public override void Handle(Game game, Packet_Server packet) { Entity entity = game.entities[packet.EntityPosition.Id]; EntityPosition_ pos = ClientPacketHandlerEntitySpawn.ToClientEntityPosition(packet.EntityPosition.PositionAndOrientation); entity.networkPosition = pos; entity.networkPosition.PositionLoaded = true; entity.networkPosition.LastUpdateMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); if (packet.EntityPosition.Id == game.LocalPlayerId) { // Override local player position if necessary (teleport) game.player.position.x = pos.x; game.player.position.y = pos.y; game.player.position.z = pos.z; game.player.position.rotx = pos.rotx; game.player.position.roty = pos.roty; game.player.position.rotz = pos.rotz; entity.networkPosition = null; } else if (entity.push != null) { // Create push force for any player except local player entity.push.XFloat = packet.EntityPosition.PositionAndOrientation.X; entity.push.YFloat = packet.EntityPosition.PositionAndOrientation.Z; entity.push.ZFloat = packet.EntityPosition.PositionAndOrientation.Y; } }
void SendPacketToAll(Packet_Server packet) { for (int i = 0; i < clientsCount; i++) { SendPacket(i, packet); } }
void ReadPacket(NetClient client) { bool success = false; int started = p.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); int timeout = 2000; while (p.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() < started + timeout) { if (success) { //Return if already received answer from server querySuccess = true; return; } NetIncomingMessage msg; msg = client.ReadMessage(); if (msg == null) { //Message empty - skip processing. continue; } Packet_Server packet = new Packet_Server(); Packet_ServerSerializer.DeserializeBuffer(msg.message, msg.messageLength, packet); switch (packet.Id) { case Packet_ServerIdEnum.QueryAnswer: //Got answer from server. Process it. result.Name = packet.QueryAnswer.Name; result.MOTD = packet.QueryAnswer.MOTD; result.PlayerCount = packet.QueryAnswer.PlayerCount; result.MaxPlayers = packet.QueryAnswer.MaxPlayers; result.PlayerList = packet.QueryAnswer.PlayerList; result.Port = packet.QueryAnswer.Port; result.GameMode = packet.QueryAnswer.GameMode; result.Password = packet.QueryAnswer.Password; result.PublicHash = packet.QueryAnswer.PublicHash; result.ServerVersion = packet.QueryAnswer.ServerVersion; result.MapSizeX = packet.QueryAnswer.MapSizeX; result.MapSizeY = packet.QueryAnswer.MapSizeY; result.MapSizeZ = packet.QueryAnswer.MapSizeZ; result.ServerThumbnail = packet.QueryAnswer.ServerThumbnail; success = true; continue; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.DisconnectPlayer: serverMessage = packet.DisconnectPlayer.DisconnectReason; //End method as server kicked us out return; default: //Drop all other packets sent by server (not relevant) continue; } } //Set timeout message if query did not finish in time serverMessage = "Timeout while querying server!"; }
public static Packet_Server LevelFinalize() { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.LevelFinalize; p.LevelFinalize = new Packet_ServerLevelFinalize(); return(p); }
public static Packet_Server BlockTypes() { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlockTypes; p.BlockTypes = new Packet_ServerBlockTypes(); return(p); }
internal static Packet_Server Ping() { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.Ping; p.Ping = new Packet_ServerPing(); return(p); }
internal static Packet_Server AnswerQuery(Packet_ServerQueryAnswer answer) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.QueryAnswer; p.QueryAnswer = answer; return(p); }
public static Packet_Server ChunkPart(byte[] compressedChunkPart) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.ChunkPart; p.ChunkPart = new Packet_ServerChunkPart(); p.ChunkPart.CompressedChunkPart = compressedChunkPart; return(p); }
public static byte[] Serialize(Packet_Server packet, IntRef retLength) { CitoMemoryStream ms = new CitoMemoryStream(); Packet_ServerSerializer.Serialize(ms, packet); byte[] data = ms.ToArray(); retLength.value = ms.Length(); return(data); }
public static Packet_Server Message(string text) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.Message; p.Message = new Packet_ServerMessage(); p.Message.Message = text; return(p); }
public static SendPacketAction Create(ServerSimple server_, int client_, Packet_Server packet_) { SendPacketAction a = new SendPacketAction(); a.server = server_; a.client = client_; a.packet = packet_; return(a); }
internal static Packet_Server EntityDespawn(int id) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.EntityDespawn; p.EntityDespawn = new Packet_ServerEntityDespawn(); p.EntityDespawn.Id = id; return(p); }
internal static Packet_Server Inventory(Packet_Inventory inventory) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.FiniteInventory; p.Inventory = new Packet_ServerInventory(); p.Inventory.Inventory = inventory; return(p); }
internal static Packet_Server DisconnectPlayer(string disconnectReason) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.DisconnectPlayer; p.DisconnectPlayer = new Packet_ServerDisconnectPlayer(); p.DisconnectPlayer.DisconnectReason = disconnectReason; return(p); }
public static Packet_Server BlockType(int id, Packet_BlockType blockType) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlockType; p.BlockType = new Packet_ServerBlockType(); p.BlockType.Id = id; p.BlockType.Blocktype = blockType; return(p); }
internal static Packet_Server EntityPositionAndOrientation(int id, Packet_PositionAndOrientation positionAndOrientation) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.EntityPosition; p.EntityPosition = new Packet_ServerEntityPositionAndOrientation(); p.EntityPosition.Id = id; p.EntityPosition.PositionAndOrientation = positionAndOrientation; return(p); }
internal static Packet_Server EntitySpawn(int id, Packet_ServerEntity entity) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.EntitySpawn; p.EntitySpawn = new Packet_ServerEntitySpawn(); p.EntitySpawn.Id = id; p.EntitySpawn.Entity_ = entity; return(p); }
public void SendPacket(int client, Packet_Server packet) { IntRef length = new IntRef(); byte[] data = ServerPackets.Serialize(packet, length); INetOutgoingMessage msg = new INetOutgoingMessage(); msg.Write(data, length.value); clients[client].Connection.SendMessage(msg, MyNetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, 0); }
internal static Packet_Server SetBlock(int x, int y, int z, int block) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.SetBlock; p.SetBlock = new Packet_ServerSetBlock(); p.SetBlock.X = x; p.SetBlock.Y = y; p.SetBlock.Z = z; p.SetBlock.BlockType = block; return(p); }
internal static Packet_Server PlayerStats(int health, int maxHealth, int oxygen, int maxOxygen) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.PlayerStats; p.PlayerStats = new Packet_ServerPlayerStats(); p.PlayerStats.CurrentHealth = health; p.PlayerStats.MaxHealth = maxHealth; p.PlayerStats.CurrentOxygen = oxygen; p.PlayerStats.MaxOxygen = maxOxygen; return(p); }
public static Packet_Server Identification(int assignedClientId, int mapSizeX, int mapSizeY, int mapSizeZ, string version) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.ServerIdentification; p.Identification = new Packet_ServerIdentification(); p.Identification.AssignedClientId = assignedClientId; p.Identification.MapSizeX = mapSizeX; p.Identification.MapSizeY = mapSizeY; p.Identification.MapSizeZ = mapSizeZ; p.Identification.ServerName = "Simple"; p.Identification.MdProtocolVersion = version; return(p); }
public static Packet_Server Chunk_(int x, int y, int z, int chunksize) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.Chunk_; p.Chunk_ = new Packet_ServerChunk(); p.Chunk_.X = x; p.Chunk_.Y = y; p.Chunk_.Z = z; p.Chunk_.SizeX = chunksize; p.Chunk_.SizeY = chunksize; p.Chunk_.SizeZ = chunksize; return(p); }
public void TryReadPacket(byte[] data, int dataLength) { Packet_Server packet = new Packet_Server(); Packet_ServerSerializer.DeserializeBuffer(data, dataLength, packet); ProcessInBackground(packet); ProcessPacketTask task = new ProcessPacketTask(); = game; task.packet_ = packet; game.QueueActionCommit(task); game.LastReceivedMilliseconds = game.currentTimeMilliseconds; //return lengthPrefixLength + packetLength; }
public override void Handle(Game game, Packet_Server packet) { Entity entity = game.entities[packet.EntityPosition.Id]; EntityPosition_ pos = ClientPacketHandlerEntitySpawn.ToClientEntityPosition(packet.EntityPosition.PositionAndOrientation); entity.networkPosition = pos; entity.networkPosition.PositionLoaded = true; entity.networkPosition.LastUpdateMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); if (packet.EntityPosition.Id == game.LocalPlayerId) { game.player.position.x = pos.x; game.player.position.y = pos.y; game.player.position.z = pos.z; entity.networkPosition = null; } }
public override void Handle(Game game, Packet_Server packet) { Packet_ServerDialog d = packet.Dialog; if (d.Dialog == null) { if (game.GetDialogId(d.DialogId) != -1 && game.dialogs[game.GetDialogId(d.DialogId)].value.IsModal != 0) { game.GuiStateBackToGame(); } if (game.GetDialogId(d.DialogId) != -1) { game.dialogs[game.GetDialogId(d.DialogId)] = null; } if (game.DialogsCount_() == 0) { game.SetFreeMouse(false); } } else { VisibleDialog d2 = new VisibleDialog(); d2.key = d.DialogId; d2.value = d.Dialog; d2.screen = ConvertDialog(game, d2.value); = game; if (game.GetDialogId(d.DialogId) == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < game.dialogsCount; i++) { if (game.dialogs[i] == null) { game.dialogs[i] = d2; break; } } } else { game.dialogs[game.GetDialogId(d.DialogId)] = d2; } if (d.Dialog.IsModal != 0) { game.guistate = GuiState.ModalDialog; game.SetFreeMouse(true); } } }
public override void Handle(Game game, Packet_Server packet) { //Check if Entity has DownloadSkin set and texture is not empty or default player texture if (game.entities[packet.EntityDespawn.Id] != null) { if (game.entities[packet.EntityDespawn.Id].drawModel != null && game.entities[packet.EntityDespawn.Id].drawModel.DownloadSkin) { int currentTex = game.entities[packet.EntityDespawn.Id].drawModel.CurrentTexture; if (currentTex > 0 && currentTex != game.GetTexture("mineplayer.png")) { //Entity probably is a player. Set CurrentTexture to -1 and then delete stored texture. game.entities[packet.EntityDespawn.Id].drawModel.CurrentTexture = -1; game.DeleteTexture(game.entities[packet.EntityDespawn.Id].drawName.Name); } } } game.entities[packet.EntityDespawn.Id] = null; }
public override void Handle(Game game, Packet_Server packet) { Entity entity = game.entities[packet.EntitySpawn.Id]; if (entity == null) { entity = new Entity(); } ToClientEntity(game, packet.EntitySpawn.Entity_, entity, packet.EntitySpawn.Id != game.LocalPlayerId); game.entities[packet.EntitySpawn.Id] = entity; if (packet.EntitySpawn.Id == game.LocalPlayerId) { entity.networkPosition = null; game.player = entity; if (!game.spawned) { entity.scripts[entity.scriptsCount++] = new ScriptCharacterPhysics(); game.MapLoaded(); game.spawned = true; } } }
internal static Packet_Server Ping() { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.Ping; p.Ping = new Packet_ServerPing(); return p; }
internal static Packet_Server Inventory(Packet_Inventory inventory) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.FiniteInventory; p.Inventory = new Packet_ServerInventory(); p.Inventory.Inventory = inventory; return p; }
internal static Packet_Server EntitySpawn(int id, Packet_ServerEntity entity) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.EntitySpawn; p.EntitySpawn = new Packet_ServerEntitySpawn(); p.EntitySpawn.Id = id; p.EntitySpawn.Entity_ = entity; return p; }
public static Packet_Server BlockTypes() { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlockTypes; p.BlockTypes = new Packet_ServerBlockTypes(); return p; }
void ProcessInBackground(Packet_Server packet) { switch (packet.Id) { case Packet_ServerIdEnum.ChunkPart: byte[] arr = packet.ChunkPart.CompressedChunkPart; int arrLength = game.platform.ByteArrayLength(arr); // todo for (int i = 0; i < arrLength; i++) { CurrentChunk[CurrentChunkCount++] = arr[i]; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Chunk_: { Packet_ServerChunk p = packet.Chunk_; if (CurrentChunkCount != 0) { game.platform.GzipDecompress(CurrentChunk, CurrentChunkCount, decompressedchunk); { int i = 0; for (int zz = 0; zz < p.SizeZ; zz++) { for (int yy = 0; yy < p.SizeY; yy++) { for (int xx = 0; xx < p.SizeX; xx++) { int block = (decompressedchunk[i + 1] << 8) + decompressedchunk[i]; if (block < GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES) { receivedchunk[Index3d(xx, yy, zz, p.SizeX, p.SizeY)] = block; } i += 2; } } } } } else { int size = p.SizeX * p.SizeY * p.SizeZ; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { receivedchunk[i] = 0; } } {, p.Y, p.Z, receivedchunk, p.SizeX, p.SizeY, p.SizeZ); for (int xx = 0; xx < 2; xx++) { for (int yy = 0; yy < 2; yy++) { for (int zz = 0; zz < 2; zz++) { //d_Shadows.OnSetChunk(p.X + 16 * xx, p.Y + 16 * yy, p.Z + 16 * zz);//todo } } } } game.ReceivedMapLength += CurrentChunkCount;// lengthPrefixLength + packetLength; CurrentChunkCount = 0; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.HeightmapChunk: { Packet_ServerHeightmapChunk p = packet.HeightmapChunk; game.platform.GzipDecompress(p.CompressedHeightmap, game.platform.ByteArrayLength(p.CompressedHeightmap), decompressedchunk); int[] decompressedchunk1 = Game.ByteArrayToUshortArray(decompressedchunk, p.SizeX * p.SizeY * 2); for (int xx = 0; xx < p.SizeX; xx++) { for (int yy = 0; yy < p.SizeY; yy++) { int height = decompressedchunk1[MapUtilCi.Index2d(xx, yy, p.SizeX)]; game.d_Heightmap.SetBlock(p.X + xx, p.Y + yy, height); } } } break; } }
public static byte[] Serialize(Packet_Server packet, IntRef retLength) { CitoMemoryStream ms = new CitoMemoryStream(); Packet_ServerSerializer.Serialize(ms, packet); byte[] data = ms.ToArray(); retLength.value = ms.Length(); return data; }
public override void Handle(Game game, Packet_Server packet) { mod.d_CraftingRecipes = packet.CraftingRecipes.CraftingRecipes; mod.d_CraftingRecipesCount = packet.CraftingRecipes.CraftingRecipesCount; }
public static Packet_Server LevelInitialize() { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.LevelInitialize; p.LevelInitialize = new Packet_ServerLevelInitialize(); return p; }
public static Packet_Server Message(string text) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.Message; p.Message = new Packet_ServerMessage(); p.Message.Message = text; return p; }
public static Packet_Server Identification(int assignedClientId, int mapSizeX, int mapSizeY, int mapSizeZ, string version) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.ServerIdentification; p.Identification = new Packet_ServerIdentification(); p.Identification.AssignedClientId = assignedClientId; p.Identification.MapSizeX = mapSizeX; p.Identification.MapSizeY = mapSizeY; p.Identification.MapSizeZ = mapSizeZ; p.Identification.ServerName = "Simple"; p.Identification.MdProtocolVersion = version; return p; }
public static Packet_Server Chunk_(int x, int y, int z, int chunksize) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.Chunk_; p.Chunk_ = new Packet_ServerChunk(); p.Chunk_.X = x; p.Chunk_.Y = y; p.Chunk_.Z = z; p.Chunk_.SizeX = chunksize; p.Chunk_.SizeY = chunksize; p.Chunk_.SizeZ = chunksize; return p; }
public static Packet_Server ChunkPart(byte[] compressedChunkPart) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.ChunkPart; p.ChunkPart = new Packet_ServerChunkPart(); p.ChunkPart.CompressedChunkPart = compressedChunkPart; return p; }
internal static Packet_Server PlayerStats(int health, int maxHealth, int oxygen, int maxOxygen) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.PlayerStats; p.PlayerStats = new Packet_ServerPlayerStats(); p.PlayerStats.CurrentHealth = health; p.PlayerStats.MaxHealth = maxHealth; p.PlayerStats.CurrentOxygen = oxygen; p.PlayerStats.MaxOxygen = maxOxygen; return p; }
internal static Packet_Server AnswerQuery(Packet_ServerQueryAnswer answer) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.QueryAnswer; p.QueryAnswer = answer; return p; }
internal static Packet_Server SetBlock(int x, int y, int z, int block) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.SetBlock; p.SetBlock = new Packet_ServerSetBlock(); p.SetBlock.X = x; p.SetBlock.Y = y; p.SetBlock.Z = z; p.SetBlock.BlockType = block; return p; }
internal static Packet_Server DisconnectPlayer(string disconnectReason) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.DisconnectPlayer; p.DisconnectPlayer = new Packet_ServerDisconnectPlayer(); p.DisconnectPlayer.DisconnectReason = disconnectReason; return p; }
public abstract void Handle(Game game, Packet_Server packet);
internal void ProcessPacket(Packet_Server packet) { if (game.packetHandlers[packet.Id] != null) { game.packetHandlers[packet.Id].Handle(game, packet); } switch (packet.Id) { case Packet_ServerIdEnum.ServerIdentification: { string invalidversionstr = game.language.InvalidVersionConnectAnyway(); game.serverGameVersion = packet.Identification.MdProtocolVersion; if (game.serverGameVersion != game.platform.GetGameVersion()) { game.ChatLog("[GAME] Different game versions"); string q = game.platform.StringFormat2(invalidversionstr, game.platform.GetGameVersion(), game.serverGameVersion); game.invalidVersionDrawMessage = q; game.invalidVersionPacketIdentification = packet; } else { game.ProcessServerIdentification(packet); } game.ReceivedMapLength = 0; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Ping: { game.SendPingReply(); game.ServerInfo.ServerPing.Send(game.platform); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.PlayerPing: { game.ServerInfo.ServerPing.Receive(game.platform); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.LevelInitialize: { game.ChatLog("[GAME] Initialized map loading"); game.ReceivedMapLength = 0; game.InvokeMapLoadingProgress(0, 0, game.language.Connecting()); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.LevelDataChunk: { game.InvokeMapLoadingProgress(packet.LevelDataChunk.PercentComplete, game.ReceivedMapLength, packet.LevelDataChunk.Status); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.LevelFinalize: { game.ChatLog("[GAME] Finished map loading"); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.SetBlock: { int x = packet.SetBlock.X; int y = packet.SetBlock.Y; int z = packet.SetBlock.Z; int type = packet.SetBlock.BlockType; //try { game.SetTileAndUpdate(x, y, z, type); } //catch { Console.WriteLine("Cannot update tile!"); } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.FillArea: { int ax = packet.FillArea.X1; int ay = packet.FillArea.Y1; int az = packet.FillArea.Z1; int bx = packet.FillArea.X2; int by = packet.FillArea.Y2; int bz = packet.FillArea.Z2; int startx = MathCi.MinInt(ax, bx); int endx = MathCi.MaxInt(ax, bx); int starty = MathCi.MinInt(ay, by); int endy = MathCi.MaxInt(ay, by); int startz = MathCi.MinInt(az, bz); int endz = MathCi.MaxInt(az, bz); int blockCount = packet.FillArea.BlockCount; { for (int x = startx; x <= endx; x++) { for (int y = starty; y <= endy; y++) { for (int z = startz; z <= endz; z++) { // if creative mode is off and player run out of blocks if (blockCount == 0) { return; } //try { game.SetTileAndUpdate(x, y, z, packet.FillArea.BlockType); } //catch //{ // Console.WriteLine("Cannot update tile!"); //} blockCount--; } } } } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.FillAreaLimit: { game.fillAreaLimit = packet.FillAreaLimit.Limit; if (game.fillAreaLimit > 100000) { game.fillAreaLimit = 100000; } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Freemove: { game.AllowFreemove = packet.Freemove.IsEnabled != 0; if (!game.AllowFreemove) { game.controls.freemove = false; game.controls.noclip = false; game.movespeed = game.basemovespeed; game.Log(game.language.MoveNormal()); } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.PlayerSpawnPosition: { int x = packet.PlayerSpawnPosition.X; int y = packet.PlayerSpawnPosition.Y; int z = packet.PlayerSpawnPosition.Z; game.playerPositionSpawnX = x; game.playerPositionSpawnY = z; game.playerPositionSpawnZ = y; game.Log(game.platform.StringFormat(game.language.SpawnPositionSetTo(), game.platform.StringFormat3("{0},{1},{2}", game.platform.IntToString(x), game.platform.IntToString(y), game.platform.IntToString(z)))); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Message: { game.AddChatline(packet.Message.Message); game.ChatLog(packet.Message.Message); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.DisconnectPlayer: { game.ChatLog(game.platform.StringFormat("[GAME] Disconnected by the server ({0})", packet.DisconnectPlayer.DisconnectReason)); //When server disconnects player, return to main menu game.platform.MessageBoxShowError(packet.DisconnectPlayer.DisconnectReason, "Disconnected from server"); game.ExitToMainMenu_(); break; } case Packet_ServerIdEnum.PlayerStats: { Packet_ServerPlayerStats p = packet.PlayerStats; game.PlayerStats = p; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.FiniteInventory: { //check for null so it's possible to connect //to old versions of game (before 2011-05-05) if (packet.Inventory.Inventory != null) { //d_Inventory.CopyFrom(ConvertInventory(packet.Inventory.Inventory)); game.UseInventory(packet.Inventory.Inventory); } //FiniteInventory = packet.FiniteInventory.BlockTypeAmount; //ENABLE_FINITEINVENTORY = packet.FiniteInventory.IsFinite; //FiniteInventoryMax = packet.FiniteInventory.Max; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Season: { packet.Season.Hour -= 1; if (packet.Season.Hour < 0) { //shouldn't happen packet.Season.Hour = 12 * Game.HourDetail; } int sunlight = game.NightLevels[packet.Season.Hour]; game.SkySphereNight = sunlight < 8; game.d_SunMoonRenderer.day_length_in_seconds = 60 * 60 * 24 / packet.Season.DayNightCycleSpeedup; int hour = packet.Season.Hour / Game.HourDetail; if (game.d_SunMoonRenderer.GetHour() != hour) { game.d_SunMoonRenderer.SetHour(hour); } if (game.sunlight_ != sunlight) { game.sunlight_ = sunlight; //d_Shadows.ResetShadows(); game.RedrawAllBlocks(); } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlobInitialize: { game.blobdownload = new CitoMemoryStream(); //blobdownloadhash = ByteArrayToString(packet.BlobInitialize.hash); game.blobdownloadname = packet.BlobInitialize.Name; game.blobdownloadmd5 = packet.BlobInitialize.Md5; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlobPart: { int length = game.platform.ByteArrayLength(packet.BlobPart.Data); game.blobdownload.Write(packet.BlobPart.Data, 0, length); game.ReceivedMapLength += length; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlobFinalize: { byte[] downloaded = game.blobdownload.ToArray(); if (game.blobdownloadname != null) // old servers { game.SetFile(game.blobdownloadname, game.blobdownloadmd5, downloaded, game.blobdownload.Length()); } game.blobdownload = null; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Sound: { game.PlaySoundAt(packet.Sound.Name, packet.Sound.X, packet.Sound.Y, packet.Sound.Z); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.RemoveMonsters: { for (int i = Game.entityMonsterIdStart; i < Game.entityMonsterIdStart + Game.entityMonsterIdCount; i++) { game.entities[i] = null; } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Translation: game.language.Override(packet.Translation.Lang, packet.Translation.Id, packet.Translation.Translation); break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlockType: game.NewBlockTypes[packet.BlockType.Id] = packet.BlockType.Blocktype; break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.SunLevels: game.NightLevels = packet.SunLevels.Sunlevels; break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.LightLevels: for (int i = 0; i < packet.LightLevels.LightlevelsCount; i++) { game.mLightLevels[i] = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.LightLevels.Lightlevels[i]); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Follow: IntRef oldFollowId = game.FollowId(); game.Follow = packet.Follow.Client; if (packet.Follow.Tpp != 0) { game.SetCamera(CameraType.Overhead); game.player.position.rotx = Game.GetPi(); game.GuiStateBackToGame(); } else { game.SetCamera(CameraType.Fpp); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Bullet: game.EntityAddLocal(game.CreateBulletEntity( game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.FromXFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.FromYFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.FromZFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.ToXFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.ToYFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.ToZFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.SpeedFloat))); break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Ammo: if (!game.ammostarted) { game.ammostarted = true; for (int i = 0; i < packet.Ammo.TotalAmmoCount; i++) { Packet_IntInt k = packet.Ammo.TotalAmmo[i]; game.LoadedAmmo[k.Key_] = MathCi.MinInt(k.Value_, game.blocktypes[k.Key_].AmmoMagazine); } } game.TotalAmmo = new int[GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES]; for (int i = 0; i < packet.Ammo.TotalAmmoCount; i++) { game.TotalAmmo[packet.Ammo.TotalAmmo[i].Key_] = packet.Ammo.TotalAmmo[i].Value_; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Explosion: { Entity entity = new Entity(); entity.expires = new Expires(); entity.expires.timeLeft = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Explosion.TimeFloat); entity.push = packet.Explosion; game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Projectile: { Entity entity = new Entity(); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.image = "ChemicalGreen.png"; sprite.size = 14; sprite.animationcount = 0; sprite.positionX = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.FromXFloat); sprite.positionY = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.FromYFloat); sprite.positionZ = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.FromZFloat); entity.sprite = sprite; Grenade_ grenade = new Grenade_(); grenade.velocityX = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.VelocityXFloat); grenade.velocityY = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.VelocityYFloat); grenade.velocityZ = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.VelocityZFloat); grenade.block = packet.Projectile.BlockId; grenade.sourcePlayer = packet.Projectile.SourcePlayerID; entity.grenade = grenade; entity.expires = Expires.Create(game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.ExplodesAfterFloat)); game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlockTypes: game.blocktypes = game.NewBlockTypes; game.NewBlockTypes = new Packet_BlockType[GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES]; int textureInAtlasIdsCount = 1024; string[] textureInAtlasIds = new string[textureInAtlasIdsCount]; int lastTextureId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES; i++) { if (game.blocktypes[i] != null) { string[] to_load = new string[7]; int to_loadLength = 7; { to_load[0] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdLeft; to_load[1] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdRight; to_load[2] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdFront; to_load[3] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdBack; to_load[4] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdTop; to_load[5] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdBottom; to_load[6] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdForInventory; } for (int k = 0; k < to_loadLength; k++) { if (!Contains(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, to_load[k])) { textureInAtlasIds[lastTextureId++] = to_load[k]; } } } } game.d_Data.UseBlockTypes(game.platform, game.blocktypes, GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES); for (int i = 0; i < GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES; i++) { Packet_BlockType b = game.blocktypes[i]; if (b == null) { continue; } //Indexed by block id and TileSide. if (textureInAtlasIds != null) { game.TextureId[i][0] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdTop); game.TextureId[i][1] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdBottom); game.TextureId[i][2] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdFront); game.TextureId[i][3] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdBack); game.TextureId[i][4] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdLeft); game.TextureId[i][5] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdRight); game.TextureIdForInventory[i] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdForInventory); } } game.UseTerrainTextures(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount); game.handRedraw = true; game.RedrawAllBlocks(); break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.ServerRedirect: game.ChatLog("[GAME] Received server redirect"); //Leave current server game.SendLeave(Packet_LeaveReasonEnum.Leave); //Exit game screen and create new game instance game.ExitAndSwitchServer(packet.Redirect); break; } }
public static SendPacketAction Create(ServerSimple server_, int client_, Packet_Server packet_) { SendPacketAction a = new SendPacketAction(); a.server = server_; a.client = client_; a.packet = packet_; return a; }
internal static Packet_Server EntityDespawn(int id) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.EntityDespawn; p.EntityDespawn = new Packet_ServerEntityDespawn(); p.EntityDespawn.Id = id; return p; }
public static Packet_Server BlockType(int id, Packet_BlockType blockType) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlockType; p.BlockType = new Packet_ServerBlockType(); p.BlockType.Id = id; p.BlockType.Blocktype = blockType; return p; }
internal void InvalidVersionAllow() { if (invalidVersionDrawMessage != null) { invalidVersionDrawMessage = null; ProcessServerIdentification(invalidVersionPacketIdentification); invalidVersionPacketIdentification = null; } }
internal static Packet_Server EntityPositionAndOrientation(int id, Packet_PositionAndOrientation positionAndOrientation) { Packet_Server p = new Packet_Server(); p.Id = Packet_ServerIdEnum.EntityPosition; p.EntityPosition = new Packet_ServerEntityPositionAndOrientation(); p.EntityPosition.Id = id; p.EntityPosition.PositionAndOrientation = positionAndOrientation; return p; }
internal void ProcessPacket(Packet_Server packet) { if (game.packetHandlers[packet.Id] != null) { game.packetHandlers[packet.Id].Handle(game, packet); } switch (packet.Id) { case Packet_ServerIdEnum.ServerIdentification: { string invalidversionstr = game.language.InvalidVersionConnectAnyway(); game.serverGameVersion = packet.Identification.MdProtocolVersion; if (game.serverGameVersion != game.platform.GetGameVersion()) { game.ChatLog("[GAME] Different game versions"); string q = game.platform.StringFormat2(invalidversionstr, game.platform.GetGameVersion(), game.serverGameVersion); game.invalidVersionDrawMessage = q; game.invalidVersionPacketIdentification = packet; } else { game.ProcessServerIdentification(packet); } game.ReceivedMapLength = 0; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Ping: { game.SendPingReply(); game.ServerInfo.ServerPing.Send(game.platform); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.PlayerPing: { game.ServerInfo.ServerPing.Receive(game.platform); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.LevelInitialize: { game.ChatLog("[GAME] Initialized map loading"); game.ReceivedMapLength = 0; game.InvokeMapLoadingProgress(0, 0, game.language.Connecting()); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.LevelDataChunk: { game.InvokeMapLoadingProgress(packet.LevelDataChunk.PercentComplete, game.ReceivedMapLength, packet.LevelDataChunk.Status); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.LevelFinalize: { game.ChatLog("[GAME] Finished map loading"); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.SetBlock: { int x = packet.SetBlock.X; int y = packet.SetBlock.Y; int z = packet.SetBlock.Z; int type = packet.SetBlock.BlockType; //try { game.SetTileAndUpdate(x, y, z, type); } //catch { Console.WriteLine("Cannot update tile!"); } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.FillArea: { int ax = packet.FillArea.X1; int ay = packet.FillArea.Y1; int az = packet.FillArea.Z1; int bx = packet.FillArea.X2; int by = packet.FillArea.Y2; int bz = packet.FillArea.Z2; int startx = MathCi.MinInt(ax, bx); int endx = MathCi.MaxInt(ax, bx); int starty = MathCi.MinInt(ay, by); int endy = MathCi.MaxInt(ay, by); int startz = MathCi.MinInt(az, bz); int endz = MathCi.MaxInt(az, bz); int blockCount = packet.FillArea.BlockCount; { for (int x = startx; x <= endx; x++) { for (int y = starty; y <= endy; y++) { for (int z = startz; z <= endz; z++) { // if creative mode is off and player run out of blocks if (blockCount == 0) { return; } //try { game.SetTileAndUpdate(x, y, z, packet.FillArea.BlockType); } //catch //{ // Console.WriteLine("Cannot update tile!"); //} blockCount--; } } } } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.FillAreaLimit: { game.fillAreaLimit = packet.FillAreaLimit.Limit; if (game.fillAreaLimit > 100000) { game.fillAreaLimit = 100000; } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Freemove: { game.AllowFreemove = packet.Freemove.IsEnabled != 0; if (!game.AllowFreemove) { game.controls.SetFreemove(FreemoveLevelEnum.None); game.movespeed = game.basemovespeed; game.Log(game.language.MoveNormal()); } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.PlayerSpawnPosition: { int x = packet.PlayerSpawnPosition.X; int y = packet.PlayerSpawnPosition.Y; int z = packet.PlayerSpawnPosition.Z; game.playerPositionSpawnX = x; game.playerPositionSpawnY = z; game.playerPositionSpawnZ = y; game.Log(game.platform.StringFormat(game.language.SpawnPositionSetTo(), game.platform.StringFormat3("{0},{1},{2}", game.platform.IntToString(x), game.platform.IntToString(y), game.platform.IntToString(z)))); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Message: { game.AddChatline(packet.Message.Message); game.ChatLog(packet.Message.Message); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.DisconnectPlayer: { game.ChatLog(game.platform.StringFormat("[GAME] Disconnected by the server ({0})", packet.DisconnectPlayer.DisconnectReason)); //Exit mouse pointer lock if necessary if (game.platform.IsMousePointerLocked()) { game.platform.ExitMousePointerLock(); } //When server disconnects player, return to main menu game.platform.MessageBoxShowError(packet.DisconnectPlayer.DisconnectReason, "Disconnected from server"); game.ExitToMainMenu_(); break; } case Packet_ServerIdEnum.PlayerStats: { Packet_ServerPlayerStats p = packet.PlayerStats; game.PlayerStats = p; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.FiniteInventory: { //check for null so it's possible to connect //to old versions of game (before 2011-05-05) if (packet.Inventory.Inventory != null) { //d_Inventory.CopyFrom(ConvertInventory(packet.Inventory.Inventory)); game.UseInventory(packet.Inventory.Inventory); } //FiniteInventory = packet.FiniteInventory.BlockTypeAmount; //ENABLE_FINITEINVENTORY = packet.FiniteInventory.IsFinite; //FiniteInventoryMax = packet.FiniteInventory.Max; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Season: { packet.Season.Hour -= 1; if (packet.Season.Hour < 0) { //shouldn't happen packet.Season.Hour = 12 * Game.HourDetail; } int sunlight = game.NightLevels[packet.Season.Hour]; game.SkySphereNight = sunlight < 8; game.d_SunMoonRenderer.day_length_in_seconds = 60 * 60 * 24 / packet.Season.DayNightCycleSpeedup; int hour = packet.Season.Hour / Game.HourDetail; if (game.d_SunMoonRenderer.GetHour() != hour) { game.d_SunMoonRenderer.SetHour(hour); } if (game.sunlight_ != sunlight) { game.sunlight_ = sunlight; //d_Shadows.ResetShadows(); game.RedrawAllBlocks(); } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlobInitialize: { game.blobdownload = new CitoMemoryStream(); //blobdownloadhash = ByteArrayToString(packet.BlobInitialize.hash); game.blobdownloadname = packet.BlobInitialize.Name; game.blobdownloadmd5 = packet.BlobInitialize.Md5; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlobPart: { int length = game.platform.ByteArrayLength(packet.BlobPart.Data); game.blobdownload.Write(packet.BlobPart.Data, 0, length); game.ReceivedMapLength += length; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlobFinalize: { byte[] downloaded = game.blobdownload.ToArray(); if (game.blobdownloadname != null) // old servers { game.SetFile(game.blobdownloadname, game.blobdownloadmd5, downloaded, game.blobdownload.Length()); } game.blobdownload = null; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Sound: { game.PlaySoundAt(packet.Sound.Name, packet.Sound.X, packet.Sound.Y, packet.Sound.Z); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.RemoveMonsters: { for (int i = Game.entityMonsterIdStart; i < Game.entityMonsterIdStart + Game.entityMonsterIdCount; i++) { game.entities[i] = null; } } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Translation: game.language.Override(packet.Translation.Lang, packet.Translation.Id, packet.Translation.Translation); break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlockType: game.NewBlockTypes[packet.BlockType.Id] = packet.BlockType.Blocktype; break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.SunLevels: game.NightLevels = packet.SunLevels.Sunlevels; break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.LightLevels: for (int i = 0; i < packet.LightLevels.LightlevelsCount; i++) { game.mLightLevels[i] = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.LightLevels.Lightlevels[i]); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Follow: IntRef oldFollowId = game.FollowId(); game.Follow = packet.Follow.Client; if (packet.Follow.Tpp != 0) { game.SetCamera(CameraType.Overhead); game.player.position.rotx = Game.GetPi(); game.GuiStateBackToGame(); } else { game.SetCamera(CameraType.Fpp); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Bullet: game.EntityAddLocal(game.CreateBulletEntity( game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.FromXFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.FromYFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.FromZFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.ToXFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.ToYFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.ToZFloat), game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Bullet.SpeedFloat))); break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Ammo: if (!game.ammostarted) { game.ammostarted = true; for (int i = 0; i < packet.Ammo.TotalAmmoCount; i++) { Packet_IntInt k = packet.Ammo.TotalAmmo[i]; game.LoadedAmmo[k.Key_] = MathCi.MinInt(k.Value_, game.blocktypes[k.Key_].AmmoMagazine); } } game.TotalAmmo = new int[GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES]; for (int i = 0; i < packet.Ammo.TotalAmmoCount; i++) { game.TotalAmmo[packet.Ammo.TotalAmmo[i].Key_] = packet.Ammo.TotalAmmo[i].Value_; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Explosion: { Entity entity = new Entity(); entity.expires = new Expires(); entity.expires.timeLeft = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Explosion.TimeFloat); entity.push = packet.Explosion; game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Projectile: { Entity entity = new Entity(); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.image = "ChemicalGreen.png"; sprite.size = 14; sprite.animationcount = 0; sprite.positionX = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.FromXFloat); sprite.positionY = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.FromYFloat); sprite.positionZ = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.FromZFloat); entity.sprite = sprite; Grenade_ grenade = new Grenade_(); grenade.velocityX = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.VelocityXFloat); grenade.velocityY = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.VelocityYFloat); grenade.velocityZ = game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.VelocityZFloat); grenade.block = packet.Projectile.BlockId; grenade.sourcePlayer = packet.Projectile.SourcePlayerID; entity.grenade = grenade; entity.expires = Expires.Create(game.DeserializeFloat(packet.Projectile.ExplodesAfterFloat)); game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.BlockTypes: game.blocktypes = game.NewBlockTypes; game.NewBlockTypes = new Packet_BlockType[GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES]; int textureInAtlasIdsCount = 1024; string[] textureInAtlasIds = new string[textureInAtlasIdsCount]; int lastTextureId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES; i++) { if (game.blocktypes[i] != null) { string[] to_load = new string[7]; int to_loadLength = 7; { to_load[0] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdLeft; to_load[1] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdRight; to_load[2] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdFront; to_load[3] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdBack; to_load[4] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdTop; to_load[5] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdBottom; to_load[6] = game.blocktypes[i].TextureIdForInventory; } for (int k = 0; k < to_loadLength; k++) { if (!Contains(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, to_load[k])) { textureInAtlasIds[lastTextureId++] = to_load[k]; } } } } game.d_Data.UseBlockTypes(game.platform, game.blocktypes, GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES); for (int i = 0; i < GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES; i++) { Packet_BlockType b = game.blocktypes[i]; if (b == null) { continue; } //Indexed by block id and TileSide. if (textureInAtlasIds != null) { game.TextureId[i][0] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdTop); game.TextureId[i][1] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdBottom); game.TextureId[i][2] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdFront); game.TextureId[i][3] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdBack); game.TextureId[i][4] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdLeft); game.TextureId[i][5] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdRight); game.TextureIdForInventory[i] = IndexOf(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount, b.TextureIdForInventory); } } game.UseTerrainTextures(textureInAtlasIds, textureInAtlasIdsCount); game.handRedraw = true; game.RedrawAllBlocks(); break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.ServerRedirect: game.ChatLog("[GAME] Received server redirect"); //Leave current server game.SendLeave(Packet_LeaveReasonEnum.Leave); //Exit game screen and create new game instance game.ExitAndSwitchServer(packet.Redirect); break; } }
internal void ProcessServerIdentification(Packet_Server packet) { this.LocalPlayerId = packet.Identification.AssignedClientId; this.ServerInfo.connectdata = this.connectdata; this.ServerInfo.ServerName = packet.Identification.ServerName; this.ServerInfo.ServerMotd = packet.Identification.ServerMotd; this.d_TerrainChunkTesselator.ENABLE_TEXTURE_TILING = packet.Identification.RenderHint_ == RenderHintEnum.Fast; Packet_StringList requiredMd5 = packet.Identification.RequiredBlobMd5; Packet_StringList requiredName = packet.Identification.RequiredBlobName; ChatLog("[GAME] Processed server identification"); int getCount = 0; if (requiredMd5 != null) { ChatLog(platform.StringFormat("[GAME] Server has {0} assets", platform.IntToString(requiredMd5.ItemsCount))); for (int i = 0; i < requiredMd5.ItemsCount; i++) { string md5 = requiredMd5.Items[i]; //check if file with that content is already in cache if (platform.IsCached(md5)) { //File has been cached. load cached version. Asset cachedAsset = platform.LoadAssetFromCache(md5); string name; if (requiredName != null) { name = requiredName.Items[i]; } else // server older than 2014-07-13. { name =; } SetFile(name, cachedAsset.md5,, cachedAsset.dataLength); } else { //Asset not present in cache if (requiredName != null) { //If list of names is given (server > 2014-07-13) lookup if asset is already loaded if (!HasAsset(md5, requiredName.Items[i])) { //Request asset from server if not already loaded getAsset[getCount++] = md5; } } else { //Server didn't send list of required asset names getAsset[getCount++] = md5; } } } ChatLog(platform.StringFormat("[GAME] Will download {0} missing assets", platform.IntToString(getCount))); } SendGameResolution(); ChatLog("[GAME] Sent window resolution to server"); sendResize = true; SendRequestBlob(getAsset, getCount); ChatLog("[GAME] Sent BLOB request"); if (packet.Identification.MapSizeX != map.MapSizeX || packet.Identification.MapSizeY != map.MapSizeY || packet.Identification.MapSizeZ != map.MapSizeZ) { map.Reset(packet.Identification.MapSizeX, packet.Identification.MapSizeY, packet.Identification.MapSizeZ); d_Heightmap.Restart(); } shadowssimple = packet.Identification.DisableShadows == 1 ? true : false; //maxdrawdistance = packet.Identification.PlayerAreaSize / 2; //if (maxdrawdistance == 0) //{ // maxdrawdistance = 128; //} maxdrawdistance = 256; ChatLog("[GAME] Map initialized"); }
void ProcessInBackground(Packet_Server packet) { switch (packet.Id) { case Packet_ServerIdEnum.ChunkPart: byte[] arr = packet.ChunkPart.CompressedChunkPart; int arrLength = game.platform.ByteArrayLength(arr); // todo for (int i = 0; i < arrLength; i++) { CurrentChunk[CurrentChunkCount++] = arr[i]; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.Chunk_: { Packet_ServerChunk p = packet.Chunk_; if (CurrentChunkCount != 0) { game.platform.GzipDecompress(CurrentChunk, CurrentChunkCount, decompressedchunk); { int i = 0; for (int zz = 0; zz < p.SizeZ; zz++) { for (int yy = 0; yy < p.SizeY; yy++) { for (int xx = 0; xx < p.SizeX; xx++) { int block = (decompressedchunk[i + 1] << 8) + decompressedchunk[i]; if (block < GlobalVar.MAX_BLOCKTYPES) { receivedchunk[Index3d(xx, yy, zz, p.SizeX, p.SizeY)] = block; } i += 2; } } } } } else { int size = p.SizeX * p.SizeY * p.SizeZ; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { receivedchunk[i] = 0; } } {, p.Y, p.Z, receivedchunk, p.SizeX, p.SizeY, p.SizeZ); for (int xx = 0; xx < 2; xx++) { for (int yy = 0; yy < 2; yy++) { for (int zz = 0; zz < 2; zz++) { //d_Shadows.OnSetChunk(p.X + 16 * xx, p.Y + 16 * yy, p.Z + 16 * zz);//todo } } } } game.ReceivedMapLength += CurrentChunkCount; // lengthPrefixLength + packetLength; CurrentChunkCount = 0; } break; case Packet_ServerIdEnum.HeightmapChunk: { Packet_ServerHeightmapChunk p = packet.HeightmapChunk; game.platform.GzipDecompress(p.CompressedHeightmap, game.platform.ByteArrayLength(p.CompressedHeightmap), decompressedchunk); int[] decompressedchunk1 = Game.ByteArrayToUshortArray(decompressedchunk, p.SizeX * p.SizeY * 2); for (int xx = 0; xx < p.SizeX; xx++) { for (int yy = 0; yy < p.SizeY; yy++) { int height = decompressedchunk1[MapUtilCi.Index2d(xx, yy, p.SizeX)]; game.d_Heightmap.SetBlock(p.X + xx, p.Y + yy, height); } } } break; } }