// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //setting up the pointer to parent's script
        parentsScript = GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();
        //ignoring collisions with sibling rigid bodies for the trigger circleCollider
        CircleCollider2D circle = gameObject.GetComponent <CircleCollider2D> ();

        //the trigger signals start working before the start function is called.
        //If I call is on collision enter before Start() is finalised, I get an error such that parentScript is not set.
        //I enable the trigger collider ONLY after I set the script pointer.
        circle.enabled = true;
        GameObject parentGameObject = this.transform.parent.gameObject;
        string     otherSideName    = "rigidBody1";

        if (gameObject.name == "rigidBody1")
            otherSideName = "rigidBody2";
        for (int i = 0; i < parentGameObject.transform.childCount - 1; i++)
            string name = parentGameObject.transform.GetChild(i).transform.name;
            if (name == "rigidBody0" || name == otherSideName)
                BoxCollider2D    siblingBox    = parentGameObject.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <BoxCollider2D> ();
                CircleCollider2D siblingCircle = parentGameObject.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <CircleCollider2D> ();
                Physics2D.IgnoreCollision(circle, siblingBox);
                Physics2D.IgnoreCollision(circle, siblingCircle);
        //setting the initial colour of the material:
Esempio n. 2
    void resortRigidBodiesInStack()
        if (selectedPancake < stackHeight - 1)
            //Debug.Log ("selectedPancake " + selectedPancake);
            //Debug.Log ("stackHeight " + stackHeight);

            PancakeBehaviourScript pancakeScript = RigidBodiesInStack [selectedPancake + 1].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();
            pancakeScript.reConnectSpringsBasedOnThisPancake(RigidBodiesInStack [selectedPancake]);
            //the pancake is not the top pancake, spring sorting wil be necessarry:
            //the pancake to be thrown is the top pancake, I need to make the pancake below the top pancake,
            //if there is a pancake below this one:
            if (selectedPancake > 0)
                PancakeBehaviourScript pancakeScript = RigidBodiesInStack [selectedPancake - 1].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();
        for (int i = selectedPancake; i < stackHeight - 1; ++i)
            RigidBodiesInStack [i] = RigidBodiesInStack [i + 1];
        RigidBodiesInStack [stackHeight - 1] = null;
Esempio n. 3
    bool hitByattacker(Collider2D other)
        //Debug.Log ("collidedwith:");
        //Debug.Log (other.tag);
        GameObject collidedGameObject = other.gameObject;

        if (collidedGameObject.CompareTag("SinglePancakeConnectRigidBody") || collidedGameObject.CompareTag("SinglePancakeSideRigidBody"))
            PancakeBehaviourScript script = collidedGameObject.GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();
            //Debug.Log ("is pancake stacked?");
            //Debug.Log (script.isStacked ());
            if (script.isThrown())
                //the pancake I collided with was thrown
                //is it my own thrown pancake?
                int attackerId = script.getOwnerID();
                if (playerId != attackerId)
                    //I am not the owner of this pancake, I am hit by an attacker!
                    hitByPlayer = attackerId;
Esempio n. 4
    void throwPancake(int side)
        PancakeBehaviourScript pancakeScript = RigidBodiesInStack [selectedPancake].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();

        //turn highlight off:
        RigidBodiesInStack [selectedPancake].gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = false;
        //reordering and re-attaching rigid bodies in stack:
        //resetting selector:
        selectedPancake = -1;
        //disabling collisions:
        //foreach (Rigidbody2D rb in RigidBodiesInStack) {
        for (int i = 0; i < stackHeight; ++i)
        pancakeScript.disableCollisionsWith(GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ());
        //throwing the pancake:
        if (side == 1)
            //throw pancake to right:
            if (attackSpeed1 < 0)
                pancakeScript.throwThisPancake(-1.0f * attackSpeed1, side);
                pancakeScript.throwThisPancake(attackSpeed1, side);
        if (side == 2)
            pancakeScript.throwThisPancake(attackSpeed2, side);
    void adjustParametersUponStack(Collider2D other)
        if (stackingToPlate)
            //Debug.Log ("stackingToPlate");
            //increment the stack size
            //CharacterBehaviourScript script = other.GetComponent<CharacterBehaviourScript>();
            //toggle top pancake options
            PancakeBehaviourScript script = other.GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();
        stacked          = true;
        gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("StackedPancake");
        foreach (Transform child in gameObject.transform)
            child.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("StackedPancake");
        rigidBodyOfInterest.gravityScale = 1.0f;
        sideRigidBody1.gravityScale      = 1.0f;
        sideRigidBody2.gravityScale      = 1.0f;

        //Debug.Log ("isTopPancakeAfterStack?");
        //Debug.Log (topPancake);
    void activateSideSprings(Rigidbody2D collidedRigidbody)
        SpringJoint2D springJoint1 = sideRigidBody1.gameObject.GetComponent <SpringJoint2D> ();
        SpringJoint2D springJoint2 = sideRigidBody2.gameObject.GetComponent <SpringJoint2D> ();

        if (stackingToPlate)
            //the pancake is stacking to plate, need to adjust spring attachment parameters (dafaults are for other pancakes).
            springJoint1.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(-1.0f * sideSpringPlatePlacement, 0);
            springJoint1.dampingRatio    = springPancakeToPlateDamping;
            springJoint1.frequency       = springPancakeToPlateFrequency;
            springJoint2.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(sideSpringPlatePlacement, 0);
            springJoint2.dampingRatio    = springPancakeToPlateDamping;
            springJoint2.frequency       = springPancakeToPlateFrequency;
        if (flippedAttached)
            Vector2 v1 = springJoint1.connectedAnchor;
            springJoint1.connectedAnchor = new  Vector2(-1.0f * v1[0], 0);
            Vector2 v2 = springJoint2.connectedAnchor;
            springJoint2.connectedAnchor = new  Vector2(-1.0f * v2[0], 0);
        if (stackingToPlate)
            springJoint1.connectedBody = collidedRigidbody;
            springJoint1.enabled       = true;
            springJoint2.connectedBody = collidedRigidbody;
            springJoint2.enabled       = true;
            PancakeBehaviourScript script = collidedRigidbody.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();
            bool pancakeBelowIsFlipped    = script.isFlippedAttached();
            if (flippedAttached && pancakeBelowIsFlipped)
                springJoint1.connectedBody = script.getSideRigidBody1();
                springJoint2.connectedBody = script.getSideRigidBody2();
            else if (flippedAttached || pancakeBelowIsFlipped)
                //one of the pancakes is flipped, I need to attach side 1 to side 2 and vice versa
                springJoint1.connectedBody = script.getSideRigidBody2();
                springJoint2.connectedBody = script.getSideRigidBody1();
                //nothing is flipped:
                springJoint1.connectedBody = script.getSideRigidBody1();
                springJoint2.connectedBody = script.getSideRigidBody2();
            springJoint1.enabled = true;
            springJoint2.enabled = true;
    void activateSprings(Rigidbody2D collidedRigidbody)
        SpringJoint2D[] springJoints = rigidBodyOfInterest.gameObject.GetComponents <SpringJoint2D> ();
        bool            foundFirst   = false;

        foreach (SpringJoint2D springJoint in springJoints)
            if (stackingToPlate)
                //the pancake is stacking to plate, need to adjust spring attachment parameters (dafaults are for other pancakes).
                Vector2 v = springJoint.connectedAnchor;
                springJoint.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(v[0] / springPancakePlacement * springPlatePlacement, 0);
                foundFirst = true;
                springJoint.dampingRatio = springPancakeToPlateDamping;
                springJoint.frequency    = springPancakeToPlateFrequency;
                springJoint.distance     = springPancakeToPlateDistance;
                //attaching to another pancake, if the pancake below is flipper during attachemnt, I should rotate the
                // attachment (same as if this pancake is flipped).
                //if this pancake is also flipped, the rotation will be repeated,
                //briging the connectin to norma n=once again in the below if clause
                PancakeBehaviourScript script = collidedRigidbody.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();
                if (script.isFlippedAttached())
                    Vector2 v = springJoint.connectedAnchor;
                    springJoint.connectedAnchor = new  Vector2(-1.0f * v[0], 0);
            float zRot = (rigidBodyOfInterest.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z % 360);
            //Debug.Log ("zRot:");
            //Debug.Log (zRot);
            if ((zRot > 90 && zRot < 270.0) || (zRot < -90 && zRot > -270))
                //the colliding PancakeBehaviourScript is upside down,
                //I will flip the springPlatePlacement connections, such that the springs will still be cross:
                Vector2 v = springJoint.connectedAnchor;
                springJoint.connectedAnchor = new  Vector2(-1.0f * v[0], 0);
                flippedAttached             = true;
            springJoint.connectedBody = collidedRigidbody;
            springJoint.enabled       = true;
    public void reConnectSpringsBasedOnThisPancake(Rigidbody2D reAttachmentBase)
        SpringJoint2D[] ownSpringJoints  = rigidBodyOfInterest.gameObject.GetComponents <SpringJoint2D> ();
        SpringJoint2D[] baseSpringJoints = reAttachmentBase.gameObject.GetComponents <SpringJoint2D> ();
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            Vector2 v = baseSpringJoints [i].connectedAnchor;
            ownSpringJoints [i].connectedAnchor = new Vector2(v [0], v [1]);
            ownSpringJoints [i].dampingRatio    = baseSpringJoints [i].dampingRatio;
            ownSpringJoints [i].frequency       = baseSpringJoints [i].frequency;
            ownSpringJoints [i].distance        = baseSpringJoints [i].distance;
            ownSpringJoints[i].connectedBody    = baseSpringJoints[i].connectedBody;
        PancakeBehaviourScript scriptOfBase = reAttachmentBase.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();

        if (scriptOfBase.isFlippedAttached())
            flippedAttached = true;
        if (scriptOfBase.isStackingToPlate())
            stackingToPlate = true;
        SpringJoint2D ownSideJoint1  = sideRigidBody1.gameObject.GetComponent <SpringJoint2D> ();
        SpringJoint2D ownSideJoint2  = sideRigidBody2.gameObject.GetComponent <SpringJoint2D> ();
        SpringJoint2D baseSideJoint1 = scriptOfBase.getSideRigidBody1().gameObject.GetComponent <SpringJoint2D> ();
        SpringJoint2D baseSideJoint2 = scriptOfBase.getSideRigidBody2().gameObject.GetComponent <SpringJoint2D> ();

        Vector2 v1 = baseSideJoint1.connectedAnchor;

        ownSideJoint1.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(v1 [0], v1 [1]);
        Vector2 v2 = baseSideJoint2.connectedAnchor;

        ownSideJoint2.connectedAnchor = new Vector2(v2 [0], v2 [1]);
        ownSideJoint1.dampingRatio    = baseSideJoint1.dampingRatio;
        ownSideJoint2.dampingRatio    = baseSideJoint2.dampingRatio;
        ownSideJoint1.frequency       = baseSideJoint1.frequency;
        ownSideJoint2.frequency       = baseSideJoint2.frequency;
        ownSideJoint1.distance        = baseSideJoint1.distance;
        ownSideJoint2.distance        = baseSideJoint2.distance;
        ownSideJoint1.connectedBody   = baseSideJoint1.connectedBody;
        ownSideJoint2.connectedBody   = baseSideJoint2.connectedBody;
Esempio n. 9
    void breakStack(int breakPoint)
        //if there is selected pancake, it will not be selected anymore:
        if (selectedPancake > 0)
            RigidBodiesInStack [selectedPancake].gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = false;
            //resetting selector:
            selectedPancake = -1;
        //disabling and removing pancakes from the rigid body list
        while (stackHeight > breakPoint)
            PancakeBehaviourScript pancakeScript = RigidBodiesInStack [stackHeight - 1].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();
            RigidBodiesInStack [stackHeight - 1] = null;
        //setting the pancake below the break point to be the top pancake:
        PancakeBehaviourScript pancakeScriptNewTop = RigidBodiesInStack [breakPoint - 1].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();

    bool collidedToStackAble(Collider2D other)
        //Debug.Log ("collidedwith:");
        //Debug.Log (other.tag);
        GameObject collidedGameObject = other.gameObject;

        if (collidedGameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
            //collided with plate:
            CharacterBehaviourScript script = collidedGameObject.GetComponentInParent <CharacterBehaviourScript> ();
            if (!script.collidedToPlateFromTop(other, rigidBodyOfInterest.transform.position.y))
                //the collision must be from above, and to the plate, not to the feet!
            if (script.getSizeOfStack() > 0)
                //the pile has other pancakes, I do not sack on this pancake
                if (script.checkIfHasSpaceForStacking())
                    stackingToPlate = true;
                    ownerScript     = script;
                    ownerID         = ownerScript.getPlayerId();
                    //the stack is full, there can be no more pancakes
        else if (collidedGameObject.CompareTag("SinglePancakeConnectRigidBody"))
            //Debug.Log ("collided with singePancake");
            //the collision is not with the base, it is with another pancake:
            //did I hit the stackable pancake rigid body?
            PancakeBehaviourScript script = collidedGameObject.GetComponentInParent <PancakeBehaviourScript> ();
            //Debug.Log ("is pancake stacked?");
            //Debug.Log (script.isStacked ());
            if (script.isStacked())
                //Debug.Log ("pancake is stacked");
                //pancake is stacked:
                if (script.isTopPancake())
                    //Debug.Log("Pancake is top pancake");
                    //pancake is top pancake,
                    if (collidedGameObject.transform.position.y < rigidBodyOfInterest.transform.position.y)
                        //the collision is from above
                        if (script.getOwnerScript().checkIfHasSpaceForStacking())
                            //the owner plate of the pancake it collided with has space:
                            //can stack now:
                            ownerScript = script.getOwnerScript();
                            ownerID     = ownerScript.getPlayerId();