InstanceTypes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == constraint);
                        if (ptype == null)
                            return("Method with Name: '" + minfo.Name + "' and Route: '" + attribute.Route + "' has an unknown constraint '" + constraint + "'", null);
                        info.Constraint = ptype;
            List <ParameterInfo> infos = minfo.GetParameters().ToList();

            foreach (ParamInfo p in parms)
                ParameterInfo pinf = infos.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == p.Name);
                if (pinf == null)
                    return("Method with Name: '" + minfo.Name + "' and Route: '" + attribute.Route + "' has an unknown variable in the route path '" + p.Name + "'", null);
                if (p.Optional && !pinf.ParameterType.IsNullable())
                    return("Method with Name: '" + minfo.Name + "' and Route: '" + attribute.Route + "' with variable '" + p.Name + "' is marked in the route path as nullable, but the method variable is not", null);
                if (p.Constraint != null && !p.Constraint.Types.Contains(pinf.ParameterType))
                    return("Method with Name: '" + minfo.Name + "' and Route: '" + attribute.Route + "' with variable '" + p.Name + "' is constrained to type " + p.Constraint.BaseType + " but the method variable is not of the same type", null);
                if (!pinf.ParameterType.IsRouteable())
                    return("Method with Name: '" + minfo.Name + "' and Route: '" + attribute.Route + "' the variable '" + p.Name + "' is not a value type and is the route path", null);
            if (infos.Count > 0 && attribute.Verb == Verbs.Get)
                return("Method with Name: '" + minfo.Name + "' and Route: '" + attribute.Route + "' has post variables in a GET operation", null);
            if (infos.Count > 1)
                return("Method with Name: '" + minfo.Name + "' and Route: '" + attribute.Route + "' has more than one Body object", null);
            return(null, parms);
Esempio n. 44
 public CommandParameter(string name, ParameterType type)
     Name = name;
     Type = type;
Esempio n. 45
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:GenericDbParameter" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the parameter.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the parameter.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value of the parameter.</param>
 public Parameter(ParameterType type, string name, object value)
     this.type  = type;  = name;
     this.value = value;
Esempio n. 46
 public NotSupportedParameterException(ParameterType parameterType, string language)
     : base(parameterType.GetDisplayName() + " not supported in " + language)
Esempio n. 47
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries the get the ParameterType value for the given UnitType value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unitType">The unit type.</param>
 /// <param name="parameterType">The resulting ParameterType value.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool TryGetParameterType(this UnitType unitType, out ParameterType parameterType)
     return(parameterTypes.TryGetValue(unitType, out parameterType));
Esempio n. 48
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a <see cref="ParameterTypeRowViewModel"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameterType">
 /// The associated <see cref="ParameterType"/> for which the row is to be added.
 /// </param>
 private void AddParameterTypeRowViewModel(ParameterType parameterType)
     var row = new ParameterTypeRowViewModel(parameterType, this.Session, this);
Esempio n. 49
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CustomParameter"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the parameter</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value of the parameter. The caller is responsible for ensuring the value and type contains the correct capitalization and is formatted corectly when converted <see cref="ToString"/>.</param>
 public CustomParameter(string name, object value)
     Name          = name;
     Value         = value;
     ParameterType = ParameterType.SingleValue;
Esempio n. 50
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public bool Remove(ParameterType type, string name)
            var key = new ParameterKey(type, name);

Esempio n. 51
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CustomParameter"/> class with a specified parameter type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the parameter</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value of the parameter. The caller is responsible for ensuring the value and type contains the correct capitalization and is formatted corectly when converted <see cref="ToString"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="parameterType">How the <paramref name="value"/> should be formatted if it contains a string.</param>
 public CustomParameter(string name, object value, ParameterType parameterType)
     Name          = name;
     Value         = value;
     ParameterType = parameterType;
        public Document settingParamenters(string eleName, string eleXPath, string elefName, Document Revit_Doc)
            FilteredElementCollector allElements  = new FilteredElementCollector(Revit_Doc);
            ElementClassFilter       familyFilter = new ElementClassFilter(typeof(Family));

            allElements = allElements.WherePasses(familyFilter);
            var filterFamilyList = from f in allElements
                                   where f.Name.ToString() == elefName
                                   select f as Family;

            //allElements = new FilteredElementCollector(Revit_Doc);
            //ElementClassFilter familySymbolFilter = new ElementClassFilter(typeof(FamilySymbol));
            //allElements = allElements.WherePasses(familySymbolFilter);
            //var filterList = from f in allElements
            //                 where f.Name.ToString() == eleName && (f as FamilySymbol).Family.ToString() == elefName
            //                 select (f as FamilySymbol).Family ;
            //Family filtedFamily = filterList.ToList<Family>().FirstOrDefault();
            ////if (filterList != null)
            ////{ MessageBox.Show(filterList.ToList<Family>()[0].ToString()); }

            Family filtedFamily = filterFamilyList.ToList <Family>().FirstOrDefault();;

            //if (filtedFamily == null)
            //{ MessageBox.Show("filtedFamily is null!!"); }
            Document familyDoc = Revit_Doc.EditFamily(filtedFamily);

            if (null != familyDoc && familyDoc.IsFamilyDocument == true)
                DataTable xdte = new DataTable();
                ExcelHelper ExcelHelper = new ExcelHelper();
                DataTable   xdt         = ExcelHelper.Reading_Excel_Information(eleXPath);
                FamilyParameterSet rfadocParas         = familyDoc.FamilyManager.Parameters;
                List <string>      rfadocParasListName = new List <string>();
                foreach (FamilyParameter rfadocPara in rfadocParas)

                FamilyManager familyMgr = familyDoc.FamilyManager;

                if (clearsymbol == true)
                    //清空族内所有类型 仅保留默认族类型
                    int typesizes = familyMgr.Types.Size;
                    if (familyMgr.Types.Size > 1 && familyMgr.Types.Size != 0)
                        for (int typenumber = 0; typenumber < typesizes - 1; typenumber++)
                            if (familyMgr.CurrentType != null)
                                Transaction DeleteType = new Transaction(familyDoc, "DeleteType");

                if (clearpara == true)
                    foreach (FamilyParameter fp in familyMgr.Parameters)
                        if (fp.Definition.ParameterGroup == BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ELECTRICAL)
                            Transaction RemoveParameter = new Transaction(familyDoc, "RemoveParameter");

                Transaction addParameter = new Transaction(familyDoc, "AddParameters");

                string paraname = null;
                BuiltInParameterGroup paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ELECTRICAL;;
                ParameterType         paraType  = ParameterType.Text;;
                bool isInstance = false;

                string        paravalue         = null;
                List <string> distinctparanames = new List <string>();

                //判断xls表中与原有rfa文件内重复的条目  放入distinctparanames列表
                for (int i = 0; i < xdt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    foreach (FamilyParameter fp in familyMgr.Parameters)
                        if (fp.Definition.Name == xdt.Rows[i]["paraname"].ToString())
                for (int i = 0; i < xdt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    //获取表中条目名称判断是否重复 重复则继续下一次循环
                    paraname = xdt.Rows[i]["paraname"].ToString();

                    foreach (string disstr in distinctparanames)
                        if (disstr == paraname)

                    if (xdt.Rows[i]["paragroup"] == null)
                        paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ELECTRICAL;
                        #region  参数分组对照  用于RevitAPI2016A
                        switch (xdt.Rows[i]["paragroup"].ToString())
                        case "PG_RELEASES_MEMBER_FORCES": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_RELEASES_MEMBER_FORCES; break;

                        case "PG_SECONDARY_END": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_SECONDARY_END; break;

                        case "PG_PRIMARY_END": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_PRIMARY_END; break;

                        case "PG_MOMENTS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_MOMENTS; break;

                        case "PG_FORCES": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_FORCES; break;

                        case "PG_FABRICATION_PRODUCT_DATA": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GEOMETRY_POSITIONING; break;

                        case "PG_REFERENCE": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_REFERENCE; break;

                        case "PG_GEOMETRY_POSITIONING": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GEOMETRY_POSITIONING; break;

                        case "PG_DIVISION_GEOMETRY": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_DIVISION_GEOMETRY; break;

                        case "PG_SEGMENTS_FITTINGS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_SEGMENTS_FITTINGS; break;

                        case "PG_CONTINUOUSRAIL_END_TOP_EXTENSION": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CONTINUOUSRAIL_END_TOP_EXTENSION; break;

                        case "PG_CONTINUOUSRAIL_BEGIN_BOTTOM_EXTENSION": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CONTINUOUSRAIL_BEGIN_BOTTOM_EXTENSION; break;

                        case "PG_STAIRS_WINDERS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_STAIRS_WINDERS; break;

                        case "PG_STAIRS_SUPPORTS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_STAIRS_SUPPORTS; break;

                        case "PG_STAIRS_OPEN_END_CONNECTION": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_STAIRS_OPEN_END_CONNECTION; break;


                        case "PG_TERMINTATION": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_TERMINTATION; break;

                        case "PG_STAIRS_TREADS_RISERS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_STAIRS_TREADS_RISERS; break;

                        case "PG_STAIRS_CALCULATOR_RULES": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_STAIRS_CALCULATOR_RULES; break;

                        case "PG_SPLIT_PROFILE_DIMENSIONS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_SPLIT_PROFILE_DIMENSIONS; break;

                        case "PG_LENGTH": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_LENGTH; break;

                        case "PG_NODES": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_NODES; break;

                        case "PG_ANALYTICAL_PROPERTIES": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ANALYTICAL_PROPERTIES; break;

                        case "PG_ANALYTICAL_ALIGNMENT": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ANALYTICAL_ALIGNMENT; break;

                        case "PG_SYSTEMTYPE_RISEDROP": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_SYSTEMTYPE_RISEDROP; break;

                        case "PG_LINING": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_LINING; break;

                        case "PG_INSULATION": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_INSULATION; break;

                        case "PG_OVERALL_LEGEND": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_OVERALL_LEGEND; break;

                        case "PG_VISIBILITY": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_VISIBILITY; break;

                        case "PG_SUPPORT": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_SUPPORT; break;

                        case "PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_SEGMENT_V_GRID": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_SEGMENT_V_GRID; break;

                        case "PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_SEGMENT_U_GRID": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_SEGMENT_U_GRID; break;

                        case "PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_SEGMENT_POSTS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_SEGMENT_POSTS; break;

                        case "PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_SEGMENT_PATTERN_REMAINDER": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_SEGMENT_PATTERN_REMAINDER; break;

                        case "PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_SEGMENT_PATTERN_REPEAT": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_SEGMENT_PATTERN_REPEAT; break;

                        case "PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_SEGMENT_PATTERN": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_SEGMENT_PATTERN; break;

                        case "PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_HANDRAILS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_HANDRAILS; break;

                        case "PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_TOP_RAIL": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_RAILING_SYSTEM_FAMILY_TOP_RAIL; break;

                        case "PG_CONCEPTUAL_ENERGY_DATA_BUILDING_SERVICES": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CONCEPTUAL_ENERGY_DATA_BUILDING_SERVICES; break;

                        case "PG_DATA": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_DATA; break;

                        case "PG_ELECTRICAL_CIRCUITING": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ELECTRICAL_CIRCUITING; break;

                        case "PG_GENERAL": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GENERAL; break;

                        case "PG_FLEXIBLE": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_FLEXIBLE; break;

                        case "PG_ENERGY_ANALYSIS_CONCEPTUAL_MODEL": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ENERGY_ANALYSIS_CONCEPTUAL_MODEL; break;

                        case "PG_ENERGY_ANALYSIS_DETAILED_MODEL": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ENERGY_ANALYSIS_DETAILED_MODEL; break;


                        case "PG_FITTING": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_FITTING; break;

                        case "PG_CONCEPTUAL_ENERGY_DATA": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CONCEPTUAL_ENERGY_DATA; break;

                        case "PG_AREA": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_AREA; break;

                        case "PG_ADSK_MODEL_PROPERTIES": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ADSK_MODEL_PROPERTIES; break;

                        case "PG_CURTAIN_GRID_V": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CURTAIN_GRID_V; break;

                        case "PG_CURTAIN_GRID_U": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CURTAIN_GRID_U; break;

                        case "PG_DISPLAY": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_DISPLAY; break;

                        case "PG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ANALYSIS_RESULTS; break;

                        case "PG_SLAB_SHAPE_EDIT": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_SLAB_SHAPE_EDIT; break;

                        case "PG_LIGHT_PHOTOMETRICS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_LIGHT_PHOTOMETRICS; break;

                        case "PG_PATTERN_APPLICATION": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_PATTERN_APPLICATION; break;

                        case "PG_GREEN_BUILDING": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GREEN_BUILDING; break;

                        case "PG_PROFILE_2": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_PROFILE_2; break;

                        case "PG_PROFILE_1": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_PROFILE_1; break;

                        case "PG_PROFILE": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_PROFILE; break;

                        case "PG_TRUSS_FAMILY_BOTTOM_CHORD": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_TRUSS_FAMILY_BOTTOM_CHORD; break;

                        case "PG_TRUSS_FAMILY_TOP_CHORD": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_TRUSS_FAMILY_TOP_CHORD; break;

                        case "PG_TRUSS_FAMILY_DIAG_WEB": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_TRUSS_FAMILY_DIAG_WEB; break;

                        case "PG_TRUSS_FAMILY_VERT_WEB": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_TRUSS_FAMILY_VERT_WEB; break;

                        case "PG_TITLE": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_TITLE; break;

                        case "PG_FIRE_PROTECTION": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_FIRE_PROTECTION; break;

                        case "PG_ROTATION_ABOUT": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ROTATION_ABOUT; break;

                        case "PG_TRANSLATION_IN": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_TRANSLATION_IN; break;

                        case "PG_ANALYTICAL_MODEL": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ANALYTICAL_MODEL; break;

                        case "PG_REBAR_ARRAY": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_REBAR_ARRAY; break;

                        case "PG_REBAR_SYSTEM_LAYERS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_REBAR_SYSTEM_LAYERS; break;

                        case "PG_CURTAIN_GRID": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CURTAIN_GRID; break;

                        case "PG_CURTAIN_MULLION_2": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CURTAIN_MULLION_2; break;

                        case "PG_CURTAIN_MULLION_HORIZ": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CURTAIN_MULLION_HORIZ; break;

                        case "PG_CURTAIN_MULLION_1": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CURTAIN_MULLION_1; break;

                        case "PG_CURTAIN_MULLION_VERT": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CURTAIN_MULLION_VERT; break;

                        case "PG_CURTAIN_GRID_2": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CURTAIN_GRID_2; break;

                        case "PG_CURTAIN_GRID_HORIZ": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CURTAIN_GRID_HORIZ; break;

                        case "PG_CURTAIN_GRID_1": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CURTAIN_GRID_1; break;

                        case "PG_CURTAIN_GRID_VERT": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CURTAIN_GRID_VERT; break;

                        case "PG_IFC": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_IFC; break;

                        case "PG_AELECTRICAL": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_AELECTRICAL; break;

                        case "PG_ENERGY_ANALYSIS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ENERGY_ANALYSIS; break;

                        case "PG_STRUCTURAL_ANALYSIS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_STRUCTURAL_ANALYSIS; break;

                        case "PG_MECHANICAL_AIRFLOW": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_MECHANICAL_AIRFLOW; break;

                        case "PG_MECHANICAL_LOADS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_MECHANICAL_LOADS; break;

                        case "PG_ELECTRICAL_LOADS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ELECTRICAL_LOADS; break;

                        case "PG_ELECTRICAL_LIGHTING": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ELECTRICAL_LIGHTING; break;

                        case "PG_TEXT": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_TEXT; break;

                        case "PG_VIEW_CAMERA": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_VIEW_CAMERA; break;

                        case "PG_VIEW_EXTENTS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_VIEW_EXTENTS; break;

                        case "PG_PATTERN": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_PATTERN; break;

                        case "PG_CONSTRAINTS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CONSTRAINTS; break;

                        case "PG_PHASING": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_PHASING; break;

                        case "PG_MECHANICAL": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_MECHANICAL; break;

                        case "PG_STRUCTURAL": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_STRUCTURAL; break;

                        case "PG_PLUMBING": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_PLUMBING; break;

                        case "PG_ELECTRICAL": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_ELECTRICAL; break;

                        case "PG_STAIR_STRINGERS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_STAIR_STRINGERS; break;

                        case "PG_STAIR_RISERS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_STAIR_RISERS; break;

                        case "PG_STAIR_TREADS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_STAIR_TREADS; break;

                        case "PG_MATERIALS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_MATERIALS; break;

                        case "PG_GRAPHICS": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GRAPHICS; break;

                        case "PG_CONSTRUCTION": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_CONSTRUCTION; break;

                        case "PG_GEOMETRY": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_GEOMETRY; break;

                        case "PG_IDENTITY_DATA": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.PG_IDENTITY_DATA; break;

                        case "INVALID": paragroup = BuiltInParameterGroup.INVALID; break;
                    if (xdt.Rows[i]["paratype"] == null)
                        paraType = ParameterType.Text;
                        #region 参数类型对照 用于RevitAPI2016
                        switch (xdt.Rows[i]["paratype"].ToString())
                        case "Text": paraType = ParameterType.Text; break;

                            //case "Invalid": paraType = ParameterType.Invalid; break;
                            //case "Integer": paraType = ParameterType.Integer; break;

                            //case "Number": paraType = ParameterType.Number; break;
                            //case "Length": paraType = ParameterType.Length; break;
                            //case "Volume": paraType = ParameterType.Volume; break;
                            //case "Area": paraType = ParameterType.Area; break;
                            //case "Angle": paraType = ParameterType.Angle; break;
                            //case "URL": paraType = ParameterType.URL; break;
                            //case "Material": paraType = ParameterType.Material; break;
                            //case "YesNo": paraType = ParameterType.YesNo; break;
                            //case "Force": paraType = ParameterType.Force; break;
                            //case "NumberOfPoles": paraType = ParameterType.NumberOfPoles; break;
                            //case "AreaForce": paraType = ParameterType.AreaForce; break;
                            //case "Moment": paraType = ParameterType.Moment; break;
                            //case "FixtureUnit": paraType = ParameterType.FixtureUnit; break;
                            //case "FamilyType": paraType = ParameterType.FamilyType; break;
                            //case "LoadClassification": paraType = ParameterType.LoadClassification; break;
                            //case "Image": paraType = ParameterType.Image; break;
                            //case "HVACDensity": paraType = ParameterType.HVACDensity; break;
                            //case "HVACEnergy": paraType = ParameterType.HVACEnergy; break;
                            //case "HVACFriction": paraType = ParameterType.HVACFriction; break;
                            //case "HVACPower": paraType = ParameterType.HVACPower; break;
                            //case "HVACPowerDensity": paraType = ParameterType.HVACPowerDensity; break;
                            //case "HVACPressure": paraType = ParameterType.HVACPressure; break;
                            //case "HVACTemperature": paraType = ParameterType.HVACTemperature; break;
                            //case "HVACVelocity": paraType = ParameterType.HVACVelocity; break;
                            //case "HVACAirflow": paraType = ParameterType.HVACAirflow; break;
                            //case "HVACDuctSize": paraType = ParameterType.HVACDuctSize; break;
                            //case "HVACCrossSection": paraType = ParameterType.HVACCrossSection; break;
                            //case "HVACHeatGain": paraType = ParameterType.HVACHeatGain; break;
                            //case "ElectricalCurrent": paraType = ParameterType.ElectricalCurrent; break;
                            //case "ElectricalPotential": paraType = ParameterType.ElectricalPotential; break;
                            //case "ElectricalFrequency": paraType = ParameterType.ElectricalFrequency; break;
                            //case "ElectricalIlluminance": paraType = ParameterType.ElectricalIlluminance; break;
                            //case "ElectricalLuminousFlux": paraType = ParameterType.ElectricalLuminousFlux; break;
                            //case "ElectricalPower": paraType = ParameterType.ElectricalPower; break;
                            //case "HVACRoughness": paraType = ParameterType.HVACRoughness; break;
                            //case "ElectricalApparentPower": paraType = ParameterType.ElectricalApparentPower; break;
                            //case "ElectricalPowerDensity": paraType = ParameterType.ElectricalPowerDensity; break;
                            //case "PipingDensity": paraType = ParameterType.PipingDensity; break;
                            //case "PipingFlow": paraType = ParameterType.PipingFlow; break;
                            //case "PipingFriction": paraType = ParameterType.PipingFriction; break;
                            //case "PipingPressure": paraType = ParameterType.PipingPressure; break;
                            //case "PipingTemperature": paraType = ParameterType.PipingTemperature; break;
                            //case "PipingVelocity": paraType = ParameterType.PipingVelocity; break;
                            //case "PipingViscosity": paraType = ParameterType.PipingViscosity; break;
                            //case "PipeSize": paraType = ParameterType.PipeSize; break;
                            //case "PipingRoughness": paraType = ParameterType.PipingRoughness; break;
                            //case "Stress": paraType = ParameterType.Stress; break;
                            //case "UnitWeight": paraType = ParameterType.UnitWeight; break;
                            //case "ThermalExpansion": paraType = ParameterType.ThermalExpansion; break;
                            //case "LinearMoment": paraType = ParameterType.LinearMoment; break;
                            //case "ForcePerLength": paraType = ParameterType.ForcePerLength; break;
                            //case "ForceLengthPerAngle": paraType = ParameterType.ForceLengthPerAngle; break;
                            //case "LinearForcePerLength": paraType = ParameterType.LinearForcePerLength; break;
                            //case "LinearForceLengthPerAngle": paraType = ParameterType.LinearForceLengthPerAngle; break;
                            //case "AreaForcePerLength": paraType = ParameterType.AreaForcePerLength; break;
                            //case "PipingVolume": paraType = ParameterType.PipingVolume; break;
                            //case "HVACViscosity": paraType = ParameterType.HVACViscosity; break;
                            //case "HVACCoefficientOfHeatTransfer": paraType = ParameterType.HVACCoefficientOfHeatTransfer; break;
                            //case "HVACAirflowDensity": paraType = ParameterType.HVACAirflowDensity; break;
                            //case "Slope": paraType = ParameterType.Slope; break;
                            //case "HVACCoolingLoad": paraType = ParameterType.HVACCoolingLoad; break;
                            //case "HVACCoolingLoadDividedByArea": paraType = ParameterType.HVACCoolingLoadDividedByArea; break;
                            //case "HVACCoolingLoadDividedByVolume": paraType = ParameterType.HVACCoolingLoadDividedByVolume; break;
                            //case "HVACHeatingLoad": paraType = ParameterType.HVACHeatingLoad; break;
                            //case "HVACHeatingLoadDividedByArea": paraType = ParameterType.HVACHeatingLoadDividedByArea; break;
                            //case "Weight": paraType = ParameterType.Weight; break;
                    if (xdt.Rows[i]["paratag"].ToString() == "是")
                        isInstance = true;
                    else if (xdt.Rows[i]["paratag"].ToString() == "否")
                        isInstance = false;
                    if (xdt.Rows[i]["paravalue"].ToString() == null)
                        paravalue = "NA";
                        paravalue = xdt.Rows[i]["paravalue"].ToString();

                    //bool checkDistinct = false;
                    //foreach (FamilyParameter fp in familyMgr.Parameters)
                    //    if (fp.Definition.Name == xdt.Rows[i]["paraname"].ToString())
                    //    {
                    //        checkDistinct = true;
                    //    }
                    //if (checkDistinct == true)
                    //    continue;
                        FamilyParameter newParameter = familyMgr.AddParameter(paraname, paragroup, paraType, isInstance);
                    catch (Exception efec)
                    //familyMgr.Set(newParameter, paravalue);

                    for (int i = 0; i < xdt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        paraname = xdt.Rows[i]["paraname"].ToString();
                        foreach (FamilyParameter fp in familyMgr.Parameters)
                            StorageType fst = fp.StorageType;
                            if (fp.Definition.Name == xdt.Rows[i]["paraname"].ToString())
                                if (xdt.Rows[i]["paravalue"].ToString() == null && fst.ToString() == "String")
                                    paravalue = "NA";
                                    familyMgr.Set(fp, paravalue);
                                    //paravalue = xdt.Rows[i]["paravalue"].ToString();
                                    switch (fst.ToString())
                                    case "Integer": int paravint = Convert.ToInt32(xdt.Rows[i]["paravalue"].ToString()); familyMgr.Set(fp, paravint);; break;

                                    case "Double": double paravdouble = Convert.ToDouble(xdt.Rows[i]["paravalue"].ToString()); familyMgr.Set(fp, paravdouble); break;

                                    case "String": string paravstring = xdt.Rows[i]["paravalue"].ToString(); familyMgr.Set(fp, paravstring); break;

                                    case "ElementId": ElementId paravid = new ElementId(Convert.ToInt32(xdt.Rows[i]["paravalue"].ToString())); familyMgr.Set(fp, paravid); break;

                                    case "None":   break;
                catch (Exception eeef)
                { /*MessageBox.Show(eeef.ToString());*/ }

                SaveOptions opt = new SaveOptions();

Esempio n. 53
    /// <summary>
    /// Add Parameter
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">Parameter Name</param>
    /// <param name="label">Parameter Label</param>
    /// <param name="maxLength">Maximum Length</param>
    /// <param name="required">Set if value in the parameter required when added/apdated</param>
    /// <param name="keyfield">Mark field as primary key, unique and required</param>
    /// <param name="parType">Parameter type (integer, string, boolean etc.)</param>
    public void AddParameter(string name, string label, int maxLength, bool required, bool keyfield, ParameterType parType)
        if (_params == null)
            _params = new List <ExtensionParameter>();

        ExtensionParameter par = new ExtensionParameter(name);

        par.Label     = label;
        par.MaxLength = maxLength;
        par.Required  = required;
        par.KeyField  = keyfield;
        par.ParamType = parType;

Esempio n. 54
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Parameter"/> class.
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameterName">
 /// Name of parameter
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="parameterState">
 /// State of parameter
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="parameterValue">
 /// Value of parameter
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="parameterUnit">
 /// Unit of parameter
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="parameterType">
 /// Type of parameter
 /// </param>
 public Parameter(string parameterName, ParameterState parameterState, string parameterValue, string parameterUnit, ParameterType parameterType)
     this.ParameterName  = this.GetParameterName(parameterName);
     this.ParameterState = parameterState;
     this.ParameterValue = parameterValue;
     this.ParameterUnit  = parameterUnit;
     this.ParameterType  = parameterType;
Esempio n. 55
        private int ShowVarGUI(List <GVar> vars, List <ActionParameter> parameters, ParameterType parameterType, int variableID, int parameterID, bool isNew)
            // Create a string List of the field's names (for the PopUp box)
            List <string> labelList = new List <string>();

            int i = 0;
            int variableNumber = -1;

            if (vars.Count > 0)
                foreach (GVar _var in vars)

                    // If a GlobalVar variable has been removed, make sure selected variable is still valid
                    if ( == variableID)
                        variableNumber = i;


                if (variableNumber == -1 && (parameters == null || parameters.Count == 0 || parameterID == -1))
                    // Wasn't found (variable was deleted?), so revert to zero
                    Debug.LogWarning("Previously chosen variable no longer exists!");
                    variableNumber = 0;
                    variableID     = 0;

                string label = "'From' variable:";
                if (isNew)
                    label = "'To' variable:";

                parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI(label, parameters, parameterID, parameterType);
                if (parameterID >= 0)
                    //variableNumber = 0;
                    variableNumber = Mathf.Min(variableNumber, vars.Count - 1);
                    variableID     = -1;
                    variableNumber = EditorGUILayout.Popup(label, variableNumber, labelList.ToArray());
                    variableID     = vars [variableNumber].id;
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No variables exist!", MessageType.Info);
                variableID     = -1;
                variableNumber = -1;

            if (isNew)
                newParameterID = parameterID;

                if (variableNumber >= 0)
                    newVarType = vars[variableNumber].type;
                oldParameterID = parameterID;

                if (variableNumber >= 0)
                    oldVarType = vars[variableNumber].type;

Esempio n. 56
 public ParameterDefinition(String name)
     _parameterType = ParameterType.Single;
     _name          = name;
Esempio n. 57
        public ParameterParam(DB.Parameter p) : this()
            ParameterName    = p.Definition.Name;
            ParameterType    = p.Definition.ParameterType;
            ParameterGroup   = p.Definition.ParameterGroup;
            ParameterBinding = p.Element is DB.ElementType ? DBX.ParameterBinding.Type : DBX.ParameterBinding.Instance;

            if (p.IsShared)
                ParameterClass      = DBX.ParameterClass.Shared;
                ParameterSharedGUID = p.GUID;
            else if (p.Id.TryGetBuiltInParameter(out var parameterBuiltInId))
                ParameterClass     = DBX.ParameterClass.BuiltIn;
                ParameterBuiltInId = parameterBuiltInId;
            else if (p.Element.Document.GetElement(p.Id) is DB.ParameterElement paramElement)
                if (paramElement is DB.GlobalParameter)
                    ParameterClass = DBX.ParameterClass.Global;
                    switch (paramElement.get_Parameter(DB.BuiltInParameter.ELEM_DELETABLE_IN_FAMILY).AsInteger())
                    case 0: ParameterClass = DBX.ParameterClass.Family;  break;

                    case 1: ParameterClass = DBX.ParameterClass.Project; break;

            try { Name = $"{DB.LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(ParameterGroup)} : {ParameterName}"; }
            catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidOperationException) { Name = ParameterName; }

            NickName        = Name;
            MutableNickName = false;

            try { Description = p.StorageType == DB.StorageType.ElementId ? "ElementId" : DB.LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(p.Definition.ParameterType); }
            catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidOperationException)
            { Description = p.Definition.UnitType == DB.UnitType.UT_Number ? "Enumerate" : DB.LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(p.Definition.UnitType); }

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description))
                Description = ParameterType.ToString();

            if (ParameterSharedGUID.HasValue)
                Description = $"Shared parameter {ParameterSharedGUID.Value:B}\n{Description}";
            else if (ParameterBuiltInId != DB.BuiltInParameter.INVALID)
                Description = $"BuiltIn parameter {ParameterBuiltInId.ToStringGeneric()}\n{Description}";
            else if (ParameterBinding != DBX.ParameterBinding.Unknown)
                Description = $"{ParameterClass} parameter ({ParameterBinding})\n{Description}";
                Description = $"{ParameterClass} parameter\n{Description}";
Esempio n. 58
        public void SelectByParameter(RhinoDoc doc, ParametersSelectorForm form)
            Rhino.DocObjects.Tables.ObjectTable rhobjs = doc.Objects;

            string paramName = form.GetParamName();

            if (paramName != "")
                // List to store all the objects that match.
                List <Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject> matched = new List <Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject>();

                string paramValue = form.GetParamValue();

                // TODO Filter also by type of obj?
                // rhobjs = filter( lambda x: va.IsColumn(x.Id) , Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects)

                if (paramValue != "") // Search by name and value.
                    // If the input param value can be converted to num then compare as num and as text.
                    if (Double.TryParse(paramValue, out double numValue))
                        int comparison = form.GetComparisonType();
                        if (comparison == 0) // Equality comparison.
                            foreach (Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject o in rhobjs)
                                Guid paramId = GetObjectParameterId(paramName, o.Id, true);
                                if (paramId != Guid.Empty && GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id) != null)
                                    ParameterType t = GetParameterType(paramId);
                                    // First type number comparison.
                                    if (IsDirectNumericalType(t) && numValue == Convert.ToDouble(GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id)))
                                    // Type angle comparison.
                                    else if (t == ParameterType.Angle && DegreeToRadian(numValue) == Convert.ToDouble(GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id)))
                                    // Type percentage comparison.
                                    else if (t == ParameterType.Percentage && (numValue / 100.0) == Convert.ToDouble(GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id)))
                                    // If it is a number but as a string.
                                    else if (GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id) != null && paramValue == GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id).ToString())
                        else if (comparison == 1) // Less than comparison.
                            foreach (Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject o in rhobjs)
                                Guid paramId = GetObjectParameterId(paramName, o.Id, true);
                                if (paramId != Guid.Empty && GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id) != null)
                                    ParameterType t = GetParameterType(paramId);
                                    // First type number comparison.
                                    if (IsDirectNumericalType(t) && numValue > Convert.ToDouble(GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id)))
                                    // Type angle comparison.
                                    else if (t == ParameterType.Angle && DegreeToRadian(numValue) > Convert.ToDouble(GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id)))
                                    // Type percentage comparison.
                                    else if (t == ParameterType.Percentage && (numValue / 100.0) > Convert.ToDouble(GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id)))
                        else if (comparison == 2) // Greater than comparison.
                            foreach (Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject o in rhobjs)
                                Guid paramId = GetObjectParameterId(paramName, o.Id, true);
                                if (paramId != Guid.Empty && GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id) != null)
                                    ParameterType t = GetParameterType(paramId);
                                    // First type number comparison.
                                    if (IsDirectNumericalType(t) && numValue < Convert.ToDouble(GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id)))
                                    // Type angle comparison.
                                    else if (t == ParameterType.Angle && DegreeToRadian(numValue) < Convert.ToDouble(GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id)))
                                    // Type percentage comparison.
                                    else if (t == ParameterType.Percentage && (numValue / 100.0) < Convert.ToDouble(GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id)))
                    else // If it cannot be converted to num then only compare as bool and text.
                        int comparison = form.GetComparisonType();
                        if (comparison == 0) // Equality comparison.
                            foreach (Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject o in rhobjs)
                                Guid paramId = GetObjectParameterId(paramName, o.Id, true);
                                if (paramId != Guid.Empty && GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id) != null)
                                    ParameterType t = GetParameterType(paramId);
                                    if (t == ParameterType.Boolean)
                                        if ((string.Equals(paramValue, "yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                             string.Equals(paramValue, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
                                            "True" == GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id).ToString())
                                        else if ((string.Equals(paramValue, "no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                                  string.Equals(paramValue, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
                                                 "False" == GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id).ToString())
                                    else if (paramValue == GetParameterValue(paramId, o.Id).ToString())
                else // Search only by parameter name.
                    foreach (Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject o in rhobjs)
                        Guid paramId = GetObjectParameterId(paramName, o.Id, true);
                        if (paramId != Guid.Empty)

                if (form.GetAddToSelection() == null || form.GetAddToSelection() == false)

                // Select all the ones that matched.
                if (matched.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject o in matched)
                    if (matched.Count == 1)
                        RhinoApp.WriteLine("1 object was selected.");
                        RhinoApp.WriteLine("{0} objects were selected.", matched.Count);
                    RhinoApp.WriteLine("No objects were found.");
Esempio n. 59
        /// <summary>
        /// Parameterizes this <see cref="ShopifyOrderFilterOptions"/> class, with special handling for <see cref="Ids"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propName">The name of the property. Will match the property's <see cref="JsonPropertyAttribute"/> name —
        /// rather than the real property name — where applicable. Use <paramref name="property"/>.Name to get the real name.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The property's value.</param>
        /// <param name="property">The property itself.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of parameter to create.</param>
        /// <returns>The new parameter.</returns>
        public override Parameter ToSingleParameter(string propName, object value, PropertyInfo property, ParameterType type)
            if (propName == "ids" || propName == "Ids")
                //RestSharp does not automatically convert arrays into querystring params.
                var param = new Parameter()
                    Name  = propName,
                    Type  = type,
                    Value = string.Join(",", value as IEnumerable <long>)


            return(base.ToSingleParameter(propName, value, property, type));
Esempio n. 60
 public ParameterDefinition(String name, String[] possibleValues) : this(name)
     _parameterType  = ParameterType.Enum;
     _possibleValues = possibleValues;