protected void bt_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] > 0) { if (tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue != "0" && tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue != tr_OrganizeCity.RootValue) { PDT_StandardPriceBLL bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); Addr_OrganizeCityBLL selectedcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue)); string[] allparent = selectedcity.GetAllSuperNodeIDs().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (PDT_StandardPrice_ApplyCity city in bll.ApplyCityItems) { if (selectedcity.Model.ID == city.OrganizeCity) { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,该区域已在适用区域内,请勿重复添加!"); return; } if (allparent.Contains(city.OrganizeCity.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,要新增的区域的上级【" + TreeTableBLL.GetFullPathName("MCS_SYS.dbo.Addr_OrganizeCity", city.OrganizeCity) + "】已在适用区域内!"); return; } } PDT_StandardPrice_ApplyCity c = new PDT_StandardPrice_ApplyCity(); c.OrganizeCity = int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue); bll.AddApplyCity(c); BindCheckBoxList(); } } }
protected void btn_Apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,请您先保存后在发起申请"); return; } PDT_StandardPriceBLL bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); if (bll.GetApplyCityDetail().Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "请点击【适用区域】按钮,选择该标准价表适用于的区域!"); return; } bt_CompareStdPrice_Click(null, null); NameValueCollection dataobjects = new NameValueCollection(); dataobjects.Add("ID", bll.Model.ID.ToString()); dataobjects.Add("OrganizeCity", bll.Model.OrganizeCity.ToString()); dataobjects.Add("FullName", bll.Model.FullName); dataobjects.Add("MaxRate", ((decimal)ViewState["MaxRate"] * 100).ToString()); int TaskID = EWF_TaskBLL.NewTask("PDT_StandardPrice_Apply", (int)Session["UserID"], "标准价表名称:" + bll.Model.FullName, "~/SubModule/Product/PDT_StandardPriceDetail.aspx?PriceID=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString(), dataobjects); if (TaskID > 0) { bll.Model.TaskID = TaskID; bll.Update(); new EWF_TaskBLL(TaskID).Start(); //直接启动流程 } Response.Redirect("~/SubModule/EWF/TaskDetail.aspx?TaskID=" + TaskID.ToString()); }
protected void bt_In_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Save(); foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_NotInList.Rows) { CheckBox cb_check = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cb_Check"); if (cb_check.Checked) { PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll; if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0) _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); else return; PDT_StandardPrice_Detail pd = new PDT_StandardPrice_Detail(); pd.Product = int.Parse(gv_NotInList.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"].ToString()); PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(pd.Product); PDT_ProductExtInfo extinfo = productbll.GetProductExtInfo((int)Session["OwnerClient"]); if (extinfo != null) pd.Price = extinfo.SalesPrice; else pd.Price = productbll.Model.StdPrice; _bll.AddDetail(pd); } } Response.Redirect("StandardPriceDetail.aspx?ID=" + ViewState["ID"].ToString()); }
protected void bt_Out_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Save(); if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] == 0) { return; } PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { CheckBox cb_check = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cb_Check"); if (cb_check.Checked) { PDT_StandardPrice_Detail item2 = _bll.GetDetailModel(int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"].ToString())); PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL history = new PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL(); history.Model.StandardPrice = _bll.Model.ID; history.Model.ChangeType = 3; history.Model.ChageTime = DateTime.Now; history.Model.ChangeStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; history.Model.Product = item2.Product; history.Model.PreFactoryPrice = item2.FactoryPrice; history.Model.PreTradeOutPrice = item2.TradeOutPrice; history.Model.PreTradeInPrice = item2.TradeInPrice; history.Model.PreStdPrice = item2.StdPrice; history.Add(); _bll.DeleteDetail(int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"].ToString())); } } Response.Redirect("PDT_StandardPriceDetail.aspx?PriceID=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString()); }
private void FillModel(int PriceID) { PDT_StandardPriceBLL bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL(PriceID); if (bll.Model == null) return; ID = PriceID; Name = bll.Model.Name; FitSalesArea = bll.Model.FitSalesArea; FitRTChannel = bll.Model.FitRTChannel; Remark = bll.Model.Remark; #region 获取价表明细 Items = new List<TDPStandardPriceDetail>(bll.Items.Count); foreach (PDT_StandardPrice_Detail item in bll.Items) { Items.Add(new TDPStandardPriceDetail(item)); } #endregion #region 获取渠道名称 if (FitRTChannel > 0) { CM_RTChannel_TDP channel = new CM_RTChannel_TDPBLL(FitRTChannel).Model; if (channel != null) FitRTChannelName = channel.Name; } #endregion #region 获取区域名称 if (FitSalesArea > 0) { CM_RTSalesArea_TDP area = new CM_RTSalesArea_TDPBLL(FitSalesArea).Model; if (area != null) FitSalesAreaName = area.Name; } #endregion }
protected void bt_In_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Save(); CM_Client client = new CM_ClientBLL((int)ViewState["ClientID"]).Model; if (client == null) return; PDT_StandardPriceBLL standardprice = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["StandardPrice"]); foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List_FacProd.Rows) { CheckBox cb_check = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cb_Check"); if (cb_check.Checked) { PDT_ProductPriceBLL _bll; if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] != 0) _bll = new PDT_ProductPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); else return; PDT_ProductPrice_Detail pd = new PDT_ProductPrice_Detail(); pd.PriceID = (int)ViewState["PriceID"]; pd.Product = int.Parse(gv_List_FacProd.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"].ToString()); #region 将标准价表中的价格设置到价表中 if ((int)ViewState["StandardPrice"] > 0) { PDT_StandardPrice_Detail d = standardprice.Items.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Product == pd.Product); if (d != null) { pd.FactoryPrice = d.FactoryPrice; if (client.ClientType == 3) //门店 { pd.BuyingPrice = d.TradeInPrice; pd.SalesPrice = d.StdPrice; } else if (client.ClientType == 2) { if (client["DIClassify"] == "1") //一级经销商 { pd.BuyingPrice = d.FactoryPrice; pd.SalesPrice = d.TradeInPrice; } else if (client["DIClassify"] == "2") //分销商 { pd.BuyingPrice = d.TradeOutPrice; pd.SalesPrice = d.TradeInPrice; } } } } #endregion _bll.AddDetail(pd); } } Response.Redirect("PDT_ProductPriceDetail2.aspx?PriceID=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString()); }
private void BindData() { PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); panel1.BindData(_bll.Model); panel1.SetControlsEnable(false); BindGrid(); }
private void BindGrid() { string condition = " 1 = 1 "; condition += " ORDER BY PDT_Product.Code"; PDT_StandardPriceBLL bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); gv_List.BindGrid(bll.GetDetail(condition)); }
protected void select_Client_SelectChange(object sender, MCSControls.MCSWebControls.SelectChangeEventArgs e) { tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = new CM_ClientBLL(int.Parse(select_Client.SelectValue)).Model.OrganizeCity.ToString(); Addr_OrganizeCityBLL orgcity = new Addr_OrganizeCityBLL(int.Parse(tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue)); ddl_StandardPrice.DataSource = PDT_StandardPriceBLL.GetModelList("ActiveFlag=1 AND ApproveFlag=1 AND ID IN (SELECT StandardPrice FROM PDT_StandardPrice_ApplyCity WHERE OrganizeCity IN (" + orgcity.GetAllSuperNodeIDs() + "," + tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue + ")) "); ddl_StandardPrice.DataBind(); ddl_StandardPrice.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择....", "0")); ddl_StandardPrice.SelectedValue = "0"; }
protected void btn_UnActive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); if (_bll.Model.ActiveFlag == 1) { _bll.UnActive((int)Session["UserID"]); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "标准价表停用成功!", "PDT_StandardPriceDetail.aspx?PriceID=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString()); } }
protected void btn_UnApprove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); _bll.Model.ActiveFlag = 1; _bll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2; _bll.Model.TaskID = 0; _bll.Model.UpdateStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; _bll.Update(); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "取消审核成功!", "PDT_StandardPriceDetail.aspx?PriceID=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString()); }
protected void btn_Approve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); if (_bll.GetApplyCityDetail().Count == 0 && _bll.Model["IsRebatePrice"] != "1") { MessageBox.Show(this, "请点击【适用区域】按钮,选择该标准价表适用于的区域!"); return; } _bll.Approve((int)Session["UserID"]); MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "审核成功!", "PDT_StandardPriceDetail.aspx?PriceID=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString()); }
protected void select_Product_SelectChange(object sender, MCSControls.MCSWebControls.SelectChangeEventArgs e) { int product = 0; int.TryParse(select_Product.SelectValue, out product); //int.TryParse(RadComboBox1.SelectedValue, out product); if (product != 0) { PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(product); if (productbll.Model == null) { return; } PDT_Product p = productbll.Model; Dictionary <string, Dictionary_Data> dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PDT_Packaging"); string _T = dic[p.TrafficPackaging.ToString()].Name; string _P = dic[p.Packaging.ToString()].Name; #region 显示产品包装信息 lb_TrafficPackagingName.Text = "元/" + _T + "(" + p.ConvertFactor.ToString() + _P + ")"; #endregion #region 获取销售该门店的价格 decimal saleprice = PDT_StandardPriceBLL.GetSalePrice((int)ViewState["Client"], (int)Session["OwnerClient"], product); if (saleprice > 0) { if (ddl_Unit.SelectedValue == "T") { tbx_Price.Text = (saleprice * p.ConvertFactor).ToString("0.###"); } else { tbx_Price.Text = saleprice.ToString("0.###"); } //tbx_Price.Enabled = false; } else { tbx_Price.Text = "0"; //tbx_Price.Enabled = true; } #endregion } }
protected void bt_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] > 0) { PDT_StandardPriceBLL bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); foreach (ListItem item in cbl_ApplyCity.Items) { if (item.Selected) { bll.DeleteApplyCity(int.Parse(item.Value)); } } BindCheckBoxList(); } }
protected void bt_In_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Save(); if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] == 0) { return; } PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List_FacProd.Rows) { CheckBox cb_check = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cb_Check"); if (cb_check.Checked) { PDT_Product product = new PDT_ProductBLL((int)gv_List_FacProd.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"]).Model; if (product != null) { PDT_StandardPrice_Detail detail = new PDT_StandardPrice_Detail(); detail.StandardPrice = (int)ViewState["PriceID"]; detail.Product = product.ID; detail.FactoryPrice = product.FactoryPrice; detail.TradeOutPrice = product.TradePrice; detail.TradeInPrice = product.NetPrice; detail.StdPrice = product.StdPrice; PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL history = new PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL(); history.Model.StandardPrice = _bll.Model.ID; history.Model.ChangeType = 1; history.Model.ChageTime = DateTime.Now; history.Model.ChangeStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; history.Model.Product = detail.Product; history.Model.AftFactoryPrice = detail.FactoryPrice; history.Model.AftTradeOutPrice = detail.TradeOutPrice; history.Model.AftTradeInPrice = detail.TradeInPrice; history.Model.AftStdPrice = detail.StdPrice; history.Add(); _bll.AddDetail(detail); } } } Response.Redirect("PDT_StandardPriceDetail.aspx?PriceID=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString()); }
private void BindGrid() { int category = 0; int.TryParse(tr_Category.SelectValue, out category); if (MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex == 0) { string condition = " 1 = 1 "; #region 获取产品分类 if (category > 1) { condition += " AND PDT_StandardPrice_Detail.Product IN (SELECT Product FROM MCS_PUB.dbo.PDT_ProductExtInfo WHERE Supplier=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString(); string _categoryids = ""; DataTable dt = TreeTableBLL.GetAllChildByNodes("MCS_Pub.dbo.PDT_Category", "ID", "SuperID", tr_Category.SelectValue); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { _categoryids += dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + ","; } _categoryids += tr_Category.SelectValue; condition += " AND PDT_ProductExtInfo.Category IN (" + _categoryids + ")"; condition += ")"; } #endregion if (tbx_ProductText.Text != "") { condition += "AND PDT_StandardPrice_Detail.Product IN (SELECT ID FROM MCS_PUB.dbo.PDT_Product WHERE "; condition += " (FullName like '%" + tbx_ProductText.Text + "%' OR ShortName like '%" + tbx_ProductText.Text + "%' OR FactoryCode like '%" + tbx_ProductText.Text + "%' OR PDT_Product.ID IN (SELECT Product FROM MCS_PUB.dbo.PDT_ProductExtInfo WHERE Supplier=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND PDT_ProductExtInfo.Code LIKE '%" + tbx_ProductText.Text + "%'))"; condition += ")"; } IList<PDT_StandardPrice_Detail> list = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]).GetDetail(condition); gv_List.BindGrid<PDT_StandardPrice_Detail>(list); } else { //获取非价表产品列表 string condition = "PDT_Product.ID NOT IN (SELECT Product FROM MCS_PUB.dbo.PDT_StandardPrice_Detail WHERE PriceID=" + ViewState["ID"].ToString() + ")"; condition += " AND State = 1 AND ApproveFlag = 1"; condition += " AND PDT_Product.ID IN (SELECT Product FROM MCS_PUB.dbo.PDT_ProductExtInfo WHERE Supplier=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString(); #region 获取产品分类 if (category > 1) { string _categoryids = ""; DataTable dt = TreeTableBLL.GetAllChildByNodes("MCS_Pub.dbo.PDT_Category", "ID", "SuperID", tr_Category.SelectValue); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { _categoryids += dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + ","; } _categoryids += tr_Category.SelectValue; condition += " AND PDT_ProductExtInfo.Category IN (" + _categoryids + ")"; } #endregion condition += ")"; if (tbx_ProductText.Text != "") condition += " AND (FullName like '%" + tbx_ProductText.Text + "%' OR ShortName like '%" + tbx_ProductText.Text + "%' OR Code like '%" + tbx_ProductText.Text + "%' OR PDT_Product.ID IN (SELECT Product FROM MCS_PUB.dbo.PDT_ProductExtInfo WHERE Supplier=" + Session["OwnerClient"].ToString() + " AND PDT_ProductExtInfo.Code LIKE '%" + tbx_ProductText.Text + "%'))"; IList<PDT_Product> products = PDT_ProductBLL.GetModelList(condition); gv_NotInList.BindGrid<PDT_Product>(products); } cb_SelectAll.Checked = false; }
private void FillModel(int OrderID) { PBM_OrderBLL bll = new PBM_OrderBLL(OrderID); if (bll.Model == null) { ID = -1; return; } PBM_Order m = bll.Model; ID = m.ID; SheetCode = m.SheetCode; Supplier = m.Supplier; Client = m.Client; SalesMan = m.SalesMan; Classify = m.Classify; StandardPrice = m.StandardPrice; State = m.State; DiscountAmount = m.DiscountAmount; WipeAmount = m.WipeAmount; ActAmount = m.ActAmount; ArriveTime = m.ArriveTime; SubmitTime = m.SubmitTime; ConfirmTime = m.ConfirmTime; InsertTime = m.InsertTime; Remark = m.Remark; WorkList = m.WorkList; ApproveFlag = m.ApproveFlag; int.TryParse(m["OrderSource"], out OrderSource); //订货单明细 Items = new List <OrderDetail>(); foreach (PBM_OrderDetail item in bll.Items) { Items.Add(new OrderDetail(item)); } //预收款信息列表 PayInfos = new List <OrderPayInfo>(); foreach (PBM_OrderPayInfo item in bll.GetPayInfoList()) { PayInfos.Add(new OrderPayInfo(item)); } #region 获取各字段ID对应的名称 if (Supplier > 0) { CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(Supplier).Model; if (c != null) { SupplierName = c.FullName; } } if (Client > 0) { CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(Client).Model; if (c != null) { ClientName = c.FullName; } } if (SalesMan > 0) { Org_Staff s = new Org_StaffBLL(SalesMan).Model; if (s != null) { SalesManName = s.RealName; } } if (StandardPrice > 0) { PDT_StandardPrice s = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL(StandardPrice).Model; if (s != null) { StandardPriceName = s.Name; } } #endregion #region 获取字典表名称 try { if (m.Classify > 0) { Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_OrderClassify")[m.Classify.ToString()]; if (dic != null) { ClassifyName = dic.Name; } } if (m.State > 0) { Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_OrderState")[m.State.ToString()]; if (dic != null) { StateName = dic.Name; } } if (OrderSource > 0) { Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_OrderSource")[OrderSource.ToString()]; if (dic != null) { OrderSourceName = dic.Name; } } } catch (System.Exception err) { LogWriter.WriteLog("MCSFramework.WSI.Order", err); } #endregion }
private void Save() { PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll; if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] != 0) { _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); } else { _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL(); } panel1.GetData(_bll.Model); if (_bll.Model.OrganizeCity == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "适用管理片区必填!"); return; } if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] != 0) { _bll.Model.UpdateStaff = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); _bll.Update(); #region 修改明细 foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { PDT_StandardPrice_Detail item1 = new PDT_StandardPrice_Detail(); item1.ID = int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"].ToString()); item1.StandardPrice = _bll.Model.ID; item1.Product = int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["Product"].ToString()); item1.FactoryPrice = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_FactoryPrice")).Text); item1.TradeOutPrice = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_TradeOutPrice")).Text); item1.TradeInPrice = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_TradeInPrice")).Text); item1.StdPrice = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_StdPrice")).Text); TextBox tbx_RebatePrice = row.FindControl("tbx_RebatePrice") == null ? null : (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_RebatePrice"); if (tbx_RebatePrice != null) { decimal rebateprice = 0; decimal.TryParse(tbx_RebatePrice.Text, out rebateprice); item1.RebatePrice = rebateprice; } TextBox tbx_DIRebatePrice = row.FindControl("tbx_DIRebatePrice") == null ? null : (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_DIRebatePrice"); if (tbx_DIRebatePrice != null) { decimal direbateprice = 0; decimal.TryParse(tbx_DIRebatePrice.Text, out direbateprice); item1.DIRebatePrice = direbateprice; } CheckBox cbx_ISFL = row.FindControl("cbx_ISFL") == null ? null : (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cbx_ISFL"); if (cbx_ISFL != null) { item1.ISFL = cbx_ISFL.Checked ? 1 : 2; } CheckBox cbx_ISJH = row.FindControl("cbx_ISJH") == null ? null : (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cbx_ISJH"); if (cbx_ISJH != null) { item1.ISJH = cbx_ISJH.Checked ? 1 : 2; } CheckBox cbx_ISCheckJF = row.FindControl("cbx_ISCheckJF") == null ? null : (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cbx_ISCheckJF"); if (cbx_ISCheckJF != null) { item1.ISCheckJF = cbx_ISCheckJF.Checked ? 1 : 2; } PDT_StandardPrice_Detail item2 = _bll.GetDetailModel(item1.ID); if (item1.FactoryPrice != item2.FactoryPrice || item1.TradeInPrice != item2.TradeInPrice || item1.TradeOutPrice != item2.TradeOutPrice || item1.StdPrice != item2.StdPrice) { PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL history = new PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL(); history.Model.StandardPrice = _bll.Model.ID; history.Model.ChangeType = 2; history.Model.ChageTime = DateTime.Now; history.Model.ChangeStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; history.Model.Product = item1.Product; history.Model.PreFactoryPrice = item2.FactoryPrice; history.Model.PreTradeOutPrice = item2.TradeOutPrice; history.Model.PreTradeInPrice = item2.TradeInPrice; history.Model.PreStdPrice = item2.StdPrice; history.Model.AftFactoryPrice = item1.FactoryPrice; history.Model.AftTradeInPrice = item1.TradeInPrice; history.Model.AftTradeOutPrice = item1.TradeOutPrice; history.Model.AftStdPrice = item1.StdPrice; history.Add(); } _bll.UpdateDetail(item1); } #endregion } else { _bll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2; _bll.Model.ActiveFlag = 2; _bll.Model.InsertStaff = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); _bll.Add(); ViewState["PriceID"] = _bll.Model.ID; } }
private bool Save() { PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll; if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0) { //修改 _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); } else { //新增 _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL(); } pl_detail.GetData(_bll.Model); #region 判断必填项 #endregion #region 判断是否与默认价表重复 if (_bll.Model.IsDefault.ToUpper() == "Y") { int _priceid = PDT_StandardPriceBLL.GetDefaultPrice((int)Session["OwnerClient"]); if (_priceid != _bll.Model.ID) { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,不能重复新增默认价表,新增的价表必须限制区域或渠道!"); return false; } } #endregion if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0) { //修改 _bll.Model.UpdateStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; _bll.Update(); } else { //新增 _bll.Model.Supplier = (int)Session["OwnerClient"]; _bll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2; _bll.Model.InsertStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; ViewState["ID"] = _bll.Add(); } #region 保存修改明细 foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { PDT_StandardPrice_Detail item = new PDT_StandardPrice_Detail(); item.PriceID = _bll.Model.ID; item.ID = int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"].ToString()); item.Product = int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["Product"].ToString()); PDT_Product p = new PDT_ProductBLL(item.Product).Model; if (row.FindControl("tbx_Price") != null) { decimal d = 0; if (decimal.TryParse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_Price")).Text, out d)) item.Price = d; PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(item.Product); item.Price = item.Price / productbll.Model.ConvertFactor; PDT_ProductExtInfo extinfo = productbll.GetProductExtInfo((int)Session["OwnerClient"]); if (extinfo != null) { if (extinfo.MinSalesPrice > 0 && item.Price < extinfo.MinSalesPrice) { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,您发布的价格不能小于建议零售价!"); return false; } else if (extinfo.MaxSalesPrice > 0 && item.Price > extinfo.MaxSalesPrice) { MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,您发布的价格不能过高于建议零售价!"); return false; } } } if (row.FindControl("tbx_Remark") != null) item.Remark = ((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_Remark")).Text; _bll.UpdateDetail(item); } #endregion return true; }
private void FillModel(int OrderID) { PBM_OrderBLL bll = new PBM_OrderBLL(OrderID); if (bll.Model == null) { ID = -1; return; } PBM_Order m = bll.Model; ID = m.ID; SheetCode = m.SheetCode; Supplier = m.Supplier; Client = m.Client; SalesMan = m.SalesMan; Classify = m.Classify; StandardPrice = m.StandardPrice; State = m.State; DiscountAmount = m.DiscountAmount; WipeAmount = m.WipeAmount; ActAmount = m.ActAmount; ArriveTime = m.ArriveTime; SubmitTime = m.SubmitTime; ConfirmTime = m.ConfirmTime; InsertTime = m.InsertTime; Remark = m.Remark; WorkList = m.WorkList; ApproveFlag = m.ApproveFlag; int.TryParse(m["OrderSource"], out OrderSource); //订货单明细 Items = new List<OrderDetail>(); foreach (PBM_OrderDetail item in bll.Items) { Items.Add(new OrderDetail(item)); } //预收款信息列表 PayInfos = new List<OrderPayInfo>(); foreach (PBM_OrderPayInfo item in bll.GetPayInfoList()) { PayInfos.Add(new OrderPayInfo(item)); } #region 获取各字段ID对应的名称 if (Supplier > 0) { CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(Supplier).Model; if (c != null) SupplierName = c.FullName; } if (Client > 0) { CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(Client).Model; if (c != null) ClientName = c.FullName; } if (SalesMan > 0) { Org_Staff s = new Org_StaffBLL(SalesMan).Model; if (s != null) SalesManName = s.RealName; } if (StandardPrice > 0) { PDT_StandardPrice s = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL(StandardPrice).Model; if (s != null) StandardPriceName = s.Name; } #endregion #region 获取字典表名称 try { if (m.Classify > 0) { Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_OrderClassify")[m.Classify.ToString()]; if (dic != null) ClassifyName = dic.Name; } if (m.State > 0) { Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_OrderState")[m.State.ToString()]; if (dic != null) StateName = dic.Name; } if (OrderSource > 0) { Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_OrderSource")[OrderSource.ToString()]; if (dic != null) OrderSourceName = dic.Name; } } catch (System.Exception err) { LogWriter.WriteLog("MCSFramework.WSI.Order", err); } #endregion }
private void BindGrid() { if (MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex == 0) { tr1.Visible = false; tr_Product.Visible = true; string condition = " 1 = 1 "; if (ddl_Brand.SelectedValue != "0") { if (ddl_Classify.SelectedValue == "0") { condition = " Brand =" + ddl_Brand.SelectedValue; } else { condition = " Classify =" + ddl_Classify.SelectedValue; } } condition += " ORDER BY PDT_Product.Code"; PDT_StandardPriceBLL bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); gv_List.BindGrid(bll.GetDetail(condition)); if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 1410, "ModifyFactoryPrice")) { foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { TextBox tbx = (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_FactoryPrice"); if (tbx != null) { tbx.Enabled = false; } } } } else { tr1.Visible = true; tr_Product.Visible = false; //获取非价表产品列表 string condition = "State=1 AND ID NOT IN (SELECT Product FROM PDT_StandardPrice_Detail WHERE StandardPrice=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString() + ")"; if (ddl_Brand.SelectedValue == "0") { condition += " AND Brand in (SELECT ID FROM PDT_Brand WHERE IsOpponent in ('1'))"; } else { if (ddl_Classify.SelectedValue == "0") { condition += " AND Brand =" + ddl_Brand.SelectedValue; } else { condition += " AND Classify =" + ddl_Classify.SelectedValue; } } IList <PDT_Product> products = PDT_ProductBLL.GetModelList(condition); gv_List_FacProd.BindGrid <PDT_Product>(products); } }
protected void btn_PublishProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] == 0) return; PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { CheckBox cb_check = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cb_Check"); if (cb_check.Checked) { _bll.PublishProduct(int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["Product"].ToString())); } } MessageBox.ShowAndRedirect(this, "产品发布成功!", "PDT_StandardPriceDetail.aspx?PriceID=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString()); }
private void BindGrid() { if (MCSTabControl1.SelectedIndex == 0) { tr1.Visible = false; tr_Product.Visible = true; string condition = " 1 = 1 "; if (ddl_Brand.SelectedValue != "0") { if (ddl_Classify.SelectedValue == "0") condition = " Brand =" + ddl_Brand.SelectedValue; else condition = " Classify =" + ddl_Classify.SelectedValue; } condition += " ORDER BY PDT_Product.Code"; PDT_StandardPriceBLL bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); gv_List.BindGrid(bll.GetDetail(condition)); if (!Right_Assign_BLL.GetAccessRight((string)Session["UserName"], 1410, "ModifyFactoryPrice")) { foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { TextBox tbx = (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_FactoryPrice"); if (tbx != null) tbx.Enabled = false; } } } else { tr1.Visible = true; tr_Product.Visible = false; //获取非价表产品列表 string condition = "State=1 AND ID NOT IN (SELECT Product FROM PDT_StandardPrice_Detail WHERE StandardPrice=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString() + ")"; if (ddl_Brand.SelectedValue == "0") condition += " AND Brand in (SELECT ID FROM PDT_Brand WHERE IsOpponent in ('1'))"; else { if (ddl_Classify.SelectedValue == "0") condition += " AND Brand =" + ddl_Brand.SelectedValue; else condition += " AND Classify =" + ddl_Classify.SelectedValue; } IList<PDT_Product> products = PDT_ProductBLL.GetModelList(condition); gv_List_FacProd.BindGrid<PDT_Product>(products); } }
private void Save() { PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll; if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] != 0) _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); else _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL(); panel1.GetData(_bll.Model); if (_bll.Model.OrganizeCity == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "适用管理片区必填!"); return; } if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] != 0) { _bll.Model.UpdateStaff = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); _bll.Update(); #region 修改明细 foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { PDT_StandardPrice_Detail item1 = new PDT_StandardPrice_Detail(); item1.ID = int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"].ToString()); item1.StandardPrice = _bll.Model.ID; item1.Product = int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["Product"].ToString()); item1.FactoryPrice = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_FactoryPrice")).Text); item1.TradeOutPrice = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_TradeOutPrice")).Text); item1.TradeInPrice = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_TradeInPrice")).Text); item1.StdPrice = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_StdPrice")).Text); TextBox tbx_RebatePrice = row.FindControl("tbx_RebatePrice") == null ? null : (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_RebatePrice"); if (tbx_RebatePrice != null) { decimal rebateprice = 0; decimal.TryParse(tbx_RebatePrice.Text, out rebateprice); item1.RebatePrice = rebateprice; } TextBox tbx_DIRebatePrice = row.FindControl("tbx_DIRebatePrice") == null ? null : (TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_DIRebatePrice"); if (tbx_DIRebatePrice != null) { decimal direbateprice = 0; decimal.TryParse(tbx_DIRebatePrice.Text, out direbateprice); item1.DIRebatePrice = direbateprice; } CheckBox cbx_ISFL = row.FindControl("cbx_ISFL") == null ? null : (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cbx_ISFL"); if (cbx_ISFL != null) { item1.ISFL = cbx_ISFL.Checked ? 1 : 2; } CheckBox cbx_ISJH = row.FindControl("cbx_ISJH") == null ? null : (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cbx_ISJH"); if (cbx_ISJH != null) { item1.ISJH = cbx_ISJH.Checked ? 1 : 2; } CheckBox cbx_ISCheckJF = row.FindControl("cbx_ISCheckJF") == null ? null : (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cbx_ISCheckJF"); if (cbx_ISCheckJF != null) { item1.ISCheckJF = cbx_ISCheckJF.Checked ? 1 : 2; } PDT_StandardPrice_Detail item2 = _bll.GetDetailModel(item1.ID); if (item1.FactoryPrice != item2.FactoryPrice || item1.TradeInPrice != item2.TradeInPrice || item1.TradeOutPrice != item2.TradeOutPrice || item1.StdPrice != item2.StdPrice) { PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL history = new PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL(); history.Model.StandardPrice = _bll.Model.ID; history.Model.ChangeType = 2; history.Model.ChageTime = DateTime.Now; history.Model.ChangeStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; history.Model.Product = item1.Product; history.Model.PreFactoryPrice = item2.FactoryPrice; history.Model.PreTradeOutPrice = item2.TradeOutPrice; history.Model.PreTradeInPrice = item2.TradeInPrice; history.Model.PreStdPrice = item2.StdPrice; history.Model.AftFactoryPrice = item1.FactoryPrice; history.Model.AftTradeInPrice = item1.TradeInPrice; history.Model.AftTradeOutPrice = item1.TradeOutPrice; history.Model.AftStdPrice = item1.StdPrice; history.Add(); } _bll.UpdateDetail(item1); } #endregion } else { _bll.Model.ApproveFlag = 2; _bll.Model.ActiveFlag = 2; _bll.Model.InsertStaff = int.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()); _bll.Add(); ViewState["PriceID"] = _bll.Model.ID; } }
protected void bt_Out_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { CheckBox cb_check = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cb_Check"); if (cb_check.Checked) { PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll; if ((int)ViewState["ID"] != 0) _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]); else return; _bll.DeleteDetail(int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"].ToString())); } } Response.Redirect("StandardPriceDetail.aspx?ID=" + ViewState["ID"].ToString()); }
private void FillModel(int DeliveryID) { PBM_DeliveryBLL bll = new PBM_DeliveryBLL(DeliveryID); if (bll.Model == null) { ID = -1; return; } PBM_Delivery m = bll.Model; ID = m.ID; SheetCode = m.SheetCode; Supplier = m.Supplier; SupplierWareHouse = m.SupplierWareHouse; ClientWareHouse = m.ClientWareHouse; Client = m.Client; SalesMan = m.SalesMan; DeliveryMan = m.DeliveryMan; Classify = m.Classify; PrepareMode = m.PrepareMode; State = m.State; StandardPrice = m.StandardPrice; OrderID = m.OrderId; DiscountAmount = m.DiscountAmount; WipeAmount = m.WipeAmount; ActAmount = m.ActAmount; DeliveryVehicle = m.DeliveryVehicle; PreArrivalDate = m.PreArrivalDate; LoadingTime = m.LoadingTime; DepartTime = m.DepartTime; ActArriveTime = m.ActArriveTime; InsertTime = m.InsertTime; WorkList = m.WorkList; ApproveFlag = m.ApproveFlag; Remark = m.Remark; //发货单明细 Items = new List<DeliveryDetail>(); foreach (PBM_DeliveryDetail item in bll.Items) { Items.Add(new DeliveryDetail(item)); } //付款信息列表 PayInfos = new List<DeliveryPayInfo>(); foreach (PBM_DeliveryPayInfo item in bll.GetPayInfoList()) { PayInfos.Add(new DeliveryPayInfo(item)); } #region 获取各字段ID对应的名称 if (Supplier > 0) { CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(Supplier).Model; if (c != null) SupplierName = c.FullName; } if (Client > 0) { CM_Client c = new CM_ClientBLL(Client).Model; if (c != null) { ClientName = c.FullName; ClientAddress = c.DeliveryAddress == "" ? c.Address : c.DeliveryAddress; ClientLinkMan = c.LinkManName; ClientTeleNum = c.Mobile == "" ? c.TeleNum : c.Mobile; } } if (SupplierWareHouse > 0) { CM_WareHouse w = new CM_WareHouseBLL(SupplierWareHouse).Model; if (w != null) SupplierWareHouseName = w.Name; } if (ClientWareHouse > 0) { CM_WareHouse w = new CM_WareHouseBLL(ClientWareHouse).Model; if (w != null) ClientWareHouseName = w.Name; } if (SalesMan > 0) { Org_Staff s = new Org_StaffBLL(SalesMan).Model; if (s != null) SalesManName = s.RealName; } if (DeliveryMan > 0) { Org_Staff s = new Org_StaffBLL(DeliveryMan).Model; if (s != null) DeliveryManName = s.RealName; } if (StandardPrice > 0) { PDT_StandardPrice s = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL(StandardPrice).Model; if (s != null) StandardPriceName = s.Name; } if (DeliveryVehicle > 0) { CM_Vehicle v = new CM_VehicleBLL(DeliveryVehicle).Model; if (v != null) DeliveryVehicleName = v.VehicleNo; } #endregion #region 获取字典表名称 try { if (m.Classify > 0) { Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_DeliveryClassify")[m.Classify.ToString()]; if (dic != null) ClassifyName = dic.Name; } if (m.PrepareMode > 0) { Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_DeliveryPrepareMode")[m.PrepareMode.ToString()]; if (dic != null) PrepareModeName = dic.Name; } if (m.State > 0) { Dictionary_Data dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PBM_DeliveryState")[m.State.ToString()]; if (dic != null) StateName = dic.Name; } } catch (System.Exception err) { LogWriter.WriteLog("MCSFramework.WSI.Delivery", err); } #endregion }
protected void bt_In_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Save(); if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] == 0) return; PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List_FacProd.Rows) { CheckBox cb_check = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cb_Check"); if (cb_check.Checked) { PDT_Product product = new PDT_ProductBLL((int)gv_List_FacProd.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"]).Model; if (product != null) { PDT_StandardPrice_Detail detail = new PDT_StandardPrice_Detail(); detail.StandardPrice = (int)ViewState["PriceID"]; detail.Product = product.ID; detail.FactoryPrice = product.FactoryPrice; detail.TradeOutPrice = product.TradePrice; detail.TradeInPrice = product.NetPrice; detail.StdPrice = product.StdPrice; PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL history = new PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL(); history.Model.StandardPrice = _bll.Model.ID; history.Model.ChangeType = 1; history.Model.ChageTime = DateTime.Now; history.Model.ChangeStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; history.Model.Product = detail.Product; history.Model.AftFactoryPrice = detail.FactoryPrice; history.Model.AftTradeOutPrice = detail.TradeOutPrice; history.Model.AftTradeInPrice = detail.TradeInPrice; history.Model.AftStdPrice = detail.StdPrice; history.Add(); _bll.AddDetail(detail); } } } Response.Redirect("PDT_StandardPriceDetail.aspx?PriceID=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString()); }
protected void bt_CompareStdPrice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal MaxRate = 0.000M; PDT_StandardPriceBLL bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { int id = (int)gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"]; PDT_StandardPrice_Detail d = bll.Items.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == id); if (d == null) continue; PDT_Product product = new PDT_ProductBLL(d.Product).Model; if (product == null) continue; Label lb_FactoryPrice_Rate = (Label)row.FindControl("lb_FactoryPrice_Rate"); Label lb_TradeOutPrice_Rate = (Label)row.FindControl("lb_TradeOutPrice_Rate"); Label lb_TradeInPrice_Rate = (Label)row.FindControl("lb_TradeInPrice_Rate"); Label lb_StdPrice_Rate = (Label)row.FindControl("lb_StdPrice_Rate"); if (product.FactoryPrice != 0 && lb_FactoryPrice_Rate != null) { decimal price = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_FactoryPrice")).Text); decimal rate = (price - product.FactoryPrice) / product.FactoryPrice; if (sender != null) lb_FactoryPrice_Rate.Text = rate.ToString("0.#%"); if (Math.Abs(rate) > MaxRate) MaxRate = Math.Abs(rate); } if (product.TradePrice != 0 && lb_TradeOutPrice_Rate != null) { decimal price = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_TradeOutPrice")).Text); decimal rate = (price - product.TradePrice) / product.TradePrice; if (sender != null) lb_TradeOutPrice_Rate.Text = rate.ToString("0.#%"); if (Math.Abs(rate) > MaxRate) MaxRate = Math.Abs(rate); } if (product.NetPrice != 0 && lb_TradeInPrice_Rate != null) { decimal price = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_TradeInPrice")).Text); decimal rate = (price - product.NetPrice) / product.NetPrice; if (sender != null) lb_TradeInPrice_Rate.Text = rate.ToString("0.#%"); if (Math.Abs(rate) > MaxRate) MaxRate = Math.Abs(rate); } if (product.StdPrice != 0 && lb_StdPrice_Rate != null) { decimal price = decimal.Parse(((TextBox)row.FindControl("tbx_StdPrice")).Text); decimal rate = (price - product.StdPrice) / product.StdPrice; if (sender != null) lb_StdPrice_Rate.Text = rate.ToString("0.#%"); if (Math.Abs(rate) > MaxRate) MaxRate = Math.Abs(rate); } } if (sender != null) lb_MaxRate.Text = string.Format("价格最大偏差{0:0.#%}", MaxRate); ViewState["MaxRate"] = MaxRate; }
protected void select_Product_SelectChange(object sender, MCSControls.MCSWebControls.SelectChangeEventArgs e) { int product = 0; int.TryParse(select_Product.SelectValue, out product); if (product != 0) { PDT_ProductBLL productbll = new PDT_ProductBLL(product); if (productbll.Model == null) { return; } PDT_Product p = productbll.Model; Dictionary <string, Dictionary_Data> dic = DictionaryBLL.GetDicCollections("PDT_Packaging"); string _T = dic[p.TrafficPackaging.ToString()].Name; string _P = dic[p.Packaging.ToString()].Name; #region 显示批号及库存信息 ddl_LotNumber.Items.Clear(); if ((int)ViewState["Classify"] == 2) { //退货,从供货商全部仓库中获取可退货的批号 IList <INV_Inventory> list = INV_InventoryBLL.GetListByClientAndProduct((int)ViewState["Supplier"], product); foreach (INV_Inventory item in list) { ddl_LotNumber.Items.Add(new ListItem((item.LotNumber == "" ? "无批号" : item.LotNumber), item.LotNumber)); } } else { //销售,仅获取指定仓库可销售的批号 foreach (INV_Inventory item in INV_InventoryBLL.GetInventoryListByProduct((int)ViewState["WareHouse"], product).OrderBy(t => t.LotNumber)) { string invstr = (item.Quantity / p.ConvertFactor).ToString() + _T; if (item.Quantity % p.ConvertFactor > 0) { invstr += " " + (item.Quantity % p.ConvertFactor).ToString() + _P; } ddl_LotNumber.Items.Add(new ListItem((item.LotNumber == "" ? "无批号" : item.LotNumber) + " -【库存量:" + invstr + "】", item.LotNumber)); } } if (ddl_LotNumber.Items.Count == 0) { ddl_LotNumber.Items.Add(new ListItem("无批号", "")); } ddl_LotNumber_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); #endregion #region 显示产品包装信息 lb_TrafficPackagingName.Text = "元/" + _T + "(" + p.ConvertFactor.ToString() + _P + ")"; #endregion #region 获取销售该门店的价格 decimal saleprice = PDT_StandardPriceBLL.GetSalePrice((int)ViewState["Client"], (int)Session["OwnerClient"], product); if (saleprice > 0) { if (ddl_Unit.SelectedValue == "T") { tbx_Price.Text = (saleprice * p.ConvertFactor).ToString("0.###"); } else { tbx_Price.Text = saleprice.ToString("0.###"); } //tbx_Price.Enabled = false; } else { tbx_Price.Text = "0"; //tbx_Price.Enabled = true; } #endregion } }
private void BindData() { PDT_ProductPrice sv = new PDT_ProductPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]).Model; ViewState["ClientID"] = sv.Client; ViewState["StandardPrice"] = sv.StandardPrice; if ((int)ViewState["StandardPrice"] > 0) { PDT_StandardPrice s = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["StandardPrice"]).Model; if (s != null) lbl_StandardPrice.Text = s.FullName; } BindClient(); tbx_begin.Text = sv.BeginDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") == "1900-01-01" ? "" : sv.BeginDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); tbx_end.Text = sv.EndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") == "1900-01-01" ? "" : sv.EndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (sv.ApproveFlag == 1) { tbx_begin.Enabled = false; tbx_end.Enabled = false; gv_List.Columns[0].Visible = false; btn_Save.Visible = false; btn_Delete.Visible = false; tr_tab.Visible = false; lb_ApproveFlag.Text = "已审核"; btn_Approve.Visible = false; if (sv.EndDate < DateTime.Now) { bt_Stop.Visible = false; btn_UnApprove.Visible = false; } } else { bt_Stop.Visible = false; btn_UnApprove.Visible = false; } BindGrid(); }
protected void bt_Out_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Save(); if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] == 0) return; PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); foreach (GridViewRow row in gv_List.Rows) { CheckBox cb_check = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("cb_Check"); if (cb_check.Checked) { PDT_StandardPrice_Detail item2 = _bll.GetDetailModel(int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"].ToString())); PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL history = new PDT_StandPriceChangeHistoryBLL(); history.Model.StandardPrice = _bll.Model.ID; history.Model.ChangeType = 3; history.Model.ChageTime = DateTime.Now; history.Model.ChangeStaff = (int)Session["UserID"]; history.Model.Product = item2.Product; history.Model.PreFactoryPrice = item2.FactoryPrice; history.Model.PreTradeOutPrice = item2.TradeOutPrice; history.Model.PreTradeInPrice = item2.TradeInPrice; history.Model.PreStdPrice = item2.StdPrice; history.Add(); _bll.DeleteDetail(int.Parse(gv_List.DataKeys[row.RowIndex]["ID"].ToString())); } } Response.Redirect("PDT_StandardPriceDetail.aspx?PriceID=" + ViewState["PriceID"].ToString()); }
private void BindData() { PDT_StandardPrice m = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["ID"]).Model; if (m != null) { pl_detail.BindData(m); BindGrid(); if (m.IsDefault == "Y") { //默认价表,不允许修改属性 pl_detail.SetControlsEnable(false); gv_List.SetControlsEnable(false); bt_Out.Enabled = false; bt_In.Enabled = false; } } }
private void BindCheckBoxList() { if ((int)ViewState["PriceID"] > 0) { cbl_ApplyCity.Items.Clear(); PDT_StandardPriceBLL bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); foreach (PDT_StandardPrice_ApplyCity city in bll.ApplyCityItems) { string cityname = TreeTableBLL.GetFullPathName("MCS_SYS.dbo.Addr_OrganizeCity", city.OrganizeCity); cbl_ApplyCity.Items.Add(new ListItem(cityname, city.ID.ToString())); } tr_OrganizeCity.DataSource = TreeTableBLL.GetAllChildNodeByNodes("MCS_SYS.dbo.Addr_OrganizeCity", "ID", "SuperID", bll.Model.OrganizeCity.ToString()); tr_OrganizeCity.RootValue = bll.Model.OrganizeCity.ToString(); tr_OrganizeCity.SelectValue = tr_OrganizeCity.RootValue; if (bll.Model.ApproveFlag == 1) { bt_Add.Visible = false; bt_Delete.Visible = false; tr_OrganizeCity.Enabled = false; } } }
private void BindData() { PDT_StandardPriceBLL _bll = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL((int)ViewState["PriceID"]); panel1.BindData(_bll.Model); if (_bll.Model.ApproveFlag == 1 || (_bll.Model.TaskID != 0 && _bll.Model.ApproveFlag == 2)) { btn_Save.Visible = false; tr_tab.Visible = false; btn_Apply.Visible = false; panel1.SetControlsEnable(false); btn_Approve.Visible = false; if (_bll.Model.ActiveFlag == 2) { btn_UnActive.Visible = false; btn_UnApprove.Visible = false; btn_PublishProduct.Visible = false; } } if (_bll.Model.ApproveFlag == 2) { btn_UnActive.Visible = false; btn_UnApprove.Visible = false; btn_PublishProduct.Visible = false; } if (_bll.Model["IsRebatePrice"] == "1") { gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 3].Visible = true;//是否计算我司返利 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 4].Visible = true;//经销商返利价 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 5].Visible = true;//我司返利价 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = true;//是否需要判断积分店状态 gv_List.Columns[gv_List.Columns.Count - 2].Visible = true;//是否计算经销商返利 } BindGrid(); }
private void FillClientInfo(CM_Client m, int TDP) { if (m == null) return; CM_ClientBLL ClientBLL = new CM_ClientBLL(m.ID); if (ClientBLL.Model == null) return; #region 绑定基本资料 ID = m.ID; Code = m.Code; FullName = m.FullName == "" ? m.ShortName : m.FullName; ShortName = m.ShortName; OfficialCity = m.OfficialCity; Address = m.Address; ClientType = m.ClientType; LinkManName = m.LinkManName; TeleNum = m.TeleNum; Mobile = m.Mobile == "" ? m.TeleNum : m.Mobile; OfficialCityName = TreeTableBLL.GetFullPathName("MCS_SYS.dbo.Addr_OfficialCity", m.OfficialCity).Replace("->", " "); #endregion #region 绑定供货信息 CM_ClientSupplierInfo SupplierInfo = ClientBLL.GetSupplierInfo(TDP); if (SupplierInfo != null) { CodeBySupplier = SupplierInfo.Code; Supplier = SupplierInfo.Supplier; StandardPrice = SupplierInfo.StandardPrice; TDPChannel = SupplierInfo.TDPChannel; TDPSalesArea = SupplierInfo.TDPSalesArea; VisitRoute = SupplierInfo.VisitRoute; VisitSequence = SupplierInfo.VisitSequence; VisitTemplate = SupplierInfo.VisitTemplate; #region 获取供货商名称 CM_Client s = new CM_ClientBLL(Supplier).Model; if (s != null) { SupplierName = s.ShortName == "" ? s.ShortName : s.FullName; } #endregion #region 获取价表名称 if (StandardPrice != 0) { PDT_StandardPrice price = new PDT_StandardPriceBLL(StandardPrice).Model; if (price != null) { StandardPriceName = price.Name; } } #endregion #region 获取渠道名称 if (TDPChannel > 0) { CM_RTChannel_TDP channel = new CM_RTChannel_TDPBLL(TDPChannel).Model; if (channel != null) TDPChannelName = channel.Name; } #endregion #region 获取区域名称 if (TDPSalesArea > 0) { CM_RTSalesArea_TDP area = new CM_RTSalesArea_TDPBLL(TDPSalesArea).Model; if (area != null) TDPSalesAreaName = area.Name; } #endregion #region 获取路线及拜访模板名称 if (VisitRoute != 0) { VST_Route r = new VST_RouteBLL(VisitRoute).Model; if (r != null) VisitRouteName = r.Name; } if (VisitTemplate != 0) { VST_VisitTemplate t = new VST_VisitTemplateBLL(VisitTemplate).Model; if (t != null) VisitTemplateName = t.Name; } #endregion #region 获取销售员名称 if (Salesman != 0) { Org_Staff staff = new Org_StaffBLL(Salesman).Model; if (staff != null) SalesmanName = staff.RealName; } #endregion } #endregion #region 绑定厂商管理信息 int manufacturer = 0; //归属厂商 if (m.ClientType == 3) { //门店的归属厂商为当前TDP所归属的厂商 CM_Client supplier = new CM_ClientBLL(TDP).Model; if (supplier != null) manufacturer = supplier.OwnerClient; } else if (m.ClientType == 2) { //TDP经销商的归属厂商 manufacturer = m.OwnerClient; } CM_ClientManufactInfo ManufactInfo = ClientBLL.GetManufactInfo(manufacturer); if (ManufactInfo != null) { CodeByManufaturer = ManufactInfo.Code; } #endregion #region 绑定客户定位信息 CM_ClientGeoInfo geo = CM_ClientGeoInfoBLL.GetGeoInfoByClient(m.ID); if (geo != null) { Latitude = (float)geo.Latitude; Longitude = (float)geo.Longitude; } #endregion #region 绑定客户供货产品目录 ClientProductLists = new List<ProductList>(); foreach (CM_ClientProductList item in CM_ClientProductListBLL.GetModelList ("Client=" + m.ID.ToString() + (TDP == 0 ? "" : " AND Supplier=" + TDP.ToString()))) { ClientProductLists.Add(new ProductList(item)); } #endregion #region 查询预收款余额 AC_CurrentAccount ac = AC_CurrentAccountBLL.GetByTradeClient(TDP, m.ID); if (ac != null) ARBalance = ac.PreReceivedAmount - ac.AR; #endregion #region 获取附件明细 IList<ATMT_Attachment> atts = ATMT_AttachmentBLL.GetAttachmentList(30, m.ID, DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-3), new DateTime(2100, 1, 1)); Atts = new List<Attachment>(atts.Count); foreach (ATMT_Attachment item in atts.OrderByDescending(p => p.UploadTime)) { Atts.Add(new Attachment(item)); } #endregion }