Esempio n. 1
        public Interface(Namespace parentNamespace, XmlBindings.Interface xmlData, Overrides.XmlBindings.Interface overrides, Dictionary<string, QualifiableType> typeDictionary)
            string unprefixed = xmlData.Name.Substring(1);
            m_stylizedName = Formatter.Prefix + unprefixed;

            m_innerName = "I" + parentNamespace.ApiName + unprefixed;

            m_nativeNameOfInheritanceParent = xmlData.Extends;

            if (overrides != null && overrides.IsProjectedAsAbstract)
                m_stylizedName = "I" + Formatter.Prefix + unprefixed;

            m_methods = new List<Method>();
            foreach (XmlBindings.Method xmlMethod in xmlData.Methods)
                Method m = new Method(xmlMethod);

            typeDictionary[parentNamespace.RawName + "::" + xmlData.Name] = this;

Esempio n. 2
        public D2DTypes(XmlBindings.D2DTypes xmlData, Overrides.XmlBindings.Settings overrides, Dictionary<string, QualifiableType> typeDictionary, OutputDataTypes outputDataTypes)
            const Namespace globalNamespace = null; // Using null as the namespace parameter indicates the global namespace.

            m_primitiveList = new List<Primitive>();
            foreach(XmlBindings.Primitive p in xmlData.Primitives)
                Overrides.XmlBindings.Primitive overridePrimitive = null;
                if (overrides != null) overridePrimitive = overrides.Primitives.Find(x => x.Name == p.Name);

                m_primitiveList.Add(new Primitive(p, overridePrimitive, typeDictionary));

            m_structList = new List<Struct>();
            foreach (XmlBindings.Struct s in xmlData.Structs)
                Overrides.XmlBindings.Struct overrideStruct = null;
                if (overrides != null) overrideStruct = overrides.Structs.Find(x => x.Name == s.Name);

                m_structList.Add(new Struct(globalNamespace, s, overrideStruct, typeDictionary, outputDataTypes));

            m_namespaceList = new List<Namespace>();
            foreach (XmlBindings.Namespace n in xmlData.Namespaces)
                Overrides.XmlBindings.Namespace overrideNamespace = null;
                if (overrides != null) overrideNamespace = overrides.Namespaces.Find(x => x.Name == n.Name);

                m_namespaceList.Add(new Namespace(n, overrideNamespace, overrides.RootNamespace.Value, typeDictionary, outputDataTypes));
Esempio n. 3
        public Namespace(XmlBindings.Namespace xmlData, Overrides.XmlBindings.Namespace overrides, string rootProjectedNamespace, Dictionary<string, QualifiableType> typeDictionary, OutputDataTypes outputDataTypes)
            m_rawName = xmlData.Name;

            if (overrides != null && overrides.NameOverride != null)
                m_apiName = overrides.NameOverride;
                m_apiName = xmlData.Name;

            m_enums = new List<Enum>();
            foreach (XmlBindings.Enum enumXml in xmlData.Enums)
                Overrides.XmlBindings.Enum overridesEnum = null;
                if (overrides != null) overridesEnum = overrides.Enums.Find(x => x.Name == enumXml.Name);

                m_enums.Add(new Enum(this, rootProjectedNamespace, enumXml, overridesEnum, typeDictionary, outputDataTypes));

            m_structs = new List<Struct>();
            foreach (XmlBindings.Struct structXml in xmlData.Structs)
                Overrides.XmlBindings.Struct overridesStruct = null;
                if (overrides != null) overridesStruct = overrides.Structs.Find(x => x.Name == structXml.Name);

                m_structs.Add(new Struct(this, structXml, overridesStruct, typeDictionary, outputDataTypes));

            m_interfaces = new List<Interface>();
            foreach (XmlBindings.Interface interfaceXml in xmlData.Interfaces)
                Overrides.XmlBindings.Interface overridesInterface = null;
                if (overrides != null) overridesInterface = overrides.Interfaces.Find(x => x.Name == interfaceXml.Name);

                m_interfaces.Add(new Interface(this, interfaceXml, overridesInterface, typeDictionary));

            foreach (XmlBindings.Typedef t in xmlData.Typedefs)
                // In the types XML, often times types are declared as one type,
                // then typedefs to something else, and referenced thereafter
                // as that second type. And so, typedefs must be handled here.
                // In the XML, the 'Name' field in each typedef is unqualified,
                // but the 'From' field is qualified.
                // For example, <Typedef Name="COLOR_F" From="D2D::COLOR_F"/>
                // So, the entries are added to the type dictionary here
                // under the qualified name.
                string qualified = xmlData.Name + "::" + t.Name;
                typeDictionary[qualified] = typeDictionary[t.From];
Esempio n. 4
        public Primitive(XmlBindings.Primitive xmlData, Overrides.XmlBindings.Primitive overrides, Dictionary<string, QualifiableType> typeDictionary)
            m_name = xmlData.Name;
            typeDictionary[m_name] = this;

            m_projectedName = m_name;
            if(overrides != null && overrides.ProjectedNameOverride != null)
                m_projectedName = overrides.ProjectedNameOverride;
Esempio n. 5
        public Interface(Namespace parentNamespace, XmlBindings.Interface xmlData, Overrides.XmlBindings.Interface overrides, Dictionary<string, QualifiableType> typeDictionary)
            string unprefixed = xmlData.Name.Substring(1);
            m_stylizedName = Formatter.Prefix + unprefixed;

            m_innerName = "I" + parentNamespace.ApiName + unprefixed;

            if(overrides != null && overrides.IsProjectedAsAbstract)
                m_stylizedName = "I" + Formatter.Prefix + unprefixed;

            typeDictionary[parentNamespace.RawName + "::" + xmlData.Name] = this;

Esempio n. 6
        public EnumValue(XmlBindings.EnumValue xmlData, Overrides.XmlBindings.EnumValue overrides)
            m_nativeName = xmlData.Name;
            m_stylizedName = Formatter.StylizeNameFromUnderscoreSeparators(xmlData.Name);
            m_shouldProject = true;

            if (overrides != null)
                if (overrides.ProjectedNameOverride != null)
                    m_stylizedName = overrides.ProjectedNameOverride;

                m_shouldProject = overrides.ShouldProject;

            m_valueExpression = GetValueExpression(xmlData);

        public IOverrides GetOverrides()
            var part = GetPart();

            var overrides = new Overrides();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.FaviconUrl)) overrides.FaviconUri = CreateUri(part.FaviconUrl);

            overrides.StylesheetUris = CreateUris(part.StylesheetUrisJson);
            overrides.CustomStyles = CreateCustomResource(part.CustomStylesIsSaved, CustomStylesPath);

            overrides.HeadScriptUris = CreateUris(part.HeadScriptUrisJson);
            overrides.CustomHeadScript = CreateCustomResource(part.CustomHeadScriptIsSaved, CustomHeadScriptPath);

            overrides.FootScriptUris = CreateUris(part.FootScriptUrisJson);
            overrides.CustomFootScript = CreateCustomResource(part.CustomFootScriptIsSaved, CustomFootScriptPath);

            overrides.CustomPlacementContent = part.CustomPlacementContent;

            return overrides;
 private void Overrides_GridUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
 public bool HasExplicitValue(string key)
        private void Initialize()
            if (Instance == null)
            //DataContext = Instance;

            if (Instance == null)
            var props = Instance.GetType().GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.SetProperty | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty);

            foreach (var item in props)
                string            displayName  = item.Name;
                IPropertyOverride propOverride = null;
                if (Overrides != null)
                    propOverride = Overrides.Where(o => o.PropertyName == displayName).FirstOrDefault();
                BindingMode bindingMode = item.CanWrite ? BindingMode.TwoWay : BindingMode.OneWay;

                displayName = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(displayName, "(?<!^)([A-Z][a-z]|(?<=[a-z])[A-Z])", " $1", RegexOptions.Compiled).Trim();
                TextBlock text = new TextBlock()
                    Text = displayName
                if (item.PropertyType != typeof(bool))
                if (item.PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                    CheckBox cb = new CheckBox();
                    cb.Content     = displayName;
                    cb.DataContext = Instance;
                    cb.SetBinding(CheckBox.IsCheckedProperty, new Binding(item.Name)
                        Mode = bindingMode
                    cb.IsEnabled = item.CanWrite;
                else if (item.PropertyType == typeof(double) ||
                         item.PropertyType == typeof(string) ||
                         item.PropertyType == typeof(float) ||
                         item.PropertyType == typeof(int) ||
                         item.PropertyType == typeof(long))
                    if (propOverride is SliderOverride)
                        var    po     = (SliderOverride)propOverride;
                        Slider slider = new Slider()
                            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch
                        slider.Minimum = po.MinValue;
                        slider.Maximum = po.MaxValue;
                        if (po.StepValue > 0)
                            slider.SmallChange = po.StepValue;
                        else if (item.PropertyType == typeof(int) || item.PropertyType == typeof(long))
                            slider.SmallChange = 1;
                        var binding = new Binding(item.Name)
                            Mode = bindingMode
                        if (po.Delay > 0)
                            binding.Delay = binding.Delay;
                        slider.DataContext = Instance;
                        slider.IsEnabled   = item.CanWrite;
                        slider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, binding);
                        Grid g = new Grid();

                        TextBlock tb = new TextBlock()
                            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right, FontSize = 9
                        tb.DataContext = Instance;
                        tb.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding(item.Name)
                            Mode = BindingMode.OneWay, StringFormat = "0.0"

                        TextBox tb = new TextBox()
                            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch
                        tb.IsEnabled   = item.CanWrite;
                        tb.DataContext = Instance;
                        tb.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, new Binding(item.Name)
                            Mode = bindingMode
                else if (item.PropertyType == typeof(string) || item.PropertyType == typeof(Uri))
                    TextBox tb = new TextBox()
                        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch
                    tb.IsEnabled   = item.CanWrite;
                    tb.DataContext = Instance;
                    tb.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, new Binding(item.Name)
                        Mode = bindingMode
                else if (item.PropertyType.IsEnum)
                    ComboBox cb = new ComboBox()
                        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch
                    cb.IsEnabled   = item.CanWrite;
                    cb.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(item.PropertyType);
                    cb.DataContext = Instance;
                    cb.SetBinding(ComboBox.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding(item.Name)
                        Mode = bindingMode
                else if (item.PropertyType.IsClass)
                    PropertyGrid pg = new PropertyGrid();
                    //pg.SetBinding(FrameworkElement.DataContextProperty, new PropertyItem)
                    pg.DataContext = Instance;
                    pg.SetBinding(PropertyGrid.InstanceProperty, new Binding(item.Name)
                        Mode = BindingMode.OneWay
                    TextBox tb = new TextBox()
                        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch
                    tb.DataContext = Instance;
                    tb.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, new Binding(item.Name)
                        Mode = bindingMode
                    tb.IsReadOnly = true;
                    tb.Foreground = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Gray;
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an <see cref="System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> that can iterate
 /// through a collection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <p>
 /// The returned <see cref="System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> is the
 /// <see cref="System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> exposed by the
 /// <see cref="Oragon.Spring.Objects.Factory.Support.MethodOverrides.Overrides"/>
 /// property.
 /// </p>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <returns>
 /// An <see cref="System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> that can iterate through a
 /// collection.
 /// </returns>
 public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the relative path to a special folder for a platform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
        /// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
        /// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
        /// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
        /// <returns>Relative path to the folder</returns>
        public static string GetRelativePath(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, Overrides overrides)
            string dir_path;

            if (overrides != null && overrides.GetOverride(folder, out dir_path))
                return(GetRelativePath(ns, platform, folder));
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtains the configuration for a given silo.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="siloName">Silo name.</param>
 /// <param name="siloNode">NodeConfiguration associated with the specified silo.</param>
 /// <returns>true if node was found</returns>
 public bool TryGetNodeConfigurationForSilo(string siloName, out NodeConfiguration siloNode)
     return(Overrides.TryGetValue(siloName, out siloNode));
 public TestOverridesSource(Overrides overrides = null)
     Overrides = overrides ?? new Overrides();
Esempio n. 15
		/// <summary>
		/// Create or get the path to a special folder for a platform
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
		/// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
		/// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
		/// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
		/// <returns>Path to the folder</returns>
		public static string CreatePlatformFolder(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, Overrides overrides) { return CreatePlatformFolder(ns, platform, folder, overrides, true); }
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks for what overridden platform folders exist
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
 /// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
 /// <param name="overrides"></param>
 /// <returns>Flagged PlatformFolder of all existing folders</returns>
 public static PlatformFolder CheckPlatformFolders(Namespace ns, Platform platform, Overrides overrides)
     return(PlatformFolder.AllFolders);            // TODO: do me
Esempio n. 17
        private static async Task RenewAsync(Overrides overrides, ILogger log, CancellationToken cancellationToken,
                                             ExecutionContext executionContext)
            // internal storage (used for letsencrypt account metadata)
            IStorageProvider storageProvider = new AzureBlobStorageProvider(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsStorage"), "letsencrypt");

            IConfigurationProcessor processor = new ConfigurationProcessor();
            var configurations = await LoadConfigFilesAsync(storageProvider, processor, log, cancellationToken, executionContext);

            IAuthenticationService authenticationService = new AuthenticationService(storageProvider);
            var az = new AzureHelper();

            var tokenProvider  = new AzureServiceTokenProvider();
            var keyVaultClient = new KeyVaultClient(new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(tokenProvider.KeyVaultTokenCallback));
            var storageFactory = new StorageFactory(az);

            var renewalOptionsParser = new RenewalOptionParser(az, keyVaultClient, storageFactory, log);
            var certificateBuilder   = new CertificateBuilder();

            IRenewalService renewalService = new RenewalService(authenticationService, renewalOptionsParser, certificateBuilder, log);
            var             stopwatch      = new Stopwatch();
            // TODO: with lots of certificate renewals this could run into function timeout (10mins)
            // with 30 days to expiry (default setting) this isn't a big problem as next day all finished certs are skipped
            // user will only get email <= 14 days before expiry so acceptable for now
            var errors = new List <Exception>();

            foreach ((var name, var config) in configurations)
                using (log.BeginScope($"Working on certificates from {name}"))
                    foreach (var cert in config.Certificates)
                        var hostNames = string.Join(";", cert.HostNames);
                        cert.Overrides = overrides ?? Overrides.None;
                            var result = await renewalService.RenewCertificateAsync(config.Acme, cert, cancellationToken);

                            switch (result)
                            case RenewalResult.NoChange:
                                log.LogInformation($"Certificate renewal skipped for: {hostNames} (no change required yet)");

                            case RenewalResult.Success:
                                log.LogInformation($"Certificate renewal succeeded for: {hostNames}");

                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(result.ToString());
                        catch (Exception e)
                            log.LogError(e, $"Certificate renewal failed for: {hostNames}!");
                        log.LogInformation($"Renewing certificates for {hostNames} took: {stopwatch.Elapsed}");
            if (!configurations.Any())
                log.LogWarning("No configurations where processed, refere to the sample on how to set up configs!");
            if (errors.Any())
                throw new AggregateException("Failed to process all certificates", errors);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create or get the path to a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
        /// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
        /// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
        /// <param name="file">File name</param>
        /// <param name="ext">File extension</param>
        /// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
        /// <param name="create">True if we should create the path on disk if it doesn't exist already</param>
        /// <returns>Path to the file</returns>
        public static string CreatePlatformFile(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, string file, string ext, Overrides overrides, bool create)
            string file_path = string.Format("{0}{1}.{2}", CreatePlatformFolder(ns, platform, folder, overrides), file, ext);

            if (create && !File.Exists(file_path))

 /// <summary>
 /// Create or get the path to a file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
 /// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
 /// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
 /// <param name="file">File name</param>
 /// <param name="ext">File extension</param>
 /// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
 /// <returns>Path to the file</returns>
 public static string CreatePlatformFile(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, string file, string ext, Overrides overrides)
     return(CreatePlatformFile(ns, platform, folder, file, ext, overrides, true));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create or get the path to a special folder for a platform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
        /// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
        /// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
        /// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
        /// <param name="create">True if we should create the path on disk if it doesn't exist already</param>
        /// <returns>Path to the folder</returns>
        public static string CreatePlatformFolder(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, Overrides overrides, bool create)
            string dir_path;

            if (overrides != null && overrides.GetOverride(folder, out dir_path))
                if (create && !Directory.Exists(dir_path))

                return(CreatePlatformFolder(ns, platform, folder));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create or get the path to a special folder for a platform
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
 /// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
 /// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
 /// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
 /// <returns>Path to the folder</returns>
 public static string CreatePlatformFolder(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, Overrides overrides)
     return(CreatePlatformFolder(ns, platform, folder, overrides, true));
Esempio n. 22
        private async Task RenewAsync(
            Overrides overrides,
            ExecutionContext executionContext,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (overrides != null && overrides.DomainsToUpdate == null)
                // users could pass null parameter
                overrides.DomainsToUpdate = new string[0];
            var configurations = await _configurationLoader.LoadConfigFilesAsync(executionContext, cancellationToken);

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            // with lots of certificate renewals this could run into function timeout (10mins)
            // with 30 days to expiry (default setting) this isn't a big problem as next day all unfinished renewals are continued
            // user will only get email <= 14 days before expiry so acceptable for now
            var errors = new List <Exception>();

            foreach ((var name, var config) in configurations)
                using (_logger.BeginScope($"Working on certificates from {name}"))
                    foreach (var cert in config.Certificates)
                        var hostNames = string.Join(";", cert.HostNames);
                        cert.Overrides = overrides ?? Overrides.None;
                            var result = await _renewalService.RenewCertificateAsync(config.Acme, cert, cancellationToken);

                            switch (result)
                            case RenewalResult.NoChange:
                                _logger.LogInformation($"Certificate renewal skipped for: {hostNames} (no change required yet)");

                            case RenewalResult.Success:
                                _logger.LogInformation($"Certificate renewal succeeded for: {hostNames}");

                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(result.ToString());
                        catch (Exception e)
                            _logger.LogError(e, $"Certificate renewal failed for: {hostNames}!");
                        _logger.LogInformation($"Renewing certificates for {hostNames} took: {stopwatch.Elapsed}");
            if (!configurations.Any())
                _logger.LogWarning("No configurations where processed, refere to the sample on how to set up configs!");
            if (errors.Any())
                throw new AggregateException("Failed to process all certificates", errors);
Esempio n. 23
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the relative path to a special folder for a platform
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
		/// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
		/// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
		/// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
		/// <returns>Relative path to the folder</returns>
		public static string GetRelativePath(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, Overrides overrides)
			string dir_path;
			if (overrides != null && overrides.GetOverride(folder, out dir_path))
				return dir_path;
				return GetRelativePath(ns, platform, folder);
Esempio n. 24
 public SignZeroParityFlag(bool initialValue)
     this.overrides = new Overrides(initialValue);
     this.result    = default;
Esempio n. 25
		/// <summary>
		/// Create or get the path to a file
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
		/// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
		/// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
		/// <param name="file">File name</param>
		/// <param name="ext">File extension</param>
		/// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
		/// <returns>Path to the file</returns>
		public static string CreatePlatformFile(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, string file, string ext, Overrides overrides) { return CreatePlatformFile(ns, platform, folder, file, ext, overrides, true); }
Esempio n. 26
 public Point GetCharOffset(char c)
 => Overrides?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Chars.Contains(c))?.GetOffset() ?? Point.Empty;
 static bool Prefix(ref string value)
Esempio n. 28
 public int GetCharWidth(char c)
 => GetWhiteSpace(c)?.Width ?? Overrides?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Chars.Contains(c))?.Width ?? CharWidth;
Esempio n. 29
        public static void Load()
            Culture = new CultureInfo("en-US", false);
            Culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
            Culture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator   = ",";

            /* Load localization files */
            string defLang = Config.GetAppSetting <string>("DefaultLanguage");

            if (defLang == null)
                defLang = "ENU";

            if (Client.IsOSI)

            if (!Language.Load(defLang))
                    $"WARNING: Razor was unable to load the file Language/Razor_lang.{defLang}\n.", "Language Load Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            m_Running = true;

            /* Load settings from configuration file */
            Ultima.Files.SetMulPath(Config.GetAppSetting <string>("UODataDir"));
            Client.Instance.ClientEncrypted = Config.GetAppSetting <int>("ClientEncrypted") == 1;
            Client.Instance.ServerEncrypted = Config.GetAppSetting <int>("ServerEncrypted") == 1;


            /* Initialize engine */
            SplashScreen.Message = LocString.Initializing;

            /* Load Profile */
            SplashScreen.Message = LocString.LoadingLastProfile;
            if (!Config.LoadLastProfile())
                    "The selected profile could not be loaded, using default instead.", "Profile Load Error",
                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            /* Start client */
            SplashScreen.Message = LocString.LoadingClient;
            string clientPath = Ultima.Files.GetFilePath("client.exe");

            if (clientPath == null || !File.Exists(clientPath))
                                $"Unable to find the client specified.\n\"{(clientPath != null ? clientPath : "-null-")}\"", "Could Not Find Client",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            var result = Client.Instance.LaunchClient(clientPath);

            if (result != Client.Loader_Error.SUCCESS)
                                String.Format("Unable to launch the client specified. (Error: {1})\n \"{0}\"",
                                              clientPath != null ? clientPath : "-null-", result),
                                "Could Not Start Client", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            string addr = Config.GetAppSetting <string>("LastServer");
            int    port = Config.GetAppSetting <int>("LastPort");

            IPAddress ip = Resolve(addr);

            if (ip == IPAddress.None || port == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(SplashScreen.Instance, Language.GetString(LocString.BadServerAddr),
                                "Bad Server Address", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            Client.Instance.SetConnectionInfo(ip, port);

            SplashScreen.Message = LocString.WaitingForClient;
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 /// True if there is a default or explicit value for the given key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">The Key.</param>
 /// <returns>True if found.</returns>
 public bool HasSetting(string key)
     Guard.AgainstNullAndEmpty(nameof(key), key);
     return(Overrides.ContainsKey(key) || Defaults.ContainsKey(key));
Esempio n. 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the supplied <paramref name="theOverride"/> to the overrides contained
 /// within this instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="theOverride">
 /// The <see cref="Oragon.Spring.Objects.Factory.Support.MethodOverride"/> to be
 /// added.
 /// </param>
 public void Add(MethodOverride theOverride)
Esempio n. 32
 /// <summary>
 /// True if there is an explicit value for the given key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">The Key.</param>
 /// <returns>True if found.</returns>
 public bool HasExplicitValue(string key)
     Guard.AgainstNullAndEmpty(nameof(key), key);
 static bool Prefix(ref WebProxy value)
Esempio n. 34
 public string ToPrettyString()
     return("Assignment {" +
            ($"\n{nameof(Id)}: {Id}," +
             $"\n{nameof(Name)}: {Name}," +
             $"\n{nameof(Description)}: {Description}," +
             $"\n{nameof(CreatedAt)}: {CreatedAt}," +
             $"\n{nameof(UpdatedAt)}: {UpdatedAt}," +
             $"\n{nameof(DueAt)}: {DueAt}," +
             $"\n{nameof(LockAt)}: {LockAt}," +
             $"\n{nameof(UnlockAt)}: {UnlockAt}," +
             $"\n{nameof(HasOverrides)}: {HasOverrides}," +
             $"\n{nameof(AllDates)}: {AllDates?.ToPrettyString()}," +
             $"\n{nameof(CourseId)}: {CourseId}," +
             $"\n{nameof(HtmlUrl)}: {HtmlUrl}," +
             $"\n{nameof(SubmissionsDownloadUrl)}: {SubmissionsDownloadUrl}," +
             $"\n{nameof(AssignmentGroupId)}: {AssignmentGroupId}," +
             $"\n{nameof(DueDateRequired)}: {DueDateRequired}," +
             $"\n{nameof(AllowedExtensions)}: {AllowedExtensions?.ToPrettyString()}," +
             $"\n{nameof(MaxNameLength)}: {MaxNameLength}," +
             $"\n{nameof(TurnitinEnabled)}: {TurnitinEnabled}," +
             $"\n{nameof(VeriCiteEnabled)}: {VeriCiteEnabled}," +
             $"\n{nameof(TurnitinSettings)}: {TurnitinSettings}," +
             $"\n{nameof(GradeGroupStudentsIndividually)}: {GradeGroupStudentsIndividually}," +
             $"\n{nameof(ExternalToolTagAttributes)}: {ExternalToolTagAttributes}," +
             $"\n{nameof(PeerReviews)}: {PeerReviews}," +
             $"\n{nameof(AutomaticPeerReviews)}: {AutomaticPeerReviews}," +
             $"\n{nameof(PeerReviewCount)}: {PeerReviewCount}," +
             $"\n{nameof(PeerReviewsAssignAt)}: {PeerReviewsAssignAt}," +
             $"\n{nameof(IntraGroupPeerReviews)}: {IntraGroupPeerReviews}," +
             $"\n{nameof(GroupCategoryId)}: {GroupCategoryId}," +
             $"\n{nameof(NeedsGradingCount)}: {NeedsGradingCount}," +
             $"\n{nameof(NeedsGradingCountBySection)}: {NeedsGradingCountBySection?.ToPrettyString()}," +
             $"\n{nameof(Position)}: {Position}," +
             $"\n{nameof(PostToSis)}: {PostToSis}," +
             $"\n{nameof(IntegrationId)}: {IntegrationId}," +
             $"\n{nameof(IntegrationData)}: {IntegrationData}," +
             $"\n{nameof(Muted)}: {Muted}," +
             $"\n{nameof(PointsPossible)}: {PointsPossible}," +
             $"\n{nameof(SubmissionTypes)}: {SubmissionTypes.ToPrettyString()}," +
             $"\n{nameof(HasSubmittedSubmissions)}: {HasSubmittedSubmissions}," +
             $"\n{nameof(GradingType)}: {GradingType}," +
             $"\n{nameof(GradingStandardId)}: {GradingStandardId}," +
             $"\n{nameof(Published)}: {Published}," +
             $"\n{nameof(Unpublishable)}: {Unpublishable}," +
             $"\n{nameof(OnlyVisibleToOverrides)}: {OnlyVisibleToOverrides}," +
             $"\n{nameof(LockedForUser)}: {LockedForUser}," +
             $"\n{nameof(LockInfo)}: {LockInfo}," +
             $"\n{nameof(LockExplanation)}: {LockExplanation}," +
             $"\n{nameof(QuizId)}: {QuizId}," +
             $"\n{nameof(AnonymousSubmissions)}: {AnonymousSubmissions}," +
             $"\n{nameof(DiscussionTopic)}: {DiscussionTopic}," +
             $"\n{nameof(FreezeOnCopy)}: {FreezeOnCopy}," +
             $"\n{nameof(Frozen)}: {Frozen}," +
             $"\n{nameof(FrozenAttributes)}: {FrozenAttributes?.ToPrettyString()}," +
             $"\n{nameof(Submission)}: {Submission}," +
             $"\n{nameof(UseRubricForGrading)}: {UseRubricForGrading}," +
             $"\n{nameof(RubricSettings)}: {RubricSettings}," +
             $"\n{nameof(Rubric)}: {Rubric?.ToPrettyString()}," +
             $"\n{nameof(AssignmentVisibility)}: {AssignmentVisibility?.ToPrettyString()}," +
             $"\n{nameof(Overrides)}: {Overrides?.ToPrettyString()}," +
             $"\n{nameof(OmitFromFinalGrade)}: {OmitFromFinalGrade}," +
             $"\n{nameof(ModeratedGrading)}: {ModeratedGrading}," +
             $"\n{nameof(GraderCount)}: {GraderCount}," +
             $"\n{nameof(FinalGraderId)}: {FinalGraderId}," +
             $"\n{nameof(GraderCommentsVisibleToGraders)}: {GraderCommentsVisibleToGraders}," +
             $"\n{nameof(GradersAnonymousToGraders)}: {GradersAnonymousToGraders}," +
             $"\n{nameof(GraderNamesVisibleToFinalGrader)}: {GraderNamesVisibleToFinalGrader}," +
             $"\n{nameof(AnonymousGrading)}: {AnonymousGrading}," +
             $"\n{nameof(AllowedAttempts)}: {AllowedAttempts}").Indent(4) +
 public bool HasSetting(string key)
     return(Overrides.ContainsKey(key) || Defaults.ContainsKey(key));
Esempio n. 36
        public Struct(Namespace parentNamespace, XmlBindings.Struct xmlData, Overrides.XmlBindings.Struct overrideData, Dictionary<string, QualifiableType> typeDictionary, OutputDataTypes outputDataTypes)
            if (parentNamespace != null)
                m_rawName = parentNamespace.ApiName + "_" + xmlData.Name;
                typeDictionary[parentNamespace.RawName + "::" + xmlData.Name] = this;
                m_rawName = xmlData.Name;
                typeDictionary[xmlData.Name] = this;

            m_stylizedName = Formatter.Prefix + Formatter.StylizeNameFromUnderscoreSeparators(xmlData.Name);
            if(overrideData != null)
                if(overrideData.Guid != null)
                    m_guid = overrideData.Guid;

                if(overrideData.ProjectedNameOverride != null)
                    if (overrideData.ShouldProject)
                        m_stylizedName = Formatter.Prefix + overrideData.ProjectedNameOverride;
                        m_stylizedName = overrideData.ProjectedNameOverride;

                if(overrideData.IdlNamespaceQualifier != null)
                    m_idlTypeNameQualifier = overrideData.IdlNamespaceQualifier;

            m_idlInterfaceName = "I" + m_stylizedName;

            m_structFields = new List<StructField>();
            foreach(XmlBindings.StructField structXmlData in xmlData.Fields)
                m_structFields.Add(new StructField(structXmlData));
            if (xmlData.Extends != null)
                m_extendsTypeName = xmlData.Extends;

                // Note: the Extends field is already qualified. See D2DTypes.xml. Example: Extends="D2D1::IImage"
                QualifiableType parentType = typeDictionary[m_extendsTypeName];

                Struct parentAsStruct = parentType as Struct; // Structs should only be deriving from struct types
                m_structFields.InsertRange(0, parentAsStruct.Fields);
                Debug.Assert(parentAsStruct.ExtendsTypeName == null); // Multiple levels in the hierarchy are not supported at this time.

            // For the time being, unions are not output (they are very uncommon).
            bool usesUnions = xmlData.Fields == null;

            // Structs in the global namespace are defined as aliases only. By convention, only structs in a namespace are output.
            if (parentNamespace != null && !usesUnions  && (overrideData != null && overrideData.ShouldProject))
Esempio n. 37
    /********** value check ************/
    public bool IsValuesAvailable()
        Overrides overrides = bean.overrides;
        bool      b1        =
            overrides.layer_height.default_value >= RNG_layerHeight.low &&
            overrides.layer_height.default_value <= RNG_layerHeight.high;

        bool b2 =
            overrides.wall_thickness.default_value >= RNG_wallThickness.low &&
            overrides.wall_thickness.default_value <= RNG_wallThickness.high;

        bool b3 =
            overrides.top_thickness.default_value >= RNG_topThickness.low &&
            overrides.top_thickness.default_value <= RNG_topThickness.high;

        bool b4 =
            overrides.bottom_thickness.default_value >= RNG_bottomThickness.low &&
            overrides.bottom_thickness.default_value <= RNG_bottomThickness.high;

        bool b5 =
            overrides.infill_sparse_density.default_value >= RNG_infillDesnsity.low &&
            overrides.infill_sparse_density.default_value <= RNG_infillDesnsity.high;

        bool b6 =
            overrides.speed_print.default_value >= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.low &&
            overrides.speed_print.default_value <= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.high;

        bool b7 =
            overrides.speed_infill.default_value >= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.low &&
            overrides.speed_infill.default_value <= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.high;

        bool b8 =
            overrides.speed_wall_0.default_value >= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.low &&
            overrides.speed_wall_0.default_value <= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.high;

        bool b9 =
            overrides.speed_wall_x.default_value >= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.low &&
            overrides.speed_wall_x.default_value <= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.high;

        bool b10 =
            overrides.speed_topbottom.default_value >= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.low &&
            overrides.speed_topbottom.default_value <= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.high;

        bool b11 =
            overrides.speed_travel.default_value >= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.low &&
            overrides.speed_travel.default_value <= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.high;

        bool b22 =
            overrides.speed_print_layer_0.default_value >= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.low &&
            overrides.speed_print_layer_0.default_value <= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.high;

        bool b23 =
            overrides.speed_travel_layer_0.default_value >= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.low &&
            overrides.speed_travel_layer_0.default_value <= RNG_PrintAndTravelSpeed.high;

        bool b12 =
            overrides.material_print_temperature.default_value >= RNG_printTemp.low &&
            overrides.material_print_temperature.default_value <= RNG_printTemp.high;

        bool b13 =
            overrides.material_print_temperature_layer_0.default_value >= RNG_printTempInitialLayer.low &&
            overrides.material_print_temperature_layer_0.default_value <= RNG_printTempInitialLayer.high;

        bool b14 =
            overrides.material_final_print_temperature.default_value >= RNG_finalPrintTemp.low &&
            overrides.material_final_print_temperature.default_value <= RNG_finalPrintTemp.high;

        bool b15 =
            overrides.material_diameter.default_value >= RNG_diameter.low &&
            overrides.material_diameter.default_value <= RNG_diameter.high;

        bool b16 =
            overrides.material_flow.default_value >= RNG_flow.low &&
            overrides.material_flow.default_value <= RNG_flow.high;

        bool b17 = true;
        bool b18 = true;

        //if retraction_enable, then check range
        if (overrides.retraction_enable.default_value)
            b17 =
                overrides.retraction_amount.default_value >= RNG_retractDis.low &&
                overrides.retraction_amount.default_value <= RNG_retractDis.high;

            b18 =
                overrides.retraction_speed.default_value >= RNG_retractSpeed.low &&
                overrides.retraction_speed.default_value <= RNG_retractSpeed.high;

        bool b19 =
            overrides.layer_height_0.default_value >= RNG_layerHeight_0.low &&
            overrides.layer_height_0.default_value <= RNG_layerHeight_0.high;

        bool b20 =
            overrides.initial_layer_line_width_factor.default_value >= RNG_initial_layer_line_width_factor.low &&
            overrides.initial_layer_line_width_factor.default_value <= RNG_initial_layer_line_width_factor.high;

        bool b21 = true;

        //if retraction_enable and retraction_hop_enabled, then check range
        if (overrides.retraction_enable.default_value && overrides.retraction_hop_enabled.default_value)
            b21 =
                overrides.retraction_hop.default_value >= RNG_z_hop_height.low &&
                overrides.retraction_hop.default_value <= RNG_z_hop_height.high;

        return(b1 && b2 && b3 && b4 && b5 && b6 && b7 && b8 && b9 && b10 &&
               b11 && b12 && b13 && b14 && b15 && b16 && b17 && b18 && b19 && b20 && b21 &&
               b22 && b23);
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the relative path to a file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
 /// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
 /// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
 /// <param name="file">File name</param>
 /// <param name="ext">File extension</param>
 /// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
 /// <returns>Relative path to the file</returns>
 public static string GetRelativePath(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, string file, string ext, Overrides overrides)
     return(string.Format("{0}{1}.{2}", GetRelativePath(ns, platform, folder, overrides), file, ext));
Esempio n. 39
    public static void SetupBlackLookFeel()
      _overrides = Overrides.Black;
      string styleSetPath;// = string.Format(@"{0}\Application_Config\AppStyleSet.isl", DIRECTORIES.S_DRIVE);
      styleSetPath = @"c:\AppStyleset.isl";
      if (System.IO.File.Exists(styleSetPath))

Esempio n. 40
        public static unsafe void Install(PluginHeader *plugin)

            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (sender, e) =>
                string[] fields  = e.Name.Split(',');
                string   name    = fields[0];
                string   culture = fields[2];

                if (name.EndsWith(".resources") && !culture.EndsWith("neutral"))

                AssemblyName askedassembly = new AssemblyName(e.Name);

                bool isdll = File.Exists(Path.Combine(RootPath, askedassembly.Name + ".dll"));

                return(Assembly.LoadFile(Path.Combine(RootPath, askedassembly.Name + (isdll ? ".dll" : ".exe"))));

            m_ActiveWnd = SplashScreen.Instance;


            if (!(Client.Instance as ClassicUOClient).Install(plugin))

            // load ultimasdk before or the Language.Load will throw the cliloc not found warning every time you run cuo
            string clientPath =
                ((OnGetUOFilePath)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(plugin->GetUOFilePath, typeof(OnGetUOFilePath))

            // just replicating the static .ctor

            Ultima.Multis.PostHSFormat      = UsePostHSChanges;
            Client.Instance.ClientEncrypted = false;
            Client.Instance.ServerEncrypted = false;

            /* Load localization files */
            if (!Language.Load("ENU"))
                    "WARNING: Razor was unable to load the file Language/Razor_lang.ENU\n.",
                    "Language Load Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            m_Running = true;


            /* Initialize engine */
            SplashScreen.Message = LocString.Initializing;

            /* Load Profile */
            SplashScreen.Message = LocString.LoadingLastProfile;
            if (!Config.LoadLastProfile())
                    "The selected profile could not be loaded, using default instead.", "Profile Load Error",
                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            SplashScreen.Message = LocString.WaitingForClient;


            Thread t = new Thread(() => { RunUI(); });

            t.IsBackground = true;
Esempio n. 41
        private static void ApplyEffectOverrides(Effects.Effect effect, Overrides.XmlBindings.Effect effectOverride, Dictionary<string, QualifiableType> typeDictionary)
            effect.Overrides = effectOverride;

            // Override the effect name?
            if (effectOverride.ProjectedNameOverride != null)
                effect.ClassName = effectOverride.ProjectedNameOverride;

            // Override input names?
            foreach (var inputOverride in effectOverride.Inputs)
                var input = effect.Inputs.InputsList.Find(p => p.Name == inputOverride.Name);
                input.Name = inputOverride.ProjectedNameOverride;

            foreach (var propertyOverride in effectOverride.Properties)
                var property = effect.Properties.Find(p => p.Name == propertyOverride.Name);

                if (property != null)
                    // Override settings of an existing property.
                    if (propertyOverride.ProjectedNameOverride != null)
                        property.Name = propertyOverride.ProjectedNameOverride;

                    if (propertyOverride.DefaultValueOverride != null)
                        var defaultProperty = property.Properties.Single(p => p.Name == "Default");
                        defaultProperty.Value = propertyOverride.DefaultValueOverride;

                    property.IsHidden = propertyOverride.IsHidden;
                    property.ConvertRadiansToDegrees = propertyOverride.ConvertRadiansToDegrees;

                if (property == null || propertyOverride.IsHandCoded)
                    // Add a custom property that is part of our API surface but not defined by D2D.
                    effect.Properties.Add(new Effects.Property
                        Name = propertyOverride.ProjectedNameOverride ?? propertyOverride.Name,
                        TypeNameIdl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyOverride.Type) ? property.TypeNameIdl : propertyOverride.Type,
                        IsHandCoded = true

                    // If we are masking a real D2D property with an alternative
                    // hand-coded version, mark the real D2D property as hidden.
                    if (property != null)
                        property.IsHidden = true;
Esempio n. 42
        public Enum(Namespace parentNamespace, XmlBindings.Enum xmlData, Overrides.XmlBindings.Enum overrides, Dictionary<string, QualifiableType> typeDictionary, OutputDataTypes outputDataTypes)
            m_stylizedName = Formatter.Prefix + Formatter.StylizeNameFromUnderscoreSeparators(xmlData.Name);

            if (parentNamespace != null)
                m_rawName = parentNamespace.ApiName + "_" + xmlData.Name;
                typeDictionary[parentNamespace.RawName + "::" + xmlData.Name] = this;
                // Namespace of NULL indicates the global namespace.
                // These types aren't D2D types, and their full native name is
                // exactly what's in the name field (no need to prepend anything).
                m_rawName = xmlData.Name;
                typeDictionary[xmlData.Name] = this;

            m_isFlags = xmlData.IsFlags;

            m_enumValues = new List<EnumValue>();
            foreach (XmlBindings.EnumValue valueXml in xmlData.EnumValues)
                Overrides.XmlBindings.EnumValue overridesEnumValue = null;
                if (overrides != null) overridesEnumValue = overrides.Values.Find(x => x.Name == valueXml.Name);

                m_enumValues.Add(new EnumValue(valueXml, overridesEnumValue));
            bool shouldProject = false;
            if(overrides != null)
                shouldProject = overrides.ShouldProject;

                if(overrides.ProjectedNameOverride != null)
                    m_stylizedName = Formatter.Prefix + overrides.ProjectedNameOverride;


            // Enums in the global namespace are defined as aliases only. By convention, only enums in a namespace are output.
            if (parentNamespace != null && shouldProject)

Esempio n. 43
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the relative path to a file
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
		/// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
		/// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
		/// <param name="file">File name</param>
		/// <param name="ext">File extension</param>
		/// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
		/// <returns>Relative path to the file</returns>
		public static string GetRelativePath(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, string file, string ext, Overrides overrides)
			return string.Format("{0}{1}.{2}", GetRelativePath(ns, platform, folder, overrides), file, ext);
Esempio n. 44
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks for what overridden platform folders exist
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
		/// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
		/// <param name="overrides"></param>
		/// <returns>Flagged PlatformFolder of all existing folders</returns>
		public static PlatformFolder CheckPlatformFolders(Namespace ns, Platform platform, Overrides overrides)
			return PlatformFolder.AllFolders; // TODO: do me
Esempio n. 45
		/// <summary>
		/// Create or get the path to a special folder for a platform
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
		/// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
		/// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
		/// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
		/// <param name="create">True if we should create the path on disk if it doesn't exist already</param>
		/// <returns>Path to the folder</returns>
		public static string CreatePlatformFolder(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, Overrides overrides, bool create)
			string dir_path;
			if (overrides != null && overrides.GetOverride(folder, out dir_path))
				if (create && !Directory.Exists(dir_path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dir_path);

				return dir_path;
				return CreatePlatformFolder(ns, platform, folder);
Esempio n. 46
 public static void SetupJamesPurple()
   _overrides = Overrides.Purple;
Esempio n. 47
		/// <summary>
		/// Create or get the path to a file
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ns">Game namespace</param>
		/// <param name="platform">Platform folder</param>
		/// <param name="folder">Platform's folder. Must only have one folder flag set.</param>
		/// <param name="file">File name</param>
		/// <param name="ext">File extension</param>
		/// <param name="overrides">Optional set of overrides to use. Can be null.</param>
		/// <param name="create">True if we should create the path on disk if it doesn't exist already</param>
		/// <returns>Path to the file</returns>
		public static string CreatePlatformFile(Namespace ns, Platform platform, PlatformFolder folder, string file, string ext, Overrides overrides, bool create)
			string file_path = string.Format("{0}{1}.{2}", CreatePlatformFolder(ns, platform, folder, overrides), file, ext);

			if (create && !File.Exists(file_path)) File.Create(file_path).Close();

			return file_path;
Esempio n. 48
 public static void ClearLookFeel()
   _overrides = null;
Esempio n. 49
 public Viewpoint(string name, ViewSettings settings, LayerMask visibleLayers, LayerMask lockedLayers, Overrides overrides = (Overrides)(-1), Action postAction = null)
 {          = name;
     this.settings      = settings;
     this.visibleLayers = visibleLayers;
     this.lockedLayers  = lockedLayers;
     this.overrides     = overrides;
     this.postAction    = postAction;
Esempio n. 50
 public static void SetupNoirModerneLookFeel()
   _overrides = Overrides.Black;