internal void AssignValueToAddPalletAsync(string _batchId, IList <BarcodeModel> barcodes) { try { if (barcodes.Count == 0) { PalletCollection.Clear(); Kegs = default; } else if (!PalletCollection.Any(x => x.BatchId == _batchId)) { PalletCollection.Add(new PalletModel() { Barcode = barcodes, Count = barcodes.Count(), BatchId = _batchId }); CountKegs(); } else { PalletCollection.Where(x => x.BatchId == _batchId).FirstOrDefault().Barcode = barcodes; PalletCollection.Where(x => x.BatchId == _batchId).FirstOrDefault().Count = barcodes.Count; CountKegs(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Crashes.TrackError(ex); } }
internal void AssignFillScanValue(IList <BarcodeModel> _barcodes, string _batchId) { try { PalletModel pallet = PalletCollection.Where(x => x.BatchId == _batchId).FirstOrDefault(); if (pallet != null) { using (var db = Realm.GetInstance(RealmDbManager.GetRealmDbConfig()).BeginWrite()) { pallet.Barcode = _barcodes; pallet.Count = _barcodes.Count(); db.Commit(); } } else { PalletCollection.Add(new PalletModel() { Barcode = _barcodes, Count = _barcodes.Count(), BatchId = _batchId, }); } if (PalletCollection.Sum(x => x.Count) > 1) { Kegs = string.Format("({0} Kegs)", PalletCollection.Sum(x => x.Count)); } else { Kegs = string.Format("({0} Keg)", PalletCollection.Sum(x => x.Count)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Crashes.TrackError(ex); } }
public async void SubmitCommandRecieverAsync() { try { var location = await _geolocationService.GetLastLocationAsync(); var barcodes = ConstantManager.Barcodes; var tags = ConstantManager.Tags; var partnerModel = ConstantManager.Partner; if (PalletCollection.Count == 0) { await _dialogService.DisplayAlertAsync("Error", "Error: Please add some scans.", "Ok"); return; } IEnumerable <PalletModel> empty = PalletCollection.Where(x => x.Barcode.Count == 0); if (empty.ToList().Count > 0) { string result = await _dialogService.DisplayActionSheetAsync("Error? \n Some pallets have 0 scans. Do you want to edit them or remove the empty pallets.", null, null, "Remove empties", "Edit"); if (result == "Remove empties") { foreach (var item in empty.Reverse()) { PalletCollection.Remove(item); } if (PalletCollection.Count == 0) { return; } } if (result == "Edit") { await ItemTappedCommandRecieverAsync(empty.FirstOrDefault()); return; } } List <string> closedBatches = new List <string>(); List <NewPallet> newPallets = new List <NewPallet>(); NewPallet newPallet = null; List <TItem> palletItems = new List <TItem>(); TItem palletItem = null; foreach (var pallet in PalletCollection) { foreach (var item in pallet.Barcode) { palletItem = new TItem { Barcode = item.Barcode, ScanDate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Date, TagsStr = item.TagsStr }; if (item.Tags != null) { foreach (var tag in item.Tags) { palletItem.Tags.Add(tag); } } palletItems.Add(palletItem); } newPallet = new NewPallet { Barcode = pallet.BatchId, BuildDate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Date, StockLocation = partnerModel?.PartnerId, StockLocationId = partnerModel?.PartnerId, StockLocationName = partnerModel?.FullName, OwnerId = AppSettings.CompanyId, PalletId = _uuidManager.GetUuId(), ReferenceKey = "", }; if (tags != null) { foreach (var item in tags) { newPallet.Tags.Add(item); } } foreach (var item in palletItems) { newPallet.PalletItems.Add(item); } newPallets.Add(newPallet); } bool accept = await _dialogService.DisplayAlertAsync("Close batch", "Mark this batch as completed?", "Yes", "No"); if (accept) { closedBatches = PalletCollection.Select(x => x.ManifestId).ToList(); } Loader.StartLoading(); ManifestModel model = null; try { model = _manifestManager.GetManifestDraft(EventTypeEnum.FILL_MANIFEST, ManifestId ?? PalletCollection.FirstOrDefault().ManifestId, barcodes, location != null?(long)location.Latitude:0, location != null ? (long)location.Longitude:0, tags, string.Empty, partnerModel, newPallets, new List <NewBatch>(), closedBatches, null, 4); } catch (Exception ex) { Crashes.TrackError(ex); } if (model != null) { try { var current = Connectivity.NetworkAccess; if (current == NetworkAccess.Internet) { var manifestPostModel = await _moveService.PostManifestAsync(model, AppSettings.SessionId, Configuration.NewManifest); try { AddorUpdateManifestOffline(model, false); } catch (Exception ex) { Crashes.TrackError(ex); } await GetPostedManifestDetail(); } else { try { AddorUpdateManifestOffline(model, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Crashes.TrackError(ex); } await GetPostedManifestDetail(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Crashes.TrackError(ex); } finally { model = null; barcodes = null; tags = null; partnerModel = null; closedBatches = null; newPallets = null; newPallet = null; palletItems = null; palletItem = null; Cleanup(); } } else { await _dialogService.DisplayAlertAsync("Alert", "Something goes wrong please check again", "Ok"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Crashes.TrackError(ex); } finally { Loader.StopLoading(); } }