Esempio n. 1
        public void CanAutoDetectMultipleTextRunsAtOnce()
            var test  = new BaseViewModelTestClass();
            var token = test.ViewPort.CurrentChange;

            // Arrange some undetected pointers to some undetected text
            test.Model.WritePointer(token, 0, 0x10);
            test.Model.WritePointer(token, 4, 0x15);
            int write = 0x10;

            test.Model[0xF] = 0xFF;
            PCSString.Convert("text").ForEach(b => test.Model[write++] = b);
            PCSString.Convert("more").ForEach(b => test.Model[write++] = b);

            // add some more text/pointers later on that *are* detected
            test.Model.WritePointer(token, 8, 0x40);
            test.Model[0x40] = 0xFF;
            test.ViewPort.Edit("@40 ^discovered\"\" Blob\" @00 ");

            // select from partway through the first text to partway through the second text and "Display as Text"
            test.ViewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(1, 1);
            test.ViewPort.SelectionEnd   = new Point(7, 1);
            var group  = (ContextItemGroup)test.ViewPort.GetContextMenuItems(new Point(4, 1)).Single(item => item.Text == "Display As...");
            var button = group.Single(item => item.Text == "Text");


            // Verify that we found both
            Assert.Equal(0, test.Model.GetNextRun(0).Start);       // first pointer
            Assert.Equal(4, test.Model.GetNextRun(4).Start);       // second pointer
            Assert.Equal(0x10, test.Model.GetNextRun(0x10).Start); // first text
            Assert.Equal(0x15, test.Model.GetNextRun(0x15).Start); // second text
Esempio n. 2
        public void AddingToAnArrayWithFixedLengthUpdatesTheAnchorFormat()
            // arrange
            var(model, viewPort) = (Model, ViewPort);
            var delta    = new ModelDelta();
            var errors   = new List <string>();
            var elements = new[] { "123", "alice", "candy land", "hello world", "fortify" };

            for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
                var content = PCSString.Convert(elements[i]);
                while (content.Count < 0x10)
                Array.Copy(content.ToArray(), 0, model.RawData, 0x10 * i + 0x20, 0x10);
            model.WritePointer(delta, 0x00, 0x20);
            model.ObserveRunWritten(delta, new PointerRun(0x00));
            model.WritePointer(delta, 0x04, 0x90);
            model.ObserveRunWritten(delta, new PointerRun(0x04)); // the anchor at 0x90 should prevent a paste overwrite
            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(0, 2);
            viewPort.Edit("^testdata[name\"\"16]5 ");
            viewPort.OnError += (sender, message) => errors.Add(message);

            // act -> add an element
            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(0, 7);

            // assert -> length changed
            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(0, 2);
            Assert.Equal("^testdata[name\"\"16]6", viewPort.AnchorText);
 public static object BuildContentForRun(IDataModel model, int source, int destination, IFormattedRun destinationRun, int preferredPaletteStart = -1, int preferredSpritePage = 0)
     if (destination != destinationRun.Start)
     if (destinationRun is PCSRun pcs)
         return(PCSString.Convert(model, pcs.Start, pcs.Length));
     else if (destinationRun is ISpriteRun sprite)
         if (sprite is LzTilemapRun tilemap)
         var paletteRuns = sprite.FindRelatedPalettes(model, source);
         var paletteRun  = paletteRuns.FirstOrDefault();
         if (preferredPaletteStart >= 0)
             paletteRun = paletteRuns.FirstOrDefault(pRun => pRun.Start == preferredPaletteStart) ?? model.GetNextRun(preferredPaletteStart) as IPaletteRun;
         var pixels = sprite.GetPixels(model, preferredSpritePage);
         if (pixels == null)
         var colors    = paletteRun?.AllColors(model) ?? TileViewModel.CreateDefaultPalette((int)Math.Pow(2, sprite.SpriteFormat.BitsPerPixel));
         var imageData = SpriteTool.Render(pixels, colors, paletteRun?.PaletteFormat.InitialBlankPages ?? 0, 0);
         return(new ReadonlyPixelViewModel(sprite.SpriteFormat, imageData));
     else if (destinationRun is IPaletteRun paletteRun)
         var colors = paletteRun.GetPalette(model, 0);
         return(new ReadonlyPaletteCollection(colors));
     else if (destinationRun is IStreamRun streamRun)
         using (ModelCacheScope.CreateScope(model)) {
             var lines = streamRun.SerializeRun().Split(Environment.NewLine);
             if (lines.Length > 20)
                 lines = lines.Take(20).ToArray();
     else if (destinationRun is ArrayRun arrayRun)
         var stream = new StringBuilder();
         arrayRun.AppendTo(model, stream, arrayRun.Start, arrayRun.ElementLength * Math.Min(20, arrayRun.ElementCount), false);
Esempio n. 4
 private static void WriteStrings(byte[] buffer, int start, params string[] content)
     foreach (var item in content)
         var bytes = PCSString.Convert(item).ToArray();
         Array.Copy(bytes, 0, buffer, start, bytes.Length);
         start += bytes.Length;
        public void Run_Paste00DirectiveWithSameFormat_NoError()
            Array.Copy(PCSString.Convert("Hello World").ToArray(), Model.RawData, 12);
            Model.ObserveRunWritten(new ModelDelta(), new PCSRun(Model, 0, 12));

            ViewPort.Edit("@!00(12) ^anchor\"\" ");

Esempio n. 6
        public void TextWithEscape_Search_Find()
            var text = "Some\\nText";

            PCSString.Convert(text).WriteInto(Model.RawData, 0x20);

            var results = ViewPort.Find(text);

            Assert.Equal(0x20, results.Single().start);
Esempio n. 7
        public void Text_TypeDot_DotAdded()
            var test = new BaseViewModelTestClass();

            Array.Copy(PCSString.Convert("Hello World").ToArray(), test.Model.RawData, 12);
            test.Model.ObserveRunWritten(test.ViewPort.CurrentChange, new PCSRun(test.Model, 0, 12));

            test.ViewPort.Edit("@01 .");

            Assert.Equal(2, test.ViewPort.ConvertViewPointToAddress(test.ViewPort.SelectionStart));
            Assert.Equal("\"H.llo World\"", PCSString.Convert(test.Model, 0, 12));
Esempio n. 8
        private string SerializeSingleElementStream()
            Debug.Assert(endStream is FixedLengthStreamStrategy flss && flss.Count == 1);
            var result       = new StringBuilder();
            int offset       = Start;
            var longestLabel = ElementContent.Select(seg => seg.Name.Length).Max();

            for (int i = 0; i < ElementContent.Count; i++)
                var segment  = ElementContent[i];
                var rawValue = model.ReadMultiByteValue(offset, segment.Length);
                var value    = rawValue.ToString();
                if (segment is ArrayRunEnumSegment enumSeg)
                    var options = enumSeg.GetOptions(model).ToList();
                    if (options.Count > rawValue)
                        value = options[rawValue];
                else if (segment is ArrayRunTupleSegment tupSeg)
                    value = tupSeg.ToText(model, offset);
                else if (segment is ArrayRunHexSegment hexSeg)
                    value = "0x" + rawValue.ToString("X" + segment.Length * 2);
                else if (segment.Type == ElementContentType.Pointer)
                    var pointerValue = rawValue - BaseModel.PointerOffset;
                    value = $"<{pointerValue:X6}>";
                    if (pointerValue == Pointer.NULL)
                        value = "<null>";
                else if (segment.Type == ElementContentType.PCS)
                    value = PCSString.Convert(model, offset, segment.Length);
                var extraWhitespace = new string(' ', longestLabel - segment.Name.Length);
                result.Append($"{segment.Name}:{extraWhitespace} {value}");
                if (i < ElementContent.Count - 1)
                offset += segment.Length;
Esempio n. 9
        public override void UpdateNewRunFromPointerFormat(IDataModel model, ModelDelta token, string name, IReadOnlyList <ArrayRunElementSegment> sourceSegments, int parentIndex, ref IFormattedRun run)
            var length = PCSString.ReadString(model, run.Start, true);

            if (length > 0)
                var newRun = new PCSRun(model, run.Start, length, run.PointerSources);
                if (!newRun.Equals(run))
                    model.ClearFormat(token, newRun.Start, newRun.Length);
                run = newRun;
Esempio n. 10
        public override void UpdateNewRunFromPointerFormat(IDataModel model, ModelDelta token, string name, ref IFormattedRun run)
            var length = PCSString.ReadString(model, run.Start, true);

            if (length > 0)
                var newRun = new PCSRun(model, run.Start, length, run.PointerSources);
                if (!newRun.Equals(run))
                    model.ClearFormat(token, newRun.Start, newRun.Length);
                run = newRun;
Esempio n. 11
        public void EventScriptWithText_ClearText_ScriptIsUnchanged()
            ViewPort.Edit("@100!put(FF) ^text\"\" Hello");
            var script = @"
loadpointer 00 <100>

            var code   = ViewPort.Tools.CodeTool.ScriptParser.Compile(ViewPort.CurrentChange, Model, 0, ref script, out var _);

            Assert.Equal(7, code.Length);
            Assert.Equal("\"\"", PCSString.Convert(Model, 0x100, 0x100));
Esempio n. 12
        public void DisplayAsText_PreviousByteRandom_StillFindTextStartingHere()
            PCSString.Convert("Some Content").WriteInto(Model.RawData, 0x21);
            Model.WritePointer(new ModelDelta(), 3, 0x21);

            var menu = ViewPort.GetContextMenuItems(ViewPort.SelectionStart);

            menu = menu.GetSubmenu("Display As...");
            var displayText = menu.Single(item => item.Text == "Text");


            Assert.IsType <PCSRun>(Model.GetNextRun(0x21));
Esempio n. 13
        public void StringWithControlCode_Parsed_CorrectBytes()
            var model = new PokemonModel(new byte[0x100]);
            int i     = 0;

            Write(model, ref i, "ABC");
            model[i++] = PCSString.FunctionEscape;
            model[i++] = 0x09; //pause: no variables
            Write(model, ref i, "XYZ\"");
            var target = model.Take(i).ToArray();

            var result = PCSString.Convert("ABC\\CC09XYZ").ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(target, result);
Esempio n. 14
        public void CanFindStringsInData()
            var buffer = Enumerable.Repeat((byte)0xFF, 0x100).ToArray();
            var data   = PCSString.Convert("Hello World!").ToArray();

            Array.Copy(data, 0, buffer, 0x10, data.Length);
            var model1 = new PokemonModel(buffer);
            var token  = new ModelDelta();

            model1.WritePointer(token, 0x00, 0x10);

            var model = new PokemonModel(buffer);

            Assert.IsType <PCSRun>(model.GetNextRun(0x10));
Esempio n. 15
        public void CanRecognizeString()
            var buffer = new byte[0x100];
            var model  = new PokemonModel(buffer);
            var token  = new ModelDelta();

            var data = PCSString.Convert("Hello World!").ToArray();

            Array.Copy(data, 0, buffer, 0x10, data.Length);
            model.ObserveRunWritten(token, new PCSRun(model, 0x10, data.Length));

            var run = (PCSRun)model.GetNextRun(0);

            Assert.Equal(data.Length, run.Length);
Esempio n. 16
        public void CanUseViewPortToAutoFindTextWithoutKnowingAboutPointersToIt()
            var text = PCSString.Convert("This is some text.");

            var(model, viewPort) = (Model, ViewPort);
            text.CopyTo(model.RawData, 0x10);
            model.WritePointer(new ModelDelta(), 0x00, 0x10);

            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(3, 1); // just a random byte in the middle of the text

            viewPort.IsText.Execute();                 // this line should find the start of the text and add a run, even with no pointer to it

            Assert.IsType <PCS>(viewPort[3, 1].Format);
Esempio n. 17
        public void StringSearchAutomaticallySearchesForPointersToResults()
            var text  = "This is the song that never ends.";
            var bytes = PCSString.Convert(text).ToArray();

            var(model, viewPort) = (Model, ViewPort);
            Array.Copy(bytes, 0, model.RawData, 0x32, bytes.Length);                // the data itself, positioned at x32 (won't be automatically found on load)
            Array.Copy(new byte[] { 0x32, 0, 0, 0x08 }, 0, model.RawData, 0x10, 4); // the pointer to the data. Pointer is aligned, but data is not.

            // the act of searching should find the anchor
            var results = viewPort.Find("this is the song");

Esempio n. 18
        public void UsingTheAnchorEditorToSetStringFormatChangesVisibleData()
            var(model, viewPort) = (Model, ViewPort);
            var bytes = PCSString.Convert("Hello World!").ToArray();

            Array.Copy(bytes, 0, model.RawData, 0x08, bytes.Length);
            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(0x08, 0);
            viewPort.Edit("^bob ");

            viewPort.AnchorText = "^bob\"\"";

            var anchor = (Anchor)viewPort[8, 0].Format;

            Assert.IsType <PCS>(anchor.OriginalFormat);
Esempio n. 19
        public override ErrorInfo TryParseData(IDataModel model, string name, int dataIndex, ref IFormattedRun run)
            var length = PCSString.ReadString(model, dataIndex, true);

            if (length < 0)
                return(new ErrorInfo($"Format was specified as a string, but no string was recognized."));
            else if (PokemonModel.SpanContainsAnchor(model, dataIndex, length))
                return(new ErrorInfo($"Format was specified as a string, but a string would overlap the next anchor."));
            run = new PCSRun(model, dataIndex, length);

Esempio n. 20
        public override IDataFormat CreateDataFormat(IDataModel data, int index)
            var offsets        = ConvertByteOffsetToArrayOffset(index);
            var currentSegment = ElementContent[offsets.SegmentIndex];

            if (currentSegment.Type == ElementContentType.PCS)
                if (currentCachedStartIndex != offsets.SegmentStart || currentCachedIndex > offsets.SegmentOffset)
                    currentCachedStartIndex = offsets.SegmentStart;
                    currentCachedIndex      = offsets.SegmentOffset;
                    cachedCurrentString     = PCSString.Convert(data, offsets.SegmentStart, currentSegment.Length);

                return(PCSRun.CreatePCSFormat(data, offsets.SegmentStart, index, cachedCurrentString));

            var position = index - offsets.SegmentStart;

            if (currentSegment.Type == ElementContentType.Integer)
                if (currentSegment is ArrayRunEnumSegment enumSegment)
                    var value = enumSegment.ToText(data, index);
                    return(new IntegerEnum(offsets.SegmentStart, position, value, currentSegment.Length));
                    var value = ArrayRunElementSegment.ToInteger(data, offsets.SegmentStart, currentSegment.Length);
                    return(new Integer(offsets.SegmentStart, position, value, currentSegment.Length));

            if (currentSegment.Type == ElementContentType.Pointer)
                var destination     = data.ReadPointer(offsets.SegmentStart);
                var destinationName = data.GetAnchorFromAddress(offsets.SegmentStart, destination);
                return(new Pointer(offsets.SegmentStart, position, destination, destinationName));

            if (currentSegment.Type == ElementContentType.BitArray)
                return(new BitArray(offsets.SegmentStart, position, currentSegment.Length));

            throw new NotImplementedException();
        public void StringSearchAutomaticallySearchesForPointersToResults()
            var text   = "This is the song that never ends.";
            var bytes  = PCSString.Convert(text).ToArray();
            var buffer = new byte[0x200];

            Array.Copy(bytes, 0, buffer, 0x32, bytes.Length);                // the data itself, positioned at x32 (won't be automatically found on load)
            Array.Copy(new byte[] { 0x32, 0, 0, 0x08 }, 0, buffer, 0x10, 4); // the pointer to the data. Pointer is aligned, but data is not.
            var model    = new PokemonModel(buffer);
            var viewPort = new ViewPort("test.gba", model);

            // the act of searching should find the anchor
            var results = viewPort.Find("this is the song");

Esempio n. 22
        public void UnnamedStringAnchorAutomaticallySearchesForPointersToAnchor()
            var text  = "This is the song that never ends.";
            var bytes = PCSString.Convert(text).ToArray();

            var(model, viewPort) = (Model, ViewPort);
            Array.Copy(bytes, 0, model.RawData, 0x32, bytes.Length);                // the data itself, positioned at x32 (won't be automatically found on load)
            Array.Copy(new byte[] { 0x32, 0, 0, 0x08 }, 0, model.RawData, 0x10, 4); // the pointer to the data. Pointer is aligned, but data is not.

            // the act of dropping an anchor should search for pointers
            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(2, 3);
            viewPort.Edit("^\"\" ");

            Assert.Equal(0x32, model.GetNextRun(0x32).Start);
Esempio n. 23
        public void UsingBackspaceMidStringMakesTheStringEndThere()
            var(model, viewPort) = (Model, ViewPort);
            for (int i = 0; i < 0x10; i++)
                model[i] = 0x00;

            // add an anchor with some data on the 2nd line
            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(0, 1);
            viewPort.Edit("^bob\"\" \"Hello World!\"");
            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(6, 1);

            Assert.Equal("\"Hello \"", PCSString.Convert(model, 0x10, PCSString.ReadString(model, 0x10, true)));
Esempio n. 24
        public void EventScriptWithText_ExpandTextSoItMoves_ScriptPointerUpdates()
            ViewPort.Edit("^script`xse` 0F 00 <100> 02 @100 ^text\"\" \"short\" 07 @00 ");

            var tool  = ViewPort.Tools.CodeTool.Contents[0];
            var lines = tool.Content.SplitLines(); // label, loadpointer, curly, text, curly, end

            lines[3]     = "longer";
            tool.Content = Script(lines);

            var destination = Model.ReadPointer(2);

            Assert.Equal(destination, Model.GetNextRun(destination).Start);
            Assert.Equal("\"longer\"", PCSString.Convert(Model, destination, 10));
            Assert.Equal("text", Model.GetAnchorFromAddress(-1, destination));
Esempio n. 25
        public void CanNameExistingStringAnchor()
            var(model, viewPort) = (Model, ViewPort);
            var bytes = PCSString.Convert("Hello World!").ToArray();

            model[0] = 0x08;
            model[1] = 0x00;
            model[2] = 0x00;
            model[3] = 0x08;
            Array.Copy(bytes, 0, model.RawData, 0x08, bytes.Length);

            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(0x08, 0);
            viewPort.Edit("bob\"\" ");

            Assert.Equal("bob", ((Pointer)viewPort[0, 0].Format).DestinationName);
Esempio n. 26
        public void CanCutPasteArrayOverItself()
            // arrange
            var delta = new ModelDelta();

            var(model, viewPort) = (Model, ViewPort);
            var errors   = new List <string>();
            var elements = new[] { "123", "alice", "candy land", "hello world", "fortify" };

            for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
                var content = PCSString.Convert(elements[i]);
                while (content.Count < 0x10)
                Array.Copy(content.ToArray(), 0, model.RawData, 0x10 * i + 0x20, 0x10);
            model.WritePointer(delta, 0x00, 0x20);
            model.ObserveRunWritten(delta, new PointerRun(0x00));
            model.WritePointer(delta, 0x04, 0x90);
            model.ObserveRunWritten(delta, new PointerRun(0x04)); // the anchor at 0x90 should prevent a paste overwrite
            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(0, 2);
            viewPort.Edit("^testdata[name\"\"16]5 ");
            viewPort.OnError += (sender, message) => errors.Add(message);

            // act -> cut
            var fileSystem = new StubFileSystem();

            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(0, 2);
            viewPort.SelectionEnd   = new Point(0xF, 6); // select all 5 elements
            string text = fileSystem.CopyText;

            // act -> paste
            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(0, 2);

            // assert: no errors
            Assert.Equal("testdata", model.GetAnchorFromAddress(-1, 0x20));
Esempio n. 27
        public void FormatIsRemovedWhenEditingAnAnchor()
            var(model, viewPort) = (Model, ViewPort);
            var bytes = PCSString.Convert("Hello World!").ToArray();

            model[0] = 0x08;
            model[1] = 0x00;
            model[2] = 0x00;
            model[3] = 0x08;
            Array.Copy(bytes, 0, model.RawData, 0x08, bytes.Length);

            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(0x08, 0);

            var underEdit = (UnderEdit)viewPort[8, 0].Format;

            Assert.Equal("^", underEdit.CurrentText);
Esempio n. 28
        public override bool TryAddFormatAtDestination(IDataModel owner, ModelDelta token, int source, int destination, string name, IReadOnlyList <ArrayRunElementSegment> sourceSegments)
            var length = PCSString.ReadString(owner, destination, true);

            if (length < 1)

            // our token will be a no-change token if we're in the middle of exploring the data.
            // If so, don't actually add the run. It's enough to know that we _can_ add the run.
            if (!(token is NoDataChangeDeltaModel))
                owner.ObserveRunWritten(token, new PCSRun(owner, destination, length));

            // even if we didn't add the format, we're _capable_ of adding it... so return true
Esempio n. 29
        public void CopyAnUnnamedStringInsertsAName()
            var text  = "This is the song that never ends.";
            var bytes = PCSString.Convert(text).ToArray();

            var(model, viewPort) = (Model, ViewPort);
            Array.Copy(bytes, 0, model.RawData, 0x30, bytes.Length);
            Array.Copy(new byte[] { 0x30, 0, 0, 0x08 }, 0, model.RawData, 0x10, 4); // the pointer to the data. Pointer is aligned, but data is not.
            var fileSystem = new StubFileSystem();

            model.Load(model.RawData, null);

            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(0, 3);
            viewPort.ExpandSelection(0, 3);

            Assert.Contains(".This", fileSystem.CopyText);
            Assert.Contains("\"\" \"This", fileSystem.CopyText); // format, then space, then start of text
        public void UnnamedStringAnchorAutomaticallySearchesForPointersToAnchor()
            var text   = "This is the song that never ends.";
            var bytes  = PCSString.Convert(text).ToArray();
            var buffer = new byte[0x200];

            Array.Copy(bytes, 0, buffer, 0x32, bytes.Length);                // the data itself, positioned at x32 (won't be automatically found on load)
            Array.Copy(new byte[] { 0x32, 0, 0, 0x08 }, 0, buffer, 0x10, 4); // the pointer to the data. Pointer is aligned, but data is not.
            var model    = new PokemonModel(buffer);
            var viewPort = new ViewPort("test.gba", model)
                Width = 0x10, Height = 0x10

            // the act of dropping an anchor should search for pointers
            viewPort.SelectionStart = new Point(2, 3);
            viewPort.Edit("^\"\" ");

            Assert.Equal(0x32, model.GetNextRun(0x32).Start);