Esempio n. 1
 public void Reset()
     this.loadedTeams    = null;
     this.loadedPairings = null;
     this.loadedRounds   = null;
     this.state          = PairingsGeneratorState.NotInitialized;
Esempio n. 2
 public void Reset()
     this.loadedTeams       = null;
     this.loadedRounds      = null;
     this.loadedEliminated  = null;
     this.loadedCanContinue = false;
     this.state             = PairingsGeneratorState.NotInitialized;
Esempio n. 3
    public void LoadState(IEnumerable <TournamentTeam> teams, IList <TournamentRound> rounds)
        if (teams == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("teams");

        if (rounds == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("rounds");

        // Load our list of teams.
        List <TournamentTeam> newTeams = new List <TournamentTeam>();


        // Build our total list of pairings.
        List <RRPairing> newPairings = new List <RRPairing>();

        for (int i = 0; i < newTeams.Count; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < newTeams.Count; j++)
                newPairings.Add(new RRPairing()
                    A = newTeams[i], B = newTeams[j]

        // Remove from the pairings list each pairing that has already been executed
        foreach (TournamentRound round in rounds)
            foreach (TournamentPairing pairing in round.Pairings)
                List <TournamentTeamScore> pair = new List <TournamentTeamScore>(pairing.TeamScores);

                if (pair.Count > 2)
                    throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  There exists a pairing containing more than two competing teams.");
                else if (pair.Count <= 1)
                    Func <RRPairing, bool> filter = (RRPairing p) => (p.A == pair[0].Team && p.B == pair[1].Team) || (p.A == pair[1].Team && p.B == pair[0].Team);
                    RRPairing remove = newPairings.SingleOrDefault(filter);
                    if (remove == null)
                        if (pair[0].Team == pair[1].Team)
                            throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  At lease one pairing has the same team entered twice.");
                        else if (!newTeams.Contains(pair[0].Team) || !newTeams.Contains(pair[1].Team))
                            throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  At lease one who does not belong to the tournament team has been involved in a pairing.");
                            throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  At lease one pairing has been executed more than once.");


        this.loadedTeams    = newTeams;
        this.loadedPairings = newPairings;
        this.loadedRounds   = new List <TournamentRound>(rounds);
        this.state          = PairingsGeneratorState.Initialized;
 public void Reset()
     this.loadedTeams = null;
     this.loadedPairings = null;
     this.loadedRounds = null;
     this.PoolGroups = null;
     this.state = PairingsGeneratorState.NotInitialized;
        private void LoadRoundRobinDefault(IEnumerable<TournamentTeam> teams, IList<TournamentRound> rounds)

            // Load our list of teams.
            List<TournamentTeam> newTeams = new List<TournamentTeam>();

            // Build our total list of pairings.
            List<RRPairing> newPairings = new List<RRPairing>();
            for (int i = 0; i < newTeams.Count; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < newTeams.Count; j++)
                    newPairings.Add(new RRPairing() { A = newTeams[i], B = newTeams[j] });

            // Remove from the pairings list each pairing that has already been executed
            foreach (TournamentRound round in rounds)
                foreach (TournamentPairing pairing in round.Pairings)
                    List<TournamentTeamScore> pair = new List<TournamentTeamScore>(pairing.TeamScores);

                    if (pair.Count > 2)
                        throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  There exists a pairing containing more than two competing teams.");
                    else if (pair.Count <= 1)
                        Func<RRPairing, bool> filter = (RRPairing p) => (p.A.TeamId == pair[0].Team.TeamId && p.B.TeamId == pair[1].Team.TeamId) || (p.A.TeamId == pair[1].Team.TeamId && p.B.TeamId == pair[0].Team.TeamId);
                        RRPairing remove = newPairings.SingleOrDefault(filter);
                        if (remove == null)
                            if (pair[0].Team.TeamId == pair[1].Team.TeamId)
                                throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  At lease one pairing has the same team entered twice.");
                            else if (newTeams.Where(x => x.TeamId == pair[0].Team.TeamId).FirstOrDefault() == null || newTeams.Where(x => x.TeamId == pair[1].Team.TeamId).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  At lease one who does not belong to the tournament team has been involved in a pairing.");
                                throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  At lease one pairing has been executed more than once.");

                        var isRemoved = newPairings.Remove(remove);
                        if (isRemoved == false)
                            isRemoved = false;

            this.loadedTeams = newTeams;
            this.loadedPairings = newPairings;
            this.loadedRounds = new List<TournamentRound>(rounds);
            this.state = PairingsGeneratorState.Initialized;
        private void LoadRoundRobinPoolPlay(IEnumerable<TournamentTeam> teams, IList<TournamentRound> rounds)
            this.loadedPairings = new List<RRPairing>();
            this.loadedRounds = new List<TournamentRound>();
            PoolGroups = new List<TournamentPoolGroup>();

            GroupIds = teams.Select(x => x.GroupId).Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (var id in GroupIds)
                TournamentPoolGroup group = new TournamentPoolGroup();
                group.GroupId = id.Value;
                group.AddTeams(teams.Where(x => x.GroupId.HasValue && x.GroupId == id).ToList());

            foreach (var group in PoolGroups)

                // Build our total list of pairings.
                List<RRPairing> newPairings = new List<RRPairing>();
                for (int i = 0; i < group.teamsInGroup.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < group.teamsInGroup.Count; j++)
                        newPairings.Add(new RRPairing() { A = group.teamsInGroup[i], B = group.teamsInGroup[j], GroupId = group.GroupId });

                // Remove from the pairings list each pairing that has already been executed
                foreach (TournamentRound round in rounds)
                    foreach (TournamentPairing pairing in round.Pairings.Where(x => x.GroupId == group.GroupId))
                        List<TournamentTeamScore> pair = new List<TournamentTeamScore>(pairing.TeamScores);

                        if (pair.Count > 2)
                            throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  There exists a pairing containing more than two competing teams.");
                        else if (pair.Count <= 1)
                            Func<RRPairing, bool> filter = (RRPairing p) => (p.A.TeamId == pair[0].Team.TeamId && p.B.TeamId == pair[1].Team.TeamId) || (p.A.TeamId == pair[1].Team.TeamId && p.B.TeamId == pair[0].Team.TeamId);
                            RRPairing remove = newPairings.SingleOrDefault(filter);
                            if (remove == null)
                                if (pair[0].Team.TeamId == pair[1].Team.TeamId)
                                    throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  At lease one pairing has the same team entered twice.");
                                else if (group.teamsInGroup.Where(x => x.TeamId == pair[0].Team.TeamId).FirstOrDefault() == null || group.teamsInGroup.Where(x => x.TeamId == pair[1].Team.TeamId).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                    throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  At lease one who does not belong to the tournament team has been involved in a pairing.");
                                    throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a round-robin tournament for the following reason:  At lease one pairing has been executed more than once.");

                            var isRemoved = newPairings.Remove(remove);
                            if (isRemoved == false)
                                isRemoved = false;

                this.loadedRounds.AddRange(new List<TournamentRound>(rounds));

            this.loadedTeams = teams.ToList();
            this.state = PairingsGeneratorState.Initialized;
        public void LoadState(IEnumerable <TournamentTeam> teams, IList <TournamentRound> rounds)
            if (teams == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("teams");

            if (rounds == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rounds");

            if (rounds.Where(r => r.Pairings.Where(p => p.TeamScores.Count > 2).Any()).Any())
                throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("At least one pairing had more than two teams competing.  This is invalid in a single elimination tournament.");

            var  rootNode   = BuildTree(teams);
            bool byesLocked = false;

            foreach (var round in rounds)
                foreach (var pairing in round.Pairings)
                    // TODO: We must sort the byes to the top.

                    if (pairing.TeamScores.Count == 0)
                    bool success = rootNode.ApplyPairing(pairing);

                    if (!success)
                        var teamScoreA = pairing.TeamScores[0];
                        var teamScoreB = pairing.TeamScores.Count > 1 ? pairing.TeamScores[1] : null;

                        if (teamScoreA == null)
                            teamScoreA = teamScoreB;
                            teamScoreB = null;

                        if (teamScoreA == null)

                        var teamA  = teamScoreA != null ? teamScoreA.Team : null;
                        var teamB  = teamScoreB != null ? teamScoreB.Team : null;
                        var scoreA = teamScoreA != null ? teamScoreA.Score : null;
                        var scoreB = teamScoreB != null ? teamScoreB.Score : null;

                        var nodesA = teamA == null ? null : rootNode.FindDeciders(d => d.IsDecided && !d.Locked && d.GetWinner() != null && d.GetWinner().TeamId == teamA.TeamId);
                        var nodesB = teamB == null ? null : rootNode.FindDeciders(d => d.IsDecided && !d.Locked && d.GetWinner() != null && d.GetWinner().TeamId == teamB.TeamId);

                        if (nodesA == null || nodesA.Count() == 0 || nodesB == null || nodesB.Count() == 0)
                            if (!byesLocked)
                                byesLocked = true;
                                goto tryagainwithbyeslocked;
                            throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("There was at least one pairing that could not be matched: The requested team was not available to play.");

                        if (nodesA.Count() > 1 || nodesB.Count() > 1)
                            if (!byesLocked)
                                byesLocked = true;
                                goto tryagainwithbyeslocked;
                            throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("There was at least one pairing that could not be matched: The requested team was not able to be decided unambiguously.");

                        var deciderA = nodesA.Single();
                        var deciderB = nodesB.Single();

                        var parentDecider = deciderA.PrimaryParent.PrimaryParent as ContinuationDecider;
                        if (parentDecider == null)
                            parentDecider = deciderB.PrimaryParent.PrimaryParent as ContinuationDecider;
                            if (parentDecider == null)
                                if (!byesLocked)
                                    byesLocked = true;
                                    goto tryagainwithbyeslocked;
                                throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("There was at least one pairing that could not be matched: The requested pairing was not compatible with the state of the tournament.");

                        if (parentDecider.ChildA.Decider == deciderA || parentDecider.ChildA.Decider == deciderB)
                            if (parentDecider.ChildA.Decider == deciderA)
                                SwapDeciders(parentDecider.ChildB.Decider, deciderB);
                                SwapDeciders(parentDecider.ChildB.Decider, deciderA);
                            if (parentDecider.ChildB.Decider == deciderA)
                                SwapDeciders(parentDecider.ChildA.Decider, deciderB);
                                SwapDeciders(parentDecider.ChildA.Decider, deciderA);

                        success = rootNode.ApplyPairing(pairing);

                        if (!success)
                            if (!byesLocked)
                                byesLocked = true;
                                goto tryagainwithbyeslocked;
                            throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("A swap was performed to match the tournament to the actual state, but applying the pairing failed.");

            this.loadedRootNode = rootNode;
            this.loadedTeams    = new List <TournamentTeam>(teams);
            this.state          = PairingsGeneratorState.Initialized;
 public void Reset()
     this.loadedTeams = null;
     this.loadedRootNode = null;
     this.state = PairingsGeneratorState.NotInitialized;
        public void LoadState(IEnumerable<TournamentTeam> teams, IList<TournamentRound> rounds)
            if (teams == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("teams");

            if (rounds == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rounds");

            if (rounds.Where(r => r.Pairings.Where(p => p.TeamScores.Count > 2).Any()).Any())
                throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("At least one pairing had more than two teams competing.  This is invalid in a single elimination tournament.");

            var rootNode = BuildTree(teams);
            bool byesLocked = false;

            foreach (var round in rounds)
                foreach (var pairing in round.Pairings)
                    // TODO: We must sort the byes to the top.

                    if (pairing.TeamScores.Count == 0)
                    bool success = rootNode.ApplyPairing(pairing);

                    if (!success)
                        var teamScoreA = pairing.TeamScores[0];
                        var teamScoreB = pairing.TeamScores.Count > 1 ? pairing.TeamScores[1] : null;

                        if (teamScoreA == null)
                            teamScoreA = teamScoreB;
                            teamScoreB = null;

                        if (teamScoreA == null)

                        var teamA = teamScoreA != null ? teamScoreA.Team : null;
                        var teamB = teamScoreB != null ? teamScoreB.Team : null;
                        var scoreA = teamScoreA != null ? teamScoreA.Score : null;
                        var scoreB = teamScoreB != null ? teamScoreB.Score : null;

                        var nodesA = teamA == null ? null : rootNode.FindDeciders(d => d.IsDecided && !d.Locked && d.GetWinner() != null && d.GetWinner().TeamId == teamA.TeamId);
                        var nodesB = teamB == null ? null : rootNode.FindDeciders(d => d.IsDecided && !d.Locked && d.GetWinner() != null && d.GetWinner().TeamId == teamB.TeamId);

                        if (nodesA == null || nodesA.Count() == 0 || nodesB == null || nodesB.Count() == 0)
                            if (!byesLocked)
                                byesLocked = true;
                                goto tryagainwithbyeslocked;
                            throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("There was at least one pairing that could not be matched: The requested team was not available to play.");

                        if (nodesA.Count() > 1 || nodesB.Count() > 1)
                            if (!byesLocked)
                                byesLocked = true;
                                goto tryagainwithbyeslocked;
                            throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("There was at least one pairing that could not be matched: The requested team was not able to be decided unambiguously.");

                        var deciderA = nodesA.Single();
                        var deciderB = nodesB.Single();

                        var parentDecider = deciderA.PrimaryParent.PrimaryParent as ContinuationDecider;
                        if (parentDecider == null)
                            parentDecider = deciderB.PrimaryParent.PrimaryParent as ContinuationDecider;
                            if (parentDecider == null)
                                if (!byesLocked)
                                    byesLocked = true;
                                    goto tryagainwithbyeslocked;
                                throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("There was at least one pairing that could not be matched: The requested pairing was not compatible with the state of the tournament.");

                        if (parentDecider.ChildA.Decider == deciderA || parentDecider.ChildA.Decider == deciderB)
                            if (parentDecider.ChildA.Decider == deciderA)
                                SwapDeciders(parentDecider.ChildB.Decider, deciderB);
                                SwapDeciders(parentDecider.ChildB.Decider, deciderA);
                            if (parentDecider.ChildB.Decider == deciderA)
                                SwapDeciders(parentDecider.ChildA.Decider, deciderB);
                                SwapDeciders(parentDecider.ChildA.Decider, deciderA);

                        success = rootNode.ApplyPairing(pairing);

                        if (!success)
                            if (!byesLocked)
                                byesLocked = true;
                                goto tryagainwithbyeslocked;
                            throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("A swap was performed to match the tournament to the actual state, but applying the pairing failed.");

            this.loadedRootNode = rootNode;
            this.loadedTeams = new List<TournamentTeam>(teams);
            this.state = PairingsGeneratorState.Initialized;
 public void Reset()
     this.loadedTeams = null;
     this.loadedRounds = null;
     this.loadedEliminated = null;
     this.loadedCanContinue = false;
     this.state = PairingsGeneratorState.NotInitialized;
        public void LoadState(IEnumerable<TournamentTeam> teams, IList<TournamentRound> rounds)
            if (teams == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("teams");

            if (rounds == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rounds");

            if (!(teams.Count() < 1073741824))
                throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("A boil off competition can not handle more than 1073741823 competitors.");

            List<TournamentTeam> newTeams = new List<TournamentTeam>(teams);
            List<TournamentRound> newRounds = new List<TournamentRound>(rounds);
            List<BORank> newEliminated = new List<BORank>();

            int ordinalRoundNumber = 1;
            bool canContinue = true;
            foreach (var round in newRounds)
                if (!canContinue)
                    throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("At least one round was not completed before another was started.");

                List<BORank> rankings = new List<BORank>(GetRoundRankings(round, ordinalRoundNumber));

                if (rankings.Count == 0)
                    canContinue = false;

                var rankingTeams = (from ranking in rankings
                                    select ranking.Team).ToList();

                var ineligible = from rt in rankingTeams
                                 where !newTeams.Contains(rt)
                                 select rt;

                if (ineligible.Any())
                    throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a boil-off tournament for the following reason:  There is at least one competitor who should not have competed in a round who did.");

                var required = (from nt in newTeams
                                where (rankingTeams.Where(x=>x.TeamId == nt.TeamId).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                select nt).ToList();

                if (required.Any())
                    // If not in the first round, allow additional eliminations. (Given that all players in a tie must be eliminated/kept together.)
                    if (ordinalRoundNumber > 1)
                        // TODO: Allow additional eliminations, given that all players in a tie must be kept together.

                    throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("There is at least one competitor who should have competed in a round who did not.");

                int roundNumber = GetRoundNumber(newTeams.Count, BoilOffPairingsGenerator.lastRound);

                if (roundNumber > 0)
                    int maxRank = TeamsInRound(roundNumber - 1, BoilOffPairingsGenerator.lastRound);

                    var teamsEliminated = from ranking in rankings
                                          where ranking.Rank > maxRank
                                          select ranking;

                    var teamsLeft = from ranking in rankings
                                    where ranking.Rank <= maxRank
                                    select ranking.Team;



            this.loadedTeams = newTeams;
            this.loadedRounds = newRounds;
            this.loadedEliminated = newEliminated;
            this.loadedCanContinue = canContinue;
            this.state = PairingsGeneratorState.Initialized;
Esempio n. 12
        public void LoadState(IEnumerable <TournamentTeam> teams, IList <TournamentRound> rounds)
            if (teams == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(teams));

            if (rounds == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rounds));

            if (!(teams.Count() < 1073741824))
                throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("A boil off competition can not handle more than 1073741823 competitors.");

            List <TournamentTeam>  newTeams      = new List <TournamentTeam>(teams);
            List <TournamentRound> newRounds     = new List <TournamentRound>(rounds);
            List <BORank>          newEliminated = new List <BORank>();

            int  ordinalRoundNumber = 1;
            bool canContinue        = true;

            foreach (var round in newRounds)
                if (!canContinue)
                    throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("At least one round was not completed before another was started.");

                List <BORank> rankings = new List <BORank>(GetRoundRankings(round, ordinalRoundNumber));

                if (rankings.Count == 0)
                    canContinue = false;

                var rankingTeams = (from ranking in rankings
                                    select ranking.Team).ToList();

                var ineligible = from rt in rankingTeams
                                 where !newTeams.Contains(rt)
                                 select rt;

                if (ineligible.Any())
                    throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("The rounds alread executed in this tournament make it invalid as a boil-off tournament for the following reason:  There is at least one competitor who should not have competed in a round who did.");

                var required = (from nt in newTeams
                                where !rankingTeams.Contains(nt)
                                select nt).ToList();

                if (required.Any())
                    // If not in the first round, allow additional eliminations. (Given that all players in a tie must be eliminated/kept together.)
                    if (ordinalRoundNumber > 1)
                        // TODO: Allow additional eliminations, given that all players in a tie must be kept together.

                    throw new InvalidTournamentStateException("There is at least one competitor who should have competed in a round who did not.");

                int roundNumber = GetRoundNumber(newTeams.Count, BoilOffPairingsGenerator.lastRound);

                if (roundNumber > 0)
                    int maxRank = TeamsInRound(roundNumber - 1, BoilOffPairingsGenerator.lastRound);

                    var teamsEliminated = from ranking in rankings
                                          where ranking.Rank > maxRank
                                          select ranking;

                    var teamsLeft = from ranking in rankings
                                    where ranking.Rank <= maxRank
                                    select ranking.Team;



            this.loadedTeams       = newTeams;
            this.loadedRounds      = newRounds;
            this.loadedEliminated  = newEliminated;
            this.loadedCanContinue = canContinue;
            this.state             = PairingsGeneratorState.Initialized;
Esempio n. 13
 public void Reset()
     loadedTeams    = null;
     loadedRootNode = null;
     state          = PairingsGeneratorState.NOT_INITIALIZED;