Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Log.WriteLine("rpg.parsevariables parser=[jmeter|silkperformer] <...> <out:intermediatefile>", true);
            Log.WriteLine("version " + typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
            //Log.WriteLine("silkperformer: <transactionfilecsv> <transactionfilebrp>");
            //Log.WriteLine("jmeter: <transactionfilejtl> <transactionfilecsv>");

            ParamInterpreter parameters = new ParamInterpreter();


            VariableController controller = null;

            if (parameters.Value("parser") == "jmeter")
                controller = new JmeterVariableController();

            if (parameters.Value("parser") == "silkperformer")
                controller = new SilkVariableController();

            if (controller == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Not a valid parser [{0}]", parameters.Value("parser")));


            Log.WriteLine("rpg.parsevariables finished\n", true);
        public virtual void Parse(ParamInterpreter parameters)
            // check input file format (is it what we expect?)
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new FormatException("Cannot parse, input file format problem [" + e.Message + "]");

            // perform loadgen specific parse (in derived classes)

            // check if parsed data is usable for further processing

            // generate aggregated data (faultperc)

            // convert data to confom system locale settings (output formatting is done during merge)

            // Write intermediate file
        public const string REPORTTRANSACTIONNAMEPATTERN = @"\d\d_"; // TODO naar app config

        public void Parse(ParamInterpreter p)
            // from here: technology specific, handled in overrides in derived classes

            // check input file format (is it what we expect?)
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new FormatException("Cannot parse input file, format problem: " + e.Message);

            // perform loadgen specific parse (in derived classes)

            // convert data to confom system locale settings (output formatting is done during merge)

            // from here: generic for all technology, handled on parent level

            // perform post-processing on parsed measure data (derived data and trend analysis)

            // Write intermediate file
        public const string DURATIONTIMEFORMAT = @"hh\:mm\:ss";         // time format (testrun duration)

        public void Parse(ParamInterpreter p)

            // rptgendatetime, no data needed

            _variables.Add(PRINTABLETIMEKEY, ParsePrintableTime()); // for backward compatibility
            Log.WriteLine(PRINTABLETIMEKEY + "=" + _variables[PRINTABLETIMEKEY]);

            _variables.Add(TESTRUNDATETIMEKEY, _variables[PRINTABLETIMEKEY]); // duplicate PrintableTime to proper variable name
            Log.WriteLine(TESTRUNDATETIMEKEY + "=" + _variables[TESTRUNDATETIMEKEY]);

            _variables.Add(TESTDURATIONKEY, ParseTestDuration(_variables[TESTRUNDATETIMEKEY]));
            Log.WriteLine(TESTDURATIONKEY + "=" + _variables[TESTDURATIONKEY]);

            _variables.Add(MEREGEDUSERSKEY, ParseMergedUsers());
            Log.WriteLine(MEREGEDUSERSKEY + "=" + _variables[MEREGEDUSERSKEY]);

            _variables.Add(LGTYPEKEY, ParseLoadgenType());
            Log.WriteLine(LGTYPEKEY + "=" + _variables[LGTYPEKEY]);

            _variables.Add(FAULTPERCENTAGEKEY, ParseFaultPercentage());
            Log.WriteLine(FAULTPERCENTAGEKEY + "=" + _variables[FAULTPERCENTAGEKEY]);

Esempio n. 5
        // Read raw data and write it to intermediate file
        // this intermediate file content should be formatted as the target template needs thus include commandline separator characters
        // intermediate format should be search-and-replaceable in the target template, one merge tool for all types of intermediate values
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Log.WriteLine("rpg.parsemeasures parser=[jmeter, silkperformer] <parameters (ask)>", true);
            Log.WriteLine("version " + typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());

            ParamInterpreter parameters = new ParamInterpreter();


            MeasureController controller = null;

            if (parameters.Value("parser") == "jmeter")
                controller = new JmeterMeasureController();

            if (parameters.Value("parser") == "silkperformer")
                controller = new SilkMeasureController();

            if (controller == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Not a valid parser [{0}]", parameters.Value("parser")));


            Log.WriteLine("rpg.parsemeasures finished\n", true);
Esempio n. 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Log.WriteLine("rpg.compresslglog parser=[jmeter|silkperformer] <...> <out:destinationfile>", true);
            Log.WriteLine("version " + typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());

            ParamInterpreter parameters = new ParamInterpreter();


            CompressController controller = null;

            if (parameters.Value("parser") == "jmeter")
                controller = new JmeterCompressController();

            if (parameters.Value("parser") == "silkperformer")
                controller = new SilkCompressController();

            if (controller == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Not a valid parser [{0}]", parameters.Value("parser")));

            Log.WriteLine("start compression...");

            Log.WriteLine("rpg.compresslglog finished\n", true);
Esempio n. 7
        // Implemented by derived classes (standard returns false to force override)
        public override void CheckInputfileFormat(ParamInterpreter parameters)
            string filename = parameters.Value(TRSCSVFILETAG);

            Log.WriteLine("checking file format (CSV + keyvalue) of " + filename);

            if (!Utils.IsCSVWithKey(filename, CHAPTERSTARTSTRING))
                throw new FormatException("file is not CSV format or missing crucial keywords: " + filename);
Esempio n. 8
        // Implemented by derived classes (standard returns false to force override)
        public override void CheckInputfileFormat(ParamInterpreter parameters)
            string filename = parameters.Value(TRSJTLFILETAG);

            Log.WriteLine("checking file format (XML + keyvalue) of " + filename);

            if (!Utils.IsXMLWithKey(filename, JTLCHECKSTR))
                throw new FormatException("File is not XML format, or missing crucial key values: " + filename);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// JMeter measure parser, toplevel executor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        public override void DoParse(ParamInterpreter p)
            // inlezen bruikbare jtl regels
            jtlTrsLines = ReadMeasureDataText(p.Value(TRSJTLFILETAG));

            // ruwe measure data aggregeren

            // additionele definities (nodig voor config van grafieken) inlezen -> measuredetails
        /// <summary>
        /// Definitions and measures -> 1 file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        public void WriteIntermediate(ParamInterpreter p)
            Log.WriteLine("write intermediate data...");

            string fileName = p.Value("intermediatefile");

            Log.WriteLine("measure data to " + fileName);

            fileName = p.Value("intermediatefilevars");
            Log.WriteLine("measure data vars to " + fileName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Do actual parsing for Jmeter transactiondata
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public override void DoParse(ParamInterpreter parameters)
            Log.WriteLine("Execute JMeter parser...");

            // 2 input files are mandatory (success=summary with only successfull transactions all=all transactions including faulty

            // Read only success (TrsBusyOk) transactions to _transactionDetails key-value pair list

            // Add failed executions to success transaction data
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate aggregate data (total faults, average of percentiles...)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public void GenerateAggregates(ParamInterpreter parameters)
            int cnt = 0;

            Log.WriteLine("generate aggregated data...");
            // scrape and aggregate data from transaction data
            TransactionValueAggregate transactionAggregate = new TransactionValueAggregate();

            // foreach transactionlines (evaluate only successful transactions, leave faulty ones away from aggregation)
            foreach (string transactionName in _transactionNames)
                // only include in agggregation if transactionname matches 'report transacton name pattern'
                if (IsSummarizeTransaction(transactionName) && _transactionDetails.items.ContainsKey(transactionName))
                    TransactionValue trs = new TransactionValue(_transactionDetails.items[transactionName]);

            // give up if no summarizable transactions found (try to prevent weird crashes lateron)
            if (0 == cnt)
                string msg = "no transaction names found that meet naming convention (" + REPORTTRANSACTIONNAMEPATTERN + ")";
                Log.WriteLine("SEVERE: " + msg);
                throw new Exception(msg);


            // write aggregated transaction line
            _transactionDetails.Add(AGGREGATEDTRSNAME, transactionAggregate.ToString());

            // isolate most important values as variable for history graph -> measure format (later to variable category?)
            _variables.Add(AVGOF90PERCENTILES, Utils.ToMeasureFormatString(transactionAggregate.p90));
            _variables.Add(AVGOFMEDIAN, Utils.ToMeasureFormatString(transactionAggregate.median));
            _variables.Add(AVGOF95PERCENTILES, Utils.ToMeasureFormatString(transactionAggregate.p95));
            _variables.Add(AVGOFAVERAGES, Utils.ToMeasureFormatString(transactionAggregate.avg));

            // old, can be deleted in time (replaced by transactionssuccess)
            // _variables.Add(TRANSACTIONSTOTAL, transactionAggregate.cnt);
            _variables.Add(TRANSACTIONSTOTAL, AddIntStrings(transactionAggregate.cnt,;
            _variables.Add(TRANSACTIONSSUCCESS, transactionAggregate.cnt); // is new

            Log.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} of {1} transactions aggregated", cnt, _transactionNames.Length));
        /// <summary>
        /// Check is format of input files is as expected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override void CheckInputfileFormat(ParamInterpreter parameters)
            Log.WriteLine("checking success trs csv...");
            string successFilename = parameters.Value(SUCCESSTRSCSV);

            if (!Utils.IsCSVWithKey(successFilename, "TOTAL"))
                throw new FormatException(successFilename);

            Log.WriteLine("checking all trs csv...");
            string allFilename = parameters.Value(ALLTRSCSV);

            if (!Utils.IsCSVWithKey(allFilename, "TOTAL"))
                throw new FormatException(allFilename);
        // Check is format of input files is as expected
        public override void CheckInputfileFormat(ParamInterpreter parameters)
            Log.WriteLine("checking brp file...");
            string brpFilename = parameters.Value(BRPFILETAG);

            if (!CheckFormatBRPFile(brpFilename))
                throw new FormatException(brpFilename);

            Log.WriteLine("checking csv file...");
            string csvFilename = parameters.Value(CSVFILETAG);

            if (!CheckFormatCSVFile(csvFilename))
                throw new FormatException(csvFilename);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Silkperformer parser, toplevel executor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        public override void DoParse(ParamInterpreter p)
            // check if file exists

            // read data
            csvLines = ReadLinesFromFile(p.Value(TRSCSVFILETAG));

            // extract names of measures
            Log.WriteLine("number of lines: " + csvLines.Length);
            _measureNames = ExtractMeasureNames(csvLines);

            // eerst definities (nodig voor config van grafieken) inlezen -> measuredetails
            ReadDefinitions(csvLines, new string[] { STARTTIMEKEY, INTERVALKEY });

            // dan measures (te plotten punten in de grafieken) inlezen -> measuredetails
            ReadMeasures(csvLines, _measureNames);
Esempio n. 16
        public override void Compress(ParamInterpreter parameters)

            string sourceLogFile = parameters.Value(JTLFILESRC_TAG);

            outputStream = new StreamWriter(parameters.Value(DESTFILE_TAG));

            // Check input format
            Log.WriteLine("check input format...");

            // Compress and write to output

            double compression = (srcLinesCount / destLinesCount) * 100;

            Log.WriteLine("source=" + srcLinesCount + " compressed=" + destLinesCount + "(compression=" + Math.Round(compression, 0) + "%)");
        // constructor param chain

        public override void DoParse(ParamInterpreter parameters)
            Log.WriteLine("Execute parser...");


            //SilkTransactionController c = new SilkTransactionController();
            // Read measures to in-memory intermediate format

            // verrijken transactiedata met aggregatiedata

            // controleer of bruikbare info gevonden is (alleen voor transacties is negatieve check fataal)
            if (!ContainsProjectTransactions())
                throw new Exception("No transactiondata found in testresult (tsd or brp)");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write intermediate format to file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public void WriteIntermediate(ParamInterpreter parameters)
            Log.WriteLine("Writing intermediate file...");

            // write transaction data
            string fileName = parameters.Value("intermediatefile");

            Log.WriteLine("transaction data: " + fileName);

            // Extra: file with only headers
            _transactionDetails.WriteToFileFieldDefinitions(fileName, "fieldnames", string.Join(TransactionValue.LISTSEPARATOR.ToString(), TransactionValue.fieldnames));

            // Extra: file with all transactionnames

            // write transaction variables
            string varFileName = parameters.Value("intermediatefilevars");

            Log.WriteLine("transaction variable data: " + varFileName);
Esempio n. 19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Log.WriteLine("rpg.parsetransactions <in:parser [jmeter|silkperformer]> <parameters (ask)>", true);
            Log.WriteLine("version " + typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());

            ParamInterpreter parameters = new ParamInterpreter();



            TransactionController controller = null;

            // read transaction data
            if (parameters.Value("parser") == "silkperformer")
                Log.WriteLine("Creating Silkperformer parser...");
                controller = new SilkTransactionController();

            if (parameters.Value("parser") == "jmeter")
                Log.WriteLine("Creating JMeter parser...");
                controller = new JmeterTransactionController();

            if (controller == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Not a valid parser [{0}]", parameters.Value("parser")));


            Log.WriteLine("rpg.parsetransactions finished\n", true);
Esempio n. 20
        //%toolspath%\srt.loadintermediate.exe %projcode% %testname% %temppath%\_transactions\(.*)\.(.*)\..*\.csv
        //param3=filename regex; group1=category; group2=entity

        //voor nu: %toolspath%\srt.loadintermediate.exe %projcode% %testname% msr perf %temppath%\_transactions.msr.perf.csv

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Log.WriteLine("rpg.loadintermediate <project> <testrun> <category> <entity> <intermediatefile> <database>", true);
            Log.WriteLine("version " + typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());

            ParamInterpreter Params = new ParamInterpreter();



            Globals.dbconnectstring = Params.Value("database");

            LoadIntermediateController c = new LoadIntermediateController();

            // inlezen intermedate data (verificatie van validiteit)

            // opslaan intermediate in database
            c.StoreIntermediate(Params.Value("project"), Params.Value("testrun"), Params.Value("category"), Params.Value("entity"));

            Log.WriteLine("rpg.loadintermediate finished\n", true);
 public override void ReadLinesFromFile(ParamInterpreter p)
     jtlLines = ReadLinesFromFileJTL(p.Value(TRANSACTIONIFILEJTL));
     csvLines = ReadLinesFromFile(p.Value(TRANSACTIONFILECSV));
 public abstract void ReadLinesFromFile(ParamInterpreter p);
 public override void Compress(ParamInterpreter parameters)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public abstract void DoParse(ParamInterpreter p);
 // Implemented by derived classes (standard returns false to force override)
 public abstract void CheckInputfileFormat(ParamInterpreter parameters);
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if pased data is enough to work with, generic check
 /// checks are now implemented in technology parts (aggregate part), but has to move to generic level here (TODO)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name=""></param>
 public void CheckDataViable(ParamInterpreter parameters)
 public abstract void Compress(ParamInterpreter parameters);
Esempio n. 28
 public override void ReadLinesFromFile(ParamInterpreter p)
     csvLines = ReadLinesFromFile(p.Value(TRANSACTIONFILECSV));
     brpLines = ReadLinesFromFile(p.Value(TRANSACTIONFILEBRPNAME));
Esempio n. 29
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("### rpg.console - this is a console tool for basic teststraat data operations");
                Console.WriteLine(" [enabletestrun|disabletestrun] project=<projectname> testrun=<testrunpattern>");
                Console.WriteLine(" [createproject|deleteproject] project=<project>");
                Console.WriteLine(" listprojects");
                Console.WriteLine(" listtestruns project=<project>");
                Console.WriteLine(" deletetestrun project=<project> testrun=<testrun>");
                Console.WriteLine(" patterns are in all regex format, names are axact and not case sensitive");


            ParamInterpreter _params = new ParamInterpreter();

            _params.Initialize(args, true);

            Globals.dbconnectstring = _params.Value("database");

            ConsoleController c = new ConsoleController();

            // Enable or disable test
            if (_params.Command == "enabletestrun") // core ready
                c.EnableTestrun(_params.Value("project"), _params.Value("testrun"), true);

            if (_params.Command == "disabletestrun") // core ready
                c.EnableTestrun(_params.Value("project"), _params.Value("testrun"), false);

            if (_params.Command == "listprojects") // core ready

            if (_params.Command == "listtestruns") // core ready

            if (_params.Command == "createproject") // core ready

            if (_params.Command == "deleteproject")

            if (_params.Command == "deletetestrun")
                c.DeleteTestrun(_params.Value("project"), _params.Value("testrun"));

            Log.WriteLine(string.Format("Command [{0}] not found", _params.Command));
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Merge van intermediate format (varnaam=value) csv file met ascii template met ${varnaam} of ${varnaam:index} variabele id's erin opgenomen
        /// let op, vanaf bron gaan we naar system-default systemlocale (.,:), pas bij merge formatteren we naar een geschikt output format(formatPattern)
        /// formatpattern voorbeelden: MM:ss yyyy 0000 0,000
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Log.WriteLine("rpg.merge [h (help), i (intermediate), v (variable), j (join), t (threshold), +t (with threshold), +d (with diff), +b (with baseline)] <templatefilename:name>", true);
            Log.WriteLine("version " + typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());

            ParamInterpreter _params = new ParamInterpreter();


            //LicenseManager lic = new LicenseManager();
            //Log.WriteLine(string.Format("License {0} (expiration {1})", lic.IsValid() ? "is valid" : "has expired", lic.ExpirationDateStr));

            if (_params.AskForHelp())
                Log.WriteLine("Merge database- or commandline data with HTML template and generate output HTML");
                Log.WriteLine("merge i project=<project> testrun=<testrun> category=<category> entity=<entity>");
                Log.WriteLine("  merge values from intermediate (i) database values");
                Log.WriteLine("merge v project=<project> name=<name> value=<value>");
                Log.WriteLine("  merge variable (v) from commandline (name/value), alternatieve to <name> <value> for inserting counters: #");
                Log.WriteLine("merge t project=<project>");
                Log.WriteLine("  merge threshold (t) reference data");
                Log.WriteLine("merge it/vt");
                Log.WriteLine("  generate and merge threshold (t) evaluation from database intermediate (i) or variable (v) data");
                Log.WriteLine("merge id");
                Log.WriteLine("  generate and merge diff (d) evaluation (compware values), generate extra _c color code 'highlite'");
                Log.WriteLine("merge ib project=<project> testrun=<testrun> category=<category> entity=<entity> <baseline testrun reference tag>");
                Log.WriteLine("  generate and merge Baseline evaluation, generate extra tags _cb (baseline) _ce (evaluation: percentage diff)");
                Log.WriteLine("merge j/jt project=<project> testrun=<testrun> category=<category> entity=<entity> valueindex=<index> historycount=<count> workload=<workload>");
                Log.WriteLine("  join (j) series[index] values to new series from all testruns matching pattern testrun pattern (regex) with max of count items (0=nomax)");
                Log.WriteLine("  join and add threshold colorcodes (jt)...");
                Log.WriteLine("  template variable patterns:");
                Log.WriteLine("    ${varname:1:0.000} 1 = n th place value in ';' separated value list; 0.000 = number formatpattern [cnt, min, avg, max, p90, fail, cancel, p50, p99, stdev]");
                Log.WriteLine("    $[<td class=${varname_c:#}>${varname:#:0.000}</td>] = multiple replace pattern example");
                Log.WriteLine("general: beginpattern=<realpattern> endpattern=<realpattern> : only effective between begin- and end pattern");

            // mandatory params
            string templateFilename = _params.Value("templatefile");

            // optional params - works only if both parameters are not *
            string beginPattern = _params.Value("beginpattern", "*");
            string endPattern   = _params.Value("endpattern", "*");

            // check initial conditions before proceeding

            Globals.dbconnectstring = _params.Value("database");

            // create controller and initialialize for this project
            MergeController mergeController = new MergeController(_params.Value("project"));


            if (_params.Function == 'i') // merge intermediate data
                // read valueset for current testrun
                mergeController.ReadIntermediateValues(_params.Value("project"), _params.Value("testrun"), _params.Value("category"), _params.Value("entity", "*"));

                // Perform post-processing on data that was parsed and stored
                Log.WriteLine("Data post-processing phase...");

                // enrich intermediate with evaluation items
                if (_params.Switch == 't')
                    mergeController.GenerateThresholdValues(colCodeBelowTh1, colCodeBetweenTh1Th2, colCodeAboveTh2, true);                        // threshold evaluatie -> kleurcodering (it= itermediate+threshold eval category x (trs))
                if (_params.Switch == 'd')
                    mergeController.GenerateDiffValues(colCodeHighlite);                        // diff evaluation -> colorcoding (id = intermediate+diff eval category x (params))
                // baseline column values (or auto choise of baseline if not set)
                if (_params.Switch == 'b')
                    mergeController.GenerateBaselineValues(_params.Value("testrun"), _params.Value("baselinetestrun"), colCodeBetterThanBaseline, colCodeWorseThanBaseline, true);

                Log.WriteLine("Post-processing done, start merge...");

                // apply key prefix if configured
                if (_params.Value("prefix", "EMPTY") != "EMPTY")

                // merge with template
                mergeController.MergeIntermediate(templateFilename, false, beginPattern, endPattern);
            else if (_params.Function == 'v') // merge variable with external value
                // merge with template
                mergeController.MergeVariable(_params.Value("name"), _params.Value("value"), templateFilename, beginPattern, endPattern);
            else if (_params.Function == 't') // merge thresholds table in top section of report
                // get data from database

                // merge with template
                mergeController.MergeIntermediate(templateFilename, true, beginPattern, endPattern);
            else if (_params.Function == 'j') // join values historic overview
                // get data from database (join all indexed values into one intermediate)
                mergeController.JoinIntermediateValues(_params.Value("project"), _params.Value("testrun", ".*"), _params.Value("category"), _params.Value("entity", "*"), _params.ValueInt("valueindex", "0"), _params.ValueInt("historycount", "10"), _params.Value("workload", "*"));

                // evaluate thresholds if needed
                if (_params.Switch == 't')
                    mergeController.GenerateThresholdValues(colCodeBelowTh1, colCodeBetweenTh1Th2, colCodeAboveTh2);

                // merge with template
                mergeController.MergeIntermediate(templateFilename, true, beginPattern, endPattern);
                throw new Exception("No parameters, nothing to do");

            Log.WriteLine("rpg.merge finished\n", true);