public PSolver(PShape shape1, PShape shape2, PContact[] contacts, int num) { s1 = shape1; s2 = shape2; b1 = s1._parent; b2 = s2._parent; fric = (float) System.Math.Sqrt(s1._fric * s2._fric); rest = (float) System.Math.Sqrt(s1._rest * s2._rest); cs = contacts; numContacts = num; for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; i++) { PContact c = cs[i]; c.rel1 = c.pos.Sub(b1.pos); c.rel2 = c.pos.Sub(b2.pos); c.massN = PTransformer.CalcEffectiveMass(b1, b2, c.rel1, c.rel2, c.normal); c.massT = PTransformer.CalcEffectiveMass(b1, b2, c.rel1, c.rel2, c.tangent); c.relVel = PTransformer .CalcRelativeVelocity(b1, b2, c.rel1, c.rel2); float rvn = c.relVel.Dot(c.normal); if (rvn < -0.5F) c.targetVelocity = System.Math.Max(rest * -rvn,0.0F); else c.targetVelocity = 0.0F; c.tangent.Set(c.normal.y, -c.normal.x); c.localRel1.Set(c.rel1.x, c.rel1.y); c.localRel2.Set(c.rel2.x, c.rel2.y); b1.mAng.Transpose().MulEqual(c.localRel1); b2.mAng.Transpose().MulEqual(c.localRel2); } }
public void UnbindPhysics(SpriteBatchObject o) { if (usePhysics) { PBody body = (PBody)CollectionUtils.Remove(_Bodys, o); if (body != null) { body.SetTag(null);; } } }
public PBody FindPhysics(SpriteBatchObject o) { if (usePhysics) { PBody body = (PBody)CollectionUtils.Get(_Bodys, o); return(body); } else { throw new RuntimeException("You do not set the physics engine !"); } }
public PBody BindPhysics(PBody body, SpriteBatchObject o) { if (usePhysics) { body.SetTag(o); _manager.AddBody(body); CollectionUtils.Put(_Bodys, o, body); return(body); } else { throw new RuntimeException("You do not set the physics engine !"); } }
public PBody BindPhysics(bool fix, SpriteBatchObject o, float density) { if (usePhysics) { PBody body = _manager.AddBox(fix, o.GetRectBox(), MathUtils.ToRadians(o.GetRotation()), density); body.SetTag(o); CollectionUtils.Put(_Bodys, o, body); return(body); } else { throw new RuntimeException("You do not set the physics engine !"); } }
public PBody BindCirclePhysics(bool fix, SpriteBatchObject o, float density) { if (usePhysics) { RectBox rect = o.GetRectBox(); float r = (rect.width + rect.height) / 4; PBody body = _manager.AddCircle(fix, o.X(), o.Y(), r, MathUtils.ToRadians(o.GetRotation()), density); body.SetTag(o); CollectionUtils.Put(_Bodys, o, body); return(body); } else { throw new RuntimeException("You do not set the physics engine !"); } }
public PBody BindTexturePhysics(bool fix, SpriteBatchObject o, float density) { if (usePhysics) { PBody body = _manager.AddShape(fix, o.GetAnimation() .GetSpriteImage(), MathUtils.ToRadians(o.GetRotation()), density); if (body.Size() > 0) { body.Inner_shapes()[0].SetPosition(o.X() / _manager.scale, o.Y() / _manager.scale); } body.SetTag(o); CollectionUtils.Put(_Bodys, o, body); return(body); } else { throw new RuntimeException("You do not set the physics engine !"); } }
public PSolver(PShape shape1, PShape shape2, PContact[] contacts, int num) { s1 = shape1; s2 = shape2; b1 = s1._parent; b2 = s2._parent; fric = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(s1._fric * s2._fric); rest = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(s1._rest * s2._rest); cs = contacts; numContacts = num; for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; i++) { PContact c = cs[i]; c.rel1 = c.pos.Sub(b1.pos); c.rel2 = c.pos.Sub(b2.pos); c.massN = PTransformer.CalcEffectiveMass(b1, b2, c.rel1, c.rel2, c.normal); c.massT = PTransformer.CalcEffectiveMass(b1, b2, c.rel1, c.rel2, c.tangent); c.relVel = PTransformer .CalcRelativeVelocity(b1, b2, c.rel1, c.rel2); float rvn = c.relVel.Dot(c.normal); if (rvn < -0.5F) { c.targetVelocity = System.Math.Max(rest * -rvn, 0.0F); } else { c.targetVelocity = 0.0F; } c.tangent.Set(c.normal.y, -c.normal.x); c.localRel1.Set(c.rel1.x, c.rel1.y); c.localRel2.Set(c.rel2.x, c.rel2.y); b1.mAng.Transpose().MulEqual(c.localRel1); b2.mAng.Transpose().MulEqual(c.localRel2); } }
public void RemoveFromWorld(Dyn.World world) { world.RemoveBody(PBody); PBody = PBody.Clone(world: DummyWorld); }
/// <summary> /// AddToWorld() and RemoveFromWorld() are necessary to make a square peg fit in a round hole, essentially. /// See, we're going to want to have actors with Body's attached to them that aren't in the current World. /// For instance, when they're representing a room that hasn't been entered yet. /// Or when they've just been loaded and we're about to create them but still need to know where the heck /// they are. /// Since Farseer makes it impossible to have a Body that doesn't have a World attached to it, we make a dummy /// World and use that to initialize Body's, then replace it with a copy that refers to the real game's World /// when the actor goes live. /// OPT: This allocates, irritatingly, but won't be happening every frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="world">World.</param> public void AddToWorld(Dyn.World world) { PBody = PBody.Clone(world: world); Fixture = PBody.CreateFixture(Shape); Log.Message("Added body to world, type {0}, actor {1}", PBody.BodyType, Owner); }
public override void Alter(LTimerContext timer) { for (int i = 0; i < keySize; i++) { ActionKey act = (ActionKey)keyActions.Get(i); if (act.IsPressed()) { act.Act(elapsedTime); if (act.isReturn) { return; } } } if (content.IsVisible()) { ProcessEvents(); content.UpdateNode(timer.GetMilliseconds()); } if (usePhysics) { if (_dt < 0) { _manager.Step(timer.GetMilliseconds()); } else { _manager.Step(_dt); } } if (follow != null) { if (usePhysics) { _manager.Offset(follow.GetX(), follow.GetY()); } foreach (TileMap tile in tiles) { float offsetX = GetHalfWidth() - follow.GetX(); offsetX = MathUtils.Min(offsetX, 0); offsetX = MathUtils.Max(offsetX, GetWidth() - tile.GetWidth()); float offsetY = GetHalfHeight() - follow.GetY(); offsetY = MathUtils.Min(offsetY, 0); offsetY = MathUtils .Max(offsetY, GetHeight() - tile.GetHeight()); SetOffset(tile, offsetX, offsetY); tile.Update(elapsedTime); } } foreach (SpriteBatchObject o in objects) { if (usePhysics) { PBody body = (PBody)CollectionUtils.Get(_Bodys, o); if (body != null) { PShape shape = body.Inner_shapes()[0]; float rotation = (shape.GetAngle() * MathUtils.RAD_TO_DEG) % 360; AABB aabb = shape.GetAABB(); o.SetLocation(_manager.GetScreenX(aabb.minX), _manager.GetScreenY(aabb.minY)); o.SetRotation(rotation); } } o.Update(elapsedTime); if (updateListener != null) { updateListener.Act(o, elapsedTime); } } Update(elapsedTime); Commits(); }