//Execute assist move method
    //  Pre: Pressed C or V, fighterIndex < numPartners
    //  Post: Do tactical slow down sequence to select move
    IEnumerator assistMoveExecute(int assistIndex, Vector3 mainPosition)
        int        mainIndex   = (partyIndex > assistIndex) ? partyIndex - 1 : partyIndex; //Store new main index to go back to player after attack
        PKMNEntity mainFighter = selectedFighter;

        assistFighter = transform.GetChild(assistIndex).GetComponent <PKMNEntity>();     //Get new assist fighter
        Transform assist       = assistFighter.transform;
        float     assistHealth = assistFighter.accessStat(BaseStat.HEALTH);              //Get health statuses
        float     mainHealth   = selectedFighter.accessStat(BaseStat.HEALTH);


        //Enable and detach
        partyIndex = assistIndex;
        //assist.position = transform.position;

        //Commence slow down sequence
        assistSeqOn = true;
        assistFighter.transform.parent = null;
        Time.timeScale = SLOWED_TIME_SCALE;
        float curTime = 0.0f;
        bool  moveRan = false;
        bool  notHit  = assistHealth <= assistFighter.accessStat(BaseStat.HEALTH) && mainHealth <= mainFighter.accessStat(BaseStat.HEALTH);

        //Slow down sequence
        while ((Input.GetKey("c") || Input.GetKey("v")) && !moveRan && curTime < MAX_ASSIST_SEQUENCE_DURATION && notHit)
            assistTimerUI.updateProgress((MAX_ASSIST_SEQUENCE_DURATION - curTime) / MAX_ASSIST_SEQUENCE_DURATION);

            yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.01f));

            curTime += Time.deltaTime;

            if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
                moveRan = moveRan || selectedFighter.executeAssistMove(secMoveIndex);

            float curAssistHealth = assistFighter.accessStat(BaseStat.HEALTH);
            float curMainHealth   = mainFighter.accessStat(BaseStat.HEALTH);

            notHit       = assistHealth <= curAssistHealth && mainHealth <= curMainHealth; //Checks if main character OR assist character was hit
            assistHealth = curAssistHealth;
            mainHealth   = curMainHealth;

        //Set main character back as the selected fighter while keeping enemy detached
        partyIndex = mainIndex;
        Time.timeScale = 1f;
        assistSeqOn    = false;
        bool allowDuration = moveRan || !notHit;

        canMove = false;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.18f));

        if (!selectedFighter.isStunned())
            canMove = true;

        if (allowDuration)
            yield return(StartCoroutine(automatedAssistDuration(assistHealth, moveRan)));


        if (assistFighter.isAlive())                     //If assist fighter is alive, re implement him back in. If not alive, don't reimplement
            revertAssist(assistIndex, allowDuration);

        assistFighter = null;   //Turn assist fighter equal to null to indicate that no assist fighter is present