private void FillMembers()
        m_dtLastWorkout = DateTime.MinValue;
        m_sLastWorkout = "";
        m_sLastWorkout = "";
        m_iWeeklyTotalMets = 0;

        DateTime dtDay1 = DateTime.MinValue;
        DateTime dtDay2 = DateTime.MinValue;
        DateTime dtDay3 = DateTime.MinValue;
        DateTime dtDay4 = DateTime.MinValue;
        DateTime dtDay5 = DateTime.MinValue;
        DateTime dtDay6 = DateTime.MinValue;
        DateTime dtDay7 = DateTime.MinValue;
        DateTime today = DateTime.Now.Date;
        DateTime lastWeek = today.AddDays(-7).Date;

        string sToday = today.Month.ToString() + "/" + today.Day.ToString() + "/" + today.Year.ToString();
        string sLastWeek = lastWeek.Month.ToString() + "/" + lastWeek.Day.ToString() + "/" + lastWeek.Year.ToString();

        // Testing - this guy has data
        // AA1F476C-6628-4934-BE8C-47FB1DFAD2A8
        // 2009-01-20 00:00:00.000
        // 2009-01-28 00:00:00.000
        // m_sUserId = "AA1F476C-6628-4934-BE8C-47FB1DFAD2A8";
        // sLastWeek = "1/20/2009";
        // sToday = "1/28/2009";

        // get the dates
        PALClass objPALClass = new PALClass(m_Connection);
        DataSet entries = objPALClass.PAL_GET_PalEntries_BY_UserId(m_sUserId, sLastWeek, sToday);
        int tableCount = entries.Tables.Count;
        int rowsCount = entries.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
        int properIndex = rowsCount;
        if (tableCount > 0 && rowsCount > 0)
            foreach (DataRow DR in entries.Tables[0].Rows)
                if( !Convert.IsDBNull(DR["PAL_ENTRY_DATE"])  ) {

                    DateTime dtDr = Convert.ToDateTime(DR["PAL_ENTRY_DATE"].ToString()).Date;

                    if( properIndex == 1 && dtDay1 == DateTime.MinValue) {
                        dtDay1 = dtDr;
                    if (properIndex == 2 && dtDay2 == DateTime.MinValue) {
                        dtDay2 = dtDr;
                    if (properIndex == 3 && dtDay3 == DateTime.MinValue) {
                        dtDay3 = dtDr;
                    if (properIndex == 4 && dtDay4 == DateTime.MinValue) {
                        dtDay4 = dtDr;
                    if (properIndex == 5 && dtDay5 == DateTime.MinValue) {
                        dtDay5 = dtDr;
                    if (properIndex == 6 && dtDay6 == DateTime.MinValue) {
                        dtDay6 = dtDr;
                    if (properIndex == 7 && dtDay7 == DateTime.MinValue) {
                        dtDay7 = dtDr;
                if( !Convert.IsDBNull(DR["MET_EQUIVALENT"]) ) m_iWeeklyTotalMets += Convert.ToInt16(DR["MET_EQUIVALENT"].ToString());


        m_dtLastWorkout = GetLastWorkout(dtDay1, dtDay2, dtDay3, dtDay4, dtDay5, dtDay6, dtDay7);
        if (m_dtLastWorkout != DateTime.MinValue) {
            m_sLastWorkout = GetDateString(m_dtLastWorkout);
            m_sWorkoutHistory = GetWorkoutHistory(dtDay1, dtDay2, dtDay3, dtDay4, dtDay5, dtDay6, dtDay7);
        } else {
            m_sLastWorkout = "No workout history in the past week.";
            m_sWorkoutHistory = "No workout history in the past week.";

        // get the weekly total mets triangle image as well as the left position of the marker and the left position of the total number
        MetsTriangle mt = GetMetsTriangle(m_iWeeklyTotalMets);
        m_sTriangleImage = mt.image;
        m_sProgressNumberLeft = mt.numberLeftPos;
        m_sProgressMarkerLeft = mt.markerLeftPos;

        // get the current program, the current step, and the step image by looking at the last entry in palstarts table
        DataSet starts = objPALClass.PAL_GET_PalStarts(m_sUserId, "1", "0");
        tableCount = entries.Tables.Count;
        int startCount = starts.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
        if (tableCount > 0 && startCount > 0)
            DataRow drStarts = starts.Tables[0].Rows[startCount-1];
            if (!Convert.IsDBNull(drStarts["PROGRAM_NAME"])) m_sCurrentProgram = drStarts["PROGRAM_NAME"].ToString();
            if (!Convert.IsDBNull(drStarts["LEVEL_ID"])) m_sCurrentStage = drStarts["LEVEL_ID"].ToString();
            if (!Convert.IsDBNull(drStarts["PROGRAM_CURRENT_STEP"])) m_iCurrentStep = Convert.ToInt16(drStarts["PROGRAM_CURRENT_STEP"].ToString());
        m_sStepImage = GetStepImage(m_iCurrentStep);