Esempio n. 1
 // Operation to get money from the wallet
 public void Withdrawal(decimal sum, OutputPurpose pur)
     if (sum > this.amount)                                             // If sum to withdraw is greater than the amount of this wallet
         ErrorMessage?.Invoke("You hane not enought money to do it\n" + // Show error
                              $"Amount of \"{}\" is: ", this.amount);
         amount -= sum;                                                                  // Withdraw this sum
         history.Add(new OutputPayment(sum, pur));                                       // Add withdrawal payment into history
         SuccesOperation?.Invoke($"Amount of \"{}\" wallet is: ", this.amount); // Show succes
Esempio n. 2
        // Show data in percents of withdrawn funds
        public void FundsWithdrawn(Currency currency)
            int count = 0;

            for (OutputPurpose i = OutputPurpose.Food; i <= OutputPurpose.Else; i++)
            decimal[,] expenses = new decimal[count, 2];
            decimal allExpenses = 0;

            foreach (Wallet wal in wallet)
                if (wal.currency == currency)
                    int n = wal.history.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        if (wal.history[i] is OutputPayment)
                            OutputPayment pay = (OutputPayment)wal.history[i];
                            expenses[(int)pay.purpose, 0] += wal.history[i].sum;
                            allExpenses += wal.history[i].sum;
            string val = FindCurrency(currency);

            if (allExpenses == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("There was not any payment in this currency");
                for (int i = 0; i < expenses.Length / 2; i++)
                    expenses[i, 1] = expenses[i, 0] / allExpenses;
                    Console.WriteLine((OutputPurpose)i + "    " + expenses[i, 0] + $" {val} " + expenses[i, 1] * 100 + "%");
Esempio n. 3
        // Show purposes of output payments and choose one
        static OutputPurpose ChooseOutputPay()
            OutputPurpose pur     = OutputPurpose.Else;
            bool          changed = false;
            int           choice  = 0;

            while (!changed)
                Console.WriteLine("Choose the purpose of this amount:\n" +
                                  "1. Food\n" +
                                  "2. Alcohol\n" +
                                  "3. Clothes\n" +
                                  "4. Leisure\n" +
                                  "5. Travel expenses\n" +
                                  "6. Else");
                changed = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice);

                switch (choice)
                case 1: pur = OutputPurpose.Food; changed = true; break;

                case 2: pur = OutputPurpose.Alcohol; changed = true; break;

                case 3: pur = OutputPurpose.Clothes; changed = true; break;

                case 4: pur = OutputPurpose.Leisure; changed = true; break;

                case 5: pur = OutputPurpose.TravelExpenses; changed = true; break;

                case 6: pur = OutputPurpose.Else; changed = true; break;

                    DisplayError(); changed = false; break;
Esempio n. 4
 public OutputPayment(decimal tempSum, OutputPurpose pur) : base(tempSum)
     purpose = pur;
Esempio n. 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            WalletList myWallet = new WalletList();

            myWallet.AddWallet(new Wallet("Russian Wallet", Currency.Ruble, 15, InputPurpose.Salary));
            myWallet.AddWallet(new Wallet("Hrivna Wallet", Currency.Hryvnia, 15, InputPurpose.Salary));
            myWallet.AddWallet(new Wallet("Dollar Wallet", Currency.Dollar, 15, InputPurpose.Gift));
            myWallet.AddWallet(new Wallet("Euro Wallet", Currency.Euro, 15, InputPurpose.Salary));
            myWallet.wallet[1].Deposit(11, InputPurpose.Else);
            myWallet.wallet[1].Deposit(21, InputPurpose.Gift);
            myWallet.wallet[1].Deposit(33, InputPurpose.Salary);
            myWallet.wallet[1].Deposit(10, InputPurpose.Else);
            myWallet.wallet[1].Withdrawal(11, OutputPurpose.Else);

            bool start = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome in program!\n" +
                              "Choose what do you want to do: \n" +
                              "1. Start\n" +
                              "2. Exit");
            int choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            if (choice == 1)
                while (start)
                    choice = 0;
                    bool chang = false;
                    while (!chang)
                        // User can't do operations if he hasn't got any wallet
                        if (myWallet.wallet.Count == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Now you have not got any wallet. You can:\n" +
                                              "1. Create wallet with zero balance\n" +
                                              "2. Create wallet with nonzero balance\n" +
                                              "10. Exit");
                            chang = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice);
                            if (choice != 1 && choice != 2 && choice != 10)
                                chang = false;
                        // User can use all operations if he has got created wallets
                            Console.WriteLine("Operations that you can do:\n" +
                                              "1. Create wallet with zero balance\n" +
                                              "2. Create wallet with nonzero balance\n" +
                                              "3. Do money operations\n" +
                                              "4. Show Current Amount\n" +
                                              "5. Show History\n" +
                                              "6. Show Payment by date\n" +
                                              "7. FundsWithdrawn\n" +
                                              "8. FundsRecived\n" +
                                              "9. Remove wallet\n" +
                                              "10. Exit");
                            chang = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice);
                        if (!chang)

                    switch (choice)
                    case 1:                                        // Create wallet with zero balance
                        string   name = NameOfWallet(myWallet);    // Input name of the wallet
                        Currency cur  = ChooseCurrency();          // Choose currency of this wallet
                        myWallet.AddWallet(new Wallet(name, cur)); // Create new wallet with this name and currency

                    case 2:                                                                      // Create wallet with nonzero balance
                        string       name   = NameOfWallet(myWallet);                            // Input name of the wallet
                        Currency     cur    = ChooseCurrency();                                  // Choose currency of this wallet
                        decimal      amount = SumCheck("Write initial amount of your wallet: "); // Input an initial amount of this wallet
                        InputPurpose pur    = InputPurpose.Else;
                        pur = ChooseInputPay();                                                  // Choose a type of input payment
                        myWallet.AddWallet(new Wallet(name, cur, amount, pur));                  // Create wallet with this parameters

                    case 3:     // Do money operations
                        choice = 0;
                        bool changed = false;         // Choose option
                        while (!changed)
                            Console.WriteLine("Choose money operation:\n" +
                                              "1. Put money on your wallet\n" +
                                              "2. Transfer current sum FROM one wallet to another\n" +
                                              "3. Transfer current sum TO one wallet from another\n" +
                                              "4. Get monet from your wallet\n" +
                                              "5. Go back");
                            changed = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice);
                            if (choice <= 0 || choice > 5)
                                changed = false;
                        switch (choice)
                        case 1:             // Put money on your wallet
                            changed = false;
                            while (!changed)
                                Console.WriteLine("Choose on which wallet you would put money:");
                                (choice, changed) = ShowWalletAndChoose(myWallet);                         // Choose wallet
                            int          to  = choice - 1;                                                 // Inder of chosen wallet
                            decimal      sum = SumCheck("Write what sum whould you put on this wallet: "); // Input payment's sum
                            InputPurpose pur = InputPurpose.Else;
                            pur = ChooseInputPay();                                                        // Choose a type of input payment
                            myWallet.wallet[to].Deposit(sum, pur);                                         // Deposin money on this wallet

                        case 2:             // Transfer current sum FROM one wallet to another
                            // Choose wallet to transfer from
                            changed = false;
                            while (!changed)
                                Console.WriteLine("Choose from which wallet would be taken money:");
                                (choice, changed) = ShowWalletAndChoose(myWallet); // Choose wallet
                            int from = choice - 1;                                 // Index of the wallet money whould be taken from
                            // Choose wallet to transfer to
                            changed = false;
                            while (!changed)
                                Console.WriteLine("Choose to which wallet would be put money:");
                                (choice, changed) = ShowWalletAndChoose(myWallet);                 // Choose wallet
                            int     to  = choice - 1;                                              // Index of the wallet money whould be put on
                            decimal sum = SumCheck("Write what sum would you like to transfer: "); // Sum to transfer
                            myWallet.wallet[from].TransferFrom(sum, myWallet.wallet[to]);          // Do transfer

                        case 3:             // Transfer current sum TO one wallet from another
                            // Choose wallet to transfer from
                            changed = false;
                            while (!changed)
                                Console.WriteLine("Choose from which wallet would be taken money:");
                                (choice, changed) = ShowWalletAndChoose(myWallet); // Choose wallet
                            int from = choice - 1;                                 // Index of the wallet money whould be taken from
                            // Choose wallet to transfer to
                            changed = false;
                            while (!changed)
                                Console.WriteLine("Choose to which wallet would be put money:");
                                (choice, changed) = ShowWalletAndChoose(myWallet);                 // Choose wallet
                            int     to  = choice - 1;                                              // Index of the wallet money whould be put on
                            decimal sum = SumCheck("Write what sum would you like to transfer: "); // Sum to transfer
                            myWallet.wallet[from].TransferTo(sum, myWallet.wallet[to]);            // Do transfer

                        case 4:             // Get monet from your wallet
                            changed = false;
                            while (!changed)
                                Console.WriteLine("Choose from which wallet you would take money:");
                                (choice, changed) = ShowWalletAndChoose(myWallet);   // Choose wallet
                            int           to  = choice - 1;                          // Index of wallet to withdrawal
                            decimal       sum = SumCheck("Write sum of withdraw: "); // Sum to withdraw
                            OutputPurpose pur = OutputPurpose.Else;
                            pur = ChooseOutputPay();                                 // Choose purpose of payment
                            myWallet.wallet[to].Withdrawal(sum, pur);                // Do withdrawal

                        case 5: break;             // Go back

                    case 4:         // Show Current Amount
                        choice = 0; // Choose option
                        bool changed = false;
                        while (!changed)
                            Console.WriteLine("There are some info that I can show you:\n" +
                                              "1. Amount for each wallet in your wallets\n" +
                                              "2. Amount for current wallet\n" +
                                              "3. Amount for each wallet in your wallets, that has current currency\n" +
                                              "4. How much money does I have in current currency?\n" +
                                              "5. Go back");
                            changed = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice);
                            if (choice <= 0 || choice > 5)
                                changed = false;
                        switch (choice)
                        case 1:             // Amount for each wallet in your wallets

                        case 2:             // Amount for current wallet
                            changed = false;
                            while (!changed)
                                Console.WriteLine("Choose amount of which wallet wounl be shown:");
                                (choice, changed) = ShowWalletAndChoose(myWallet);                 // Choose wallet
                            myWallet.ShowCurrentAmount(myWallet.wallet[choice - 1]);

                        case 3:             // Amount for each wallet in your wallets, that has current currency
                            Currency cur = ChooseCurrency();

                        case 4:             // How much money does I have in current currency?
                            Currency cur = ChooseCurrency();

                        case 5:             // Go back


                    case 5:         // Show History
                        choice = 0; // Choose option
                        bool changed = false;
                        while (!changed)
                            Console.WriteLine("There is some info that I can show you:\n" +
                                              "1. History for each wallet in your wallets\n" +
                                              "2. History for current wallet\n" +
                                              "3. History for each wallet in your wallets, that has current currency\n" +
                                              "4. Go back");
                            changed = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice);
                            if (choice <= 0 || choice > 4)
                                changed = false;
                        switch (choice)
                        case 1:             // History for each wallet in your wallets

                        case 2:             // History for current wallet
                            changed = false;
                            while (!changed)
                                Console.WriteLine("Choose amount of which wallet wounl be shown:");
                                (choice, changed) = ShowWalletAndChoose(myWallet);                 // Choose wallet
                            myWallet.ShowHistory(myWallet.wallet[choice - 1]);

                        case 3:             // History for each wallet in WalletList, that has current currency
                            Currency cur = ChooseCurrency();

                        case 4:             // Go back

                    case 6:         // Show Payment by date
                        choice = 0; // Choose option
                        bool changed = false;
                        while (!changed)
                            Console.WriteLine("There is some info that I can show you:\n" +
                                              "1. Show payments by date\n" +
                                              "2. Show payments in period\n" +
                                              "3. Go back");
                            changed = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice);
                            if (choice <= 0 || choice > 3)
                                changed = false;
                        switch (choice)
                        case 1:             // Show payments by date
                            // Input date to show payments
                            changed = false;
                            DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
                            while (!changed)
                                Console.Write("Write what date you would like to see all payments ( ");
                                changed = DateTime.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out date);
                                if (!changed)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Wrong input! Try again\n");
                            // Show payments

                        case 2:             // Show payments in period
                            // Input date to show payments from
                            changed = false;
                            DateTime datefrom = DateTime.Now;
                            while (!changed)
                                Console.Write("Write what date you would like to see all payments from ( ");
                                changed = DateTime.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out datefrom);
                                if (!changed)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Wrong input! Try again\n");
                            // Input date to show payments to
                            changed = false;
                            DateTime dateto = DateTime.Now;
                            while (!changed)
                                Console.Write("Write what date you would like to see all payments to ( ");
                                changed = DateTime.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out dateto);
                                if (!changed)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Wrong input! Try again\n");
                            // Show payments
                            myWallet.ShowPaymentInPeriod(datefrom, dateto);

                        case 3:             // Go back


                    case 7:     // FundsWithdrawn
                        Currency cur = ChooseCurrency();

                    case 8:     // FundsRecived
                        Currency cur = ChooseCurrency();

                    case 9:     // Remove wallet
                        choice = 0;
                        bool changed = false;
                        while (!changed)
                            Console.WriteLine("Choose which wallet to remove:");
                            (choice, changed) = ShowWalletAndChoose(myWallet);
                        myWallet.RemoveWallet(myWallet.wallet[choice - 1]);

                    case 10:     // Exit
                        start = false;
