Esempio n. 1
    private static void Game_Hotbar(Panels.Structure Tool)
        string Indicator      = string.Empty;
        Point  Panel_Position = Tool.Position;

        Game.Need_Information &= ~(1);

        // Desenha os itens da hotbar
        for (byte i = 1; i <= Game.Max_Hotbar; i++)
            byte Slot = Player.Hotbar[i].Slot;
            if (Slot > 0)
                // Itens
                if (Player.Hotbar[i].Type == (byte)Game.Hotbar.Item)
                    // Desenha as visualizações do item
                    Point Position = new Point(Panel_Position.X + 8 + (i - 1) * 36, Panel_Position.Y + 6);
                    Render(Tex_Item[Lists.Item[Player.Inventory[Slot].Item_Num].Texture], Position);
                    if (Tools.IsAbove(new Rectangle(Position.X, Position.Y, 32, 32)))
                        Game.Infomation_Index = Player.Inventory[Slot].Item_Num;
                        Panels.Get("Information").Position = new Point(Panel_Position.X, Panel_Position.Y + 42);
                        Panels.Get("Information").Visible  = true;
                        Game.Need_Information |= 1;

            // Números da hotbar
            if (i < 10)
                Indicator = i.ToString();
            else if (i == 10)
                Indicator = "0";

            // Desenha os números
            DrawText(Indicator, Panel_Position.X + 16 + 36 * (i - 1), Panel_Position.Y + 22, SFML.Graphics.Color.White);

        // Movendo slot
        if (Player.Hotbar_Change > 0)
            if (Player.Hotbar[Player.Hotbar_Change].Type == (byte)Game.Hotbar.Item)
                Render(Tex_Item[Lists.Item[Player.Inventory[Player.Hotbar[Player.Hotbar_Change].Slot].Item_Num].Texture], new Point(Tools.Mouse.X + 6, Tools.Mouse.Y + 6));

        // Fecha a janela de informa~ção caso necessário
        if (Game.Need_Information == 0)
            Panels.Get("Information").Visible = false;
Esempio n. 2
 private static Panels.Structure Panel(BinaryReader Data)
     // Carrega os dados
     Panels.Structure Tool = new Panels.Structure();
     Tool.Name        = Data.ReadString();
     Tool.Position.X  = Data.ReadInt32();
     Tool.Position.Y  = Data.ReadInt32();
     Tool.Visible     = Data.ReadBoolean();
     Tool.Window      = (Tools.Windows)Data.ReadByte();
     Tool.Texture_Num = Data.ReadByte();
Esempio n. 3
    private static void Game_Menu_Character(Panels.Structure Tool)
        Point Panel_Position = Tool.Position;

        Game.Need_Information &= ~(1 << 1);

        // Dados básicos
        DrawText(Player.Me.Name, Panel_Position.X + 18, Panel_Position.Y + 52, SFML.Graphics.Color.White);
        DrawText(Player.Me.Level.ToString(), Panel_Position.X + 18, Panel_Position.Y + 79, SFML.Graphics.Color.White);
        Render(Tex_Face[Player.Me.Texture_Num], new Point(Panel_Position.X + 82, Panel_Position.Y + 37));

        // Atributos
        DrawText("Strength: " + Player.Me.Attribute[(byte)Game.Attributes.Strength], Panel_Position.X + 32, Panel_Position.Y + 146, SFML.Graphics.Color.White);
        DrawText("Resistance: " + Player.Me.Attribute[(byte)Game.Attributes.Resistance], Panel_Position.X + 32, Panel_Position.Y + 162, SFML.Graphics.Color.White);
        DrawText("Intelligence: " + Player.Me.Attribute[(byte)Game.Attributes.Intelligence], Panel_Position.X + 32, Panel_Position.Y + 178, SFML.Graphics.Color.White);
        DrawText("Agility: " + +Player.Me.Attribute[(byte)Game.Attributes.Agility], Panel_Position.X + 32, Panel_Position.Y + 194, SFML.Graphics.Color.White);
        DrawText("Vitality: " + +Player.Me.Attribute[(byte)Game.Attributes.Vitality], Panel_Position.X + 32, Panel_Position.Y + 210, SFML.Graphics.Color.White);
        DrawText("Points: " + Player.Me.Points, Panel_Position.X + 14, Panel_Position.Y + 228, SFML.Graphics.Color.White);

        // Equipamentos
        for (byte i = 0; i < (byte)Game.Equipments.Count; i++)
            if (Player.Me.Equipment[i] == 0)
                Render(Tex_Equipments, Panel_Position.X + 7 + i * 34, Panel_Position.Y + 247, i * 34, 0, 34, 34);
                Render(Tex_Item[Lists.Item[Player.Me.Equipment[i]].Texture], Panel_Position.X + 8 + i * 35, Panel_Position.Y + 247, 0, 0, 34, 34);
                if (Tools.IsAbove(new Rectangle(Panel_Position.X + 7 + i * 36, Panel_Position.Y + 247, 32, 32)))
                    Game.Infomation_Index = Player.Me.Equipment[i];
                    Panels.Get("Information").Position = new Point(Panel_Position.X - 186, Panel_Position.Y + 5);
                    Panels.Get("Information").Visible  = true;
                    Game.Need_Information |= 1 << 1;

        // Fecha a janela de informa~ção caso necessário
        if (Game.Need_Information == 0)
            Panels.Get("Information").Visible = false;
Esempio n. 4
    private static void Game_Menu_Inventory(Panels.Structure Tool)
        byte  NumColumns     = 5;
        Point Panel_Position = Tool.Position;

        Game.Need_Information &= ~(1 << 2);

        // Desenha todos os itens do inventário
        for (byte i = 1; i <= Game.Max_Inventory; i++)
            if (Player.Inventory[i].Item_Num > 0)
                byte  Line     = (byte)((i - 1) / NumColumns);
                int   Column   = i - (Line * 5) - 1;
                Point Position = new Point(Panel_Position.X + 7 + Column * 36, Panel_Position.Y + 30 + Line * 36);

                // Desenha as visualizações do item
                Render(Tex_Item[Lists.Item[Player.Inventory[i].Item_Num].Texture], Position);
                if (Tools.IsAbove(new Rectangle(Position.X, Position.Y, 32, 32)))
                    Game.Infomation_Index = Player.Inventory[i].Item_Num;
                    Panels.Get("Information").Position = new Point(Panel_Position.X - 186, Panel_Position.Y + 3);
                    Panels.Get("Information").Visible  = true;
                    Game.Need_Information |= 1 << 2;

                // Quantidade
                if (Player.Inventory[i].Amount > 1)
                    DrawText(Player.Inventory[i].Amount.ToString(), Position.X + 2, Position.Y + 17, SFML.Graphics.Color.White);

        // Movendo item
        if (Player.Inventory_Change > 0)
            Render(Tex_Item[Lists.Item[Player.Inventory[Player.Inventory_Change].Item_Num].Texture], new Point(Tools.Mouse.X + 6, Tools.Mouse.Y + 6));
        if (Game.Need_Information == 0)
            Panels.Get("Information").Visible = false;
Esempio n. 5
    private static void Game_Chat()
        Panels.Structure Tool = Panels.Get("Chat");
        Tool.Visible = TextBoxes.Focused != null && ((TextBoxes.Structure)TextBoxes.Focused.Data).Name.Equals("Chat");

        // Renderiza as mensagens
        if (Tool.Visible || (Chat.Text_Visible && Lists.Options.Chat))
            for (byte i = Chat.Lines_First; i <= Chat.Lines_Visible + Chat.Lines_First; i++)
                if (Chat.Order.Count > i)
                    DrawText(Chat.Order[i].Text, 16, 461 + 11 * (i - Chat.Lines_First), Chat.Order[i].Color);

        // Dica de como abrir o chat
        if (!Tool.Visible)
            DrawText("Press [Enter] to open chat.", TextBoxes.Get("Chat").Position.X + 5, TextBoxes.Get("Chat").Position.Y + 3, SFML.Graphics.Color.White);
Esempio n. 6
    public static void Type()
        TextBoxes.Structure Tool  = TextBoxes.Get("Chat");
        Panels.Structure    Panel = Panels.Get("Chat");

        // Somente se necessário
        if (!Player.IsPlaying(Player.MyIndex))

        // Altera a visiblidade da caixa
        Panel.Visible = !Panel.Visible;

        // Altera o foco do digitalizador
        if (Panel.Visible)
            Text_Visible      = true;
            TextBoxes.Focused = Tools.Get(Tool);
            TextBoxes.Focused = null;

        // Dados
        string Message = Tool.Text;

        // Somente se necessário
        if (Message.Length < 3)
            Tool.Text = string.Empty;

        // Limpa a caixa de texto
        Tool.Text = string.Empty;

        // Separa as mensagens em partes
        string[] Parts = Message.Split(' ');

        // Comandos
        switch (Parts[0].ToLower())
        case "/party":
            if (Parts.Length > 1)

        case "/partyleave":

            // Mensagem lobal
            if (Message.Substring(0, 1) == "'")
                Send.Message(Message.Substring(1), Game.Messages.Global);
            // Mensagem particular
            else if (Message.Substring(0, 1) == "!")
                // Previne erros
                if (Parts.GetUpperBound(0) < 1)
                    AddText("Use: '!' + Addressee + 'Message'", Color.White);
                    // Dados
                    string Destiny = Message.Substring(1, Parts[0].Length - 1);
                    Message = Message.Substring(Parts[0].Length + 1);

                    // Envia a mensagem
                    Send.Message(Message, Game.Messages.Private, Destiny);
            // Mensagem mapa
                Send.Message(Message, Game.Messages.Map);
Esempio n. 7
 private static void Party_Invitation(Panels.Structure Tool)
     DrawText(Game.Party_Invitation + " has invite you to a party.  Would you like to join?", Tool.Position.X + 14, Tool.Position.Y + 33, SFML.Graphics.Color.White, 160);
Esempio n. 8
 private static void Panel(Panels.Structure Tool)
     // Desenha o painel
     Render(Tex_Panel[Tool.Texture_Num], Tool.Position);