Esempio n. 1
			internal FDO.IText BuildText(XmlNode textDefn)
				if (textDefn.Name != "Text")
					return null;
				m_textDefn = textDefn;
				// 1. Create the new text and give it an owner.
				m_text = this.CreateText();
				textDefn.Attributes["id"].Value = m_text.Hvo.ToString();

				XmlNode name = textDefn.SelectSingleNode("Name5/AUni");
				// 2. If we have a name, set it.
				if (name != null && name.InnerText.Length > 0)
					string wsAbbr = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(name, "ws");
					int ws = 0;
					if (wsAbbr != null)
						ws = m_cache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystemManager.GetWsFromStr(wsAbbr);
					if (ws == 0)
						ws = m_cache.DefaultVernWs;
					this.SetName(name.InnerText, ws);

				// 3. Create a body for the text;
				XmlNode contents = textDefn.SelectSingleNode("Contents5054/StText");
				if (contents == null)
					return m_text;
				IStText body = this.CreateContents(m_text);

				// 4. Create each paragraph for the text.
				XmlNodeList paragraphs = contents.SelectNodes("Paragraphs14/StTxtPara");
				if (paragraphs != null)
					foreach (XmlNode paraDef in paragraphs)
						ParagraphBuilder pb = new ParagraphBuilder(m_cache, m_text.ContentsOA.ParagraphsOS);
						IStTxtPara realPara = pb.BuildParagraphContent(paraDef);

				return m_text;