             *@brief process all data read from a cache file and process it to construct the database
             *@param[in] cache_file_data (Dictionary<sulhur.editor.utils.UInt64_s, sulphur.editor.AssetDatabase.PackagePtr>) data to process
            private void ProcessCacheFileData(Dictionary <utils.UInt64_s, PackagePtr> cache_file_data)
                if (cache_file_data == null)

                foreach (KeyValuePair <utils.UInt64_s, PackagePtr> entry in cache_file_data)
                    utils.UInt64_s id  = entry.Key;
                    PackagePtr     ptr = entry.Value;
                    ProcessCacheFileData(id, ptr);
             * @brief Processes a single entry in an asset cache;
             * @param[in] id (UInt64) id of the asset.
             * @param[in] ptr (sulphur.editor.AssetDatabase.PackagePtr) Package pointer read from the cache.
            private void ProcessCacheFileData(UInt64 id, PackagePtr ptr)
                AssetCacheData cache_data = new AssetCacheData();
                DirectoryInfo  info       = new DirectoryInfo(Project.directory_path + "\\" + ptr.origin);
                int            slash      = ptr.path.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
                int            dot        = ptr.path.LastIndexOf(".");

                cache_data.id     = id;
                cache_data.path   = ptr.path;
                cache_data.origin = info.FullName.ToLower();
                cache_data.name   = ptr.path.Substring(slash,
                                                       dot - slash);
                cache_data.type     = GetAssetType(ptr.path);
                cache_data.is_valid = true;
                string original_folder = info.FullName.Substring(0, info.FullName.LastIndexOf("\\")).ToLower();

                if (data.ContainsKey(original_folder) == false)
                    AssetList new_list = new AssetList();
                    new_list.CollectionChanged += OnAssetListChanged;
                    data.Add(original_folder, new_list);

                AssetCacheData exists = data[original_folder].Find(cache_data.id, cache_data.type);

                if (exists.is_valid == true)
                    Log.Write(Log.Verbosity.kWarning, "Asset {0} allready exists", cache_data.path);
