public new static PackageInstance Random() { var e = new PackageInstance(); e.SetRandomValues(); return(e); }
protected void deleteFileFromPackage(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBox filePathControl = (TextBox)((Control)sender).Parent.FindControl("packageFilePath"); filePathControl.Text = ""; string tmpFilePathString = ""; foreach (RepeaterItem rItem in packageFilesRepeater.Items) { string tmpFFFF = ((TextBox)rItem.FindControl("packageFilePath")).Text; if (tmpFFFF.Trim() != "") { tmpFilePathString += tmpFFFF + "�"; } } CreatedPackage createdPackage = CreatedPackage.GetById(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"])); PackageInstance pack = createdPackage.Data; pack.Files = new List <string>(tmpFilePathString.Trim('�').Split('�')); pack.Files.TrimExcess(); createdPackage.Save(); packageFilesRepeater.DataSource = pack.Files; packageFilesRepeater.DataBind(); }
public SubmitStatus SubmitPackage(string authorGuid, PackageInstance package, byte[] doc) { string packageName = package.Name; string packageGuid = package.PackageGuid; string description = package.Readme; string packageFile = package.PackagePath; System.IO.FileStream fs1 = null; try { byte[] pack = new byte[0]; fs1 = System.IO.File.Open(IOHelper.MapPath(packageFile), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); pack = new byte[fs1.Length]; fs1.Read(pack, 0, (int)fs1.Length); fs1.Close(); fs1 = null; byte[] thumb = new byte[0]; //todo upload thumbnail... return Webservice.SubmitPackage(m_guid, authorGuid, packageGuid, pack, doc, thumb, packageName, "", "", description); } catch (Exception ex) { umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Debug, -1, ex.ToString()); return SubmitStatus.Error; } }
public static async Task <IList <PackageInstance> > GetPackageInstancesAsync(string WuCategoryID) { IList <PackageInstance> PackageInstances = new List <PackageInstance>(); HttpContent httpContent = new StringContent(String.Format(GetResourceTextFile("WUIDRequest.xml"), await GetCookieAsync(), WuCategoryID), Encoding.UTF8, "application/soap+xml"); //Load in the Xml for this FE3 request and format it a cookie and the provided WuCategoryID. HttpRequestMessage httpRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(); httpRequest.RequestUri = Endpoints.FE3Delivery; httpRequest.Content = httpContent; httpRequest.Method = HttpMethod.Post; HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = await _httpClient.SendAsync(httpRequest, new System.Threading.CancellationToken()); string content = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); content = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(content); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(content); XmlNodeList nodes = doc.GetElementsByTagName("AppxMetadata"); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { if (node.Attributes.Count >= 3) { PackageInstance package = new PackageInstance(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("PackageMoniker").Value, new Uri(""), Utilities.TypeHelpers.StringToPackageType(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("PackageType").Value)); PackageInstances.Add(package); } } return(PackageInstances); }
public SubmitStatus SubmitPackage(string authorGuid, PackageInstance package, byte[] doc) { string packageName = package.Name; string packageGuid = package.PackageGuid; string description = package.Readme; string packageFile = package.PackagePath; System.IO.FileStream fs1 = null; try { byte[] pack = new byte[0]; fs1 = System.IO.File.Open(IOHelper.MapPath(packageFile), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); pack = new byte[fs1.Length]; fs1.Read(pack, 0, (int) fs1.Length); fs1.Close(); fs1 = null; byte[] thumb = new byte[0]; //todo upload thumbnail... return Webservice.SubmitPackage(Guid, authorGuid, packageGuid, pack, doc, thumb, packageName, "", "", description); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error<Repository>("An error occurred in SubmitPackage", ex); return SubmitStatus.Error; } }
public SubmitStatus SubmitPackage(string authorGuid, PackageInstance package, byte[] doc) { string packageName = package.Name; string packageGuid = package.PackageGuid; string description = package.Readme; string packageFile = package.PackagePath; System.IO.FileStream fs1 = null; try { byte[] pack = new byte[0]; fs1 = System.IO.File.Open(IOHelper.MapPath(packageFile), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); pack = new byte[fs1.Length]; fs1.Read(pack, 0, (int)fs1.Length); fs1.Close(); fs1 = null; byte[] thumb = new byte[0]; //todo upload thumbnail... return(Webservice.SubmitPackage(m_guid, authorGuid, packageGuid, pack, doc, thumb, packageName, "", "", description)); } catch (Exception ex) { umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Debug, -1, ex.ToString()); return(SubmitStatus.Error); } }
public SubmitStatus SubmitPackage(string authorGuid, PackageInstance package, byte[] doc) { string packageName = package.Name; string packageGuid = package.PackageGuid; string description = package.Readme; string packageFile = package.PackagePath; System.IO.FileStream fs1 = null; try { byte[] pack = new byte[0]; fs1 = System.IO.File.Open(IOHelper.MapPath(packageFile), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); pack = new byte[fs1.Length]; fs1.Read(pack, 0, (int)fs1.Length); fs1.Close(); fs1 = null; byte[] thumb = new byte[0]; //todo upload thumbnail... return(Webservice.SubmitPackage(Guid, authorGuid, packageGuid, pack, doc, thumb, packageName, "", "", description)); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error <Repository>("An error occurred in SubmitPackage", ex); return(SubmitStatus.Error); } }
public static ToastNotification GenerateProgressToast(PackageInstance package, ProductDetails product) { var content = new ToastContent() { Visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = new BindableString("progressTitle") }, new AdaptiveProgressBar() { Value = new BindableProgressBarValue("progressValue"), Title = new BindableString("progressVersion"), Status = new BindableString("progressStatus") } }, AppLogoOverride = new ToastGenericAppLogo() { Source = product.Images.FindLast(i => i.ImageType == MicrosoftStore.Enums.ImageType.Logo).Url } } }, // TODO: Add cancel and pause functionality //Actions = new ToastActionsCustom() //{ // Buttons = // { // new ToastButton("Pause", $"action=pauseDownload&packageName={package.PackageMoniker}") // { // ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Background // }, // new ToastButton("Cancel", $"action=cancelDownload&packageName={package.PackageMoniker}") // { // ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Background // } // } //}, Launch = $"action=viewDownload&packageName={package.PackageMoniker}", }; var notif = new ToastNotification(content.GetXml()); notif.Data = new NotificationData(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "progressTitle", product.Title }, { "progressVersion", package.Version.ToString() }, { "progressStatus", "Downloading..." } }); notif.Tag = package.PackageFamily; //notif.Group = "App Downloads"; return(notif); }
public static ToastNotification GenerateInstallSuccessToast(PackageInstance package, ProductDetails product) { var content = new ToastContentBuilder().SetToastScenario(ToastScenario.Reminder) .AddToastActivationInfo($"action=viewEvent&eventId={package.PackageMoniker}", ToastActivationType.Foreground) .AddText(product.ShortTitle) .AddText(product.Title + " just got installed.") .AddAppLogoOverride(product.Images.FindLast(i => i.ImageType == MicrosoftStore.Enums.ImageType.Logo).Uri, addImageQuery: false) .Content; return(new ToastNotification(content.GetXml())); }
public ProblemSpaceTree InstantiateSolutionElements(ModelEntityRepository repo) { var instantiations = from instantiation in ElementInstantiations select PackageInstance.Fold( (solutionPackage) => instantiation.CreateInstanceIfMissing(repo, solutionPackage), () => instantiation); var children = Children.Select(c => c.InstantiateSolutionElements(repo)); return(new ProblemSpaceTree(Package, PackageInstance, instantiations, Diagrams, children)); }
private void CreateSolutionDiagrams(ModelEntityRepository repo, IEnumerable <ElementInstantiation> instantiations) { PackageInstance.Do(solutionPackage => { Diagrams.ForEach(problemDiagram => { var solutionDiagram = repo.Create(problemDiagram.Name, DiagramTypes.SolutionOverview, solutionPackage, ADTechnology.Technologies.AD.ID); CopyDiagramObjects(problemDiagram, solutionDiagram, instantiations); }); }); Children.ForEach(c => c.CreateSolutionDiagrams(repo, instantiations)); }
public void activeSP([FromBody] ClientPackage forSP) //remember { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; // string sp = "Activate Service Package"; DateTime Now = DateTime.Now; //refiloeknowsbest Sale sales = new Sale(); sales.ClientID = forSP.Sale.ClientID; //sales.Decription = activeSP; // this is where the sale type is specific sales.Payment = forSP.Sale.Payment; //sales.SaleType = type id of activate sales.PaymentTypeID = forSP.Sale.PaymentTypeID; sales.StatusID = 2; sales.Date = Now; //sales.Description = sp; db.Sales.Add(sales); db.SaveChanges(); int SaleID = db.Sales.Where(zz => zz.ClientID == forSP.Sale.ClientID && zz.SaleTypeID == forSP.Sale.SaleTypeID).Select(zz => zz.SaleID).LastOrDefault(); //ading to client sdjfnjvn thingy ClientPackage CP = new ClientPackage(); CP.SaleID = SaleID; CP.PackageID = forSP.ServicePackage.PackageID; CP.Date = Now; CP.ExpiryDate = Now.AddMonths(forSP.ServicePackage.Duration); db.ClientPackages.Add(CP); db.SaveChanges(); //**********instance for the service package***************** int loop = forSP.ServicePackage.Quantity; for (int j = 0; j <= loop; j++) { PackageInstance addInstance = new PackageInstance(); addInstance.PackageID = CP.PackageID; addInstance.SaleID = SaleID; addInstance.StatusID = 1; db.PackageInstances.Add(addInstance); db.SaveChanges(); } }
protected void addFileToPackage(object sender, EventArgs e) { string newPath = packageFilePathNew.Text; if (newPath.Trim() != "") { CreatedPackage createdPackage = CreatedPackage.GetById(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"])); PackageInstance pack = createdPackage.Data; pack.Files.Add(newPath); createdPackage.Save(); packageFilePathNew.Text = ""; packageFilesRepeater.DataSource = pack.Files; packageFilesRepeater.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { createdPackage = CreatedPackage.GetById(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"])); pack = createdPackage.Data; /* CONTENT */ cp = new ContentPicker(); content.Controls.Add(cp); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pack.PackagePath) == false) { packageUmbFile.Text = " <a href='" + Page.ResolveClientUrl(pack.PackagePath) + "'>Download</a>"; } else { packageUmbFile.Text = "<em>This package is not published</em>"; } if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { ClientTools .SyncTree("-1,created," + createdPackage.Data.Id, false); packageAuthorName.Text = pack.Author; packageAuthorUrl.Text = pack.AuthorUrl; packageLicenseName.Text = pack.License; packageLicenseUrl.Text = pack.LicenseUrl; packageName.Text = pack.Name; packageReadme.Text = pack.Readme; packageVersion.Text = pack.Version; packageUrl.Text = pack.Url; iconUrl.Text = pack.IconUrl; umbracoVersion.Text = pack.UmbracoVersion != null?pack.UmbracoVersion.ToString(3) : string.Empty; /*ACTIONS XML*/ tb_actions.Text = pack.Actions; cp.Value = pack.ContentNodeId.ToString(); //startNode.Value = pack.ContentNodeId.ToString(); packageContentSubdirs.Checked = pack.ContentLoadChildNodes; /*TEMPLATES */ var nTemplates = Services.FileService.GetTemplates(); //Template[] umbTemplates = Template.GetAllAsList().ToArray(); foreach (var tmp in nTemplates) { ListItem li = new ListItem(tmp.Name, tmp.Id.ToString()); if (pack.Templates.Contains(tmp.Id.ToString())) { li.Selected = true; } templates.Items.Add(li); } /* DOC TYPES */ // fixme - media types? member types? var nContentTypes = Services.ContentTypeService.GetAll(); //DocumentType[] docs = DocumentType.GetAllAsList().ToArray(); foreach (var dc in nContentTypes) { ListItem li = new ListItem(dc.Name, dc.Id.ToString()); if (pack.Documenttypes.Contains(dc.Id.ToString())) { li.Selected = true; } documentTypes.Items.Add(li); } /*Stylesheets */ var sheets = Services.FileService.GetStylesheets(); foreach (var st in sheets) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(st.Name) == false) { var li = new ListItem(st.Alias, st.Name); if (pack.Stylesheets.Contains(st.Name)) { li.Selected = true; } stylesheets.Items.Add(li); } } /* MACROS */ var nMacros = Services.MacroService.GetAll(); //Macro[] umbMacros = Macro.GetAll(); foreach (var m in nMacros) { ListItem li = new ListItem(m.Name, m.Id.ToString()); if (pack.Macros.Contains(m.Id.ToString())) { li.Selected = true; } macros.Items.Add(li); } /*Langauges */ var nLanguages = Services.LocalizationService.GetAllLanguages(); //Language[] umbLanguages = Language.getAll; foreach (var l in nLanguages) { ListItem li = new ListItem(l.CultureName, l.Id.ToString()); if (pack.Languages.Contains(l.Id.ToString())) { li.Selected = true; } languages.Items.Add(li); } /*Dictionary Items*/ var umbDictionary = Services.LocalizationService.GetRootDictionaryItems(); foreach (var d in umbDictionary) { string liName = d.ItemKey; var children = Services.LocalizationService.GetDictionaryItemChildren(d.Key); if (children.Any()) { liName += " <small>(Including all child items)</small>"; } var li = new ListItem(liName, d.Id.ToString()); if (pack.DictionaryItems.Contains(d.Id.ToString())) { li.Selected = true; } dictionary.Items.Add(li); } //TODO: Fix this with the new services and apis! and then remove since this should all be in angular ///*Data types */ //cms.businesslogic.datatype.DataTypeDefinition[] umbDataType = cms.businesslogic.datatype.DataTypeDefinition.GetAll(); // sort array by name //Array.Sort(umbDataType, delegate(cms.businesslogic.datatype.DataTypeDefinition umbDataType1, cms.businesslogic.datatype.DataTypeDefinition umbDataType2) //{ // return umbDataType1.Text.CompareTo(umbDataType2.Text); //}); //foreach (cms.businesslogic.datatype.DataTypeDefinition umbDtd in umbDataType) //{ // ListItem li = new ListItem(umbDtd.Text, umbDtd.Id.ToString()); // if (pack.DataTypes.Contains(umbDtd.Id.ToString())) // li.Selected = true; // cbl_datatypes.Items.Add(li); //} /* FILES */ packageFilesRepeater.DataSource = pack.Files; packageFilesRepeater.DataBind(); packageControlPath.Text = pack.LoadControl; } else { ClientTools .SyncTree("-1,created," + createdPackage.Data.Id, true); } } }
public static async Task <bool> InstallPackage(PackageInstance package, ProductDetails product, bool?useAppInstaller = null) { ToastNotification finalNotif = GenerateInstallSuccessToast(package, product); bool isSuccess = true; try { (await DownloadPackage(package, product, false)).Deconstruct(out var installer, out var progressToast); PackageManager pkgManager = new PackageManager(); Progress <DeploymentProgress> progressCallback = new Progress <DeploymentProgress>(prog => { ToastNotificationManager.GetDefault().CreateToastNotifier().Update( new NotificationData(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "progressValue", (prog.percentage / 100).ToString() }, { "progressStatus", "Installing..." } }), progressToast.Tag ); }); if (Settings.Default.UseAppInstaller || (useAppInstaller.HasValue && useAppInstaller.Value)) { // Pass the file to App Installer to install it Uri launchUri = new Uri("ms-appinstaller:?source=" + installer.Path); switch (await Launcher.QueryUriSupportAsync(launchUri, LaunchQuerySupportType.Uri)) { case LaunchQuerySupportStatus.Available: isSuccess = await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(launchUri); if (!isSuccess) { finalNotif = GenerateInstallFailureToast(package, product, new Exception("Failed to launch App Installer.")); } break; case LaunchQuerySupportStatus.AppNotInstalled: finalNotif = GenerateInstallFailureToast(package, product, new Exception("App Installer is not available on this device.")); isSuccess = false; break; case LaunchQuerySupportStatus.AppUnavailable: finalNotif = GenerateInstallFailureToast(package, product, new Exception("App Installer is not available right now, try again later.")); isSuccess = false; break; case LaunchQuerySupportStatus.Unknown: default: finalNotif = GenerateInstallFailureToast(package, product, new Exception("An unknown error occured.")); isSuccess = false; break; } } else { // Attempt to install the downloaded package var result = await pkgManager.AddPackageByUriAsync( new Uri(installer.Path), new AddPackageOptions() { ForceAppShutdown = true } ).AsTask(progressCallback); if (result.IsRegistered) { finalNotif = GenerateInstallSuccessToast(package, product); } else { finalNotif = GenerateInstallFailureToast(package, product, result.ExtendedErrorCode); } isSuccess = result.IsRegistered; await installer.DeleteAsync(); } // Hide progress notification ToastNotificationManager.GetDefault().CreateToastNotifier().Hide(progressToast); // Show the final notification ToastNotificationManager.GetDefault().CreateToastNotifier().Show(finalNotif); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { ToastNotificationManager.GetDefault().CreateToastNotifier().Show(GenerateInstallFailureToast(package, product, ex)); return(false); } }
public static async Task <Tuple <StorageFile, ToastNotification> > DownloadPackage(PackageInstance package, ProductDetails product, bool hideProgressToastWhenDone = true, string filepath = null) { // Download the file to the app's temp directory if (filepath == null) { filepath = Path.Combine(ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.Path, package.PackageMoniker); } Debug.WriteLine(filepath); StorageFile destinationFile = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.CreateFileAsync( package.PackageMoniker, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); BackgroundDownloader downloader = new BackgroundDownloader(); downloader.FailureToastNotification = GenerateDownloadFailureToast(package, product); var progressToast = GenerateProgressToast(package, product); Debug.WriteLine(package.PackageUri.AbsoluteUri); DownloadOperation download = downloader.CreateDownload(package.PackageUri, destinationFile); download.RangesDownloaded += (op, args) => { ToastNotificationManager.GetDefault().CreateToastNotifier().Update( new NotificationData(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "progressValue", ((double)op.Progress.BytesReceived / op.Progress.TotalBytesToReceive).ToString() }, { "progressStatus", "Downloading..." } }), progressToast.Tag ); }; ToastNotificationManager.GetDefault().CreateToastNotifier().Show(progressToast); await download.StartAsync(); if (hideProgressToastWhenDone) { ToastNotificationManager.GetDefault().CreateToastNotifier().Hide(progressToast); } string extension = ""; string contentTypeFilepath = filepath + "_[Content_Types].xml"; using (var stream = await destinationFile.OpenStreamForReadAsync()) { var bytes = new byte[4]; stream.Read(bytes, 0, 4); uint magicNumber = (uint)((bytes[0] << 24) | (bytes[1] << 16) | (bytes[2] << 8) | bytes[3]); switch (magicNumber) { // ZIP /// Typical [not empty or spanned] ZIP archive case 0x504B0304: using (var archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(filepath)) { var entry = archive.GetEntry("[Content_Types].xml"); entry.ExtractToFile(contentTypeFilepath, true); var ctypesXml = XDocument.Load(contentTypeFilepath); var defaults = ctypesXml.Root.Elements().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == "Default"); if (defaults.Any(d => d.Attribute("Extension").Value == "msix")) { // Package contains one or more MSIX packages extension += ".msix"; } else if (defaults.Any(d => d.Attribute("Extension").Value == "appx")) { // Package contains one or more MSIX packages extension += ".appx"; } if (defaults.Any(defaults => defaults.Attribute("ContentType").Value == "application/")) { // Package is a bundle extension += "bundle"; } if (extension == string.Empty) { // We're not sure exactly what kind of package it is, but it's definitely // a package archive. Even if it's not actually an appxbundle, it will // likely still work. extension = ".appxbundle"; } } break; // EMSIX, EAAPX, EMSIXBUNDLE, EAPPXBUNDLE /// An encrypted installer [bundle]? case 0x45584248: // This means the downloaded file wasn't a zip archive. // Some inspection of a hex dump of the file leads me to believe that this means // the installer is encrypted. There's probably nothing that can be done about this, // but since it's a known case, let's leave this here. extension = ".eappxbundle"; break; } } if (File.Exists(contentTypeFilepath)) { File.Delete(contentTypeFilepath); } if (extension != string.Empty) { await destinationFile.RenameAsync(destinationFile.Name + extension, NameCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); } return((destinationFile, progressToast).ToTuple()); }
public static async Task <Tuple <StorageFile, ToastNotification> > DownloadPackage(PackageInstance package, ProductDetails product, bool hideProgressToastWhenDone = true) { // Download the file to the app's temp directory //var client = new System.Net.WebClient(); string filepath = Path.Combine(ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.Path, package.PackageMoniker); Debug.WriteLine(filepath); //client.DownloadFile(package.Uri, filepath); StorageFile destinationFile = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.CreateFileAsync( package.PackageMoniker, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); BackgroundDownloader downloader = new BackgroundDownloader(); downloader.FailureToastNotification = GenerateDownloadFailureToast(package, product); var progressToast = GenerateProgressToast(package, product); Debug.WriteLine(package.PackageUri.AbsoluteUri); DownloadOperation download = downloader.CreateDownload(package.PackageUri, destinationFile); download.RangesDownloaded += (op, args) => { ToastNotificationManager.GetDefault().CreateToastNotifier().Update( new NotificationData(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "progressValue", ((double)op.Progress.BytesReceived / op.Progress.TotalBytesToReceive).ToString() }, { "progressStatus", "Downloading..." } }), progressToast.Tag ); }; ToastNotificationManager.GetDefault().CreateToastNotifier().Show(progressToast); await download.StartAsync(); if (hideProgressToastWhenDone) { ToastNotificationManager.GetDefault().CreateToastNotifier().Hide(progressToast); } string extension = ""; string contentTypeFilepath = filepath + "_[Content_Types].xml"; using (var archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(filepath)) { var entry = archive.GetEntry("[Content_Types].xml"); entry.ExtractToFile(contentTypeFilepath, true); var ctypesXml = XDocument.Load(contentTypeFilepath); var defaults = ctypesXml.Root.Elements().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == "Default"); if (defaults.Any(d => d.Attribute("Extension").Value == "msix")) { // Package contains one or more MSIX packages extension += ".msix"; } else if (defaults.Any(d => d.Attribute("Extension").Value == "appx")) { // Package contains one or more MSIX packages extension += ".appx"; } if (defaults.Any(defaults => defaults.Attribute("ContentType").Value == "application/")) { // Package is a bundle extension += "bundle"; } } if (File.Exists(contentTypeFilepath)) { File.Delete(contentTypeFilepath); } if (extension != "") { await destinationFile.RenameAsync(destinationFile.Name + extension, NameCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); } return((destinationFile, progressToast).ToTuple()); }