Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Use the page currently set as selected. Requires a SpellCharge to use.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_type">Which type of attack to use on the given page.</param>
 /// <returns>The AbstractAttack reference.</returns>
 public AbstractAttack UseCurrentPage(Page.Type _type)
     if (!m_SelectedPage.OnCooldown())
         if (m_spellCharges.UseCharge(GetRefreshRate()))
Esempio n. 2
        public Page nextPage()
            // walk all pages found in .mcf, return null on last
            if (_pageIterator >= _pages.Count)
                return(null);                               // handle out of bounds
            // the current xml page
            XmlNode xmlPage = _pages[_pageIterator];

            // the reconstructed page (still empty)
            Page page = new Page();

            // keep track which page we are currently processing, every Page object actually consists of
            // two <fotobook/page> nodes, the left and right side in photobook
            bool isDouble = false;

            // need to collect double pages here, in case of cover actually 3 pages.
            while (xmlPage != null)
                // the current page type, later used to handle left/right and special page cases
                page.type = Page.convert(xmlPage.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type").Value);

                // store page number
                if (page.type == Page.Type.Normalpage)
                    if (isDouble)
                        page.pageNoRight = getAttributeStr(xmlPage, "pagenr");
                        page.pageNoLeft = getAttributeStr(xmlPage, "pagenr");

                // iterate all sub nodes this page contains
                foreach (XmlNode node in xmlPage.ChildNodes)
                    switch (node.Name)
                    // bundlesize is the left & right combined size of the page
                    case "bundlesize":
                        page.bundleSize = new Vector2(getAttributeF(node, "width"), getAttributeF(node, "height"));

                    // NOTE: currently only handles background id
                    case "designElementIDs":
                        // store background for left and right individually
                        if (!isDouble)
                            page.backgroundLeft = getAttributeStr(node, "background");
                            page.backgroundRight = getAttributeStr(node, "background");

                    // area is the root class of all content objects
                    // NOTE: currently supports <imagearea> & <textarea>
                    case "area":
                        // get the type of current area
                        string type = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("areatype").Value;

                        // trick area system...
                        if (type == "spinetextarea")
                            type           = "textarea";
                            page.spineSize = getAttributeF(node.SelectSingleNode("position"), "height");

                        Area newArea;

                        switch (type)
                        case "imagearea": {
                            // imagearea? image subnode exists!
                            XmlNode image = node.SelectSingleNode("image");

                            // the image file name stored in .mcf file (in format: "safecontainer:/imageName.jpg)
                            string filename = getAttributeStr(image, "filename");

                            // replace 'safecontainer:/' with actual path, in case filename does not exist,
                            // store "NULL", will render as magenta outline and print error.
                            string filePath = filename != "" ? filename.Replace("safecontainer:/", _safeContainerPath) : "NULL";

                            // get & store cutout information
                            XmlNode cutout        = image.SelectSingleNode("cutout");
                            Vector2 cutoutLeftTop = new Vector2(getAttributeF(cutout, "left"), getAttributeF(cutout, "top"));
                            float   scale         = getAttributeF(cutout, "scale", 1.0f);

                            // construct new area
                            newArea = new ImageArea()
                                path   = filePath,
                                cutout = cutoutLeftTop,
                                scale  = scale,

                            // get & store border settings
                            XmlNode border = node.SelectSingleNode("decoration/border");
                            if (border != null)
                                newArea.border      = true;
                                newArea.borderWidth = getAttributeF(border, "width");
                                newArea.borderColor = getAttributeStr(border, "color");


                        case "imagebackgroundarea": {
                            // handle backgroundimages literally just like normal images.
                            // TODO: de-duplicate this code as much as possible

                            XmlNode imgbg = node.SelectSingleNode("imagebackground");

                            // the image file
                            string filename = getAttributeStr(imgbg, "filename");

                            // replace 'safecontainer:/' with actual path, in case filename does not exist,
                            // store "NULL", will render as magenta outline and print error.
                            string filePath = filename != "" ? filename.Replace("safecontainer:/", _safeContainerPath) : "NULL";

                            // get & store cutout information
                            XmlNode cutout        = imgbg.SelectSingleNode("cutout");
                            Vector2 cutoutLeftTop = new Vector2(getAttributeF(cutout, "left"), getAttributeF(cutout, "top"));
                            float   scale         = getAttributeF(cutout, "scale", 1.0f);

                            string bgPosition = getAttributeStr(imgbg, "backgroundPosition");
                            ImageBackgroundArea.ImageBackgroundType bgtype = ImageBackgroundArea.ImageBackgroundType.Undefined;

                            if (bgPosition == "LEFT_OR_TOP")
                                bgtype = ImageBackgroundArea.ImageBackgroundType.Left;
                            else if (bgPosition == "RIGHT_OR_BOTTOM")
                                bgtype = ImageBackgroundArea.ImageBackgroundType.Right;
                            else if (bgPosition == "BUNDLE")
                                bgtype = ImageBackgroundArea.ImageBackgroundType.Bundle;
                                Log.Error("Unhandled background image position: " + bgPosition);

                            // construct new area
                            newArea = new ImageBackgroundArea()
                                path   = filePath,
                                cutout = cutoutLeftTop,
                                scale  = scale,
                                type   = bgtype


                        case "textarea": {
                            // in <textarea> these exist:
                            XmlNode text       = node.SelectSingleNode("text");
                            XmlNode textFormat = text.SelectSingleNode("textFormat");

                            // NOTE: <font> stores several comma-separated values: Fontname,Fonstsize,...and more. Currently only handles these two
                            string[] fontInfo = getAttributeStr(textFormat, "font").Split(",");

                            // get the fontsize, take pdf scale into account and adjust to photobook settings
                            int fontSize = (int)(Convert.ToInt32(fontInfo[1]) * SCALE * FONT);             // somewhat matches the result in photobook

                            // text color
                            string color = getAttributeStr(textFormat, "foregroundColor");

                            // text box background color
                            string bgColor = getAttributeStr(textFormat, "backgroundColor");

                            // by default align left top
                            string alignLabel  = "ALIGNLEFT";
                            string valignLabel = "ALIGNVTOP";

                            // NOTE: <align> sometimes holds two comma-separated values (Horizontal and Vertical alignment)
                            // for now only handles second (horizontal).
                            string[] align = getAttributeStr(textFormat, "Alignment").Split(",");
                            alignLabel = align.Last();
                            if (align.Length > 1)
                                valignLabel = align.First();

                            string str = extractTextFromHTML(text.InnerText, ref color);

                            // construct new area
                            newArea = new TextArea()
                                textElements    = extractTextFromHTMLv2(text.InnerText),
                                text            = str,
                                fontsize        = fontSize,
                                color           = color,
                                font            = fontInfo[0],
                                align           = alignLabel,
                                valign          = valignLabel,
                                backgroundcolor = bgColor,


                            // there are more areatypes, for now just create an empty area that wont draw anything
                            // and inform user.
                            newArea = new Area();
                            Log.Warning("Unhandled area type in <page/area> '" + type + "'.");

                        // sanity check, cant be null really :P
                        if (newArea == null)

                        // all areas contain position information
                        XmlNode position = node.SelectSingleNode("position");

                        // apply position information to current area
                        newArea.rect = new RectangleF()
                            X      = getAttributeF(position, "left"),
                            Y      = getAttributeF(position, "top"),
                            Width  = getAttributeF(position, "width"),
                            Height = getAttributeF(position, "height")
                        newArea.rotation = getAttributeF(position, "rotation") / SCALE;     // undo scale for rotation

                        // store new page in list

                        // inform user about unhandled node
                        Log.Warning("Unhandled Node in <page> '" + node.Name + "'.");

                // Handle all these specific page types and cases

                if (page.type == Page.Type.Fullcover)
                    // check if next page is spine, otherwise this was the back side of the cover
                    XmlNode   nextPage = _pages[_pageIterator + 1];
                    Page.Type nextType = Page.convert(nextPage.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type").Value);
                    if (nextType == Page.Type.Spine)
                        xmlPage = nextPage;
                        xmlPage = null;  // cover page is done, proceed
                else if (page.type == Page.Type.Spine)
                    // check if next page is Fullcover (should be anyway)
                    XmlNode   nextPage = _pages[_pageIterator + 1];
                    Page.Type nextType = Page.convert(nextPage.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type").Value);
                    if (nextType == Page.Type.Fullcover)
                        xmlPage = nextPage;
                        xmlPage = null;
                else if (page.type == Page.Type.Emptypage)
                    // check if next page exists... otherwise end of book.
                    if (_pageIterator + 1 < _pages.Count)
                        XmlNode nextPage = _pages[_pageIterator + 1];
                        xmlPage  = nextPage;
                        isDouble = true;
                        xmlPage = null;
                else if (page.type == Page.Type.Normalpage && !isDouble)
                    XmlNode nextPage = _pages[_pageIterator + 1];
                    // next is second half of a double page...
                    xmlPage  = nextPage;
                    isDouble = true;
                    // this was second half of a double page, continue with new page
                    xmlPage = null;

                // increment to handle next <page> object in list

            // return the newly constructed page