private static IEnumerable <int> FindPath(Galaxy galaxy, int start, int end) { //start a heap the size of the galaxy PQ pq = new PQ(galaxy.Size); //distance array to each star float[] distances = new float[galaxy.Size]; int[] previous = new int[galaxy.Size]; distances[start] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < galaxy.Size; i++) { if (i != start) { distances[i] = Mathf.Infinity; } pq.AddWithPriority(i, distances[i]); } bool searching = true; while (searching) { var currentSearchingIndex = pq.GetLowest().value; SolarSystem currentSolarSystem = galaxy.solarSystems[currentSearchingIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < currentSolarSystem.linkedSystemIndex.Count; i++) { int otherIndex = currentSolarSystem.linkedSystemIndex[i]; float newDistance = distances[currentSearchingIndex] + currentSolarSystem.links[otherIndex].Distance; if (newDistance < distances[otherIndex]) { distances[otherIndex] = newDistance; previous[otherIndex] = currentSearchingIndex; pq.DecreasePriority(otherIndex, newDistance); } } searching = !pq.IsEmpty() && distances[end] > pq.Peek().priority; } var sequence = new Stack <int>(); int target = end; while (target != start) { sequence.Push(target); target = previous[target]; } return(sequence); }