protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); //Session["pagename"] = "EmailTypeMaster.aspx"; // Session["pnl1"] = "8"; Session["pnlM"] = "1"; Session["pnl1"] = "17"; Label1.Visible = false; compid = Session["comid"].ToString(); if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); fillwarehouse(); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; fillgrid(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); statuslable.Visible = false; if (!IsPostBack) { if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; txtdate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); fillstore(); ddlwarehouse_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); fillgrid(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); //con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!IsPostBack) { txtreqdate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); Fillwarehouse(); fillemployee(); fillfilteremployee(); filltaxben(); fillfiltertaxben(); txttaxablename_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); gridfun(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); conOADB = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); Label1.Visible = false; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; compid = Session["comid"].ToString(); string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!IsPostBack) { statuslable.Text = ""; Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); //PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); //con = pgcon.dynconn; statuslable.Visible = false; ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; // ddl(); fillwarehouse(); // ModalPopupExtender1.Hide(); ModalPopupExtender1222.Hide(); FillGridView1(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; GridView1.PagerSettings.Visible = true; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); compid = Session["Comid"].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); // Label1.Visible = false; if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; // ModalPopupExtender1.Hide(); //ModalPopupExtender1222.Hide(); FillGridView1(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); //con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!IsPostBack) { ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); Fillwarehouse(); fillaccount(); lblCompany.Text = Session["Cname"].ToString(); gridfun(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; compid = Session["Comid"].ToString(); string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); fillvacancy(); fillgrid(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!IsPostBack) { ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); txtdate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); Fillwarehouse(); fillPayrolltax(); filltaxyear(); fillempddl(); fillfilteremployee(); // fillgrid(); // filterstore(); // Fillddlbatchname(); // Filteremployee(); fillgrid(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } compid = Session["comid"].ToString(); pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); compid = Session["Comid"].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); ModalPopupExtender1222.Hide(); Label1.Visible = false; if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; //string strwh = "SELECT WareHouseId,Name,Address,CurrencyId FROM WareHouseMaster where comid='" + compid + "' and WareHouseMaster.Status='" + 1 + "'"; //SqlCommand cmdwh = new SqlCommand(strwh, con); //SqlDataAdapter adpwh = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdwh); //DataTable dtwh = new DataTable(); //adpwh.Fill(dtwh); //ddlWarehouse.DataSource = dtwh; //ddlWarehouse.DataTextField = "Name"; //ddlWarehouse.DataValueField = "WareHouseId"; //ddlWarehouse.DataBind(); //DropDownList1.DataSource = dtwh; //DropDownList1.DataTextField = "Name"; //DropDownList1.DataValueField = "WareHouseId"; //DropDownList1.DataBind(); //DropDownList1.Items.Insert(0, "ALL"); //DropDownList1.Items[0].Value = "0"; tXtEffectiveStartdate.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); txtenddate.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); fillstore(); fillstorewithfilter(); filldatagrid(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); lblmsg.Visible = false; if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; fillwarehouse(); FillStateWithCountry(); fillstore(); ddlstore_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); fillgrid(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); ViewState["Compid"] = Session["Comid"].ToString(); ViewState["UserName"] = Session["userid"].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!IsPostBack) { lblcmpny.Text = Session["Cname"].ToString(); Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; txtfromdt.Text = System.DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "/1/" + System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); txttodt.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); fillgrid(); fillemmmm(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; // compid = Session["comid"].ToString(); string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); fillstore(); fillparty(); Employee(); fillgrid(); filljob(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/ShoppingCart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Session["PageUrl"] = strData; Session["PageName"] = page; Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; lblcom.Text = Session["Cname"].ToString(); fillstore(); fillfilterstore(); FillRuleType(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); //con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!IsPostBack) { txtreqdate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); fillpaymentcycle(); Fillwarehouse(); // fillPayrolltax(); ddlstrname_SelectedIndexChanged1(sender, e); fillfilteremployee(); ddlpaycycle.Items.Insert(0, "Select"); ddlpaycycle.Items[0].Value = "0"; filltaxyearfilter(); lblCompany.Text = Session["Cname"].ToString(); gridfun(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); Page.Form.Attributes.Add("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; ViewState["Compid"] = Session["Comid"].ToString(); ViewState["UserName"] = Session["userid"].ToString(); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); fillwarehouse(); fillwarehouse1(); fillgrid(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; // compid = Session["comid"].ToString(); string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); fillstore(); if (Request.QueryString["jdid"] != null) { Rdprojecttype.SelectedIndex = 1; } fillparty(); Rdprojecttype_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); //fillgrid(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; compid = Session["comid"].ToString(); string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); lblmsg.Visible = false; if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; lblcomname.Text = Convert.ToString(Session["Cname"]); // checkaccess(); fillddl(); fill(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { // Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Session["PageUrl"] = strData; Session["PageName"] = page; Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (Session["CompanyName"] != null) { this.Title = Session["CompanyName"] + " - Edit Document"; } Session["PageName"] = "DocumentCopyPaste.aspx"; if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); int Docid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); hdnDocId.Value = Request.QueryString["id"]; // int Docid = 145; // int DesignationId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Did"]); ViewState["docid"] = Docid.ToString(); if (Convert.ToString(ViewState["docid"]) != "") { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string doc = "Select DocumentMainType.Whid FROM DocumentMainType INNER JOIN DocumentSubType ON DocumentMainType.DocumentMainTypeId = DocumentSubType.DocumentMainTypeId INNER JOIN DocumentType ON DocumentSubType.DocumentSubTypeId = DocumentType.DocumentSubTypeId inner join DocumentMaster on DocumentMaster.DocumentTypeId=DocumentType.DocumentTypeId where DocumentMainType.CID='" + Session["Comid"] + "' and DocumentMaster.DocumentId='" + ViewState["docid"] + "'"; SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(doc, con); adp.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ViewState["Whid"] = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Whid"]); } } LoadPdf(Docid); FillDocumentMainType(); FillDocDetail(sender, e); } DocumentName = ViewState["docname"].ToString(); DocumentID = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["docId"]); DesignationId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DesignationId"]); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Session["PageUrl"] = strData; Session["PageName"] = page; Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); DataTable dsss = new DataTable(); //dsss = clsMessage.Empid("158"); //if (dsss.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // Session["EmployeeIdep"] = dsss.Rows[0]["EmployeeMasterId"].ToString(); //} if (Session["CompanyName"] != null) { this.Title = Session["CompanyName"] + " Sent Messages "; } Session["EmployeeIdep"] = Session["EmployeeId"]; Session["PageName"] = "MessageSentExt.aspx"; pnlmsg.Visible = false; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; fillddl(); //ddlperiod.SelectedValue = "3"; filldatebyperiod(); fillusertype(); fillusertype111(); fillusername(); filltask(); fillproject(); fillextraemail(); SelectMsgforSendBox(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Session["PageUrl"] = strData; Session["PageName"] = page; Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); lblCompany.Text = Session["Cname"].ToString(); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; lblmsg.Text = ""; flaganddoc(); fillstore(); fillfilterstore(); //DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); //dt1 = clscompany.selectCompanyMaster(); //if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // if (Convert.ToString(dt1.Rows[0]["DocFolder"]) == "True") // { // RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex = 1; // } // else // { // RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex = 0; // } //} FillGrid(); RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); FillDocumentTypeAll(); FillParty(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Session["PageUrl"] = strData; Session["PageName"] = page; Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (Session["CompanyName"] != null) { this.Title = Session["CompanyName"] + " - Document Available "; } Session["PageName"] = "DocumentAvailable.aspx"; if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); lblCompany.Text = Session["Cname"].ToString(); string str = "SELECT Distinct WareHouseId,Name FROM WareHouseMaster inner join EmployeeWarehouseRights on EmployeeWarehouseRights.Whid=WareHouseMaster.WareHouseId where comid = '" + Session["comid"] + "'and WareHouseMaster.Status='" + 1 + "' and EmployeeWarehouseRights.AccessAllowed='True' order by name"; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(str, con); cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd1); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); ddlbusiness.DataSource = dt; ddlbusiness.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlbusiness.DataValueField = "WareHouseId"; ddlbusiness.DataBind(); string eeed = " Select distinct EmployeeMaster.Whid from EmployeeMaster where EmployeeMasterId='" + Session["EmployeeId"] + "'"; SqlCommand cmdeeed = new SqlCommand(eeed, con); SqlDataAdapter adpeeed = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdeeed); DataTable dteeed = new DataTable(); adpeeed.Fill(dteeed); if (dteeed.Rows.Count > 0) { ddlbusiness.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(dteeed.Rows[0]["Whid"]); } ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; ddlbusiness_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); ViewState["Compid"] = Session["Comid"].ToString(); ViewState["UserName"] = Session["userid"].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); fillwarehouse(); if (ddlwarehouse.SelectedItem.Text.Equals("All")) { string qryStr1 = "Select id,Departmentname from DepartmentmasterMNC where Companyid='" + ViewState["Compid"] + "' order by Departmentname"; ddlDept.DataSource = (DataSet)fillddl(qryStr1); fillddlOther(ddlDept, "Departmentname", "id"); ddlDept.Items.Insert(0, "All"); ddlDept.Items[0].Value = "0"; } else { fillemploy(); string qryStr = "Select id,Departmentname from DepartmentmasterMNC where Companyid='" + ViewState["Compid"] + "' and Whid='" + ddlwarehouse.SelectedValue + "' order by Departmentname"; ddlDept.DataSource = (DataSet)fillddl(qryStr); fillddlOther(ddlDept, "Departmentname", "id"); ddlDept.Items.Insert(0, "All"); ddlDept.Items[0].Value = "0"; } ddlDesignation.Items.Insert(0, "All"); ddlDesignation.Items[0].Value = "0"; //ddlEmployeeName.Items.Insert(0, "All"); //ddlEmployeeName.Items[0].Value = "0"; fillgriddata(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Session["PageUrl"] = strData; Session["PageName"] = page; Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); pnlmsg.Visible = false; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); string str = "SELECT Distinct WareHouseId,Name FROM WareHouseMaster inner join EmployeeWarehouseRights on EmployeeWarehouseRights.Whid=WareHouseMaster.WareHouseId where comid = '" + Session["comid"] + "'and WareHouseMaster.Status='" + 1 + "' and EmployeeWarehouseRights.AccessAllowed='True' order by name"; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(str, con); cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd1); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); ddlbusiness.DataSource = dt; ddlbusiness.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlbusiness.DataValueField = "WareHouseId"; ddlbusiness.DataBind(); pnlFromDate.Visible = false; pnlFromId.Visible = false; string eeed = " Select distinct EmployeeMaster.Whid from EmployeeMaster where EmployeeMasterId='" + Session["EmployeeId"] + "'"; SqlCommand cmdeeed = new SqlCommand(eeed, con); SqlDataAdapter adpeeed = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdeeed); DataTable dteeed = new DataTable(); adpeeed.Fill(dteeed); if (dteeed.Rows.Count > 0) { ddlbusiness.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(dteeed.Rows[0]["Whid"]); } ddlbusiness_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); txtfrom.Text = System.DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "/1/" + System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); txtto.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; compid = Session["comid"].ToString(); string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; lblCompany.Text = Session["Cname"].ToString(); rdlist1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); rdipright_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); DataTable dr = new DataTable(); dr = ClsIp.SelctIpGridfill(ddlfilterbus.SelectedValue, 1, ddlfilteruser.SelectedValue); if (dr.Rows.Count == 0) { dr = ClsIp.SelctIpGridfill("0", 0, "0"); } if (dr.Rows.Count > 0) { rdlist1.SelectedIndex = 0; rdipright.Items[0].Text = "List of IP Addresses Allowed for Any Users"; rdipright.Items[1].Text = "List of IP Addresses Allowed for Specific Users"; rdipright.SelectedIndex = 0; rdlist1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); rdipright_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); } else { rdlist1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); } FillGridView1(); } if (IsPostBack) { dynip = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostName; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); Label1.Visible = false; if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); FillddlStoreLocationDE(); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue == "0") { pnlInvCat.Visible = true; pnlInvName.Visible = false; FillddlInvCat(); ddlInvCat_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); btnSearchGo_Click(sender, e); } else if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue == "1") { pnlInvCat.Visible = false; pnlInvName.Visible = true; } else { pnlInvCat.Visible = false;; pnlInvName.Visible = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); statuslable.Visible = false; if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; ddbatch.DataSource = (DataSet)getall(); ddbatch.DataValueField = "ID"; ddbatch.DataTextField = "Name"; ddbatch.DataBind(); DataTable dr = select("Select distinct BatchMaster.Id from EmployeeMaster inner join EmployeeBatchMaster on EmployeeBatchMaster.Employeeid=EmployeeMaster.EmployeeMasterId inner join BatchMaster on BatchMaster.Id=EmployeeBatchMaster.BatchMasterId where EmployeeMasterId='" + Session["EmployeeId"] + "'"); if (dr.Rows.Count > 0) { ddbatch.SelectedIndex = ddbatch.Items.IndexOf(ddbatch.Items.FindByValue(dr.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString())); } ddldatebatch.DataSource = (DataSet)getall(); ddldatebatch.DataValueField = "ID"; ddldatebatch.DataTextField = "Name"; ddldatebatch.DataBind(); //ddldatebatch.SelectedIndex = ddldatebatch.Items.IndexOf(ddldatebatch.Items.FindByValue(dr.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString())); //ddbatch.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--"); //ddbatch.Items[0].Value = "0"; rdlist_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); txtdate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); txttodate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); lblcompany.Text = Session["Cname"].ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Session["PageUrl"] = strData; Session["PageName"] = page; Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; fillDDl(ddlbusiness, "Name", "WareHouseId", "SELECT WareHouseId,Name,Address,CurrencyId FROM WareHouseMaster where comid = '" + Session["comid"] + "'and WareHouseMaster.Status='" + 1 + "' order by name"); string eeed = " Select distinct EmployeeMaster.Whid from EmployeeMaster where EmployeeMasterId='" + Session["EmployeeId"] + "'"; SqlCommand cmdeeed = new SqlCommand(eeed, con); SqlDataAdapter adpeeed = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdeeed); DataTable dteeed = new DataTable(); adpeeed.Fill(dteeed); if (dteeed.Rows.Count > 0) { ddlbusiness.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(dteeed.Rows[0]["Whid"]); } SelectDocumentforProcessing(); selectEMployeelist(); DataTable dt_emailftp_priceplan = new DataTable(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; connection = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); //Session["pnl1"] = "8"; // Session["pagename"] = "SalesOrderAll.aspx"; if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); lblCompany.Text = Session["Cname"].ToString(); // ViewState["ret"] = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); fillwarehouse(); if (Request.QueryString["SaleOrderNo"] != null) { Session["OrId"] = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["SaleOrderNo"]); getsalesorder(); panel2.Visible = true; panel1.Visible = false; } else { txtfromdate.Text = System.DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "/01/" + System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); txtTodate.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); bindGrid(); panel2.Visible = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } Page.Form.Attributes.Add("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); PageConn pgcon = new PageConn(); con = pgcon.dynconn; pagetitleclass pg = new pagetitleclass(); string strData = Request.Url.ToString(); char[] separator = new char[] { '/' }; string compid = Session["comid"].ToString(); string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator); int i = Convert.ToInt32(strSplitArr.Length); string page = strSplitArr[i - 1].ToString(); Page.Title = pg.getPageTitle(page); Page.Form.Attributes.Add("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); if (ViewState["up"] != null) { upfile = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["up"]); } if (ViewState["rej"] != null) { rejfile = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["rej"]); } if (!IsPostBack) { Pagecontrol.dypcontrol(Page, page); if (Session["Comid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Shoppingcart/Admin/ShoppingCartLogin.aspx"); } Button11.Visible = false; ViewState["sortOrder"] = ""; fillstudy(); filleducation(); filteredu(); fillgrid(); } }