/// <summary> /// Fills songs tags. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Full path to mp3 file.</param> /// <param name="performer">Performer.</param> /// <param name="songName">Songs name.</param> /// <param name="ACTION">Action with image - none, set random or upload.</param> /// <param name="imagePath">Full path to image file(if set upload action).</param> public void EditTags(string path, string performer, string songName, PICTURE_ACTIONS ACTION, string imagePath = null) { TagLib.File file = TagLib.File.Create(path); file.Tag.Performers = new string[1] { performer }; file.Tag.Title = songName; switch (ACTION) { case PICTURE_ACTIONS.NONE: break; case PICTURE_ACTIONS.RANDOM: file.Tag.Pictures = new Picture[] { new Picture(GetRandomImage()) }; break; case PICTURE_ACTIONS.UPLOAD: file.Tag.Pictures = new Picture[] { new Picture(imagePath) }; break; } file.Save(); }
private PICTURE_ACTIONS GetPICTURE_ACTIONS() { PICTURE_ACTIONS STATUS = PICTURE_ACTIONS.NONE; this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (rb_pic_rng.IsChecked.Value) { STATUS = PICTURE_ACTIONS.RANDOM; } if (rb_pic_upload.IsChecked.Value) { STATUS = PICTURE_ACTIONS.UPLOAD; } }); return(STATUS); }