Esempio n. 1
        private PageBE Pages_PopulatePage(IDataReader dr)
            PageBE p = new PageBE();

            p._Comment      = dr.Read <byte[]>("page_comment");
            p._DisplayName  = dr.Read <string>("page_display_name");
            p._Namespace    = dr.Read <ushort>("page_namespace");
            p._TimeStamp    = dr.Read <string>("page_timestamp");
            p._Title        = dr.Read <string>("page_title");
            p._Touched      = dr.Read <string>("page_touched");
            p.ContentType   = dr.Read <string>("page_content_type");
            p.ID            = dr.Read <ulong>("page_id");
            p.IsNew         = dr.Read <bool>("page_is_new");
            p.IsHidden      = dr.Read <bool>("page_is_hidden");
            p.IsRedirect    = dr.Read <bool>("page_is_redirect");
            p.Language      = dr.Read <string>("page_language");
            p.Meta          = dr.Read <string>("page_meta");
            p.MinorEdit     = dr.Read <bool>("page_minor_edit");
            p.ParentID      = dr.Read <ulong>("page_parent");
            p.RestrictionID = dr.Read <uint>("page_restriction_id");
            p.Revision      = dr.Read <uint>("page_revision");
            p.TextLength    = dr.Read <int>("page_text_length");
            p.TIP           = dr.Read <string>("page_tip");
            p.UseCache      = dr.Read <bool>("page_usecache");
            p.UserID        = dr.Read <uint>("page_user_id");
            p.Etag          = dr.Read <string>("page_etag");
Esempio n. 2
        public Dictionary <ulong, IList <PageBE> > Pages_GetRedirects(IList <ulong> pageIds)
            Dictionary <ulong, IList <PageBE> > ret = new Dictionary <ulong, IList <PageBE> >();

            if (pageIds == null || pageIds.Count == 0)
            string pageIdsText = pageIds.ToCommaDelimitedString();
            string query       = string.Format(@" /* PageDA::Pages_GetRedirects */
SELECT l_to, {0}
FROM pages p
JOIN links
	ON p.page_id = l_from
WHERE p.page_is_redirect=1 
AND l_to IN({1});
", PAGEFIELDS, pageIdsText);

            .Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) {
                while (dr.Read())
                    PageBE p = Pages_PopulatePage(dr);
                    ulong to = dr.Read <ulong>("l_to");
                    IList <PageBE> redirectsForId = null;
                    if (!ret.TryGetValue(to, out redirectsForId))
                        ret[to] = redirectsForId = new List <PageBE>();
Esempio n. 3
        public void Pages_Update(PageBE page)
            // Update page text only if it has been set
            string updatePageText = String.Empty;

            if (page.IsTextPopulated)
                updatePageText = ", page_text = ?PAGETEXT";

            string      query = String.Format(@" /* Pages_Update */
update pages SET 
page_namespace      = ?NAMESPACE,
page_title          = ?TITLE,
page_comment        = ?PAGECOMMENT,
page_user_id        = ?USERID,
page_timestamp      = ?PAGETIMESTAMP,
page_is_redirect    = ?ISREDIRECT,
page_minor_edit     = ?MINOREDIT,
page_is_new         = ?ISNEW,
page_touched        = ?TOUCHED,
page_usecache       = ?USECACHE,
page_tip            = ?TIP,
page_parent         = ?PARENT,
page_restriction_id = ?RESTRICTIONID,
page_content_type   = ?CONTENTTYPE,
page_language       = ?LANGUAGE,
page_display_name   = ?DISPLAYNAME,
page_etag           = ?ETAG,
page_revision       = ?REVISION
where page_id       = ?PAGEID
", updatePageText);
            DataCommand cmd   = Catalog.NewQuery(query)
                                .With("PAGEID", page.ID)
                                .With("NAMESPACE", (int)page.Title.Namespace)
                                .With("TITLE", page.Title.AsUnprefixedDbPath())
                                .With("PAGECOMMENT", page.Comment)
                                .With("USERID", page.UserID)
                                .With("PAGETIMESTAMP", page._TimeStamp)
                                .With("ISREDIRECT", page.IsRedirect)
                                .With("MINOREDIT", page.MinorEdit)
                                .With("ISNEW", page.IsNew)
                                .With("TOUCHED", page._Touched)
                                .With("USECACHE", page.UseCache)
                                .With("TIP", page.TIP)
                                .With("PARENT", page.ParentID)
                                .With("RESTRICTIONID", page.RestrictionID)
                                .With("CONTENTTYPE", page.ContentType)
                                .With("LANGUAGE", page.Language)
                                .With("DISPLAYNAME", page.Title.DisplayName)
                                .With("ETAG", page.Etag)
                                .With("REVISION", page.Revision);

            if (page.IsTextPopulated)
                cmd.With("PAGETEXT", page.GetText(this.Head));
Esempio n. 4
        private static PageBE PopulateOld(IDataRecord dr)
            PageBE old = new PageBE();

            old.ID         = DbUtils.Convert.To <ulong>(dr["rev_id"]).Value;
            old._Namespace = DbUtils.Convert.To <ushort>(dr["page_namespace"]).Value;
            old._Title     = GetUTF8String(dr, "page_title");
            old.SetText(GetUTF8String(dr, "old_text"));
            old.Comment = GetUTF8String(dr, "rev_comment");
            if (MediaWikiConverterContext.Current.Merge)
                old.UserID = MediaWikiConverterContext.Current.MergeUserId;
                old.UserID = DbUtils.Convert.To <uint>(dr["rev_user"]).Value;
            old.TimeStamp   = DbUtils.ToDateTime(GetUTF8String(dr, "rev_timestamp"));
            old.MinorEdit   = DbUtils.Convert.To <bool>(dr["rev_minor_edit"]).Value;
            old.ContentType = DekiMimeType.MEDIAWIKI_TEXT;
            if (MediaWikiConverterContext.Current.AttributeViaPageRevComment)
                //Add the original revision username to the comment
                string username = GetUTF8String(dr, "rev_user_text");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                    old.Comment = string.Format(MediaWikiConverterContext.Current.AttributeViaPageRevCommentPattern, old.Comment, username);

Esempio n. 5
        public virtual ResourceBE Delete(ResourceBE resource, PageBE parentPage, uint changeSetId)
            //Build the new revision
            ResourceBE res = BuildRevForRemove(resource, DateTime.UtcNow, changeSetId);

            //Update db
            res = SaveResource(res);

            //Update indexes and parent page's timestamp

            //TODO MaxM: Changesink needs to accept a resource
            if (res.ResourceType == ResourceBE.Type.FILE)
                DekiContext.Current.Instance.EventSink.AttachmentDelete(DekiContext.Current.Now, res, DekiContext.Current.User);

                // Recent changes
                RecentChangeBL.AddFileRecentChange(DekiContext.Current.Now, parentPage, DekiContext.Current.User, DekiResources.FILE_REMOVED(res.Name), changeSetId);

            if (parentPage != null)
                PageBL.Touch(parentPage, DateTime.UtcNow);

Esempio n. 6
        public static XDoc BuildXmlSiteMap(PageBE rootPage, string language)
            Dictionary <ulong, PageBE> pagesById = null;

            rootPage = PageBL.PopulateDescendants(rootPage, null, out pagesById, ConfigBL.GetInstanceSettingsValueAs <int>(ConfigBL.MAX_SITEMAP_SIZE_KEY, ConfigBL.MAX_SITEMAP_SIZE));

            PageBE[] allowedPages = PermissionsBL.FilterDisallowed(DekiContext.Current.User, new List <PageBE>(pagesById.Values).ToArray(), false, new Permissions[] { Permissions.BROWSE });
            Dictionary <ulong, PageBE> allowedPagesById = allowedPages.AsHash(e => e.ID);
            Dictionary <ulong, PageBE> addedPagesById   = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(language))
                List <ulong> pagesToRemove = new List <ulong>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, PageBE> page in allowedPagesById)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(page.Value.Language) && !StringUtil.EqualsInvariantIgnoreCase(page.Value.Language, language))
                foreach (ulong pageId in pagesToRemove)
            PageBL.AddParentsOfAllowedChildren(rootPage, allowedPagesById, addedPagesById);

            return(BuildXmlSiteMap(rootPage, new XDoc("pages"), allowedPagesById));
Esempio n. 7
        public static Dictionary <Site, List <PageBE> > GetPagesBySite()
            Dictionary <Site, List <PageBE> > pagesBySite = new Dictionary <Site, List <PageBE> >();

            foreach (Site site in MediaWikiConverterContext.Current.MWSites)
                List <PageBE> pages = new List <PageBE>();
                pagesBySite[site] = pages;
                                                                         @"SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_restrictions, 
                             page_is_redirect, page_is_new, page_touched, rev_user, rev_timestamp, 
                             rev_minor_edit, rev_comment, old_text, rev_user_text
                    FROM {0}page 
                    JOIN {0}revision on {0}revision.rev_id = {0}page.page_latest 
                    JOIN {0}text on {0}revision.rev_text_id = {0}text.old_id", site.DbPrefix)).Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) {
                    while (dr.Read())
                        PageBE page = PopulatePage(dr);
                        if (IsSupportedNamespace(page.Title))
                            page.Language = site.Language;
Esempio n. 8
        private void NotifyPropertyParent(DateTime eventTime, ResourceBE prop, UserBE user, ResourceBE.ParentType parentType, string action)
            if (parentType == ResourceBE.ParentType.PAGE && prop.ParentPageId != null)
                PageBE parentPage = PageBL.GetPageById(prop.ParentPageId.Value);
                if (parentPage != null)
                    PageDependentChanged(eventTime, parentPage, user, PROPERTY, action);
            else if (parentType == ResourceBE.ParentType.USER)
                // Owner of property may not be same as requesting user.
                // The dependentschanged event is triggered on the property owner.
                if (prop.ParentUserId != null)
                    // Optimization to avoid a db call when operating on your own user property.
                    if (user.ID != prop.ParentUserId.Value)
                        user = UserBL.GetUserById(prop.ParentUserId.Value);
                        if (user == null)
                            _log.WarnFormat("Could not find owner user (id: {0}) of user property (key: {1})", prop.ParentUserId.Value, prop.Name);

                UserDependentChanged(eventTime, user, PROPERTY, action);

            //TODO (maxm): trigger file property changes
Esempio n. 9
        public IList <NavBE> Nav_GetChildren(PageBE page)
            string      query = @" /* Nav_GetChildren */
                SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_display_name, pages.page_parent as page_parent, restriction_perm_flags,
		        (       SELECT count(C.page_id) 
		                FROM pages C
		                WHERE   C.page_parent = pages.page_id 
		                AND	    C.page_id != ?HOMEPAGEID
		                AND     C.page_parent != ?HOMEPAGEID
		                AND     C.page_namespace = ?PAGENS 
		                AND     C.page_is_redirect = 0
		                GROUP BY C.page_parent 
	            )       AS      page_children
		        FROM pages
		        LEFT JOIN restrictions ON page_restriction_id = restriction_id
		        WHERE   pages.page_is_redirect = 0 
		        AND (
                        (       ?HOMEPAGEID != ?PAGEID 
                                AND pages.page_parent = ?PAGEID
                                AND pages.page_namespace = ?PAGENS
			         OR (       ?HOMEPAGEID = ?PAGEID
                                AND pages.page_parent = 0 
                                AND pages.page_id != ?HOMEPAGEID
                                AND pages.page_namespace = ?PAGENS
            DataCommand cmd   = Catalog.NewQuery(query)
                                .With("HOMEPAGEID", Head.Pages_HomePageId)
                                .With("PAGEID", page.ID)
                                .With("PAGENS", (int)page.Title.Namespace);

Esempio n. 10
 private void CommentChanged(DateTime eventTime, CommentBE comment, PageBE parent, UserBE user, params string[] channelPath)
     try {
         XUri     channel  = _channel.At(COMMENTS).At(channelPath);
         XUri     resource = CommentBL.GetUri(comment).WithHost(_wikiid);
         string[] origin   = new string[] { CommentBL.GetUri(comment).AsServerUri().ToString() };
         string   path     = parent.Title.AsUiUriPath() + "#comment" + comment.Number;
         XDoc     doc      = new XDoc("deki-event")
                             //userid is deprecated and user/id should be used instead
                             .Elem("userid", comment.PosterUserId)
                             .Elem("pageid", comment.PageId)
                             .Elem("", PageBL.GetUriCanonical(parent).AsServerUri().ToString())
                             .Attr("id", user.ID)
                             .Attr("anonymous", UserBL.IsAnonymous(user))
                             .Elem("uri", UserBL.GetUri(user))
                             .Elem("channel", channel)
                             .Elem("uri", CommentBL.GetUri(comment).AsServerUri().ToString())
                             .Elem("path", path)
                             .Start("content").Attr("uri", CommentBL.GetUri(comment).AsServerUri().At("content").ToString()).End();
         if (comment.Content.Length < 255)
             doc["content"].Attr("type", comment.ContentMimeType).Value(comment.Content);
         Queue(eventTime, channel, resource, origin, doc);
     } catch (Exception e) {
         _log.WarnMethodCall("CommentChanged", "event couldn't be created");
Esempio n. 11
 public void PageMove(DateTime eventTime, PageBE oldPage, PageBE newPage, UserBE user)
     try {
         XUri channel  = _channel.At(PAGES, MOVE);
         XUri resource = PageBL.GetUriCanonical(newPage).WithHost(_wikiid);
         var  origin   = new[] {
             XUri.Localhost + "/" + oldPage.Title.AsUiUriPath(),
             XUri.Localhost + "/" + newPage.Title.AsUiUriPath(),
         Queue(eventTime, channel, resource, origin, new XDoc("deki-event")
               .Elem("channel", channel)
               .Elem("uri", PageBL.GetUriCanonical(newPage).AsServerUri().ToString())
               .Elem("pageid", newPage.ID)
               .Attr("id", user.ID)
               .Attr("anonymous", UserBL.IsAnonymous(user))
               .Elem("uri", UserBL.GetUri(user))
               .Attr("type", "application/xml")
               .Value(PageBL.GetUriContentsCanonical(newPage).AsServerUri().With("format", "xhtml").ToString())
               .Elem("revision.uri", PageBL.GetUriRevisionCanonical(newPage).AsServerUri().ToString())
               .Elem("tags.uri", PageBL.GetUriCanonical(newPage).At("tags").AsServerUri().ToString())
               .Elem("comments.uri", PageBL.GetUriCanonical(newPage).At("comments").AsServerUri().ToString())
               .Elem("path", newPage.Title.AsUiUriPath())
               .Elem("previous-path", oldPage.Title.AsUiUriPath()));
     } catch (Exception e) {
         _log.WarnExceptionMethodCall(e, "PageMove", "event couldn't be created");
Esempio n. 12
        private static void AddCommentRecentChange(DateTime timestamp, PageBE page, UserBE user, DekiResource summary, CommentBE comment, RC rcType)
            var resources = DekiContext.Current.Resources;

            //TODO MaxM: Consider truncating summary
            DbUtils.CurrentSession.RecentChanges_Insert(timestamp, page, user, resources.Localize(summary), 0, rcType, 0, string.Empty, false, 0);
Esempio n. 13
        public override DekiScriptLiteral ResolveMissingName(string name)
            var result = base.ResolveMissingName(name);

            if (result != null)

            // check if name refers to a template name
            Title title = Title.FromUriPath(name);

            // If the page title is prefixed with :, do not assume the template namespace
            if (title.Path.StartsWith(":"))
                title.Path = title.Path.Substring(1);
            else if (title.IsMain)
                title.Namespace = NS.TEMPLATE;
            PageBE page = PageBL.GetPageByTitle(title);

            if ((page == null) || (page.ID == 0))
            return(DekiScriptExpression.Constant(DekiContext.Current.Deki.Self.At("template"), new DekiScriptList().Add(DekiScriptExpression.Constant(title.AsPrefixedDbPath()))));
Esempio n. 14
        internal static Title GetRelToTitleFromUrl(DreamContext context)
            Title relToTitle = null;
            uint  rootId     = context.GetParam <uint>("relto", 0);

            if (0 == rootId)
                string path = context.GetParam("reltopath", null);
                if (null != path)
                    relToTitle = Title.FromPrefixedDbPath(path, null);
                PageBE rootPage = PageBL.GetPageById(rootId);
                if ((null == rootPage) || (0 == rootPage.ID))
                    throw new PageIdInvalidArgumentException();
                    relToTitle = rootPage.Title;
            if ((null != relToTitle) && relToTitle.IsTalk)
                throw new PageReltoTalkInvalidOperationException();
Esempio n. 15
        public Yield PostArchiveFilesRestore(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            PermissionsBL.CheckUserAllowed(DekiContext.Current.User, Permissions.ADMIN);

            // parameter parsing
            PageBE destPage = null;
            string to       = context.GetParam("to", string.Empty);

            if (to != string.Empty)
                destPage = PageBL_GetPageFromPathSegment(false, to);
            PageBE     parentPage;
            ResourceBE removedFile = GetAttachment(context, request, Permissions.NONE, true, true, out parentPage);

            if (!removedFile.ResourceIsDeleted)
                throw new AttachmentArchiveFileNotDeletedNotFoundException();

            //Optionally move the restored file to the given page
            if (null == destPage)
                destPage = parentPage;
            AttachmentBL.Instance.RestoreAttachment(removedFile, destPage, DateTime.UtcNow, 0);
            yield break;
Esempio n. 16
        //--- Class Methods ---
        public XDoc RecentChanges_GetPageRecentChanges(PageBE page, DateTime since, bool recurse, bool createOnly, uint?limit)
            string query = @"/* RecentChanges_GetPageRecentChanges */
	rc_id, rc_comment, rc_cur_id, rc_last_oldid, rc_this_oldid, rc_namespace, rc_timestamp, rc_title, rc_type, rc_moved_to_ns, rc_moved_to_title, 
	user_name AS rc_user_name, user_real_name as rc_full_name,
	(page_id IS NOT NULL) AS rc_page_exists, 
	IF(page_id IS NULL, 0, page_revision) AS rc_revision, 
	cmnt_id, cmnt_number, cmnt_content, cmnt_content_mimetype, (cmnt_delete_date IS NOT NULL) as cmnt_deleted,
FROM recentchanges 
LEFT JOIN old ON rc_this_oldid=old_id
LEFT JOIN users ON rc_user=user_id 
LEFT JOIN comments ON ((rc_type=40 AND cmnt_page_id=rc_cur_id AND rc_user=cmnt_poster_user_id AND STR_TO_DATE(rc_timestamp,'%Y%m%e%H%i%s')=cmnt_create_date) OR (rc_type=41 AND cmnt_page_id=rc_cur_id AND rc_user=cmnt_last_edit_user_id AND STR_TO_DATE(rc_timestamp,'%Y%m%e%H%i%s')=cmnt_last_edit) OR (rc_type=42 AND cmnt_page_id=rc_cur_id AND rc_user=cmnt_deleter_user_id AND STR_TO_DATE(rc_timestamp,'%Y%m%e%H%i%s')=cmnt_delete_date))
       ( SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_revision
         FROM pages
         WHERE page_id = {0} ) 
       ( SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_revision
         FROM pages
         where ({4}) AND (page_is_redirect=0 OR page_is_redirect IS NULL) 
)p ON rc_cur_id = p.page_id
{1} {2} 
ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC, rc_id DESC 
LIMIT {3}";

            query = string.Format(query, page.ID, Nav_GetTimestampQuery(since), Nav_GetChangeTypeLimitQuery(createOnly), limit ?? UInt32.MaxValue, recurse ? string.Format("(page_title like '{1}%') AND (page_namespace={0} AND (('{1}' = '' AND page_title != '') OR (LEFT(page_title, CHAR_LENGTH('{1}') + 1) = CONCAT('{1}', '/') AND SUBSTRING(page_title, CHAR_LENGTH('{1}') + 2, 1) != '/')))", (int)page.Title.Namespace, DataCommand.MakeSqlSafe(page.Title.AsUnprefixedDbPath())) : string.Format("page_id={0}", page.ID));
            return(Catalog.NewQuery(query).ReadAsXDoc("table", "change"));
Esempio n. 17
        protected ResourceBE BuildRevForRestore(ResourceBE currentResource, PageBE targetPage, string resourceName, uint changeSetId)
            ResourceBE newRev = _resourceBL.BuildRevForRestore(currentResource, targetPage, resourceName, changeSetId);

            newRev.MetaXml.FileId = currentResource.MetaXml.FileId;
Esempio n. 18
        private void PropertyExport(PageBE page, ResourceBE file, ResourceBE property)
            // Export the property
            XUri   propertyUri = null;
            string filename    = null;

            if (null != file)
                propertyUri = property.PropertyContentUri(AttachmentBL.Instance.GetUri(file));
                filename    = file.Name;
                propertyUri = property.PropertyContentUri(PageBL.GetUriCanonical(page));
            if (!_uris.ContainsKey(propertyUri))
                _uris.Add(propertyUri, null);
                XDoc manifestDoc = new XDoc("property").Elem("name", property.Name)
                                   .Elem("filename", filename)
                                   .Elem("path", page.Title.AsRelativePath(_relToTitle))
                                   .Start("contents").Attr("type", property.MimeType.ToString()).End();
                Add(propertyUri, manifestDoc);
        //--- Class Methods ---
        public XDoc RecentChanges_GetPageRecentChanges(PageBE page, DateTime since, bool recurse, bool createOnly, uint? limit) {
            string query = @"/* RecentChanges_GetPageRecentChanges */
	rc_id, rc_comment, rc_cur_id, rc_last_oldid, rc_this_oldid, rc_namespace, rc_timestamp, rc_title, rc_type, rc_moved_to_ns, rc_moved_to_title, 
	user_name AS rc_user_name, user_real_name as rc_full_name,
	(page_id IS NOT NULL) AS rc_page_exists, 
	IF(page_id IS NULL, 0, page_revision) AS rc_revision, 
	cmnt_id, cmnt_number, cmnt_content, cmnt_content_mimetype, (cmnt_delete_date IS NOT NULL) as cmnt_deleted,
FROM recentchanges 
LEFT JOIN old ON rc_this_oldid=old_id
LEFT JOIN users ON rc_user=user_id 
LEFT JOIN comments ON ((rc_type=40 AND cmnt_page_id=rc_cur_id AND rc_user=cmnt_poster_user_id AND STR_TO_DATE(rc_timestamp,'%Y%m%e%H%i%s')=cmnt_create_date) OR (rc_type=41 AND cmnt_page_id=rc_cur_id AND rc_user=cmnt_last_edit_user_id AND STR_TO_DATE(rc_timestamp,'%Y%m%e%H%i%s')=cmnt_last_edit) OR (rc_type=42 AND cmnt_page_id=rc_cur_id AND rc_user=cmnt_deleter_user_id AND STR_TO_DATE(rc_timestamp,'%Y%m%e%H%i%s')=cmnt_delete_date))
       ( SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_revision
         FROM pages
         WHERE page_id = {0} ) 
       ( SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_revision
         FROM pages
         where ({4}) AND (page_is_redirect=0 OR page_is_redirect IS NULL) 
)p ON rc_cur_id = p.page_id
{1} {2} 
ORDER BY rc_timestamp DESC, rc_id DESC 
LIMIT {3}";
            query = string.Format(query, page.ID, Nav_GetTimestampQuery(since), Nav_GetChangeTypeLimitQuery(createOnly), limit ?? UInt32.MaxValue, recurse ? string.Format("(page_title like '{1}%') AND (page_namespace={0} AND (('{1}' = '' AND page_title != '') OR (LEFT(page_title, CHAR_LENGTH('{1}') + 1) = CONCAT('{1}', '/') AND SUBSTRING(page_title, CHAR_LENGTH('{1}') + 2, 1) != '/')))", (int)page.Title.Namespace, DataCommand.MakeSqlSafe(page.Title.AsUnprefixedDbPath())) : string.Format("page_id={0}", page.ID));
            return Catalog.NewQuery(query).ReadAsXDoc("table", "change");
Esempio n. 20
        public Yield PostFileMove(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            PageBE     sourcePage = null;
            PageBE     destPage   = null;
            ResourceBE fileToMove = GetAttachmentFromUrl(context, true, out sourcePage, false, false);

            // parameter parsing
            string name = context.GetParam("name", null);
            string to   = context.GetParam("to", null);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(to))
                throw new AttachmentMoveInvalidArgumentException();
            if (name == null)
                name = fileToMove.Name;
            destPage = to != null?PageBL_GetPageFromPathSegment(true, to) : sourcePage;

            //Check if we're actually doing anything
            if (sourcePage.ID == destPage.ID && fileToMove.Name.EqualsInvariant(name))
                throw new AttachmentNotChangedInvalidOperationException(fileToMove.Name, destPage.Title.AsUserFriendlyName());

            //Ensure write access to source and destination pages.
            IList <PageBE> pList = PermissionsBL.FilterDisallowed(DekiContext.Current.User, new PageBE[] { sourcePage, destPage }, true, Permissions.UPDATE);

            // perform the move
            ResourceBE ret = AttachmentBL.Instance.MoveAttachment(fileToMove, sourcePage, destPage, name, true);

            response.Return(DreamMessage.Ok(AttachmentBL.Instance.GetFileXml(ret, true, null, false)));
            yield break;
Esempio n. 21
        public Yield GetFileRevisions(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            CheckResponseCache(context, false);

            //Default change filter is CONTENT changes to preserve backwards compat
            string changeFilterStr = context.GetParam("changefilter", AttachmentBL.DEFAULT_REVISION_FILTER.ToString());

            ResourceBE.ChangeOperations changeFilter = ResourceBE.ChangeOperations.UNDEFINED;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(changeFilterStr))
                if (StringUtil.EqualsInvariantIgnoreCase("all", changeFilterStr))
                    changeFilter = ResourceBE.ChangeOperations.UNDEFINED;
                else if (!SysUtil.TryParseEnum(changeFilterStr, out changeFilter))
                    throw new DreamBadRequestException("changefilter value is invalid. Possible values are ALL, " + string.Join(",", Enum.GetNames(typeof(ResourceBE.ChangeOperations))));

            PageBE     parentPage   = null;
            ResourceBE fileRevision = GetAttachment(context, request, Permissions.READ, false, false, out parentPage);
            XUri       listUri      = AttachmentBL.Instance.GetUri(fileRevision).At("revisions").With("changefilter", changeFilterStr.ToLowerInvariant());
            XDoc       ret          = AttachmentBL.Instance.GetFileRevisionsXml(fileRevision, changeFilter, listUri, fileRevision.Revision);

            yield break;
Esempio n. 22
        public Yield PostPageRating(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            UserBE user = DekiContext.Current.User;

            if (UserBL.IsAnonymous(user))
                throw new RatingForAnonymousDeniedException(AUTHREALM, string.Empty);
            PageBE page     = PageBL_AuthorizePage(context, user, Permissions.READ, false);
            string scoreStr = context.GetParam("score");
            float? score    = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scoreStr))
                float tempScore;
                if (!float.TryParse(scoreStr, out tempScore))
                    throw new RatingInvalidArgumentException();
                score = tempScore;
            RatingBL.SetRating(page, user, score);
            XDoc ret = RatingBL.GetRatingXml(page, user);

            yield break;
Esempio n. 23
        public static Dictionary <Site, List <PageBE> > GetRevisionsBySite()
            Dictionary <Site, List <PageBE> > revisionsBySite = new Dictionary <Site, List <PageBE> >();

            foreach (Site site in MediaWikiConverterContext.Current.MWSites)
                List <PageBE> revisions = new List <PageBE>();
                revisionsBySite[site] = revisions;
                                                                         @"SELECT rev_id, page_namespace, page_title, rev_timestamp
                      FROM {0}revision 
                      JOIN {0}page on rev_page = page_id
                      JOIN {0}text on rev_text_id = old_id 
                      WHERE page_latest!=rev_id", site.DbPrefix)).Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) {
                    while (dr.Read())
                        PageBE revision = PopulatePartialOld(dr);
                        if (IsSupportedNamespace(revision.Title))
                            revision.Language = site.Language;
Esempio n. 24
        public void RecentChanges_Insert(DateTime timestamp, PageBE page, UserBE user, string comment, ulong lastoldid, RC type, uint movedToNS, string movedToTitle, bool isMinorChange, uint transactionId)
            string dbtimestamp   = DbUtils.ToString(timestamp);
            string pageTitle     = String.Empty;
            NS     pageNamespace = NS.MAIN;
            ulong  pageID        = 0;
            uint   userID        = 0;

            if (page != null)
                pageTitle     = page.Title.AsUnprefixedDbPath();
                pageNamespace = page.Title.Namespace;
                pageID        = page.ID;

            if (user != null)
                userID = user.ID;

            string q = "/* RecentChanges_Insert */";

            if (lastoldid > 0)
                q += @"
UPDATE recentchanges SET rc_this_oldid = ?LASTOLDID 
WHERE rc_namespace = ?NS 
AND rc_title = ?TITLE 
AND rc_this_oldid=0;";
            q += @"
INSERT INTO recentchanges
(rc_timestamp, rc_cur_time, rc_user, rc_namespace, rc_title, rc_comment, rc_cur_id, rc_this_oldid, rc_last_oldid, rc_type, rc_moved_to_ns, rc_moved_to_title, rc_minor, rc_transaction_id)

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) && comment.Length > MAXCOMMENTLENGTH)
                string segment1 = comment.Substring(0, MAXCOMMENTLENGTH / 2);
                string segment2 = comment.Substring(comment.Length - MAXCOMMENTLENGTH / 2 + 3);
                comment = string.Format("{0}...{1}", segment1, segment2);

            .With("TS", dbtimestamp)
            .With("USER", userID)
            .With("NS", pageNamespace)
            .With("TITLE", pageTitle)
            .With("COMMENT", comment)
            .With("CURID", pageID)
            .With("LASTOLDID", lastoldid)
            .With("TYPE", (uint)type)
            .With("MOVEDTONS", movedToNS)
            .With("MOVEDTOTITLE", movedToTitle)
            .With("MINOR", isMinorChange ? 1 : 0)
            .With("TRANID", transactionId)
Esempio n. 25
        //--- Class Methods ---
        public static IList <NavBE> QueryNavTreeData(PageBE page, CultureInfo culture, bool includeAllChildren)
            IList <NavBE> navPages = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Nav_GetTree(page, includeAllChildren);

            navPages = FilterDisallowedNavRecords(navPages, page);
            navPages = SortNavRecords(navPages, culture);
Esempio n. 26
        public static IList <NavBE> QueryNavSiblingsData(PageBE page, CultureInfo culture)
            IList <NavBE> navPages = DbUtils.CurrentSession.Nav_GetSiblings(page);

            navPages = FilterDisallowedNavRecords(navPages);
            navPages = SortNavRecords(navPages, culture);
Esempio n. 27
        public Yield GetNavigationSiblings(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            CheckResponseCache(context, false);

            PageBE page = PageBL_GetPageFromUrl(context, false);

            if (page.Title.IsTalk)
                page = PageBL.GetPageByTitle(page.Title.AsFront());

            // build response
            IList <NavBE> list = NavBL.QueryNavSiblingsData(page, context.Culture);

            if (ShowDebug(context))
                XDoc doc = NavBL.ComputeNavigationDocument(list, page, (uint)page.ID, 0, true, context.GetParam("width", int.MaxValue));
                if (ShowXml(context))
                    XDoc result = new XDoc("tree");

                    // add name of sibling nodes
                    System.Text.StringBuilder nodes = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    ulong homepageId = DekiContext.Current.Instance.HomePageId;
                    foreach (NavBE sibling in list)
                        if ((sibling.ParentId == page.ParentID) && (sibling.Id != homepageId))
                            if (nodes.Length != 0)
                            nodes.AppendFormat("n{0}", sibling.Id);
                    result.Elem("nodes", nodes.ToString());

                    // add sibling nodes
                    result.Elem("pre", doc["siblings-pre"].Contents);
                    result.Elem("post", doc["siblings-post"].Contents);
            yield break;
Esempio n. 28
        public Yield GetPageRating(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            UserBE user = DekiContext.Current.User;
            PageBE page = PageBL_AuthorizePage(context, user, Permissions.READ, false);
            XDoc   ret  = RatingBL.GetRatingXml(page, user);

            yield break;
Esempio n. 29
        public Yield GetCommentContent(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            PageBE    page    = null;
            CommentBE comment = null;

            GetCommentFromRequest(context, Permissions.READ, out page, out comment);
            response.Return(DreamMessage.Ok(new MimeType(comment.ContentMimeType), comment.Content));
            yield break;
Esempio n. 30
        private static XDoc BuildHtmlSiteMap(PageBE current, XDoc doc, Dictionary <ulong, PageBE> allowedPagesById, Dictionary <ulong, PageBE> filteredPagesById, int depth, bool reverse)
            string        uri         = Utils.AsPublicUiUri(current.Title);
            List <string> classValues = new List <string>();

            if (filteredPagesById.ContainsKey(current.ID))
            if (current.ID == DekiContext.Current.Instance.HomePageId)

            doc.Start("a").Attr("rel", "internal").Attr("href", uri).Attr("title", current.Title.AsPrefixedUserFriendlyPath()).Attr("pageid", current.ID);
            if (classValues.Count > 0)
                doc.Attr("class", string.Join(" ", classValues.ToArray()));

            if (depth > 0 && !ArrayUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(current.ChildPages))
                PageBE[] visibleChildren = Array.FindAll(current.ChildPages, delegate(PageBE child) {
                DreamContext context = DreamContext.CurrentOrNull;
                if (context != null)
                    DekiContext deki    = DekiContext.CurrentOrNull;
                    CultureInfo culture = HttpUtil.GetCultureInfoFromHeader(current.Language ?? ((deki != null) ? deki.Instance.SiteLanguage : string.Empty), context.Culture);
                    string[]    paths   = new string[visibleChildren.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < visibleChildren.Length; ++i)
                        paths[i] = XUri.Decode(visibleChildren[i].Title.AsPrefixedDbPath()).Replace("//", "\uFFEF").Replace("/", "\t");
                    Array.Sort(paths, visibleChildren, new CompareInfoComparer(culture.CompareInfo));
                if (visibleChildren.Length > 0)
                    if (reverse)
                    foreach (PageBE p in visibleChildren)
                        doc = BuildHtmlSiteMap(p, doc, allowedPagesById, filteredPagesById, depth - 1, reverse);
Esempio n. 31
        public Yield GetPageTags(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            PageBE page  = PageBL_AuthorizePage(context, null, Permissions.READ, false);
            XUri   href  = DekiContext.Current.ApiUri.At("pages", page.ID.ToString(), "tags");
            var    tagBL = new TagBL();
            XDoc   doc   = tagBL.GetTagListXml(tagBL.GetTagsForPage(page), "tags", href, false);

            yield break;
Esempio n. 32
        public IList<NavBE> Nav_GetSiblingsAndChildren(PageBE page) {
            string query = @" /* Nav_GetSiblingsAndChildren */
                SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_display_name, pages.page_parent as page_parent, restriction_perm_flags,
		        (   	SELECT count(C.page_id) 
		                FROM pages C
						WHERE   C.page_parent = pages.page_id 
						AND	    C.page_id != ?HOMEPAGEID
						AND 	C.page_parent != ?HOMEPAGEID
						AND 	C.page_namespace = ?PAGENS 
						AND 	C.page_is_redirect = 0
		                GROUP BY C.page_parent 
	            )       AS      page_children
		        FROM pages
		        LEFT JOIN restrictions ON page_restriction_id = restriction_id
                WHERE ( 
                    (   pages.page_is_redirect = 0 
                        AND ?HOMEPAGEID != ?PAGEID 
                        AND pages.page_parent = ?PAGEPARENT 
                        AND pages.page_namespace = ?PAGENS
                        AND pages.page_id != ?HOMEPAGEID
                    (   pages.page_is_redirect = 0 
                        AND ?HOMEPAGEID = ?PAGEID 
                        AND pages.page_parent = 0 
                        AND pages.page_namespace = ?PAGENS
                    (   ?HOMEPAGEID != ?PAGEID 
                        AND pages.page_parent = ?PAGEID
                        AND pages.page_namespace=?PAGENS
                        AND pages.page_is_redirect=0
                    OR  pages.page_id = ?PAGEID 
            DataCommand cmd = Catalog.NewQuery(query)
                .With("HOMEPAGEID", Head.Pages_HomePageId)
                .With("PAGEID", page.ID)
                .With("PAGENS", (int) page.Title.Namespace)
                .With("PAGEPARENT", page.ParentID);
            return Nav_GetInternal(cmd);
Esempio n. 33
        //--- Methods ---
        public IList<NavBE> Nav_GetTree(PageBE page, bool includeAllChildren) {
            ulong homepageId = Head.Pages_HomePageId;

            // determine if we need to exclude child pages (if requested page is a child page of Special:)
            bool includeChildren = (page.Title.Namespace != NS.SPECIAL && page.Title.Namespace != NS.SPECIAL_TALK);

            // create queries
            string query = @" /* Nav_GetTree */
                SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title, page_display_name, pages.page_parent as page_parent, restriction_perm_flags, 
                ({1}) AS page_children
                FROM pages
                LEFT JOIN restrictions ON page_restriction_id = restriction_id
                WHERE {0}";
            string subquery = includeChildren ? "SELECT count(C.page_id) FROM pages C WHERE C.page_parent = pages.page_id AND C.page_id != ?HOMEPAGEID AND C.page_parent != ?HOMEPAGEID AND C.page_namespace = ?PAGENS AND C.page_is_redirect = 0 GROUP BY C.page_parent" : "0";

            // always include the homepage
            List<string> where = new List<string>();
            where.Add("pages.page_id = ?HOMEPAGEID");

            // determine what pages need to be included
            if(page.ID == homepageId) {

                // include all children of the homepage in the main namespace
                where.Add("(pages.page_is_redirect = 0 AND pages.page_parent = 0 AND pages.page_id != ?HOMEPAGEID AND pages.page_namespace = 0)");
            } else {

                // build list of all parent pages, including the current page, but exclusing the homepage, which needs special consideration
                var parentIdsList = Head.Pages_GetParentIds(page).Where(x => (x != homepageId) && (x != 0))
                    .Union(new[] {page.ID})
                // include all parents with the requested page
                where.Add(string.Format("pages.page_id IN ({0})", parentIdsList));

                // check if the parent pages should also contain all their children pages
                if(includeAllChildren) {
                    if(includeChildren) {

                        // include the children pages of all parents, including the requested page, but excluding the homepage, which needs to be handled differently
                        where.Add(string.Format("(pages.page_is_redirect = 0 AND pages.page_parent IN ({0}) AND pages.page_namespace = ?PAGENS)", parentIdsList));

                    // check if for the current namespace, we need to show the children of the homepage
                    if(page.Title.ShowHomepageChildren) {
                        where.Add("(pages.page_is_redirect = 0 AND pages.page_parent = 0 AND pages.page_id != ?HOMEPAGEID AND pages.page_namespace = ?PAGENS)");
                } else {
                    if(includeChildren) {

                        // include only the children of the requested page in the requested namespace
                        where.Add("(pages.page_is_redirect = 0 AND pages.page_parent = ?PAGEID AND pages.page_namespace = ?PAGENS)");

                    // check if the requested page is not a child of the homepage; otherwise, we need to be careful about including sibling pages
                    if(page.ParentID != 0) {

                        // include all siblings of the requested page since it's not a child of the homepage
                        where.Add("(pages.page_is_redirect = 0 AND pages.page_parent = ?PAGEPARENT AND pages.page_id != ?PAGEID AND pages.page_namespace = ?PAGENS)");
                    } else if(page.Title.ShowHomepageChildren) {

                        // include all siblings of the requested page since the requested namespace includes all homepage children pages
                        where.Add("(pages.page_is_redirect = 0 AND pages.page_parent = 0 AND pages.page_id != ?HOMEPAGEID AND pages.page_namespace = ?PAGENS)");

            // compose query and execute it
            query = string.Format(query, string.Join(" OR ", where.ToArray()), subquery);
            DataCommand cmd = Catalog.NewQuery(query)
                .With("HOMEPAGEID", Head.Pages_HomePageId)
                .With("PAGEID", page.ID)
                .With("PAGENS", (int)page.Title.Namespace)
                .With("PAGEPARENT", page.ParentID);
            return Nav_GetInternal(cmd);
Esempio n. 34
        public IList<CommentBE> Comments_GetByPage(PageBE page, CommentFilter searchStatus, bool includePageDescendants, uint? postedByUserId, SortDirection datePostedSortDir, uint? offset, uint? limit, out uint totalComments) {
            List<CommentBE> comments = new List<CommentBE>();
            uint totalCommentsTemp = 0;

            string joins = string.Empty;
            if(includePageDescendants) {
                joins = "JOIN pages \n\tON comments.cmnt_page_id = pages.page_id";

            string whereClauses = "\n 1=1";
            switch(searchStatus) {
                case CommentFilter.DELETED:
                    whereClauses += "\n AND cmnt_delete_date is not null";
                case CommentFilter.NONDELETED:
                    whereClauses += "\n AND cmnt_delete_date is null";

            if(includePageDescendants) {
                whereClauses += @"
(   ((  ?TITLE = '' AND pages.page_title != '') OR (LEFT(pages.page_title, CHAR_LENGTH(?TITLE) + 1) = CONCAT(?TITLE, '/') AND SUBSTRING(pages.page_title, CHAR_LENGTH(?TITLE) + 2, 1) != '/'))
        AND	pages.page_namespace = ?NS
	    AND	pages.page_is_redirect = 0 
OR 	pages.page_id = ?PAGEID)";

            } else {
                whereClauses += "\n AND cmnt_page_id = ?PAGEID";

            if(postedByUserId != null) {
                whereClauses += "\n AND cmnt_poster_user_id = ?POSTERID";

            string orderby = string.Empty;
            if(datePostedSortDir != SortDirection.UNDEFINED) {
                orderby = string.Format("ORDER BY cmnt_create_date {0}, cmnt_id {0}", datePostedSortDir.ToString());

            List<uint> userids = new List<uint>();
            string query = string.Format(@" /* Comments_GetByPage */
FROM comments

select found_rows() as totalcomments;"
                , joins, whereClauses, orderby);

            .With("PAGEID", page.ID)
            .With("TITLE", page.Title.AsUnprefixedDbPath())
            .With("NS", (int)page.Title.Namespace)
            .With("POSTERID", postedByUserId)
            .With("COUNT", limit ?? UInt32.MaxValue)
            .With("OFFSET", offset ?? 0)
            .Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) {
                while(dr.Read()) {
                    CommentBE c = Comments_Populate(dr);
                    if(c.DeleterUserId != null) {
                        userids.Add(c.DeleterUserId ?? 0);
                    if(c.LastEditUserId != null) {
                        userids.Add(c.LastEditUserId ?? 0);

                if(dr.NextResult() && dr.Read()) {
                    totalCommentsTemp = DbUtils.Convert.To<uint>(dr["totalcomments"]) ?? 0;

            totalComments = totalCommentsTemp;
            return comments;
Esempio n. 35
        public ulong Pages_Insert(PageBE page, ulong restoredPageID) {
            var query = @" /* Pages_Insert */
INSERT INTO pages ({0}page_namespace, page_title, page_text, page_comment, page_user_id, page_timestamp, page_is_redirect, page_minor_edit, page_is_new, page_touched, page_usecache, page_toc, page_tip, page_parent, page_restriction_id, page_content_type, page_language, page_display_name, page_etag, page_revision)
REPLACE INTO page_viewcount (page_id,page_counter) VALUES (@page_id,0);
SELECT @page_id";
            query = restoredPageID != 0
                ? string.Format(query, "page_id,", "?PAGE_ID,", "SELECT @page_id := " + restoredPageID + " as page_id;")
                : string.Format(query, "", "", "SELECT @page_id := LAST_INSERT_ID() as page_id;");

            // create the insertion command
            ulong pageId = 0;
                .With("PAGE_ID", restoredPageID)
                .With("NAMESPACE", page.Title.Namespace)
                .With("TITLE", page.Title.AsUnprefixedDbPath())
                .With("PAGETEXT", page.GetText(this.Head))
                .With("PAGECOMMENT", page.Comment)
                .With("USERID", page.UserID)
                .With("PAGETIMESTAMP", page._TimeStamp)
                .With("ISREDIRECT", page.IsRedirect)
                .With("MINOREDIT", page.MinorEdit)
                .With("ISNEW", page.IsNew)
                .With("TOUCHED", page._Touched)
                .With("USECACHE", page.UseCache)
                .With("TIP", page.TIP)
                .With("PARENT", page.ParentID)
                .With("RESTRICTIONID", page.RestrictionID)
                .With("CONTENTTYPE", page.ContentType)
                .With("LANGUAGE", page.Language)
                .With("DISPLAYNAME", page.Title.DisplayName)
                .With("PAGEID", restoredPageID)
                .With("ETAG", page.Etag)
                .With("REVISION", page.Revision)
                .Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) {
                if(dr.Read()) {
                    pageId = dr.Read<ulong>("page_id");
            return pageId;
        public void RecentChanges_Insert(DateTime timestamp, PageBE page, UserBE user, string comment, ulong lastoldid, RC type, uint movedToNS, string movedToTitle, bool isMinorChange, uint transactionId) {
            string dbtimestamp = DbUtils.ToString(timestamp);
            string pageTitle = String.Empty;
            NS pageNamespace = NS.MAIN;
            ulong pageID = 0;
            uint userID = 0;
            if (page != null) {
                pageTitle = page.Title.AsUnprefixedDbPath() ;
                pageNamespace = page.Title.Namespace;
                pageID = page.ID;

            if (user != null) {
                userID = user.ID;

            string q = "/* RecentChanges_Insert */";
            if(lastoldid > 0) {
                q += @"
UPDATE recentchanges SET rc_this_oldid = ?LASTOLDID 
WHERE rc_namespace = ?NS 
AND rc_title = ?TITLE 
AND rc_this_oldid=0;";
             q += @"
INSERT INTO recentchanges
(rc_timestamp, rc_cur_time, rc_user, rc_namespace, rc_title, rc_comment, rc_cur_id, rc_this_oldid, rc_last_oldid, rc_type, rc_moved_to_ns, rc_moved_to_title, rc_minor, rc_transaction_id)

            if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) && comment.Length > MAXCOMMENTLENGTH) {
                string segment1 = comment.Substring(0, MAXCOMMENTLENGTH / 2);
                string segment2 = comment.Substring(comment.Length - MAXCOMMENTLENGTH / 2 + 3);
                comment = string.Format("{0}...{1}", segment1, segment2);
                .With("TS", dbtimestamp)
                .With("USER", userID)
                .With("NS", pageNamespace)
                .With("TITLE", pageTitle)
                .With("COMMENT", comment)
                .With("CURID", pageID)
                .With("LASTOLDID", lastoldid)
                .With("TYPE", (uint) type)
                .With("MOVEDTONS", movedToNS)
                .With("MOVEDTOTITLE", movedToTitle)
                .With("MINOR", isMinorChange ? 1 : 0)
                .With("TRANID", transactionId)
Esempio n. 37
        public void Pages_Update(PageBE page) {

            // Update page text only if it has been set
            string updatePageText = String.Empty;
            if(page.IsTextPopulated) {
                updatePageText = ", page_text = ?PAGETEXT";

            string query = String.Format(@" /* Pages_Update */
update pages SET 
page_namespace      = ?NAMESPACE,
page_title          = ?TITLE,
page_comment        = ?PAGECOMMENT,
page_user_id        = ?USERID,
page_timestamp      = ?PAGETIMESTAMP,
page_is_redirect    = ?ISREDIRECT,
page_minor_edit     = ?MINOREDIT,
page_is_new         = ?ISNEW,
page_touched        = ?TOUCHED,
page_usecache       = ?USECACHE,
page_tip            = ?TIP,
page_parent         = ?PARENT,
page_restriction_id = ?RESTRICTIONID,
page_content_type   = ?CONTENTTYPE,
page_language       = ?LANGUAGE,
page_display_name   = ?DISPLAYNAME,
page_etag           = ?ETAG,
page_revision       = ?REVISION
where page_id       = ?PAGEID
", updatePageText);
            DataCommand cmd = Catalog.NewQuery(query)
            .With("PAGEID", page.ID)
            .With("NAMESPACE", (int)page.Title.Namespace)
            .With("TITLE", page.Title.AsUnprefixedDbPath())
            .With("PAGECOMMENT", page.Comment)
            .With("USERID", page.UserID)
            .With("PAGETIMESTAMP", page._TimeStamp)
            .With("ISREDIRECT", page.IsRedirect)
            .With("MINOREDIT", page.MinorEdit)
            .With("ISNEW", page.IsNew)
            .With("TOUCHED", page._Touched)
            .With("USECACHE", page.UseCache)
            .With("TIP", page.TIP)
            .With("PARENT", page.ParentID)
            .With("RESTRICTIONID", page.RestrictionID)
            .With("CONTENTTYPE", page.ContentType)
            .With("LANGUAGE", page.Language)
            .With("DISPLAYNAME", page.Title.DisplayName)
            .With("ETAG", page.Etag)
            .With("REVISION", page.Revision);
            if(page.IsTextPopulated) {
                cmd.With("PAGETEXT", page.GetText(this.Head));
Esempio n. 38
        public IList<ulong> Pages_GetParentIds(PageBE page) {

            //MaxM: This query returns 10 segments of a hierarchy without using a loop or titles and can be query cached. Please don't submit to the dailywtf. :)
            string query = @" /* Pages_GetParentIds */
select p0.page_id, p0.page_parent, p1.page_parent, p2.page_parent, p3.page_parent, p4.page_parent, p5.page_parent, p6.page_parent, p7.page_parent, p8.page_parent, p9.page_parent
from pages p0
left join pages p1 on p0.page_parent = p1.page_id
left join pages p2 on p1.page_parent = p2.page_id
left join pages p3 on p2.page_parent = p3.page_id
left join pages p4 on p3.page_parent = p4.page_id
left join pages p5 on p4.page_parent = p5.page_id
left join pages p6 on p5.page_parent = p6.page_id
left join pages p7 on p6.page_parent = p7.page_id
left join pages p8 on p7.page_parent = p8.page_id
left join pages p9 on p8.page_parent = p9.page_id
where p0.page_id = ?PAGEID;";

            ulong homepageid = Head.Pages_HomePageId;
            int counter = 0;
            ulong id = page.ID;
            bool first = true;
            Dictionary<ulong, object> dupeChecker = new Dictionary<ulong, object>();
            List<ulong> result = new List<ulong>(16);

            // loop until we've found all the parents
            while(counter++ < 20) {

                // execute query for given page
                bool done = false;
                    .With("PAGEID", id)
                    .Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) {
                    if(dr.Read()) {
                        for(int i = first ? 0 : 1; i < dr.FieldCount; i++) {
                            ulong parentPageId = DbUtils.Convert.To<ulong>(dr.GetValue(i)) ?? 0;
                            if(parentPageId == 0) {

                                // no valid parent found
                                if(page.Title.Namespace == NS.MAIN) {

                                    // add the homepage for pages in the MAIN namespace
                                done = true;
                            } else {
                                if(!dupeChecker.ContainsKey(parentPageId)) {
                                    dupeChecker[parentPageId] = null;
                                } else {

                                    //Cycle detected
                                    done = true;
                    } else {
                        done = true;

                // check if done
                if(done) {
                    return result;

                // continue with last parent id
                id = result[result.Count - 1];
                first = false;
            throw new Exception(string.Format("GetParentPages failed: too many iterations. Starting id: {0} Parent chain: {1}", page.ID, result.ToCommaDelimitedString()));
Esempio n. 39
 private PageBE Pages_PopulatePage(IDataReader dr) {
     PageBE p = new PageBE();
     p._Comment = dr.Read<byte[]>("page_comment");
     p._DisplayName = dr.Read<string>("page_display_name");
     p._Namespace = dr.Read<ushort>("page_namespace");
     p._TimeStamp = dr.Read<string>("page_timestamp");
     p._Title = dr.Read<string>("page_title");
     p._Touched = dr.Read<string>("page_touched");
     p.ContentType = dr.Read<string>("page_content_type");
     p.ID = dr.Read<ulong>("page_id");
     p.IsNew = dr.Read<bool>("page_is_new");
     p.IsHidden = dr.Read<bool>("page_is_hidden");
     p.IsRedirect = dr.Read<bool>("page_is_redirect");
     p.Language = dr.Read<string>("page_language");
     p.Meta = dr.Read<string>("page_meta");
     p.MinorEdit = dr.Read<bool>("page_minor_edit");
     p.ParentID = dr.Read<ulong>("page_parent");
     p.RestrictionID = dr.Read<uint>("page_restriction_id");
     p.Revision = dr.Read<uint>("page_revision");
     p.TextLength = dr.Read<int>("page_text_length");
     p.TIP = dr.Read<string>("page_tip");
     p.UseCache = dr.Read<bool>("page_usecache");
     p.UserID = dr.Read<uint>("page_user_id");
     p.Etag = dr.Read<string>("page_etag");
     return p;
Esempio n. 40
        public void Pages_GetDescendants(PageBE rootPage, string language, bool filterOutRedirects, out IList<PageBE> pages, out Dictionary<ulong, IList<ulong>> childrenInfo, int limit) {
            List<PageBE> tempPages = new List<PageBE>();
            Dictionary<ulong, IList<ulong>> children = new Dictionary<ulong, IList<ulong>>();

            string q = string.Format(@" /* Pages_GetDescendants */
                SET group_concat_max_len = @@max_allowed_packet;

                SELECT {0},
                    if( p.page_title = '',

            			( /*Find children of root page*/
                            SELECT cast(group_concat( p1.page_id, '') as char)
                            FROM        pages p1
                            WHERE       p1.page_parent = 0
                            AND     	p.page_title  = ''
                            AND     	p1.page_namespace = ?NS
                            AND         p.page_id <> p1.page_id
                            AND (?LANGUAGE IS NULL OR p1.page_language = ?LANGUAGE OR p1.page_language = '')
                            GROUP BY p1.page_parent
			            ( /* Find children of non-root pages */
                            SELECT cast(group_concat( p1.page_id, '') as char)
                            FROM        pages p1
                            WHERE       p1.page_parent = p.page_id
                            AND    	    p.page_title  <> ''
                            AND     	p1.page_namespace = ?NS
                            AND         p.page_id <> p1.page_id
                            AND (?LANGUAGE IS NULL OR p1.page_language = ?LANGUAGE OR p1.page_language = '')
                            GROUP BY p1.page_parent
                ) AS    page_children
	            FROM 	pages p
                    ((?TITLE = '' AND p.page_title != '') OR (LEFT(p.page_title, CHAR_LENGTH(?TITLE) + 1) = CONCAT(?TITLE, '/') AND SUBSTRING(p.page_title, CHAR_LENGTH(?TITLE) + 2, 1) != '/'))
		            AND	p.page_namespace = ?NS		            
                    AND (?LANGUAGE IS NULL OR p.page_language = ?LANGUAGE OR p.page_language = '')
	            OR 	p.page_id = ?PAGEID
                LIMIT ?LIMIT;"
                , PAGEFIELDS, filterOutRedirects ? "AND p.page_is_redirect = 0" : string.Empty);

                .With("PAGEID", rootPage.ID)
                .With("TITLE", rootPage.Title.AsUnprefixedDbPath())
                .With("NS", (int)rootPage.Title.Namespace)
                .With("LANGUAGE", language)
                .With("LIMIT", limit)
                .Execute(delegate(IDataReader dr) {
                while(dr.Read()) {
                    PageBE p = Pages_PopulatePage(dr);
                    List<ulong> childrenIds = new List<ulong>();
                    string childrenStr = dr["page_children"] as string;
                    if(childrenStr != null) {
                        foreach(string s in childrenStr.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) {
                    children[p.ID] = childrenIds;
            if(tempPages.Count >= limit) {
                throw new TooManyResultsException();
            pages = tempPages;
            childrenInfo = children;
Esempio n. 41
        public void Links_UpdateLinksForPage(PageBE page, IList<ulong> outboundLinks, IList<string> brokenLinks) {

            StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(@" /* Links_UpdateLinksForPage */
WHERE l_from = ?PAGEID;
DELETE FROM brokenlinks 
WHERE bl_from = ?PAGEID;
            // build page's outbound links query
            if(!ArrayUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(outboundLinks)) {
INSERT IGNORE INTO links (l_from, l_to) VALUES ");
                for(int i = 0; i < outboundLinks.Count; i++) {
                    query.AppendFormat("{0}(?PAGEID, {1})", i > 0 ? "," : "", outboundLinks[i]);

            // build page's broken links query
            if(!ArrayUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(brokenLinks)) {
INSERT IGNORE INTO brokenlinks (bl_from, bl_to) VALUES ");
                for(int i = 0; i < brokenLinks.Count; i++) {
                    query.AppendFormat("{0}(?PAGEID, '{1}')", i > 0 ? "," : "", DataCommand.MakeSqlSafe(brokenLinks[i]));

            // build query to update any broken links that point to this page
INSERT IGNORE INTO links (l_from, l_to) 
    SELECT brokenlinks.bl_from, ?PAGEID 
    FROM brokenlinks 
    WHERE bl_to = ?TITLE;
DELETE FROM brokenlinks 
WHERE bl_to = ?TITLE;"

            .With("PAGEID", page.ID)
            .With("TITLE", page.Title.AsPrefixedDbPath())