Esempio n. 1
        private float GetEffectiveDeltaTime()
            OverrideStackFrame activeOverride = GetActiveOverride();
            float deltaTime = (Application.isPlaying || SoloCamera != null) ? Time.fixedDeltaTime : 0;

            if (activeOverride != null)
                deltaTime = activeOverride.deltaTime;
Esempio n. 2
        /// Get the override and move it to the top of the stack
        private OverrideStackFrame GetOverrideFrame(int id)
            foreach (OverrideStackFrame o in mOverrideStack)
                if ( == id)
            OverrideStackFrame ovr = new OverrideStackFrame();

   = id;
            mOverrideStack.Insert(0, ovr);
Esempio n. 3
        private float GetEffectiveDeltaTime(bool fixedDelta)
            OverrideStackFrame activeOverride = GetActiveOverride();

            if (activeOverride != null)
            if (m_IgnoreTimeScale)
                return((Application.isPlaying || SoloCamera != null)
                    ? (fixedDelta ? Time.fixedUnscaledDeltaTime : Time.unscaledDeltaTime) : 0);
            return((Application.isPlaying || SoloCamera != null)
                ? (fixedDelta ? Time.fixedDeltaTime : Time.deltaTime) : 0);
Esempio n. 4
        /// Get the override if it's present, else insert it
        private OverrideStackFrame GetOverrideFrame(int id)
            int count = mOverrideStack.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                if (mOverrideStack[i].id == id)
            OverrideStackFrame ovr = new OverrideStackFrame();

   = id;
            mOverrideStack.Insert(0, ovr);
Esempio n. 5
        private float GetEffectiveDeltaTime(bool fixedDelta)
            if (SoloCamera != null)
            OverrideStackFrame activeOverride = GetActiveOverride();

            if (activeOverride != null)
                return(activeOverride.Expired ? -1 : activeOverride.deltaTime);
            if (!Application.isPlaying)
            if (m_IgnoreTimeScale)
                return(fixedDelta ? Time.fixedDeltaTime : Time.unscaledDeltaTime);
            return(fixedDelta ? Time.fixedDeltaTime * Time.timeScale : Time.deltaTime);
Esempio n. 6
        /// Get the next active blend on the stack.  Used when an override blends in from nothing.
        private OverrideStackFrame GetNextActiveFrame(int overrideId)
            bool pastMine = false;

            foreach (OverrideStackFrame o in mOverrideStack)
                if ( == overrideId)
                    pastMine = true;
                else if (o.Active && pastMine)
            // Create a frame representing the non-override state (gameplay)
            OverrideStackFrame ovr = new OverrideStackFrame();

   = TopCameraFromPriorityQueue();
            ovr.blend  = mActiveBlend;
Esempio n. 7
        private void ProcessActiveCamera(float deltaTime)
            // This condition should never occur, but let's be defensive
            if (!isActiveAndEnabled)
                mActiveCameraPreviousFrame   = null;
                mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = null;
                mPreviousFrameWasOverride    = false;


            OverrideStackFrame activeOverride = GetActiveOverride();
            ICinemachineCamera activeCamera   = ActiveVirtualCamera;

            if (activeCamera == null)
                mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = null;
                // If there is an override, we kill the in-game blend
                if (activeOverride != null)
                    mActiveBlend = null;
                CinemachineBlend activeBlend = ActiveBlend;

                // Check for unexpected deletion of the cached mActiveCameraPreviousFrame
                if (mActiveCameraPreviousFrame != null && mActiveCameraPreviousFrame.VirtualCameraGameObject == null)
                    mActiveCameraPreviousFrame = null;

                // Are we transitioning cameras?
                if (mActiveCameraPreviousFrame != activeCamera)
                    // Do we need to create a game-play blend?
                    if (mActiveCameraPreviousFrame != null &&
                        !mPreviousFrameWasOverride &&
                        activeOverride == null &&
                        deltaTime >= 0)
                        // Create a blend (will be null if a cut)
                        activeBlend = CreateBlend(
                            mActiveCameraPreviousFrame, activeCamera,
                            LookupBlend(mActiveCameraPreviousFrame, activeCamera),
                            mActiveBlend, deltaTime);
                    // Need this check because Timeline override sometimes inverts outgoing and incoming
                    if (activeCamera != mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame)
                        // Notify incoming camera of transition
                        activeCamera.OnTransitionFromCamera(mActiveCameraPreviousFrame, DefaultWorldUp, deltaTime);

                        // If the incoming camera is disabled, then we must assume
                        // that it has not been updated properly
                        if (!activeCamera.VirtualCameraGameObject.activeInHierarchy &&
                            (activeBlend == null || !activeBlend.Uses(activeCamera)))
                            activeCamera.InternalUpdateCameraState(DefaultWorldUp, -1);
                        if (m_CameraActivatedEvent != null)
                    // If we're cutting without a blend, or no active cameras
                    // were active last frame, send an event
                    if (activeBlend == null ||
                        (activeBlend.CamA != mActiveCameraPreviousFrame &&
                         activeBlend.CamB != mActiveCameraPreviousFrame &&
                         activeBlend.CamA != mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame &&
                         activeBlend.CamB != mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame))
                        if (m_CameraCutEvent != null)

                // Advance the current blend (if any)
                if (activeBlend != null)
                    if (activeOverride == null)
                        activeBlend.TimeInBlend += (deltaTime >= 0)
                            ? deltaTime : activeBlend.Duration;
                    if (activeBlend.IsComplete)
                        activeBlend = null;
                if (activeOverride == null)
                    mActiveBlend = activeBlend;

                // Apply the result to the Unity camera
                CameraState state = activeCamera.State;
                if (activeBlend != null)
                    state = activeBlend.State;
                PushStateToUnityCamera(state, activeCamera);

                mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = null;
                if (activeBlend != null)
                    mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = activeBlend.CamB;

            mActiveCameraPreviousFrame = activeCamera;
            mPreviousFrameWasOverride  = activeOverride != null;

            if (mPreviousFrameWasOverride)
                // Hack: Because we don't know whether blending in or out... grrr...
                if (activeOverride.blend != null)
                    if (activeOverride.blend.BlendWeight < 0.5f)
                        mActiveCameraPreviousFrame   = activeOverride.blend.CamA;
                        mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = activeOverride.blend.CamB;
                        mActiveCameraPreviousFrame   = activeOverride.blend.CamB;
                        mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = activeOverride.blend.CamA;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// This API is specifically for Timeline.  Do not use it.
        /// Override the current camera and current blend.  This setting will trump
        /// any in-game logic that sets virtual camera priorities and Enabled states.
        /// This is the main API for the timeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="overrideId">Id to represent a specific client.  An internal
        /// stack is maintained, with the most recent non-empty override taking precenence.
        /// This id must be > 0.  If you pass -1, a new id will be created, and returned.
        /// Use that id for subsequent calls.  Don't forget to
        /// call ReleaseCameraOverride after all overriding is finished, to
        /// free the OverideStack resources.</param>
        /// <param name="camA"> The camera to set, corresponding to weight=0</param>
        /// <param name="camB"> The camera to set, corresponding to weight=1</param>
        /// <param name="weightB">The blend weight.  0=camA, 1=camB</param>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">override for deltaTime.  Should be Time.FixedDelta for
        /// time-based calculations to be included, -1 otherwise</param>
        /// <returns>The oiverride ID.  Don't forget to call ReleaseCameraOverride
        /// after all overriding is finished, to free the OverideStack resources.</returns>
        internal int SetCameraOverride(
            int overrideId,
            ICinemachineCamera camA, ICinemachineCamera camB,
            float weightB, float deltaTime)
            if (overrideId < 0)
                overrideId = mNextOverrideId++;

            OverrideStackFrame ovr = GetOverrideFrame(overrideId);

           = null;
            ovr.deltaTime      = deltaTime;
            ovr.timeOfOverride = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
            if (camA != null || camB != null)
                if (weightB <= UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon)
                    ovr.blend = null;
                    if (camA != null)
               = camA; // no blend
                else if (weightB >= (1f - UnityVectorExtensions.Epsilon))
                    ovr.blend = null;
                    if (camB != null)
               = camB; // no blend
                    // We have a blend.  If one of the supplied cameras is null,
                    // we use the current active virtual camera (blending in/out of game logic),
                    // If we do have a null camera, make sure it's the 'from' camera.
                    // Timeline does not distinguish between from and to cams, but we do.
                    if (camB == null)
                        // Swap them
                        ICinemachineCamera c = camB;
                        camB    = camA;
                        camA    = c;
                        weightB = 1f - weightB;

                    // Are we blending with something in progress?
                    if (camA == null)
                        OverrideStackFrame frame = GetNextActiveFrame(overrideId);
                        if (frame.blend != null)
                            camA = new BlendSourceVirtualCamera(frame.blend, deltaTime);
                            camA = != null ? : camB;

                    // Create the override blend
                    if (ovr.blend == null)
                        ovr.blend = new CinemachineBlend(
                            camA, camB, AnimationCurve.Linear(0, 0, 1, 1), 1, weightB);
                    ovr.blend.CamA        = camA;
                    ovr.blend.CamB        = camB;
                    ovr.blend.TimeInBlend = weightB;
                      = camB;
Esempio n. 9
        private void ProcessActiveCamera(float deltaTime)
            // This condition should never occur, but let's be defensive
            if ((OutputCamera == null) || !OutputCamera.isActiveAndEnabled)
                mActiveCameraPreviousFrame   = null;
                mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = null;
                mPreviousFrameWasOverride    = false;

            OverrideStackFrame activeOverride = GetActiveOverride();
            ICinemachineCamera activeCamera   = ActiveVirtualCamera;

            if (activeCamera == null)
                mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = null;
                // If there is an override, we kill the in-game blend
                if (activeOverride != null)
                    mActiveBlend = null;
                CinemachineBlend activeBlend = ActiveBlend;

                // Are we transitioning cameras?
                if (mActiveCameraPreviousFrame != activeCamera)
                    // Do we need to create a game-play blend?
                    if (mActiveCameraPreviousFrame != null &&
                        !mPreviousFrameWasOverride &&
                        activeOverride == null &&
                        deltaTime > 0)
                        // Create a blend (will be null if a cut)
                        activeBlend = CreateBlend(
                            mActiveCameraPreviousFrame, activeCamera,
                            LookupBlendCurve(mActiveCameraPreviousFrame, activeCamera),
                    // Need this check because Timeline override sometimes inverts outgoing and incoming
                    if (activeCamera != mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame)
                        // Notify incoming camera of transition
                        if (m_CameraActivatedEvent != null)
                    // If we're cutting without a blend, or no active cameras
                    // were active last frame, send an event
                    if (activeBlend == null ||
                        (activeBlend.CamA != mActiveCameraPreviousFrame &&
                         activeBlend.CamB != mActiveCameraPreviousFrame &&
                         activeBlend.CamA != mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame &&
                         activeBlend.CamB != mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame))
                        if (m_CameraCutEvent != null)

                // Advance the current blend (if any)
                if (activeBlend != null)
                    if (activeOverride == null)
                        activeBlend.TimeInBlend += (deltaTime > 0)
                            ? deltaTime : activeBlend.Duration;
                    if (activeBlend.IsComplete)
                        activeBlend = null;
                if (activeOverride == null)
                    mActiveBlend = activeBlend;

                // Apply the result to the Unity camera
                if (!IsSuspended)
                    CameraState state = activeCamera.State;
                    if (activeBlend != null)
                        state = activeBlend.State;
                    PushStateToUnityCamera(state, OutputCamera, activeCamera);

                if (CoreDebuggerPostFrameUpdateCallback != null)

                mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = null;
                if (activeBlend != null)
                    mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = activeBlend.CamB;
            mActiveCameraPreviousFrame = activeCamera;
            mPreviousFrameWasOverride  = (activeOverride != null);
            if (mPreviousFrameWasOverride)
                // Because we don't know whether blending in or out... grrr...
                if (activeOverride.blend != null)
                    if (activeOverride.blend.BlendWeight < 0.5f)
                        mActiveCameraPreviousFrame   = activeOverride.blend.CamA;
                        mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = activeOverride.blend.CamB;
                        mActiveCameraPreviousFrame   = activeOverride.blend.CamB;
                        mOutgoingCameraPreviousFrame = activeOverride.blend.CamA;