Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult Index(AttMViewModel model)
            int userdata = 0;

            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                FormsIdentity             id     = (FormsIdentity)HttpContext.User.Identity;
                FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = id.Ticket;
                userdata = Convert.ToInt32(ticket.UserData);
                Session.Add("userdata", userdata);
                PCGEntities db = new PCGEntities();

                var query = (from ad in db.Administrators
                             where ad.EmployeeID == userdata
                             select ad.Name).First();
                string name = query;
                Session.Add("Name", name);
                Session.Add("Name", "Guset");
            eid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userdata"]);
            var RS = from x in _db.FacPopulation
                     join y in _db.Factories on x.FacID equals y.FacID
                     join z in _db.Zone on y.ZoneID equals z.ZoneID
                     into joined
                     join w in _db.Permission on y.FacNo equals w.FacNo
                     from j in joined.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     orderby j.ZoneID
                     select new AttM {
                PopID = x.PopID, PopTotal = x.PopTotal, PopNew = x.PopNew, PopLeft = x.PopLeft, Date = x.Date, FacName = y.FacName, ZoneID = j.ZoneID, Country = j.Country, FacID = x.FacID, PopLeft3 = x.PopLeft3, EmployeeID = w.EmployeeID

            var RS2 = from x in _db.FacPopulation
                      join y in _db.Factories on x.FacID equals y.FacID
                      join z in _db.Zone on y.ZoneID equals z.ZoneID
                      into joined
                      from j in joined.DefaultIfEmpty()
                      orderby j.ZoneID
                      select new AttM {
                PopID = x.PopID, PopTotal = x.PopTotal, PopNew = x.PopNew, PopLeft = x.PopLeft, Date = x.Date, FacName = y.FacName, ZoneID = j.ZoneID, Country = j.Country, FacID = x.FacID, PopLeft3 = x.PopLeft3

            if (eid != 5)
                RS.Where(x => x.EmployeeID == eid);
                if (model.SearchParaMeter.ZoneID != 0)
                    RS = RS.Where(x => x.ZoneID == model.SearchParaMeter.ZoneID && x.EmployeeID == eid);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchParaMeter.FacID))
                    RS = RS.Where(x => x.FacID == model.SearchParaMeter.FacID.ToString());
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchParaMeter.Date))
                    RS = RS.Where(x => x.Date == model.SearchParaMeter.Date);
                if (model.SearchParaMeter.ZoneID != 0)
                    RS2 = RS2.Where(x => x.ZoneID == model.SearchParaMeter.ZoneID);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchParaMeter.FacID))
                    RS2 = RS2.Where(x => x.FacID == model.SearchParaMeter.FacID.ToString());
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SearchParaMeter.Date))
                    RS2 = RS2.Where(x => x.Date == model.SearchParaMeter.Date);

            RS  = RS.OrderBy(x => x.ZoneID);
            RS2 = RS2.OrderBy(x => x.ZoneID);
            int pageIndex = model.PageIndex < 1 ? 1 : model.PageIndex;

            if (eid != 5)
                var result = new AttMViewModel
                    SearchParaMeter = model.SearchParaMeter,
                    ZoneID          = new SelectList(
                        items: this.ZoneID(eid),
                        dataValueField: "ZoneID",
                        dataTextField: "Country",
                        selectedValue: model.SearchParaMeter.ZoneID),
                    Factory = new SelectList(
                        items: this.Factory(model.SearchParaMeter.ZoneID, eid),
                        dataValueField: "FacID",
                        dataTextField: "FacName",
                        selectedValue: model.SearchParaMeter.FacID),
                    Date = new SelectList(
                        items: this.Date(model.SearchParaMeter.FacID),
                        dataValueField: "Date",
                        dataTextField: "Date",
                        selectedValue: model.SearchParaMeter.Date),
                    PageIndex      = model.PageIndex < 1 ? 1 : model.PageIndex,
                    AttMSearchList = RS.ToPagedList(pageIndex, PageSize)
                var result = new AttMViewModel
                    SearchParaMeter = model.SearchParaMeter,
                    ZoneID          = new SelectList(
                        items: this.ZoneID(eid),
                        dataValueField: "ZoneID",
                        dataTextField: "Country",
                        selectedValue: model.SearchParaMeter.ZoneID),
                    Factory = new SelectList(
                        items: this.Factory(model.SearchParaMeter.ZoneID, eid),
                        dataValueField: "FacID",
                        dataTextField: "FacName",
                        selectedValue: model.SearchParaMeter.FacID),
                    Date = new SelectList(
                        items: this.Date(model.SearchParaMeter.FacID),
                        dataValueField: "Date",
                        dataTextField: "Date",
                        selectedValue: model.SearchParaMeter.Date),
                    PageIndex      = model.PageIndex < 1 ? 1 : model.PageIndex,
                    AttMSearchList = RS2.ToPagedList(pageIndex, PageSize)
Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult EditPermissionsubmit(FormCollection chk, string FacID, string Name, string Character, string Email, string Account, string Password)
            PCGEntities   db     = new PCGEntities();
            SqlConnection CN     = new SqlConnection(";user=PCGdb;database=PCG;password=12345678;");
            int           ZoneID = 0;

            string[] values           = chk.GetValues("HaveSelect");//取得要的權限的工廠名字
            string[] FacIDvalues      = chk.GetValues("FacID");
            string[] EmployeeIDvalues = chk.GetValues("EmployeeID");
            int      EmployeeIDdel    = Convert.ToInt32(EmployeeIDvalues[0]);
            string   FacID2           = FacIDvalues[0];

            SqlCommand    SCSelFacID = new SqlCommand("select zoneID from Factories where FacID = '" + FacID2 + "'", CN);
            SqlDataReader SR         = SCSelFacID.ExecuteReader();

            while (SR.Read())
                ZoneID = SR.GetInt32(0);
            SqlCommand SCDEL = new SqlCommand("delete Permission where EmployeeID = " + EmployeeIDdel, CN);


            for (int i = 0; i < values.Count(); i++)
                SqlCommand SCADD = new SqlCommand("insert into Permission(EmployeeID, ZoneID, FacNo)VALUES(" + EmployeeIDdel + ", " + ZoneID + ", " + values[i] + ")", CN);
            SqlCommand SCEditAD = new SqlCommand("update Administrators set FacID = '" + FacID + "', name = N'" + Name + "',[Character] = N'" + Character + "', Email = '" + Email + "', Account = '" + Account + "',[Password] = '" + Password + "'where EmployeeID = " + EmployeeIDdel, CN);


            //for (var i = 0; i < values.Count(); i++)
            //    int FacNo = Convert.ToInt32(values[i]);
            //    int EmployeeID = Convert.ToInt32(EmployeeIDvalues[i]);
            //    var queryzoneID = from f in db.Factories //查出挑出一項的ZoneID
            //                      where f.FacNo == FacNo
            //                      select f.ZoneID;
            //    var queryFacNo = from f in db.Factories //查出挑出一項的FacNo
            //                     where f.FacNo == FacNo
            //                     select f.FacNo;
            //    //查現在是哪一個EmployeeID
            //    int IntFacNo = queryFacNo.First();
            //    int IntZone = (int)queryzoneID.First();
            //    Permission per = new Permission();
            //    per.EmployeeID = EmployeeID;
            //    per.ZoneID = IntZone;
            //    per.FacNo = IntFacNo;

            //    db.Entry(per).State = EntityState.Added;
            //    db.SaveChanges();
Esempio n. 3
 public ActionResult ADDAD(PersonInformation ad, FormCollection chk)
     TempData["Name"]      = ad.Name;
     TempData["Character"] = ad.Character;
     TempData["Email"]     = ad.Email;
     TempData["Account"]   = ad.Account;
     TempData["Password"]  = ad.Password;
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ad.Name))
         this.ModelState.AddModelError("Name", "Nmae不可為空白");
         TempData["Nameerror"] = "Name不可為空白";
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ad.Character))
         this.ModelState.AddModelError("Charactererror", "Character不可為空白");
         TempData["Charactererror"] = "Character不可為空白";
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ad.Email))
         this.ModelState.AddModelError("Emailerror", "Email不可為空白");
         TempData["Emailerror"] = "Email不可為空白";
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ad.Account))
         this.ModelState.AddModelError("Account", "Account不可為空白");
         TempData["Accounterror"] = "Account不可為空白";
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ad.Password))
         this.ModelState.AddModelError("Password", "Password不可為空白");
         TempData["Passworderror"] = "Password不可為空白";
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         PCGEntities    db  = new PCGEntities();
         Administrators ad2 = new Administrators();
         ad2.FacID           = ad.FacID;
         ad2.Character       = ad.Character;
         ad2.Name            = ad.Name;
         ad2.Email           = ad.Email;
         ad2.Account         = ad.Account;
         ad2.Password        = ad.Password;
         db.Entry(ad2).State = EntityState.Added;
         string[] values = chk.GetValues("HaveSelect");//取得要的權限的工廠名字
         for (var i = 0; i < values.Count(); i++)
             int FacNo       = Convert.ToInt32(values[i]);
             var queryzoneID = from f in db.Factories //查出挑出一項的zoneID
                               where f.FacNo == FacNo
                               select f.ZoneID;
             var queryFacNo = from f in db.Factories //查出挑出一項的zoneID
                              where f.FacNo == FacNo
                              select f.FacNo;
             var queryemp = (from em in db.Administrators
                             orderby em.EmployeeID descending
                             select em.EmployeeID).Take(1); //查出現在最高值
             var        maxstringemp = queryemp;            //取得新增之後的emp名
             int        MaxIntEmp    = maxstringemp.First();
             int        IntFacNo     = queryFacNo.First();
             int        IntZone      = (int)queryzoneID.First();
             Permission per          = new Permission();
             per.EmployeeID      = MaxIntEmp;
             per.ZoneID          = IntZone;
             per.FacNo           = IntFacNo;
             db.Entry(per).State = EntityState.Added;
         TempData["Name"]      = null;
         TempData["Character"] = null;
         TempData["Email"]     = null;
         TempData["Account"]   = null;
         TempData["Password"]  = null;
Esempio n. 4
        public ActionResult PMSTART()
        {// 取得現在的使用者
            int         userdata = 0;
            PCGEntities db       = new PCGEntities();

            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                FormsIdentity             id     = (FormsIdentity)HttpContext.User.Identity;
                FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = id.Ticket;
                userdata = Convert.ToInt32(ticket.UserData);
                Session.Add("userdata", userdata);

                var query = (from ad in db.Administrators
                             where ad.EmployeeID == userdata
                             select ad.Name).First();
                string name = query;
                Session.Add("Name", name);
                Session.Add("Name", "Guset");

            int PromissionID = Convert.ToInt32(userdata);//取得員工ID

            if (PromissionID == 5)
            {                                 //如果是superuser
                List <PersonInformation> model = new List <PersonInformation>();
                var query = from z in db.Zone //不限定條件
                            select new PersonInformation
                    ZoneID  = z.ZoneID,
                    Country = z.Country
                foreach (var item in query) //retrieve each item and assign to model
                    model.Add(new PersonInformation()
                        ZoneID  = item.ZoneID,
                        Country = item.Country
            else  //其他使用者
                List <PersonInformation> model = new List <PersonInformation>();
                var query = from z in db.Zone//根據地區限定條件
                            join per in db.Permission
                            on z.ZoneID equals per.ZoneID
                            where per.ZoneID == z.ZoneID && per.EmployeeID == userdata
                            select new PersonInformation
                    ZoneID  = z.ZoneID,
                    Country = z.Country
                query = query.Distinct();

                foreach (var item in query) //retrieve each item and assign to model
                    model.Add(new PersonInformation()
                        ZoneID  = item.ZoneID,
                        Country = item.Country

            //var query = from z in db.Zone
            //            join Fac in db.Factories
            //            on z.ZoneID equals Fac.ZoneID
            //            join per in db.Permission
            //            on z.ZoneID equals per.ZoneID
            //            where per.EmployeeID == PromissionID
            //            select new PersonInformation
            //            {
            //                ZoneID = z.ZoneID,
            //                Country = z.Country
            //            };
            //query = query.GroupBy(x =>x.FacName).Select(x => x.First());
Esempio n. 5
        public ActionResult PM(int ZoneID)
            PCGEntities db       = new PCGEntities();
            int         userdata = 0;

            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                FormsIdentity             id     = (FormsIdentity)HttpContext.User.Identity;
                FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = id.Ticket;
                userdata = Convert.ToInt32(ticket.UserData);
                Session.Add("userdata", userdata);
                var query = (from ad in db.Administrators
                             where ad.EmployeeID == userdata
                             select ad.Name).First();
                string name = query;
                Session.Add("Name", name);
                Session.Add("Name", "Guset");

            ZoneID = Convert.ToInt32(Request["ZoneID"]);
            List <PersonInformation> model = new List <PersonInformation>();

            if (userdata != 5)//不是管理者
                var query = from per in db.Permission
                            join f in db.Factories
                            on per.FacNo equals f.FacNo
                            where per.ZoneID == ZoneID
                            join ad in db.Administrators
                            on f.FacID equals ad.FacID
                            where ad.EmployeeID == userdata
                            select new PersonInformation
                    ZoneID     = f.ZoneID,
                    FacName    = f.FacName,
                    FacNo      = f.FacNo,
                    Character  = ad.Character,
                    EmployeeID = ad.EmployeeID,
                    Name       = ad.Name
                query = query.Distinct();
                foreach (var item in query) //retrieve each item and assign to model
                    model.Add(new PersonInformation()
                        ZoneID     = item.ZoneID,
                        FacName    = item.FacName,
                        FacNo      = item.FacNo,
                        Character  = item.Character,
                        EmployeeID = item.EmployeeID,
                        Name       = item.Name
                                     //FacNo用來作為 地區下拉式選單的value廠別的下拉式選單篩選條件,千萬別刪掉
                return(Json(new { model }));
            else   //管理者
                var query = from f in db.Factories
                            join ad in db.Administrators
                            on f.FacID equals ad.FacID
                            where f.ZoneID == ZoneID
                            orderby ad.EmployeeID
                            select new PersonInformation
                    ZoneID     = f.ZoneID,
                    FacName    = f.FacName,
                    FacNo      = f.FacNo,
                    Character  = ad.Character,
                    EmployeeID = ad.EmployeeID,
                    Name       = ad.Name

                foreach (var item in query) //retrieve each item and assign to model
                    model.Add(new PersonInformation()
                        ZoneID     = item.ZoneID,
                        FacName    = item.FacName,
                        FacNo      = item.FacNo,
                        Character  = item.Character,
                        EmployeeID = item.EmployeeID,
                        Name       = item.Name
                                     //FacNo用來作為 地區下拉式選單的value廠別的下拉式選單篩選條件,千萬別刪掉
                return(Json(new { model }));
Esempio n. 6
        public ActionResult Index(int page = 1)
            //登入時取得session empolyeeID

            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                FormsIdentity             id     = (FormsIdentity)HttpContext.User.Identity;
                FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = id.Ticket;
                int userdata = Convert.ToInt32(ticket.UserData);
                Session.Add("EmployeeID", userdata);

                PCGEntities db = new PCGEntities();

                var queryname = (from ad in db.Administrators
                                 where ad.EmployeeID == userdata
                                 select ad.Name).First();
                string name = queryname;
                Session.Add("Name", name);
                Session.Add("Name", "Guset");

            int    empID;
            string xxx = "";

            if (Session["EmployeeID"] != null)
                xxx = Session["EmployeeID"].ToString();

            int.TryParse(xxx, out empID);

            //int empID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["EmployeeID"].ToString());
            //.Where(y=> y.EmployeeID == empID);
            var querry = this.Att(empID).OrderBy(x => x.ZoneID);
            var query  = _db.Factories.OrderBy(x => x.ZoneID);
            //var qry = from gu in _db.Factories
            //          from cu in _db.Zone
            //          where gu.ZoneID == cu.ZoneID
            //          select new { cu, gu };
            int pageIndex = page < 1 ? 1 : page;

            var model = new FactoryListViewModel
                SearchParaMeter = new FactorySearchViewModel(),
                PageIndex       = pageIndex,
                Factory         = new SelectList(this.Factory(null), "FacNo", "FacName"),
                ZoneID          = new SelectList(this.ZoneID(empID), "ZoneID", "Country"),
                廠別s             = query.ToPagedList(pageIndex, PageSize),
                AttSearchList   = querry.ToPagedList(pageIndex, PageSize)

            //if (id == null)
            //    return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
            //Factories factories = _db.Factories.Find(id);
            //if (factories == null)
            //    return HttpNotFound();

            //ViewBag.Supervisor = new SelectList(_db.Administrators, "EmployeeID", "Name", factories.Supervisor);
            //ViewBag.ZoneID = new SelectList(_db.Zone, "ZoneID", "Country", factories.ZoneID);
