// initialization routine, called once before ticks are sent
        // if multiple tick sources are used, will get called several times
        // during the lifetime of the object, once per tick source change
        public override void Init(string pParameters)
            // save parameters sent in case they contain optional parameters
            RealParameters = pParameters;
            // a Parameter Parser can be instantiated to check optional parameters
            RParser = new ParameterParser(pParameters);

            // this is a mandatory list of parameters.
            // Optional parameters are not specified here
            // they need to be checked before DParser.Merge is called
            // or checked from the RealParameters variable
            DefaultParameters = "PERIODLONG:17;PERIODSHORT:2;MINUTES:10;DELTA1:0.0005;DELTA2:0.0016;";

            // parameters as specified by the user
            PParser = new ParameterParser(pParameters);
            // mandatory parameter list and default values
            DParser = new ParameterParser(DefaultParameters);

            // make a list of parameters from mandatory list
            // merge user values if existing, otherwise use defaults
            Parameters = DParser.Merge(PParser);

            // build a new parameter parser with sanitized parameter and values
            // now user values have been merged with desired parameters
            // extraneous, or optional parameters eliminated.
            PParser = new ParameterParser(Parameters);

            // get periods to use for the indicator(s)
            PeriodsLong  = (int)PParser.GetDouble("PERIODLONG", 0);
            PeriodsShort = (int)PParser.GetDouble("PERIODSHORT", 0);;
            Delta1       = PParser.GetDouble("DELTA1", 0);
            Delta2       = PParser.GetDouble("DELTA2", 0);

            // now indicators must be instantiated

            // your indicator instantiation goes here

            // end of indicator instantiation

            // instantiate candlebuilder with desired timeframe
            Minutes = (int)PParser.GetDouble("MINUTES", 0);
//			cbx = new cCandleBuilder(Minutes,PeriodsLong+PeriodsShort+1);
            cbx = new cCandleBuilder(Minutes, PeriodsLong + PeriodsShort + 20);

            // register candlebuilder as a tick listener, name unimportant
            Framework.TickServer.RegisterTickListener("cbx", "*", cbx);
            // register this object as a candle listener
            // the candle name is important since we might receive
            // several candles with same period.
            cbx.RegisterCandleListener("cbx", this);
            // multiple candlebuilders can be setup by using previous 4 lines.

            // register this object as a tick listener, name unimportant
            // this is an optional step to receive ticks in between candles
            Framework.TickServer.RegisterTickListener("System", "*", this);

            // start header line of numerical output file